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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1907)
r I.'. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL V PORTLAND. FRIDAY. 'T EVENING, SEPTEMBER -r W ldfa' ' t ; ... - -. , K... ,,.n '- Japanese Residents of Sound City Buying Firearms Chief of Mice Declares Thereis Nothing to Fear " as He Has Full Control. SLEUTHS STEP IN. TRAP THEY LAID FOR OTHERS Patrolmen!, Wellbrook and McCullogh Attempt to Raid Alleged Poker Game Wait Chance and Slip Down Stairs and Are Locked All Night in Basement 8om punster, It might have been i pne or the Jesters at the court of Pharaoh,, waa responsible for the orig ination or toe conundrum. 'Where waa Moses when the Itht went out!"' Patrolmen John Wellbrook and Jphn McCullogh, two of the recent addition to the polio department, assigned for ncnlny dutv In nlatn olnthaa nan tall V t&& Vt frtm Wire.) I you the answer. Incidentally WoU- 't. Seattle, Sept It. That Seattle jap- DrooK la now an authority on "The anese realdenta fear a hostile outbreak value of Incandescent pocket lamps in similar to that In Vancouver is evl- emergencies." There Is a story In con- ' -ha 'rvniira records, which neetlon with all this that Is really too dn from the police recoras, wnion t0 tn ,coW torago and one show that lh the last ' 19 days ft re- calculated to causa much laue-htar in ! volvera of heavy callbef have been old police circlja I A ,.n ia Upon Information received that a to Japanese. Of this number fully (0 ,mbnr (Un, WB1 rapon,,, t0 tn ! per cent have been purchased between operation In the basement under Ingram Monday and Thursday, In several cases Bush's cigar store at East Water and more than one weapon "..reTll.-"0irlniht detail 5v-iihmnk an Mnri. J tn nna -son or Nippon. Mnia emio i" . . i: iiwo "iiu i i . , : , 7 . . . " . - . ... k- i iurii w uinnf ia mviiumiun. ana. it fact that, a month ago seldom were sales numi. vi in." HlsamldiuT "local- Japanese PP-. Aw IpotWl consul, last night called upon Chief I Accordingly, the two "Johns," after of Polios, Wappensteto and during the aonning soms old clothes and dllapl eourso of an Interview with that of- dated hats, which they figured would fictal. protested against the Seattle .au- effectually disguise them, set forth for .thorltfes permitting the anti-oriental the cigar store. Upon arriving at the ' advocates to hold any mass meeting or place wellbrook pungled up a dime, and demonstrations which would threaten a with all the sangfroid of a spendthrift repatuion in kiuii '-"-lormrM iwo perrectos. (jomrortabiy After locating this, while the bar tender's back was .momentarily turned, Wellbrook and McCullogh quickly opened ih - door and' descended "'the creaky stairs into' the basement They hardly reached the last step when the ominous clanking of the bey In the lock of the door apprised them that some- mine was wrong, ana aimosi simultan eously the electric lights went out. It was at this Juncture that the "de tectives" fully appreciated the conun arum anent what haPDnea to tne leaaar of the children of Israel when the 11- i . ouver -disorders. ' ; I ensconcing themselves In s couple of f ! In return Chief TVappenstelr i Informed 1 easy chairs ths embryo sleuths settled ; the-consul Uhat far as the police down to await developments, unaware .oriiwiniTOi jm ivh.. " r i . I lnal mey naa aireaay'Oeen spotted tion was wen . in nana ana rvuu i nlt vnnwn i,. ....h.H n n. . . A a . - I . . v . v w -need be feared. , 'In- ! i. I nrtrtnr -ftrtiln' Cimw tr rva.aM4..A y,.r, . ataaumiUaeee wlU w ttteVeTopmenT," ---"-" wit any mass meetings or Mmotmrv .. .ov.. .v.. ... tions which would lend to any serious 0.-VLoZi At tht Tel , atrVaVn-U trouble," said Chief .f-, f'mom.hat'tKy'w,." uVotiT thrjawneM Pn,en. Wellbrook and his partner ftrM&totaar.r JSrnlng""'1' int th' brr0m d- Moore that there will be any repetl- u"""e- maaam l tion in Seattle of the scenes that have ,7 , ". occurred at' Ban Francisco, -BeUlngbam ."ii11 Jr 't honnolsseurs, ths nd Vancouver over the Japanese-Chl- sleuths endeavored to -convey the 1m- nese Hindu immigration .situation. Pfeasion that they were admiring the Should anvthlna of the kind take oil paintings In the resort, but In reality place, the executive Is prepared to grasp I ere seeking to find the door to the . T nritfc an . lenn hand. .... I casement. ' loore saia today ne wouia n. 1 Mayor Ha lumlnatlon was shut off. look for riaoe to scape. Retreat up the stairs, barred by the locked and bolted door, was out of the question, ' so another point of -egress was neoessary. Wellbrook