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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAE, PORTLAND, FRIDAY- EVENING, SEPTEMBER 18;' l190T, ' 15 Topics Star TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS. Helllg. I.,., "Merry Wires of Windsor" Marquam . "Th Bohemian Olrt" fcaker ...... "The Woman In the Case, Empire ............ "A Tiui Ranger." irana ...., vauaeviue o ................. . rorty-mn.- .... Th Clt9 at New York." The Oake O. W. P, earlln Baseball . Twenty-fourth and Vaughn. ai s o'oioeit. - r. Membera and frlenda of the Cathollo Toung Men's club of St Mary's parish of Alblna, will gather Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock to participate In the eorneretone ceremonies of the magnin--. cent new olubhouee In course of erec tion on MorrU street near William ay. tni. Archbishop Christie, P. ft Sulli van, president of the club: Judge Ar , inur Im Fraier ana vr. a. u umii wi make brief addresses. Members of the Vnih. r'ninmhua. Foresters. Hlbern lane. BU Joseph societlee and sodalities of the churoh 'will attend. The new clubhouse wllr cost completed more than 110,000. Holding that the permit Issued by the city council to Louis Zimmerman to maintain a . slaughter-house In South Portland was an unlawful exercise of police power, Judge Cleland in the cir cuit oourt yesterday . ref used to ro- iee Zimmerman on a writ 01 naoea oua and remanded him to the cue toay or me cniei 01 pone, kbv lime ave no- immedlatelv afterward that they would stand upon ths judge's decision and appeal to the supreme court Rer. Father Henry Desqueroux, procurator-general of the Dominican Or der, accompanied by Rev. Father Horn, O. P.. visited this city during the week en route to Csnada. The priests are In specting the Dominican convents In the United States and Canada. At the Holy Sosary church last Monday, Father esquerouz officiated at the requiem mass for the late John O'Brien, father of Rev. P. R. O'Brien of this city, who died In San Francisco. bonds for his appearance some ago. Zimmerman a attorneys gavi tic Immediately afterward that Thomas I. Temple of this city has been: granted a patent on an Ingenious toy, which Is In effect an aerial top. The mechanism Is composed of two flat dieks suspended from a string. By winding the string about the disks and dropping with a sudden jerk the dlske are eet spinning. By peculiar jerk ing motion, the disks sre kept revolving without stopping to rewind the string. IM PORltAIJD BANK - OPEfiS NOVEfslBER 1 ScandliiaVian-American Syn dicate Files Incorpora tion Papers in Salem. A Scandinavian-American bank syn dlcats formed some weeks ago In Port liar.d for the purpose of opening a local bank has filed artloles of Incorporation at Salem. Ths capital stock will be M00, and the new bank will open nuTsnimr i, in me room now oc cupled. by the Portland A San Fran cisco Steamship company, Falling build- The incorporators are: C. F. Hen rlchsen, Johan Poulsen, Fred L. Olsen, a. a,, nagerman, Anion jfiCKern, rt. Rostad. I C Heniichsen. O. T. Trom- wald. Jj, Therkeleen. The bank will be unoer management of experienced men. C. F. Henrlchsen was formerly a banker at Orafton, North Dakota. A. Eckern is president or tne bank or Buckley, wash lngton, and H. Rostsd was formerly as sistant oashler of the Scandinavian commercial Dank or Tacoraa. floor walker. Up to the time of the earthquake in California Mr. Mason oo. oupied a responsible position with one of the leading retail stores of San urancisco. Suit for 11,100 damages from ths Wil lamette Iron A Steel works was filed In the circuit court thla morning by Oscar Newqulst Newqulst alleges that ho employed at liwaco, Washington, ana mat placing new tubes In a boiler, an employe of the defendant dropr a boiler tube on hie company hand amusement to children. B. E. Mating, chief clerk In the office ' of the Portland general agent of the Chicago A Northwestsm railway, has been appointed to the position of city rassenger agent, effective September 6. He succeeds R. W. Cook, who has resigned to accept the place or com mercial agent of the freight department of the Iowa Central and the Minneap olis A- St. Louis in. the new of floe these roads will open in this city. crushing the forefinger so badly that vnpuwuoR wag necessary. Charging desertion ' beginning three months after marriage, Mrs.Almes Olea- son this morning filed suit in the cir cuit Court for a divorce from Bert Qlea son. Tfiey were married at Vancouver, Washington, in September. 