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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND," FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER ' 19, ,- ;1807. i COLUMBIA'S THIRD MATE f HERETO ;SEEIC EVIDENCE Looks for Persons Who Were in His Boat ;on Night of if, ino Dca xrageay ana mil imer cue ; ; ? W:V V ..'I'ior Damages;::"K v;:5 ' ' Xv-Vf Robert Hawea, third; officer on the came , vollently insane and had to be Portland-San' Francisco liner Columbia , 4 when aha waa lost In collision with 'the steam schooner San, Pedro, off Shelter ,;Cova on the early morning- .of .July 11, . la In the city today on. Important Ijub lntss. He arrived her on laat night's train, having given up the a'ea for good. v Hawea la about to bring aulta agalnat rlalf a dozen newspapers and a number . or Columbia aurvivora wno accused tin . of Inhumanity and brutality In handling in eiupwrecicea wno naa sougnt refuge ' In the lifeboattn hi command. Borne i Of theae aulta will be ror aa Urge an : for $60,000 and I7S.009 each. It la un , deraiood that aome of the leading San i Francisco napera will be made defend ants In the large aulta. ' Jiawea waa aoouaed ' of everything ja"ta eating opium to beating cripples tho were lying on the bottom of hla dobl ana iduil riaicuia ua conmm heaped upon him through the preaa . when ha appeared at the Investigation before the Inspectors so oreyed upon hla mind, that on July 19, while in hla lodgings, at 131 Fair Oaks, he be taken to the. detention hoenltal bv the ponce., oecona uiricer Kicnara , Ager un. who waa with him at the time. said that Hawea lost his mind as a result or tne terrible accusations of the news papers, beonuee it was while reading some cupping- ne lost his reason. Ha was confined to a secluded room In the hospital for some-time, and gradually became rational. Hawea is looking . for a number of the. aurvivora who are resident of this olty and whom he will aak for affidavits to show that his treatment of the suf fering passengers was ail that could be expected under the clrcumstanoes. That he will .secure some affidavits to this effect Is thought quite probable unless the people have left the city because three or four persons verified the stoy of the officer at the time he waa de nounced as a coward, brute and opium fiend, among; them being young Miss Maybelle Watson, the heroine who saved the life of Miss Oriese, of Cleve land, unio. miss wstson said that in her opinion .Hawea did all that could be done for 'the sufferers. . The suits will be filed at San Fran Cisco ana ir Drougni to trial tne ter rible details of the midnight tragedy vi iue m win do revivea again. REFUSE TO RELEASE 11 IPRiSOnED BAHKER Illinois Board of Pardons Eefnscs to Give Stens-; ; land His Freedom. ASK PORTLAHDER lIBli CHURCH'S CELEBRATE QUARTER CENTENNIAL Special - Services -Will -Be i Held at Third Presby . terian Neit Week. The quarter centennial of the Third Presbyterian church, corner of East Thirteenth and Pine streets, of which 'Jtev. A. X Montgomery Is the paator, will be held next week, beginning with special aervlcea on Sunday when the morning aermon will be preached by Rev. D. O. Ghormley, the synodlcal mls aionary of Washington and the first pastor -of the church. Sunday evening Rev. J. B. Synder of Vancouver, Wash ington, one of the former paatora, will preach. On Tuesday evening, which Is the exact date of the anniversary, the prin cipal meeting of the week will be held. Addresses will Joe made by Rev. William Til ram Foulke of the First Presby terian church, Rev. J. R. MoGlade of Mlspah church. Rev. B. M. Sharps of the 'Mount Tabor church. Rev. J. R. Vfllllgan, representing the Portland Presbytery, and Dr. W. H. Heppe of Centenary Methodist church. At this time the history of the churcch will be read by Joseph Macqueen. On Wednesday night the Ladles' Mis sionary society will hold a meeting in connection with the annlversarv, when the following papers will be read. "Our Relation to the Workers" by Miss Julia Hatch, formerly a missionary at Laos; historical sketch by Mrs. A. H. Lomax; ''Our Outlook," by Mrs. Joseph Mac Si ueen. There will .be vocal aolos by Aliaa Cleland and by Mra. Hal- Dlcksbn and an organ number by Mra. H. M Bergen. Thursday evening a general reunion and social meeting will be held when it Is hoped to assemble alt the charter memnera now living In the city (or an iniurmai social nour ana reminiscences. CIVIL SERVICE WILL HQLD.EX A MIKATIQXS The United States clvU serrloe com mission announces an examination on October 3. 