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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1907)
THE t OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 0, - 1907 11 -IsHoi..ldfcitIscd It- V Mmzl Wait 'Ads . Costbitilttlc;! and Appear Bailj Before,; Moit Ulai" ; FOB BALEREAL ESTATE. S-Icnry;i;iowflsciid;i V HI STARK ST. i ROOM II. -"7 rw estate, timber, rar ma, or - Portland Investors Co.. Preferred fltoek, ,V6(J wILL surely1 'TAke this" pargain jr you -see It. ' t-room bun galow, hot and cold water, wash trays, porcelain bath and waehaUndi; fine, , light basement; beautiful lawns lota tor- . raced t to feet above the sidewalks; wired for eleetrlo lights; alao piped for . gas: wan unteai aining-room paneiea; lot 60x100; one block front earllne; fine location and fine neighborhood; price ,". 2,800; terms: baa fine fireplace. Home . Land company, 14H let t . 'To.'Homc Builders - .Plana and specification free; reli able estimates given; money furnished wnen required, urrioe Ji Lumper jsx- c nan ye bldg. Phone Main 5864, FUlcj Park Twa I-room and one (-room eottae 1100 to 1400 down: easy monthly oar ments. t fflce 417 Lumber exchange mag. pnone Ham r4. i Voi Tk!Nk 16 ACres1 6W e edge or Klamath Fall a, which has e natural advantage or Denver, g-po- kana and Salt Lake City combined, of fers a sure road to proaperityT we nave hum lauu, irri-nia vj turn Buvvrnrnvut, OREGON REALTY TRUST OO. fOl Fen ton bldg. 14 Ith St bL'CHTEL A KERNS MAKE A BPB- ' euwty or east aiae realty, rentals, loan a, eta if 1 K. Morrison st C. R. Donnell & Co. REAL ESTATE. Room 11. Ml Stark at ANTHONY HARDY, L1NNTON, OR, j-eeldenoe and business lots, water rrat and factory sites; farms and tlm .bar lands. Av SIGHTLY RESIDENCE. LOT 60x100. ' Bull Run water, cement walks and carb all paid for, and less than two blocks from earllne. only It minutes from heart of CIty.-4(d. tsrnaa- Co lumbia Trust Co.. Couch bldg. Bfitf JfcR WON BANKING?" S new 00 1 taxes, modern, will pay 10 per cent net on investment, inquire -or- aon, owner, jos 4th. pnone Main o LOT8 100x20 ALL IN 1 CULTIVA- tlon, cloaa to 10-room school at Lents; extra bargain 1400; terms; bo rare. O. B Addlton. Lents. Or. H. p. palMer m. Van1 ALsf Ufa PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO. REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, 122 Falling Bldg. Main 6661. A-266S. ONE LOT FOR SALE COR. E. UTH and Alberta eta.; wljl sell cheap ror caah. Inquire 1047 E. 14th N.. Phone Woodlawn 80. WE HAVE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE property and acreage for sale at rea sonable prices and easy paymenta, ' Houses for rent, collections made. Llal your property with J. E. REDMOND, 141 Base Line, Montavllla. Phone Tabor 24 BEAUTIFUL, LOT CHEAP. 1450. at WAVERLEIQH: owner leav ing Portland, will aell one of the finest view lota on this beautiful tract; Install ment plan if necessary. See H. W. Lomcke Co., 6th. and Washington eta. 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAOE" 51? Grand ave. N., corner lot 60x100, ce ment basement, gas and electric lights, $2,600, 1600 down. J. J. Oeder, corner Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. ' ONE OF THE NICEST HOMES ON E. BUrnslde for sale, 8 rooms, extra large, With large hall, attic, cement ' basement; modem and la perfect con dition; nice lawn with fruit treea. Own!", '762'B. Burnslde, near E. 22d.' ttEW77-R6oM THOROUGHLY" M6t . m bouse, fine looatlon, cheap. Owner St B. 18th. " FOB SALE FARMS wai too ciTi FARM BARGAINS. 40 acres good rich land; It acres under cultivation, 6 acres In bearln orchard of assorted fruita: more lan oasllv oleared: Dlace la fenced and croaa-fenced: some green timber, small house, barn 24x40. fruit dryer and out buildings, good well and living stream the year round; 6 miles from good town and 15 mues rrom Vancouver: n. r: v. Ulan UM-liy. tlKluulii, u umvii vv 'o. - helfera, some chickens and all farming Implements, hay in barn, etc., etc., for mitv 12 000. Terms. A snaD. 80 acres, all fins level land, best of soil; 70 acres cleared and in excellent state of cultivation, balance In pasture land, but has some nice green timber on it; fine large 9-room, 2-story house, ninaiv sainted and modern throughout. S fireplaces; large barn, 60x80, and sev eral outbuildings; piace rencea into iu and 20-acre tracts; 2 good wells large orchard, best of assorted fruits In full bearing; telephone in house, R. F. D. mall at door; 4 mile from country town, graded school, etc.; on main county road in fine farming dlatrlct, 9 miles from Vancouver. Price 8,600. Terms. , ' 104 acrea good land; 86 acres under cultivation, T acres in bearing orchard. 16 acres fine green timber, balance of land in pasture and part quite easily cleared; fair 7-room bouse, nice large barn 40x60, chicken house, machine sheds, etc.; -34 mile from school, M. E. church Joins place, R. F. D. mail route and telephone line by place, in thickly settled community; Includes a fine young team worth 2600, harness and wagon. 