1904. and Oleason la alleged to have deserted his wte 4n- December of ths same year Mn. Oleason asks that her maiden name. Ma Loire, be restored to her. Two days' celebration for the blessed children, whom we all love. Come to Golden Grain Granules booth and drink all you want. Sugar and cream with every cup, and good will thrown In, too. I want every child In Oregon to drink the 100 per cent pure cereal coffee four time a day. John Blaauw. A new York special train containing about 80 people on a specially conducted tour of Yellowstone park and the Pa cific nortnwest wia come to the Portland Northern mornlnc over The party will spend the en- Saturday PaclHc tire day In Portland and leave In the evening over the O. R. A N. for the east. The train consists of three Pull man sleepers, diner, observation car, baggage car and locomotive. Alex Smith of the Tumwater cafe has received word that bis brother-in-law, W. J. Townley, of Toronto, was ac cidentally killed while crossing a rail road track near the Canadian olty. Mr. Townley visited Portland on several oc casions and has many friends in the Ross City who will regret to learn of bis death. Besides leaving a widow, six Children survive the deceased. Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches or windows must bs paid fr in advance and ussd only between itie houra of I and ft a m.. and C and I p. m. It must noi ds usea ior spi used contrary to th fully. It will be shut off. WO Students. , JTO flas. Cocaine, We Challenge the World Ws will forfeit 11.000 to any eharltable Institution for any dentist who, oan com pel with os In crown and bridge work or tseth without plates. Pay no fancy fees until you bav consulted us. pur continued success In our many offices Is du to the uniform hlgh-grad work don by years of experienced operators. The prices quoted below are absolutely th best opportunity to get your mon ey's worth whloh hag ever been offered. We use nothing but th best material , TEETH... it Am ma. jt mm irv m l imam . " ' . mil in mucus tnrm mm, liver rulings , Platinum FUiiaga Oold and Platinum Alloy ruling Oold rulings .S2.UU to si. ts. Whit X.ora crow...... Bold Crowns. Petri oak. sxtra : ridge vnwiHi www mm r Work, per' toobest'Vold SSloO anbbef rut, S. ft Walt TMia as.' AlB.mlnmXJsed riate ...SIO to A binding guarantee given wuu ail work for io years. TEOIT1BLS varus - -Used only br s f o rAZMUlSSBZXmAOTXOV of tseth 504 Chicago Dental Parlors V. VT. Cor. Sixth as4 Waaaiagtoa Sts. Ths largest and best equipped dental establishment in the northwest Sev enteen offices in ths United States. See that you are In th right orrice. Open Sunday I to 1 Lady In attendance. THE PLAY. J used for sprinkling streete. heae rules, or waate If Dr. Cottel has told you what milk la Cut out the milk; give the children the 100 per cent pure cereal health coffee known as Golden Grain Granules. A big package, nearly two pounds, for 26c. Ask your grocer to weigh the package. Everybody ia talking about It . Alimony decreed by a Washington court but alleged to be unpaid, is the cause of a suit filed In the circuit court by Mrs. Hattle I. Foster against Charles O. Foster. Mrs. Foster wss glvsn a divorce and 110 a month alimony, and now brings suit to enforce the payment of the alimony. Attention is called to the advertise ment of Barr A Hoggatt who are offer ing In today's Journal for the Saturday trade a $8 McKibben hat free of charge with the purchase of a suit of clothes that is itself a bargain. Barr A Hog- f att are two young men that are bulli ng up quite sn extensive business end well deserve the pstronage they are getting. Plans for the new Young Women's Christian association building were dis played at a meeting held In the parlors of the organisation last