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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1907)
v i j nm OBEOOK DAILY JOURNAE. rORTEAKD. FRIDAY EVCNINO, SEPTEMBER , MOT. h-8 UNION PACIFIC STOCK , BOOKS WILL BE CLOSED (ttaittd as Utmi yrtr.) r ,Kew York," Sept, lt-Mltook -.transfer books of the TJnloa PaotfU railroad oorn pny will be closed t noon tomorrow, preparatory to. 1 the payment, on .. Oc tober 1. of a ml-annual dividend of 2 est Creamery Butter Good Creamery Butter ....... .flfff Dairy Butter .. 45 and 50 Fresh Ranch Eggs, dow Me and 80 Best Sugar-Cured Ham .? Breakfast Bacon,; lb. "Hi Pull Cream Cheese, 2 lbs. Wisconsin Swiss Cheese ..... .0 Cream Brick .........SO nd 5 Umburger Cheese, each f Oleomargarine .......... , 45 All goods retailed at wholesale prices. Saturday Is Oar Cblcken Day La Grande Creamery ft per share on the preferred stook and a; Quarterly dividend of, 111 per share on the common stock. The annual meeting- of the company will, be held in Belt Lake City on Ootober s. - H") ' . . i " , i iggggggBaesi EHMANN OLIVE OIL ; Our Guarantee We fuaraatee' that the Khmann .Olive Oil is pure and unadul terated California QUye Oil and ' ezolualvely of our own manu facture. .If any adulteraUoa ee be pter in In the Ehinaan Olive Oil we wUl pay tl.OOe to anyone sub- mittina sueh proof throufh a chemical teat, and pay for the ' test . CleaaUnese and purity are the eaaentiai features of our produot Ehmann Olive Co. Bold by D. C. Burns Company Wholesale and Retail Oroeers, bio txxzd st, rosTXturo. QUALITY I mm Yes, that's it. The very finest blend of coffee you ever "tasted, and only 25c per pound in any quantity. Doesn't this appeal to you? Riebet Co. 114 First St Wholesale Grocers Corner Washington Phone Main 758. Home Arl758 OXDXB ITOUB TJTV9AT WBXM TODAY tares bottles t'A;;.'ll'.9t.99' 9 joa. Small bottles .......... .75 Pr 60s, , rkn acaiA saw n awns. Promt delivery to any part of the CHICKENS 18c Pound Carp Minnows BY THE THOUSAND FOR BASS FISHINO Crabs BY THE HUNDRED 10c EACH Holland Herring $1.00 PER KEQ ----' COLUMBIA FISH CO. Third and Ankeny. Main 8. A'0556. i "The Flower of Flours'' a s E That should be planted in every eco nomloal household is the fine brand) of Flour we are now offering to our cus tomers. It is the kind ' that goes farthest, because it is especially milled from the choicest train herd winter wheat It yields the best Bread. Rolls and $lictilt, and requires lesa care and trouble In the baklna than other Flours, iizzzssxaszzsezsxaioRBSSBR'fiVKXssacszzsxsxzai Saturday at Dresser's Such comments as "that roast was lovely," "that steak was delicious," and other nice things about our Sausage, Baked Goods, Home-Made Candies, etc., can be beard almost any moment at our counters. Our Veal Sausage, in which we offer another special tomorrow, has proved one of the most popular little lines we have ever put on. Quality and scrupulous cleanliness are the first consid erations at DRESSER'S, everything else is secondary, and our Saturday special lists are productive of no little economy onct patronized theyll not be forgotten. DRESSER'S Pot Roasts, Saturday, lb... 64 to 84 DRESSER'S Shoulders of Lamb, Saturday, lb., 8 DRESSER'S Select Veal Sausage, Saturday, - 3 pounds 254 DRESSER'S Nut Loaf, regularly 35c, Saturday, each