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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1907)
12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY ; EVENING. Sfir-TEMBER 13, ,1907. . i, TODAYS MARKETS Barley ; Buyers Are Very i Anxious to ' Purchase Supplies Tdle Growers 'Are Showing No Disposition to Hurry Sales OTTO HUT WIDER SWIII Supplies; Great and jPonces- ; fiious in Price General for Outside Stock. EGGS ARE ANYTHING ? ' BUT IN GOOD SUPPLY "Egg ara still anything but plentiful and ths -msrket con tinue to itrow stronger. Gutter Is In Urge supply, cept for dairy, And prices are 4 much wsaker and lowar. Some ever cut have been made to clean up stocks. ,, . "Poultry has had a vsry rood week for all aorta and receipt have really been Inadequate. I am of the belief that condition the coming week will be favor able to shippers, and the trade hopea Tor liberal receipt of hen, springs, ducks, geese, etc, "Small and . medium fancy veal are atlll very short and many more could be used on this market. The same I true a to olid block hoc, although large rough one are not In Arm re quest. W hope that those who have fine good In these lines will hasten them to market while condition and price are favorable. "Potatoes are In' large supply and weaker." Tom Farrell of Everding ft Farrell. St, Paul C. A O Denver . ; a. North., pfd. 1j. w West Union . . Ore Lands ... Missouri Pao.. N. Y. Central. Northern Pac. Reading ....... Pennsylvania . . Katy Southern Pao. . Union Pacific. U. 8. Steek do preferred.. y Laiest market features: ' '. Old hops are wanted. Peach market doing better. a Tomatoes are rather slow. No strength shown la butter. Dressed veal scarcer than ever. '.Eggs end ooultry hold well. .. W heat and (lour hold welt Barley market Is excited. Chi Ulna . bark acU . crasy. Potatoes move to Arlsona. ..,. Car sweet potatoes is due. ... -'.Fin Concord grapes In market Apple market, remains dull. - :-l r Mo Strength S&owa la Butter. " v On all sides the butter market is Showing weakness today. While stocks are not showing any Increase over the past few days, supplies are atlll too lib eral for .the demand and In many quar ters valines are being cut on the sly. This is more especially noted In the out-of-town brands than In city eream . ery. The latter 1 showing weakness and there-are rumors of some sales at a lower range of values. However, none of the creameries will admit catting quotations. .... ,. , . - , Eggs are very scarce aiong jrroni t Mint noml-I HOPS 1S(17 wn Ohni 7iU..l. in" ciuaing or Amii.mi. mines. ral. - Some dealers are today asking prime to choice. 7oi Tordinarv. 4 ale oer nowYr' a a aepresaingerrect upon sib m.m st esk i iL, in " m - - w iHHrinaLn nniri I in nn .new rum m II r UNLUCKY DATE L PROVES nr Friday the 13th Passes With Good Omen for Stock ifarket COARSE Mill IS III DEMIID 8TOCK MARKET GAINS. Amalgamated . HI sugar i Anaconda, Atchison Brooklyn Can. Paclflo .. 2 HI: 1 a - STOCK MARKET LOSSES. Car. V Found. . ttlRock Island .. . 1 Colo. Fuel .... Ul do preferred.. 1 Smelter 3441 Call for Oats" and Barley Is Greater Than Producers Are Willing to Supply. (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooke Co.) Wall Street, New York, Sept. 11. Today is Friday the thirteenth and yet many things that might have happened to the stock msrket failed to materialise. street, supplies on all sides being noml-1 ral. Some dealers are today asking I 28 Ho a dosen,, but most sales are re- Mb; 1906, choice," 6o. 13.10 do.: nlareons. 11.18 dos: dresaed poultry, 10lo per lb. higher. Hops, Wool and Kids. There was considerable pressure on Amalgamated, which carried the price back H points, but buying by big peo ple, believed to be connected with tne system." brouaht CobDer back and at the close it waa a fraction or , better than yesterday. The closing or Amalgamated mines. ponw ! wwr fu n iYii wuul-IID7 nJIn in if 21 : I quite well on account of the shorUgs I eastern Oregon. II a tie. r iu. aii.,. i .in..t aiim.HM Knt ikk miiiiiv nf th. umi nn .t' Vs,C- . . a... I 1 he general I inma. la nnt vrwul mm Vinma atnrlr I tu Ir'iruairTxia ai.u.i.. iim. I, nl in value ! .very m-m. .J tl$ihort. W5J. ?5fc; medium, wool, I Vrnolal ,toclt. i ceipts are merely nominal and there la6075c each: tons Wool. ISOll each. I- American Smeitlnc and the common closed t points under the price of lat was supported were general. range: ind a disposition among some receivers to I tallow Prime, per lb, I secure a nigner price. iiowever, inei a ano grease, iviho. vnix iiM 70. rruit and Tsgrtables. Uic; No. OKSCRIPTION. trade balks at this and any attempts to I boost the price too high would only suit in a general downfall of values. Cheese msrket is steady, but ths mp-UytltY. "''J. Am. C.; demtfnd. . . ; I ONIONS Jobbing price Oregon, a! V! POTATOES Fsncy, 1.001.I5 sell- kml cCotppJfr 0Co" jfd. ..... :ot. on. c PBach Market Doing Better. .. J2: buying. 