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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1907)
4 - t THE OREGON : DAILY- JOURNAU PORTLAND, ' SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 21 1807. I0PEI IfltlOllEY HID TO SECURE 1 f p . Britishers Refuse to Invest in Good Paying Ameri- ' can Railroad Bonds. VERNON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TO BE DEDICATED "They buy bouquets from us and band ' themselves a lemon." la the way I T. 1 1 . Keady, who has Just returned front a i : two month' trip to London, describes European capitalists who refuse to in- vvnt In American railroads, although : 'willing to tie ud tht-ir money In Kni ' -lliti railroads capitalised at four times r-' the watered value of the American rail' wava. "it Is laughable." a Id Mr. Keady thta !. morning, the way in winch tne l-;ni i '. "llshmen deceive themselves. Tfx'lr rail -."roads averaan In valuation about 3260. ' , von a mile, while num are only about .''j 860.000. yet tho Briilnhers refuse to . . , have anything' to do with our railway '. r because of the financial methods we ' employ. Although loudly crying against I i our method they are not receiving dlvl- I ' oendn from tneir own linen, meat or , .which are Involved In litigation. "They complain about American , financial deals and yet their lines are not paying returns on the capital In . . ft vested, in some rases the railroads Jlgve been In operation for nearly 30 . years and no returns have been made on the capital Invested. Only on preferred atock have dividends aver been paid and , '. these so amall as to warrant a man in drawing out. "British consols are down to 82, something that has not happened for . many years. Our government bonds are never below par, which would inawate that our financial methods are not ao bad aa they are painted by the English, 'The English naturally place the - Mame for the financial stringency upon the Amerloans, although their own financial condition would seem to In- v dlcate, that the blame ahould be placed nearer home. -.nAHhouaa, X was able to Interest Brit ish capital In South American projects, J could do nothing toward raising money on railroad Investments In the United States. Thsy simply refuaed to have anything to do with these projects. Our South American Ventura will be to con- struct a railroad about 00 mllea long ' connecting Quloteros, Ohlll, with a tract of J. 000, 000 acres lying back of the coast. Qulnteroa la about 160 miles south of Valparaiso and has one of the finest natural harbors in the world. "Work on the South American J Ins will be commenced In January and Eushed forward rapidly. Securities ave been placed for the first install- ment or money at that time. Mr. Keady was glad to gat back to : .Portland and stated that whll. In I .on drm he met Robert McVickera who is representing the Standard OH company in ungiana, t-urope ana Asia. Mr. Keady met other former Portlanders, all of whom regretted their business would not allow them to reside in the Rose city, . i 5gSs ? , ' tj ftr TiAuV f 7j ,fc.i -1 -.?, y . UA VV Le- . - s h r'-' '1 W n - s ('fJU;JA : !ii: n v-t . ? fJtL ij !- w v - . rf v rl JT -V'',Vij1"" ... k T y " The dedication of the recently com pleted Vernon Presbyterian church, at East Twentieth and East Wygant streets, will take place Sunday after noon. September 12, at 3 o'clock. Fol lowing la the order of exercises: Prelude, Miss Helen Bennett, pianist; doxology; invocation. Rev. W. R. Bishop; hymn; psalm 121, Rev. J. R. Welch; duet. Dr. and Mra. W. J. McMlchael; Scripture . lesson, B. E. 8. Ely, D. D.; prayer. Rev. E. Nelaon Allen: solo. Mrs. J. E. Werleln; sermon. William II. Foulkes, D. I).; report of building com mlttee: offering: solo. Mrs. W. D. Dea ver; responsive service of dedication,' led by Rev. A. J. Montgomery; dedicatory prayer, rtev. ftenry -Marcottaj - nymni benediction. Rev. C. W. Hays. Vernon church waa organised March 1A 1 Qfl7 wirh 'Alt oKtt.A