happened to have his pocket electric lamp with htm, and no prisoner ever confined In the Bastue maae a more carerui sea ran tor some avenue of escape than the two Vldocqs. Apparently there was nothlna to do but to call to the bartender to unlock the door and meet with the Jeers and Clerk of National House of Eepresentatives Appeal to Friends to Free Him From, Captors Arm Has Been Shot Off. taunts of the Datrons In ths Dlaoe. Dls mayed by the picture of being publicly ridiculed, the patrolman aat down to meaitate. xne ciocas cnunea tne mia nlght hour and then 1 o'clock and yet no one came to rescue them and Cap tain wruin was muss away. " After another consultation It was decided to make the rounds of the base ment again with . the hope that there might be a coal chute through which mey cQuia onmo to rreeaom. With the aid of the electrla lamn Wellbrook found an opening under the sidewalk that had eecaped his notice before and upon Investigating, the grating above was found to be unfast ened. Chilled and dlrjy. the two detep fives rpaintully reacTiM'ths sidewalk ana nasiuy maae tneir way to neaa Quarters. ' They havs endeavored to keep their strenuous experience rrom Dscomini nubllo and were successful until thl afternoon. It Is understood that botn men Informed Captain Bruin that they had discovered traces of a tabla and cnairs in tne basement, but tna fur. nlture had been removed bafora thalr arrival ana no gaming was In progress. This ls, not . WellBrook's first mis hap a It was only about a week ago uiai aw wmh nui.van ni n wimn inA cnain oy a pioKnocaet in the north end. not tolerate anything tending to law lessness or aisoroer over tne immigra tion or any otner question. FRANCE HAS TEDDY BEARS' FIRST COUSIN FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH PUT THE HOODOO DOINGS OF THE DAY Trlday, Ssptember II," Is what one heard on all sides today. "Be careful what you do today," was the warning voiced by nearly everybody about the 'irlAT'TVi'm v0,ca nearly everybody ab iiuvucii fw "J city as they trembled in dread at the Brilliant Caricaturist Setting: Paris Wild, (United Press ' tewed . Wire.) thought of direful consequences attend ing the beglnnlhg of any enterprise, either business or social. "There I go," said Dan Sullivan, clerk of the Portland hotel. "Friday, the lltn. Hlaht know th naa would aro vJust put two men in the1 as ne rang wrong today; -Just put two same room' ' he explalhed London,' Sept It. Caran d'Acbe, the for a bellboy to head off the last man .brilliant French-.aaricaturlsV- has 'In vented a toy that threatens, eo do for I Europe what Teddy bears have done for aaslanad to the room "Nothing doing aroand 1 here" said United States Attorney William C. Bris tol, who would rather do anything than America Olvlnk uo nin knd Ink -work (start a land fraud suit on Friday. by medical advice, be devoted himself rldyt- hht 1fihn'.,r.aldIih,., . , , , , Metschan Jr., at the Imperial in a to carving wooden caricatures, chiefly friendiy effort to help The Journal man 'comio animals, whose charm lies In the pick up a story. IfrotesQua humor In which aacb Js made . "w " i!P r,thtln-lrwrtnUnf 'l to stand up colored'ln flat tints. Each A1rric,:rflae,idUM.ta Dickin.o'nf bears the artist's signature. the Oregon hotel when pressed for a D'Ache made them first for his own atory about the notables staying at the amusement.- - now mere are 40 men working Jn a factory turning out his designs In wood. 1'ney were Intended for children, but Paris went mad over the artist's handiwork. No French so- hotel. "Why It had to be born on Sep temper the 13th nobody knows except tel Peop who md nd they won't Bargain day didn't count much with the shoppers today, because of the dou ble hoodoo. Fancy gloves at IS It marked down from $10 a pair didn't get the sale that No. It shoes did with pioneer old clothes dealers In the north end. "Are you superstitious." was asked at eas -forty million times. 1. rjMJ tout I just don't feel like buying that lot today.