night and the various departments snd their arrange ment were dlscuseed by Miss Constance McCorkle, general secretary of the Portland association. Music snd short talks constituted the remainder of an evening's interesting program. F. Canell, a Greek, who was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Leonard two weeks sgo at Bonneville for slashing a, coun tryman named Palgren, with a knlfo, was bound over to the grand Jury by Judge Cameron In the sum of $500 on a charge of an assault with a deadly weapon. Palgren is still confined In a hospital but will recover. Christ's Presbyterian church of Chi cago has. extended a call to Rev. J. E. Snyder, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Vancouver. Washington, which has been accepted and Rev. Snyder will leave far Chlcazn n.rt week. He was formerly pastor of the Third Presbyterian, the Brownsville and the Seamen's resort In Portland. A bunch of Oregon celery 17 Inches long has been received at the exhibit department of the Portland chamber of commerce, and Is , regarded as a re markable demonstration of the produc- irltv nf nrpffnn an 1 1 a . rl itllmnl. lery was grown by Herbert A Fieisnaner, at MCMinnvme. Edward Kestln, clerk of the west side justice court has been ill for several days and unable to attend to his duties at the court. Magistrate Reed will re open court Monday morning, when It Is expected Kestln will be able to return to his office. Charged with a felony by his 10-year-old daughter Mamie, Re ford Simpson was committed to the county jail In default of IS, 000 ball. Blmpson is about 8 years old. He was bound over by Justice of the Peace Fred L. Olsen, of the east side justice court. Mall carriers, streetcar men, barbers, shoe repairers and all who "catch It' In the back" ought to drink Golden Grain Granules, 100 per cent pure cereal cof fee. All grocers In United States, 26c for a big package. School children will grow strong If they drink "Golden Grain Granules. A big package costs only 2Sc. It goes as far as 11 worth or milk. All grocers sell this system-building cereal health coffee. Everybody la talking about it If you have a troublesome cough or cold that other remedies fall to relieve, fet a bottle of Kenyon's Cough Cure mm Albert Bern!, the druggist. 233 Waahington street, and get cured. It gives results that aro satisfactory. A stereoptlcon lecture will be given tonight by Rev. Everitt Merrill Hill, late of Mexico City, entitled "New Light on Old Mexico," at the Taylor Street Methodist church, under the auspices of the Epworth league. At the cure food show they use "Pio neer" cream when serving "Golden Grain Granules" cereal coffee. "Pio neer" cream is best you know. It gocg best with coffee. It Is In everybody's mouth. Children just love it It Is the talk of tho town. It makes- the weak strong. Everybody is talking about It It is good enough for the White House. What? Of course, "Golden Grain Granules" the 100 per cent pure cereal coffee. A reception for Mrs. Wilbur F. Crafts, national superintendent of Sunday achool work for the W. C. T. U., will be tendered her next Saturday afternoon from 8 to 5 p. m., at the home of Miss TIMen, 667 East Morrison street by tho Multnomah county W. C. T. U. Hugh S. Mason, for years associated with the Ben Selling store as manager of the furnishing goods department, has returned to Portland and accepted a po sition in the same establishment as F.W. Baltes and Company invite your l inquiries for First and' Oak Multnomah Improvement association meets this evening. FarKlng and aiS' trlct improving of streets will be con sidered, also tne nuing ot look ave nue gulch at Alblna avenue crossing. Judgment for $263 against John F King was awarded to Asa K. Richardson by a jury in Judge Frazer's department of the circuit court Is morning. Rich ardson brought suit for $1,235. Portland Shoe Repair company, 269 Yamhlli street, between Third and Fourth streets for good, quick and sub stantial work. Best oak soles, 76c. Phone Main 765&. Bauer &. stopper. For liquors phone the Family Liquor more. J. &. iteuy, auccessor to Caswell & Keuy. s Morrison street, corner Park. Both phones Pacific, Main 28. ana Home, a-zbuz. Grocers' Clerks' evening entertainment at Golden Grain uranuies booth at the Pure Food show tonight. Let us all have a smile Everybody Is talking aoout it. We sponge and press your clothos and shine your shoes, all for $1 per montn. Main tn, A-4sn. wagons run everywhere. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark, $2,660 will buy, for a few days, a frac tional lot on carllne, with house rent ing for $26 a month. Inquire of Seng stake A Lyman, 90 Fifth street Steamer Jesse Harking, for Camas. Washougal and way landings, daily x- Lies ves Washington street cept Sunday. dock at l p. m. If any cereal health coffee is equal to uoiaen urain uranuies, men Duy tne other. Everynoay is taming aoout it. Woman's Exchange. 188 Tenth street lunch 11:30 to 2; business men's lunch, Acme OH Co. sell safety coal oil shd fin gasoline. Phone East, Jiai-BUfiHT,. Free "rulers for school Albert Bernl's drug store. 'Better three hours too soon than one minute too late," was th motto adopted by Mr. Ford, the jealous husband In th "Merry Wives of Windsor" at the HsUlg .last night- and by allowing .UU motto Ford caused himself and Sir John Falstaff much misery and the other people of the play and the audience much joy. Sir John had his misery coming to him anyway from the two merry wives, but Ford added much to his discomfort Louis James ss Falstaff scored a de cided success In the part of the merriest rogue In England, and drew many laughs from the audience, particularly when he' was recuperating from his ducking In the Thames. But not even be In carried In a basket of dirty clothes and thrown into ths river could steel the old reprobate's heart against the riattery or the tnougnt mat ne was loved by a pretty woman. So he went again and was beaten while disguised as a fat old woman who was believed to be a witch, and went still a third time, to have his plots against the coffers of the bouses of Ford and Page finally exposed. Mr. James' lntsrpretation of Falstaff was admirable, and entirely satisfactory to the audience. Three greater rascals than Bardolph, Nym and Pistol, the pickpockets upon whom Falstaff depends for a livelihood, would be hard to find, and the portrayal of these characters by C D. Burt, J. Arthur Young and Kraft Walton la fin ished and ' highly entertaining. Fal staff. finding his rogues growing mu tinous, decides to make love to Mis tress Psge and Mistress Ford, wives of rich men each of whom carries the household purse. By making love to them, Falstaff sees an ODDortunltv to reach the purses, and presses his suit with much fervor Letters or love are sent to me iwo women, who meet and compare them and then lay plans for revenge on Fal staff. Ford's jealousy is aroused in th meantime by Pistol, and his efforts to find Falstaff in his home fit the plsns of the two merry wives so closely that Falstaff escapes twice under his eyes, but under circumstances mat rai staff does not enjoy. After Falstaff has walked into two traps set by the women and escaped, Messrs. Ford and Page are taken Into their wives' con fidence, and all plan together on tho final expose. Through all the comedy of the play are two lessons of value; one to Fal ataff and the other to Ford who Is as Jealous as could be expected of a man who la told by another that the latter has an appointment to visit his wife. Ford has this experience twice, and his efforts to find Falstaff with Mra Ford add much to the amusement of the Dlav. Frederick Paulding does well with the part of Mr. Ford. ' Dame Quickly. Impersonated by Eu genia Webb, does some pretty acting In persuading Falstaff that the punish ment he receives at the home of Ford Is entirely accidental and much against the wish of Mrs. Ford. W. Chrystie Miller as Justice Shallow, Frank Peters as Mr. Page, and W. C. Andrews ss Sir Hugh Evans, the parson, are good In their task of shaming Ford , for bis Jealousy. . , The merry wives, who are Aphl James as Mrs. Ford and Anne Schaefer as Mrs. Page earned much well de served applause. The company Is well balanced, all parts being well played throughout the