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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1907)
(... f. . THE T OREGON; DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, ' TUESDAY EVENING, 'SEPTEMBR tt 1907. 1J Other Classified Ad vertisements vvill be found on pp. 16-17. NEW TODAY. ,;. DEATHS CHAPMAN September 21. Mrs. Ellaa. beth IL Chapman, and (6 yeara. I month and h. days, 83 East 12th t; hemorrhage of stomach. 8UNDRORN -September tt, Petef W. tsunoDorn, aired it year ana 7 nays. ahiumi stations cancer er etomacn. MST AND FOUND LOST TWO PIPES, BETWEEN ID and College, or on Oregon Citr car September 11; return to Journal and r reive reward. LOST -LADY'S LOCKET. WITH ELK'S head. Return to "Sugar Plum,"- on Uih and Washington, and receive, re- warn. HELP WANTED MALE S3 3 50 8-room house, lot (0x100; Fargo at, near Williams ave. 3200 7-room house, lot 40x100, Bel mont at.'. S2S50 d-room bouse, lot 60x100,' Cleveland ave. S2800 -room house, lot 60x100, Monroe st., near Williams ave. S2750 7-room Borthwlck el. house, lot tOxlOO, 2 5QO B-room house, corner lot, E. 3Sth st. on East Ankeny car. 82250 (-room house, lot 40x125, Morris St., Upper Albtna, S2200 B-room house, Cleveland ave. 81500 t rooms and bath, E. 14th st, Sunnyalde. All the above are modern and In fleet class condition, and satisfactory terms can be arranged for. S3QOO 8 acres, adjoining Woodstock. All oleared. Has gasoline engine and fump. and 2,500-gallon tank. See this f you are looking for a place of this kind. 83000100x200. Morris street Will sell part if desired. Terms. FIRST CLASS MACHINIST OREGON Pram works, 60 N. 2d Wanted J6atmai4er Boss, care I). H. 6th St., 4th floor. McBrlde A APPLY Co., 148 BLACKSMITHS AND W1IKEL wrigbts wanted; Apply Pae. Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. BOYS WANTED AT O. P. RUMMELlN at Sons, 126 2d St., near Washington, BOY WITH WHEEL. 1 10 WEEK. 42JV Morrison. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED GIRLS TO WORK IN candy factory. Aldon Candv Co.. 10th and Olfaan sts. BANKS. nmiBD STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREOON. .- Nnrtkmt rwM J V k? Htrmlm .Tr"B"Vu - Oeneral Basking Buelnesa. DRAFTS ISStTED ATAllable la An Cities of the United States and Europe. Honikonc and Manila. Collections I T. ' TormDi Terms. vEnt;.: - AIN8WORTH1 Cashier A Wj-8?RU5F5 ; Vloa-Preaideat R. LEA BARNES J Assistant cashier W. A. HOLT Assistant i.asnier. .a. m. w ..iun i T ADD S TILTON ' KIWirVRB DnrMa i. Ohmil I . W Vf I irm r an i irr ws rings books Issued on savins denoalts Interest raid on time deposits. I EIiC,tNTs NATIONAL BANK Portland. Oregon I I. FRANIT WiTlOH d.. i T nirnuii W, HOTT Cashier 1 OEOROE W. HOTTi .Assistant Cashier ill L FRANK WATSON.. President I R. L DURHAM Vice-President R C C A WHIM1 UmA A n n.hU- Transacts a Qeneral Ranking Business. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued Avtinnwm An p,rt 0f the World. Collections a Hpeeiany. BANK OF CALIFORVTAIP.IeMl. X Capital paid up 14.000,000 I 8urp uenerai Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Interest on lime POlta. BA VINOS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of 110 and up- ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. M. R. MACREA unBp i t t pimwn iM.T. . . . . Ass t Manager dished 1114. Head Office. San F0? iirplus snd undivided profits 110.162 ITI slness Transacted. Interest on Time P.IRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bsnk on Paclflo Coaat CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 11,500,000.00. DEPOSITS, 114.000,000.0" A. L. MIT,T."I r ttt it vnnn -latent rMM w- NEWKIRK Cashier R F. BTEVENf .. Second Aes't Csehler TRUST COMPANIES. SECURITT SAVINGS TRURt CO.--244 Morrison Street. Portland. Oregon. TlM??etM nersl Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Inter- . iTZ! a on Time snd Savings Aocounts. Acts as Trustee ior r.