- or, "my wife said she'd rather wait several days before buying a new fall suit." Nobody admitted he was superstitious; out ui rerrained from doing anything they could get out of doing, feven small boys "crossed their hearts" twice before Ming tne rirst plunge In the old swim ming hole todsy. Railroad man about to start with a train nervously laughed as they remarked "Well, we ought to "i on rnaay, tne llth. Evervhnd v mad fun nf a... " . v . .no uav iii.ii piy cast with hoodoos, but neverthe- iPrJ rmenbered the fact that It rjuajr, ww I tin. ItJnlUd rrM Laaatd Wlra) Little Rock. Sept. II. William IL McDanlels, clerk of the national house of representatives, writes to a local friend from Chill, declaring that he Is held a prlaonsr In a hut In Antofagaata and stating that his right arm hat been shot off and his newspaper ere dentlals stolen. He elves no reason whr he wss at- tacked or by whom, but appeals to his friends here and to Senator Clark for assistance. Clark promises to Investi gate. McDanlels deolarea that three attempts havs been made to take his uie. sumITey strike Engineers Gain-All Conces sions and Traffic Resumed Tie-Up Was Complete. (Special Dlapateb to Toe JoernaL) Baker City. Or., Sept II. The strike. which completely tied up the Sumpter Valley road, was settled yesterday after- riGUTS FOR LIFE III SHIP'S CABIN t t Bailor Tells of Terrible Ex perience at Sea on i Wrecked Vessel. Tfl TRV FflRfl RIVFR FRnOT , I W I I WiiSsr I Bill I IIVII I ' irZri.. V-?h Xosmal BpecUl Barrlce.) London, Sept II. Harry WtUey, ths mate of th Ill-fated Hull steam traw ler QualL . sunk In the number after being run ' into by the Wilson liner Pynamo, waa sufficiently recovered from the effects of his exciting light for life la the cabin of the sunken ship to be discharged from Hull Royal In firmary. Under careful nursing hs speedily re covered, and although still weak from severe shock, he Dears himself quite modestly, and as Is characteristic of Men Are Being Selected to Commercial Club Committee Hear Charges of Bribery Will Wait .Upon; Elver Dis- Pref erred , Against Chief Counsel for United Koads at San Francisco. trict and Request Imme diate Steps to Prevent In ception of Bubonic Plague The business men of Portland have the, ne- !, y heed- , ."but (Pieifle Coast Press Leased Wire.) San I ran clsco, Sept 18. Five furors I taken a band In the fight to keep Port- have been finally selected to try Tlrey I land' clean of .the dreaded bubonio T. VahI unnn th. .ham fit KrlKlna Hn-1 nfaatia and ihla aftapnAAn MmmltlMI mnmt rtf hla olaaa ha InnVa unon hill .... I . . . . . . . . ... . .7 .- - , 7 . pervlsor JUonergan to vote ror me over- appoimoa oy rresiaent u. w. xtoasoa thrilling experienoe In most matter-of- nead tr0ey f r.nchise. of the Commercial elub will visit very- i.uiuu. . Alter tne peremptory cnauanges naa one oooupving buildings on Front street "L had turned in about three autrters I been exercised this morning, Nells llor- ...ui.n. .. .... raaantatlva.' "whan I waa awakened by I f Ira Insurance asent: John Olson, a I "treet and Impress Upon them the, ne- a violent oonoussion, which mads tne shipping clerk: Fioren Lriscoii, a retired i cesslty for prompt action In cla vsssei tremoie rrom ena to ena. ue-1 meranant, ana uawara uenaer, a taw-1 u tha riv.r front. -.r: V .all -.iirrT.ahinJ LJS!5 - i! t9 ,n "We do not want to caoss any waa naDDenlnc I saw water rusnlna and were sworn In. i i... , u. h.j. r Into ths cabin from all sides. Judge Lawtor this morning continued do feel thai "Tt is better to take Bra! "Mv comrades had fled, and I tumbled the cases aaalnst Buaene ft. Schmlts. W....J ? 1 '" out of my berth and made for the Abraham Ruef, Frank Drum, John Mar- Portland than "to T have fo set to work aZr 2?l0-LtJtt tamp It out once It gets Well . y sua. , na.aM v V' w nafcw.. a&vwfwiiH .uu Rl, VUVH, v "vISlSrted . nowever. kcdi it ciosea. i nuuea at it weeks from today. oesperaieiy, out l oouia not movs it. ana in a very rew moments tne wster had reached my waist andi I got on ths cabin table to aee if there waa any possibility of sscaplng from my prison oy tne way or tne sayngni. "The water still oontlnued to come In from the sides of the ship, and to save myssir from arownina i bad to keen standing on the cabin table, but even there I was compelled to stand as erect as possible on my toes, go as to keep the watsr-fretaj gettlaej tnte ray mawta my head was in the skylight top. where I had only a chance of a mouthful of air. "Several of my mates, thinking per haps some of us remained Inside, tried to break the Iron bars of the skylight and though I could not signal to them through the thick glass, I could eel the I viuraiiun a vary uiuw may airucx. Then their hammering ceased. They had given up, and either left the ahlp to save themselves or came to the conclu- KEEII SWINDLER smarted. i "There isn t any piague nere now and we are hoping that there Isn't going to be sny but there must be something dans besldss hoping. Everyone must understand the danger and the fact that the beat way to obviate It Is to keen their garbage In Iron cans and to de stroy the rats which Infest the wharf a". The committee annotated by Mr. Hoo ms