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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1907)
..''-'.I If THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY . EVENINO, , SEPTEMBR ' 24. 1007. t Portland Agents for Butterick Patterns, Columbia Yams, Gossard "Lace Fronts Corsets, Perrin's Gloves, Ostcrnidpr Mattresses; Etc Etc, EMeier Wmk Stores Grat SthAMEBvrsary Sales Get Ont of the Beautiful Souvenir Books Mail Them to Your Out-of-Town Friends Marvelous Values in All Departrnjehts See Last Sunday'! Oregonlm for Great Poor Page Announcement t $2.50 Satin Damask Men's Shirts at 79c Sale on Comforters $4 Gloves at $3.33 II II 53 Shoes at 5 1 ,98 Hand-Made Gowns ll.- -. . TT T- 1 !' f Tablecloths $1.98 1 000 Large White Bedspreads $1.42 Special lot of 300 hemstitched satin damask Tea Cloths, size 36x36 ins.; very pretty styles; the regular $2.50 values, go on sale it 1 QH special low price of., y le-rO 1000 large white Marseilles pattern - Bedspreads, hemmed, ready for use; marvelous values at, ft I At each take advantage. V " 75c Belts 32c Ea. SI. 50 Women's Hand Bags flt 98c 500 women's Leather Belts in black and colors; plain and pleated ef fects, clasp or harness 20 buckles, values to 75c, at 2wt 500 - women's Leather Handbags, leather handles, fitted with coin nurse: seal and walrus leathers; the regular $1.50 values, go on QO. sale at, special, each Ul .500 women's Wash Belts, grand clean-up of the entire stock; plain and embroidery effects; all 1 Q sizes and styles; vals. to 75c 1 J'C 3000 Yds. Veiling 73c Value 33c Yd. In the Veiling Department, 5000 yards of high-grade Face Veilings at a, wonderfully low price, the yard;, tine luxedo nets, large and small chenille dots, hairline and Brussels rets; black, white, brown, navy, gteen, tan, red, lavender, pink and light blue; all new, fashionable veilings, in grand assortment of val ues, up to 75c the yard; go on sale at this remarkably low Tfl-, price, the yard 03C French Hand-Made Drawers at $3.98 French Hand-Made Chemise at $3.98 Lot 1 rFrench hand-made Drawers, made ot Dest quality Nainsook and Percales, hand-embroidered, scal loped ruffles; also lace-trimmed and hand made tucks; vals. tQ up to $6.50, for. .Women's fine hand-made and hand- embroidered Chemise, trimmed in laces, beading and rib bons; values to $6.50. . $3.98 Regular $4.00 and $4.50 $3.98 trench Chemise at... AH grand values take advantage of this special sale. 35c Ribbons at 21c Yard 73c Ribbons at 37c Yard 15,000 yards of all-silk Taffeta Rib bons, full five inches wide; black, white, tan, red, pink, blue, brown, navy, nile, etc,; best regular 35c quality, on sale at the ex- 1 ceptionally low price, yard SVlC ,5000 yards of high-class all-silk Rib bons, fancy stripes and Dresden ef fects; full six inches wide; TkF best 75c quality at, yard.. J(C 10,000 yards of heavy imported French Ribbons in Dresden and warp prints; 1000 pieces all new patterns and colors; anticipate your Christmas wants; regular 50c 75c values at, the yard. WHIP I WEEK IT UP BACK AND i Federal Attorneys Earn in Testimonial Powder for Effect he Charge. gather and When Assistant United States Attor ney O. B. Townsend was ahown a dispatch from Wahington this morn ing stating that a report of his Investigation of a the Southern Pa cific Und grant would be for wards , to Attorney-General Bonaparte about October 15, he said that he had written to Washington to that effect, but Md that at tb best it wa doubtful whether be would be able to complete hi report bv that time. s "There are ao many detaJU Connected aith the work.' said Mr. Townsend, "that it la impossible to set an exact lt when I can finish my report.- As sistant Attot-ner-Oeneral McBlalr and mraelf ar werklnr away aecurinK data W tha lend arrant and will rash tfe r sort as sooa a possible," ? .