1107, to secure eliglblea from which to make certification to fill two vacancies In tho poaitlon of record clerk, at 11,100 per annum each, one In the United States penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and the other In the United States penitentiary at At lanta, Georgia, and similar vacancies aa they occur. An examination will be held October , 1907, to secure eliglblea for the va cancy In the position of blacksmith qualified aa horseshoer at I7Z0 per an num and ration, in the quartermaster's department at large. Fort Wlngate, New Mexico, and vacancies aa they may oc cur; also for the position of blacksmith and horseshoer, (840 per annum, at San juan, rorto Kico, ana vacancies aa they may occur. An examination was- held on Sep- temper 11, mm, ior tne poaitlon or actios- assistant surgeon In the Dubllc health and marine hospital service. In connection with this examination at tention is called to the position to be filled at Brownsville, Texas, at $60 per month, for exclusive duty in connec tion with the examination of alien im migrants arriving at that place. API United States civil service commission, ppllrants should at once apply to the Washington. D. C. or to the aecretarv of the board of examiners at the places named, it is necessary that applica tions be received in ample time to ar range for the examination desired at the place indicated by the applicant. He's All Ready For School Next Monday Is Your Child v 'Ir III fir V Bring the girls and boys to the Style Store (where little folks styles are as carefully looked after as the grown-ups), .and fit them out in jaunty, nell-made. durable school clothes -of good material and strongly put togethefaclothes in which they can play as hard as they like without injury madev especially for the con stant wear of the healthy, romping child. For Active Boys You can let the boy play unreminded to "take care of his clothes" if he has-on a suit of "Mrs. Jan Hopkins' Brand strong ly put together reinforced with patented waistband of tested materials that hold their color and wear like Jj III iron. Price ..VVMr The Security Bond brand are made of pure wool materials worsteds, tweeds, and cheviots double jseats and knees, and are noted for holding their style and shape into the end.fl" A A You can't beaLthem for healthy rough and tumble by; Al,yU r: '. (Vsfted Press Leased Wire.) Chicago, - Sept II. The state board Of pardons today refused to release Paul j O. Stensland, former president' of the defunct Milwaukee Avenue savings bank, who is serving a term In the penitentiary for wrecking the bank. ; An effort waa made to secure 8 tens- land's pardon on account of his alleged 111 health. . He must serve eight years or. a i-y ear sentence. . . COURTESY -Oy KING EDWAED EXEMPLIFIED Marlenbad, sept It. The curiosity of the crowd being apparently exhausted. King Edward waa enabled. to spend half an hour this morning on the Kreuabrun- nen promenade. Prince and Princess Xolgorouky and Government. Officials Want Dr. Itenben C. Hill to Fight Bnbonic Plague. (PeelAe Oeeet rreee Leased Wire.) ' San Francisco, Sept IS. Two addi tional deaths from bubonio plague were reported to the board of health this morning, making a total of IS deaths out of 24 known cases to date. One of today's victims was the presi dent of the Chinese Six companies. He was found dead in his residence In Chinatown. The other victim was an Italian living In the North Beach dis trict, where the majority of the cases have been discovered. Dr. Reuben C. H1U, formerly of Port land anl nnw r9 h kA.Ut.1 staff of this city, who served a special quarantine officer in this city during the planie scare some years ago, has been asked to assume the duties again. The government has requested him to take a two-year' contract, but ha h&a declined. , f m . M. andMrne. MeldorK lunched with OLD MAN'S LEG BROKEN," J1B uiayvsif t Returning this afternoon from a mo tor car trip to Qlatsen,' the king waa about to enter tho Hotel Weimar, when EJECTED FROM SALOON an old lady who was sitting outside dropped a stick. His majesty stooped aown ana picneu up me suck, wnicn ne handed to the lad v. ralalnar his hat. The king this