m Am kra iih. de'r the pastoral care of Rev. O. A. Blair. A chapel was- erected, but it soon be came evident that a more commodious building was needed. The contract for the present structure waa let June 1. The whole coat. Including the ground. waa 16,600. i The present membership of the church la 89, with a Sabbath school enrollment of 160. The offioers of the church, who alao composed the building; committee, re Rev. O. A. Blair (chairman), T. P. Saddler, A. F. Darling, William Brown, H. H. BuahaeU Jaoob Wlimir, U, P. Staler, R. L. Walker J. A. Cobean, J. L. Anrell, tr, U. XelthoId. This la the fifteenth church building which has been erected under the charge of Rev. G. A. Blair, the pastor. He or- anlsed and built Hawthorne Park Prea yterian church, at East Taylor and Eaat Twelfth, in 1894, and was Its pas tor for six years. He alao built one at uugene, Oregon. I K. toper, D. n., topics, "Doors Ope and Shut'rand "The Broken Cruse": Bun- day school at 11:11 p. m.j X. P. B. a E.. :6 p. in. . - - Iflshland ast Blxth street north and Prsscott; Rev. iL A. Bollinger. , Berv ! loes at 11 a n. and 7:46 . n. m. Topics, "Unconscious Influenoe'' and ''A Spring in Desert": Sunday school at 1 10 a m.j x, r, a. u. :4s p. m. St. Johns-a-Rev. (1. W. Nelson. Serv Ices. 11 a. m. and I p. m.; Sunday scnooi. nan. " Ziatkeraa, Swedish ImmanutI Nineteenth and Irving streets. Services, Ham. and p. m.: Sunday SchooL B:46 a. m. Norwegian Synod Eaat Tenth and Grant streets: Rev. O. liacoea. Sunday school, 1:10; services, 11 a. m. and p. m. ; i. 1-. a., xnnrsasy, s:ie. Betanla Danish union avenue and Morris street; . Rev. Oudmund Qrlli services 11 a in. and ( p. m. St James' English west Park and Jefferson streets; J. Allen Leas.' Serv ices. 11 a. mT. Bundav aohool. 10 a. m. ' St Johns Peninsula avenue and KU Patrick street; C. Buechen. Servlcaa at 1:00 n. m. Norwegian 41 North Fourteenth street: Rev. J. M. Nerving. Services at 1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 1:46 a. ra. St Paul's German East Twelfth and Clinton streets: Rev. A. Krause. Serv icea at 10:10 a. m. and I p. m.; Sunday acnoor, :u a. tn" oerman grammar school daily from I to II. - Trinity German (Missouri Synod) corner Williams avenue and seuwood street; J. A. Rimbach. Harrlces at 10 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.j Sunday school, I:1S a. m. - , Zlon's German (Missouri Synod) unapman ana naimoo streets; w. ti. Behrens. services at 10:16 a. m.: Sun. dsy school. 1.16 a. m. Swedish Augustana Rodney avenue and Stanton atreet; Rev. C A. Tolln; services 10:41 a: m. ind 7:48 p. ra.: Sua day school, 0:10 a. m. Laying of cor nerstone, t p. m. Christian. " Central East Twentieth and East Salmon streets; Rev. J. F. Ghormley, D. u, Dervices, j:id b. m. ana s p. m CHURCH SERVICES Arlett GAS FOR ST. JOHNS IV 1 FOUR PTnilTNO lUllllIO l! Work on Plant and Mains ; Will Soon Be Com ) pleted. 11 a a m., Inside. of four months the new St Johns Gas, Light and Heat company will be In operation and furnishing gas power to many of the large industries In the suburb of St. Johns. 1 ' Work on the plant and the mains Is being, finished rapidly and one of tho most perfect power plants in the north west will be turned over to the com pany by the contractors. The plant It self will cost about 834.000 while the mains and tanks will brine- the total amount expended up to 176.000. m.: topics. "The Autnor- Ian Jesus' and "Everyday of The 26,000 . plant will have a capacity vumc xeet or gas an nour. The officers of the company are S. V. Davldor, president A. iC. Emmons, ice-president; W. B. Streeter secretary nd W. R. Dunmeler treasurer. There are many factories now in fit Johns which expect to give up their present j systems of steam-power and replace them with gas. T0RREXS LAW MEETS -ATPROVAL OF GRANGE With over 200 members participating at the convention of the Pomona grange last Wednesday at Rockwood, on the Base Line Road, the report of the com mittee