five acts leading up to Falstaff's exposure. "The Merry Wives of Windsor" will De repeated at me Heillg tonight, tomorrow matinee and tomorrow night Saturday SPECIAL RECORD SALE Inducements j 1 THe LastDa & Ca rpet Sale jjnrtsirsjrn This phenomenal Carpet Sale has made wonderful record for the department snd for the house. People have come many miles to indulge in the great savings this sale affords. Those same people traveled back over those same many miles, satisfied that never before had their money been so well spent. Tomorrow, Saturday, brings to a close the most sue- a cessful Carpet Sale1 ever' held in Portland. ' So for tomorrow these same remarkable values will be offered from our large and modern department on the second floor. Every Tapestry Brussels Carpet in the house All of our new and exquisite patterns in best Wilton, Velvets and Axminsters, marked $1.85, $2.00 and $2.2,5 Satur- $1.08 marked $1.35 -Tomorrow's Record Sale, yard. Tbass ar th fines of t&sii Ida, and present a day Record Sale Price, yard, beautiful pattern assortment. V . All Sale Carpets sewed, laid and lined free of charge. Carpets may be had with or with- $1.44 out border. Record Furniture Sale of Standard Pieces $ 6.00 Weathered Oak Reception $25.00 Pedestal Dining Table $10.85 Chairs S 3.25 $25.00 Buffets 818.75 $ 2.75 Dining Room Chairs 8 1.55 $ 6.00 Jardiniere Pedestal $ 4.00 $35.00 Five-Piece Parlor Suit 824.75 All Dining Room Sets largely reduced. All Bedroom and Parlor Suits in line with the record reductions throughout the store. Saturday Basement Special Sale oi Brooms For one day only and but one to each customer we will sell All our best 50c Brooms at, each 25f All our 75c Brooms at, each A .45et Many Extra RECORD INDUCEMENTS Saturday, I. GEVURTZ & SONS ON YAMHILL te; KEIUG TKEATKE Tonight and Tomorrow Night s:U. Spaclsl Prlc Matin Tomurrow. i ions JAJCBS - . Ia Shakespeare Delightful Comedy, m xxjkxt wrrzs or wnrssoa- Mr. James at "Falstaff." Kvanlns- nrloea. II In tn 1S: matinee. 11.00 to fie. i Beat selling at theatre. w'iaYS. Hefflg Theatre JT'i Sunday Night September J I. , Th scruolatlngly funny fare, "sous, mmi nxxaauL" A scream from start to finish, rmzcxs, si, tso, bo, ss, toe.. Seats ar now selling at theatre, . . "marquam grand Phon lfaln . . ' Crowded houses ar th oroof of th popularity of "Th Callfomiene' and "TO BOXZKXAJT (USX Only three more nlcrhta. matin M Sat urday and Sunday. Evenings. 26o, 60c, Tie. Vattns, tie and 80c. . .,' t Next week. "Th Geisha." rtAtrno thd at rn OEO. 11 BAKER, Gen. Manager. Portland's fashionable, popular-priced playhouse. Tonight, aU this week, matinee Saturday. Baker stock eomDanv In Blanch Walsh's famous success, . , Br Clrde Fltch , v EVg prices, tie. I Sc. 80c. Mat lie. Ho. Next week. . lor Boat," - EMPIRE: THEATRE Main 117. Go. I Baker, Oan. Vgr. Horn of eaitrm road attractions. Matinees Sun., Wed., Sat Tonight, all week, Le Wlllsrd Co. In "A raxaa majranm." Thrilling play of great western plains. Strong company. Beautiful scenery. Night, 10c, lOo. lOc. Matinee lOo, 10c, Neat attraction, "Th Llttl Prospector' The Grand ?A$S? Week ef Sevtettfcer WJ lSOT. . An All-Feature BUI, headed bf - acvrnvsnr asm .wn.mi),,.v . 'The Phrenologist' By spclal request. Al Jolsom held for another week. Three shows dally at A . . . : . The STAR Week of Sevtembe 8. 1SOT. Th R. K. Frenoh Stock Co. Presents -Tn oztt or nw toki." , Regular matinee days, Sundays, Tue- ivBr Thursday and Saturday, at l:S0. -' Prices, lOo and lOo. Every evening at l:lt. Prices. le. lo and 0.1Re-' served seats by both phonos. - LYRIC THEATRE Both ?honsi ataU 4685, Home, A108S. weea commencing Monday, nept s, THE NEW LYRIC STOCK CQ. IN "POBTTmrm,' - t Mstlnees Tuesdsy. Thursday. : Sattrr- day and Sunday. Prices lOo and too. Every evening at 1:11. Ptioe lOo. lOo and lOo. Boxes 80c. Office opn 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. , nnnQninniiniinsimiREi NOW Is the Time to Install an Ice Plant for Next Year r The saving accomplished, the convenience of not having to wait for the ice man, and best of all, the cleanliness achieved by having all your meats under glass, and having them cold, should be all the recommendation needed. We design every part of the plant. Our refrigerating engineer will be glad to call and give you figures. ss e BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, 1 ' ' Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth. f 11 as pai i a t;: v r lIv 1 sUt.1I LP VS. '4 OAKLAND . Sept 10. 