nAnal.t. 9 Potilaln A TJ , 1 a V. n m Herbert Holman and W. B. Gierke, and this afternoon It will visit every bj nns man on ths street ' rt rtnot oniir-thnr TB"-Too-nfthi- community requires that the disease be iii.j A TT- tji,, not allowed to enter into Portland, but Alleged Attorney liaS .Easy these Front street merchants will tnem- V1TVI puuci iiR7 miwiiuiuit 11 ia sains a foothold In ths city. Should a case be found In one of the warehouses every niece of goods in the building would be confiscated and destroyed. It is cheaper to take precaution now than WIS VICTIMS busl- Time Collecting Jloney and Keeping It. Eugene Spencer, alias George Camp- to fight against the plague once It la Within the city limits' Tomorrow the heslth board will send slon that, with ths cabin full of water, ball, alias Charles- Nelson, claiming to Inspectors to the different buildings noon after an ail-day conference be- those that remained were already have been an attorney in New Tork and wharfs to see that no more garbage ween president uccies sno tns striking drowned. , m(..,i. h. is oeing mrown oui ana in n taw is nrineera. The atrlkera aalned all thav "it waa a knrrlhla mnm.n at,.n " u . helna r id lied with strictly. Tha nur- asked for, the road granting the men an I hammering ceased and I was left there n ' fraduate of the University of chaso of rattraps and garbage-eana is Increase In wages and pay for all over- alone. Copenhagen,' yet accused by the police! to be urged upon the business men by A. I M . V, 1 M . , . .1-1 . f . iwno rrmiumii bcciii ana mi iinmni arownea. i ana-lneara Tha atrlkara aalnad all thav I "T woa a l,AaIH1a mamm I v'llX m mm " . A mmmM,mw mm UU. . (V.V IUWI11.I. fe 1, Cll I 1 time, "I had nearly riven up altogether, and of being one of the cleverest swindlers night by PatroU tomorrow. or vagrancy Drtson. wondering and watching for. what was tailors, swors to a comDlalnt this morn- H K Wllla flrat vlca-nrealdent nf tha r?i1?l.50!?d",or" I?d !uP:!:i"!e".dJh' of the framework. I field and locked uo ?n the dty airia. .a mvyu m mo nwuwi waa 0n to it ror some time like grim death. n vf mik,u r reacned a train was made ud ana sent I the Commercial club committee, inde pendent of the visit of tbs Inspector over .tha road to relieve the congested to happeS next I thought I should I ing accusing Spnc.rP of larcSny" by w.iii.H ni., aw a wu uvaioning vo av number of other Informations will be fJP'irKKW V1 1 iced th6 w.ater b"an filed by other persona before the prlson- ... .k-'7 au,. in eri next apeparance in court, ater. Down and down it According to Holbrook. SDen ARGUMENT OVER WATER venlenoe to the merchants In Baker City and those along the road, as a large amount of perishable goods were being shipped out PIONEER IS INTERRED I to obb. snaiiow water. wwn and down It According to Holbrook. Spencer, alleg- went, and witn every men my hopes inc to be an attorney at law. approached .h unum iv nim a rew davs aro relative to collect- LEADS TO BROKEN JAW n ao xjit,xvxju bone, but I held on. and presently was ing bad account. The tailor gave him niiv Tnonof nr ITftTniltAW AT TTTF DATJS ftb'nt0 raln refchh!. e'.b,,n d00 an unpaid bill and yesterday" Spencer Uty mSpeClOr iiamiilOII A I IIIXj UALLJija "By degrees i I pulled it inwards--Hone notlfledhlm that It would be necessary V . , , a -c. IIUI19 iUUUl UI X131 VL (Special Dispatch to The tarsal.) The Dalles, Or., Sept IS. Mra J. C McFarland. whpse' funeral waa held to day from the Congregational church, was a pioneer of The Dalles and of Inch then two then three until it n ,v,. thtr.w thl Pretense he secured I5.JJ SuLcftrirl 5 m wltn U la af9tT t0 tna from Holbrook for filing fees, promis upDer deck. I , A ik , v.. i I I ;..7n.5orAVf.!!w' w"?.0 rfat the day. As the fellow did not put in . ' j ww wvTv, viiua. wuwini IUS an annel steps of the companion-way. he vessel was deserted, but I could .... Ilrn , , , . an aDDearance Holbrook became suspici ous and notified tne nonce. Fred H. Wagner. Fred W. Wagner, a well known tile elety -lady is, fully eaulpned without Caran d'Ache dog. A common sight In j'&na is a iasmonaoiy aressea flame RAISE PAY OF LOCAL walking with a woodon noodle or bull Cofe under her arm. . These toys have now reached London, where society people hitherto have re mained more or less Indifferent to the RAILROAD OPERATORS fiTy.n,t.n,f Five Kejinenat Union Sta- k T)t thaw a. 1.7. I if f ffllA If it- lion wiven $w jiiimui- Amerlcans., But they are captivated by the charms of Caran d'Ache's dogs, the demand for which Is such that all fash ionable stores find It necessary to order