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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1907)
CITY CAUSES PACKING TODAY'S MARKETS ; IIad Hop Growers of Oregon Not Picked a Bale of Hops This Year They Would Likely Receive 30c Next Season. Ef,l IIOUS EiTS ARREST ors SELLING HE CENTS Ha lb: ducks. 14o lb , old. I10o 11.60 doa.; pigeons, 11.25 dot; dressed poultry, iviho per ii. higher. Hops, Wool aad Hides. HOPS 1107 orop Choice, 8 9c; rime to choice. 8ci ordinary. t&a lb: ), cnoice, oo. litem uregon, licpnc. 18020c JKOHAIR New lS07-z 2c .... . ' each: ahort wool, 15040c) medium, wool. Practically Confirmed That 7iftorfe Al1. This Price Is Paid Many Are Ordered at 81-2c. Latest market featurea: Hop beara are much alarmed. Bales of hope at o pound. ' Creamery butter weak on etreet. Eggs come from Nebraska point a, Sharp advance In condensed milk. Btrawberrlee bring; high price. Fruit demand la better. Wheat market holda well. MUlstuff advance cloae. Canned oyatera atlll very Bcarce. Moat salmon cornea frorn coaat. I and grease, 12 CHITTIM, BARK 6 7c. Traits and vegetables. Inf; buying,-.white. iOotl per aack; aweets, me lb. ONIONS- Jobbing price - Oregon, 13.00; buying 11.60; garlic, 7c per lb. A Dili l u.V.. li ,.au( -e FRESH FRUITS Oranges, (4. SO 5.00; bananas, to lb; lemons, $46.60 box; llmea. Mexican. 14 per 100; pineap- pies, IS.i0iJJ6.0O doa; grapes, 76c &$ 1.26; Concords. 20fe26c; Delaware, 16 20c;, 7 So 11.26; cantaloupea, 1 1.25 .76; pluma, 80&60c: watermelons, lc; crabapples. So Tb: Bartlett Dears, 11.50 par box; caaabaa, $3.00 doa. VEGETABLES Turnips, new, I0c9 $1.00 aack: car rota, 76ctf$l per aack; beets, $1.66 per sack; parsnips, $1.00tJ id; tomatoes. 2if 3c; green, Bop Bears Are Hook Alarmed. lion bears are much alarmed at this I 11.26: nbhnie lUo time on account of the growers not Oregon. &c: beana. throwing alt their hops on the market Ijftfo per lb; cauliflower, 60c $1.26 doa; J thalr own prices. This ha a caused sev- lj47jc dol; grMn onions, 16c per dea; aril aales to ha made at 9c a pound I ball Banners. bSiHc net- lb: hothouM lel- wlthln the last 24 hours. The sales I tuce, $1 box; cucumbers, hothouse, 16 were ror smalt amounta oui were urge jzjo doa; radianea, ifto dozen ouncnea; anongh to ahow which way the wind I eggplant, 12Hc lb: green com. 76c la blowing. Thia seems di goou sack, celery. 76$i.ou. wind ror me trowers as no longer .r, Groceries, Bats. Bt. fSre harvest Tthev were not wil ing to SUGAR Cube. $6.12; powdered, even f. U?.' blre'cSst of plc&ing SW-Jijl--'! fnZfti the hops, they are today freely offer- ""Hi 6llri,r,fnk A.l tng 8V4 and even c for good goods. idr!" ?..dRU There are reports of 10c a pound Tetng l1?"- ,Voi.V4k-j b,7; paid for excellent quality but these Pff"'?' utlVil' ' cannot be confirmed as all the bear l05A'hdXlnCw."tri 10 dav. net cash daira .r. i . ritoua to keen the nrlcea (Above prices ara 10 daye net caah n.M fTm kiln. Irnn-m - P""."-' D FDD COII One of the newest schemes of the j . cflfiLX'iciitia brands. IIS I$0 bears is to pubiin report Dr-a--t)lt-1JJU,c't,, cr""" - tB-l oroduetlon everywhere except in this I n It m - u.t a mn. atata and even the production of thia t11.0 n.r ,on. 0. tia (To: table, dalrir k . . . n .V, IA AAA hi Mtl! - . L . 1 . . . . - . . mora than legitimate dealers will ad- imported Liverpool. 80a. $30.00; 100a, mlt These dealera change their es-ltlf00; it sia.OO; extra fine barrels; 2s, tlmates every time the wind changes 1 k. .nJ in.. 14.8OO6.6O: Livernool lumo . A A W J a u 1 . . I ' . 1 . . - lis course. vne aay mo crop im rOcK, IlO.bO per ton; -10 rOCX, 1 l.vw shortest In years; the next day it is I 100s. 1 10.60. about the best In years. Then for eacn I (Above prlcea-apply ta sales of less successive day the record la gone over I than car lots. Car lota at special prlcea in ma aame way. 1 subject to uuctuations.) Xlaber, Wolf 61 better Sasort, . ".CE Imperial Japan, no. 1. ac; rjo. Klaber. Wolf ft Netter. supposed to lli c be one or the largest short sellera or "BEANS Bmai! white, $..80; large nopi in mis ciiy, are oui wun aouinr- . hlt, iiia. nlnk. IX SO: bavou 13. au atatement showing the great crop I r im.. In sr. iu.ri-n r,m 4Un everywhere. Not only does the firm I NltfLPa-nuta Jumbo. Ue rer 10: give this year's estimate fully 20 per Virginia. 7Ho per lb; roasted, fbe per rent nigncr man aeaiers wno are noi lb; Japanese. 65c; roasted, 707HO said to be ahort. but the flamrea of last I nr lh- walnuts. Pallfornla. 