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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY , EVENING, ' SEPTnXt 1; 1S07.' Is a Mighty" twjhtng. to Bank .bit Dotft Sappose Ttot Evciybor .Knows Yonr .Wants, . font hctmUv Kn' That3:Thcv Iriow:-tar Placing i-Wanted - in" tlicJonrnal;Ut-; khowlctocd 4Homcf lPapcrw rof Portland : and Oregon. Guaranteed tlreislatip Bally Oyer ; 4 San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market St, bet 3d 4th ; Orronlns whan In lislriMlw cn have tneir man The Journal oflloe, , , AATHim JU flSH. RprJtUT I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS BUSINESS NOTICES NEW TODAY. A BARGAIN Harriott and C C. Osier to Anton, Fried, lot II, Hollywood, war ranty dead ...... j-... Rlvervlew Cemetery association . to Oeorge Shearer,' lot II, aeci ,' tion 101 aald cemetery, war ranty deed . . . . i ........... i Justin J. and Sophia M. Leevitt to A. M. Barber, lot 24. block 2. Cloverdaia Tract, ...warranty dead Monemta 8. James to Mra. A. Lltch work, jot l. wocg l. Ken asvI Da alr taw a - nrii A aal W WU ava v "i wiiij w w a . , Char lea A. Myers to T. 8. McDan- lel, lota . s, 7, s, 9, 10, 11, ix. 14. 16, 1C, 17, and 18, block 112, Bell wood. S. W. D. . . Herbert W. and Llsele M. Nitter, to Kichard ana Mary : waian, lota and 10. block 15, Colum bia helchts. warranty deed Joseph M. Healy to W. L. Mor- an, west so reet or iota t ana ana east Z4 reetf or jot i, L. C. HEXRICH8EN CO.. JEWELERS, mnA nntlnlan. tai WaahlnatOU at. COMMERCIAL AND SOClEf ? frBjfWP mg East side printing co., umm ave. Eaat 499, B-1888. " 10TU 100 TOO eoo 1,010 1,160 kKW trifrrtoM LIbraR. ili" t. book a loaned at I centstneoay. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR ; mattresses renovated and returned aame day, 121 Front at Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mets aer. Droorletor. LOST ENGLISH SETTEA. b60. U months nM whit, tan-colored eare. pot on each aide. Return to 761 Pet tygrove and receive reward 110. Phone Main zui. . HELP, WAED MALE 1 WANTED "rSHOVELERS AND tea muter. Pottage, 488 Commercial. Wanted -a carpenter, must be ' good meonan 10. pornon. zog 4tn at. Young man t6 workfor room" and board. Vegetarian cafe, 105 Ith. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS OFFICE , work; ledger work preferred; good referenda. B. 114 E. Morrlaon. . Phona E. 2114. '"' .-i ' " - " TnT5ustrIous FOR RENTUOUSEKEETINO. BUSINESS CHANCES.' vrsnbn 1 ' fklM dtttL'ti MAN wmnta work in tranafer atable; good reierencea Ervln t Co., Id and Alder. 1' ' 1IKLP WANTED FEMALE EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. : Llpan-WolfeV" PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE tnKU Unnlutii at Phnnl PaelflO 13 ......Phone Paclfla 1200 red tnhkk EiiPLbYMENt C5T Logging camp and farm help apa elaltr. 20 N. Id at. Phone Main f. Llnman. Wolfa A Co.' reaulre exne- I We pay all telegraph chargee. rieneerf aeafaTntraaaea. cloak modela endlAPMR KM P. m. FARUKR9' A aaleawomen In all departmenta. Per-1 loa-aera' halo eaDeclallv. 