11.50 t1.7f: srarllo. lo nor I am aZZZ'i . ' v A firmer tone Is noted In the' peach Am. Smoltl, c! market along Front street. Receipts ESoS8-,.?10?1-78- do pfd are not auite so liberal and slses are . ,PH FRUITSOranwes, UJOO Anac. M. Co. .. much, better. The trade does not want -7 bfJ- 6oJb,mofti0 00,7i6A Atchison, o. ... a, very smsii peach and whenever a I i; r " - . 1 1 . ' j -t."' I ,r ilux. Bin. RaD. Tr. Can. Pac. c. . Cen. Leather c. do bfd. ...... : ; -r.. :. .... box: caaabaa. 1J.I.0 dos. C. & Q. W.. o. .. r -ear mnrxei snows sirengin, oui vai- . " V . r r A at p me paai vkk. , vubiuj1 nno. So good are supplies of other fruits that there Is scarcely any , call for ap- B" ." ." '."a. .luralue"' Colo. So., c. large amount, or mis. atocawpomes 11 rn"irVii. "j. , "ltir we'kens the buying demand. T ,?A ,LH.iln52Sftt ,V$ Tomato market l : slower,- although SZmuS hSSi..1, ?ualitytwas never better than at this ". wjgjnj,. Dears. 11.26 01. CO per $1.00 sack: carrota, '75c(8Hl per sack; i;"'- 2 V.Sia t, beets, 1.6(S per sack parsnips. 11.00 W Sfo - ? e?" 11.25; cabbage, liio lb: tomatoes. S?!?- " - Pies at this time, overripe stock there- 0X70tt' 6,S.c; l?1., .fI7en' do 1st" pfd".! ! fore being sacrificed. v;.v ,' , cauliflower, 80c $1.16 dos; Dela. ft Huoson ! vwJIiw. v... peas. Be; horseradish, 8o lb; artichokes, n.n & R. O c Fottftoes Hove to Arlsona. Jsfflhc dos; green onions, 16c per dos; jo pfdT . . . . (several car lots or potatoes navsioeu peppera, aigiso per io; notnouse let- Erie c ' moved toward Arlsona points during the I tuce, $1 box; cucumbers, hothouse, 16or 'North" 'nf'd' f'nra at lii'Uili r liw tt v. u.i . I win fvu uv., au4.uw, tvu ll uu iiin . j .IIinniB V ntrSl that section are being received, but eggplant, liJ4o lb; green corn, 76c Louis. A Nash. . most of the shipments at this time are sack, celery, $76c$1.00. Manh. Ry on bock orders. Cars are still rather Oroesries, Vats, Xto. Mex. Cen. Ry. . imniSJBtiSS!i SUGAR Cube, $8.12; powdered. ft-Kj. ft T.. a . . so bad as at first According-to a local t5t7U- berrv drv aranulated. Distillers dealer he doe. not feel m hard toward J?;?7. it'tlilli ?' eon I? $5.77 $ V Lr"dm the Southern Pacific for not ..M,6 tuitu.- .M.n n iknu.Ti ylr. Chem. .... cars for Pujet sound shipments for aftsr yellow. 46.07 Vi;Vet granulated,' 1167 K'A l;.tr M lnvestfiratlon nt rouna the dealers there I h. K.ri. So- u... inu. rnuim- IT I f ? . ; . . s. thk 82 31 32 13H . 61 63 61 62 . 110 111 110 111H . 01 1H 88 H . 97 H . 38U 38 85 38 . 86 86 86 88 90 89l 90 89 89 44 46 42 45 . 164 167 163 164 18- 18 17 17 . 82 82 81 82 9 9 ,119 120 117 130 lf3t H.K 10 83 33 33 33 22 24 22 23 ::::::::::::::: B 164 166 163 166 22 24 23 24 66 10 20 20 20 124 129 134 126 I1JS . 19 13 ( 137 108 .108 107108 116 116 114 84, 15 34 85 61 64 60 63 63 64 b2 64 20 20 19 19 i National Lead .f 4l 47 105 says that' a ear e potatoes he shipped I ' (Above Drlcea are 80 dava net caahlii- cntraLv remained on the track at Seattle for 14 Quotations.) ' ' ' dsys before being - unleaded. - HONEY $1.60 per crate, Jii' c Onion market .Is firmer, .with some COFFEB-i-i'ackage brands. $15,889 M2wPV1' small business reported from the south. 16.63. l,J7l,- ' ' 1a,i..ia.a atm holnir miila hm a 11 RA BALTV Coarse Half STOUnd. 100S. 0T: "Pi1?. C. ,. ..-j i 7i k.. w I tier ton: aoa. kii.uu: taoia. oairv i i. a. vu. IfO.,. ' 0: 1 0'$1726; JSrtSft' n'V tuiuuriou uiveruuui, ouai. ivvu, avvo, i - v 01, I iiy.uu; 48 iis.uo: . . . a . . I c. . 1A. . K A i rTacticaiiy no Tcai waa ruceivea in c ... tA . .A ii; "iT Lne I fv.vv yer ivu, bviu ivui, tii.vv, Dressed Tl Scatosr Tban aver. 3100: 4s 118.00: extra fine barrels: 2s. do pfd In os and 10s, 34.60O6.60 do 2 pfd. . and 10s. J4.606.60: Liverpool lump neaaing, c.. the Front street markets today,, One I rock, jio.60 ...I k.aA knt thl. 6 lOOS. 310.50, amount was so nominal Uiat It oould prices spplv to sales of jess ubject to fluctuations.) Rock Island, c KICK lmDerlal Jaoan. no. 1. so: no. ao via S. 6G6c; New Orleans, head, 7c; I S. L. ft S. F.. 2 pfj Ajax, ac; Creole. ao ist pra.... HUAiNH small white,; large nt. u & w., c. i: Dayou, vs-vu; as, 4c. do 1st pfd R. I. ft 8., c. h. .i.Merrf wnen th rte. t"1) cf !. Car lots at special prices I ao pra - . - - .. I nhi.At till.. Fit... -.n. i mind is so great. . It is stated that this dealer received as high as 10c a pound for small slses. '-' . Brief Kotos of ths Trad. A car of sweet potatoes is due to ar te. white. 