-i-. - JPr".1.Jnd LUrs 0f Credit Available on AH Parts of tht World a t' .A,MS President I L A. LFWIS First Vice-President u MILLS... Second Vice-President R. C JUBITZ SecreUry OFO. E. RUSSELL Assistant Secretary 600D WAQEH, LIOH' girts of 10, at cigar b E. Sd T WORK, FOR box factory, 4JV MJ9 09 saoMwenoq jullii Hxm snaH ox hhio osmiM v GIKLS WlNTED AT O..P. RUMMELlN v pons, lin ta si., near wasningion. T,TL!:.I?UaRANTEE A TRUST COMPANY 14 Washington Street MORTOAOB LOANS ON Portland Real Estate st Lowest Rstes. j fTTr,. . Title Insured. Abstracts Furntated. L T5SBlTRN ROSS President 1 JNO. E MTCHIOON Secretary UEORQB H. HILL Vice-President T. T. PURKHART Treasurer SITUATIONS WANTED MALE SNAP BARGAIN 2 250-acre farm, all platted in 20 acrc tracts ready for market. We will sell this tract as a whole at a bargain. For particulars call on McKINLEY MITCHELL STARK ST. WANTED BT YOUNG MARRIED MAN position as watchman or driver de livery wagon; JO years In city. Ad dress 8. Emlg, 1(0 Emerson st. Phone Woodlawn 01 S. TIMEKEEPER, OR WILLING IN ANY capacity by man not strong. Porter, S04 1st st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED BT YOUNG MARRIED Wo man, child to board; suburbs.. ISO Emerson st. Phone Woodlawn 91 1. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED OR 6-ROOM MODERN house, full lot, new preferred, within I blocks of Piedmont csr bsrns. Price not to exceed 22,200. will pay cash, must be a bargain. Owners only. Address B-31, Journal. BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chsmber of Commerce Building. Municipal. Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bond! rvuWNINO-HOPKINS COMPACT Established 193 BROKERS. Is STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. Private Wires ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main 27. Overfceck & Cooke Company! hTuTWZ? XBlStU GRAIN. PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESa Continuous Marketa by Private Wire. Quick Servloe. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. WANTED TO BUY INTEREST IN established real estate office from owner. V-30. Journal. LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta Express , Cottage Orove Passenger . California Express Ban Francisco Express WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . . . Forest Grove Passenger ... :1S 4:lt 7:46 11:10 T:00 4:18 11:00 6:20 Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express 7:26 m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. Cottage Orove Passenger. . 11 30 a. m. Shasta Express 7:20 Portland Express 11:20 WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger 1(1 Sheridan Passenger 10:20 Forest Grove Passenger S CO Forest Prove Passenger ... 2 60 m m. m m m. m. TRANSPORTATION. rOBTXAVD A WD FTOUT UOVTMJ BOVTI S. S. "Redondo" Sailing from Couch -street dock, Port land for Seattle, Tacoma, Everett and Belllngham, September 18 at I p. an. ruiaarr Connecting at Seattle for Nome, Oolofnlnln, St. Mlchae; Chena and Fair banks with steamers Pleiades, Hyades, Lyra, Mackinaw, Ohio. Schubach & Hamilton. General Agents, Seattle. Wash. F. P. Baumgartncr, Agent Portland, Couch atreet dock. Phones: Msln 161: Home A4K1. Columbia River Scenery asavxATom zxn stsamhb. Dally service lietween Portland and The Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at 7 a. m , arriving about 6 p. m , carrying freight and passengers. Rplendld accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder St., Portland; foot of Court st , The Dulles. Phone Msm 914. Portland. TRANSPORTATION. irOBTZ FAOITTO TSAMSSXP OO.V mAmxxra Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 p. m. 'licgei onice iiy -intra .near Aiaer. CGeeWo Columbia River Through Line Steamers of the "OPFV ntvrn" iin leave HAK-flTRRET IWK verv Unn. dav. WeilneslAv anil frlHrn.