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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1907)
v &x W(fMf( fjoiirnal Circulation 1 H M D E Sure !o Read Ihc WANT ADS and DISPLAY ADS In Today's JournaL.Vs,,- - .Illl I J I I J I I . J ,-. - j. . ' ' j . jt '.. 1 ''"' 1 j, Ths . wether--Showerf, V warmer i . tonight; Sunday ihower sod -cooler. " on y no.1 I f. Portland, oregon,- Saturday evening, September ' ij im. two, sectionseighteen pages. price two cents. ; ZZJi?'ltPcll mMEFEREMBiJ TEST, TEmFMOME CQMP I t I II i : 11 . ' I II ,i ... ,J F. ED W THE il ... .. ' If II 1 1 . I . V I-, i.(..ri If .11 ... (J A ill- ' I- . II 11' if i I ' SUIT FILED BY TRUST WILL DECIDE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE ACT v UECTS TO SPECIAL MI -".ment on Gross Fam ines Under -Act Proves Thorn in Side of Corora- tion United States Su preme Court to Decide. SOME OF THE EXCUSES OFFERED FOR FILING THE SUIT. These are Che Grounds on which it is alleged that the fed eral constitution is violated by initiative and referendum law Deprives legislature of power to consent to purchase Dv congress of places in Oregon for arsenals and forts. Art. I, I Sec. II. f Deprives legislature of power to prescribe time, place and manner of electing senators and representatives to congress. Art. I, Sec. IV. t Deprives legislature of power to direct manner in which state shall appoint electors for president. Art. II, Sec. I. Deprives legislature of power to consent to junction of Oregon with other states or parts of states. Art. IV, Sec. III. Deprives legislature of power to apply to United States for protection from domestic violence. Art. IV, Sec. IV. Deprives legislature of power to apply to congress for conventions to propose amendments to federal constitution; and of power to ratify constitutional amendments. Art. V. Deprives legislature of right to choose senators to con gress. Art. I, Sec. Hi Violates rights, privileges and immunities granted cor porations. Amendment XIV, Sec. I. Is unrepublican, and violative of a republican form of government. Art. IV, Sec. IV. HAVE IRE TEACHERS I h "" f 1 4v H Portland Schools Crowded With 2,000 More Pupils man Last lear conal tions Require That Facul ties Be Greatly Increased egon's Initiative and referenduli ndmrnt to the state eonktltOtlon. thl :t primary law nd every law con- v to the constitution of the United fg are null and void and will be red so 1 the charges made by the fie' States Telephone tt Telegraph aBy are upheld by the oourts. The j Ic on the initiative amendment was s by the telephone company In the tit court this morning, and at the . time the way was paved for an ,-tl to the supreme court .of the 1 States, where the validity of the and referendum in Oregon nallr be determined Questions as to th -1eral con-i n are ruHcii in ido . uruunm state to compel the 'telephone 1S?.Ky Probably Be j Allegea Ac Zs Xnralld. , company this morning filed an I ,er to tne suit in ine circuit court, ting that the act levying the tax Is lid because It was Initiated and the active amendment violates eignt sec- and the fourteenth amendment of pnstitutlon of the United States, Slrty-second section oa the const!- f Assembly Ifalls Will Have to Be Utilized to Accommo date Overflow Half Day Sessions Will Be in Vogue at Arleta School. increase of in the city ,ti 10 Unal 7 ou MAY SETTLE FOR SIXTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Able to. Pay This Sum to iJepasitors-Receiv- er's Report Is Expected Monday. Mondayor Tuesday of next week will of Oreaon. and statutes enacted Probably be the date of filing of the greas and the legislature of Ore-1 report of Receiver T. C Devlin upon the condition of the Oregon Savings and . alleged that the initiative will iv the legislature of. Oregon, and ,trary to the Implied provision ot iderai constitution mac me gov ta of the several states shall be can in form, and that each of the hall create and inamtam repre te legislative assemblies. Viola- sect ions anc articles or ine on are specified as follows: ne Initiative urports to create iture oi tne people or voters of Oregon, Trust company. No Intimation has been secured from the bank as to what the report will Indicate, but there Is reason to believe that under the disad vantages that are the usual rule of liquidations and receiverships the bank ultimately wUl not pay depositors more than 60 cents on the dollar. When the question of the probable making le to determine the qualifica tcessary for