6 milch cows. 2 heifers, 14 sheep, all chickens, new 2-eeated top buggy, wagon, harrow, plojt and all small tools too numerous to mention. All for only 4,800. a bargain. Bee i-L THOMPSON A SWAN. citl sens' Bank Bldg-., Vanoouver, Wash. Branch Office 'S06-7 Swetland Bldg., Fortiana, uregon. FOB- 8ALB FARMS 600 CASH WILL PUT YOU IN POS session or as acres or smenain aou running water, some timber,, close to station ana less man an nour s ride on B. y. 4th st. line, ifiesy terms at 6 per oertt .on the balance of curchase erica. Allen ft Ruoy, (12 Swetland bldg. ,Maln CHICKEN RANCiiEfl-FROM i to 56 . acres eaoh. on the west side, close to Portland; very desirable property; price du per acre ana up. Alien uoy, six Bwetland Mdg. Main 7939. A-2351. HbMfc BEtKfinS ATtENti6-itt acres: 4i well cleared'. 11 aira slashed and burned; large orchard; all Kino a iruus, , targs nouse. Darn . out houses; fine water; near school; 'good out range; a nne nome; price fi.eoo terms given. Writs or call J. 8. Hunt ington, Kelso, wasn. FOR SALE SO ACRES, 2H MILES from Banks. Washington Co. House. barn and other outbuildings; good well and springs; orchard of ovsr 400 trees of different varieties; some timber; fine iana ior aiversinea larnung; ti. jr. u. A snsp at 12,000. Particulars Inquire 101 "B" Third st Phone Pacific i860. TIMBER. acres fenced and cart In alfalfa: 2.000.000 feet fine bine saw timber and wood timber to make 2,000 cords wood: large creek through Place: fine dam and perpetual water; a shingle and flanlng mill In full operation driven by urblne wheele; an Ideal place for saw mill; 10,000.000 feet of good pine tlm ber adjoining this place; s miles to all goes for $6,600; Its a snap; the water ngnt is wortn it; don t miss this. Ad dress E. H. B. Tsylor 4k Co.. Wood' vlUe, Oregon. LOO! We offer you every advantage through or system of sxoert examinations which enables yon to determine the suit ability or a tract witnout spending time or money. 11 our general report indi cates that we have what rou want our estimates by two and a half acres are easily verified. TBI THE IvACET WAT. . - JAMJC0 D. LACET Ct, tit Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange. Seattle. FOR SALE 400 ACRES OF TIMBER, 6.000.000 feet saw timber and cedar for millions of shingles. Sawmill 16,000 capacity. planer. blacksmith tools. chains, etc.. all for (7,000; 11 miles of Bonansa, Or., the metropolis of the up per Irrigation project. More adjolnlna timoer land 11 wanted. Address uaid Butte sawmill. Bonanxa. Klamath Co, Or. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only: we have a few choice tracts for sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. G. F. Sanbourn Co.. 401-2-J Buchanan hldg. 10 SPLENDID TIMBER CLAIMS NEAR railroad and water with 2.000.000 to 000,000 feet each: alao ( homesteads: 600 buys claim worth 26.000 when proved up; others all prices. The Coast U..H w 1 . , 101 Xf DU..U Hin 108. A-4160. FOlt FARM AND TIMBER LAND SEE PEItSONAL. . THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY Formerly,; with the X-Rtdfum Medical Intitnt haa severed all eonneotlon with (list Institution and can now be found with the . Dr. Mary Lane Institute Where she will be pleased to see any of her old patients. DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHIL dren a specialty; suffering women will do well to oonsult me: consultation free; oorrespondenoe solicited. Rooms I to 14. . ,. ''k' Grand Theatre bldg. ' ? Phone Main 2928T ' Correspondence confidential. The original and only v Dr. nary Lane Lady physician, with the old eatabllshed X Radium, Medical institute ana 8anltarium Tor years is stll( at the old stand. Dr. Mary Lane Lt aunarintendent of Chicago Wo men's Hospital, trsats diseases of wo- mi .Vll.l... XmAiMM needing Immediate assistance will con suit tbelr best Interests by commumcai lna- with me: no fna for consultation correspondence absolutely confidential maternity caaea riven aneoiai ' alien tlon. Respectable arrangements made ror the adoption of infants. The rineai equipped sanitarium In the northwest nttlpm iRi AlHor rnrnmr Id Portland. or. rnones Main 2786. Home A-I7VI. Dr. PhUIpp T. BaU Specialist In nervous and chronic dis eases 01 men. women and children biles cured ualnleaalv and promptly conetlpation, rheumatlam, paralysis, goi ter, etc.. cured by natural methods; elee trlo and medicated baths. (02 Sth St., cor. Sherman. Both phones. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE Ladles and gentlemen. If you are in trouble about the condition of your health, do not fall to consult me. I can convince you that I can help you by natural methods. Consultation and ex amination free. Dr. Isabella Mackle. 860 H Morrison st. Room 10. Phone Main 7220 or A-1644. INACTIVE; DON'T BE DULL AND Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; (1 a box. ( for (6; full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenson, druggist. Port and. Or. MOLES, WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS balr removed. No charge to taix it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room it .mea ner bldg. Phone Pacific 1(6. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases, (2( E. Belmont. Fbone East 4084. PRIVATE HOSPITAL, HOME FOR unfortunate girls; good care. B Mil ner bldg. LADY'S BARBER SHOP NOW OPEN at 64 4ih st.: will leacn 1 respectaoie ladles the trade, Dlllard & Clayton. Roseburg, Or. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records: Stelnway (and other) nlanoa Sherman, Clay & Co., 6th and Morrison sts., opp. postofflce. FOR SALE-LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE SOUND, young, good horses, aood workers. also mares to breed, reasonable time given, or will trade for lots, 1004-Mll- waukla ave. Take Sellwood car to Gratton's Grovs. FOR SALE CHEAP, 4 FRESH COWS. Kaator's Place, Lents. FOR SALE. FRESH COW 13 th st. 6NE FRESH JERSEY COW, Til" ing In next month. Phone Eaat 6606. FRESH COW FOR SALE I COM- .6 E 80th st. 746 E. 1STH. HORSES, VEHICLES. HARNESS. HORSES AND BUQOIKS FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates to business houses, (th and Hawthorne. East 72. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 49 N. (th st FOR SALE A TEAM. HARNESS AND wagon. Inquire (63 Division. Phono seuwood 491. DR. BINO CHOONO. IMPORTER CHI- nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea. certain cure for all dlseaaes. 191 2d st between Yamhill and Taylor. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT, 60a Ladles' skirts pressed, 60c. Gil bert, 106 H Sixth st, next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. DR. MARY KRAMER. MIDWIFE; home for patients; treatment for all blood diseases; examination free. 861 Mississippi ave. East 6648. CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of me-, and women cured by modern scientific methods; electr!" treat ment for diseases of the prostate; con sultation freo. Dr. W. I. Howard, Com- monwcalth bldg., 6th St.. cor. Fine. MISS RAYMOND. MASSEUSE, 2C(Vt MorrlHQn St., room 14. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV- els. etc.; German, English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all klnda Schmale Co., 229 First St MRS. O, BROCK. GHADUATE MA8 seuse; cabinet both, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream massage; references, 282H Park st. Pacific 2611. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE HAS engaged tne services or miss cngnan. electropath. Room 10, 350 H Morrison st. Phone Main 7320 or A-1644. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS Fred FOR ONE WEEK MORE. . BRINO THIS AD AND RECEIVB ABSOLUTELY FREE, Ons of my CONSULTATION READINGS. The above CONSULTATION READING will be Given Free to every person who comes prepared to take one of my celebrated (((.00 Pay chopalmo Readings for only 11.00) to 11 wno Dnng this paper ad. This Is strictly a matter of business on your part, to call at my office and beoome familiar with my SPIRITUAL ana bcikimtific work. A hint to the wise la sufficient Greatest living astral dead-tranoe clair voyant or tne age; auvibeh of huki uraa 1 ur, ATT Trio nv T T Tnc whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; reunites the separated; gives se cret powers to control otnsrs; no a in ference how close or how far away, you can always obtain your desired results. Tsus- you just now, wnere ana wnen to Invest your money to obtain the best possible results. If you are sick, mel ancholy, disheartened or discouraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR: come and receive spiritual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH. 'WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. I will do all others advsrtise to da and a great deal more. Offiee. No. ( aad 4. Grand Theatre bldg. 352 1-2 Washington Phone Main 1267: READ THIS, THEN TAKE IT TO Nemo Naeanzl thm e-reatest palmist clairvoyant and re ceive the most wonderful free test thal was sver given, tie tens more in live minutes than others do In a life time. There are few persons but who at soms time or other have not wianea that they might know what the future has in store for them to have guidance In some business matter; to learn as to what locality is most favorable for their business; to foresee If a Journey should be taken, or perhaps to know If the one upon whom their affection Is cen tered will say "Yes" or "No." Make no mistake when you undertake anything of importance. Get his advice first. Hundreds of others have been put on the road to fortune by him, so why not youT He gives truthful revelations on all love affairs, troubles, marriages, and. by proper advice restores lost affections, reunites the separated, settles lovers quarrels, tells you when and whom you will marry and how to win the man or woman you love and how to make your husband or wife be true to you, and how to overpower all your enemies; gives full secret how to control and charm any one you love or meet: you are told how to avoid weakness; warned against all treacherous friends; locates buried treasure, mines, old estates, lost friends, etc. As a teat in his readings, he will tell the name of his callers, what day, the month and the year you were born in. your mother's maiden name, and your most important ques tion. P. 8. Ladles and gentlemen can call on Mr. Nagansi without the least fear of unpleasant surroundings or having their confidence betrayed. Can be consulted personally only at his private office, 341 H Morrison St., corner of Seventh. EDUCATIONAL BEHNKE-WALKEK BUSINESS COL- : ,,J :. - LKOE, , Elks' Building, - . .. Portland. Oreaon. rtuirtlMF shorthand and Bliss book keeping as taught in the Behnke-Walker Will lead you 10 succenn. gmaim calls for, help and placed (11 since Aug. 1, ISUS. Will piece jyuu tviibu vuiui" tent Enroll now. OREGON '" COLLEGE "'OF "' ORAT6RY has opsned for the fall term; the only school In the- northwest conferring de grees in expression and oratory. Office 614 Buchanan bldg. L. L. Matthews. LL. B., teacher. HORR CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. Elegant new quarters on Sth street near postofflce. ntman snortnana Dy oourt reporter: 30 to 40 per cent saved on expenses. W. W. Williams, M. B.. Prln, 12 br6ns6'n" 8ALm6N'8 STUDIO of shorthand and typewriting; full a. I 1 w..lra A tiaM A 11 Silimmaf' established I(8(. MUner bldg.. Park: and Morrison. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY write zor cat- academy. Portland. C. alorue. OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE, COM- monwealth bids.. 6th and Anxeny sis, telegraphy, typewriting, Spanish, Eng llsh. penmanship; day and evenings. MRS. WALTER W. BRUCE, GRADU ate of Ott School of Expression. Chi cago; dramatic reader, teacher of ex pression. Studio 431 E. Ash. Tsl. E. 4118. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO.. (11 STARK 8T. Electric end Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling. Grntee and uogirons. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENOI- neers. contractors, repairers, oleoma Irlng, supplies. 14 1st, cor. Btara. Main (69. R. H.Tate. Mgr. Western eLECTrIc works, i (th at Contractors electrie supplies. motors and dynamos; we Install light and power pisnta. CO. 291 MORRISON" EEEC'tRlC" wiring. re- Morrison st Fixtures, string. Eaat 2128. FAIRBANKS, MORSE MOTORS AND dynamo. Stark sts A. C and D. O. si aa4 FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE at IRON WORKS 2d and Everett sts. Phone Main X000. HARDWARE. WINDOW AND made to order. Co., 74 (th. DOOR SCREENS Portland Hardware HOTELS. THE BELLEVUB. EUROPEAN PLAN. 4th and Salmon LARGE YOUNG HORSE. INQUIRE 416 sin st. a. FOR SALE ONE SPRING WAGON, with cover, reasonable. 996 Front st s. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE 600 SHARES OF Oregon Dental Supply stock, for real estate, Anareas N-&02, journal. TO EXCHANGE A FINE IMPROVED farm for Portland residence property. io agents. ror particulars aanress Lock dox 6, Junction City. Or. 160 ACRES, IN ROGUE RIVER VAL ley, Oregon; best fruit land In the state; will sell as a bargain, or will exchange for Waverly or Woodstock property. 874 1st st Portland. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 160 ACRES; BO IN CULTIVATION ; good house and barn, etc; family or chard and berries; (0 acres more easy to clear: all Ideal fruit and farm land; 40 sub irrigated bottom; oak, pine and fir to make 2,000 cords wood; ( miles all down haul to R. R. and town; miles outside range fine for hogs, cattle and poultry; three horses and harness; bug gy, spring wagon and lumber wagon; $100 Jersey cow and heifer; 20 hogs, fullblood poultry; farm implements; household and kitchen furniture com plete; all goes In; splendid, water at Annr: no malaria In miles: dally mall: Rogue River valley country, Jackson CO.. Oregon; finest climate on earth; finest fruit land in state; price (3,600. Address Quick, Box 17, Woodvllle, Ore. ijjm$$mm$m$m$mmmi$m (10,000 WORTH OF NEW AND GOOD as new furniture, stoves, ranges, beds. bedding, carpets, Uneolems, etc.. etc. We can give the best variety of second hand goods ror house furnishing in the city. Psrtles wanting furniture will save ( end cents by coming to us. We want your trade and will treat you white. Square dealing. 232 1st. (mmtt$im(ifmmmmm HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING UP Main 4290 or call 213 Front St We buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. RANGE. Your Opportunity 6 acres In the famous Hood River apple belt will make you Independent; a few more of these at 1200; (29 down and (10 per month. You will never have this chance again as they will all be sold In a short time. Write or call A. L. DUNDAS. 8t Lumber Ex.. 2d and Stark, Portland FOR SALE ONE HOTEL inquire Z71 1st st. FOR SALE CHEAP VIOLUNf. ROOM 8, 28 N. 26th st. SH6W CASES AND FIXTURES. NEW and second-hand. Jas. T. Marshall Mfg.Co., 289 Couch St. FOR SALE CHEAK ONE MOTOR cycle in first-class shape. Inquire at ino. i is. union ave. CLEAN, WASHED RAGS FOR WIPING purposes. The Overall Laundry and isuppiy (jo., pnone seuwooa bb FOR SALE 1 FIREBOX BOILER, 16 LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S CO. Savin and Cotton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for delayed periods; by mall $2 per box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and remod eled; expert fitter; estimates given: low est prices: open evenings. 663 Wssh ington. Phone Main 7308. MADAM VASHTI, VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage, chiropody. 201 Vi 3d st. electrical, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. MISS MARCELLA LE ROY, 291 AL- der st., room 4. massage and baths. Propnetessi l Consult Viola Marshfleld, trance me dium, clairvoyant, psycnlc, palmist; greatest adviser, past, present, future; marriage, love, business, health. Jour neys, mining work, land locations, law suits, Investments; tells everything; names dstes. Important Information, re- nltes the separated, restores lost love. removes evli influence, breaks weak habits. Imparts personal magnetism, de velops others. 