- at itivl- OT'ITCK A M., for sll points between 1'ortland, the nallea and Umatilla. Ieava earlv and see sll the river Ar rive earlv. T.ow ratea PrnmT.i arw- Ice. Telephone Main 2201. Home. A 2527. Umited number of eoviea of the aan. realr Issns of The Journal can be had at The Journal offloe at fl each, ready for mailing ; postage IS cents extra. The Well-Ksews fteuakle CHINESE keel sad Hers DOCTOR Hat sue Hi eiud o( rooti o4 herb. sd In that stsdt 4lMrer4 , tod Is (ItIbs lu the world sts M4rfal rse4ls. Mo stiscvKY. poisomi oi Diufl euro CUBtS WITHOUT OrERATIOW. OB WITHOUT TH3 AID Of A KVIYE. He gnaranteee to ear Catarrs Aatkma. T.sns. Tltroat. Rbaamattasi . Nervenanaea, KerTene Drbllltr. Stomal. Um. KMsef Tmnblra: a Ian fxiet MaebnnS. r.oiala Weak seea tnA All PHvata rH. A SURE CANCER CURE a. Calae Safe, Wra aad SelUkle. ir you arb Arn.icTtn. pout dilat. DIE LAYS ABC DANGEROUS. If frjai eaasut ran. arrHv tot Iforptnsi slsssj a as firm la r. Isc4aae 4 eeata Is tasms. CONSULTATION FREE IHI C. Oil WO CHUIEBI KUIC1MK COX, IMVt rirst It., Co, aterrlsea, Vertlaaa, Orases, PUeae ateatlea TaU Vases. NEW MAN'SECUKES i TULE LIKE LEASE v (Bpedsl SUpatek la Tk JoraaL " , Klamath Falls. Or., Sept.- IlTh United State reclamation service baa leased 11.000 Korea comprised In the Clear Lake reservoir ate reserve to Ed Brown, the Cornell sheepman,-for II 611, for a term of three years. 1 Bule were submitted to V. W. Murphrprej ei t engineer of the Klamath project at this place, snd Mr. Drowp was the ' highest bidder. The only ether bid re ceived was that of the Tule Lake Land dc Livestock company. Their bid was f 1.600. This land lies around Tule Ukx. , and comprises the best grating; ana natural meadow land In northern Cali fornia. One thousand tone of hay hag been cut from the nat viral tneadowa ear- , rounding the lake. The possession of -this land will give Mr. Brown great advantage over his neighbors, as he be. a control of the water also, the land com pletely surrounding the lake. Water In ., scarc e In that region, but as It Is the i . Intention Of the present leaseholder to re-let the meadow part of the tract, and "' all he desires Is tVe range and accexa to the water for his sheep, no hardship wll l worked on his neighbor. For years the Title Iake Land A Livestock , company has been In control of thin; water barring other sheep and cattle- ; men from graslng In the vicinity. . IIERTXUXX DIES ; OF HIS WOUNDS 'i; r.uaroe, v . oi'i- nt-i i ,iuii, man who killed Charles Crowley In A plslel d al MarcU Satureajr- after- noon and who waa wounded by bullet' rrom I'rowiey a revolver, uieo ai He was about in years oWI. and leave a, wife and several children. Crowley' . l'ir,t' h.i ht'.n .nihnlmcil lfla narentA at Kingston. Missouri, have been noti fied or hla oeatn. BUSINESS PROPERTY WANTED We have party wanting a vacant quarter or half block between First and Fourth and Glisan and Mont gomery streets. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY Corner Second and Washington Sts. $21,000 A three-story frame building and dwelling, on corner lot at 372 and 374 First street, corner of Montgom ery; paying 9 per cent net. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FTR5lTURr3 OF ROMMODERN cottage for sale; house for rent. 311 Sherman st, 6th st car. Phone Main 6180. Tacoma and Seattle Exp. . . . North Coast A Chlcsgo Ltm. Puget Sound Limited Overland Espress Northern Pacific. 8:80 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:10 p. m. 11:46 p. m. North Coast Umited 7:00 a. n Portland F.xprtss 4:11 p. m. Overland Express 8 : 1 S p. m. Puget 8ound Limited 10:88 p. m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. FI RNISHKD ROOMS. RUNNING WA 'T, 474 14th and Washington. FOR RENT HOUSES Local Passenger Chicago-Portland Special Spokane Flyer Kan. City A Chi Exp . . . 8:00 a. m. II Spokane Flyer 8 00 :S0 a. m. Cht., Kan City tt Port. Ex.. 8:46 7:00 p. m. I Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:20 7:40 p. m. 1 1 Local Passenger 6:46 m m. m. m. Astoria & Columbia River. NEW l-ROOM HOTSE NEAR HAW- thorne ave.; vacant Oct. 1st; to ell , winter tenant. $15. Thomaaon. 