10c Der 10: year, especially for Oregon, are ao badly I nine nuta, 14&15c per lb: hickory nuta paaaed rrom other deuiera pointa otiioc Der lb: Brazil nuts. 180 per lb: ru- vlew that they are scarcely to be recog- I berts, 18c per lb: fancy pecans, 18 20c nixea. -i ne rirm civea ureaon inu.vuu per in: almonds, nun we. bales for lut year, but the crop never I Meats, risk and Provislona, :XZ"a "h'""'u"" "" . FRESH MEATS Front atroet-Hoga, have been aourcea and frrtm ftpat r IJ1 f,rr "vrifancy. Si fSt. .CE .f""1"- 1 HAMS,-BA(:ON. ETC.-Portland pack. clearly reflect the crop I H t0 'j, lb 16Hc er lb lg to 20 lb. .T' WU Neuer" '" ol" l6Hc: breakfaat bacon, 1622o pr " 1 1 it,, nlnn pi nr in: f!(ltu roil. European Hop Oops. J lao Der lb. reluiar short cleara. ua- Crop I aniokeU, lie per lb; smoked 12c per 10; 1907. clear backs, -jnsmoxea, izc; smoxea. i . I a IK TlntAn huM. IA t r 1ft h nn. 460,000 smoked, 12c per lb; smoked, 13c per lb; 300,000 clear bellies, unamoked, lltyc per lb; 65,000 1 smoxea is per id; anouiuers, iic 66 000 I Per lb: pickled tongues, 70o each. 85 000 LOCAL LArtD Kettle leaf. 10s. 13Hc 860 000 1 per lb; 6s, i4o per id; &v-id una, izc ' Iber lb: steam rendered. 4us. 8140 per ' ' I . i : . . m, . ' - . ' I Trt 1,125,000 1D o, iio per l). corapuuiw, ma. L'UU W 1a nan 1 1-w rinilftr1a.t 6o per lb; halibut, c per lb; striped bass, loc per lb; catrian, no per ju; eai- PAYS DIVfDEND Ten Cents a Share Is Paid Confirms Yesterday's Re port in The Journal. (Leased Wire. Overbeck A Cooke Co.) San Francisco. Soot. 21. The pre- dloted dividend on Ooldfleld Consoli dated made tn thia report yesterday waa declared late yesterday afternoon. The dividend was for 10c a share mommy. This had a strengthening effect upon Nevada shares In general. Ooldfield Consolidated advanced nearly 30c ovy ine prices or yeateroay. Uiriclal bid prices: GOXJDFIELD8 DISTRICT. nnuua tui isg i ot, iri unaw s y i n. vw !- bla Mt. 42c, Jumbo Ext $1.57 HA, Ver nal lcA, Pennsylvania ScA, Booth $c. Blue BuU 80o. Adams lie. Silver Pick tl. 'll.i. n.. ...... in. XT a ttnv . Tl T Ext. 7c. Blue Bell 14c, Dixie 6c, O. Co lumbia. 27oA Hibernla 6c. St. Ives 74c. Conqueror 8c, Blk. Rock 4c, Lone Star zic, u. wonaer so, rotiacn uca. uro He. "Kendall Ext. 2c. Sandst. Ext. 4c Mayne 6o, Atlanta 42c, Great Bend 62c Slmerone 10c, Empire lie, Red Top Ext. 25c, Florence $4.22 Vk, Dlamf. B. B. Con. 23c. G. Daisy $1.15 H. Commonwealth 27oA. Comb. Fract. 81.87V4. Or. Bend Ext. 11c, Gr. Bend Anx. cA, Mlllstorm 26c. B. B. Bonansa 6c. Kewanoe 60o, Esmeralda 11c. Portland 18c, Cracker Jack 17c. Red Hill 4c, Mohawk Ext. 8c, Lou Dillon 8c, V. Tiger 20o, Grandma 13c. 8. Pick Ext. 8c, coi. Mt. i;xt. c, Goldf. Cons. $7.70, Dlamf. Triangle lo, COMSTOCK. RilT MARKET HOH WELL Chicago nolds Up Despite Drop in Liverpool Lat ter Due to French Crop. Warrants Served on Louis Zimmerman, Charles Bruhn and Others. 4 Z.l4Tkt rroat U Waeal 4 Waatern Oregon Fair tonight; 4 warmer aouth portion; Sunday, 4 fair, easterly winds. a Western Washington Fair to- 4 night, warmer interior; cooler 4 extreme aouth west portion; Sun- 4 day, fair, except showers near coast, cooler Interior, easterly winds. 4 Eastern Oregon and southern 4 Idaho Fair tonight, with light a frost; Sunday, fair. 4 Eastern Washington and 4 - northern Idaho Fair tonight and 4 Sunday. CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Sept. 21. Sept 20. Gain. 1906. Sept 97H 1 '00 72 Iec. 102 A 101 00 H 74 May 108 A 107 A 00 78 recelPd from railroad ",ZU iT.r ni, k .W","? SPi1 Ho per Tb; pTr. &7o per lb; mutton. 190 per lb. Crop Crop 1905. 1906. Cwt. Cwt. Germany .. 672,500 402.000 Austria 360.000 175.000 France 65.000 60,000 Relglura ... 105.000 66.000 usala 100.000 60,000 England 695,000 246,000 Total 1,897,500 987,000 American Hop Crops. Crop Crop 19057 1906. Balea. Bales. California ... 72.000 110.000 Oregon 117,000 160,000 Washington . 60,000 60,000 New lork ... 66,000 mon, fresh Columbia chinooit. c per nerrinKW Total 289.000 385,000 Crop lsu. Rales sk nnn ib: silvers. vc per id: isnrwioUo per lb: soles. 6d per lb 40.0D0 I snrimps, izo per id; percn, oc 40 000 I per lb; tomcoa. to per id; loostera. ic 296 000 f'sh. 25c per dozen; sturgeon. liHc per id; oiacH pass, zvo per iu, silver omoii, 7c per lb; frocen shad, 6c per lb; black coa, iv,c per 10. Onhlr 11 21 U. Mexican 64c. Con. Vir ginia 83c, Savage 79cA. HAIe ft NorcroAa 11. Yellow Jacket 81.20. Belcher 88c Confidence $1A. Sierra Nev. 60c, Ex chequer 330, Union 44c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 4c Bullf. M. C. 9c Mont. Bullf. 