14 and 21 H tiKam " "ijAtaii "fapW"rir " faiyfafr manent poaitiona at good aaiariea. Ap-1 N. 2d, 220 Burnalde; Main 4437. EpSH HAmEUB EMLOYM.fcNt OFFICE b, ana eui 2 jui ' a hlork 101 Eaat Portland. War rantr deed 21.000 I Creaeent Land Co. to Georgia A. . Batheller, eaat or lot a ana wet 12 H feet of lot 0, block" . Keyatone aaaition, warranty Igna , Joseph L. Turner to Eliiabeth (l.irrilh In, V.lnob a R R nAAK -. A f Aft f am ?l I f Shopa addition, warranty deed ilUUt: aull LUI 1U1 JOU for ' abstract a. tltLk Insur. a nee or mortgage loana, can on iacino i ward. black and white head, leather collar; liberal reward. Ed Paraona, 401 Ablng ton bidg. Phone Main zoze FOR MRM. II N. 2d at Phona Main 1120. room houaa, atrlctly modern. Thia la a beauty for the money; one block from canine; eaat ironi: - comer tot. (0x100; , term. Phone, E6404. 1,110 1.(00 ! !?EpS?tB?.? In.kT"5 M."C wanted Y6TjW LAbisa' lir lVIIIUHip. UK iimr V "ltd iu uamw WANTED AGENTS . hd addresa, with many art Idea and an OregoavEucr club memberahlp ticket In It: aJao a aum of money. Finder pleaae return, to room 10, 160H Mot. rlaon at.. Dr. Mackla, and receive r . - . . . . . , i a nee or mortgage toana, can on racing i wara. - . 08Wfee with". ?!?oom hon-e thert I"L T?" l ,.4:t'''? Ff """ldK- LOST FEmALS5 BRiNDLb BULLdM II 60 reel, Wltn a -room noow imre; ixj iAI b. ij atfd i.U0b iun in.l t. vi. . nH T),ir EOkIIO feet. on, which today duplicated for leaa than 11.250, and with the lot aa ; it now atanda the property la eaally worth 21,600. The property la located on the Weat Bide, in fortiana proper, on the Oregon Electrlo Railway line, and la one of the cholceat piece on Capitol HML Call at the office to inquire about thia; do not write, aa wa.abaU not an swer correspondence, ClohcssycS Smith 401 KoXay Sld-H Tlilrd and Btftik Sta, WEATnElIliTTORT..-. Portland and Ticlnlty, Fair tonight. ' Tueaday, , fair and cooler, Northerly wlnda. . ' Since Saturday high preaaur area ; haa moved from the nortn racino eoaat to the upper Mlaaourl valley. It haa caneed dry northeasterly wlnda In the north ' Paclfla atatea, with, unuaually warm weather. The maximum tempera- GET Y6UR . iNSljRANCE AND AB- atracta to real aetata from the Title Guarantee A Truat Co 140 Washington at. cor id. ' MARKIAGH LICENSES. Harrr E. Thomaa. Ellendala. N. C J: Alice J. DeOraff. 2. mM -Jamea Tabor. Rainier. Or.. J4: May Johnaon, 22. - ' . John Laraon, Aatoria, or., n; aopnia Blahop, 12. . wedding Card a. w. a. Bmlth co- Waahlngton bldg corner 4th and Waah- ington ata, - Weddlna carda the beat. 100 for II. Alvln S. Hawk.. 144 Id at . Tonaeth Co., floriau. for flowera oi alt trticdk-lH-Kk-H' Clarke Broa., Florlate Fine flowera j with hia earaAnd tall clipped. Return to i Aibina ave. Keward. HELP WANTED MALE 281 Morrlaon at and floral dealgna. Full dreae aulta for rent, all ' a is a. Unique Tailoring Co., 100 Stark at BIRTHS - . Stare Bolt Cutters WMciliHiS . i Agency, 1200 wuiiama aveM wooaiawn $1,50 per cord, timber yel- amis wan'ted operators io ...l.b 1AZ C4.iiii work on enirta ana overaua. iaaona JUW lUt VVJ iViJVU OltUJi3 given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand. Taylor at. ' Wuhlnitaii at corner Seventh. n- aflra A'ttaa-Mai,2tllFmaU ksl wanted. aeaaon on leading railroads here In the I OIRL8 WITH TALENT FOR DRAW Wnl . . a . . fl... alAr.a .HImm mAml... learn telephone operating: good aalarr I houaea. ata -Landlords will do well to short hours, pay while learning, luncheon I call on aervea free or onarge ana lounging ana I vuhiuanv trust tUMrAHi ur reet rooms In connection. - ApdIv chief I ' OREGON. operator. Telephone building, Weat fark Phona Ex. T2. B. E. Cor. Id and Oak. and Aider ata. COMPETES!'