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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1907)
) ! .1 4, .' t . ,1.1 ' ( 12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBR 24. 1007. Ti TODAY'S MARKETS With Early Delivery Staring: Them in the Face Short Sellers of Hops Are Now Freely Offering 9c to the Growers HOP TRADE TO SMOOTH WILL MAKE LARGEST SHIPMENT OF SHEEP Increase in Transactions Expected Nine (Vnts Is Now Freely Offered. Latest market features: Hop buvtng t. loom lively. Pressed meats t ill very firm. Eggs selling lit various prkea. Poultry market In dangerous. Cornmeal advanced 20c. Walnut price opened much higher. Provision price are changed. East Inquiring for Oregon wheat Flour market gaining strength. Potatoes are unite Blow aellor. Trade says onlona are too high. Bod Boylnr to Btoomt Lively. Present Indications are that tracing .ui; onnanaa. oc 10 (Special Dispatch to Journal. I Albany, Or., Sept. 24. Hecker Brother of thla city are prepar ing to drive a band of 4,000 aheep across the fasendes Into the val ley. They ure a part of a shlp ment of about 7,000 Cotawold buck to be shipped to Denver, Colorado. One consignment of 3,ooo bucks haa already been alilpped. The work of gathering together 7,000 bucks entails much labor and expenditure of time. Thla consignment muet be ready for shipment before the winter snows close the roadway leading across the mountains, and Is possibly the largest ship ment of the kind made In the his tory of the northwest. In hops will show a heavy Increase r;x; limes. Mexican. J4 ". .ithi.. h n.rt r-w .lavs Nine cents pies, $5,604 0.00 doi; gr 4 la now said to be freelv offered but Concords. 2025c; Delaware. 164IC ? only one sale the purchase of 100 bales peaches. eantaloupes, fl 25 ii i ' u. ,, ko thua fur hpen 1 aO, tilums. i.04ioc: watermelons. 1 vr un.iy ... ...... -:i ... .... ..en .confirmed at that price and tne irior ""i'i, i- i. 'u"1 lemons. $606.10 can, 14 per 100; plncap-di-i; grapes, 76c(fr$l 2o; r '-vMvi this is all that was mane up in f , , , yesterday However, the indications huh TABl-hS Turnips, new. tic ; are that 9c will be paid In a number of 11.00 sack; carrots 76c0$l per Back; ' i -. Instances today bocause the dealers beets. $1.60 per sack; parsnips 1 1-000 i . . th. r,A m r. nut in the conn- $126; cabbage. Uc lb: tomatoes, ! . try after them Practically every large Oregon. 4060c; beans 2!3c; green. ' buyer sent agents out In the country wc per id; cauimower. os, : . this mornlns brleht and early so ss to I peas, ftc; norseraaisn, nc id arucnoxas. - . . . ... - ., .... I n l f.r . 64f i6c doi; green onions, 16c per doi; ', . ., . ,h Den peppers, itasc per iu noinouse lei- . ll? ihJir hn so under 9 luce $1 boi ; cucumbers, hothouse. 16 I2W,L A?. 'U lPnrf defers are doi; radishes. 15c doren bunches; ii.m, I ll.r-i nno nt tha most em, ceiery. iBc. mem HELP TO IS SHORTS COVER TRADE LATE IN TRADE Report That Judge Landis Those Who Sold Wheat Dismisses Alton Case Causes Reversal. Early Buy It Back at Advance. STOCK MARKET GAINS. Amalgamated Anaconda . . . Atchison Brooklyn Canadian .... St. Paul Colo. Fuel . . . Til Nat. !ead ...... 4N. Y. Cen. miteadlng ... H Pacific .. ;T. Pacific . . W'. S. Steel ., 4 1 do pref. . . STOCK MARKET US8ES. Smelter 1 Colo. So. 1st.. Gt. North, pref. mPenn (leased Wire Overbeck A-Cooke Co.) New York, Sept. 24. After a very dull though weak opening the stork market strengthened but was still duU 1 howerg Through on I JTorthwett. Western Oregon and wester!f"" Washington Showers tonight or Wednesday; southerly winds. Eastern Oregon, eastern Wash ington and northern Idaho Showers tonight or Wednesday; cooler Wednesday. Southern Idaho Fair tonight, warmer east portion; Wednes day, fair and cooler. PHYSICIANS WILL IUSPECTSCHOOLS Corps of Doctors Will 3Iake Weekly Visits to Every District. 