3c, Nat Bank 16c, L. Harris lc. Amethyst 17c, Gold Bar 4c. Stein way 6cA. Denver Buf. Anx. 6cA, Bonnie Clare 89cA, Mayfl. cons. Zc, Monty. Ohio Ext. 6cA, O. Scepter 7c, Monty. Mt. 0e, Homestake Cons. 84c, Yankee Girl 6cA, Tramp Cons. 86c. Victor 6cA, North Star toA Sunset 6c. TONOPAH. Ton. Nev. $11.60, Mont. Ton. $2.85, Ton. Ext. $1.50t MacNamara 20c, Mid way 79c, Ton. Belmont $2.80, Ton. No. Star 20c. Ohio Ton. 2c, West End Cons. 65c, Keacue 12c, Ton. A Calif. 4c, Jim Butler 8c, Golden Anchor 11c. Ton. Cash Boy 4c, Ton. Home 4c, Bost. Ton. 10c, Monarch Pitts. Ext. 8c. Mont. Mid. Ext Sc. Uolden Crown 6c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. 34c, Manli. M. Co. 6c, G. Wedge 6c, Seyler Hump. 4c, Dexter 8c, L. Joe 2c. Creacent 2c, Combination lc, Granny 22c, Mustang 18c, Little Grey 16oA. Cowooy 8c Orlg. Manh. 8c, Bron cho 6c, Pinenut 7c, Buffalo 3c, 8. Dog 10c, Y. Horse 3c, Indian Camp 6c. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falrv. Silver King locA. Falrv. Eagle $1.25, Nevada Hills 49c, Pittsburg Sil ver Peak $1.40, No. Star Wonder 6cA. Eagle's Nest '31c, Ruby Wonder 26cA, Alice of Wonder 5cA. Loss. SMALL 8TOCK TRADING. Em ti mated. rief Wctea Of the Trad. OYSTERS Shnalwater bar. nr ral Fresh ranch eggs are ao hard to ob- Ion, $150; per 100-lb sack, $S.00; Olym- taln that stocks are nominal on the pla, per gal on, $2.28; per 116-lb aack. Street. Thirty centa for , ranch stock. -00ff.5U; ttagie, canned, buc can; if Tnose with no Oregon eggs ask more so laoaen; easiern in sneu, per nun thev can obtain a better Dries for eust- I dred. ern. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $2.40; Poultry receipts are more liberal and raaor clama, $2.00 per box; 10c per dox. those who have been asking an advance Pa-nta, Coal Ou. Etc. ?hVeYr w'iilSngTel "C; tad go at tnese rigures, nave nad no trouoie C0AL on Pearl or AstralCwes, par to dispose or . arrivals. 19140 per gal- water white. Iron bbls. Along eront street creamery butter 1 14;-pr ga;; wooden, 17c ner gal; head- .uW1 o. r Ught, 170 deg., cases, 21HO Per gal. era cut their best product to 80c toiay (JASOLINE 86 deg., cases, 24j because they did not want to carry over eal: lron bbls. 18c per gal. until Monday. BENZINE 63deg.. cases, 25o per gal; Canned oysters are still very scarce iron bbls, 23c per gal. for transplanted eastern. TURPENTINE In cases. 96c per gal; Demand for fruits Is better In all wooden bb'-t, 93c per ral. lines. Best pears are today bringing WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7c per lb; $1.60 and higher prices are expelled 600-lb lots. 80 per lb; less lots, 8c. (he coming week. WIRE NAILS rresent basis at $3.18 A bi.inp advance of 20c a case Is nn- I per keg rooncua o Sales for Day Reach but 157,700 Shares Good Statement. (Leased Wire Overbeck & Cooke Co.) New York. Sept 21. This was an unusually dull day in stock trading, the sales reaching but 167,000 shares ror the session. The bank statement was good except for the large Increase in the loans. It la reported that H. H. Rogers will retire from the United States Steel company financial committee. Large consuming companies are still holding off from the copper market. Dun s Re view says there is some caution In eastern cities but the mercantile col lections are more promising. Brad- Biictrin 01 y a meiv is b imiiiuvcu and better feeling in the commercial situation. Hill and Harrlman lines will both advance the freight rates on Octo ber 1. Official prices: (Leased wire Overbeck ft Cooke Co.) Ckleago, Sept $L-The wheat market waa rather alow today, prices Just about holding. There waa an advance of Vic in December and May and a loss of He In September. The market, however, proved surpris ing strong for the entire session, every thing taken into consideration. Broom hall says that the decline at Liverpool is due to the final figures on the French crop, showing a total of 874.000, 000 bushels, and the large world's ship ments estimated for the week. There was a period of profit-taking during the morning, which put prices off c "from the close of yesterday. Practically all the loses were recov ered later and the high prices were within a fraction of the high of yester day. There has been some letup in the amount of cash business here and but a small amount was reported by bea board. The buying of wheat on the dips was of good character and there Is no bear element In the trade which cares to make a stubborn fight. ADD WHAET TABLE Official range: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Sept 97 97 97 97 Dec 101 102 10H4 May 107 108 107 CORN. 63 63 68 68 69 69 OATS. 64 54 62 63 64 54 MESS PORK. 14S5 1 4 S5 1485 102 108 Sept. Dec. May Sept. Dec. May 62 68 59 63 62 54 62 68 A 69 U 63A 62 n 64A Sept. Oct Jan. Sept. Oct. Jan. Sept. Oct. Jan. . .. 