representatives in ion legislature, and tnererore iflcatlons for representatives In enure i amount of money to be realised by the :L i neDosftors was put souareiv to Keceiver Uevun today, ne saia: "I have at no time said to a depositor that any specific amount would be ronHxAri I have not said the hunlc violating article 1, section 2, would pay 100 per cent nor 20 per cent. ys: I The bank will almnlr car whatever Ihouae of representative shall there is here to pay. At first things aed Of members Chosen everv I anmw)ir Alttmrunt trnm what ear by the people of the sev- thev do now. It was impossible at the itates. and tha electors in each start to obtain any accurate idea as to hall have tha qualifications requl- o large a business, which had been ir electors or tne mast numerous running two or three years. We are j of the state legislature. Interferes witli Elections. J-hat the initiative deprives the state ne5L?ff working as hard as we can upon the receiver's report, and it may be ready lslature of tha power to consent to ne purchase by congress of places In Vegon for forts and arsenals violating tide . 1, section I, subdivision 17v nich reads: VThe congress shall have power to ex- use iik autnority over an places chased by the consent of the legisla te of the state in which the same shall .k'." for the erection of forts, maga 1 sines, arsenals, dry docks and other need. V im buildings." ' That the initiative deprives the state legislature of the power to prescribe the time, place and manner of holding elec tions " or senators and representatives In . con ss, violating article 1, section 4, wl , says: "it- i times, places and manners of While the bank may have been sol vent the day it Suspended, the delavs and difficulties in the way of a settle ment py receivership are so great that it is said to be next to Impossible to realise full value on assets. The feat has been accomplished by other banks but not often. The movement to reorganize and re open the bank is receiving strong sup port among depositors. The committee of the depositors' association is meet ing almost dally with the bank's offi cials, and it Is said the disposition to Join in the plan submitted is almost unanimous. President Moore said: "The reorganization plan is getting along very well, and is receiving "d support from the depositors. As to the bank's llauidation and the prospective amounts of money depositors may re ceive, it ought to be understood that although the bank may have been sol vent the day It suspended, the usual course of receivership Is a long-drawn- out and expensive affair, and may take rrom two to rive years or even longer, The nature of the business to be set tled up sometimes requires a very long time, in order to get It settled to the best .advantage, ir the bank is re opened under favorable conditions such as wehope tlk obtain, the stock will within three months be valuable." PROSPERITY WILL BE r NEXT CAMPAIGN ISSUE ,, (Continued on Page Two.) IE NOTICE OP THIS EAT FOR READERS. Journal's Sunday Magazine RROW WILL CONTAIN: story of the 'Pan-American iu and Its Promoters. . Hubbard s ExDerience at loon's Training School. Icience Is Saving the Babies Jtinfir Relic:- of the Seige . of sburg. fete, Its Many Uses and How is Manufactured. rer to the Strange Query, "Do -- -vs Possess" Intelligence?" ' ying the World's Greatest -.--Jt- tals by Chanty. , 'f'oniancea 0f Royalty-w-an , ; XfAy interesting' story of ? ' 2.ian: nobility s love adveh- f iVSjorts,: Society, Drama I-11S1C . ' . E' not forget Maud, Happy ; ' i an and The Journari : -Best Comic Supplement in- ('.V V: Journal '; ADEPTS SESSION MAY BE STORMY Americans Opposed to Mrs. Besant's Faith in Spirit World Masters. (United Press teawd Wire.) Chicago,' Sept. 14. Opposition to Mrs. Annie Besant of Adyar, India, world president of tha Theosophical 8oclety of the World, Is already taking shape here, and before' the convention of "adepts" is brought to a close it 4s -be Ueved that many stormy sessions -will disturb the Universal Brotherhood. Hundreds of "adepts" are gathered in this city today to attend the twentieth annual convention of the society, whloh will open at Kimberly hall tomorrow. The opposition to the aifted Mrs. Be sant is said to be stronger among the American contingent' than the other classes. ana u is claimed is based on TWO CENTS IS SUM DEMANDED IK' SUIT AGAINST VANC0UYEB (SpcUl Dtapateh to Tba JeersaL) 4 Vancouveri B. C, Sepfc 14. -. 