18.50: Dink. 13.60: bavou 11.90: 18. P.. r. J, "t"J" 'S"" A" Llmas. $6.36 Mexican reds. 4 c. do nfi 1 IVn 111 innifirruw IIllJl I J 1 1 1 K . r I ITV3 si IJ V I v 4 a w . . m. m r . ...I . m ; - . i in l j I n r nanii in Jiimiio. . o oer iu: i Hmit n wv iM Aw-. vA- 1 Virginia, 7Ho Pr lb;, roasted, iOo Prl do pfd I srapa thia yea- per lb; walnutsrCalifornia. IOo per lo; t., 8. L ft W o pine nuts. 14016c per lb; hickory nuts, 100 per id; JBrazu nuts, mc per id; ru- do pfd . . IT D wove. I berts, 16c per lb: fancy pecans, 11920c I tt b Rubber c" still remain quite high In per lb; almonda, i2iHc. a' pti . U. S. Steel Co.. c ao pia Meat, risk and Provisions. FRESH 16 ii io" 89 do pfd . . at 2 8c for best Paxe ft Son report shipments of Concord son.' As supplies were scarce, prices ...are advanced. Ordinary run of grapes still ' hard to move. . Bell peppers still i price, with receipts not overllberal. Salmon catch not so liberal. Re- elvra aav the rmalltv la not ma mnnA. either, the fish appearing to be half fancy, starved. yeal, ( Lher irvuiif'-1 that theV ea,; itowrtw p.c c,iorftUt.rqdJnc;3 wrtemriormaTket remains good on " RSl9? l& NaUonsi' Leadex" dlvW'i'ifr account of the unusually good Quality JAfl.hion 'isasi cent ' d,vldend. per thi. .uion nf th. r.Hfnnit fmii ?.6Hc. breakfast bacon, 1522o per cent. . . T- .a.VA id; picnics. no per io; cottage roii, union -aciric common, ex diviaend, .f.,ni.demanl1 18o per lb; regular short clears, un- 2 per cent; preferred. 2 per cent. ; Front street prices. smoked. 12o per lb; smoked 12o per lb; Call money closed 3 per cent. , Oraln, Floor and Teed. clear backs, ansmoked, 12c; smoked, 13c Total sales for day, 804,500 shares. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. 9a. lersa Pr lb: Union butts, 10 to 18 lbs, un- i . lots; small lots. 0a ' KTO.,1.?" ! JC?k?ft .H Ae.r IS; CWnPTfl TT TTHPS AT?!?' WHEAT New Club, 82c; red Ru- I .iTZl.X r". V-..!?... . . , J I " aj.vx u jtixiij stem. 84c: vallev. Sin. . ' "'iV""''?' 1 T T 1 T 1 IV I TTTJ T1T1TI MEATS Front street Hogs, w?h. ft" , 8o per lb; large, 7S8o per lb; So M per lb:, poor. 6 7c per Ibi mutton. Ni-.uV-3ei?5,raPn' 104 70" 69 126 119 93 70 60 ' 129 '94 23 78 44' 67 45 103 68' 126 27 i" 21 76 43 15 '2 26 46 '29 88 91 11 20 S 15 114 16 85 63 64 19 62 69 47 164 QQ 1' 1 7 69 78 69 128 26 120 vi 27 83 94 78 77 20 44 11 16 86 110 16 65 17 46 128 30 89 3 11 Z0 - 10 S Frosts to hs Wheat Belt. Western Oregon Fair to night: warmer south portion; Saturday fair and warmer; east erly winds. Western Wsshlngton Fair to night; Saturday fair; warmer except near coast; easterly winds. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Fair tonight with light frost; Saturday fair and warm er. Eastern Wsshlngton and North ern Idaho Probably fair tonight and Saturday; warmer. . Coarss grains are very firm all through the Pacific northwest at this time. Oats market la active, but sales would be considerably Increased If growers would let go. . In barley they are not yet ready to sell most of their crop and this keeps the market rather quiet. Hay Is srrlvlng a trifle more freely, but the market has not lost any of Its strength. Wheat Is dull for the moment, but the great -strength- in Liverpool iSdar may cause further heavy buying for'forelgn account. Miners say they nave sufri cient supplies for nearby requirement and are resting. Oriental flour trade Is quiet at th mo ment, out tne market is nrm. REFRIGERATOR MPFNIE Pacific Fruit Express Takes Place of The Armour . '';-; . Cars. RATES WILL NOT BE LOtWER TO SHIPPERS rait, Vegetables and Meals Will Receive Quicker Dispatch, as the New Company Has More Rolling Stock. WHEAT MARKET BEARISH. Chicago Supplies Increase and Prices Drop Liverpool Up. CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES Sept.. Dec. . . May... Sept. 11. Sept. It. Loss. ... 93A 94 ... 97B 98 104B 104 1906. Ill 77 (Leased Wlrs Overbeck A Cooke Co.) Chicago. Beot. is. me wneat mantel was bearish today, and closed with a loss of to c. Increasing supoiies and the .fact that cash wheat, while active, is not showing sufficient demand to clean up the surplus. Liverpool cables were nrm at tne start and gained additional serength during the day. orriciai range or values: WHEAT. Sept. Dec. May Sept. Dee. May SSDt Dec. May Sept. oa. Jan. Sept. Oct. . Jan. . Open. .. 