1532 1532 LARD . .. 895 895 . . 900 96tl .. 866 867 SHORT RIBS. . . 837 837 846 847 . . 795 797 152 892 895 862 837 Bin 79J 1485 14 85A 1522 8n5H 897 865 837 842A 792 DESCRIPTION. p at by Jobbers In Pioneer cream.. I rice at $4.45 a case. Present Front itreet prices rain, Tlonr and read. United States Government Bonds. New York, Sept. 21. Government 1 1 . . 17 A A air Ail uhaui uAiii i,iiuuiia. c. large rp, r.,.iratei-ri lof. 1 . . . .mnti ut. d li n 1 " 1 : : . i"". "" "73. 1 ho oiinon 106 TVTIL1 A T K an- rl..K J T.. I " " ' - - elan. 79c; bluestem. 84c: valley. 82c. in? CORN Whole. 9; cracked, $30 ton. Threes small bonds 101 BARLEY - New Feed. $22.5023.60 Y.?U,tlL .. liiil 1)C1 LU11, tUUQU, f.X.ttU iu.vv . maffiaf, 106 103 103 RYE $1.55 per cwt. OATS New Proucers' price No. 1 white, $24.00 pr ton; gray, $23.00. . FLOUR Eastern Oregon patenta, $4.80; straights, $4.25; exports, $3.90; valley. $4.304.40; graham. s, $3.75; whole wheat, $4.00; rye. 60s, $5.50; bales, $3.00. MILLSTUFFS Bran, $17.00 per tan; middlings, $26.00; shorts, country, $20; city, 819; cnop, jiti.nuiaizi.ou. HAY Producer's price Timothy, Willamette valley, fancy, $16.00 17.00; ordinary, $12.00 14.00; eastern Oregon, iis.oo; mixed, . siu.uuwtu.iru; clover, $10(9)11; grain, $1011; cheat, $10 11. Batter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F. b. Portland Bweet cream, iSYaC sour. 31 c BUTTER City creamery, 85c: seconds, 32c; eastern, 32c: state fancy, 3Zc; seconds, 3031c; atore, Oregon, 22 a EGOS Extra fancy, candled. 29c 80e; eastern, 2728c. CHEESE New Full cream, flats, per 10.; loung Americana, 17 c per lb.; eastern, 17 c. POULTRY Mixed chickens, 14c lb; rancy nena, I4c lb; roostnrs, old, 10c lb; fryers, 14c; broilers. Fours, registered, new.. 1251, 126 do coupon 125V4 124 Twos, Manama iv lo&4 Twos, Panama 104 105 Philippine roura 109 New York Bank Statement. MISS EUFERT BEATS , ALL ON STRAWBERRIES 4 Miss Rufert of Oak Grove. 4 4 within a stone's throw of Port- 4 4 land, while an amateur gardener, 4 4 Is making more money for the 4 4 time given than any other gard- 4 ener in the state. Miss Rufert 4 4 haa a strawberry patch which al- 4 4 ways producestltrawberries when 4 4 no one else has them to sell, and 4 4) the result is that she always ob- . 4 tains that price that is the envy ' 4 4 of other producers. For in- 4 4 stance, the shipped today to thia 4 4 market three crates of straw- 4 a berriea, for which ahe received 4 4 SOc a pound, or just $21.60 for 4 the lot. The berries are of most 4 4 excellent quality. New York, Sept. 21. Bank statement Increase. $1,486,400 S 1,B99,6'V) 8,806,800 3,486.600 1,642.600 Deposits 1,171,200 Circulation 9,200 Reserve . . . do less U. Loans Specie .... Legals Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today $1,161,760.61 do year ago 761,248.32 Gain today $ 400,512.29 Balances today $137,789.19 do year ago $154,943.92 Spattle Bank Statement. Seattle, Wash.. Sept. 21. Clearings. $1,665,241; balances, $202,644. Tacoma Bank Statement. Taopma, Wash., Sept. 21. Clearings, $788,284; balances, $106,960. V All Buying Wheat. (Special IHspitcb to' Tb Journal.) Hooper, Wash., Sept 21. Seventy cents a bushel is now being offered by grain buyers in this locality for blue stem and 6 cents for red wheat, and but few farmers are selling. There Is a great deal Of grain unthreshed yet. and the farmers are of the opinion that cold weather will be on before it is housed in many parts of this and Adams countv. The farmers In the southern end of Adams county are further ad vanced with tholr harvesting than tn the northern part. Northward from Fletcher there are many fields yet un touched, and the farmers are getting anxious. In parts of southern Adams county considerable grain is being sdjd, and several cars or wneat will be shipped thia week, but It is thought .that nnn there will be ft shortage of cars and grain buyers will be taken off the marnet - liiverpool Cotton Lower. Liverpool. Sept. SI. Cotton futures closed easier, I to 10 pointa down; pots I pointa down. . Amal. Copper Co Am. c. & ., c. .. do pfd Am. Cot. Oil. c. . Am. Loco., c. . . . Am. Sugar, c. . . Anacond. M., Co. Am. vv oolon, c . . Atchison, c. ... do pfd B. & O.. c do pfd Brook. Rap. Tr. Can. Pacific, c. Cent. Leath., c. do pfd C. At Gt. W.. c. a. m st. p C. & N. W., c. . . C. & O Co!. F. & I., c. . Col. Southern, o do 2 pfd do 1st pfd Del. & Hudson. . . D. & R. G., c. . . do pfd Erie, c do 2 pfd : do 1st pfd Gt. Nor., pfd. . . Illinois Central.. L. & N Mex. Cent. Ry. .. M.. K. & T., c. . . do preferred. . Distillers Ore lands Vir. Chem do pfd Missouri Pac. . . . National Lead. . . N. Y. Central N. Y-, O. & W Nor. & West., c. do preferred . . North American. Northern Pac., c. Pac. Mall S. Co. . Penn. Ry P. (1.. L. &C. Co.. I Pressed S. C, c do preferred. Reading, c do 2d pfd do 1st pfd .... Rep. I. & S.. c. do preferred. Rock Island, c. . do nreferred. S. 1. , S. F., 2d pfd do 1st pid .... Southern Pac, c do preferred. Texas & Pacific T-, St. L. & W.. c. do preferred . . Union Pac. c. . . . do preferred . . U. S. Rubber, c. . do preferred.. U. S. S. Co.. c... do preferred.. Wabash, c do preferred. . West. Un. Tel . . . 