- In the Men's Furnishings Section for the great 50th Anniversary Sale a marvelous offering of men's hand some white Pleated Shirts of the highest grade 3000oJ them, bought from the International Shirt Co. at a great concession from the regular prices. A beautiful assortment of styles. White pleated Tuxedo bhirts, pleated rull Dress Shirts, Pleated Negligee Shirts, tf, YA and 1-inch pleats; corded pleats, box pleats, knife pleats. The greatest values ever known in men's Shirts of equal style and quality; all sizes from 14 to 18 inclusive; economical men will buy a liberal .stock of them; regular $2 values, buy all you want1 of them at this marvelously low price; all well-made and fin ished and perfect fitting; you choice at, each Men's and Women's New Coat Sweaters S3.30 Vols. $2.69 In the Men's Furnishing Goods De partment, a great special lot of women's and men's fine quality Coat Sweaters, in solid colors of red, garnet, white and Oxford; well made, perfect fitting, large pearl buttons, all sizes; best regular $3.50 values; take your pick aCO at this low price, each y&,J Men's $1 Under wear, Garment 79c Vicuna Wool Un derwear, Only 85c Great special lot of men's super- weight natural wool Underwear, soft-finished garments; all sizes in shirts and drawers; finely made and finished; best regular $1 9 fl- values, on sale at 6 7v Special sale of men's vicuna wool Underwear, in brown; fine quality. all sizes shirts and drawers; value extraordinary, at only the O et garment, this sale OJC Men's fine cashmere Sox, in black and Oxford, all sizes; regular I O. 25c and 35c values, pair 1 Uv $2 Silk Sox for 98c The men's Hose are also pure silk thread, black, navy blue, green, lav ender, tans, brown, gray and red; all, sizes; the regular $2 ft Q values, per pair, only 70C 5000 Outing Flan nel Gowns, $1.50 to $3 Values 98c In the second floor Muslin Under wear Store we place on sale a great special purchase of women's outing flannel Gowns, plain white with pink and blue silk stitching; fancy pink and blue stripes; yoke styles, trimmed in fancy braids and silk stitching; all sizes, great assort ments; $1.50 to $2 values, go on sale at the remarkably low QQ price of, the garment rOC Renaissance Scarfs S2.50-S4.00 Pieces $1.48 Special lot of Renaissance Scarfs and Centers, 18x54 inches, 30x30 inches and 36x36 inches; large assortment of pretty and effective patterns; best regular $2.50 to $4 values, all go on sale at this spe- 1 Aq cial low price of, each P 1 llO OF WARMTH AND SUNSHINE PUT SWEETNESS IN LATE FRUIT The last few days of warm weather have accomplished great good for the prune growers and made it possible to would have beenrlpe in a few days had the warm weather continued. The semi-annual meeting of the state board of horticulture will be held Mon day, October 14. At that time an esti mate of the value of Oregon fruit mar keted In this state during the 1907 sea son. Including all kinds of fruit, will be made. The report Is In the course of preparation now by H. M. Williamson, secretary of the board, and Wilbur K. Neweli, state horticulturist Members of the Oregon state board take exception to the figures given out by th Washington officials regarding the valuation of the marketed fruit crop in that state during the last year. The figures state that 72,000,000 crates of dry much more of the big crop grown this year than could other wise have been saved. Earlv cold weath er stopped ripening and it was feared a large part of the prunes could not bo garnered. Now, however, but 10 days remain until the last of the prunes will be in the dryers and the crops in the lowlands have already been pretty well gathered. The prune crop has been larger than In other years and the fruit has also been of an especially fine quality. Ri pening has been slow and drying nec essarily slow on that account. Grapes are ripening fast and gather ing sweetness from the sunshine and the crop promises to be the best in rears. At present only Concords are ready for the market, but the others small rrult alone that the total fruit will approach $20,000,000.