123 i Chsmber of Commerce. Astoria and Seaside Exp Astoria A Seaside Express 8:00 a. m. 8:00 p. m. Astoria & Port. Passenger. 12:16 p II Portland Express 10:00 p. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS THE COLONADE. ROOM AND BOARD. all latest conveniences. 19th and Couch. HYLAND. 490 MORRISON. MAIN 1925. j Furnished rooms with bath and steam ! heat. I THH DEXTER. FURNISHED ROOMS, i corner 12th and Washington, entrance on 12th. 1 from my bitch which took first prize at the Portland show; these pups will make winners; they are grand, having very nicely marked black and an heads and pure white bodies; nice clean legs and tail, well carried: make fine house dogs and companions; we guarantee sat isfaction. Rockford Store, Hood River, Or. PERSONAL FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. MISS MART ELLA LE ROY. :91H Al der, room 4. scientific massages. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Corner Second and Washington Sts. Central East Side Bargains We offer for this week a choice quar ter on East Morrison, a choice quarter on East Yamhill nnd a choice quarter on Hawthorne. Also a choice piece on Bel mont and two flats near Holladay ave,, close In, Special price this week. McKinley Mitchell PLEASANT UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, women only, on cur llne, 1 mile from courthouse. Phone Main 292. between 10 and 12 a. m MUSICAL BUSINESS CHANCES Tills Week Only Employment office, old, established; takes in from 112 to 25 a day, 200. Call at once. 189V4 4th st. WANTED IMPROVED SMELTER OF Canada stock. Olve price and num ber of shares E-20, Journal. A GOOD BUSINESS MAKING FROM 14 to MANDOLIN, GUITAR. BANJO JESSE Parker, virtuoso, late of Illinois Col lege of Music. Tilford bldg., lOtti ana Morrison Fts. TRANSPORTATION. RUBBER STAMP ALL ABOVE. ALSO SLUGS. NUMBER ing machines, check protectors, office stationary, v. n. t". uo., .'31 biartc. TYPEWRITERS. NEW AND 2ND HAND. ALL, MAKES. rented, repaired, sold. P. JJ. C Co. $6 a day; no experience required; ! jsi stark. Tel. 1407. will aell cheap If taken at once. L-29. HOTEL 28 ROOMS. IN LIVE COUN try town; $3,500; will take $2,000 worth of real estate In or near Portland. Thomason A Bailey. 223 Chamber of Commerce. , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 202 H STARK ST. MARRIAGE LICENSES 4; Andrew J. Joslyn, Seattle, Wash 8. Carrie Dunbar. 68. Charles W. Clow. 907 E. 10th N.. 23; Jennie Simmons, 19. James L. Wooden, Clatskanle. Or., 21; Etta Rawllngs, 18. Ruddlck Johnson, Scappoose, Or., 28; Haael Hlggenhothem, 18. George P. Martin. Sellwood, Or.. 28; Bessie M. Ball. 22. L. R. Bondreaux. Junction City, Kan.. 80: Margaret Olblln. 22. H. C. Stevens, 29; Jessie Peterson, 22. Louis H. Larsen. 728 Wygant st, 22; Margaret M. Barton, 19. Olaf Bystrom, Olympla, Wash. 48; Anna C. Llndstrom, 26. W. E. Taylor, Hlllsboro, Or., 45; Ro- sina ning, .m. F. ADAMS & CO., Phone 8144, Room 300 Dekum bldg., corner 3rd and Washington sts. Quarter block, corner of E. Morrison and 46th st, 1 block from carllne; must be sold; easy, terms. 8-room modern house; fine lot, 46x145; Improved; strawberry and fruit trees; $600 cash: terms. , 6-room modern house on E. Davis St.; fine lot, lawn, roses; price $2,900; terms. 6-room cottage, mocern; lot 60x100. Bargains In rooming houses. 28 rooms, corner, $900. 13 rooms, close In. $800; 30 rooms; rent $70; $1,400. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY, phone Main 7952, Raleigh bldg., fort land. Or. See the new model No. 6 OH ver, before buying a typewriter. Oliver typewriters sold and rented. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB. brush, soap, $1 per month. Portland Laundry & Towel Supply Co.. th and Couch -sts. fnone 10. WHOLESALE JOBBER3 $500 DOWN EACH. BUYS 3 BROOK lyn 6-room cottages; good close-In In vestment; $1,600 each. Thomason & Bailey. 