on the Torrens law was fully approved. The convention heartily in dorsed the Australian plan. Chairman R. C. Wright of the special committee having the matter in charge highly commended the workings of the regis tration system in mnnv Htntea unt rn- lutlons were adopted declaring it the sense of the convention that the actions : of the railroad commission should be vi-ry carerully scrutinized by farmers. Oregon adopted the Illinois Torrens taw in idol The present law Is now in spienaia working shape In this state. Indorsement was given for the com lug county fair at Gresham. Grange day will be October 17. Five granges are preparing to erect halls. They are jiuunoman, pleasant valley, Rockwood, Lents and Russellville. The next meeting of the grange will e iicia at r airview, Wednesday, Decern ber 18. Ten Onta or Rat Scalps. i (Etx-clol Dfopitcb t The Jaaraal.l Spokane. Wash., Sept. 21. Claiming mm wnarr rata are spreading diphtheria ine ooaro or Health has offered 10 cents a scaip for all that are killed. IF YOU WANT TO CONQUER . Any disturbance of the Stomach, Liver, Kidneys or Bowels promptly we urge you to take a few doses of the Bitters. Xt Is absolutely pare and for 54 years has given complete satisfaction. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters has therefore be come a household remedy through out the United States. It will strengthen the en tire digestive sys tem, promote sound sleep and cure ' rooi Arm xmKGzsnos? COSTIf JUACS8. BTXZOxrsinBss, STOMACH . it .1- III "f-It Baptist. Rev. E. A. Smith. Servicea m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 B. T. P. U.. 7 p. m. Third Vancouver avenue and Knott streets; Rev. R. Bch welder, pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.; Bun day school, 10 a m. i Highland Alberta and Sixth streets. Sunday school. 10 a m.: services at 11 a. m.. Rev. A. Le Roy; 7:46 p. m. by Rev. John Bentslen. Sell wood Tacoma and Eleventh streets; Rev George A. Learn. Services, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school. 10 m.; B. T. P. U., 7:16 p. m. Calvary East Eighth and Orant streets. Services. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Rev. H. B. Blood; Sunday school. 10 a m. Immanuel Second and Meade streets; Rev. A. B. Mlnaker. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.j Sunday school at 10 m. Grace Montavllla; Rev. Oilman Par ker. Services at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. Central East Twentieth and Ankeny streets; Rev. VV. T. Jordan. Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school. 12 m.; evening sermon by Rev. H. B. Hudson. University Park Rev. A. B. Walts. Sunday school at 10 a. m.: services. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; topics. ity of the Mt Religion." First The White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor streets: Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher, D. D. Services, 18:80 a m. end 7:46 n. m.: nreachlng by the pastor. Topics, 'Our Friends" and "Our Enemies": Bible school at 13:10 p. m. Ynunar Pentile'a meetlna. 6:30. Sunnyside (German; Forty-first street and Hawthorne avenue; Kev. Feldmeth. Preaching. 11 a. ra.; Sunday school, 9:46 am. Ht Jnhn. roerman) Rev. C Feld meth. Preaching 1p.m. Sunday school 8 p. m. Second Seventh and East Ankeny xtreeta: Rev. Stanton C. LaDham. Serv Ices at 10:30 a. m. and 7:46 p. m Bible school, noon; Young People's union, 8:48 n m Savler-Street Between Twenty-first and Twenty-second streets. Services 10 a m. ; by Rev. Eiuatben Sweet; Sun dav aphnnl it. m. V bt JTnhna mt a. tonard. Services. 1 11 a! m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school. 10 a. m. Chinese Mission 362 H Oak street Sunday school. 7 P. ro.i preaching in r!hfnRA ft n m First' Germr'n Fourth and Mill streets; Rev. J. Kratt Servlcea. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school. 3:46 am. Second German Morris street and Rodney avenue: Rev. F. Bueermann. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sun day school. 0:46 a m. East Forty-fourth Street Corner East Main; Rev. B. C. Cook. Services. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m .; Bible school, 10 a. m.; B. Y. P..U., 6:46 p. m. Lents First avenue and Foster road. 8unday school. 10:30 a. m.: services, 11:30 a m. by Rev. Oilman Parker. Mount Olive Seventh and Everett; Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. Servlcea at 11 a m. and 8 p. m. Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth: Rev. Erick Scherstrom. Servlcea 10:46 a m. and 7:46 p. m.; Sunday school. 12 m.; B. Y. P. 6:80 p. m. Union Avenue Mission (Swedish) Corner Skidmore. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Annabel Services at 11 a, m. and 7:46 p. m. Trinity Fulton; Rev. D. A. Thomp son will preach at 3:80 p. m.; C. E. at 7:30 p. m. oxmuu: sure ta try lUlm. and p. Presbyterian. First Twelfth and Alder streets; Rev. William Hiram Foulkes. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; topics, "The Curse of Meroz" and "The Lamb cf God"; Sunday school, 12:10 p. m. Mlzpah East Thirteenth and Powell streets; Rev. Jerome R. McGlade. D. D Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning service the pastor will preach third sermon in series on Christian Ideals; evening. Rev. George A. Blair. Calvary Eleventh and Clay streets; ev. .ocn-EJzra sines t;iy jr.. l). U. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:46 p. m, Fourth First and Gibbs streets; Rev. John R. Welch. Services at 10:30 a. m " u.uv . 1,1., 11 1 in niJUBCI iin.1 K. Hawthorne Park Twelfth and East Tiylor streets; Rev. K. Nelson Allen. cervices, iu:au a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Topics. j he Joys of the Sanctuary" ana now me inner lignt Failed Sunday school, 12 m. ; Y. P. S. C. E. 6:30 p. m. Forbes Sellwood street and Ganten bein avenue; Rev. Harry H. Pratt. Serv ices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.: Sunday scnooi, iu a. m. Chinese 145 U First street: servlcea. i ;o d. m.: ounuuy scnooi. 6:4B n. m.: young people b meeting, t:it p. m. r-ieamont cieveiana avenue and Jar- rette street. Westminster East Tenth and Weld- ler streets. Marshall-Street Marshall and North seventeenth streets: Kev. C. W. H Sunday school, 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. iu. aiiu i .v p. in. Mount labor Belmont street and Prettyman avenue; Rev. Edward M. Sharp, pastor, (services at li a. m. and I p. m ' Bunnay scnooi at 10 a. m. ScllwOod Corner East JSeventeenth and Spokane avenue, services at 11 m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a m. Christian n,iiaeavor, i p. m. Third East Thirteenth and Pino streets: Kev. Andrew j. Montgomery, wmcn o- : m. m. ana m Topics, "Winning by Forgetting," and The Love of God." Vernon East Twentieth and Wygant streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Rev. G. A. Blair; Sunday school, 12 m. Hope Montavllla; Rev. S. S. WWte. Services at 11 a ra.; Sunday school. 10 a. m. - . . t j Minara Avenue--Kev. a. 17. Soper: (Sunday school? 10 a..m.: aarvlcoa n Methodist. Taylor-Street Dr. Francis Burgette Short; Rev. E. M. HllL acftaig pastor. Classes. 0:80 u. m.; servlces.T:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; morning toplo by Rev. D. L. Racier. "Lessons from Jonah"; evening sermon by Rev. E. M. Hill, "Is Jesus Christ the Son of Ood"T farewell sermon. Sunday school at 12:18; Ep worth League, 8:30. Sunnyslde East Yamhill street, be tween Eaat Thirty-fifth and Thirty- sixth strets; T. B. Ford. Servlcea 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; morning, baptism nd holy communion: evening, special service: last before annual conference: Sunday school, 10 a m. Ht. Johns if. u xoung. services 11 ra. and 8 p. ro. Sunday school. 10 m. Epworth Irving and Twenty-third: E. H. Bryant Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Centenary Rev. W. H. Heppe, D. D., Ninth . n1 Plna fi.rvlx.. m dais, 9:46 a m.; Sunday school, 12:ll m. Trinity Corner of East Tenth and Orant; Lewis F. Smith. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday schooL 10 a m. . Central Ruasell and Kerbv mtrtntm- T T. Abbett. Services at 11 a m. and 7:80 m. Chinese Mission Chan Sin KaL Services 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Mount Tabor Services at 11 s m. and 7:30 p. m. Patton Michigan avenue and Carpen ter. H. T. Wire. Services at 11 a m and 7:30 p. m. Vancouver Avenue Services at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. Woodlawn Rev. B. H. Dewart Ser vices at 11 a m. and 7:30 P. m. Woodstock Rev. W. T. Kerr. Ber. vices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth ami uavis: j. iarsen. cervices at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. Swedish Borth wick and Beach; Rev. Johnson. Services 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m. First German Fifteenth and Hoyt, O. A;. Waasa Services at 11 a m. and I OV 9. III. fleCOnd (rrrt1ftn ntanf a. mrA DAiMa. . B. Maaa Servlcea at 11 a m .nJ 7:80 p. m. Japanese Mission lit Knrii. me. teenth. Services at 11 a. m. anH 70 p. m. H.Un.,vr8,.t3r,,Park Rev- D- A- Wattera Services at 11 a m. and 7:80 n. m. Grace Corner of Twelfth and Taylor streets: Clarenm Tnu wti.nn r r Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.: Sunday school. 12:16; Epworth league annual conference opens Tuesday nlor Epworth League, 1:30; Senior Ep worth League, 8:20; preaching, 7:30. BvlsoopeJ. 'In Tune With the Infinite' and "The Marriage Supper." -Sunday school, 12 m.; senior C. E.. 8:80 p. m. Rodney-Avenue Rodney avenae and Knott street; Rev. F. Elmo Robinson. K.rvlM. . f lA'lK m tv, mnA mm. fll , ,111.1.1 Wo ik while others rest. 7 ihrongh sheer energy. dttcing foodx made from v 7heat is ' EJneeda Biscuit the perfect soda cracker. ' In mouturt and' V . dust Proof packaau t iSATlOiHAt BISCUIT COMPANY I D. topics. "Ths Power of Love for Christ'1 and "The Crucified Jesus." Bible school it 1:46 a. m.; Y. P. & C. B, at 6:301 IK-TIE Kern Park Services in new halL cor. ner nil ana M.aourn streets, 11am. and 3d. m.: Sunday school 10 a. m. Woodlawn Services at 11 a. m. and I p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a m. First Corner Park and Columbia streets; Rev. K. 8. Muckley. , Servlcea 11 a. m. ana. 7:45 p. m. ; topics, "Proph ets Without a Vision" and "The Expan sive Power of the Gospel." Bible school, I 10 a. m. ; tu., a:u p. m. Advent Second street, between Hall ana uncoin. services at 11:30 a ana 1 p. m.; eunaay scnooi, is:id c to. EplscppaJL. (west side) A. Matthews, j-irsi ana uarutners street; nev. w. Ji. iTm"1 M. Brack in charge. Sunday school at :45 a., m.; services and sermon at 11 a m. Wo evening service. Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Mar- Tnirteentn ana ciay streets; Kev. Kamsay. communion. 7:10 a m.: services 11 a m. and 7:30 d. m. : Sunday school, 8:46 a m. Trinity Nineteenth and Everett streets: Dr. A. A Morrison. Services. 8 a. m.. 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.: Sunday school, 8:30 a. m.; rector will officiate. All Saints Twenty-second and Reed streeta. Sunday school, 10 a m.; even Ing service. 8 o'clock. St Andrews University Park; Rev. W. R. Powell. Services 11 a m.; Sun day school, 10 a. m- 8t. Paul's Woodmers;- C. L. Parlcer, lay reader Services at 11 a. m.; topic, "Go Up Higher"; Sunday school, 8:46 a. m. St. Matthew's First and Caruthers streets: Rev. W. A. M. Breck. Com munion and sermon, 11 a m.; Sunday school. 9:46 a. m .: no evening service. The Church of Our 8avlor Wood stock. Servlcea 11 a m.; Sunday school 10 a m. SL Mark's Corner of Nineteenth and Quinttry streets; Rev. J. E. Simpson. communion, 8 a m.; communion and sermon, 11 a. m.: evening prayer, 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a m. St. John's Memorial oe 11 wood: Rev. W. R. Powell. Servlcea and sermon, 11 a m.: Sunday school. 