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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1907)
THE. OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENH,. SEPTEMBER 13, , 1007. ' 10 JIN GRILLS Tells Mount Hood Railroad Official That lie Com 7 mitted Perjury. PEEFEHS. JAILBIRD; T; HER HpSBAND. F V . , '.V A 1 r f .( - . , .. " - , 4 i ' V.. S ', .... v i , . ; 4' -t ; M' ',,!, J, .m ' V 1 ' V. .v.ipia.iiMMtanvwiKr .i f ' Ttfr.- Miller, you perjured' yourself whsn you a won before Judgs McBride thai the city refused you a right of way aoroM DuU Bun creek for your railroad. The city can make It hof for you for this action and I ahall Invaitl oat. full the DroceedlngB you have In- .i,..tA ' Ti,i. Vit will take this mat ter to the court of last resort If you think you can run over ua. m Mayor tne yeeterday gave Manager Wilier of the Mount Wood Railway Klwtrlo company one of the severest I grllllngs ever heard In a city nan cony ; nilttee meeting, when the latter petl I tlonpd for a parmlt to cross the city ' property srter filing suit to condemn a t atrip of land.) It Is not Improbable that the city officials will . refuse to nave any more deaUBKa with Millar ac an of- jiclal of the company. " M . - ' . ! Tuesday Miller appeared bo fore Judge McBride In the circuit court at Oregon ' City and awora to the truthfulneea of condemnatory papera looking to the ao ouirement of a 100-foot atrip .across II aires of. the clty'a property at tne con junctlon of Bull Kun creek and Sandy Before the property can be condemned the lnw requirea mat au nrnni 4 be exhausted toward an agreement to nrchasa The only overtures made by tiller's company waa when the mana ger aaked Mayor Lane lor a permit. ; The mayor told him it waa not nla niinM la mnt rights of way and directed him to-Supertntendent Dodge of ik mrntor denaxtment. so that , the lat ter might take the matter up With the water board, which would in turn ask the council to give the railway com Dny the desired strip. The city f- tirials contend that . Miller made BO formal petition for a right of way. . Hisivur. tha.t official filed his Detl Hon alth the board yesterday and the latter Intimated It might grant an ease ment, but under the circumstances did Ti.ft are ur part-wltlt'tne IuU .Utlr Id me property. ' - 1 r in addition to Its tracks the Mount Hood company also desires to construot a flume on the property. This, request Involves . certain water rights . Should It be found that the city's water rights are. in jeopardy the tight against con- j demnatlon will be carried Into the high est courts. MM NATURE'S ESSENCE Extracted From Forest Plants' Nature's laws are perfect if we obey them, but allseaae foIlowadlBobediencei. al sirs (aVi rn niit trvm tVta ntta fV vrisa vs v owejiMU ejv usjvuiw iu situ vuava iu waau forest; there aro mysteries here that we ean istnom tor you. . xaae tne oarg 01 the biacK-cDerrr tree, tne root 01 man drake, stone root, queen's root, bloodroot ana goiaen seal root, mage a scientine, non-alcoholic extract of them with Just the right proportions and yon hare Dr. Fleiws Golden Medical Discovery. It took Dr. iPlerce. with the assistance of .two learned chemists, eight years of hard work experimenting to make this vegetable extract and alterative of the greatest efficiency. Just the sort of remedy yon need to make rich, red blood, and cure that lassi tude and feeling of nerve exhaustion. Dr. Pierce's Goluen , Medical Discovery bears the stamo of lptmuo AmtovAL and has sold more largely In the past forty years than any other blood partner and stomach tonic The refreshing in fluence of this eitract is like Nature's Influence the blood is purified and en riched the vital Ores of the body burn brighter and their Increased activity con lumes the tissue rubbish which has ac cumulated In the system. Doctor R. V. rieroe, the founder of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., and b physician of large experience and prac tice, was til ursi to maker no an utter rive extract of native medicinal roots, WITHOUT A yaiiTICLK OF ALCOHOL, Which nurlftna the hlnod and tones up the stom ach and the entire system in Nature's own way, The "tioioon Meaicai uiscov ery Is Just the tissue builder and tonle you require when recovering from a hard cold, grip, pneumonia, or from a debili tating I ver. No matter how strong the constitution the stomach is apt to get "out of kilter " now and then,- ana in eon sequence the blood is disordered, for the etomfoch is the laboratory for the con stant manufacture of blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery strengthens the stomach nntx it in shate to make pure, rich blood helps the liver and kidneyg to expel the poisons from the Doay, ana so cures liver anu kiuucj troubles. If vou take this katubal BLOOD PTTRINKR AKT KERVE TONIO yOU will assist your system In manufacturing each day a pint of rich, arterial bloody that is Invigorating to the brain and nerves, rue weaK. nervous, run-uuwu, debilitated condition whtch over-worked people experience Is usually the effect of poisons la, the blood; It Is often indicated by pimples or boils appearing on the kin, the face becomes thin you feel blue." Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery cures all blood humors as well as being a tonic that makes one vigorous, strong and forceful Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlscnverv stands alone as the one medicine for stomach, liver and blood disorders that has the Ingredients printed upon the wrapper of every bottle leaving the great laboratory at Buffalo,' N. Y., which cured in Nature's own war : not onlv does It stand .axons In respect to its ingredients being knewn, bat also.asJ vno oniy ionic ana restorative wmca au soiuteiy contains no cuconot. "I was taken with a severe court), weak neat In my back, a glimmer ' over the eyes, had a baa breath, and stomach was out of order." writes li. Gaddis. of liia South Tanna Avenue. Tacoma. Wash. "I felt sluggish, did not care for anything, had no life, it was almost misery to move, appetite Very poor. read Dr. Pierce's Common Dense Medical dviser and went rirht away and Dnrchased two bottles of his 'Golden Medical Discove ry,' and before I had taken all of one bottle lelt better. If any doubt the truth of this nurawiu way may inu to me. XSW,-.. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets 1ku. cure bad. foul stomach and Ke a constipation and so help to cure . . , nearly every disease of man kind. They regulate, tone up and invigorate Stomach. Liver and Bowels. TOWII FOLK FIND NEW CROP SAVER TO f. DISCUSS EOAD KATES hearing by the Washington railway v eommlalon to be held at Olyrapla next i Monday will consider rules ana regu i latiens of all railroads In the state, ' - mcludihg the O. K. A the Great , Northern and the - Northen racine. Messrs. John M. Scott and A. D. Charl r ton, assistant general passenger agents, i M. J. Buckley, general superintendent ? or the narriman ; lines ana Artnur u. 1 Spencer, attorney on the staff of W. W. i Cotton, will depart tomorrow to attend v the. Hearing. :. .v.. -; .. J ASKS TEN THOUSAND FOE HIS IEFT THUMB - Ten thousand dollars ' for his - left thumb . is the demand '. E. R. Allison makes of the jury in Judge O'Pay's Mrs. Celeste Teitler and her husband on their wedding day. "God la ever sorry for enforced love," wrltea Mrs. Teitler, to her husband. 1. - 1 - VT V V. n . . A V. .V. I.H kin X'An, k man she lorei. Arthur Levy, U In Ludlow Street Jail, as a result of his otate rTOteCtS DQCT IBM In- elopement with her. The young woman, who is the daughter of a mil lionaire merchant of Vienna, Austria, has repeatedly been offered for giveness by her husband, but she refuses his overtures, and declares her love for Levy, and visits him dally at the Ludlow Street Jail, bear ing an arm full of delicacies and splendid meals are topped off by ex pensive Egyptian cigarettes. vade Eich Farms of .Vermonters. KFOMJH OF RED CROSS the discussion of the Red Cross Question and all are in favor of the oraanizatlon Of a state branch. Many of the other note Woodstock, Vt, flept 7. Elmer Pren tiss, of this town, announced early in the spring that he had discovered a way to 'keep deer., from invading his gar den and cornfields, and every one took of it against the time of need, department of the curcult court, select-I -n l rail.... TMna War Taft, Secretary of the Inferior ed to try. his. suit against the Doern- Al uIUIUCIlL 1ltuCUB AlflUUOO oarrieid and many other prominent men Alll- states have state organizations affiliat ed witn tne. national society, ana in time of calamity these have done eood work In the alleviation of suffering. "Miss Mabel T. Board mnn, who is in reality the head of the national or ganisation wnen it comes to work and enthusiasm, is very anxious that Oregon havtt a att nmnlittlnn " M Mr Coolav this mominir. "Hfortr nf shootine- a marauder. The rarmors becher Manufacturing comapny. son alleges that he was employed by ths company last ; Decern be f, and that I through the negligence of the company I his lelt tnumo waa mangiea so mat it had to be amputated. Organization of Local Society