90 ..103 Close. 98A 7B 104 B CORN. OATS. :::::::::::: 64" MESS PORK. 1660 1560 , 1685 61 68B 63 SH 62 63 Within the next II days the Armour car line, with approximately 5,000 re frigerator cars, will have withdrawn from the entire railroad lines of the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific sys tems, and the San Pedro. Los Angeles & Salt Lake road,' and will havo -been supplanted by th Paclflo Fruit Express with 6,600 csrs. C M. Seorlst. general manager of the latter corporation, came to Portland todav to superintend the change and Install ths new service. The change will, it Is said, mean no lessening of the rates charred bv the Armour car lines for transportation of fruits, vegetablea and meats, but will result in better service by reason of the" tact tnat tne new orsaniiation naa at least 1.600 more csrs with which to be gin the service and that It will con stantly increase the number of cars. U. Q.n.l.l L. n 1 nki... . m. nug i a. viiiuKBu man, has had charge of the inauguration of the new Pacific Fruit Express line for tne Jiarnman interests. Ths company was formed for Indenendent manaere- ment, but as an auxiliary of thS Harrl man railroads, to supersede the Armour noes on those roads. Some of the Armour ear wilt bs taken to other Darts of the country, for serv ice on roads reaching the east and south. A number of them will be kept on their present routes to serve the pri vate interests of the Armour company ana nananng an its eoaat business to ana zrom the middle weet. '"It is the purpose of our company to give a first-class service, and to increase tne raciuties as last as ins business demands it," Mr. Secrlst said. "The equipment of the Pacific Fruit Express is new ana modern, with every advan tage possessed by the old line. Our service will go into effect October 1. at which time the initial equipment of 6,600 cars will have been com Dieted. They are coming out of the' shops at the yate oi 40 a day. Additional equipment will come along as fast as the business warrants. Mr. Secrlst will, during- his stay. In Portland, organize the service here, and appoint a local agent. S. A. Herring, Portland agent ror tne Armour lines, will probably accept a poaitlon with the Armour company at some other point. PUGILISTIC-TRANSFER MAN HAS TAE FOR WONDERFUL HOSIERY C. V. Chapman, proprietor of ' the I. A M. Tranafer company, who, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Patrol man Wsnless on a warrant charging htm with assaulting 8. F. Thatobar. was found guilty by Judge Cameron this morning and fined 1 20. '. " Thatcher is ths shipping olerk -for Rice dc Phelan, wholesalers at Oak and Front street, end Chapman' teams do the hauling for the firm. The men have indulged in a war f words on seversl occasions over matters apper taining to shipments. " ', - Chapman, according to his own testi mony, went to the Osk street store for the purpose of "having It out" with Thatcher and punched the latter In tlu ee. After the shipping clerk had re treated Into the building to bathe his Injured optlo Chapman followed., so he testified, to ascertain- - how Thatcher liked the beating. The feature of the trial was Chan, ftian's dlaplay of hosiery, Worked into his bldvk silk hose, In baby-blue silk, was tne' initial c," . surrounded in a wreath t f forget-me-nots, and the fashion-plate 'vteamster'a "sox ,were - the oenter or attraction while Jie was te fvlnr. . ....-. Chapman' evidenced a , desire to be flippant in his answers and waa grilled by Deputy County Attorney Tomlinson, who referred to the young man as a "Smart Alec.1 Mrs. Chapman, a pretty blonde, tastefully dressed in a white'." sweater, silk waist and duck suit, was Indignant over- the- prosecutor's 'Sum ming up of her husband and with diffi culty refrained from, retorting In kind. The fine- imposed evidently did not have any effect on Chapman's pugilist Io nature, as a few minutes after the. court proceedings Thatcher rushed to head quarters to have the transfer man placed , under a oeacev bond ' clalmlne that ha intended to commit another assault. , HAUL SALMON FROM NEHALEM : C RIVER TO PORTLAN D MARKET salnml While coming across ths mountains in his automobile from Tillamook to Portland, Rollo P. Wataon passed sev ersl wagons loaded with Nehalera river salmon coming to the Portland market. An inquiry among the local fish mar kets brings out the fact that Portland receives a small portion of its fresh salmon supply at this sesson of the year from the Nehalem rivsr. The ' greater 'part of ' ths Mnn.i. IHIA VAMIflMA IM MVItf .. comes from ths Grays Harbor country. This salmon is ssld to be some better than the Nehalem fish, but not nearly so good ss that taken from ths Coluru- , bia river in the lets fall. Ths Nehalem salmon is a comparatively small fish. rarsly reaching a weight of 16 pounds, t is said to be about the sise of the Fraaer river or Puget sound ssckeye. ,, i LARD. 0! 