1 i i f Portland'a schools will be Inspected every week by a corps of young phy sicians under the direction of Dr. Ba ther C Pohl, city health officer, without cost to the city or district. At Its meeting last evening tne school board aocepted Dr Pohl's pro posal outlined soon nter the opening of school. Mrs. Millie K. Trumbull, of the board of charities, also offered the school board the free assistance of a number of nurses who will aid the physicians In preventing Infectious dis eases in the schools If You Need a Home, We Need You, and We Will Be Pleased to Tell You What Advantages We Can Offer You in IrVington Park. j This Is considered a distinct achieve- ment and at the sums time an original Lone. The idea was advanced by Dr. Pohl after a thorough canvass of the T situation, and Its practicability Imme- i : M prominent buyers In the state, went up Groceries, Mats, Etc. 1 h v1lv th mnrnlnf and BflVS that I (II'niR iih III I1U TttwArA j . the will probably take In several lots $5.97 V4j : berry. $5.f7ft; dry granulated, 1 . . during the trip. Mr. Hart says that $5,774, star. $6.S?4; conf. A., $4.77; j ". f there will be something doing In hops ,xtra B. $5 27 4; golden O. li.liH: D I " ..' anon: some surprises being promised In yellow $5.07 Vi ; beet granulated, $6,674; the wsy of purchases and prices. 1 barrels, 10c; half barrels, Zbc; boxes. Sarly Bales Must Be Covered. 5c advance on sac oasia. It im at a I a1 that sn rl v stalest nf hoOH I i ' tnutt be covered by the local trude with- qUuQvry t j, crat out delay, as the intern buypr- nre al- COKFEK .'ivekaga branda, $16,189 i ready clamoring for thr purchanea. It 1(J tin rM)orttvl that thi- will brlnii forth a air t r- wi inn. c 1 1 number of of frs at top value $12.o0 per ton: 60a. tll.00; tabie. dairy E. N. Young, who was in tne rny mis 6o n,iQt ioOs, $17.26; bales. $2.26; morning, stated that the crop this year mpc,rted Liverpool. 50s. $20.00; 100s, on the west side ranges from to to ill $1J,00; 4s $18.00; extra hns barrels; Is, per cent smaller than Inst year. Mr. Sg and 0, $4 5046 60; Liverpool lump Young states that the yards in the vi- rocK 120 6O per ton; 60-lb rock. $11. vu; cinuy 01 innepnnutMro imvr nc .- lous, 110 60. quality in recent years because they (Above prices apply to sales of less were properly sprayed. He also stated tnan car lota. Car loti at special prlcea tthat some very poor quality Is shown in subject to iluctuatlons.) sgme, uiBiricui, inus nmiiiming an 1 khjb; imperial Japan, no. j, c; rxo. cent remarks made In this paper. Walanta Open With Heavy Advance, Watnut prices are now open for the season or iui-r, ana are ruiiy c a pound higher thsn the exorbitant fig ures 01 a year ago. it was Denevea oy all that the extremely high values quot- 2. 6tt0 5 4iic: New Orleans, head. 7c; Ajax, be; Creole. bc. BEANS-mall white, $3.75; larg. white, $:) 5; pink, $3.66; bayou. $3.90 Llmas. $6.60; Mexican reds. 114c. NUTS Peanuts. Jumbo. V4c per 10 Virginia. 7 4c per lb; roasted. 10c per id; Japanese, t &Hr; roasteo. i ut i ate In the day. The recovery was Iv4i4f 444 4 4 44444 caused by the report that Judge Lndls ruirinr, wwr.-r VA,,-v-a md whitewashed the Alton hy dlsmls-1 Ing the rebating case today. I Kept. n. Bept. 23. (lain. 10& The rumor that the Westlngbouse and nepi. 73 General Electric companies had pur- Dec 100 A 100 SB ; 7 based about 26.000,000 pounds of cop- May 106 V 106 4 B 4 79 per at 16c was also an aid. Metal quo-I atlons today were steady at 15ig 164c t Leasee; Wire Overbeck Cooke Co.) or Lake, 144V15'" for Electro and Chlcasn. Rn 5i Th. . London was lower early in the day break In wheat values early owing to Tor Americans. Official prices DESCRIPTION. ed by the California association a year ib."wnlm;,. California. 17 c per lF go wouia no ; ue aujiiiaueu lor raauy plne nut. nlBc per lb; hickory nuts. ,u" " 1"" ; ,, L 10c per lb; Braxll nuts, 18c per lb; ril- not only met them, but actually ahow berU. lc per lb; fancy pecans. 1820o tne snai-nest aavance ever maae at in u ik- ik u; , - . I ' " a.i.l.....a. -T with the previous one. In this city Jobbers are asking 17 He a pound In sin gle aacks. Anotbar Boost la Baaa Talnaa. In all lines of the bean market, with the exception of Mexican reds, values are higher today. The firmness is es- 1 pedal! y noticeable In large whites and 14 to 16 lbs, 16c per lb; 18 to 20 lbs I pinks but all grades are showing con- 16c; breakfast bacon, 16 4 if 22c pei j aider-able strength. One of the principal )b; picnics, 10c per lb; cottage roll 1 reasons for the advance today Is that ISc per lb; regular short clears un . the crop in Michigan la considerably 1 smoked, 12c per lb; smoked 12o per lb : oamagea ana eastern nuvers nave at-1 clear backs, unsmoxea, 12c; smoked, 13 ; ready invaded the California market. I per lb: Union butts. 