X 20 4 DRESSER'S Layer Cakes, regularly 25c, Satur day, each ..201 DRESSER'S Chocolate Creams, regularly 60c, Saturday, pound 404 Full stocks of Fish, Fruit, Came, Poultry, etc. Our Hams are cured and cooked by our own men, our Sau sages from our own factory we can guarantee quality in all things. CASH rALWAYS TIIHV HIGHEOT QVALITIES AT LPWEDT PRICHt: 18 lbs Granulated Sugar ; v $i.od 20 lbs. Sugar with $3 order Fruit Jars Pints, dozen , 55ft Quarts, dozen 654 m very nets bumob jars, xney mever oserea a tow aeiore. Buyers of food spices "with spe cial reference to pickling, will ob tain the lowest prices here. All kinds of whole and ground spicea excepting mace and nutmeg, LOOK FOR Our Bargain Counter Saturday All Choice Cuts at Cut Prices. Coffee Ppstum .. ,.204 Gold Medal M. and J..,. 354 MONARCH COFFEE . .254 Town Talk, lb 204 Army and Navy Blend... laf 2 cans any kind of Spice 154 Mb. cans ...25a Vanilla Extract lOf Lemon Extract . .10f 3 cans Carna tion Cream for 25c 2 cans Tiger Cream 154 Vegetable Department 20 Lbs. new Cabbage. .. .254 3 Bunches Carrots, Turnips, Beets, boiling or table Onions 54 2 Stalks large Celery 54 Our vegetables are brought direct to our market fresh and crisp and delivered as though picked direct by yourself. MEATS The very good reason that we have for expecting your fuQ patronage In Oar Meat Department is the fact that we don't make selections of beef because of cheap price, etc., but go strong to the opposite Idas of obtaining the very highest cora-fed quality for you, no matter what It costs. This caution on our part, combined with the highest type of sanitary condltlona in meat handling, rather persuades one to gladly pay the flight price difference that our prices may Indicate, You always know Its alwsys good and no amount of money could make it better. Beef Beef Stew 24 to 44 Boiling Beef..., r... 34 to 54 Pot Roasts 54, 64, 74 Hamburg Steak 64 Corned Beef . . ......54 Shoulder Steak 64 Sirlojn Steak 104 Mutton Mutton Stew .....54 Mutton Shoulder Bt Mutton Chops 10 Mutton Legs 124 5 Pounds Lard., 554 10 Pounds Lard...,. $1.10 Sausage Bologna ...74 Liver Sausage , .... ,74 Blodd Sausage 74 Weinerwurit 10f Pork . Pork Roasts 124 Pork Chops .124 Pork Sauiage ......84 Veal Stew 7 Veal Chops 104 Shoulder Roasts 10f Vea) Breasts 8 Loin Veal 124 Veal Ssusage 124 Big Sale of Smoked and Pickled Meats Skinned Hams, whole or half 164 Bacon 184 Rex Picnic Hams 124 Pickled Pork 121-24 Corned Beef 54 to 8 Cooked Corned Beef..... 104 Bologna, 3 pounds for... 254 Knoclcwurst 10 Liver Saqsage, 2 lbs, for, .154 Veal Loaf, Z lbs. for 25 People's Isntett and tawy Co. FIRST & TAYLOR Phones-Main 1412, A 1412 Special Saturday Only faneCrameiVpC BUITERC Oleomargarine y . .1 , ',;434, Soap 10 bars Royal Soap 85) Elk Soap, 12 bar9.,M254 Monarch Soap, 8 bars.... 254 Baby Elephant Soap, 6 bars .. 254 2 pkgs. Gold Dust....,354 fancy Dressed Chickens 17 toe Lb. . 1 I-1 TEA 1 lb, Gunpowder Tea..,.25ft 1 lb. U. C Japan .25l 1 lb. E..B, Tea ,254 Canned Goods I cans Salmon . . ; , . . . . .'.Sty Beans and ora, i ans.25f I cans Plums or Gripes., 230 T lbs. Navy Beans..,.. ..234 8 lbs. Rice.,.. I.,.,.,. .25 $ cans S. A, Soups. ..'.',S5 Eggs 1 Dcueen Eggs. . .......234 Nearby Ranch Eggs,,, 30 FJour Every bT of ours is milled from old wheat that means something for your considera tion. ,r Dalles Diamond ,....'