11. 12, IX 14. 15. Double header Sunday, one admission. Game called at 3:00 p. m. Daily. Game called at 2:30 p. m. Sundays. , Ladies9 Day Friday ADMISSION 25c. Grandstand 25c. Children 10c the w. g. Mcpherson company 328 Glisan St. Phone: Main 852, Al 852 Ice. v For les call Main 214 or A-8HS. Delivery company. tSl Stark St. loe Devlne, representing the Far lpanv of i-o visiting Sherman r. h rand company of cltv In the player piano. ctrolt, Michigan, is Clay & Co. of thla interests of the Clclllan The twenty-thlrdf annual session of the Trades and Laftor council will meet at Winnipeg, September 16. One of the most vital auestlons to come before the convention will be that of immigration. nnBnssraxn-CTsmsraBsKH Children at Diamonds. Watcnes Beck's, SOS Aider Dr. E. C Brown, Eye-Ear. Marqaam. I D. Chamber, rptlcian, llf Seventh, f lfnslM Tamhlll phon. ' Berge: 1 .1 Bark Tenia for rheainatisnv The Pleasure Park Beautiful, With Forty of the Most Mod ern Attractions and gChiaffarelliand His Band BIX BOKO ASTZ8T8. Grand Prise Kasq.nrad By the Oaks Dancers, in the Pavilion Tonight. Six Beautiful Prises. Special accommodations for beginners at the Boiler Rink. Free Admission ' Dally, except uunaay, iiu a -a a n m. for ladies and chil dren. The Old Bookstore For many years at !2 Yamhill sC is now located it 111 5th at, opposite Postoffio. and fll 2d st, between Tay lor and : Salmon, ' where i. th newly adopted school books can b bad. New and second' band; mw:stit k: -i -, A Saturday Sale o! School Children's Footwear at SCHOOL SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS East Side department Store All Sizes Children's Solid Lea ther Shoes; Best $1.75 Quality Every Plr fMrintetd" Cts. Pair A new pair for every pair that gees wroai Evcry pair absolutely solid leather of the best selected dongola stock, 'solid soles and coun ters, plain or patent tips; sold regularly and splendid values at $1.75 a pair; tomorrow, one day only, at, the pair, 99c. 300 Dozen Children's Stockings Best 20c Quality THE PAIR All sizes of the best 20c grade of stockings you have ever bought; a guaranteed black, made with double knees,: toes and heels; take,: them at 5c a pair. . ? !; SPECIAL NOTICE: DOLL CONTEST END5 TOMORROW Tomorrow is the last day of the doll contest. All little girls holding checks are re quested to present them tomorrow for -the final count. ' ' 'TKx .,:.r:rr7i -rr-. MissGussieLenshaw Ths Celebrated lady Baritoa who mad such a big bit In the cast at th PUREFOODSHOV BxroKTxo none. WACXZVOTOsT STSXBT. , Also Bound's Xdl Or . obsstra ft gpeolajty Oo ' ' of Nw Tork. .. . - , EXHIBITS, CONTESTS, Etc, Th plao to meet erery body. Something doing all th tlma. Ask your grocer f for Grocery Ticket. , ADMISSION 25c AFTERNOON AND EVXTONG STATE f OR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Oomponnd Prtn and Cotton Root Pills. Th bst and only reliable remedy for PELiATED PER lODS. Cure th moat obstin ate, cases In 8 to 10 days. Price ft r box, mailed In plain wrapper. Sold y drugriat eyerywher. Address T. J. PIERCJE. 181 First St. Portland, Or. ana otaer orag asoits ar posttrreiy stired It HABITINATfFor aypodermte er internal ui Oi Bemple sent to an; srlo iter a dm mail. Begnlar price 12. g habitue by OOperbottl St yonr CraggUX or by msil in plain wraptr. lta Cktcmteal Co &t Loot. I so. twtmi ky gklSmere Crog Co., M SALEU-SEPT 1621 Great Exposition of Agricultural and) Horticultural Produota. Big Live Slock Show (Just Llk "W Had at tb Lewis a4 ; .... pUtk), ia: - ''t Good Racing Every Day Between Fastest Horsea oa tb Coast, BSDVOSa BAXUKOAD mATXS. ' 53 IX f ? J J tl , I, ' USB A NIC O L A fa qm mi two Pec?- i f ' ;it'PersCcnt Ic; Businessproperty. I4B per monin. th of flew. CM Easy. . Ciwi xtii waloo p. rrnv . '-' .i. '-, v