912 880 Sept Oct. Jan. SHORT RIBS. 853 860 810 1660 1660A 1666 902 910B 876A 852 862B 808 Slan, 79c; bluestem, 84c: valley, 82a rcRNWboTe i: c?ackedB't UUWlJMx VI? L'KWm . BARLEY New-Fee ,322.60 23.60 ttVZl fflMSzsM V29'- ,wto. per lb'; "Ream 'l.Mv"j!S On account of the fact that, hop pick- . - . i in. db. ii d Dear i : cumuuunii. l uss. i RTE 11.65 per cwt. ile oer ft ' v ' ' ,n w,u M suspended In the Oregon 1 OATS New Proucers orlea N. 1 1 Aaii t..i. a w. n a I hon varda not later than nv i.t.11. IliAll "I. ln-v, 1 in, iuuiiim I - - - -- - - J m?,rt fr...' "vv: . 60 per io; naiiDut. ec per id; am pea i ana tne ract that the p ck is very short .V.rg Jn tlSSffinW '0r .rade. shor't valley, $4.804.40; graham. s. 11.75; lb; , silvers, 7c per lb; herrings, sellers are very much excited and are StSritSa' "-6w: pc per lb; soles. .60 per lb: freely offering 7 and 8 cents a pound Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Sept. 13. Official prices WHEAT. Open. Close. Sept....7s7d 7s 8 d Dec 7s9d 7s;od CORN. Sept 6std 6s6d Sept. 12. Oaln. 7s6d ld 7s8d ld Oct. ,.6s6 d 6s6d 6s 6d 6s5d LIVESTOCK HOLDING IN THE LOCAL YARDS PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Shew Today 64 Week aso 105 217 Year ago 80 72 Previous year . . 27 160 226 100 63 123 I, 1 nhrlmni. 12n nor Ih: nerrh. I fn. maw in.t -c.n. Ku j - .1 MlLLSTUFFSv-Bran.. 117.00 r..r ik. Th. l-.o,. ti; ."" "J. iey midoainp, 125.00: shorts, country, 120 pf lb ffesh mackerSl. 8c' pe. -lb cra" holders wiU 'not sell at fhat flgura clt.UJ Sh05' ";00-00. fish. 25c per dozen; sturgeon. 12c per Their sales must be 1 covered and Jl' HAT Producer's Dries Timothv. ih- hi a Mr Th,. tMr ttr lUo, mi. I ri .ir?,eA IrJi'x. coyerea ana grow- Willametteyalley. fancy, 116.00017.00 7o' pe7 lb; frozen shad; 6c' per lb; blick' wming to nay a IhsFtsr nrtrJ . tirSH ordinary. 112.00014.00: eastern Omrnn ciul Cue nr ih I Ti"'"?. 10.. Pay. a batter price before 118.00k mixed. 110.0010.60; clover, OYSTERS Shoalwster bsv, oer gal- Iu wul to.vvw iv.vv; cneat. ion, iz.ou: per iuu-id sacx, so.ou uiym-i a ... 18.0006.00: grain, $10.00011.00. Bnttsr, Srrs and Poultry. presume they are ng up their hands and settling With brewers. Several small sales are reported. The ' --j. 1 . . i. . i .n . . mm . 1 1.H.L1111 as umn irom ueorrn haii 7 --- -- -. , - 1 area. i -r -'-'- of Sweet cream,. 33 c; sour., 31 c. BUTTER . City creamery. . Taney, sz r-T.AUO TTaattll na Km tJA' jae; ra)ior clams, 62.00 per box; IOo per dos. fTlirh Rulmnii PkIm fancy. 32 c; seconds. 3031c; store, ., 71. , Astoria, Or.. Sept. 18. The paying of Oregon, 2?a, 4 , ROPE Pure Manila. 16c; standard. t cents per pound for salmon by the r.Awo oxira tancy, canaiea, Z80 lo2'v;! i 28 c; eastern. 27c. " COAL OI j Pearl iEKSE New Full cream, fUta. J?0 per J1' lc,per lb.; Young Americans tflW-tf-J-J0 EfillbJ eastern. 17c. "'ftVokT-. , CHEESE 16 170 per ID J JULTRY water white, iron bbls. wooden, 17c Oer gal; head s'., cases. 21 c oer gal. v POULTRY Mixed chickens llUo uasuuwe-b oeg., cases. Z4)jo per lb; . fancy hens. 14c (b; roosters, Kti7lKvttLVtLi , old ; 10c lb: fryers, 14c: broilers L.EN5lN6'dJ!-'c,a8es' 280 Per tal 14c lb;-ducks; 14o lb; geese, old. 8010c "VtSVVVt" , wouann oo:i, vsa per (at. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 600-lb lots. 8c per lb; less lots. wikk NAiUB resent Da per keg. TTnlnn Fishermnji'K fnmiratio iim. or Astral Cjses, I pany In addition to the same amount after the fish has been prepared and sold has been partially met by other fish buyers, who are paying 3 cents straight. It looks like before many days are over 6 cents a pound will be paid. The fish are very scarce. Portland Union Stockyards. Sent. 18. With receipts light there was no change In the sentiment of, the local livestock market today. At the drop of 25c yes terday the hog market was steady to day because there were no arrivals in that line. Cattle and sheep steady. To day zs head or noraes arrived in. A year ago today the sheep market was 25c lower. Others held steady. Official yard prices: Hogs Best eastern Oregon, 16.500 6.75; stockers and feeders, o.006.26; China fats, $6.00. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, 13.8504.00; best cows and heifers, 82.76 03.00; bulls, 21.7602.00. Sheep Best wethers, 14.50; mixed. $4.00; lambs, $4.6006.00. Eastern Livestock Holds. Chicago, Sept. 18. Official -receipts: Hoars. Cattle, flhoen Chicago 15,000 8.600 7,000 Kansas city . . , 4.000 8,000 5,000 Omaha 7,000 2,000 6.000 Hogs are steady; left over from yes terday, 6,100. Receipts a year ago were iiivuif, jhia-vu ' Maura tri ao.oo(0'B.oo; heavy come at $6.0000.26; rough $5.65 Cattle Steady. Sheep Strong. , MOHAWK 3IINING JIAS SHAKP ADVANCE (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooke Co.) San Francisco, Sept. 18. There was an advance of $1.76 in Mohawk shares today, but the rest of the Goldflelds were lower. Official bid prices: OOLDFIELDS DISTRICT. SandBtorm 42c Mohawk 117.2K. On lumbla Mt. 45c. Jumbo 14.10A. Jumbo lxt. 61.57, Vernal 13c, Pennsylvania ka, nenaaii zzc, aootn 37c, Blue Bull 31c, Adams izc, silver pick 52c, Aev. Boy 6c, B. B. Ext. 8c A, Blue Bell 15c, Dixie 6c, Hlbernla 8cA, St lives 77c, Conqueror 10c, Blk. Rock 4c, Lone Star 20c, Q. Wonder 2c, Potlach 40cA, Oro 19c, Sandst. Ext. 4c, Maine 6c, Atlanta 46c, Oreat Bend 60c, Slmerone 10c, Em pire izc, nea top jjjxi. i!&c, Florence $3.98, Diam'f B. B. Con. 16c, a. Daisy $1.86, Laguna $1, Comb. Fract. $2, Gr. Bend Ext 13c, Or. Bend Anx. cA, B. B. Bonanza 6c, Portland 18c, Cracker Jack 17c, Mohawk Ext. 11c, Lou Dillon 10c, Y. Tiger 18c, Grandma 16c, 8. Pick Ext 8c A. Y. Rose 6c. Col. Mt. Ext 4c A. Goldf. Cons. $6.52, Diam'f. Triangle 19c. COMSTOCK. Ophlr $1.22, Mexican 63c, Gould A Curry 28cA, Con. Virginia 74c, Savage 8 4c A, Hale Norcross 96c, Yellow Jacket vl.16, Belcher 20c, Confidence 96cA, Sierra Nev. 41c, Union 41c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 6c, Bullf. M. C. 12c, Mont Bullf. 8c, Nat Bank 16c, L. Harris 2c, Amethyst 20c. Stelnwav 6cA. Denver Buf. Anx. 6cA, Bonnie Clare 90c, MayfL Cons. 29c, Monty. Ohio Ext 5c. G. Scep ter 8c, Yankee Girl 6c, Nugget 6c, Tramp Cons. 23c, North Star 6c A. TONOPAHS. Ton. Nov. $10.60, Mont Ton. $2.77, mont $2.90, Ton. No. Star $i.90A,' Ohio ion. sc. west una cons. 65c, Rescue izc, ion. ft cat 4c, uolden Anchor 13c. Jim Butler 80c, Ton. Cash Boy 5c. Ton. Home 4c, Bost Ton. IOcA, Mont Mid. Ext 8c, Golden Crown 7c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. 36c. Manh. M. Co. 7c a Wedge 7cA, Seyler Hump 6c, Dexter 12cA, L, Joe 3cA. Crescent 5cA, Com bination 2c, Granny 24oA, Mustang 22cA, Little Grey 16cA, Cowboy 6c, Orlg. Manh. 20oA, Jump. Jack 16c, Pine nut o, Buffalo 6cA. Y. Horse 6cA, Andlan Camp 7c. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falrv. Silver Klnr 20eA. Falrv w.-i. tl.40, Nevada Hills $5.05, Pittsburg liver Peak $1.45. No. Star Wonder ka" Eagle's, Nest 31c, Ruby Wonder 25cA, Alice of Wonder 6cA. United States Government Bonds. New York, Sept. 18. Government STREETCAR COMPANY MUST STAND! EXPENSE OF PROTECTING MAINS ... .... , ,."- .i. - - Instead of ths city hsvln to stand ths expense of protecting the water malns from electrblysts, that expense must be met by the streetcar company. Mayor Lane sprung this Interesting bit of Information at the meeting yesterday 1a ths shape of a provision In an old ordinance. This measure provides that streetcar companies must exsmlne their 4 wires to sse If electricity Is escaping and must take measures to keep tho current from reaching ths water mslns. The appropriation for th laying of water mains Is practically exhausted snd little mors work will be done in this direction until a decision has been made by the- supreme court on the legality of ths proposed $8,000,000 water bonds. . . INTERFERED SPIRITS Iff ITU HI DDI Ant lni'io nun liinnmHUL vutto Unseen Being Tells Wife Not to. Live With Her Husband. bonds Twos, registered do coupon Throes, registered ao coupon Bid. 105 106 1UZ 102 lb; turkeys. ll13c lb for old; squabs. PEACH MARKET IS ' ; IN BJ3TTER SHAPE , "There Is much better tons ruling In ths , peach market. At e this time ths sizes ars much better than they , vers ' a few dsys ago and the result Is that prices srs helped. . Tne trade takes hold of ths Improved e "KdCHITTIM BARK MARKET IS i ,; DOING SOME LIVELY STUNTS Hop Picking About Over. tIMn.Ws. SW . T .1 I K7in-vas u.mya LVl w xu SUUIUB1, t I v - : 1 ' Junction City, Or;, Sept. 