10 a. m. Good Shepherd Sellwood street and Vancouver avenue, Alblna Rev. John Dawson, rector; Sunday school, 9:46 a m.; morning service, 11 a m.; evening service, 7:30 p. m. United BvangelloaL First Corner Eaat Tenth and Sher man streets. Rev. a. A. winter. 10 m., tmnaay scnooi: services 11 a m. I ana 7:80 p. m.; topic, 'The Holy 8oirit: His Personality." K. L. of C. E., 6:30 1 p. m. Second Fargo and Kerby streets; Rev. B. a Hughes, pastor. Sunday school 10 a m.; services 11am. and p. m. St John's Ivanhoe and John streets; Rev. Chester Paul Gates. Preaching II a m.; Sunday scnooi at 10 a. ra. Ockley Green Gay atreet and Wil lamette boulevard; Rev. J. Bowersox. I pastor, servlcea 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.; evening topic, "The Lord, Our Dl-I vine Helper. Sunday school, 10 a m.;l ft- Jj. bj., :b p. m. I i t .,i .1-1 6:80; night. Reception in Grarta ihnnk e-1W,01"TA- D- wa-ner, pastor. Sun day school 10 a. m.; preaching, 11; Ju- OoagregationaL University Park 113 Haven avenue; Rev. D. B. Gray; services at 8 p. m., preaching by Rev. B. E. Emerick; Sun day school 10 a, m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 7 p. m. Laurelwood--Rv. D. B. Gray. Serv ices at 11 a m.; Sunday school, 10 a m.; Y. P. 8. C. E., p. m. Mississippi Avenue Mississippi ave rue and Fremont; Rev. O. E. More house: Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Chris tian Endeavor, 6:46 p. m.; services, 11 a, m. and 7:46 p. m. Sunnyslde Corner of East Taylor and East Thirty-fourth street; Svang-ellcal Association. First English East Sixth and Mar ket streets; 8. A. Slewcrt, pastor. Serv lcea 11 a m. andJ p. 'm.; topics. "Prophecy and Its Fulfillment" and "The Effect of the No-God Creed Upon Moral s. xoung people's alliance, 7 p. m. : euijaay acnooi, iu a. m. First German Corner Tenth knd Clay streets; Theodore Schauer, pastor; ser mon at 10:46 a. m. and 7:46 p. tn. Bun day school 9:80 a m. Memorial East Eighteenth and Tlb- betts; Lt. C Hoover, pastor. Preaching at 11 a m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m. Rev. J. J. Staub. Services at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; topics, "A Superior Righteous ness" and -"Our Glorious Gospel"; Sun day school, 10 a. m. Hassalo Street East Seventh and Hassalo; Rev. Paul Rader. Sermon. 10:45 a m. and 7:46 p. mT; topics, "Swastika" and "Mud Gods"; Sunday school, 12 m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:45 p. m. First Madison and Park. Rev. Dan iel Staver, assistant ' pastor. Services 10:80 a m. and 7:46 p. m.; Rev. George Spiritualist. The Ministers' and Mediums' Protect, ive Spiritual association holds ser vices at 7:45 p. m. in A. O. U. W. hall, Selllng-Hlrsch building. Confer ence, 11 a m.; 7:46 p. m., lecture by O. Taylor; questions and messages by Mra Sophia B. Selp. First Spiritualist Society Abington building. Conference at 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. Spiritual readings by Mrs. Drew or ' California and lecture on I -spiritualism, ths Key to All Knowledge." 38 3 alcohol a rt.n gcxt AVe.etablePrppjrtlonErij- suiLTsarMafsnMia ttagdie Stooaris andBowsof Bl For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature Promotes Dige3tton3rnfi nessand ReJnnfalneiirinT Ophim jMorphine norMtatnL! Not Narcotic. Mcfueouscsafumasoi ADerfectReniedv tnCmm non.aouTSBDmacii,uiain Warms rramilsknis jfYmsl- ness andLoss or Jeezp. ItSim3e SigMuswaf NEW YORK. AAV MM It w. AT Use For Over Thirty Years -el 1 nir " r '-. 