. GIRL FOR GENERAL houaeworx. , zsi n. ztth. r none Main , nil. . OikLS WANtED-APPtf STANDARD faotorv Ndk I. urand ave. and Eaat Taylor at ' mil- i j- ' -ijl i - . .' -i-i 1 aiiLj WANTE1 QIRLS TO MAKK VITA Well ahlrts and Boas of AU overalls at 71 1st at. EXPERIENCED WOMAN SOLICITOR for city lotai 'salary and commission. The Snon ton Co.. 270 Stark at liOPPICKEBTs CAN MAKE GOOD SIDE money aelling goods. . Bee H. M. Plummer. at drur store, ISO Third. WANTED REAL. ESTATE. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X x X X X X X WE BUY AND SELL REAL V. ESTATE. ' bid?., Portland, Oregon SOUNfV TOUW WEN, AOE8 II TO Ifr, for firemen and brakemen during ruan weat and on new Inea being completed: eviMtrlence .unneceaaarv: firemen. 1100 monthly, become engineers, 1209; Drake- men. ISO. become conductors, 1150, Manr ooaltlona now open. Write at once for particular National-Railway rood DO- Averut at x X X X x - X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Car for and manage mining property, rent houses, .flat and buildings of all klnda, writ fire insurance, loan money, and col lect. Can we serve you 7 . What nave you for aal? Llat It with us and you will get returns; we cooperate with Cross i n ' ornirea ,is 4..aiftag aanirai kee, St Paul and Minneapolis. COAST COMMERCIAL CO, S-ftRMISHirn , OR . UNFURNIBIIB.IJ TWO-CHAIR BARBKR Rltnp rminn nniwHtHnin.' rm i in . , i w. ..ww i k awu uuiiubri: .nnn imutiAni . . j - -' . I a A . ' ... -" , . n . lower nat ana e enu ww i vv yt uiumu ivr nop ana Z rooms i..., n f . v., v.rv low nail, av- i i n. rma r ' mini h ..u . . ... count ot leaving, city. Calf at 402 Oil- J. ply I4 N. 2th; Willamette Heights cars to tn, turn aoutn nmi mj-.. HOUSEKEEPTnO ROOMS FttKNlBHU. and unfurnished. AH N. Union ave. KRTrWtfvttfft.Y FURNTSH E .-houaekeenlnc . rooms, bath, gas .and aan at. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. y Ulliliiml VL NICELY FURNISHED hone. klKWT.V."," MIRf-V light housekeeping rooms with and bath. 482 K. Waahington at. gas t34 MORRISON EXCEFTIONALLY deairable apartmenta; rooms large and airy: newly rurnianea; gouu wi"n, COAST REALTY CO.. Morrison st '-,' The leadin real , aetata mn nesa brokers. Mala.l&68; A-al SO Jiisti . FOR RENT FLATS wwnf -. MnnirnN , 1 AND , 4-ROOM flats, 200 feet south 2Ird and Wash, inaton ata.. ' umu "- , " premises or Phone Pac fle 1246. 11,800 Half caah, buys strictly mod ern 7-room , house, new., good lot I blocks from carline, worth over 22.600. II ,100Partcaali, new I-room house, lot .80x100: others all prices. - . ' GOOD l-ROOM ! COTTAGE, ( NEAR cars, s 14 Good f-room cottage, grassy yara, New lower flat 4 rooms, water In eluded, til. ' Furnished l-room cottage, water In Any numoer irmnw ijiuuwjuii. rooms aide of Houae. 215. chicken-house, near cars,, east, side of river, month... 116 H Morrlaon, - Van Horn transfer FURNITURE and Dlanoa moved, stored or smppeo. rum Mim-iiii. WE RENT AND BELL PlANOa 8HER- l 60x100: others all nrloes. . - '" " m Sill B lVlll" Ing-houae of 14 rooms; beat value on " our llat for the money. . , :!v.ou?" " nouaekeeping room a. II. 400 Part Mlh f MW,n,. . u pricea." , Partner for real estate office; I00. a good chance to get a start with a llv4 man' In- a ground-floor office. Mlrc.0.hbUdrailyha,f ?nUrMt ,n rocer IS0O Half caah. llaht ffi Kt,i doing several hundred' anii.n ' Kill, a . t. 1 "rience neeaea Dewnd '! i: m.'. P'm aocounts. 