13. Hop-1 "'. picKing is neany 9ver. The crop basi By ttyman H. Cohen. ir.u ,wuB mu. ouiicuuy ana wm the pHcs of chlttlm bark go -to j 60c a pound this year? " u vune an. io rams. invnn. whrt ; would hav. th.t Prune picking began Monday In sev- oae-tlon a vear or so aao stock mucH faster than. when ZZ l f ?!nra l J been considered a victim of "brain prices were lower. Y v.. iTr.i.rt today the query may bsal- "Tomato market Is very Quiet.. thisftrchard is 10 ee; ne? C most answered to the affirmatlvs at 1 though .up. .to this . tlmft. thara 0 Lpetlles 54. g cenjt lor itiitt,-Prunei tbiailmfeIOhlsprlcs is reached It has been no difficulty In unload- ( ""v. "S.',f." r? "'""'u ana "r"1 will ' preaK. ail Known records In this !, .M- Kv rf T Jcre difficult to save tho crop than I market but records ifre scattered in Ing all that came at the prices .4 i it formerly has been. -- The drver started I mot vrV nn thi vmp , . , ,7 nuoted by The Journal, The cool e J MP f no? yesterday snd the first trays I . With an annual world's consumption koo cars or forests and :o 20 cara it mnmnmt lifno' maw niiMjhlv tunnels until ths marketable nrndnnt. I hanno in tttm nrin nf r-htn. in..i'. ii,u, ui, vuv vui w (v urvum uie I mucn or a sirain. weather, however, is causing- e ; r Ii. , " , wko it i 1 01 oraeia,ing nae ' ' ;, " - t"u"", wi 4 'dock this morning, making a record! this product of the Oregon smaller sales." Killy Dryer of run for this drier of 16 hoursVora the a PFthLj Vear buHe Ery-r, Collanr & Co. lm green -fruit was placed in the looks as , if iucn 01 a, uirain. i'. j Asunderstood at -this tins there Is n2tlDlore than ft quarter year's supply Of bark old and new, In all hands.' Lrt..w year ago when the price of chittim went sky-high, 69 cars were sent out of this city slone and consid erable more bark remained in1 f rlst hands. Today with less than half that amount In ail hands, ths market la be ginning to show much strength. A large per cent of the old and new bark is held in this city, so local merchants will reeoive 4he bnm of y advanee Dealers are offering ss high as 80 a pround in some quarters for new bark, but some small lots are still floating around at 6Te. .5 . 1 In 1004 when the price went to 16c snd Jjespnd, the peel, was the greatest In thS history . Of ths: local market. While no definite date Is known It Is Threes, small bonds ....101 Dls. Columbia, 8-66S....115 eours, registered, new.. 125 do couoon hk xwos, ranama .104 Philippine Fours 108 Asked. 106 106M 103 . 101 ) Tout divorces weref granted by Jwdga Cleland In. the circuit court this morn ing on the grounds of desertion and oruelty A ney cause of desertion was given by T.J. Thomas, who said Mar- aret E. Thomas left him in September, 905 "because the good spirits told her not to live with me." They were mar ried lrt October 1804. Thomas said ha had four stepchildren, whose names ho did not know, and he never had seen three of them, twvorce was granieu. TCiiiium furr rolored. married 16' nM ufattle Rose, went - to his' home to live, and then sat down and rerusea 10 worn, accord ing to the testimony of the father-iqf-law at the suit for divorce brought by his daughter. Rose said Carr told Ms f;lrl wife that women should earn the Iving, leaving the men nothing to do but fie around. Carr demanded money form his wife, and when she refused it slapped her. Then his father-in-law ordered him to get out. and he got. Mrs. Carr was granted a divorce. James M. Testes was granted a di-vi-iroA from Belle Teates on the ground of desertion ocurring in July 1806. They were married at Baker City, Oregon, Belle Evan secured a divorce from Clarence Evans on the ground of de sertion and cruelty. She said her hus band threatened to kill her, falsely accused her of infidelity, and deserted her In November, 1806. Tney were mar ried at Newaygo, Michigan, In October, 1802. pigeons for Army. War Office to Try Experiments With Carriers. . . The recently-announced abandonment by the war office of tne military pigeon service created some surprise in the ab sence of sny explanation of the course sdoptea. The reason. 