4 61 88 94 53 112 3 39 87 91 47 165 19 ' 121 147 34 23 43 63 62 89 95 53 114 94 40 88 l' 24 21 130 109 17 67" 55 48 166 19 ' '9k' 122 147 53 112 93 39 '91 46 165 19 ''9 121 147 34 34 24 43 65 24 ii4 23 43 63 24 21 37 96 70 50 107 34 72 132 125 131. 130 i09i69 17 17 36 I 36 67 65 96 52 107 34 72 28 97 21 74 86 110 26 47V. 132 81 J. 90 28 92 133 izi 28 97 67 64 95 60 107 33 71 62 89 94 32 63 114 93 40 2 88 89 91 83 48Vk 165 19 82 9 122 147 34 23 23 43 63 159 24 69 21 37 46 131 139 109 17 36 66 67 54 20 95 A DULL DEMAND AND VERY SMALL ARRIVALS PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Soeep. Today 70 205 Weeg ago ... 280 Year ago 122 222 Previous year 39 Portland Union Stock"ards, Sept 21. The livestock market is the dull est at this season for many years. Not only are the arrivals small, but the demand Is very limited and for mer prices are Just maintained. A year ago today there was weakness in all lines; hogs lost 26c. Official yard prices: Hogs Best eastern Oregon, $6.60 6.76; stockers and feeders. $6.006.25; China fats. $6.006.25. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, $8.85194.00; best cows and heifers, $2.75 g'3.00; bulls. $1.762.00. Sheen- Best wethers. $4.60; mixed, $4.00; lambs, $4.O0fC4.76. 132 21 74 86 110 26 47 133 82 90 29 2 120 28 96 21 74 8fi 110 24 47 131 81 92 60 ints 33 71 78 69 132 25 m 87 28 84 97 78 97 21 76 21 45 87 58 86 110 27 20 47 132 80 29 90 29 92 12 20 75 Total sales for day, 167,700 shares. New York Cotton Market. .1124 .1129 Jan Feb March. .. .1138 April 1143 May 1146 June 1150 July . . . ... ... Sept... Oct 1106 Nov Pec, ,....1121. 1133 1186 1144 1148 1145 1160 1115 Low, Sept. 21 20 1128 1130 1135 1129 1135. 1140 1135 1141 1146 1142 1144 1142 1149 1154 1147 1151 .... 1165 1159 . ... 1103 1112 1104 1111 t 1110 .... 1117 .... 1117 1121 1110 Cattle Steady in East. Chicago, 8ept. 21 .Official-run: Hogs. Cattle. Sheen Chicago 7,flft0 300 25.000 Kansas City 2.600 3,noo Omaha 4.500 250 Hogs are steady. Left over from yesterday, 3,700. Receipts a year ago 7,000. Mixed. j.70rdifi.60; heavy, $5.90 W6.20; rougn, t.4Ka-t). 15; light, $6.U8) Cattle Steady. Sheep Slow. Warrants were Issued today for the arrest of Louis Zimmerman, president of the Portland Meat company. Edwin Treund, 2(1 Hooker street. Nelson Hun ter, 1094 Corbett street, on a charge of operating a slaughterhouse within th limits of Portland. Three John Doe warrants were also issued, one of which will probably be used in the aame con nection against Charles Bruhn, late of Seattle. All these warrants were given Into the hands of Policemen Stark and Lytle with directions to arrest those at the packing house and bring them to police headquarters. Upon giving $200 ball thejf will be released until the trial of the chargee against them. Brultn Arrived Thia Morning. The arreat of Zimmerman and his em ployes meana that the city haa renewed me war oegun aome time ago against the operation of slaughterhouses within the city limits. The ordinance which It Is claimed the meat co many Is violating la No. 13.688. The Portland Meat company haa lust been reorganised, with Charles Bruhn, of the Krye-Bruhn company of Seattle, one of the wea,ihiest packers In the north west, as ine leading spirit in it with Mr. Zimmerman. Mr. Bruhn only ar rived in Portland this morning from Se attle, and spent the morning at the com pany's offices arranging plans for en larging and Improving the plant. It 1b claimed by Mr. Zimmerman that he has the right to operate his plant within the city limits as he had an ordinance passed while he was a mem- ner or tn city council giving Louis Zimmerman himseif such a right. Stands oa Old Ordinance. This ordinance was later repealed and on August 1 last Kimanerinan waa ar rested charged with a violation of the ordinance., He applied for a writ cf habeas coroua aa-alnat Chief of Pnllca Grltsmadler to compel him to release him, but the writ waa denied. Later Zimmerman appeared before Magistrate Cameron In the municipal court and claimed that the court had no Jurisdic tion as be had appealed the Question of the legality of the repeal of his or dinance to the supreme court. it is neneved that if Zimmerman, Bruhn and their men are again brought into court on similar cnarges they will make the same plea unless Magistrate Cameron decides against them previ ously. This morning Mr. Zimmerman de clared that he believed he had a perfect right to operate within the city, as his ordinance said that he would be given that exclusive privilege and the council could not legally rescind It. Wait Upon Supreme Court. 