10 to 13 lbs. un The spot market for beans has been smoked, 12c per lb; smoked 13c per lb firm for some time; more especially for I clear bellies, unsmoked, 1140 per lb Meats, Fish and Provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, rancy, 4o per lb; large, i&c per lb; veal, extra, 4lc per lb; ordinary, B4c per lb; poor, ttpo per lb; mutton, fancy. 89o per lb. HAMS, BACON. ETC. Portland pack. (local) nam.-. 10 to it ids, ibc per it 1 large wnnes ana pinss, ana in is uhiii J . T trade crazy. It was expected that when shoulders. smoked 134 per lb; age news from the east has set the per lb; pickled tonguos, 70c each. 12Vo LOCAL LArtD kettle leaf, 10s, 130 5 the new limas came In that prices would I Pr lb; 6s. 3 He per lb; 60-lb tins, 120 L recede in that grade, but the great I per lb; steam rendered, 10a. 1214c per 1 -strength in all other lines Is now x-1 lb; 6s, 12jic per lb; compound. 10c, peeled to hold up the llmas to present or better figures. Small Kama, Xlgliar, Others Sown. llc per lb. 4. j w-s 1. vu( t iivuuurji a. c per lb; halibut, 6c per lb; striped bass, l&c per 10; catrisn, lie per lb; sal The Union Meat company today ad- I mon, fresh Columbia Chinook. 8c per i vajicea mo price ox amiui mrai c a 10; slivers, 7c per lb; herrings, pouna ana cut me value on tne larger 50 per m: soles. 6c per lb lies the same' amount Picnics are shrimps. 12o per lb: oerch. 6c down c while standard lard is ad- per lb; tomcod, 7o per lb; lobsters, lc vancea. mo oiner cnanges in provis- per id; rresn macgerei, c per id; craw ' ions. flBh. Z6c per doxen; sturgeon, 124c per uressea meat marKet remains in rine id; disck bass, zuc per id; stiver smelt, shape with small arrivals of fancy veal. 7c per lb; froxen shad, 60 per lb black . Some obtaining He advance for small cod. 7Hc per lb. , aixes, OYSTERS Shoal water bay, per gal- . Chicken - market Is showing very ion, $2.60; per 100-lb sack, $5.00; Olym- neavy receipts toaay. wnne some deal-1 pia, per gai on, z.zs; per 110-10 aacg, ers have been receiving an advance of I $6.00 8.60: Eagle, canned. 60c can: 17 late over the printed list this has hurt I dozen; eastern In shell, $1.76 per nun- tne marKet and today chickens are on area. . dangerous ground. I CLAMS Hardshell, per box. $2.40 Eggs are selling at all sorts of prloes razor clams, $2.00 per box; lOo per dog. - some taixing or auc lor strictly rresh Paints, Goal Oil, Etc SKSh. T? ll h,fr" are bIe ROPE-Pure Manila, 15c; standard, to obtain 32 4c. 13c; sisal. 10 c. Potato Market Za Slow. COAL Oh Pearl or Astral Cases, There Is a verv slow demand In po- l84c per gal- water white, iron bbls, tatoes at this time; both local and out- ?41Per-av wooden- 1I?,Per nead- side. Some small buylne Is still re- u&ht. 170 deg., cases, 21Ho per gal. ported but at a lower range of values. I UASOL1IS fc. deg., cases, 440 per While some dealers are nt 111 trvlna "IL-lr.0.1.RPis, ic per gai. . to obtain $2.25 for best onions their . UKNinjs ejoeg.. cases, Z6c per gal; .ales are nominal and most of the ,r?I, p&vtuwJ?61"!... oh ,,. 'stocks moved Pre at $2. TURP1I.NTIJ.& In cases, 86c per gal: Few fine neaches are shown In mar- wooden bb -, 93o per al. rew line peacneu are snown in mar- willTIS T F!AI1 Ton Int. 7.. nar IK- from Honolulu are In Five dollars a dozen for I WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7fce Der lb: 600-lb lots. 8c per lb; less lots, 84c. WIRK NAILS Present basis at $3.18 per keg. INQUIRY FE0E ExlST ABOUT COAST WHExlT ket today. Pineapples larger supply most. Front street prices: Grain. Flow an a read. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 9c, large lots; small lots, 9 4c. WHEAT New Club. 82c; red Rus sian, 79c; bluestem, 84c; valley, 82c. CORN Whole, $9; cracked, $30 ton. By Hyman H. Cohen BARLEY New Feed, $22.50 23.60 That the wheat crop of the middle per ion; roiiea, m.ituiff; brewing, west states is not nearly as heavy as ia.Dviffii.uv come Dear icaaers wouia nave me puo- RTE $1.66 per cwt. 11c believe, is amply shown by the re- OATS New Proucers' price No. i quests now coming from all parts of White. $24.00 per ton; gray, $23.00. the east and middle west regarding the FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents, shipment of Oregon wheat to those sec- $4.80; straights, $4.26; exporta, fi.SO; Hons. valley. $4.304.40; graham, 4s, 13.76; These Inquiries are now beginning to whole wheat. $4.00; rye. 60s. 16.60: come In large numbers and this lndi- bales, $B.00. cates that the time is about ripe for MILLSTUFFS Bran, $17.00 per ton; sales east of the Rockies. The present middlings, $25.00; shorts, country, $20; price of wheat in the east is Just about city, iiy; cnop, (lo.uvi.uu. 1 iuku tuuuKii iu numii ox snipmenia irum HAT Producer's price Timothy, the Pacific coast If transportation could w lliamexie vaiiey, xancy, 1D.UU(U17.U0; I VK ecur?u wmioui 100 inuun ueiay. 120 24 129 142 ii" 26 67 644 70 60 106 K 34 69 1804 Am. Cop. Co.... I 69 Am. c. c Am. Cot OH. c 82 4 Am. loco., c Am. Sugar, c. .. 113 4 Am. Smelt., c. . 90 4 do preferred Ana. Min. Co. . 884 Am. Woolen, c Atchison, c ... 874 B. & O., c 914 Brook. R. T. .. 45 V Can. Pac.. c. ...165 tent. Leainer, c. C. A O. W, c C, M. A 8. P. C. & N.. c. . . Chesa. A O. . . Colo. F. A I., c. 22 1:010. 8., 0 23 I icla. & Hudson. I) & R- Q.. c. . Erie, c do 2d pfd do 1st pfd. . . Ot. North, pfd.. Illinois Cent. .. Louis. & Nash.. Mex. Cent. Ry. . M., K. A. T., a. Distillers- Ore Lands Mis. Pac 4 Nat. Lead N. Y. Cent N. Y.. O. A W. . Nor. A W.. com. No. Amer No. Pac, com. . . Pac. M. St. Co I'enn. Ry P. G., L. A C. Co Pres. St. Car, c. Reading, com Kep. 1. & H.. c. Rock Island, c. . . St. L. A S. F. 2 p St. L. A 8. W., c. So. Pac, com. . . So. Ry., com. . . Tex. A Pnc T.. St. L. & W. c Union Pac. c... 11304 Union Pac, p. . . 80 4 11. is. Kuooer. c. . . . . U. 8. Steel, c. . . 28 U. 8. Steel, p.. . 91 9 2Vt 3$' 4 113 92 89 88 91 47 166 121 69 32 604 38 33 38 231 23 24 ISO's 142 'i74 36 67 64 70 61 106 84 ' 132 iii" 87 27 97 21 19 86 16 132 82 28 the extreme heartshness of opening ca bles. The latter recovery and strength was due to the good cash call. The bulls and bears both had a turn at the market today. The weakness took place during the morning with more or less long wheat coining on the market and quite a lot of short selling At th Rfl mm fm t r, (ha KfauL- Ka 62 I mnrlt.t rnn Into ovlr.m. H , IT ,1 - a 1134,1134 1 Shipping and exmrt hnslnpsn lnrtr1 t0 f! fresh buvlns-. rmiRlnir ahnris tn .,.r There was some talk of selling nt Mln- neanolls hv Chlcflirn tatnrm It mam tain that a number of noithwest bmiKes were among the best buyers of wheat nere late in the session At St. Ionls there was a ble demand for cash wheat. No. 2 hard sold nt $1.02 Rradstreet's report of grain visible supply: heat- East of Rockies, decreased 116.000 bushels; Canada, decreased 67B - 000 bushels; Europe and afloat Increased 6.50C.000 bushels; total Increase, 5.708. 000 bushels. Corn Increased 1, 402,000 bushels. Oats Increased 1,76',000 bushels. Official prices: WHEAT. 21 88 91 46 165 17 9 121 146 34) 34l 8441 344 874 91 45 166 120 practicability diately struck the members of the board. At the meeting of the board last evening City Superintendent Rlgler In formed the members that after the February examinations additional high school room would b reeded. Whether an annex will be -constructed on the east or west side or an entirely new high school building erected, remains to be worked out later. The school hoard Intends a vigorous enforcement of the compulsory educa tion law ana truancy will be prosecuted. Children between the ages of six and 14 years must be kept In school unless pnysicany unaoio; also, oil cnuaren between the ages of 14 and 16 years who are not regularly employed in use ful pursuits. Action on the domestic science de partment proposed by Director Flelsch ner. was brought up by that official and postponed until the return from the east of City Superintendent Rlgler, who will gather necessary data In connec tion with the Innovation. . ioHtdents of Rose City Park applied for a teacher on half pay to teach the 15 pupils In that suburb, and the mat ter was referred to citv Superintendent Rlgler with power to act. 22 23 23 129 138 ii' ' 36 57 634 55? 