larve Stocka Thev are belnar uaad aa tirldge mascots, a lady placing the ugly tne table besids her to bring ly Increase. thing on Five operators at the Portland union Tha 1 nresant nrlcea nuiaa from AA I .h aninvaa n' tha t.rmlml rnada ropMtyW th" c,.were this morning peopia u Acnf is preparing more elaoo-1 araiuau aa increnaa in par vi, l' m rate designs, ano tne craze may yet be month from 78 to 86. The increase carried to the extent of studding the came as the result of a petition sent ths toys with gema UTAH'S DEATH CAUSED BY VAfiDERBILT CASE '$1 various railroads by the operators soon after the calling of the commercial talearanhara' strike. Afthoue-h the increase Is purely local and connned to tne nvs union station ODerators. so far as this part of the country is concerned. It Is undoubtedly the result or rumors to tne enect mat the railroad telegraphers Intended Join ing the commercial men In their sfrug- gie lor lairer saiariua. ina laci inai the five men In the union station here were granted an Increase will undoubt Edward Allen's Hedrt ?odid ' ff. aum because of joto- f-:"'''V riety He Received. The local of the commercial operators will hold Its regular .business meeting this arternoon ror mi election 01 0111 cers and for the .consideration of ways and means for raising funds to continue the strike. It is believed mat President Walter Branta-and Secretary-treasurer p. D. Morgan, the present officers of the local who have given excellent sat- m 1 : (United Preat Ltaied Wire.) Providence, R. I., Sept 13. ward Allen, who figured prominently In the strike, will be reelected to their the recent Vanderbilt Spiritualist case present positions E(1 lsfaction during ths trying weeks of through his connection with Mrs. Pep- that reveals the fact that negotiations per-Vanderbllt as her financial agent are hourlv expected to be opened with les is inai qi ftteemen. Portland name was Is part or tne district wmcn includes Seattle, xacoma. HDOKane ana fortiana Two men are elected from each of these places who In turn select one man to go east and represent the district In the negotiations for the settlement of the strike. died today, following a stroke of apo- the telegraph companle plexy caused by worry over the case two district committeen and (the manner In which his name was is part of the district ' dragged lato the testimony. fOPUlHcffAT UPTON TO TRY AGAIN f, FOR AMERICAN TROPH Y Royal Irish Yacht Club Is Sending Challenge by Steamer Umbria. (Ufilted PrtM Lm,., wire.) uonn. oept. 18. The Royal Irish Tacht club this afternoon notified tha New Tork Tacht club that challenges tor a series of races for the America's cup will be mailed on the steamerUm bJa,cth2 raS?B ,t0 taJf9 "lace net year ... uw.ujr nuun, no particulars are given, but It Is undaratnnd h .i challenge comes from Sir Thomas Lin- ton. " TAYLORSTREETCHURCH mar AN AUTO ROAD FROM KLAMATH TO CRATER (Speeial DlapatcH to Tb Journal.) Klamath Falls, Or., Sept. 1 a -Colonel W. H. Holablrd, who accompanied K. H, Harriman through central Oregon and t!lA raral.- fffvan at Tavlnr .f' ; 'cnurch last nlght'under-the direction pf . the Sherman ft 'Clavv house br C. ' Arthur LongweU and Trank Hemstreet, S"tJ?rtald. the party .at .feU2a,n ba? ; Vnfb aa. . a . during their sojourn in the Klamath , loth f New, Tprk; aroased a gr;eat deal country..' has returned to take1 charge ' of enthusiasm among the hearers. Mr. of the resort before closing' it for the Hemstreet haa a" aplendfd baritone and winter.: The people of this aeetlon hope Ran ahms dlftteult arias and a bruin e to nay Mr- Harrjman visit Pelican bay sang some airacuti anas ana a group f afra,n naxt year, and hope he will be . aoiijia iu hiubi wwi.j1w1w7. mju. i apie to reach Klamath rails In his Jirl- , Mr." Long-well played the artlstano, a ( vate car be that time. . ,? meulianlcHl contrivance fdt produotng j -Colonel Holablrd will leave shortly for tne ciasHics on, warn piano,- jar. - Long-l "aauingmn. wnere ne expects to tans iwfU-makes- his ;work- an-art- and .'has.) W-the matter wlthrthe government, of fpuiit murn time ana stuay in tne work- auioraoone roaa irom Pelican Day lnr out of the melodies with the best to Crater lake. It Is necessary to take ,J"vprt"lon,'. Ills J. neconjpanlnsent tot I matter up with the government as .2tlr.-liwnstreet.wero very satisfactory, the land between the bay and the -lake The program riven was as .follows: 1? either-In the forest reserve or la the Valaa Canrlce fKewIand): aria. Honor Crater lake national nark. , ,'and Arma "Samaon' : (Handel) Khap "' '" - ' ' " ' 1111 '; 1 aortle llongrolse. No 12 (Liast); Man- The National Federation of Postofflee i iiela cf La Tore Lillian-Miller); Winds Clerks.