evening attended a per- rormanoe ox tne operetta "waiaert raeume," an even greater suecesa than the "Merry Widow." The royal foyer naa dssd newiy lurmsnea ana aecoratea ror the occasion. John Hlckey, SS years old and a Grand Army man, was carried by the police to St Vincent's hospital yes terday sufferina from a bad fracture or the left tear, at th htn. Hlr.lcav alleges he received the injury by being thrown ' from the Monte Carlo saloon at No. 43 North Fourth street which Is run by Mlgnon Leonard 1. According to Hlckev htrntonnml Into t wiuuq co purcnase a glass or Deer wnen ne was accosted oy another drink er who dnmnnrtftri nf Hlnlrav that ha ivKUM JIMMY WAIjHH DU.y nm . ank. Hlckey declined, A J4ViU V XJU.JM. A r AUOAX whereuDon the Other nicked the old man up and hurled him out of the saloon, through the swlnalna doors ODenltta onto in. street ana out onto the con crete sidewalk. The nollca have aj yet been unable to verify Hlckey's story suiiicientiy to mane any arrests. ABE ATTELL WINS TTb1W4 nw. Leasee Wbw.) Indianapolis. Ind.. Sent. IS. Abe) At tell demonstrated his superiority over Jimmy Walsh of Boston last jilght after 10 rounds or clever and at tlmea fast fighting. Attell's victory was decisive. tnoum not dt tne anocKout route. However, in the tenth round Walsh was so near the finish from a wallop on the jaw ana a stinr pone in me stomach that he went to his corner sick and a few more rounds might have finished him . TWO PRISONERS ARE SENTENCED BY BEAN (Special Dbpatcb to Te 7oaraaI.) Pendleton, Or., Sept IS. In erlminal session of the circuit oourt M. L. Taft was sentenced to six months in the penitentiary on a statutory charge. He was arrested at the Instance of the woman's husband. W. B. Atkinson was sentenced to two years by Juda-e Bean. He acknowledged passing bogus checks upon nis employer at Jfreewater. Atkin son was a printer. Novel Sale. Novel yet practical, so practical that It will appeal to all practical people la the "dump sale" Inaugurated at the Boston store.corner of First and Sal mon streets. Thousands of dollars worth or seasonable merchandise will be lit erally dumped on the retail market tq morrow morninr. i. ne stoca includes everything in ready-to-wear apparel for men, women ana cnuaren. The pago announcement in today s issue contains scores oi items most raaicaiiy reduced, that will prove in teres tins to' families coming nome zrom vacation and need ing a complete outfit. LONGW0RTH WILL NOT BE CINCINNATI MAYOR STATE COMMISSIONERS INSPECT 0. R. & N. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Pendleton. Or.. Rent IX K.iim. Commissioners Campbell and Atchison were tn Pendleton last evening, but left this morning on a tour of inspection Of the O. K. A N. to the Wmhlnrlnn state boundary. They will also Inspect the electric line of the Walla Walla iraction company from Walla Walla to Milton. They have already Inspected me onanmu, vonaon ana weppner lines, Retrardlnc a special train h,iwn Pendleton and Portland the commission ers say the matter la still hanging fire kiiu ii in uui Known wnen tne U. It. Is. win put on tne new train. STRAUS TO ESTABLISH , EMPLOYMENT BUREAU (United Preaa Leased Wire.) Washington. Bent. is. 8nr.iir. Straus of the department of commimi and labor announced today that he pur- posea estaDiisnina; a national employ ment agency, with T. V. Powdarlv in onarge. New Man on Staff. who Kow weariness, want of strength." languor, are pale and short of breath, need a tome. ' Not all tonics are suited' for their use at this critical time in their lives but Dr. Williams Pink Pills are. ', Taken when th girl is devel oping into the woman they in sure, as far as medicine can. the full flower of womanhood, stroncr and robust Neglect of the health at this time means a life of misery and is often followed by a short, dry cough which is the forerunner of consumption. ' A CURE AT DUBUQUE. Mist Louise Weetphal, of 33 Locust street, Dubuque, Iowa, says: "A few years ago I was in a very weakened condition, one that Is common to many growing girls. I was nervous, lost weight, had a poor complexion and no appetite. I was completely run down and had no ambition at all. For months I was under a doctor's care but nothing helped me and my friends thought I waa going Into consumption. I had been sick about a year wnea xir. Williams' Pink Pills were recommended to me. After taking three boxes I obtained relief and several mora cured ma. The sallow complexion disappeared, I had a good appetite once mora and am now strong and healthy la every way." if . MlOIflS' Al all arutflsM ar direct fram Dr.WUlUmi Madlciaa Co., Sckaarctady, H. T. sat par boa eoao, Ba.