26SH Morrison st, the Cosmos. HOTEL Portia nd7 Am. plan,' (2. (6 cay. BELVEDERE, European; 4th and Ald.r. INSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. (44 Sherlock bldg. JAB. Mcl. WOOD, EMPLOYERS' LA blltty and individual accident security bonds of all klnda Phone 47. (Ot Mo Kay bldg; LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approved forest re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed, timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton, "The Portland." Portland LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MASTICK A CO.. FRONT and Oak sts., leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sols and tap cutters; findings. MUSICAL. PIANO, VIOLIN. CORNET, TROM oone, clarinet Professor E. A. Smith, 264 12th st. Main 4703. PROFESSOR T. E. LAWSON. 168 12Til Madame Lnckey Gives electric baths and vibratory treat ments; also scientlflo massage; uses the celebrated French paste for removing wrinkles. 146 Front st Main 2011. MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER, AT 826 Main St., 26c. Phone Main 7648. L, near Morrison. lessons, 60c. Main 4663. Piano BANKS. inL.nij "sjj"TrAr"-"" TTNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. I I .f..ik-u4 rw.m TKI rA ate- I (TV W fltveMtsa n tv v Y Transacts - ttotZiO Mw'piXAWn ISSTTED AiraJlaMo I n All Cities of the United States and Europe. Horijkong and Manila. ; Collections made on Favorable Terms. - -t :,..'"' ,v . .J'' wl'fc,rwr president 3. c. A INS WORTH I Cashier.... V-....... It VrVBCTMf J Vlce-Presldsnt R, LEA BARNES Assistant cashlsr...,,..W, A. UOLE Assistant Cashier, ., A. M. w .i'JnT ADD . TILTON. BANKERS Portland. Oregon. Established 1(5. J. W XaADIV Tfin,.i . ffi '.EJiTavV!!! B IKK DEPARTMENT. gsTlnas books Issued on savings' dspos.ts. Interest paid on time - depoeH. MERCILANTr NATIONAL BANTC Portia nd, Oregon. .; ''; -LUa J- FRANK WATSON.. President I R. L. DURHAM. .....'fPf. H. W. HOYT. , . .7. ..... .Cashier J GEORGE W. HOTT. .Assistant Cashles 8. C. CATCHING.... Second Assistant Cashier . - Transact, a Osn.ral Banking Business. Drafts and Letters M Credit Issued Available to All Parts of (he World. Collections a- Specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1(64. Head 9 J,VT Capita paid up (4,000.000 Surplus and undivided Pr?flt"ai;!J; General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. . Interest on Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may bs opened of $X "P ,, ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. 11'' WM. R. MACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL. . ..Asa't Manage TJIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank OB Paolflo Coast I n i BTfn 1 a e.-rv m.... ... ... . svsnaf f(l 111 AM flAfl.Al t 1 A. L. Mn.LS President! W. C ALVORD.'. .Assistant J' J. W. NEWKIRK. ........... .Cashier B. F. BTwrtnTNg. .Second Ass't Cashle TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREOON The Oldest Trost Comjnyifi Oregon. RESOURCES OVER (2.40 0.000. General Banking. Tw?, v!!0tor Interest on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally balances of oyer. Letters of ermnt .mi rhiM on all parts of the world. Savings so- . - i . . 1. a-i .minr-mt rsKa. . most m counta Tims certifies tes. 2 to 4 per cent: short-call special eeruocaisa. or over, tu to 4 per cent. Call for Book of ILLUBTHATiuwo. , ,v - , . Southeast Corner Third and Oak Sts. PhoneJPrWsU Exchange TX. BENJ. I. COHEN .....President I H. L. PITTOCK 7icT'Il.Jl B. LEE PAGET... !.. Secretary J. O. QOLTRA. .. .Assistant Seeretary, SECURITY SAVINGS a TRUST CO. 166 Morrison Street. .Portland, Ore ion. Transacts a General Banking Buelnesa SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. InUrj est allowed on Time and Savings Accounts. Acta ss Trustee for Estates brafts and Letters of Credit Available on All Parts of herl4. C F. ADAMS President I L. A. LEWIS. . . . .First VeP?"'a?3 A. U MILLS... Second Vlee-Presldent R. a JUBITZ GEO. E. RU8917LL... .Assistant Secretary TITLE OtTARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY 240 Washington Streot. : J 1 MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portlsnd Rsal Estate at Lowest Rats , , ,i Tll 1na,ir1 Abstracts Furnished. ' J. THORBURN ROSS President I JNO. K. AITCHTSON....... .Jeerewri GEORGE H. HILL Vice-President T. T. BURKHART. . .Treasurei a BOND-ANl- INVESTMEJiTsL. M ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce BuUdlng. xtnnfMnai watirmA inA Public ferv1cs Corporation Bond DOWNING-HOPKIN3 COMPANY Established 1(93 BROKERS. . ij.j .-Jf STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. - ? f Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phono Main tT.i OYerbeck & Cooke Company! GRAIN, PROVISIONS. LUTTDIN. Bilbao n : dvjl' WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Servlrja GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta express Cottage Grove Passenger . California Express San Francisco Express WEST SIDE. Corvallla Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . . . Forest Grove Passenger . . Southern Pacific. 