4 4 James Dlojc a well-known club- 4 4 man, will sue tha city for two 4 cents. When ha paid his taxes 4 4' a few flays ago he cents column - of his blU ended In tha iigura "t," and paying 8 cents ht asked for t cents in change. Tha clerk Informed him that I Cents -as the lowest fegal tender, in Can. da, and there -was no' change purely ethical grounds, although the question of splrltnalism also enters. Many of the members fear that Mrs. Besant will again place Charles W. Leadbetter, a former prominent theoso phlst, who was driven from the society for gross immorality, in a position of influence. Others are opposed to Mrs. Besant because of the new dogma pro mulgated by her that the affairs of the society are governed and her nomina tion and election made possible by In visible "masters" of the "spirit world" The Theosophical society was organ ized by Mme. Helen P. Blavatsky and Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, the latter a veteran oi ine civil war and well-known newspaper man. once a That there will be an from 1,500 to 3,000 puplla schools this year, and that from SO to 40 mora teachers will have to be em ployed before Christmas is firmly be lleved by the school authorities. Never in the history of the Portland school system has so great an increase over a preceding year been so apparent Whlia tha presentstaff, of f 20 taachara was elected to take ear or a reasonable Increase, that foroa will be wholly In adequate' when the new buildings are Turned over to me aistrict petween tne first of October and Christmas. It will be neoessarv for the first month or six weeks to devote, the aar son. Shaver and Holladay buildings to accommodate the overflow enrollment. Half Day Sessions In Togua. In the Arleta building . it has been found necessary to divide the classes so that one half may attend school dur ing the morning hours and the other half durina- the afternoon. The new Vernon school building will not be ready for occupancy until about Christmas. It is expected that the new additions to other buildings will be turned over by the contractors about the middle of Oc tober or the first of November. Over 600 teachers gathered In the as sembly hall of the west side high school at 3 o clock this afternoon to receive as signments and necessary instructions for the opening of the city schools Mon day morning. Many new faces were seen among the large staff, and the outlook all around Is for the best year in the school his tory, notwithstanding the fact that the early weeks of the first term will see the buildings uncomfortably crowded. This is due to the unfinished condition of a number of the new school buildings and annexes. County School Open Monday. Superintendent Roblnson'of the Mult- mah county schools stated this morning that with few exceptions an oi tne county districts would resume work Monday morning. The Russelvllle school, the Sandy road school and tha Cedar school teok up the year's work last Monday morning. Usually in the county the beginning of the school work is determined by local Industrial conditions. In districts depending on berries, as Is the case at Russelvllle, the work is taken up earlier so that the close in the spring can be made sooner. Inasmuch as the new books are to be placed in the schools during the open ing term, -It will require several days to get the work fully under way. Mr. Robinson has recommended to the several districts that all of the changes be made immediately excepting in the cases of those grades which will com plete the work In February of this school year. Every school in the dlstriot is sup plied with teachers. The two high schools outside of Portland have splen did prospects for a good year. St. Johns Is employing three teachers in the advanced course and Oresham has two teachers. VICE-PRESIDENT FAIRBANKS, W HO SAYB THAT "PROSPERITY" WILL BE THE KEYNOTE O F THE COMING PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. 11 i Fairbanks Declares That the Interests of Labor Greater Than Those of Capital and That j , Roosevelt Cannot Be Censured. Are r (UnHed Prtts Leawd Wire.) Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 14. Vice President Fairbanks, In an interview hece today, said that prosperity will be the paramount Issue of the next campaign. . "There Is always enough 'hard times' to go around," he said. "The man is dull indeed who believes that the wak ing up of the' people to their rights and wrongs can - be smothered. The public officials, from the president down, should keep In touch with the great mass of people. The highest interests of the American people are the com mon interests, and we " must keep up or down together. The Interests of labor In the making of our welfare are greater than that of capital. No one cun rightfully reproach President Roosevelt for nls prompt enforcement of the laws." IS. EARLE "AFFIfJITY" Cast-Off Wife of . Artist la CiropipA nt, 4 "Rmilofrnfl hv Husband Should Be Proud of Miss Kuttncr. v.;;: French Woman Feels ; No Pain Over Separation and Is Surprised at Notoriety Caused by Her Actions Is Not Jealous. NEW ORLEANS IS INTERSTATE COMMISSION CANNOT AID LUMBERMEN Washington Railway Commission Receives Reply to Ap peal Advised to Secure Injunction but Find It Is Impossible. TIED BY STRIKE Dockworkers Refuse to Han dle Cotton Galveston Longshoremen Win. HI 4 4) ,coming. He , will, make ' teat case pft in f ha .courts. , ; vr-,d - (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Olympia. Wash., Sept 14. The rail road commission has received a reply by telegraph to it recent request that tha , interstate commerce commission prevent tha putting In of the proposed Increased lumber rates. The reply comes from the secretary of the. Interstate commerce commission and states that it will be impossible for tha- commissi on to prevent tha , rates rotnrTtHto'f tmtt- Hr aaggeatad t ine wasnmgxoR .commission, - nowever, in tha telegram received that injunction proceedings -might' ba, brought In the United States court to prevent the rallf roads from putting In tha rate, as was dona recently by- milk dealers who pre- venj milk vented tha railroads from increasing the securing an injunction bv front Federal Judge Konlaaat of Illi nois. ' -- - ; - , Investigation, however, shows that tha proposed milk rata which tha rail roads arranged to nut in were in them selves discriminatory and did not' apply to the general public. In the caae of the proposed lumber rate increase, this point could not pe raised, as tne new rate win appiy generally. The Oregon railroad commission re ceived similar notice and suggestions rrom tne same source, nut instead or be Jng satisfied therewith wrote a letter to the. Interstate commerce commission, explaining that the position of tha com mission, is well understood here, but that what is really, wanted until the matter h boen vaaUgat(i is for tha commission to intercede with the ralN roads- in behalf of tha lumbermen " to have the date for the new rate post poned until after the matter has been passed upon by tha commission. The matter is deemed of such great importance to the! community, at; large that the lumbermen believe it should be investigated before the higher rata is charged, sines it will afleefcthe business '.(Contlauad on Pa Two.) (United Prs Leased Wire.) New Orleans, Sept. 14. The port of New Orleans is effectually tied up by the strike of the longshoremen. The unions flatly refuse to meet the com mercial exchanges. As a result, an In vestigation cf cotton hauling In other gulf ports will be made and there is every probability that the entire sys tem in vogue will be changed so as to pay tho laborers so much per bale in stead of by the hour. Galveston. Tex.. Sept, 14. The strike of the 1.000 Southern Pacific dock workers has ended. The officials con ceded the demands of the men after failure to procure strikebreakers with which to handle the immense freight blockade. nrinv niLmufi ntflui TOJEPEl JAPS Colonel Glassford Declares United States Is Pre . pared for War. BLOODY GANG FOUND Ifl LISBON SUBURBS Desperadoes Are Captured in Miniature Catacombs After Battle. Lisbon. Sept. 14. Tha discovery 'and roundup of a gang of desperadoes in the miniature catacombs in the suburbs has revealed eight partiv decomposed bodies and heaps of human bones be lieved to ba the remains of mysterious ly disappeared victims. A dosen men were . arrested attar pitched battle sritn tns police. :J- a . ... (Pacific Cotit Press Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Sept. 14. Lieutenant Colonel W. A. Glassford, chief of the signal corps of the department of Cal ifornia, has lust returned from an ex tended trip on leave of absence through Alaska and the Hawaiian Islands. Colonel Glassford made a close study of the strategic positions of the United States In Alaska and on the Hawaiian Islands, and believes that Uncle Sam- is fully prepared to cope with the Japa nese situation in the event of hostil- ltles. He regards the transfer of the game entirely. fleet