- in anua) convention at Indian Jit !. Tree (Oonnir-Thomaa) ; Iend spoils last week,- adopted - resolutions Ale Tlir KlUrt, Love (Broekwayjr Aime- favoring the placing of al postmasters wol " tBmber); - Barcarolle, Op. J7; and first assistants in -the . classified Lioheswalscr, . '- 7 (Mosikowskl) list of the civil service, an eight-hour riii Krl tu, 'U" Hallo in Maschera" day. one month's vacation annually, a vrdli; Poionais In K Flat (Chopln; panaton and' a maximum salarrf of w. a , .a .'a t", .- f ,vv - -. -i NEW BANKS FIXE PAPERS WITH CLERK Of four new concerns that filed art! oles of Incorporation in the office of the county cierK this morning, two were banks. The capital of the four firms aggregate over 1350,000. Tha HllnHlnairlan . 1 . lltMrnnr., V... n " uann WB tin "litaKJrT H. RoSUdnnS?onulsAen: ,G' ; TrommaTd. Li Hagemann. CaDitai iiu.b ti:7i; u Articles Of lncomni-arinn tir i ern Advertising company were filed by M. D. Howse, J. A. Frye and T tl m i .viuii aiuuK, aou.uuu The Bank of St. .Tnhni .TL ay Jj-or. W" B. Stress &0,000: -apital stock, tmi;a!;,oP1,ernr. Arm,n Butikofer and TTnadrlh&vt-no,0-TOrated 1118 Amer itoSk. 1L?00. company. Capital UNION OIL COMPANY GETS FUEL CONTRACT The Port of Portland held Its regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon and awarded a contract to the Union Oil company for crude oil for the dredge tenders and drydock for the two en suing years. The price .to be paid Is 1 a barrel. About 600 barrels will be used every month, wood and sawdust being burned on the dredges,. The usual routine business waa transacted. STARK STREET NO SITE FOR GARBAGE BURNER Harbormaster'' Boeier does not Unur in a suggestion that has been made to utilize - the foot of Stark treat fnr a garbage crematory site. Captain Speler says that the dock there is tha nl nna owned by the city -that Is low enough to permit small boats and closing ft up would work a great hardship on the small craft in the harbor and incon venience the masters of the big vessels who secure their supplies over, the Stark WWl lull. .-, I- ... Jr , The Panama canal autTiortttaa ' h. discontinued hiring labor- abroad, the 42.000 men now at work belne auffleiant Mar tha nraaant.- -. ; l7 " " srheraaught in oi' Mr K. Abrams. . . ..Yn. ,Y IQr 1 w" It Is claimed that he secured a WU For mrs. juanna Ann men .nana was oorn i ; "."": In Blchland oountr. Virginia, April 1, , More than hour elapsed during WI1 iaK .. m. i ri,. i. Tit! u.n ler i exciting adventure. aha marrtad Jam. i,malliia KT k-.. I The cabin Is. as usual with all steam land, who died in Los Angeles. Call- J'" ,n JheJSnMdle,f5 the."MP. with TOrnift. -Ill 15?S I yia.vwu vsa viasiwr bbiuo. auu 14 She came to The Dalles In 1864, where V0 aD0y,w.,, an lr?n ft7' her father-in-law. Captain C. 8. Mc- Ufnt'arhlch Provd -w?uJr S t"lXatl.,? Garland waa ih. ira ' th. Th dynamo crashed into the Quail! river steamer Mary. 8he leaves one cabin on the starboard side, and caused brother. K. Bootton, in this city, and a,1 '"Iu"" vl. walor 7"i,c" VZ.7RU' six children. Mrs. W. R. Abrams. Con- ally closed the door and held Wllley cora, Massacnusetts: r ranK Mcu'ariana. f . i-oruana; Mrs. j. w. mil, wife or Dr. Military academy, Port- Hill of Hill land; Mrs. W. H. Moody, Bhanfko, Ore- Son; Mrs. E. C. Price, Portland, and omer McFarland of Seattle. The funeral was..aargly attended by old residents, who paid this mark of respect to a pioneer and a woman of excellent traits of character. TOOK CASH TO PAT HIMSELF DIVIDENDS A remarkable defense has been of fered by Malcolm Macauley, who Is on trial before Judge Oantenbeln In the cir cuit court charged with embessllng 13.000 from the Oregon A Waahlna-ton Lumber company, of which he was book- Keeper. Macauley admits taxing iz,B43, but says he took It believlna- It waa his. He said the company had agreed to give him 6.000 shares of Its stock, then re- ARE REMARKABLE Striking Account by Promt nent English Physician Is Published in Magazine. (Journal Special SerTlee.) London, Sept. IS. Some striking fused to do so. and he merely paid him- I statements bv Dr. J. BV Wnnda of seix aiviaenas on tne siock. Hariev .frt .. tn th vai..a r h O IT UrTT T PT) A TTT?amTiT u"" 111 treatment oi pauenxs are CaUIi. iUlUDXiXtv AlVXVriOlXiJ reported by the British Medical Journal. Ever since 1892 Dr. Woods has been AU-A1LN JPUjtt U-AJUJULIJNU uin. :520t,e. -uwestlon. having Iireaiea n.uio patients in ail, or wnom 1,678 have reoovered and 293 improved. The treatment has