8:16 a. m. 4:16 p. m. 7:46 p. m. 11:30 p. m. , 7:00 a. m. 4:10 p. m. 11:00 a. m. 6:20 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express T:2t a. m. Cottage Grove Passenger.. 11 '-30 s nv Shasta Express 7:30 p. ro. Portland Express ,. .11:30 p. ip. WEST SLDB. . , CorvalRs Passenger ...... :IB p. nu, Sheridan Passenger 10:20 a, m. Forest Grove Passenger ... 6:00 a. nv Forest Grove Passenger . ,. 2:60 P. rn. Northern Pacific. Tacoma and Seattle Exp.... 2:20 a. m. North Coast ft Chicago Llm. 2:00 p, m. Piit Round Limited 4:iu P. rn. Overland Express .11:46 p. m. North Coast Limited T:0 a, ni Portland Express ........ 4:1( p. m. 1 a m . . r uveuanu juJLyrena y. ui. . Puget Sound Limited .....1;(t p. m. . ; Local Passenger . . . . . . . . . Chics go-Portland Special . Spokane Flyer Kan. City ft Chi. Kxp Oregon Railroad & Navigation, Company. Spokane Flyer 1:00 a. nv. Cht.. Kan. City A Port. Ex.. :4S a. m. Chicago-Portland Special (:20 p. nv, Ixcal Passenger , .. (:46 p. m. 8:00 a. m. 1:80 a. m. 7:00 p. m. 7:40 p. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria and Seaside Exp.. . Astoria A Seaside Express Seaside Special -. Saturday only. All 8:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. 1:10 d. m. othsr trains dally. Astoria ft Port Passenger. 12:10 p. to. Portland Express ....10:00 p. m. MONEY TO LOAN COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD Co., 865 Front st, successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak, slabwood, coal Tel. Main 1936. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 4876. Oak. ash, fir and coal. Portlrnd Wood A Coal Co, 16th and Savler its. ELECTRIC VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGE, electricity. 146Vj 6th St., room 26. WE WANT HONORABLE LADIES and gentlemen to Join our club; ladies free: only respectable people need apply. The social Acquaintance ciud, Mrs. Gray, 91 E. 8th st, cor. Washington. 9 to 7, Sundays to 1. . MYRTLE CASEDAY WISHES TO HEAR from J. Henderson. TURKISH BATHS, 800 OREGONIAN bldg.; ladles days, gentlemen nights. Main 1968. REFINED, WELL EDUCATED latv a hAAiitlful Mfflnnur. scribe and a good grammarian, desires letters to write for business people, or society persons; correspondence absolutely con- . . . . . . . 1 " V fit T f MTSS ETHEL WARD'S MANICURING and chiropody parlors, in suite 10, 861 Morrison Bt ATTORNEYS. PIGGOTT, FINCH ft BIGGER, ATTOR- neys at law. Muixey Diag., corner 2d and Morrison sts. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD M. COVEY. A "rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, Cadillac an.l Knox Temporary location Club Garage. 16th and Alder sts. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke. charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES A CO, Wood and Coal. 181 East Water st FOR" QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Oregon Fuel Co.. 334 Alder- MONEY MONEY ?PNEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET (10 TO (100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." LOWEST RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER. IF YOU WORK. WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU A8KT RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO, 704 DEKUM BLDG. HOURS 8 A. M. TO P. M. WED AND SATURDAY TILL ( P. M. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MACB3NEBY. THE H. C ALREE CO. 6TECOKl hand machinery, sawmius. eta zts Grand ave. 3. PAUL. 100 1ST ST nlete line sawmill engines and boilers. A COM- machlnery; also CARPET CLEANING. STAJTDARD CARPET CLEANINO CO. Largest plant on coast; Loring and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, rentted, sewed, and laid; ateam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses snr leathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning works; carpets c.eaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty: work guaranteed. Phone Main 2lt( and A-2672 274 Grant st CLEANINO AND DYEING. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, (I per month. Unique Tailoring Co, iuv sinrK st. HTw. TURNER. DYER dyed a specialty. 605 Main 2512. Carpets Jefferson st CHIROPODISTS. H. P.. 3814 B 634 E Morrison. Phone E. Investigate A three-acre apple orchard will make vou from ii.guu to s,uuu per year, bet one now at (26 per -month, without interest taxes, or other expense. Call or write . for full Information. Hood River, Orvgon, industries Co, 226 Lum ber Exchange. Portland, or. y h acres, best 6f s6iL, MiLb from U. w, . , s miiea saai 01 city; Under cultivation'; (276 per acre; one third cash. Commonwealth Trust Co., 6th And Anxeny. . 100-ACRE FARM. On aeoount of sickness will sell fine 100-acre farm adjoining Monmouth, splendid soil, plenty of water, will grow any thug; nearly new (-room house and all kinds of farm buildings; nearly (2.000 worth of stock of various kinds and machinery of every description go with place; full list and : number "of photographs In office! price only (7,(04 and easy terms; the best farm bargain in whole Willametto , valley. '. 