'There Is no one In South Portland who does not want this packinghouse here." said he this morning, "and until the supreme court decides 011 the legal ity of the question thev have no right to Interfere with my business or ar rest me and my men. So long as the people who live near here have no ob jections the police needn't step In." Mr. Bruhn arrived this morning and declared that the company waa going ahead to make what Improvements It thought necessary. "I think Portland Is going to be r splendid place for a large pucklng- nouse outside or the one that BwtP. & Co. say they are going to build," said he. "We are planning to spend about $5,000 for sheds and platforms Immediately and the entire plant haa Just been thoroughly overhauled and renovated. Increase Capacity. "Our capacity at present Is 40 cattle, 60 hogs and 100 sheep a day and as time goes on we will Increase the plant whi n bilsiness makes it necessary. We have orgunlxed with a capital of $100, 000 outside of the plant and buildings here and have two acres of ground with the privilege of securing more if we de sire it, so that we have plenty of room for expansion." The plant has been recently painted Inside and out and the capacity of the cold storage cellars has been largely Increased. The present owners promise to run It In the most modern manner and declare that it will be no menace to the city or the comfort of those In its neighborhood. Don't Treat Cases I Can't Cure I treat for real and lasting cures. Every rem edy I employ has its part in bringing positive and perm.ient results. Under my treatment the patient who notes improvement in his con dition can feel assured that real benefit and not a temporary drug effect has been ob tained, and can continue with confidence that. a thorough cure is being accomplished. My success as a specialist is due tn the fact that I accept 110 incurable disease and always treat with a cure in view, never resorting to the use of a remedy that brings out temporary encouragement to the patient. Za Aay traoomplioated Case. ' . ; Pay After Being Cured DR. TAYLOR The Leading SpeciaUsi I use neither knife, ligature nor caustic In m y treatment for Varicocele. I positively cure this disorder by a n absolutely painless method and without de talning the patient from business. M y treatment for Specific Blood I'oiaon forces the very last taint o f virus from the system, and all this la accom plished without the use of dan gerous miner als. I afford you a complete and permanent cure. My colored chart affords a n interesting study in men's diseases. Will be sent free upon application. "WEAKNESS" I have conclualvejy demonstrated the fact that derangement of the mascu line functions Is a curable ailment That there haa been considerable di versity of opinion upon this point among the profession Is but an evi dence that functional weakness has not been thoroughly understood and has been unscientifically treated. Though, commonly regarded a a nervous disorder it has never yield ed when treated upon this theory. I have ascertained by the closest observation In thousands of cases that only in rare instances Is the general constitution or nervous sys tem involved to any noticeable de gree whatever, and that "weakness" In all Its phases la merely a symp tom of nervous disorder. In by far the greater number of cases the functional derangement is due to a single case, a chronically inflamed condition of the prostate gland, brought on by early dissipation or lingering as a result of some 1m- groperly treated contracted disorder, uch cases may show temporary Im provement under stimulating pro cesses of treatment, but ultimate re lapse is certain to follow all such methods. The only radical cure Is the absolute removal of the ab normal condition responsible for the functional disorder, and this I posi tively accomplish through carefully directed local measures-. My treat ment la entirely distinctive and original. No other physician em ploys like methods or approachea my success In curing. The results I ob tain are thorough and lasting, and strength and vigor are restored in the full and normal degree. 