223 Chamber of Comerce. FOR SALE FARMS Tonseth & Co.. florists, for flowers ol all kinds. 123 6th st. Clarke Bros., Florists Fine flowers ano norai qesigns. ze Morrison st. Full dress suits for rent, all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST, 160 6TH" st.. opp. Meier A Frsnk's. Main 7215. BIRTHS. BIERSDORF Sept 18, to Dr. and Mrs. Herman R. Blersdorf, 698 Commer cial street, a daughter. SAVAGE Sept. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam W. Savage, 1255 Division street, a son. MURPHY Sept. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. William T. Murphy, 75 Union avenue north, a daughter. ORIEBE Sent. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. William Grlebe, 387 East Ninth street, a son. PARK Sept. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter park. 671 Marshall street a daughter. RUBENSTEIN Sept. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rubensteln, Tenth and College streets, a daughter. DEATHS YABET817 September 21. Hatsue Ya betsu, Japanese, aged 2 months and 9 days, 460 Couch st; constriction of throat. MONTEITH September 22, Walter J, Monteith, aged 46 years, 2 months and 19 days, 94 N. 16th st; -cirrhosis of liver. RICKERSON September 23, Dudley G. Rickerson, aged 28 years and 16 days, 493 Spokane avenue; pulmonary tubercu losis. 8 WENS ON September 4, Hans Swen 3on. aged 53 years, at Fort Stevens, Oregon drowning. HELZER September 22, Mrs. Elisabeth Helaer, aged 30 years, 4 months, and 18 dys, .410 Sellwood st; parturition. MILLER September 22, Ellwtbeth Mil ler, aged 7 month and lit days, 400 f, ;ring t.f enterm. A CHOICE FARM. 109 acres, 76 acres In cultivation; 25 acres In pasture, watered by an excellent spring; plenty of fruit: nice 10-room house, 2 barns and other outbuildings; good fence; splendid soil; mile to u. R. town: excellent school and church privileges; only $50 per acre. AN IDEAL STOCK RANCH. 632 acres, 2 houses. 3 barns and out building; good orchard, gqod soil, plenty of fruit; 1 mile from R. R. station; an Ideal stock farm and a bargain at only $16 per acre. CHOICE HOME. 165 acres; 4 miles from' a growing R. R. town; 75 acres In cultivation; gooi soli, plenty of fruit; new 9-room house. 2 barns and other outbuildings; moun tain water piped to the house; a nice Ir rigating ditch for garden and berries; oh gravel road, dally mall, telephone In house; this Is a bargain at $5,000; terms. CALDWELL & CO., Philomath, Or. 68-ACRE HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM near Beavcrton: stock, crop and Im plements; will sell cheap. Thomason, 223 Chamber of Commerce. M. A. QUNST ft CO- DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. EVERDING & FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchants, 140 Front st., Portlsr.d, Or. Phone Main 178. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlng Co. Manufacturers of furnl ture for the traae. Portland, or. WADHAM' & CO.. WHOLESALE GRO cers, manufacturers and commission merehs-ts. 4th ana pan sts. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special orders. K Kuvensky s furnl ture factory. 807 Front st. ALLEN A LEWIS. COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts.. portiano. ur. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND glassware. . Prael, Hegeie & Co., Port land, or. LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co.,' Barbers' Supplies, Barbers' Fur niture. Warners- chairs, lath Morrison. TRANSPORTATION. OREGON FARMS. I have choice lands In different coun- ' ties In Oregon, in tracts of 6 acres to. 1,100 acres, and in price rrom $11 per acre up. Some special bargains In small tracts eight miles from tne city. D. L. LE FEVRE. Room 10. 142H 2d st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and lli days,. 