of battleships to the Pacific coast I Supervisor The as necessary to its protection. He says the Improvement of Pearl harbor, 'in Hawaii, should be made at Once.' Colonel Glassford is not alarmed at the Immigration of Japanese to Hawaii. He says In case of war the American navy would drive the Japanese vessels rrom the .Sandwich Islands and the Japanese would scatter to the interior. The more Japanese there are on the islands, tha easier tne last wouia ne, ne ciaimea., (Cnlted Press Leased Wire.) ' Boulogne, sur Mer, Sept. 14. Mrs. Emille Earle, whose husband, Ferdinand Pinney Earle, the New York artist, .cast her off for his "affinity," Julia Kuttner. with her 2-year-old son Harold,, has ar rived In Boulogne. i v Lieutenant Fishbacher of the French navy came up from Paris to meet his sister. She greeted him with a bright mile and waved tha tiny hand of tha fair, round-faced baby in her arms to tne nanasome, weu-aressea frenchman, who had come to take tha deserted wife back to he A father's home in Paris. As the gangplank was lowered Mrs. Earle skipped down it with the light headedness of a young girl and kissed her brother affectionately. She con sented to be Interviewed regarding her present and future plans and the causes that led up to her remarkable renuncia tion of her husband. 'when Ferdinand and I decided that our paths must separate,'' she said, "we never dreamed that it would create' so much excitement and Interest, ail over the world. i 'It was the very thing to do. 1 wa could see no other way out of what had . become a miserable situation. It was an unhappy, if not painful, realisation that we could no longer live together. and we parted." V "You had not a woman s auaims of . remorse no Jealousy?." waa asked. "No. not jealous, ana replied, but of course there was unhappineas in it for all of us, for Miss Kuttner, for Ferdi nand and ior myseir. sut tnat. too. will . all pass away with time. My philosophy tells me that." "Is It true that you are really fond of Miss Kuttner?" questioned tho rex porter. Most certainty i am, aaia Mrs. Earle. "She Is in every way a woman my husband can be proud of, and on whom I esteem in the very highest ' sense. She is my husband's own affin ity the one woman in all the world) whom he could love truly and as a worn, an should be loved. "Without Miss Kuttner my husband's) life would have bean unhappy." , CLEAN" BOXIIIG ; NONE JIT ALL San Francisco Supervisors ; Not Opposed to Game If ; r There Be No Fakes. (j v (Padfte Ooast Pre 'Leased Wire.) . San Francisco, Sept. 14. The action of the police committee of tha. board of supervisors in refusing to recommend the application for an October fight per mit has caused something of a flurry among fight promoters. Tho question that naturally has arisen is -whether tha members of Mayor Taylor's board ara . planning to shut down on theboxing JOHN FOX EXPLAINS OBJECTS OF CONGRESS (Pacific Coast Press Leased .Wire.) San Francisco, Sept 14. John A. Fox, Special director of tha National Rivers and Harbors congress, has arrived hers and on Monday evening he will leave for a tour of the harbors of California. He comes to California .in the interest of the congress, explaining its objects and work and gathering data relatingto th? LUCANIA FALLS BEHIND HER FORMER RECORD V (United Press Leased Wire,) Near Tork.- Sent . 14. -Ths Cunarder Lucanla. arrived today, II hoars later than the: Lusltanla, which passed her, and seven hours behind her own. time. mas Maares i ths most outspoken of the three members of tha police commission In defining the atti tude that would bo adopted. V' ? ' "What we want In San irfancisco, sald-Magea, "is clean sport. We ara none of us on the police commutes in clined to be puritanical. Good, clean boxing la a Ana sport and should be encouraged. But when things -get s to that pass where professional flghtsr. are all 'faked, and tha so-called- amatrur fights divide ths gats receipts with ths principals, It is time that a stand was taken to purify' the game." Ths polios last night refused to per- ' mit tha. Bay City club to pull oft its four-round fights, j, ; ; , PRINCE CHAVADSE IS , YICTDI;0F ASSASSLY ' - (Catted Press- teased WTr.) Tlflls. Bept."14.-Princs Chsval!s ft? tha council of ths empire. has b-ea sassinated tn the Bummtv nirlrt. Ti4 Princess Chavydse was wounUed at u same tlinsT.'.-T v . X' -yyy PRINCE AUGUST OF V ?C0BURG PASSES A7 A" trnltJ! Frees - y; rlsbad, Bept. 1 I tSn. CobJrf died hers ti'.iy. . ) pi1 4