1 al utMHBTT !st m jg rfTT 1 m SI mm mm mm Exact Copy of Wrapper, tut esamum eeatsany, new vsnb erry. SKETCHES OF PORTLAND PASTORS Clarence True Wilson, pastor of Grace M. E. church, was born In Milton, Sussex county, Delawure. He was educated in the public schools and in the Washing ton academy of Princess Anne, Mary landf and later in the Wilmington Con ference academy of Dover, Delaware. At the age of 16 he was, during all his spare time. In a lawyer's office and had been through Blacks-tone's Com mentarles and Kent's American Work. Aoout this time, however, he was con ft . r " . - i ' I V ,v" ' , - i Her. Clarence True Wllaon. Pastor of Grace Methodist Church. . . verted and felt himself called to the ministry. A few nights after hls con version he was called upon to speak In his church before a crowded congrega tion. A revival started which resulted in the conversion of many. Being called upon for a similar service elsewhere, he was soon in the midst of a marked career as a hoy preacher. Youngest Man Ever Ordained.' Arihe axe' oT TT He entered St. John's college, Annapolis, Maryland, taking charge of churches near the college, organizing a T. M. C. A. In the school and was its president throughout his course. At the age of 18 he was or. dained a deacon and at theage of 30 an elder. He has, therefore, the distinc tion of being the vounrest . man vr ordained In the Methodist ministry. From the age of 18. to 30 he served as nastor of the strona churvh at cufoui Delaware, a church, of 109 mambara A great revival ' resulted in 200 conver sions, and his temperance work was so successful as to be heralded all over the country. , In the summer of both these years he preached In the Eighteenth Street church of New Tork City and conducted revival services for a month and the church In midsummer waa thronged with people. At the age of 20 he transferred to the New York conference and was ap pointed to Sea Cliff, Long Island. He conducted a revival service lasting 11 weeks and 800 persons were converted. Found 66 members and took to confer ence at the end of the year a member ship of 420. His work here resulted In the closing of liquor and gambling re sorts, which have never since been tolerated. Pastor In Hew Jersey. In North Pasadena for four vears. In 1 Santa Monica and in San Diearo he held 1 successful pastorates, always allying mmseir wnn ine local reiorm move ments. He later made a series of ex posures of objectionable features in the Theosophlcal society of Madam. Tlngley ana ior monms was me autnor or dig courses, newspaper and magazine artr uie on me eviis ne saw in tne teachings of Point Loma Theosophy. In 1901 he Decame pastor of St Luke's church, Newark. New Jersey, the largest church In the city, and for threa veara mvsrhcH 10 larger congregations than the church had ever known, also aiding; In local reforms. Dr. Wilson was bv his own renno.f transferred to the Pa1fl nuit r,A became the pastor of Grace Methodist church preaching his first sermon in Portland Feb mar y 18,1906. Dr. Wilson has never allows th activities of religious or reformatory work to Prevent Tils nnranlt nt hi. studies. He received the dosrree of A n from the Univeraltv of fbinth.m r.ii. fornla of Ph. D. from San Joaquin Val ley college. B. D. from the McClay Col- ChristJan Solenoe. First Church of Christ, Scientist Scottish Rite cathedral, Morrison and Lownsdale streets. Services at 11 a m. i and 8 p. m.; subject, "Reality." Sunday scnooi at ciose oi morning service. Wednesday meeting. 5 p. m. Second Elks' temple. Stark, between Sixth and Seventh streets. Services at Ira. m.; subject, "Reality." Wednes day meeting, 8 p. m. Tnlted brethren la Christ. First East Fifteenth and Morrison streets; Rev. H. C Shaffer. Services at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday scnooi at iu a. m. Radical Sixth and Mechanlo streets; Kev. u. y. uiancnara. cervices, 11 a, 1 m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. ro. .. 