'do' i ciaim, worth 15,000 li a ween, aii aoove va " on n. k. ana river; only 20 miles away, t river. I 00 Beat small raatann i ZIll -! . barn, fruit, wrrlea. i acres, I $500 secures business that made titf I f '' V - ' I 000 in Daet 1 veara: other nnnn.tiiii.. 4 room a ' Iof100xl00 Cam. 1 l I 'w- I V. IMtwimriii .. - ,v i ..... . . . 104 Dekum bldf., Mala TI4I. WIKK8 To Mr. and Mra W. C Wlnka I Tralnln Ass n. OK Paxton blk.. Omaha. tuTe reaterdar In Portland was ninety T&D'iu- .wa' i- . .-a IG w " u,u- I WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, . I Mhi.K I. ,K a h I K&a . B.nt.m. I " S . . . r . . . . w...wi . ""- . r . . 1 jonn jeneraon. ssi j. 11m lna. painting and designing: sltlon io right party. D. M. Co.. 102 N. Ith st WOMEN AND OIRL8 WANTED TO nSSSt aW-ltiSif WANTtfi.WRCAftiliMALLhOU vision rtrti I uarBu. ii at, a I Ink. I.f f .r.nn ber temperature) In tha last fifteen I dauchter yeara and only onca in pe nistory or BIRD Sept 4. to Mr. and Mr John iiie naiiun h uui 'toji a wra motouii Bird, (so stn st. a daughter.!L th.i WM on September IHh, j jjARRSON SeptT , to Mr. and Mrs. X ooo. num ti, im inireijr-mrww wirai, I ' w Harriaon. 401 I. Zfitn IL. In marked contrast to thia hot weather the tempera turea were sufficiently low to cause rrost in portions or Montana, the Dakotas. and northern Minnesota, A shallow low pressure area overlies the Lake region, and Tain has fallen in .northern Texas, .Oklahoma, and the .northeastern atatea. The barometer la relatively low over California and Arl sona, but no rain has' fallen la that seo- .uon. , ... .v. . . The Indications are for fair weather son. DEATHS FERGUSON Sept 4, John Ferguson, ,agea 11 yeara, at Aatoria; soitening or Drain. bm'UlM eiAn a Tnhn T XTaahan aa-ed 21 years. 663 N. 17th' st: cere- vacced weekly; choice of territory. prai nemorrnage. Several men of aood address can make bla money, first-class proposition: no trouble to explain; good men given piendtd territory. can on general manager, room ill Bwetland Diag., cor. 5th and Waahlnrton sts. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE 1100 to 1160 per montn; some even more; stock clean, grown on reeerva. tion, rar from oia orcnaraa; casn aa Ad fc ladles: female help wanted. Main z7, A-Z417. 6io Bucnanan oiag.. z Washington. WANTED-A C6MPET EWt Bbdti- keeper who can operate typewriter. K-tu, journal. Grand ave. N. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROP. erty see me; I buy and have customers 1.. 1ITTDT npnT 2 Stark St . WANTED TO RENT PACKERS AND WRAPPERS; GOOD poaitiona. work light and clean; per- tnon.nt amnlovment. innlv rand V da ?ito'a??,laftain0 C C0 WANTED-MEDIUM SIZEb H6USE.' AGENTS WANTED CAN TOO SELL goods? If so we need you: com Die te X .. ... . . -fa. . uuiui im, vnmn wciMy. Trnta iur choloe of territory. Capital City Nur sery oompany, Haiem, or. west aide preferred: careful family: no children; state rent and location. Ad' DELAHUNT dept. I, Baby Delahunt Kt crasrl 1 1 Amvm Kfl Til las mrvtk crai atr-A. In .1.1- i4l..Hlit nHit,4 a-, rp,, fa, I . . wa v wm. t MUV oellt UIDW1UV ffVSSBatiat. ailA A UCBUBr, I HUffrllUi ' win pe warmer eaat tne ascaas CLARK Sept. 4, Ines C. Clark, aged mountains and probably cooler Tueaday I j years, I months and 22 days, at 1 1 wcaiBi u vivu m uu vtzvsj tot u mu--i nRICTTl, iritis. dress Waahlngton Nursery Co.. Top- - d -i-Ap itvttt I dress T-S06, Journal. penl.h, Washington. "na, .Mir. : ronr. BY tunity to advance. Fraley'a, 212-214 Id. Union Hotel Inxton, i Temp, i . , Max. Boston, Mass, .....72 Chicago, 111. .......72 Kansas City, Mo. ,.72 New York, N. Y, ...74 Nome, Alauka ......48 t Omaha. Nob. 61 Philadelpbta, pa. -..7I Phoenix. Arts. ... ,101 Pittsburg. Pa. ,... 