been most efficacious Pendleton Or., Sept. 18. Sam Miller In those deeply interesting and pathetic was last n'ltrht 'arrested for a-ambline- on two different counts. He was re leased under 1100 bonds, for $50 each count It Is the first time Miller has been arrested since the Kambllna- raid In Pendleton some time ago. HORACE EGBERT IS r it t -v l difkfWSS! ?, J I " " ' ' - oases styled "borderland" cases, where the subjects are hovering between sanity and lunacy: but. besides these. I)r Woods has cured by hypnotism 80 out of 118 cases of melancholia, 20 out of tt cases oi mania, ana ia out of 28 cases of "stage fright." Not only have mental cases yielded surprisingly to hypnotic suggestion, but IMPROVING RAPIDLY and neuralgia STfooff STA, TEK a- i.iu. juajui ny ui uunv over xauures. His method seldom Includes aendin. the patient Into hypnotlo sleep. Here is rpicai illustration of how he goes work. A lady came to him with paralysed leg; it was wasted and cold, and she walked on crutches, dragging the foot. Pr. Woods has thus described the rapid progress of the cure. "I treated her by suggestion only, ttia tlm. tn ,-ina vinli n n .1 ....., ... - " ..n. cuiu au7 nni able to walk after the third treatment. First treatment: I suggested that her leg should feel warm and comfortable; It became warm In a quarter of an hour. Second treatment: I suggested -that sne snouia do aDie to move It, which she did slightly In 10 minutes. Third treatment: That she should be able to stand on It and walk, which she did In half an hour, but only with great dif ficulty on account of the weakness. After this she steadily improved; in about a month the leg was the same size as the other, and she walked then as If she had never been ill." (Ficlfle Coast rreas Leatea win.) tne patient into nypnotlo sleep. San Francisco. Sent 18. Horace E. a typical illustration of how he a-oes to . . . . . , . , - - .. . .1 . . . . . . oert, oiiiciai nanaicaper ror tne call' fornia Jockey club., who has been crlt ically 111 with Brlght's disease, Is re ported Improved tlhs morning. PIONEER OF 1852. mwv-W-Mw?!imh&Mi tavyw&: mfiwi mtiyiv n wmmmmmmmm mmmmmmgmmmmm lliilfiilitlitiiffl was arrested by Patrclmkh Qalb'ralth yesterday afternoon on -a warrant oharglng him 'with having assaulted rtobert O. Hamilton, an inspector la the collection of $60 from Dr. M. T. r a ii .1 . i . , nuutll I J. not nuu-ar w.u the cltv water deoartment i""u5,e,? Z KSrfi" 7 p?,"Mwi." Hamilton, who fs twice ths .!. of ". .'TmUn; h. aurad TK." the defendant . in weight, and girth. for flllna a aarnlshment . . . tna namnmiii . in tvaia-ni ann .inn. wnom ne secured tne rum : ", vt. " ?r:t.v w." ;r due Dr. Houser.-ls sald-to havo been D" vi"Sl"?uC?"'? ' ". a lmnraaed with tha enllartor'a .hlllt tne iace ana rracturea nis lower jaw that he gave him an account to collect on& e. trouWj occurred in front Among" others, who Are alleged to of Wagnr s offlc e teriu. nnHfl(,. have Wen mulcted are Dr. Amelia H;"!"10"! " '.;.!- 'i?.?. k?ii Ziegle who parted with It and Bird the tile man to settle Wi water bill A Co., plumbers, at J0 Fourth street, or he would shut off the supply. Wag $8.10. It Is understood that a local nr contended that his rental was not tailor was also swindled out of 1200 by "d argument ensued be Bpencer - tween the two men. According to he Spencer's method In all the cases re- defendant Hamilton started to assault ported has been the same and the au- J.m and he defended himself tq tha tnonties Deiieve tney nave suxiicieni i w wuui, evidence to ensure convictions. Tha I "He is as big as Jeffries.' says wag- eastern police departments will be com- er "but I was not going to stand still munlcated with at once In order to as- and be beaten to a pulp, so I struclt certain If the prisoner Is wanted In him. When we fell to the ground be other cities. I tried to choke me and kicked me on in the Houser and Ziegier eases, tne smns. Campbell prepared legal forms so as to Wagner was released on his own reo allay all suspicion that the money so- ognlcance last night but filed a $200 oured was for any othsr purpose except bond in the police court this morning; starting civil actions. DEER SEASON k POOR ONE Spurs and Canyons in Cas cade Range Dotted With Bleaching Skeletons. and the case will be heard Monday morning by juage Cameron. Hamilton resides at osg maaiaon street and it Is understood Is confined to his room under medical atttention. (Special DUpatch to Tbt Journal.) Winchester, Or., Sept. 18. Deer hunt ing In Douglas county, which was so good during the season of 1906, seems KLAMATH INDIANS GO EAST TO SCHOOL