106 83 69' ' 130 iio 86 27 96 21 19 86 16 130 81 28 91 90 22 23 159 24 20 35 46 130 136 108 17 35 67 63 l 106 33 4 71 684 131 24 120 86 27 96 21 19 37 Vi 13 86 IW 24 131 81 29 Sept. Pec. Sept. Dec. May Sept. Dec. May Sept. Oct Jan. Wabash. com... 11 I 11 4 1 11 11 v. u. lei 76 Wis. Cent., c.... 15 Call money closed 2 4 08 per cent. Total sales for today, 814,800 sharei EAGLE'S NEST HOLDS WHILE OTHERS DECLINE The flour situation locally Is the strongest ever sech In this market at the Btart of the season and the advance predicted some time ago for local grades looks much nearer. Old flour is selling very fast on this account. New flour has not yet appeared upon the market for the reason that It Is not sufficiently aged. This Is the latest date that new flour haB appeared on the market for tnany seasons. Millers are paying such EGJGS Extra fancy, candled. 5crf P.r ces Ior. .w.nenl i.nat lnev w9ula 80c; eaHtern, 27 28c. w u unaoie to sen meir uour at a reduc- rriFRSR New PMll crom ... tlon from the present figures. In all ordinary. $1I.OO14.00; eastern Oregon, ill.uv: rauea, siu.uu'o-' iu.:u; Clover, $1011; grain. $1011; cheat. $10 II. Bnttar, Eg-g-s and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland Sweet cream, 834c: sour. 3d 4c BUTTER City creamery, 35c; seconds, 82c; eastern. 324c; state fancy. S0$32c; seconds, 30g31c; lore, urpsn, utuc. Uffll6ic oer lb.: Youne Am.riV T.' proDanuity tnis will aoon force another 17 c per lb' ; eastern. 17 c " a(lva,1C,?. "ehp-r i.?1 -,eSp2rL Kradf! old. POULTRY Mixed chickens, fancy hens, I4c IOC ID; rryers, L ii- rLi UP- At tne Present price of export It Is 11,.' r"os,;er8- unlikely that the local grades will ad . 1.' . uroners. I . i u ...... . . . , . 1 in ih- Hn,.lf 14c Ih i,i in ine iTrtrva iiffiir ih fnr am- .n,,.K. latter grade It will not iiKelv be made iisonilSana li "R tl 5quati; until the new crop Is In market. 12.50 doz,, pigeons, IU6 doi; dressed tri,. i t Cnlifomia poultry, 1W1C per lb. higher. Hops, Wool and Hldas. and thus allow the local grades to move 24. Government Flour sales to California are increas Ing at a lively rate and this may force the local prices h gher sooner tnan an HOPS 1907 croo Choice c: nrlme tlcipated. to choice, 88Hc; ordinary 7 8c lb; " ''Sfxni016?'.,6,8, n.v.ii UnHed States Government Bonds. eastern Oregon. 18021a ' . New York, Sept. MOHAIR New 1907 -29' 29c. S?nV: , SHEEPSKINS Shearing. H20e Two, registered each; thort wool. 15 40c; medium, wool. coupon 0jjf75c each; long. wool. 7S6$1 each. Threee, registered .... TALLOW Prima, par lb, l 4c; No. coupon ..... I and grease, 0! e. - ;maJ? bo.n5? " . r.mTTTVi niki-iifli'ri' Dis Columbia, S-65ii. - i. -.m Fours, registered, new ; irg; ouymg, wmw, MCWfi per sack: Philippine Fours ONI0N3 Jobbing ; price Oregon, Bid. ..106 ..106 ..102 ..102 ,.101 ..118V4 -.125 ..125 .105 .109 Asked. 106 106 101 101 126 126 106 (Leased Wire Overbeck & Cooke Co.) ful strength of Eagle's Nest In the face of another break in Nevada shares to day is attracting attention. Goldfleld Consolidated lost 22 o today. During the session Its dlvklend of 10c a share. Sayable today, was officially announced lohawk declared a dividend of 60c payable October 23. urnciai bid prices: GOLDFIELD DISTRICT. Sandstorm 42c. Columbia Mt. 40cA. Jumbo Ext. $1.42, Pennsylvania 3cA, Kendall 22c, Blue Bull 2c, Adams 11c, Silver Pick 48c, May Queen 10c. Nev. Boy 6c, B. B. Ext. 6c, Blue Bell 14c, Dixie 6c, G. Columbia 30c. Hlbernla 6c. St. Ives 70cA, Conqueror c, Blk. Rock c, Lone star lc, u. wonder 3c, Oro, 16c, Kendall Ext. 2c, Sandat. Ext. 4c, Mayne 6c, Atlanta 36c, Great Bend 4tfc, Simerone 12c. Empire 10c Red Top Ext. 23c. Florence $3.90. Dlam'f B. B. Con. 21c, -G. Daisy $1.00, Common wealth 25cA. Comb. Fract $1.80, Gr. Bend Ext. 10c, Gr. Bend Anx. 9cA, B. H. Bonanza 4c, Kewanos 47c. Esmeralda 9c, Portland 18c, Cracker Jack 16cA, Lou Dillon 8c, Y. Tiger 17c, Grandma Red Hill 41c. Mohawk Ex, lOcA. 12c. S. Pick Ext. ScA. Col. Mt. Ext. 6cA. Goldf. Cons. $7.07, Dlamf. Triangle 18c. COM8TOCK DISTRICT. Ophir $1.26, Mexican 69c, Gould & Curry 30c, Con. Virginia 80c, Savage 79c, Hale & Norcross $1.00, Yellow Jacket $1.60. Belcher 36c, Confidence 0cA, Sierra Nev. 49c, Exchequer 83c, Union 40c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 5cA, Bullf. M. C. llcA, Mont. Bullf. 