71 . Portland, Or. ... ... 80 St Louis, Mo. .....74 St. Paul, Minn. ....16 Washington, D. C. ..82 NITSCH In this city at the family resl- encea. 174 East nth st. north. Elsie . t HVVW W W MOBW a V U BM. UVI ill. AJJl BS 1 W I ' . Mln. Preclp, Llaalete, daughter of A. & and Louisa proprietor. t arvfu oT" ' rw-ioT'T iTr f m Free employment to all: boarders' rates 11.90 per weea: room, zoo ana up; spe cial monthly rates given. 60 SI II II 40 62 16 71 61 II 60 44 II T. .04 .0 . .01 Nitach, aged I yeara, 10 months and 22 days. I iiiV i cuitu ttnniot i kk i-rr I Inir. Dav and nlarht classes. Free cat - A-UW.V.OA, .WW .til I " . m , , . St.. odd. Meier A FrSnk'a. Main 7J15. I cosmona sooureu. iwuma. i..vt vtK . ifeA-irb wiTpn irn learn plumbing, plastering, bricklay- OOOD PAY; HELP WANTED. THE Spencer Co., ladies tailors. Shirt waist and shirt makers. 126 10th, near Waahlnrton. Anderson. MILLINERY ORDER WORK SOLIC- lted; remodeling a speciality, vo litn at, near Stark. Phone Main" 7566. n 7565. iL HOUSE- .01 .0 04 .0 .0 .0 .0 UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M'ENTEB A GILBAUGH, undertaxera ana emoaimers; modern Coyne Trade School, 220-240 Ith at, San Francisco and New York. WE SECURE POSITIONS FOR OUR members; special memoersnip Y. M. c. A. uiiuci i..oi ii u nuuNiiini. anwcrn i In every detalL Seventh and Plna. Mala "WANTED Na i SALESMEN AND 410. Lady aaslstant. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS JJenry J. and Mary F. Donner . ,. berg to Jennie M. Kramer, lots , 1 and I, block 22, first addition ' to Holladav Park addition. W. D. ..- ....I 1.700 Joseph M. Healy and Walter J. s Burns, trustee, to Joseph Noll, lota 1 and 2. block I. Waver- lelgh Heights addition, W. D.. 160 Cement Block company to Mlch : ael O'Brien, lota II. 22 and 21. Melvin, ,W. D.... ............. 10,100 M. and Kate Rlckert to W. J. and .Jane O. Thompson, northeast M of tha northeast of sec tion 11, township 1 south, ; : - range 4 east; alao southeast of southeast of section 2, - towcshln 4 south, ranse 4 eaat ' agreement .... .... . . . . . . .. . . . . 4,760 Mary m. wusnong - uootn an4 . Robert Booth to R. L. Zeller et ' al., eaat Vt of lots 1 and 2, block 222. Eaat Portland. W. D. 1.600 unrora Terry to James r. Mc - Gulre, west As of lot 10, block ' 1. subdivision lot "C M. Pat- ton tract W. D. ...... ....... 200 Sycamore Real Estate company to William Hull, lots 11 and ... 12. block 1. Kern Park. S. W. D. 160 tiauae u. and Liia K. Starr to . , E.'E.' Merrea et al . aama aa described above, S. W. D..... 100 i. B. and Alice U GUUs to J. N. --Elton, lot 6, block I, Barrett's addition, W. D. . . . . . ..... 1,125 Jane O. and W; J. Thompson to M. Rlckert lot 17, block 1. Reservoir Park, .W. D 170 Oliver and Hannah Anderson to Nellie flavin, lot 12, block 1, and west 10 feet of lot 16, block 1, Edendale addition, W. D. ............ 