in Portland. SWEDES CHALLENGE ' (flvecUl DtajMtch to Tke losrsil) ' Astoria. Or- Sept. It. The Finnish tug of war team that beat alt nations in national life are actlva workers in the Red Cross society. Secretary Tart is president of the national organisa tion, and many other prominent public men are aotive In the different com mittees. "In many of the states strong or ganisations are maintained, with promi nent state officials at their heads, and it is desired that Oregon should be In corporated in the group." Since his arrival in the city Mr. Coolev has been besieged with reauesta to agitate the formation of an Oregon Drancn or tne tea cross, ana ne nas Organisation of an Oregon branch of tti NiLHnnal HA dross society is bains FINN CHAMPIONS discussed by prominent residents of Portland and it Is probable that such steps will be taken In the Immediate fu ture as will lead to the establishment of a branch in this city. in a contest here during the regatta A. W. Cooley of Washington, D. C, way possible. It Is now being- planned has bad their challenge accepted for I assistant attorney-general of the United to call a meeting ol : those interested In another contest bv the Swedish team. I States, who was in Portland this morn-1 the movement, at which something defl- The contest is for 1 1.000, and all gate tax cation. Mr. Cooley is a member of the A TnTJ1?TV fifWTVQ TATTA cantral committee, which la the execu- UlAtVAAXJAVA linu receipts go to the winner. Dlace in IS days. Conslde Is being taken in the event. It will Considerable Interest It Is reported that at the end of his term Governor Vardamaa of Mississippi will take editorial charge of. a newspa per to be etablished by a Joint stock company now In course of organisation. satlon, and Is enthusiastic in the promo tion of the growtn or tne parent organi sation. Since his arrival in the city many or the prominent men here nave taaen up VOGUE AS A PASTIME rJ553K3X3XS552KX2XX!E3raEKXSSK5ES22ZXE355ZSKs I The Outlet Clothing Co. is H II M f II ii M II II II ii E2 i! it ii ii ii ii ! f ii ll ll 11 n i MOTHERS Do you want to reap a small investment that will aid you in buying for your children SCHOOL BOOKS? THE OUTLET is in want of more space for their Men's Department, and must seek room from another department. We have decided to RETIRE from the Children s line of goods we carry, hence we offer you our present fall buy and entire line of Boys' and Children's Suits at prices that will enable ydu to give your child a good suit for school and winter purposes. The past reputation of THE OUTLET is- known, hence we need not say that we will sell you a suit worth $5 for $2, but we will sell you a $5 suit at the retiring prices that will allow you your investment, as we have stated above. " The Outlet carries only the BEST THAT'S MADE In clothing apparel, and respectively invites you to Inspect these retiring prices. Ii N. L. Corner first and Morrison Streets i. ---rr:::z::;sss3:xsxEi5:xxxsiz5xxxzxszzzs2ss;Si i . DATH POWDER' . ,1 - i RICE POWDER A Perfuroecl Luxury for the Bath, j Best Toilet powder. Anlisep&ally Softens Hard Water. Better - I pure. Relieves sunburn anrl than Perfume. 25 baths, 25 cents. A t- - "aTALI STORES en MAHFD BY US. chafing. Best for baby. A CAN Evn In the most actlva summer thers are times when the young girls of a country neighborhood long fon. a new diversion, says the New York Herald something that can be done out of doors, something that has never been a part of the summer amusements of that particular colony before, etnd that will not be too difficult of inaugu ration. In. this cdnnectlon it seems strange that girls In America do not more often go . In for archery. It is a sport much practiced in England, where It Is so well organized that country archery olubs compete with one another year after year and pleasant meetings are held all through the season for the championship trophies. For a summer diversion at country pieces, wnere wiae lawns ana oeautnui ?;ardens afford so desirable a setting or the sport, one can think of nothing more attractive inan arcnery. it is an aristocratic sport, of which one thinks in coanection with noble parks, ances tral castles and tea upon the terraces. It is a graceful sport, which shows Off the graceful girl to immense ad vantage, but which also does well by her awkward sister. As an exercise. while there is no muscular accession to De oependeded on. it nevertheless does mucn to give tne Doay grace and poise. It teaches self-control and concentra tion of the mind, and it inspires one with a certain