- Secretary Williamson characterizes these figures as an effort to boost something after the Seattle methods. This Is as much aa Mr. Townsend would say in regard to his work for publication, but it IS believed that he and Mr. McBlalr nave about completed their Investigation and have determined upon a course of action which they will ftwmmend tha govarament t pursue In prosecuting the railway company. All doubt as to the government's intention to take action against the Southern Pa cific was dissipated weeks ago by the energetic manner in which Mr. Town ond and Mr. McBlalr kept at their work. . 1000 full size silkoline-covered Com forters, filled with white laminated cotton; best patterns and colorings; the greatest comforter value ever offered at this low 11 1 price; take advantage J I C 1000 extra heavy satin-covered Com forters, in fancy designs and color ings; best white cotton filling; reg ular $4 values, go on sale at this price, each, onlv. . . exceptionally low $3.29 Bed Pillows, Springs, Mattresses, etc., on sale on the fourth floor. Our prices always the lowest. We are sole Portland agents for "Ostermoor" Elastic Felt Mattresses; sold at fac tory prices. Blflnket BarS"ns 500 pairs of white Wool Blankets, with fancy borders, 10-4 size; best $5.50 values, on sale at GiA A.L this special price, pair H'HftHt J 500 pairs of full-size 11-4 Oregon Wool Blankets, pink and blue bor ders; regular $7 values, (I f)Q at this special price 4'Odf 1000 pairs light gray Blankets, full size, colored borders; A ff $4 values, special, pair P J 1000 pairs of extra large light gray Cotton Blankets, it CI All special price of, pair. . H' I "Fw 500 stamped wood Glove 1 ftM Boxes, at each, only 1 Vi 300 Pyrographic Outfits d? 0C on sale at, each Mmrmr All kinds of stamped wood at very low prices. $1.75 Embroidery This Sale Only 79c $4.50 All -Overs This Sale at $1.39 2000 yards of corset cover Embroid ery Swiss and Nainsook, dainty new designs with lace edge, and in sertion; grand assortment styles; values up to $1.75 the yard, jFQf on sale at, special, the yard 7C 2000 yards of Swiss and Batiste All over Embroideries for lingerie waists; new patterns just received; regular values up to $4.50 the yard, on sale at this special d? 1 Q price, the yard P I 2000 yards of matched sets of Em broidery Swiss, Nainpook and Cam bric, for infants' wear, yard: 30c values... 19 60c values... 42 $1.25 values... T9f Anniversary Sale of Bargains in the Drag Sundry Dept. "Sanitol" Tooth Powder at 1 Q the low price of 1 ZfC "Sanitol Tooth Paste on spe- 1 ft cial sale at 1 7C "Sanitol" Face Cream on sale 1 ft- at, special 1 ZrC Toilet Soaps Buttermilk, Turkish Bath and Oatmeal, three 1 ft- cakes in box, for 1 JC Sachet Envelopes, on special 1 sale at, each f . . 1 sC Stand Mirrors at this special ft low price, each 3ZrC Hand Scrub Brushes on sale at, special, each JC Cloth Brushes at this very ft low price, each . Jlrv All lines of Drug Sundries, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, etc. It Is believed that sufficient evidence has been secured by the officials to make a complete case against the rail road. The manner in which to compel the company to hand back the lands which were granted in 1870, or to com pel It to turn them over to settlers at $2.50 an acre. Is the question which has vexed the legal department of the government. That Mr. Townsend nave solved the problem is believed to be true, but neither will divulge the course to be followed by the government. It is certain, however, that it will not be along the plan adopted by A. W. Laf ferty. who brought a suit against the company to compel It to sell part of Its grant to John L. Snyder, an actual set tler on 160 acres In Columbia county. Since coming to Portland Mr. Town send has