1 cure contract ej Diaeaaea thoroughly and In less time than is com monly required to even cure partially. Do not endanger your health and f lower by rely ng upon patent nostrum 'a or other uncertain measures. 1 My method of curing Stricture is new and en tirely original. No cutting or dilating. The structure is dis solved and com pletely' removed and all affect e d membranes thoroughly cleansed. T make no charge for con sultation, ex amination o r advice. All af flicted men may feel free to call upon me or write regarding their cases. The DR. TAYLOR. Co. COSjrXB ISCOVS AHD MOUUSOir ITBXTg, VOBTXJUTD, OBE0OV. Private Sntranoe 834 Morrison Street. CLATSOP LABCENER VV FOE ONE YEAR EGGS FROM NEBRASKA COMING TO OREGON By Ilyman H. Cohen From faraway Nebraska, some 1,600 miles from Oregon, there Is a revival in the egg business, due to the heavy pur chases being made from Pacific coast points, Including Portland. Eggs are now coming to the Portland market from Nebraska by express with charges of $4.45 a case or about 9c a dozen. These oggs are brought to Port land within 4 days or the time thev are gathered, thus putting them In ex actly the same class as the local goods because a larger per cent, of the home stocks do not reach this market for over a week after they are gathered. Even with this high express charge the shippers of the eggs are able to maintain a handsome profit and while the shipments by express are an experi ment thev will likely be continued dur ing the winter months, when eggs al ways reach an exhorbltant figure on the Pacific coast. RAernl locnl neonle have receK-A ih. express stock from the east and pro nounce them fully equal to out-home guaranteed stock. One egg house on Front street Is said to toe receiving sup piles regularly each 3ay and Is selling them, at SOc dozen today. For the purpose or making a fur ther profit on the eastern shipments some of the handlers who do not re ceive enough Oregon to note, quote them out at 32 c and 35c a dozen. However, those who have local eges are till selling them at 30e, hut the mar ket will probably go to a higher point. Work on Aberdeen Church. (Snect"! nwiwteo tn Tti loumtl Aberdeen, Wash., Sept. 21. Work on the fine new church building of the Presbyterians was begun this week. Ev ery - effort will be made to have the structure under cover before the heav iest of the fall rains come. (Special Dlnpiteh te Tb Journal.) Astoria, Or., Sept. 21. An information was returned yesterday in the circuit court against J. H. Andrews, charging him with larceny from the person. He 1 is tne man wno is cnarged witn having stolen $70 from Louis 1-ennel. a logger, while they were on a steamer coming from Grays River. Andrews was given until Tuesday to plead. Tr,l,,i 1I..C. U-.h a Ctiln.m.H m charged by District Attorney Hedges with gambling. James Walker Dleaded aulltv to a charge of larceny and was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. Scott Anderson, a waiter on the steam er Hassalo. pleaded guilty to a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon and was sentenced to four months' Impris onment In the county jail. The case of J. It. Uowlsly, charged with muraer. was continued to Monday. COW GETS WASCO MEN IN TROUBLE (Special Dlnpatcta to Tha Journal.) The Dalles, Or., Sept. 21. Walter Hill was yesterday held in $500 ball to ap pear In circuit court 011 a charge of assault with Intent to kill. He fur nished cash ball and was given his liberty. The assault waa committed on Rube Haines, whom he cut In the face, shoul der and side. Haines came to this city with inten tion of having Hill arrested on the charge of stealing a cow, which resulted In a quarrel between the parties, when Haines struck him with his fist and Hill knifed his assailant. The parties live in the country 20 miles frorh The Dalles. Mm Be a Perfect Did you ever stop to consider the fact that you are not aa good a man as you used to be; physically, mentally and otherwise? Do you know why? Falling power, loss of vitality and drains are the most frequent cause. It stands you in hand to stop those drains on your very vital force itself. Go to a specialist who can cure these ailments quickly and surely. Come to us. -tr? BZZK XXLP WIZII XT IS CXBTAIJT TO BB TOVKD. This institution has built up Its splendid practice more by the recommendations given it by its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS, who have received the benefit of its modern, sclentlflo and legitimate methods, than in any other way. If you are not a perfect man come to us. Isn't it worth the little time it will take when you are CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of HONEST, SINCERE physicians. A ' consultation costa you nothing EXCEPT your own time. ( 4 OUR FEE $10 87 Teara' Experience, Little liners In The Journal cost only a cent a word Fifteen words or less 15 cents an Insertion. Phones: Main 7173; A-3230. Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Sept. 21. Official prices. WHEAT. Sept. 21. Sept. . 7s 10d Dec 7s 10d CORN. Oct. 6s 8d Jan 6s 37d Sept. 2. 7s lld 9s lld Loss. d ld 6s 8d 5s 3d d d Gain. Bon ion Copper Market. Boston, Sept. 21. til l i rices: EatanllBhea 87 Teara in Portland. Consultation Free We Will Treat Aay Single TTncompU- csted Ailment for 110.00. Absolute Guarantee ,s ISo Pay Unless Cured We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD. SPER MATORRHOEA, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL 8TAGES. VARI (WRI.E. HYDROCELE GONORRHOEA. GLEET, OR ANY OF THE DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Personal attention given all pattenta WE CURE WEAKNESS This is to men who lack courage, whose nerves are shaky, whose) eyes have lost the sparkle, whose brains ure muddled. Ideas confused, sleep restless, confidence gone, spirits low and easily depressed, who ore backward, hesitating, unable to venture because they are afraid of failure, who want somebody to decide for them, who are weak, run down and restless. It Is to men who have part or all of these symptoms and want new life, new energy. We especially solicit those cases in which many so-called treatments have failed, or where money -has been wasted on other methods of treatment. Don't experiment when our direct method offers a certain means of cure by local treatment. t WE CURE VARICOCELE ' Varicocele causes congestion of the blood In some of the most Vital blood vessels of man. It causes a dull, heavy, listless feeling, which la often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline. Varicocele re sults from partial paralysis of the delicate nerve fibers that control local circulation of the blood. The muscular coating of the veins is deprived of nervous control and become inactive, weakens and relaxes. The blood vessels expand from the pressure within. The circulation becomes slug, gish and clots form In little nooks and pockets that constantly enlarge as the relaxation continues. .... We have cured thousands of complicated cases where others have failed Our offices are well appointed and equipped with the most mod ern appliances and the latest Inventions essential for the proper and up-to-date treatment and cure of special diseases. , t You may consult us privately in confidence. You will be examined In a thoroughly scientific manner and our diagnosis and advice wilt be cheerfully given to you absolutely free of charge. After this ff 'you de' Blre to be treated we will cure you and make you well and strong aa ' you ought to be. No matter what your ailments are, call or write to vis today, stating vour case plainly In your own way, and receive the benefit of a modern, skillful diagnosis. All letters answered in plain, sealed envelopes. OFFICE HOURS 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; evenings. 7 to 8:30; Sunday. 9 n. m. to 12 noon. , 1 MEDICAL AND SURGICAL COBHSB SBCOST9 ABB TAJCBTH. STBEET3, POBTULXB, OBEOOJT. ST. L 013 DISPrJSAR, Adventure Allouez . . AtlanMc . . RlriEh." m Butte Con. t'al. & Aria. Cal. & Hecla.630 Centennial ... 19 ( oprwr Range. t0 uuincy - -Tamarack Utah ... Victoria Black Mt. Apex .., 8 12 3 60 69 9 2 I Daly West $1 I Mass It Michigan 9 I Mohawk 161'., I Nevada (- 11 N. Butte 51 V. OU1 Doa .. 25;- Osceola 95 Parrot . , . , - jj Winona ..... T4 Wolverine . . , 123 Royal is Greene Can. ..10 Ely 4 82 70 37 4 4 Buying Is Stopped. . (Special Dispatch, to The Jpurnal.) r Kahlotua, Waatw Sept. II. Consider- able trouble is being experienced by the grain shippers In getting cars to trans port their wheat to Portland and the 4aajU-:JUiAHmttlt.Att.peiic able. XA. move the wheat which 0has been put chased, several of the local warehouse are out of the market entirely, 'the wheat crop throughout this parr ( Franklin county haa been nearly all i cared zor, ana - me 1 armors re puw plowing and seeding. The farmers say from present Indications this will be nne of the moat . favorable years for fall sown grain in the history of the district. ' Kldatr fnd tlitlir Tr: ar 1. f t, x