.91.35 White Satin ..,,,81.25 Liberty Bell ..,,.....,81.15 THE ONLY LARGE STRICTLY CAQH GROCERY IN THE 7E OT STARK DRESSER'S STARK Dalles Diamond Flour THE HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE NT YOUR ROCERS. Kii The biggest and brightest food store on the coast. Branches Gearhart, Seaside, B. 16th and Broadway. ts CEMENT- ; RlsCT sr k.' mbh . eftjaf in Menf mm When.You Buy This no uk You Got The CWltk rortlaaA wsrekonae Sj Traaefer Oo.) Bio Bast WashtaatoB Oireet, Vsose Cut SS07, 'sz3zzzzzszzszzszazziLzzzxzczszzzzzzzEzzzxzzzszzzzzaczzzzzzzz:xzzzz:zzzszzzzsz?i GROCERIES 849-351 OAK ST. Fellows Grocery Co. MEATS Both Phones, 2596 848-850 ANKENY ST. g If You Want the Best Quality of Meats and I Groceries at the Lowest Possible Prices Go to Fellows, on OaK dt, near seventh BEST VALCEY FLOUR,, per sack "....... 81.15 BEST .DRY GRANULATEP SUGAR. , .85.30 BEST jf AJNCX LKKAMKKY JtJ U 1 1 per roll JQf FANCY MOCHA AND JAVA. BLEND. COFFEE, 1 pound 254 3 Canf Carnation Cream .', 51 Can Borden s lagle Milk.,... .lOf 0 Vm'CLII a CM1. a w v "i . .... . . . y . 2 Pounds Corn or Gloss Starch,. ,,,, ,,,15 12 Bars, Good f-aundry Soap. 5f' 1 rPound;Shredded Cocoanut, . ....... .. . 154 1 Pound Green or JB lack Tea 254 Large package Crackers , . . ,204 4.10c packages Salt .25 X Large; package Humpty Dumpty . , .V7 5e)7 Package Kofn Kinks..,. ...... 5f 3 Packages Malta ViU... 251 : u. s. govi:rnmi:nt inspected meat I WATCH OUR BLACKBOARD FOR DAILY PRICES Our Prices Are the Lowest in the City WHY? Simply because we buy right and do not pay delivery men or high prices for horses, or horse feed. All these expenses would have to be tacked onto our meats if we made delivery. Our patrons get the BEST MEAT that gold can buy meat that is always pure and fresh, tnd our legion of customers carry away their own meat with the full knowledge that it is free fronv. the contamination of infectious wagons and from the flying microbe dust of the streets. QUICK SERVICE, COURTEOUS CUTTERS, CLEANLINESS FIUST ami ALDER Butter From Iowa 35c Lb. Extra Fine .,v Special Pria to Hotels, Restaurants jnd ; Boafdjng-Houses, THE OREGON CHEESE CO. K126 Fifth Street Swetland Bldg., Opposite Olds, Wormian & King. Best Creamery Butter, roll ...604 and 704 Dairy Butter, per roll 33f Fresh Eggs, 2 doz. ,.55 Fine Old American Cheese. 25 Fresh Tillamook Cheese.... 17 to 204 Imported Swiss, Limburger, Cream, Brick, Young Americas, cic . Best Coffee in city for,.... 154, 254, 404, 504 Comb Honey, 2 for.V,...35e rszxzzzzzzzz zzjzzzxzzxzzzzrszszzszzzsszszzzzzzafcszzzzzzzz:: B0TR PHONES 2287 The Wcw York Grocery BOTH PHONES 2237 CORNER ELEVENTH AND MORRISON Opened Under New Management To Start the Ball Rolling We Will Sell for Saturday 19 POUNDS BEST DRY GRANULATED SUGAR, for. 7 . .... . . ..... ; 91.00 3 CANS CARNATION CREAM.......,,,.,, t....... 254 SACK BEST VALLEY FLOUR... , , . . . Mt . , . ,,v'r m7WM f.f.91.10 2-POUND ROLL FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER ;...;;V.;...t 704 CAN BAKER'S COCOA.......,....;. LARGE SACK BESTj POTATOES . , ' , ; i . . .CL- BEST EASTERN . HAM. PER jPOUND" ; ;C'f;;Vi;; V. . . . .1 1 C Oregon Cheese Coll vixzizzzzzzzzzzitzzxzzzzzz'izzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzii: A