1 ZIMMERMAN A VAUGHAK, V r,i Room 3Q( Buchanan bldg- ; - 28614 Washington t . , for SaLe6ne' (jo And OnbJ ihi Reed-French piano credit certificate. Inquire 299 Belmont st, city. Phone East 406 or B-1406. A NO. 7 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. almost new: cheap If sold at once; in quire at Hotel cascade, n. stn st. FOR SALE FINE BILLIARD TABLE, reasonable. furniture and camels: elephone Main 6660. OR SALE CHEAP, ALMOST NEW gas range and water heater. T-608, Journal. FOR SALE FURNITURfc, AT 'Hi "R "Morrison at. TICKET heis-ht lournai. J2AsT. " MEDIUM and . build, light S-08, A THOROUGHBRED sdOTCH COLLIE pup; male, 7 months old. 20 E. (th. st n. pnone jsast zbi KoTjIb1 and"f , going away- bargain, twnen. 19th snot' 20th. AND FURNITliRE: PARTIES Vaughn be- PERSONAL MRS OBROCK. MASSEUSE, CABINET J wm sea , aiuwi vi nouu - (untma kst . rr i erences. StlU Park. . faoUio 1(11: A-2724. ASSAYEBS. WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. MINING EN- flneers, metallurgists and asaayera, H Washington st &ARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION Ca and Montana Assay Office. 186 Mor rison st. Wells & proebstel, mining en- gineers and assayers; determinations Of goods and mineral waters. 204 H Washington st. Mam yu&. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill. Room (30 Fleidner bldg. Both phones. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for build ing purposes, for from I to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay sll or part of loan after two years. Loans ap proved from plans and money advanced aa building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED ,H. STRONO. Financial Agent 242 Stark st W. 8. WARD" LAWYER. NOTARY. Allsky bldg.; estate and general busi ness solicited; all charges moderate; mortgage loons (8,000. or less sums to suit; small mortgages a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, MONUMENTS NWTT A KINGSLEY. 2(8 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite works. MONEY TO LOAN. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY or chattel, ins oan -o, iv is-k-lu bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. 8PB clsllst on nervous, acute and chronic diseases. Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Pacific Iiso. DR. R B. N'6RTHRlft kum bldg.. 2d Phone Main (49. and Washington sta Examination free. PBINTINQ OGILBEE BROS, PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, eta Phone Main KCS. 145V4 1st st PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANB GIVES BEST ESTIMATE for satisfactory work. 286 Yamhill. chattel mortgages eurlty: notes bought Fenton bldg. or personal se- C W. Pallett (04 DON'T WORRY (10 TO (100 LOANED salaried people, with or without se curity. Crescent Loan Co, e42( Mo hawk bldg. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS 6M SAL- arles. Insurance policies, pianos, fur niture, wsrehouse receipts, etc.: any de serving person may secure, a liberal ad vance, repaying oy , easy weekly or n-iftnthlv fnatsllmAnta NEW ERA LOAN A MORTGAGE COM. PANT. 206 Aldington Bldg. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. SBIRKENWALD A CO, 204-(0 V - erett st, largest butcher supply house on the coast, write ror catalogue. BJTCriERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH Dekvm. 181-1(3 1st St. carries a full line and c irlete assortment at lowest market priest - BLANK-BOOK MAKEBS. HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM. 109-111 2D r st Blank books manufactured! assnts for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, th best on the market CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN. A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF flee aad store fixtures built and re model e1 ; showcases and counters. PhoneMaln 17(7. - t . . MELTON OFFICE,"' St6R' Fix- .H lakkl.. . ... -. Pnone lisia ,,.iji'.. , DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR & E. BROWr " D. C. M. DOGS and horse hospital. 106 N. (th ' st (Main 4086), W. M. MILLAR, V. S., VETEHINARIAN. 26 N. 8th st Office 227 Flanders. Phone Main 7846. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses and 'dogs. 289 Gltaan st Phone Msln 1484. ' 6. F. VETERINARY C6LLEGE 6PENS October 1. For catalogue aonlv to Dr. Charles Keane president, 1818 Market st, san t ranclsco. UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE, 143 3d st. near Alder, established 1870: old and reliable: any amount loaned on watches, diamonds. Jewelry and seal skins. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. STREET PAYING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. 1 Street paving, sidewalks aad eroaaw Ings. 214 Lumber Exchange. - ' THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO.' of Portland. Office (t( Worcester blk SAFES 7 PORTLAND SAFE CO, SOLE AGENTS for Hening-Hall-Marvln safes and Msnganese Steel Safe Co.'s bank safes: 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very , cheap. Sea , them . or writ us. (2 7th st - DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES." Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks. Jails, metal furniture. - Both. phones. J. E. Davis. (( (d. - SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCR1T tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufao- turing Co.. Portland. R. H. BIRDSALL. DESIGNER: XdT.'WT winter mmoer uo. ; t Hamilton Mdg. F. E. BEACH A CO, THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glasing. 