400 NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Z. M. Parvln, musical doctor and teacher, 85 Russel bldg. Voice culture, piano, harmony, counterpoint. Low Rates From the East During September and October the Great Northern railway will aell colo nist tickets from all eastern points at greatly reduced rates. New Tork to Portland IK50.00 Boston to Portland IMA.- Chicago to Portland S33.00 St. Paul to Portland 1 Minneapolis to Portland ' Duluth to Portland ( 825.00 Sioux City to Portland . . ' Proportionate reductions from other polnt,s. Now. Is the time to send for your friends. Orders for tickets will receive prompt attention. Additional Information on application to H. Dick son, C. P. & T. A.. 123 Third street. Portland. Or. Phones Main 880, Home A-2286. COOS BAY Weekly Freight and Passenger Service of tne Pine Steamship Breakwater Leaves POBTLAMTS every Monday, 8:00 p. m., , from Oak-street Dock, for EMPfRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIBLD Freight Received Till 4 p. m. on Day of Sailing. PARI! Prom Portland, Ist-olass, $10.00; Bd-class, 97.00, Including berta and meals. Inquire City Ticket OTlce, Third and Washington sts., or Oak-street Dock. I CURE MEN While I might with equal success turn my attention to the cure of all bodily ailments. I feel safer In confining my practice to the diseases that have claimed my entire time and energy In mastering for the past 25 years. My methods of treating men are a result of my own studv and experience. They are tne methods that have made me a successful specialist and are prnctlced by no physician othor than myself. MY FEE IN SIMPLE CASES You Pay WhenWell Improper treatment of contracted dls-' eases can easily bring loss of power. An examination reveals this very cause In a large portion of the cases of weak ness. Lingering Inflammation center ing In the prostate gUnd la sure to result In disordered functions, and the condition will never be corrected until the Inflamed and swollen gland la re store! to its normal state. 1 thorough ly cure every contracted disease I treat. The remedies I employ are known to myself alone, and no other physician has yet produced equally prompt and thorough cures. Tarloooele, Hydrocele, Speclflo Blood Poison, Piles and Stricture are lnoluded In the list of diseases X cure. $10 WHY MY CURES ARE LASTING Because the methods I employ meet even the most minute details of those ailments to which they apply and are readily modified to meet the require ments of Individual esses. Because my treatment la ample, sclentlno and thor ough, my cures are comuaate and last ing, and my patients have no relapses, for the same reason I am usually able to cure In much leas time than Is com monly required in obtaining but par tial results. WEAKNESS So long as physicians continue along the old lines of treatment of this dis order, men will continue to be disap pointed time and again In their efforts to ohtnln a cure. I have found that disorders entirely locsl sre responsible for prematureness. loss of power, etc., and that there Is not even the slight est possibility of obtaining a cure through use of Internal remedies. My treatment Is directed toward the re moval of all abnormal conditions throughout the organs Involved, and I do not fall In a single Instance to re Ktora complete and permanent activity of all the functions. X offer oonanltatlon free either at my office or by mail, and am always glad to render any advice that may be help ful. All correspondence strictly confidential. SB. TATXrOB. The Leading BpeolaUlsH. CONSULTATION FREE THE Dr. TAYLOR CO. 234 i Morrison Slree Oor. Second. POBTXjABXt, OBEOOV. FOR WOMEN ONLf lr. Sanderson's Compound Bavin and Cotton Root Pills. The host and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PER lODS. Cure the most obs'ln ate cases In 8 to 10 days. Price tl per box, mailed In plain wrapper. Sold oy uruggiais every wnira, Amiresi i. J. PIERCE. 181 First St.. Portland. Or. VJan HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSE, WAGON AND HARNESS, Just right for grocer, butcher or light express. A bargain. See Tomllson & Casidy, 1st and Washington. Ask for Little's outfit. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MUSIC AND BAND INSTRUMENTS; -expert repairing. C. E. York, 237 Vfc Btark. FOR SALE DOUBLE BARRELED" Parker shotgun. 8S: 733 Bldwell ave., Sellwood, or C-ll, Journal.' , ! For Astoria OO S FastSteamcrTelegraph Daily (except Thursdays). LeaveoAIdet tree? dock I a. m. fun days I a. ta, f 1 round trip. " -r.non u& t Be a Perfect Did you ever stop to consider the fact that you are not as good a man as you used to be; physically, mentally and otherwise? Do you know why? Fslllng power, loss of vitality and drains are the most frequent cause. It stands you in hand to stop those drains on your very vital force Itself. Go to a specialist who can cure these ailments quickly and surely. Come to us. SEXX RXLP WKEBB XT XS CEBTAXXT TO BB POUND. This Institution has built up Its splendid practice more by the recommendations given It by Its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS, who have received the benefit of Its modern, scientific and legitimate methods, than In any other way. If you are not a perfect man come to us. Isn't It worth the little time It will take when you are CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of HONEST. SINCERE physicians. A consultation costs you nothing EXCEPT your own time. OUR FEE $10.00 Established 87 Tears In Portland. Consultation Free We Will Treat Any Single Uncompli cated Ailment for 910.00. Absolute Guarantee ISo Pay Unless Cured We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD, SPER MATORRHOEA, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL STAGES, VARI COCELE. HYDROCELE. GONORRHOEA. GLEET, OR ANY OF TUB DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Personal attention given all patients WE CURE WEAKNESS This is to men Who lack courage, whoso nerves are shaky, whose eyes have lost the sparkle, whose brains ure muddled, idens confused, sleep restless, confidence gone, spirits low and easily depressed, who are backward, hesitating, unable to venture because they are afraid of failure, who want somebody to -decide for them, who are weak, run down and restless. It 1s to men who have part or all of thesn symptoms and want new life, now energy. We especially solicit those rases in which many so-called treatments have failed, or where money has been wasted on other methods of treatment. Don't experiment when our direct method offers a certain means of cure by local treatment. WE CURE VARICOCELE Varicocele onuses congestion of the blood In some of the most vital blood vessels of man. It causes a dull, heavy, listless feeling, which Is often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline Varicocele re sults from partial paralysis of the delicate nerve flbtrs that control local circulation of the blood. The muscular coating of the veins Is deprived of nervous control and become inactive, weakens and relaxes. The blood vessels expand from the pressure within. The circulation becomes slug gish and clots form In little nooks and pockets that constantly enlarge 88 the relaxation continues. We have cured thousands of complicated cases where others have failed. Our offices are well appointed and equipped with the most mod ern appliances and the latest Inventions essential for the proper and up-to-data treatment and cure of spec! al diseases You may consult us privately In confidence. You will be examined In a thoroughly scientific manner and our diagnosis and advice will be cheerfully given to you absolutely free of charge. After this if you de sire to be treated we will cure you and make you well and strong as ycu ought to be. No matter what your ailments are, call or Write to us todsy, stating your case plainly in your own way, and receive the benefit of a modern, skillful diagnosis. All letters answered In plain, sealed envelopes. OFFICE HOURS 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; evenings. 