refused to discuss his work for publication and stated this morning that there Is too much money Involved ror a nasty determination of the rov ernment's action in its controversy with the company. In connection with the Southern Pa were marketed and crop sold this year cific grant. Mr. Townsend tigating the coos Bay erant which Attorney Mlnot of San Francisco commenced war on several months ago in the Interest of 100 clients. Mr. Mlnot has practically turned over his case to Mr. Townsend and has aided the government in securing evidence against the owners of the wagon road rrant who refuse to sell their land at the rate of. $2.60 an acre. Larcener Off to the Pen. , (Special Dlspaten to The Jwinirt,) -Astoria, Or., Sept. 24-J. tt Walker, Portland Glove Headquarters offers for the great 50th Anniversay Sale 2000 pairs of high-grade. kid gloves at the lowest price ever quoted on gloves of equal style and quality 2000 pairs in the lot, every pair per fect made of the finest skins and full 16-button length black, white, tans and browns; all sizes, Syi to 7'A, and every pair fully guaranteed regular $4 values, buy all you want of them at this very PO low pries, psr jair... V,. 1000 pairs of 3-clasp overseam Kid Gloves, Paris point stitching, black, white and colors; best $1.75 values, for this sale only, at 1 the low price, per pair r 40c Tapestry 29c Sash Material 20c 2000 yards oriental stripe Tapestry, blue, green and red predominating, all new designs; 50 inches 00 wide; best 40c quality, yard t5C New printed Casement Cloths and Madras, patterns taken from Scotch and English materials; 36 inches wide; the best 25c values, 1 IT special at, the yeard, only I JC Figured grenadine Sash Material, very sheer lacy patterns; borders on both sides, 30 in. wide; lft regular 35c quality, yard.. ewVJC 25c brass Extension Rods, 1 fif ball ends at, each 1 Uv Boys' Suits S3. 15 Young Men's Suits $13 Values $10.65 500 of Meier & Frank's boys School Suits in regular double-breasted or knickerbocker style; ages from 7 to 16 years; made of wool cheviots in neat dark overplaids, plain or fancy stripes; equal to the best regular $5 values, your choice l 1 IT at this special price. . . aPa M J Special sale of young men's single and double-breasted Suits in checks and overplaids, cheviots; large va riety of patterns and colorings; well tailored, best trimmings, ages 13 to 20 years; $15 values, gift L sT at, each 4lU.Oj $4.00 and $4.50 Italian Silk Undervetts for $3.69 Special lot of women's fine embroid ered Italian silk Undervests in white, pink and blue; very pretty styles, all sizes; regular $4 and $4T0 values, on sale at this very low price, while they j.O last at, only PJ07 One-third off on all hand-embroidered white Underskirts. $7 Silk Petticoats This Sole at $3.95 Another one of our famous Silk Petti coat bargains is announced The great 50th Anniversary Sale 1000 of them to be distributed among shrewd buyers in Portland and vi cinity at a price that comes far from covering the cost of material alone. Petticoats are made of good quality taffeta silk, accordion pleats and strapped flared flounce and a splendid assortment of colors, black, white, tans, brown, red, green, pur ple, pink, light blue and changeable colorings; all are well made and finished, and will give equally good service as the much better grades; regular $6.50 and $7 Cll Q values, special, at.... 4'0.rt who was recently sentenced mctiriae to serve one year lenuary lor larceny, started last even ing for Salem in charge of Sheriff Pom eroy and Guard Max Young. OFFICERS ELECTEDBY ROYAL NEIGHBORS and Mr. McBlalr (Special Dltpatcb to Tb Jonrasl.) Joseph, Or., Sept. 24. At a meeting of the Royal Neighbor lodge the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Oracle, Mrs. W. L. Hewitt; vice oracle, Mrs. A. M. Johnson; past oracle, Mra. J. C. Dodson; chancellor, Mrs. J. E. Lay; recorder, Mra