Red Skins Becoming Inter ested in Education and Enrolling at Agency. (Special Dlipttch' to Tb Journal.) Klamath Falls, Or., Sept. 18. Super. to be very poor from the reports of the intendent II. O." Wilson of the Klamath first month and a half's hunts. Where Indian agency passed through Klamath there were scores of deer last year there Falls this week with a number of In tra now hardlv anv The cause seems llan lrl! ,na boy" ,or tn? InlJ,n are now naraiy any. ine cause seems Bcnoof at phoenix Arlsona, tatwrence, to be due to the depredations of wolves, Kansas, and Carlisle, Pennsylvania, which for several veara have been In. The Klamath Indians are becoming creasing rapidly, despite the bounty of m.i5trJi"t J1 e?uf .hrtni 17.60 per scalp offered by this county. There are now In the training 1c1f0,i Last winter the snow In the moun- on the agency 120 pupils, which will be tains was . very deep, and this spring Increased ' with the completion of tho the canyons of the Cascade range and new Duiiamg aoout xjovemoer i. oomo sours are dotted with the bleaching of the Indians have been sending their skeletons of hundreds or aeers. Tne cnuaren irom n to i miies to sonoui wolves hunt their prey all times of vear but are worse In winter when other food is scarce and the defer badly hampered In flight. The wolves down the finest bucks as well as the poorest does. v SAILOR BURKE STALLS THROUGH SIX ROUNDS (United Press Leaied Wire.) Bridgeport, Conn., Sept 18. Jack Johnson easily defeated Sailor Burke In their bout here last night The moet remaraaoie feature or tne Iignt was the tact mat Burice stayed for the six rounda He did, however, by Continually tailing. RAILWAY COMPANY GETS, GENEROUS . special nttpatcb to The Jaaraal.t Oregon aty, .Sept. 18The officials of the street railway have . furnished thl altw .. I , V. a . j a . , j v.,, . -am. - , ' . I .. n.u a wvia. UBIH inu craw Hi Mrs. nna C. Winters, Who Died at clear up all the debris on Main street in j ii " m ' a ' !.''' ' 1 jn,cn . is .beipg carried away and un Mlddletoa Tuesday." ; . - j loaded In ht hollow west of Greennoint U-K fe-i$.Ww&,W Last vear there were many hundreds of deer slain bv sportsmen In the ouunty but this season there will not be half. Hide-hunters also killed deer during the last winter In great numbers. Two operated on the headwaters of the North Umpuua, a magnificent hunt ing ground, and took out hundreds of green pelts, in spite of information fur nished, the state game warden of their depredations. The names are Corbls and Martin. . "HI" Acker, a well-known res ident on the headwaters of the South Umpqua, thinks in that vicinity 2,000 ?ielts were taken out during last Win er. For officers to do anything Is al most Impossible, on account of the ex tent of the country, and tha fact that tt Is known as an outlaw land. Between the wolves and hide-hunters, the great blacktall deer population of Douglas county 20,000 or 80,000 ani mals, bids fair to disappear very rapid ly unless some measures are soon taken to prevent the kllllnr of the creatures by wolves and hide-hunters. BENSON SAYS STEINER -IS HIS FAVORITE ..;-;.5-,::X;rV... .. ;-.Vj.,rC; ,1 " tSpeclal Dlipttcli to The' JooTDil.) - Salem, Or.. Sept. 18. Secretary of mate ctrasun returned to nis aesa yes on horseback, preferring; to do this than to send tnem to the boarding ecnooi. nowever, their attitude toward tho boarding school has changed and Super intendent Wilson expects a larger num ber In the schools hereafter. ,- GRAND OFFICERS TO VISITFORESTERS Preparations Made to itold Mott Ster Reception Woodmen - of the World Are Increasing. was his favorite superintendent, of ' (Special Dtapttcs to The Journal.) ' Oregon City, tjept 18. The Foresters met last night In Knapp's hall and were notified of a visit from - the grand officers, which, will' take place Se per 26. Tne lodge appointed a ou mlttee to arrange for a rousing recep tion to their distinguished visitors on that evening, and a royal good time la expected. . - .... - -ii The Woodmen last evening initiated , 11 candidates into the mysteries of Woodcraft At the beginning of this i month the lodge -was 87 strong and started In a camoaisn:to raar.h the. 400 mark and by its energx "the lodge now lias 486 on Its roll. , - ,v . 'RM C" " a'-'. ',. t .. - terday.and says Dr. Lee Btalner always. i ;6etobef '1 has been set bv.the Book- ' the binders' International union as tha asylum Jbut. does not know thai Mr. 'data when aa eight-hour day shall Steal will asts wltb hlsa s--. v--.r.:---. .v lata ttrot. . x " ,SV:'-;- -.y-'-i fl-;",'';t;.-.:,,-- "''..;t;;.':f-::Vi