$o. , i The Metrostyle-Themo dist ? The Performances of Other Player-Pianos i Become ; 'Insignificant When Compared to the Marvelous Renditions Within the Ability of w HaW i ANOEA STANDARD OF THE, WORLD The Pianola embodiei not one, but many, points of superiority f over the numerous instruments that its success has inspired. ; J In the incomparable human-like qualities of its playing, in the wide scope it affords for individual expression, the Pianola stands t today, as Rosenthal has so well pnt it, "in a class by itself.' . " A The Pianola's Supremacy Unassailable WALTER WELLMAN TO START NEXT YEAR (United Pma Leaaed Wire.) Trondhjem, Norway, Sept IS. Walter Wellman has arrived here from Trom see. He announces definitely that his trial trip to the north pole, in a balloon has been declared off for this year. His airship made an ascension on September 2. but the hlirh winds drove him overland and the balloon had to be cut from the other part of the airship to save ner rrom complete destruction. price W a Serge Sailor Suits Beauties While we "have any variety of styles materials colors forv girls from 4 to 14, we suggest that you" examine especially our rials splendidly made very stylish and priced as low astf A A serge sailor suits, in blue, red, green, also checked mate-Zl .1111. rials the extremely low price of "... Novelties Are Very Natty Another selection of well-made, well jined, serviceable and extremely pretty novelty dresses for dainty little girls dJO are priced at epaSeleJ Girls Jumper Suits These are of excellent quality bluftergt..with white serge waist "especially becoming to" the older young girls--from , OA 12 to 14; the price ... . . ....... , . . Pte iO Ontnt your ohildxn for school Sfondsvy, and chnre the blU. EASTERN 0UTFIT1MG CO. TSTSoo. Cor. Washinfltoh and Tenth (Padfle Osast Preaa Laaied Wire.) San Francisco, Sept. !. Congress man Nicholas Longworth and Mrs. Long-worth will leave for Cincinnati Saturday night or Sunday.' They will stop over at Grand Canyon for prob ably two days and will than go Imme diately to tneir nome. 'President Roosevelt's son-in-law. did not credit a report from Cincinnati that the Republicans there would tender him the nomination for mayor. He said he would not acoept the nomination. The Champion Oroun Mlnlna- rnmntnv yesterday signed a contract wth Harry B. Perks, the noted mining engineer wnu uaa oeen laenuiiea with mines and mlnlnr for manv vein, anm nt mo largest properties in the weat hav ing Deen placed in his charge, and here after that arentleman will hava h place of consulting and managing en- frlner with the big company operating n Siskiyou county. California. tTnon m-wt-jjiiug ima pusiuon mr. ferns re tired from all other mining enterprises with which he has been so lonsr con nected, and will devote all his atten tion to tne unampion people s gold and copper properties near the city of i reaa, just soutn or tne Oregon nt nne. He is a valuable aeoulaftlnn tn tne unampion uroup s Stan of Intelli gent woraers. Why Vanderbilt Vanished It Is told of Thomas A, Edlwn that ...... A on tne nignt or nis weoomg, wnen ail of the guests naa assembled and he was found missing, a friend found him lg clotnes in nis labora tory over a new electrical Invention. He Watchman Under Investigation. Mavor Lane la inveattaatlnar th ml. lections made by Jack Hoare, a special north end watchman, from the vicious element of that section and Hoare stands chances of dismissal if the GREAT COUNTRY HALL PLANNED BY LONDON shJB t.hat tV8,be.,nF paM for tectlon is substantiated. Hoare is one of the four s-oeclal no- llcemen retained by the city .after the dismissed 150 of them when he (Thiited Preaa Leased Wire.) London, Sept IS. London Is to build for herself a great county hall fitted to accommodate all the administrative departments of the London county ooun cil. The project has been long under consideration and now a site has been secured at a cost of 3,000,000 on the south bank of the Thames at West minster and extending over five acres of ground. noaro is one or tne rour special