'KsazssBsisszxssssssssssasssjE: rssssszzBssaxzsssaxsai!! a teres Or ThM nrv anA T T ... o. John's college, Maryland. ' Author of Several Volumes. He Is the author of knni. one of which, on "The Things Tbat Are T. Beu. "as had an 'minens circula tion. When he waa In h .mi llvered before various colleges and popu lar audiences his lecturea mi "Th. wn and Humor of the Bible," "John Brown " 'Talkers and Talking" and "The Pulpit and Reform." v Dr. Wilson Is charar-tarluuf T,v convictions with a logical and energetic ik mem, dui witB such he makes atrnnr friami. even of those whom he onnoaaa strenuously. In Portland he has been at ih. r.n. . , M., . . Ull, Tnlted Sfresfcyterlaa. Church of the Strangers Wasco street and Grand avenue; Rev. S. Earl DuBola Services at 10:46 a m. and 7:30 p. ra. Services for mutes every Bunoay nrorning. ounoay scnooi, iz m. First Sixth and Montgomery streets: Rev. A. W. Wilson, pastor. Services at 10:80 a m. and 7:46 o. m.: mornlnar. sac rament of Lord's supper: evening, praise j service, oanaay scnooi, 11 a Unitarian. Church of Our Father Corner ot Yamhill and Seventh streets; Rev. W. O. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eliot D. D.. minister emeritua Services at 11 a m. Sunday school, 9:4 a. m.; adult clasa iz:au p. m.; 1. tr. v., o:au p. m. Tjrsiversalist. Church of the Good Tidings East Couch and East Eighth streets; Rev. i. u. coty. sermon at 10:46 a. m. Topic, "Pity the Blind; the Power of Vision in Dally Life." Sunday school, n m. The New Steamboat WILL MAKE THE si - Cascade Locks Trip Sun-1 g f W"WJIalAJkVfA OWCtfllM g Leaving Alder st. Dock at 9 a. m., Returning About 5 p.. m M tg FARE g v i ,w iur ivumiu a rip xaeais juc b You will have only a few more Sundays to make this beau tiful trip. Better go this time. formed. First German Tenth and Stark streets; G. Hafner. Services at 10:45 a at. and 8 p. m. 3C S. Church South. 171 H Second street: Rev. K. F. Mowre. Services 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.: Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Epworth league, 7:30 p. m UlsoeUaneona The Christian and Missionary Alli ance Sixth and Main streets; Rev. C D Sawtelle. Servlcea at 18:20 a. m Sunday school at 18:16 p. m. Universal New Thou eh t Assembly A. O. U. W. hall, Washington, between Tenth' and West Park streeta Lectures at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Latter-Day Saints Holds services every Sunday in Allsky hall, corner Third and Morrison streets at 11:80 a m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mlllenial Dawn G. A. R. hall, north east corner Second and Morriann tr..f Services at 2:30 p. m. Toole "The .SIBaiBIKI5iatIISSZZaBSaSKSIZS5SII3BB!IIKSIsi If ' Vfc. iaa ' M Homeuecoraung It not a difficult matter when you . ' use KOR.E.LAC TOE ORIENTAL WOOD FINISH A combination of most durable Var nish and Stains for Interior Wood Work. Floors, Furniture, eto. n rmirkiAle1?i thomPl4 Parallel Dispensation in TType in in opposition td the liquor dealers' (type' by W A. "Baker, amendment, opposing woman's suffrage wede&borriaPortini N and neiping to pile ud jorlty against it. He started the opposi tion against the nlckel-ln-the-slot ma cnines wnicn resulted in the removal of those gambling devlcea and has aided in the closing ot saloons on Sunday. He takes an Interest in everything In church and state, and everybody, good and bad, and has an opinion on every thing, which he is willing to state at anjr time with .perfect frankness. ic nd Anti- il I WJ BUffrae'A 1 BwuTanhAP.n Pn,,T. A Xr . "ww nia-t socieiy, Aiaer street near iuievanth! 11 a. m.; Rev. Hiram Vrooman. Rahai Assembly Meets at 363 Yam nil "irwai. Dunaay services, p. m. The Oreiron Hollneaa uuml.Hn. 1 7a. MA A AA - ..V., cervices, !:, z:tu and O clock. and Jfiveryhody cordially Invited to attend. uivine irutn Center halL 201 . Allakv building. Service. Liinasey. - euoject. Bul CultucsV' . 11 a. m.- Dr. A. a: "Basio Principles of THE BIG PAINT STORE Fisher, Thorsen & Co. j FROINTAJNDt-MORRISOIN STi3. i csaasaiatgasasssssrsagLxaa gggrgKgEiaassaatcagggzaa Men's Resort Mission -Rev. J. A. Mc Veigh wHl speak at 3 p. m. Subject, "A Good Han Lost and . a ,Bad Man Saved.' - , - ;i A-; Y M. C ' A. Association audi tortiim Men's meeting .address bv-JT. -Whit. &amSroubar. Subject. "jVlur fit Jjo His Job." Violin solo, Mhsa Cornelia Barker; vocal solo. Mra Walter Reed. Alt men cordially invited. , k ,, . i- " in -11,. ...'. -i. t I.V' "ii Neb.-, are . now , workins; oif th4 lght- " tout basis. . 'v - I