D. H. Mansfield; receiver, Mrs. W. O. Treanor; marshal, Miss Eva Hamilton; assistant marshal, Misa Stella Edgmond: inner sentinel. Mrs. Myrtle Duncan; manager, W. L. Hewitt; musician. Miss Maude Johnson. DR. JOHNSON BUYS is still Inves Wagon Road WHITE SALMON (Special DUpatch to Th Jon r nil.) Hood River, Or., Sept. J4. Dr. J. 8. Johnson Saturday purchased 800 acres of fruit land near White Salmon which win be cut up Into small tracts and sold to parties in Minnesota for the purpose of oreanlzlnr a colon to de velop it. This is the second purchase which Mr. Johnson has made at White Salmon, havlnar bouaht tOa acres nn m. former trip tbra lq July. 2000 pairs of women's new Tall and winter Shoes to be distributed at a price below manufacturing cost All new and up-to-date styles just received from one of the largest and tQt manufacturers in the land; the f lll.lliuiu ailUC you . will have the opportunity of buying this year; included will be found lace and button shoes in pat ent colt skin, Blucher style,' dull mat kid tops or theflew cloth tops, light or h.avy weight soles and Cuban heels, vici kid shoes, -lace, button and Blucher styW with patent tips, dull kid, cloth or bright kid tops, light weight or extension soles and Cuban heels, all sizes and widths; every pair guaranteed to give satis factory service in every particular; reg. $J values, your tx 1 Off choice, per pair ) 1 0 Figured Nets, Vals. to $1,50 for 69c Appliques, Values to $4.50 for $1.69 1000 yards of white and creamy ii tigurea ixets tor waists and gowns, j inches wide; values up f,Qn to $1.50 yd"., on sale at, yd. O-rC Baby Irish and Venise Appliques and Medallions, white and cream; best regular values up to 1 1ft $4.50 the yd., at, yd. P1.07 2000 yards of white, cream and eru Lace and Venise Galloons and Me dallions, Vi to 3 inches wide; values up to $1.75 the yard; go on sale at thrs special low yft price, the yard, only 6 f C 500 Pairs Curtains $9.30 Valnes for $4.93 High-class Lace Curtains at abo'tir- one-half their real value is the third floor offering for the great 50th An ' niversary Sale; 500 pairs in the lot; curtain bargains of the greatest im portance to every housewife fur nishing up or renovating the home. The assortment includes Marie An toinettes, renaissance, clunys and soutache lace curtains in both white and Arabian; beautiful patterns made in best French nets; Marie Antoinettes with braid borders and garlands of flowers, renaissance in wide or narrow braided effects, also inserting effects with narrow bor ders; clunys in all latest designs, in sertings and edges, also wide edges on a 3-inch hem; widths range from 2li to 3 yards; lace curtains sell ing regularly at prices ranging from $8.50 to $9.50 a pair, your choice at this marvelously C.A Qf low price, special, pr. HfZr $1 Flannels 75c Yd. 3000 Yards Eider- downs at'25c Yard 3000 yards of the newest and pret tiest Waistings ever shown in the city; beautiful plaids in wonderful variety; styles and quality other stores ask $1 for, special fVLfK values at, the yard.'. tC 3000 yards of double-faced Eiderdown, in stripes and figures, tor bath robes, etc., all colors; 8P'en-0J did quality; on sale, yard.. Hundreds of pieces of new fancy Waistings, in plaids, stripes and dots, in the very best colorings; grand assortment and wonderful values, on sale at this pop- CA ular price, at, the yard....VV by Judge J ASPER JENNINGS IS in the peni- SET AT LIBERTY New Trial Ordered, Bat Witnesses Are Gone and Cost Would Be Great, Hence Dismissed. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Grants Pass, Or., Sept 24. Judge Hanna yesterday afternoon dismissed Jasper Jennings from custody. Jasper was convicted of murdering hia father two years ago In a cabin near here. The trial was long and expensive to county. After Jasper's conviction sister Dora, who has since died, placed on trial ror tne same orrense was acaultted. The supreme court dered a new trial of Jasper on technical ities and his dismissal is due to the fact LAND that many or the witnesses at the for mer trial have moved away and the ex pense of a new trial would be enormous. Judge Hanna's action meets With public approval. PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. C P. Blshon left-tnUv on a six months' tour of Europe. Their will sail from New Tork and will In clude Great Britlan, Germany, "France, Spala and Italy in their Itinerary, . i 01 2.50 Valt.5 6.68 Hand-Made Gowns $9.50 Vals. $5.52 Great sale' sample line ' French hand made and hand-embroidered Night Gowns, beautiful styles, made with long, round or high .necks; yoke ef fects of hand-embroidery, also trimmed in Italian and round thread Valenciennes laces;, clusters of. , hand -made tucks, beading and hand-embroidered eyelets drawn with ribbons; magnificent gowns; a special lot sent us by our Paris buyer: $10.00 and $12.50 Gowns 0 at, each, special vw'v $7.50 and $9.50 Gowns dr at, each, special Sale Table Linens Half bleached satin damask Table Linen, very best patterns, 72 inches wide; best regular $1.00 OO grades, at special, the yd. OOC Bleached satin damask Table Linen, ti 1 t- ' i J - . j :: i S&-IUCII, iiaiiuaumc ucsigns, refcurar $1.50 . quality, speci.'l, CI the yard 4 1 tit Bleached double satin damask Table Linen, 72 inches wide; beautiful designs; $2 quality 1 gift for, the yard 4 1 .07 Bleached double satin damask Table Linen, 72 inches wide; regular $2.50 quality, on sale at, CO 1 ft special, the yard &&MJ Bleached satin damask Table Nap kins, the very best patterns, full size; regular $3.50 QO grade, at, dozen J)sW.70 Bleached satin damask Table Nap kins, handsome designs; best regu lar $4.50 values, on 1 QQ sale at. dozen PJ70 Hemmed all linen Huck Towels, 1000 dozen of them, good size, excep tional value at this low lr7 s price, special, each tfl C Knotted fringe satin damask 1 Towels, at special price, ea. 1 ClC 400 dozen good bleached Turkish Bath Towels, the greatest values ever offered at this price, 1 Q each take advantage 1 Uw 200 dozen hemstitched all linen dam ask Towels, the best 40c quality, on sale, at this unusually lo price, special at, .each tvUC 25c "Rubdry" Bath Towels, 1 O on sale at low price, each.. I OC aOcH'dkerchfsllc Women's all linen hand-embroidered Handkerchiefs, unlaundered; best regular 20c valaes, on sale j 1 at this low price, each 1 1C Women's hand-embroidered unlaun dered Initial Handkerchiefs, CLs 12'tc values, at, each wv 10,000 Pillow Cases on Sale, 15c Each 5000 Bed Sheets Sale 50c and 69c 10,000 good heavy cotton Pillowslips, size 45x36 inches; by far the best values the market offers, on 1 fZgs sale at special low price, ea. kjC 5000 Bed Sheets, size 66x90. inches and 81x90 inches, reinforced seam through center, good, strong, heavy quality," and exceptional value, on sale at the following re- fZ(hf markably low price, each.. C All grades of Sheets and Pillow Cases sold here at the lowest prices. Take advantage of this showing. HSI Chief Campbell Visits Mil waukee and Chicago in Iis.Quest for Tips, n the his was Milwaukee. Wis,. Sent. 24 THr rhief David Campbell of Portland. haa just completed a three-davH 1 nun Ac but or tion of the Milwaukee fire system and Is now In Chicago, where he will make a similar inepeotion. Campbell was sent east to make a study of various firs systems In vogue by the "Portland city council and he will take in the conven tion of the International Fire Chiefs' association, .which will be held In Wash ington, D. C in October. Campbell expressed himself aa well nla.a.l with & lla,.ibA. j BB IVIU 1111(1 gained many valuable points which he will y introduce Into the Portland tte system. He expects to pick up Other innovations In different cltieB and In tends placing the best in the system, of which ho is tha head. . - WILL IMPROVE