po- mayor took office. Hoare was nlaced On hnnnr wnen ne was given tne position upon tne indorsement or the Municipal league, ministers and others. Mayor Lane stated this morning that he saw a number of the old watchmen Divine BLHrcia.1 uaau oeuina aeoui. arrtrra badges. at work in evening clothes had forgotten all about being married. Something of the same kind recently happened to Alfred Gwynne Vanderbllt, nose sole passion is norses. Mrs. Vanderbllt had arranged a reception to which all the elect of Newport came. and the affair was at Its height when somebody called attention to tne lact that Mr. Vanderbllt was not around. "Where is he? waa asked. "He was here a little while ago." aald another. "He can"t be far off," said a third. The mystery of Mr. Vanderbllt's dis appearance suddenly became the feature or tne ariair. and searcn parties were organised to locate him. They sent to his apartment he wasn't there. A thorough search of the grounds failed to locate him. The lodge keeper waa sure he hadn't passed out. Finally some one had an lnsDlratlon. They went to the stable. There was Mr. Vanderbllt He had removed His even ing coat and gloves and with one of his trainers close at hand was enwrapped In a minute Investigation of the hoofs of one of his favorite prize winners. "I just dropped over nere a minute to look about,'' he explained. The International convention of Steamflttera and Helpers will be held in Detroit next year. ' f I I t I The supremacy of tht Pianola is abundantly borne out In the nnanl mous testimony of the world's foremost musical authorities, who have indorsed this instrument to the practical entire, exclusion of any other, and also in the actual verdict of the purchasing public for tha SALES OP THE PIANOLA EXCEED THOSE OF. ALL OTHER PIANO-PLAYERS PUT TOGETHER. , , - . , Now, there must be good reasons why the Pianola has been able to , Y maintain its position as the premier instrument of its type in fact, 1 to steadily .increase- its lead, nwtbtandg -the.-fyhr-rntrtt- ments continually being brought out, and claiming to accomplish sim- f ilar results. The Mctrostylc-round Only on the Pianola $ One of the greatest achievements of the player system was the in- 1 ention of the Metrostrle, a device enabling even the unskilled per- D former to play with artistic effect to pat EXPRESSION and SOUL f Into the playing. This invention waa revolutionary, and broke down the last vistage of prejudice in the musical world. Be it noted, how- I ever, that no other piano player HAS. HAD or CAN HAVE anything fl EVEN APPROXIMATING this remarkable device, which is owned V and controlled exclusively by the Aeolian Ccv, makera.of the Pianola, ex The Theraodist and What It Accomplishes ; J The Themodist will accent a single note, or group of notes, ex- actly as called for by the character of the composition. It will accent the proper notes, not only when isolated from the accompaniment, but n also wherever they may appear, anywhere along the keyboard, pickins; a. .1- If ATTWD llfUIfTIIirD TT" A H. UO 'TILT CHORDS OR IN THE MIDST OP ELABORATE ORNAMENTATION. To the performer, however, is left the degree of accent sup plied, whether a sharp contrast or a mild one, ss his taste 'dictates. For this purpose he still has recourse to the accent-lever and the pedaling, as in former models of the Pianola. v , In addition to the Metrostyle and Themodist, the Pianola incor porates more than three hundred other patented and exclusive fea tures, making it at once superior in every detail. After hearing ALaB a, t at . Aa aitewae.nisilAa vlla narfAVtM efla Mf 4Vak 1 D!tMAla '. aanll' prove a revelation to you. We shall be pleased to demonstrate its marvelous ability at any time, at your convenience. The Genuine Pianola Is Sold Throughout the ,Wet- Only by ' I ex I a f fa ) The House of Highest Quality Biggest, Tfi)ae uuoiwji a and Best y fX' PIANO, ORGAN AND TALKING MACHINE HEADQUARTERS I aV f I(WUU1.WU WUWWta WWii JL. t,J,A. SAN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, TACOMA, SPOKANE, BOISE 40 STORES CALIFORNIA TO ALASKA , i ... r JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST NEW. OCEAN LINEE TO MAKE MAIDEN VOYAGE (United Preaa Leased Wire.) Qlassrow. Sent. IS. The California. the new Anchor line twin-screw steam ahln which waa launched Jnlv I will leave on her maiden voyaa-e to New York