sprlghtllness which is not followed, as frequently happens. In tne more strenuous sports, toy exhaustion. Archery also has the treat utvanbin of being a diversion in which one may indulge while In ordinary afternoon attire, it is tne garden party snort car excellence. Fluff v frnrfca nnrt par don hats are quite possible for an arcnery meeting, wnereas tannin, u-oif and most of the outdoor eports . which one can name require a special cos tume oi ratner severe character. It IS also to be considflrari that arnh. ery Is a sport in which every one can take part and which affords great pos sibilities for comDetitldna which th onlookers may eniov. so that it aitogeiner an laeai diversion for young women, whether they take it seriously and form clubs and leagues and have important, competitions, or whether tnev eimpiy iook upon It as anmethlnn to pia,ywit.a in tne not days or a pleasant novelty for the lawns during the afternoons before tea time. Fishing With Electric Light. From the" Elizabeth town (Ky.) News Bud ABhlOCK, who is one nf th h..t fishermen lit this section or any ether section, is fixing to scoop up all the local sports who use the reel and line hereabouts. He has a new contrivance which he thinks is sure to catch them, A small wire runs through the eyelet on the pole down the line to lust below the hook, where a small electric light is attached. : The wire is connected on the bank witharrwnaH portable battery. When the Una is dropped into the water tne ngnt is turned on and attracts all the fish for BO yards around the first oneib see ; the" wrfcgQng "mil how takes the cork under and the fish is landed. Everybody is watting now to i hear from Bud when he goes fishing. Governor Dawson of West Virginia Is I a warm supporter of President Roose I velt and i a believer in the third-term tna. He says that Roosevelt has ini tiated a great col Icy and that the conn. try needs him to carry it through to. a for 'deer are a great nuisance in all the villages lying among the foothills of the Green mountain range. The worst part of it is that the state refuses to make good the damage done by the animals, although It Is ready enough to fine a man 1100 and costs for g a marauder, me iarmors never have figured out the justice 01 this law, but as it stands on the books and as the game wardens are ex tremely actlvtv few take a chance to protect their crops with rifles. The discovery made by Mr. Prentiss Is a simple one, but mighty effective. One night after planting corn he sat on a rock in his meadow smoking. There was little breese flowing at the time. Shortly a herd of five deer ap peared, sniffed in his direction and de parted. Subsequent experiments proved that .the deer were afraid of the to bacco smoke, and as smoking is a pleas ant pastime, all of Mr. Prentiss's neigh bors nave aaopied tnis means 01 nuuui themselves of the deer. It m said that on a still night th animals will detect the odor of tobacco almost 500 yards and that tney win Btraightway take to the woods with the first whiff. In some Instances when the wind was blowing In their direction thev received the warning at a longe distance. All the farmers say that after scenting tobacco the deer will keen awav for from three to five days. i'hey are then likely to make the field ur garden another visit with the hope ol grazing on tender snoots or uproot mar rrowlni varetables. Several farjjiera in this and adjoining towns- do not smoae and are iorceo to hire men to do it for them. These em ployees receive 10 cents an hour and their tobacco. One farmer, who is noted for being close, decided it was cheaper to learn to smoke himself. So he bought a pipe and tobacco and began operations In his corn field. In side of 10 minutes he was taken death ly ill and headed for the houea. On the way he became dizzy and fell Into an old well. Fortunately his wife heard his cries and ne was rescued with rone. He savs he will either hire smoker or lew the deer eat all his crops before he tries the weed again, BOISE GEAND JUBY WILL MEET SEPT. 18 FILES SUIT TO CANCEL T FRAUDULEN 111 (United Pren Leand Wire.) Boise, Ida., Sept. 13. The federal grand iury which returned the indict ments against United States Senator Borah and others for conspiracy to-defraud the government has been called to meet September 18. This action is regarded as significant In view of the affidavits filed by three members of the jury charging Intimidation against CZAE ABANDONS HIS YACHT ON THE ROCKS (United Press Leased Wlrs.) sSt. Petersburg. Sept. 13. The czar and the other members of the imperial family