3c, Nat. Bank 17c. L. Harris lc. Amethyst 18cA, Gold Bar 48c, Steinway 5cA, Denver Buf. Anx. 6c, Bonnie Clare 67cA. Mayfl. Cons. 26c. G. Scepter ScA. Monty. Mt. lOcA, B. Daisy lOcA, Yan kee Girl 40cA, Nugget 4c, Tramp Cons. 34c, Victor ScA, North Star 6cA. Sun set 4cA. TONOPAHS. Ton. Nev. $10.50, Ton. Ext. $1.50, MacNantara 35c, Ton. Belmont $2.40, Ton.' Nd. Star lc, Ohio Ton. lc. West End Cons. 65c, Rescue 11c, Ton. A Calif. 4c, Golden Anchor 10c, Jim But ler 75c, Ton. Cash Boy 4c, Ton. Home 4c, Bost. Ton. lOcA, Monarch Pitts. Ex. 5c, Mont. Mid. Ext. 8c, Golden Crown 6c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. TOcA, Seyler Hump. 4c, Dexter lOcA, L. Joe ScA. Crescent 2c. Combination 2cA. Granny 23cA, Mus- tunn lacA. Little tJrev l.cA. Cowlww oc, urig. Mann. sca. uroncno ica, Jump. Jack 14c, Plnenut 6o. Buffalo 4cA, S. Dog 18c, Y. Horse 3c. Indian Camp 6c. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Fairv. Silver King 15cA, Fairv. Eagle $1.30A, Nevada Hills $5A, Pittsburg niiver i-eaK n.iiyt, ji,agie s iest a7c. Ruby Wonder 25cA, Alice of Wonder bCA. Sept. Oct. Jan. Sept. Oct. Jan. Open. High. Low. Closs. 96 96 95 96 99 100; 99 100 A 106 106 105 106 CORN. 60 61 61 61 66 67 66 67 B 67 58 67 68 B OAT8 62 62 B2 62 61 62 61 62 A 63 64 63 64 A MESS PORK. .... 1435 1435 1436 1435 B 1460 1450 1430 1430 1526 1532 1625 1530 B LARD. 910 910 910 910 900 910 900 910 862 875 862 875 SHORT RIBS. 84 845 845 845 842 846 842 845 787 795 7S7 796 EARTHQUAKES Irvington Park Is sightly; is as perfectly adapted for home building as though Nature had intended it for the particular-purpose. To the advantages that Nature has already placed in Irvington Park, we have added the multi tude of city conveniences, without which a modern residence section is an undesirable place to live. We have installed city water, a streetcar line is about to be tuilt to the cen ter of the park, electric lights and telephones are ready to be connected, the streets are grad ed, cement sidewalks laid and curbs in. Every thing is waiting for you to make op your mind to build your home right there. There are scores of excellent reasons why you should build your new home in Irvington Park. We merely ask you to call at our office and learn what they are. F. B. H0LBR00K CO. 250 Stark Street Telephone Main 5396 F. L SCHWAN 30th and Killingsworth SUM ALASKA Two Revere Shocks Are Felt at Skagfway Davidson Glacier Is 3Ioved. (United Press Leased Wire.) Juneau. Sept. 24. An earthquake shock was felt at 4 o'clock this morning at Juneau, Haines, Skagway. Sitka and other points along the coast. Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Sept 24 Official prices: WHEAT. Open. Close. 8ept 23. Loss. 8ept...7s 9d 7s 9d 7s 9d d iec. . . ib ii fto sny4a 7siid d March. 8s d 8s d 7slld' d CORN. Oct 6s 8d Jan 6s 3d 6a 7d 2d 6s San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, Sept. 24. Official prices: Wheat December, $1.63. Barley May, $1.49; December, $1.45 hogs arTscarce in THE LOCAL STOCKYARDS Hkagw-ay. Alaska, Sept. 24. A second and more severe earthquake shock oc curred shortly before 6 o'clock this morning which thoroughly aroused the innanitants. Dut did no damage. At noon a dispatch was received from William H. Seward that Davidson Glacier, one of the historical Ice fields or tne norm, nad moved forward. VALUABLE ESTATE FIGURES III CONTEST Widow and Son Arrayed Against Young Daugh ter and Trustees. 6s 8d d The contest of the will of Frank Zan, os ia d or Zanlnovleh. was bea-un before Judirn Webster in the county court this morn ing. An estate valued at about $26,000 is Involved in a contest in which the widow and a son of the deceased are ar rayed against the 8-year-old daughter and the trustees under the will. Zan drew the 'will October 12. 