tomorrow and will hereafter make regular trips between that city and Glasgow. The California naa accom modations for 300 first cabin and 400 second cabin passengers. Mr. Lucy Barnee Dead. (Special Dispatdk to Tha JocraaLl Castlerock, Wash.. Bept IS. The Elmer Lin Fpnnd Guilty. aimer lul tne umnese tried on a statutory charge Involving Alma Church, the alleged "white slave," was found anility by a Jury In Judara O'Dav'a department of the circuit court this morning. The Jury recommended tha Chinese to the mercy of the oourt. The woman nas Deen committed to the asy- ium t oiem. SJSJ sjajsjsjsjBKHffBlSlBlBBBySlSyyyBjjSjjSSIBjM Barnes, wife of Barnes, who died at her home funeral of Mrs. Lucy B. A. Barnes, wno d about three miles south of here early Wednesday morning, was held at the family residence at 10 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Barnes waa 85 years old and leaves, besides her husband, six chil dren between the ages of 1 and IS years. She also had one brother Colorado. In PEES0NAL. Mr. and Mrs. William WUraweiler of Prlneville were in Portland several days this . week. They left laat nlffht for New Tork and other eastern cities to visit for several weeks: R. Alexander, a well-known merchant of Pendleton, who makes frequent visits to Portland, is at tne imperial hotel. Banding Permits. Alhert Salter, one and a half storv dwelling, Vancouver Detween uoing and Blandena, SI, 800; T. M. C. A. founda tion for building, Taylor between Sixth and Seventh. 110,000; M. M. Johnson and D. M. CooklnKham. greennouse, Ollham and Harrington, S2(M: W. A.-Hamblen, one-story dweiimir. Broomyn between m. Bixteentn and m. eevenieenin. si.oou: C- Waters, due-story dwelling. Wil liams between KUllngsworth and Pearl, 12,230; Joe Plancich, repairs dwelling, 966 Division, 1100; E, (frofnn, founda tion. TJDShur between TTwenty-flfth and TwentyalathV l00 1 OIda7"lVof tman & King, two-story brick barn. East Flan ders between ' Cast Sixth and East Seventh.- S26.000: I Watts." two-story dwelling, ' Fargo - between - Union- and Rodney, S2.000; B. C Jakway, one and a. half storv dwelling. East Thirtieth between Hawthorne and East Market, 11.000. - v School Shoes. Beat values, at Rosenthal's. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Th British steamer Kalomo la lining at Alaska dock and will begin receiving cargo soon. The Submarine Signal eomnanv has begun work installing the submarine bell on ngntsnip 7 at Tongue Point buoy yard. Frank j. smun. rormeny superin tendent or tne open Kiver Transporta tion company, returned last night from a trip to Seattle ana victoria. Assistant United States Engineer Off- den has returned from a trip up the Co lumbia, wnere ne piacea a areage at work on tne entrance to tne cascade Locks. The British steamer Ferdene reoorts September 7, in Lat. N. SI deg. 09 mi. Lrfmg. w. ua aeg. ax mi., signtea large ioe- about 100 feet long and dangerous to navigation, so reports John McNulty, nautical expert In charge of the hydro- graphic ornce nere. Stops Itching Instantly. rneum, tetter lien, nives, csema. . salt herpes, scabiesDean's an drug store. , , Cures piles, Ointment. At To Cruise This Month. Paris, Sept. IS. The Matin In a tele gram from Rome, aays that in political circles there is much talk of a cruise which It is declared that Klnjr Edward will make In the Mediterranean toward the end of September. It is said that the tour will laat a month, and that the king will again visit a number of towns on the Sicilian coast ' 'V 11 --L" TEA Tea is almost ;notfiii?g; how much weight 4o j"ott think there is in the taste of it? 1 . ; Weight is no measure for tea I SrM - Tour grocer returns your money If you don't lka Schillings Bast; we pay him, ss ! m-m S : at. taOEWEMSTElN OONS r.L . ' '. J S v-AKiMcrriNBCUicrrrua TL.. ' 'zA SHORT TALK ABOUT OURj SUITS AND CRAVENETTES WELL MADE They are well made, well tailored with the best of ' linings and trimmings. THE FIT The fit is perfect, giving our patrons the , assur- ' ance of being well dressed. Fall sad Winter Styles , Fall and winter styles are now being shown, ' and no better goods AT ' THE PRICE were ever put before a critical buy er by any clothxiig store. :" Jim'' - Ji i' !! !! i: i i. i : i i ! i i i ! PI ! ' I! !l 1 II ! it it M ii M . Tiuir:.-in)rrrn r-fiD H 7 f ; t , V "SELLS IT CIIEAPi:ir .193495 First St. Ccr; C -4 -