11 is understood, is that the system would not ha likely to prove serviceable in defensive opera tions. The experiment of establishing lofts of homing pigeons for military urposes was instituted a few years sg ut the trial was only made on a small scale, an, although interesting results have been obtained, it is not held that the conditions under which troops would take the field In this country are ruch as to make the vise of the birds prac tlcal. The great continental powers, notably France and Germany, maintain a large service of military pigeons, but In these cases there are lines of perms nent frontier forts which need constant Inter-communication, and cannot rink the destruction of telegraphic and tele phonic connection. The British military centers would, in the-event of mobilized troops taxing tne Tieii, oe denuded of for the engineers, than, whom no mors capable scientific body exists, rather than for Immobile stations to whloh ths pigeons have been trained to return. This at least Is the view of the military authorities sfter a careful test of the experiment ' their garrisons, snd the problem of con. veying Intelligence would be a matter That Standard Oil Fine. From the Memphis News-Sclmltar. They haven't yet determined how many trains It will take to carry the $8,240,000 from the Sandard Oil's Wall street vaults to ths government's treasury unless paid In silvsr. In such event there wouM be required 177 flat cars with a capacity of 22,000 pounds. It -would build five first class battle ships or a nsw subway for New Tork city. - V It would yield a perpetual Income of $4,027 a day. It would make 814 tons of silver dollars, requiring 204 teams to trans port It. It would build 2,814 homes at $10,000 each. It is the income- for one vaar at 4 per oent on 6721,000.000. v ' It Is about 2 per cen s, of the national debt of 1906. li ' It is 86 cents for everv man . whmnn and child in the whols country. -1 It would taks 4a,780 street laborers one year to work out the amount. 11 la tne annual revenue of Mexico. It is nearly one half the rnnttal nf the Bank of England. It Is nearly one half the number of sliver dollars in circulation. It is 28 times the cnnltitl ativnV nf the Standard Oil company of Indiana, the corporation fined. It is 4.782 times the annual nlira nf Judge Landls, who Imposed the fine. Be Content. From ths Ross Garden. I .never complained of the v1nlaalnn'a of fortune, nor suffered my face to be overcast at the revolution of the heavens, except once, when my feet were bare and I had not the means of obtaining shoes. I came to the chief mosque or Kuran in a state of much dejection and saw there a man who had no feet. I returned thanks to God and acknowledged his mercies, snd endured my want of shoes with patience, and exclaimed: "Roast fowl to him that's sated will seem less Upon the board than leaves of garden- cross While, in the sight of helpless poverty Boiled turnip will a roasted pullet be,1' Sad I. the Persian (1180-1261). Uuiversity Meat Market 686 pawsoa Bt, Oor. risk. Round Steak, per lb. . ... ..... . , ,'lO Loin Steak, per lb. .......... ...12H Porterhouse Steak, per lb. . . ,i . , ..150 Tea Bone Steak, per lb ..lKf Shoulder Roast, per lb.... 74 and 86 1nf rAm IK . 1 a . HAlin Rnnea. ni In n . Soup Meat, per lb 3-) to 4x Stew Meat, per lb. 34 to 5 Roll Roast, per lb , ..10d Mutton, per lb .' 5 to 15tf Veal, per lb. . . . . ... . . . . , . , .54 to 15r Oar meats are fresh every day and roTsnwte&t tnspeetsd. ( ; Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today $1,462,241.06 do year ago.., 1,076,811.69 a n toaay $86,428.47 Balances today 118,198.42 do year ago. 116,466.33 New York-London Silver. New Tork, Sept. 13. Bar Silver, 88c; Liverpool Cotton Lower. Liverpool, Sept. 18. Cotton futures closed 1 to 2 points lower. Hen's Quail Family. From the Alton Telegraph. . Several days ago -while -running "a mowing machine on his . place In Hoi man street William Green out ' in two a quail sitting on her nest He found la the nest fourteen eggs. These eggs he took to ths house" at once and piaaad-them tinder a hen thit had been wantlna for several dava Munuay me eggs naicneo. out, and tho old hen was ; surprised as well- as apparently delighted at the quickness With Which ahe did tka Inn aa . with the beauty of her little ones. She guards the little oualla with aln... care and appears to be-very proud of 'cgzggaggggggxsgaieaaasiKggaBMgggggEggggggggggysaxs3 Only Successful IVood nnd foal Ueafer 1 'HE HOWARD . . j . ' " ..7.7" w W avtuaaa ss av tSTT V OI T tI UUtl TIL unuBrjimiq nat cniuira reached its top I them. They, to, appear satisfied with ear.aroP0B,? ?n hl wt .abont. a5 their big mother anTare growinr ver, years ago, I tarns. ,i,. SPECIAL FEATURES Complete Combustion Warms the Floor Consumes Nearly AI! Smoke Big Saving in Fuel 1 Holds the Fire Easy to Operate J. J. KADDEOLY I x li 130 F12ST STREET, ivm TO 0 IT P iviimr. iaic