1905 In the office of Teal & Minor In this city. The next January, at Wlckenburg, A i-l. ha i I i , 1 u rwl V, a n.Hl ... im lea. it was rouna mat a small De quest only had been left to the son, D. A. Zan, and the widow had an Income for a term of years, while all the re mainder of the estate was to go to the daughter, Regina. The contestors allege that at the time PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. I the will was made, and for years previ- Hoes. Cattle Khcpn ous, Zan's mind was unsound, and that Today 190 2.'!" ' "e waa incapable of making the will. Week ago 435 70 j Testimony Is being heard this afternoon. ear ago Z69 . . . 321 Previous year 246 30 269 Portland Union Stockyards, Sept. 24. HOC-, nr. VAT-V Cn rtfl In tha Innq I prices being hold extremely stiff wltn in e market showinir a tendencv to ri Cattle market is dull at uncha values, with receipts fully up to the reoulrements of the trade Sheep market Is very steady with ar rivals too small for demand now cur rent. Values stationary. A year ago today all livestock was dull with values Just about holding their own. Official vard nriees: Hogs Best eastern Oregon $6.60 6.76: etockers and feeders, $6.006.26; tiiina rats, o.uu D 6. ZD Cflttlp Knot nnutapn $3.864.00; best cows and heifers, $2.76' iho.uu; ouns, mixed, $4.004.25; lambs, $4.60(3)4.78 mixed, $4.004.26; lambs, $.604.75. HORRIBLE FATALITY IN A LUMBER MILL (Special Dispatch to Tot JonrDtl.) Astoria, Or., Sept. 24. Herbert Spen cer, son of C. I. Spencer of this city, was killed last evening while working at Westport Lumber company's mill at Westport. Spencer was assisting In placing a large log on the carriage. The engineer, not noticing Spencer, set the machinery In motion and as the log turn ed it slipped, striking the lever and pushing it clear over. Instantly the car- Cattle Best eastern' Oregon steers rlae shot through the mill, tearing was thrown into the big drum, where, with the swift running cables, he was mangled frightfully. He was removed as soon as possible and everything pos sible was done to relieve his sufferings. His pelvis was crushed and he was in jured Internally. He lived but six hours. He was 30 years of age and leaves a wife and two children. Nature's Food FOR. WEAK NERVES If your nerves are weak they need energy nourishment. Drugs don't give that. The man who tries to cure a ner vous ailment by doping the stomach with drugs is working against na ture. Drugs poison the nerves de crease their energy. What the nerves want la nourishment some thing that gives new power. Elec tricity is nature'a food for the nerves. It's the power that runa the human machine. Nearly every ail ment can be traced to a lack of electric energy. When the body has a full supply of this force there can be no pain or sickness. Electro-Vigor pumps a stream of electric life Into the nerves while you sleep. It fills them with new energy new vim. It removes the cause of pain and sickness by giving to every organ and tissue the force which builds health. Electro-Vigor is an electrlo body battery, which makes its own power and la always ready for use. It is not an electric belt and re quires no charging. Electro-Vigor does not shock or blister. The only sensation Is a soothing glow, which quiets the nerves and Induces sleep. I give a free test to those who call. Every mall brings letters of praise: Since using your Electro-Vigor I am wonderfully Improved in health. It has made my back strong and I am not bothered with nervousness. W. H. CARLEY. Murphy's Cal. After three months' use of Electro- Vigor the losses are completely stopped and my power has returned. I will Indorse your treatment at any lime. Kxiwifl Li. KUBUJ. Skamokawa, Wash. THIS IS FREE! Cut out this- coupon and mail it to mo, for my free, 100-page book whlcli" tells all about my treatment and methods. This book is beautifully Illustrated. and tells In plain language many things you want to know. I'll send It closely scaled and prepaid, free, if you will mail me this coupon. bssbbbbbbbsbSb S. A. Hall. M. D. 1439 rillmora attract, BAST TKAHClaCO. Please send me. prepaid, your free 100-page illustrated book. 9-24-7 Name -Address Eastern Livestock Steady. Chicago, Sept. 24. Official run: . Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. v ............ wv jv.uwv n.UIMt Kansas City.. 10.000 25.000 R.onn I yjumiva. ,uuu 6b,0U0 16.000 Hogs are steady; left over 2S.00O. Re ceipts a year ago were 18.000: mixed, $5.90fl.24; good. $6.106.35; rough $5 455.90; light, $6.156:62. ' Cattle Steady. Sheep Steady. New Vork Cotton Market. Open. . .1096 . .1102 . .1108 .1111 .1115 Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today.. do year ago. . . $1,160,754.88 1,089,910.07 Liverpool Cotton Market. C-aln today $80,844.76 Balancea today 46,284.63 do year ago ' 2B7.81A.fls I Seattle clearings $1,688,677; balances 1 ia,uz. f JI.eS; bu.rlna- ti.i9: garlic. Tc per lb. - t,$&ZlJ)y! -S'.4i. I "T-Pool. Sept. 14. Cotton futures! Tacorna clearing fSZ6,20C; balancea, 1. : A fH.hll FRUITS Orangea, $4,500 'closed Btedy,3 points lower. . 195,408. . ;t'-,' , . - - vi- r ' - .... r .. . Jan. . . Feb. .. March April May . June 1117 July 1123 Sept Oct 1074 Nov 1077 Dec 1085 High. Low. 1108 1088 Sept. 24. 23. 1102 1108 1112 1126 1118 1133 i084 1088 1098 1102 1101 1111 1108 1117 1 1 14 1065 1078 1079 1097 1102 1108 1112 1116 1118 1123 1065 1071- 1080 1087 1097 1102 1108 1112 1117 1119 1123 1068 1074 1081 1089 FLORENCE-COOS BAY AUTOMOBILE LINE Dry Running a Surcess. (Soeclal Dlsp.trb to Th Jnurnnl.) Boise. Ida.. Sept. 24. Immigration Commissioner Allen Miller has Just re turned from Boise county and he re ports that a great deal of dry farming has been done in that section this sea son. He says the fruit and especially the apple crop Is very heaw ther n.i that dry farming, has been Very satis factory, the yle.'ds having been much greater than were expected. Grain is the principal crop, but on one tract h saw a fine field of corn, raised without water. He savs that drv firmin, 1. done on nearly all of one township In Thomas Wolfe of Florence is in Port land to purchase an automobile for a line which he and two other residents of Florence will establish between that place and Coos Bay, driving the ma chines up and down the beach on the sand. They expect to make the trip be tween the two points in two or three hours, the distance being only 40 miles. Another auto will be added to the line I lr It proves a success. This will glvo quicKer transportation faculties to Coos nay man are enjoyed at present. One can leave Eugene on the stage In the morning, reacning Florence that night ana arriving ai coos nay Derore noon the next day. RODENT CATCHER SEEKS NEW FIELDS Spanton Makes a "Home" Propo sition That You Can't Afford to Overlook We are building several first-class cottages in Spanton's Addition on East Twenty-sixth street not a single item is missing to make them homelike. They will be ready to move into October 15. Do you want one? $150 DOWN and easy monthly payments will secure a modern cottage home. Phone us during the day. Main 2828, or at our home ad dress, East 5562 in the evening. There are three of these cottages they will be sold in two or three days on the terms we are making. Portland s Jolly Pled Piper, A. Zalk. is yearning for other fields to connuer In addition to his work among the water front rats, and this morning made a request for people bothered with ro dents to report at once to the health office. Zalk. whose accent is that of the Romanoffs, hesitates to approach a housewife unannounced and inform her that he is after the rata around the place, hence the . request- for informa tion. X Z5e Spanton Company Best Equipped Real Estate Office In Portland 270 STARK STREET I CURB DISEASES OP MEN Those who have been disappointed by cheap and unskilled specialists are earnestly requested to Investigate my methods and terms without delay, which,- had they dona la the pasta. stag", would have aavsd them tlma, pain, worry and money X OUABABTEB AN ABSOLUTS AM) Xl&STXHO CUM. Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Bores, U1-. . . cera, JBtrlotnre, Varioocele, Hydrocele, jrervous Decline, Weakneaa, Pllas or Chronic Diseases of tha Kidneys and Prostata. I charge for cure only; nothing for failures. Investigate and learn that my word ia good. Twenty-five years of suc cessful practice and thousands of cures Justify thla asser tion. - - - ' - . ... -Call or write Da. X. J. TOftCS, X81 rirst It rortland, Os. . i C 11'