7 to 8:80; Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. ' 87 Tears' Experience. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY OOBBBB ffBOOBD AHXt TAMBTX.L TXEETI, POBTXUXD, OBXOOB. DOCTORS FOR THE RELIABLE SPECIALISTS MEN COHSUI.TATIOW PBXJE. The Blighting Effects or Weakness and Disease Men whose vitality la exhausted, those who have some private disease or weakness lurking In their system, and who are prematurely old, while stm young in years Dronen aown wrecks of what they ought to be, and who want to be strong and to feel as vigorous aa they did-before they wasted their strength to enjoy life again to win back the vim, vigor and vitality ioat should consult with us before it is too late. It Is humiliating to know that your manly strength Is slipping away to be weak, nervous, fretful and gloomy; have pains and aches In different parts of the body, your sleep disturbed, weak back, headache, despondency, melan cholia, palpitation of the heart, unable to concentrate your thoughts, poor memory, easily fatigued, specks before the eyes, aversion to society, lack of ambition, will power depleted, dlssy spells, vital losses, poor circulation, to feel told, lifeless and worn out, primar ily induced in many cases through abuses, excesses, overwork, etc. We have gladdened the hearts of thousands of young and middle-aged men who were plunging toward the grave, restoring them to specimens of physical manhood. If you are lacking In these essential elements of manhood you should consult us st once, and we will restore you to what nature in tended in the shortest possible time nnd at the least possible cost that is consistent with skillful and honest treatment. Blood Poison Our special form of treatment for specific or contagious poison In the hli.od. the "king'' of bad diseases, is indorsed hv the best physicians In this and foreign countries. It R-oes to the very bottom of the disease ttnd forces out every particle of impurity. Soon every sign and symptom dis sppear completely and forever. The blood, the tissue, the flesh, the bones and the whole system are cleansed, purified and restored to per fect health, and the patient prepared anew for the duties of life. aXAKXBATXOB PBXB. Before placing your east la hands of a Boeelallat tow treatment, XBTBtTXOATS fcla m e d 1 o a 1 qnallflcationa to treat you. DOK'T TAXI KX WOBO FOB XT. Be m aUs. sourlan and hare him "snow you." j Our chief Consulting Pbt slclan, WHO CAW IIWATI bb sunn win tov oaxa, graduated from a leading eastern medloal oo liege March, 1889. DIPLOMA XABOIHcf XX OPPIOB. : Be waa licensed to praotloe medlolne in Oregon oy tne State Board of Medloal Ba. aminera July, 1900, UCXURSB bawoxxo XX orrxca. . Poat-rraduate of the Poljr cllnlo of Xew Tork City. Xas had an erperienea la the treatment of diseases and weaknesses of men and ehronia diseases extending ovec . m period of nearly a quarter of a century. Call for PBEE COXSVX.TATXOX and. BXABOCXATXOX or writ fof ' full information before taking treatment, as you will find our onargea lower ana treatment quicker and better than elsewhere. At all times we are anxious to see those who have "given up hope, M Barely If ever Is a case beyond help. No matter whether it is urethral Obstruction, Varicocele. Hydrocele, Bupture, Skin Diseases, Xiost Titallty, If ervous Debility. Blood Poison, Blotches, Bores, Kidney and Bladder or Contracted Diseases or any of the diseases and weaknesses of men. , QUALIFICATIONS Our Methods: Quick Results. Lasting Cores. Reasonable Fees Onr MoHo: Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Unless Ccrcd nnii fk hit m mm . m m m vm k ta bh u r sb m m m m m m V; a - - J Morrison SI, near Fii.h, Per 3. Crc. Offloe Hour t a. an. t I p. aa Sundays. 10 to 1 on'r. thing Strictly Confidential. Separate) Beceptlon Boom s. miaaUoaa Xada te AU Oases Where Xecessary.