1(6 1st st. Phone 1324. PUBLIC STENOG BAP HERS MISS L. B. MAY. 602 SWETLAND Copying deeds and abstracts spec lty. PLUMBERS FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS, n o a ft ii.t mA Cta lw nnr, i Cmtrtt hone Wfain 2001. ONNERBERO A RADEMACHER Rt moved to No. 308 Burnslde st - P. RUBBER STAMPS DANCING. WESTERN ACADEMY DANCING scnooi, u , a. carter, prin.; b assistants. Including lady; class Mon Thurs., Sat eve.: ladles' class Thurs. afternoon-- children Sat afternoon; oor. 2d and Mor rison PROF. RINGLER, DANCING MASTER; privets lessens daily. Rinsier Hull unimijna a. Morneon. cam oovv. DRESSMAKING. MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. PA " clflo281. r- t 'r - GASOLINE ENGINES. Stationary and marine; eleetrlo equips ments: launches: accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co, 1(2-4-1 Morrison st -v BHEFFlEtb MARINE ENGINES. AMY la propeller. - Falrbaxka, Morse A Co, W6NEY AdVaInced SALARfiib PKo ple and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest paymenta; offices in 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first TOLMAN, 222 Ablngton Bldg. 106 H td st. Money Loaned TO SaLArIed Pl6 ple Just on your own name; don t borrow until you see me; my system Is the best for railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes: business strictly confidential F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg, 28( Washington. v- Cash OW iUnd 1 IVr pu'rchasb' money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of 'sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E Noble, commercial dik.. a ana wainuijion. ON WILL LOAN (2.000. estate. Farrington pier CENT. Ill ienton real bldg. auick L6AnS ON1 ALL 8Bl(SyRi:TKES. S. W. King, 4S Washington bldg. Main (100. ' 0neY T6 X6XM OK ALL KInd9 . W: C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phone Mam 710. KUDoer stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trade checks; brass signs and plates. RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI, catessens. Horns cooking. 4(4 Wash' Ington st ROOFING TIN ROOFINO. GUTTERING, RE pairing and general Jobbing. J. Losll, 11 il jerrerson st. raciric izt. REAL ESTATE THOMPSON A OGDEN REAL Es tate. Insurance, loans. Bee us before buying. 848 Mississippi -ava Phone wooaiawn zuz of eecutitv. . William HolL room 9. wasnmgton Diag. t k6EY-T0 LOajJJM isoo To HaM. Charleson A Co, CommerclaL Pbons memo DON'T BORROW MQti&t tH SALARY U you as until Hnttoa Credit Ca (H Dekuro, bldg, , MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property or for - building pur poses. - Columbia Life A Trust Co- tli Lumber tixchanga bids. s . A'r.vvu, V. OGILBEE, REAL ESTATE AND loans: established MS. 145 Vt Ut- AGENCY. . DEALERS SPHINX real estate and rentals. , (06 H Stark st Main (164. v " - w , . , FOR FARMS OF EVEkt DflSfiRfF tlon. bldg. W. W. Espey, (19 Commercial 8IGNS AND SHOW CARDS.. , 'FOSTER A KLEISER-SlGNa ' We have built up the largest sign business in the Olty by f lrst-clas work and keeolnsr our cnimliM rim nri,' are right "6th and Everett sta Phone itacnange ss. "SIGNS THAT ' ATfRirT" W land Sign Co 1.(7 Stark, Paclfia liii TRANBFEB AND HAULDiQ i OLSEN-ROb" TRANSFER 'cOl."!: 1 Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland, it. p. Bneasoreen. - General tninafiii. ins : minima, pianos and furniture moved, nackad an.i shipped. 209 Oak st Phono Main 847. Pacific 1Q61. Home A-2247. C O. PICK OFFICE ((1ST dT-"E." tween Starl: and Oak sta: nhnn Kss " Pianos and furniture moved and packed .V.l.l . . . I . . . . vi ousi'viiis vummuuiuui pnea ware house with separate Iron rooms..' Front and Clay sts. . . ; .. PENINSULAR EXPRESS ft BAoAlS Transfsr. 247 Alder st fPhone Main 2171. ' OREGON TRANSFER COl, 1(4 M. 6TH." wmin o. xieavy nauimg and storage. iNDEPENbENT' HAOGAGE! A t-aikud far Co. Storaga (84 8tark. Main 407. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN. TOWELS DAILY COMB. brush, soap, (1 per month. Portland Laundry A Towel Supply Co, tth and Couch sta Phone 410V TYPEWRITERS. t, NEW AND 2ND HAND, ALL MAKES. rented, repaired, sold. P. D. C, Co! 231 Starjt. 1407. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCyT phone Main 7962, Raleigh bldg., Port land, Or. See tho new model No, t Oli ver, before buying a typewriter. Oliver typewriters sold and rented. WHOLESALE JOBBERS "M- nuNST co, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIOARA rVKILAHl), OREOON. VWAblha 11 a fArreLL.' pndflOciS na commission merchants, 140 Front St., Portland. Or. Phone Main 17. OREGON FURNITURE x MANUFAc" turlng Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for the trade. Portland. Of. wAdham' a CO., WlibLtSALitt tiulj. ' oers, ; manufacturers and oommlssloit mercha ts. ' 4th and Oak sta.-" -FURNlTURfi ManufactL' KING ANlT special orders. L. Ruvensky's furni ture factory, (07 Front st. ' ALLEN A LEWIS. COM M i&eioH A N - produce merchants. Front and uvt sts,, Portland. Or. - WHOLESALE C R O C K li It V A?.. alassware. PraeL Ilego.'e A Co, l uit- 'land. Or, . - LBWW-STENGFii" bArj'. ; ' t;t ?i r "". : CO.. Barhors' Pupiilleu. l.arf.-rn' ,.,. niture. Barbers" C'hsirs latt, a t.rn 'Normaft E. M'k ft-, .n.r!A natlr.dlLl lone I New York, in suil of Roosevelt afd 1 :ryaa H r-1 dwntAl can J .l a.-s 'f I of ' r "'. t f 1 t t year, i-'.'t'.