left the stranded yacht Standart today, poaraing tne aiepntvn mwi aih The yacht Alexander is on the way to Horsoe to pick them up. The Standart lies in an unfavorable position on the rocks. JUDGE BUETON IS - COMMANDER OF YETS (United Preu Leased Wire.) 8. Ttt a busl Saratoga. N. Y.. Sept. 13 ness session of the Grand Army en campment began today and late this afternoon Judge Charles Burton o: vada, Missouri, was elected commander-in-chief. Toledo will te selected aahe place for holding the next encampment. There will be a muster, tonight with speakers of national prominence. . AW OVXCB (XT PBETEKTIOW 1 Is worth a pound of cure. There are many poor sufferers, consumptives who are hopeless of getting well who, if tney naa xaxen 4 care 01 inemseives, would nov9 be -well. : A cough Is the foundation-,, of consumption. - Ballard's Hbrehound Syrup will care .that tSougir Mrs. 8- . (ireat rails, Montana, writes; "I have used Ballard's H ore- hound Syrup In my family for years my children never suffer with oougha" Sold by al druggists. . (I Government Asks for Cancel lation of Entries Made Through S. A. D. Putcr. An echo of the famous 11-7 land fraud case was heard In the federal building this morning when Assistant United Btates Attorney James Cole filed sevon suits in the United States circuit court to cancel patents to lands Whtch are al leged to have been proved up on fraudu lently by the 10 defendants named in the complaints. All of the land .smaountlng to about 3,600 acres, lie in the northeast corner of Linn county. The persons alleged to have proved up fraudulently are Pat rick Colbert. Don Carlos Smith. .Tnhn 3 Collins, Edmund Dorgan, Mary E. Mc Coy. Willis Burns, Seoastlan C. Dilley, John Reese, Edward Reese and W. E. Dtenrns. The cancellation ef the natenta will be the .final chapter In the historic suit in wnicn was involved S. Ai D. Puter. the Oregon land fraud king. Through Puter many acres of valuable timber and agricultural lands were taken up and passed to final proof before the government learned of the fraud being practiced. With the conviction of the culprits the government Is seeking to recover the land, which has since passed into the hands of the defendants named In the suits filed this morning. If suc cessful in regaining the land the gov ernment will place It in the Cascade forest reserve. 1 The Best $3.00 Hat in the World - ' Fall Styles Now Keady .: " BEN SELLING ' LEADING 'HATTER Authorities Differ. From the Kansas City Journal. r A Chanute boy used salt and whiskey to cure the bite of a water moccasin. The prohibitionists say the salt did the work, and the antls say it was the whis key, but along come the nature experts and say that , the bite of a moccasin is harmless. REDUCED RATES TO TBS - OREGON STATE FAIR SALEM. OREGON. WILL BE MADE BT The Oregon R.R.&; Navigation Co. AND THE Southern Pacific Company una nr obsoon From All Points In Oregon on the Basis f FARE AfND A THIRD v For the Round Trip. TICKETS ON SALE, O. R. A N September II, 14, 17 end 1. Final return limit September IS O. R. & N. tickets must be validated for return by Southern Pacific Agent at Salem or at Fair Grounds. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO., September Id, 16, 17, 18 19. zo and zi. f inal 22. return- limit September Remember, Thursday, Sept, PORTLAND DAY at tke ranu A Fine Program and ei Grand Time Round Trip Tickets From Portland 19 $.i.oo Call at City Ticket Office. Third and Washington or any agent in Oregon, for further Information. streets, Portland WM. McMURRAY, den'l Pass. Agent FOKT&AZTD, oxxaott. Cm Yi Mwii From $KX)$'S,O0b "The best money-making proposition that has ever been put before me" is what you will say as soon as you know all the particulars of our offer. It is a genuine business investment with all the, element of doubt re moved by careful investigation. We can showv you abso lute proof of all and more than we claim. We can'satisfy you beyond the shadow of a doubt of the splendid invest ment advantages of our proposition. If you will fill out, clip, and mail the coupon below we will be pleased to acquaint yoii. witK the details of our offer; or make an appointment and we will call On you at once. . - SEND ME FREE OF ALL OBLIGATIONS OR EXPENSE, FULL PARTICULARS OF THE SPECIAL INVESTMENT PROPOSITION YOU, HAVE FOR MY INVESTIGATION; PROVIDING MY APPLI CATION. IS ONE OF THE FIRST. FIVE HUNDRED AS ADVER TISED IN THE. JOURNAL. NAME itrVtTS'tJ ii ''' nr ( it rn rrt ii ; i itt i i- -v ) - Address s..; ADDRESS, 405 BUCHANAN, BUILDING ; PORTLAND, OREGON I successful Issue. . -, . - -