2,600 - Charles and Elisabeth Geppert to - Alex and Mary A. Altken, lot 12, block 218, Balch's addition, , ' W. D. 4,000 , William and Annie Reldt to Alex and Mary A. Altken, lot 13, block 118, Balch's addition. W. D. 1,000 William E. and E. Maria Braln- ard to Lena Jolzapfel, lot 21, , block 7, Terminus addition, W, D. ........... . . . . , $00 : Percy H. and Mary Augusta . Blyth to Security Savings & Trust company, lots 1 and 2, . block 27, Willamette Heights addition, 8. W. D 4,600 Arleta Land company to Flor , . ence V. Groce. lot 5. block 4. I Elberta, S. W. D. ' 17B , John M. Llisberg to Ollee M. ' Llisberg. lots 6 and I, block 6, i Mountain View Park addition, " quit claim deed 1(0 Nora A. and William Hoss to George Welsensee, lots 7 and 8, block II, Lincoln Park annex, . warranty deed 160 ; Title Guarantee and Trust Co. to - Henry and Barbara K. Senate, . lot I, block 7, West Piedmont, , deed . (00 Kettle L. . Palmer to Harvey -Northrup, lot 16, block 17, Sell- wood, warrant deed , goo H- Kenneth Bickford, executor, to Charles A, and Walter C. Bret tell, lots 1, 2. I and 4, block 1, Brickford Park, Fruitvale. war ' ranty deed JOO C D. and Edith A. Brun to J. M. Strowbrldge, south 100 feet of lots J and SV block 11, John Irv lng's first addition,. 6. W. D. . . 1,000 Mrs, Frank Slavln to Oliver and Hannah. Andersen, Mot 4, block 1, tilencoe Park, warranty deed 1,100 " Hans and Mary Larsen to Cor- s nellus and Asta Tonseth, Jots 1 and 3.. block 6, Larson's addl- , ; tion. warranty deed 1,478 .JVC. d Rose N. stover to Kd- ER1CSON UNDERTAKING CO- AND embalming. 409 Alder st Main 4191. JLaay assistant. J. P. FINLEY ft 80N3. ID AND WAbl- son sts. omce of county coroner. Phone Main . a. a HEMStock. FUneMaL BI- rector. Eaat 11th and UmatiUa. Phone Bell wood 71. Lady assistant 2&LLER-BYRNES Cd. FUNElUL bl- rectora, embaimera, Z7Z HusseU. East loss. Lsdy assistant solicitors for beat proDoaltioh ever made to both agent and public. Call after 7 p. m.. New Occidental hotel. Hoiim iiz. P. Kramer. WXNTED-AN EXPERIENCED AX YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERA. work. Call mornings. 14s N. istn st. STENOGRAPHER; SMALL WAGES TO start. Olve teiepnone numoer. Ad dress 8-604, Journal. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 239 N. ztn st Main 2717. YOUNG LADY TO KEEP BOOKS AND assist In office. D. M. Averlll A Co., 102 6th st N. WANTED - YOUNG LADIES T5 learn commercial teiegrapny; isv to hani. mn ona that thnrnurhtv un-llRO rer month soon aa competent Ore der stands the business and can make gon college, 406 Commonwealth bidg. patterna. etc.; also a No. 1 finisher of glRLS OR DRESSMAKING MRS, handles; also man for bolter. Charles g. j0hn. 115 Willamette boulevard. wtf5; VSZr, , t,W I GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE WORlv MEN WANTED AT KERN S BRICK- and COOklng; 4 adults; permanent po yard: brick wheelers and common la- loin. ,nniv mnminn 440 Willis ma v. - u. . i w q.lll.mMMl. - ' rvi " UUI B. KU. 11.11 miu . ...wiiiwi. vva. IBVe RELIABLE PARTY. FIRST-CLASS rurmsnea lodging nouse: state terms. A-nus. journal. WANffiD-tb RENT TWO UMfUR nlshed rooms or a small houae, cen tral. Phone Main 5363. 7SZ Thurman. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WB WILL BUT YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call, ?hone or write. 8. J. A L. Rubensteln, 76 Front st, opposite National hotel. Pacifio 1401. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV- Phone Pacifio 160. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. age A penneii. 146-147 1st st . PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. . . . , .... a.. ... . main , in 111 i. TO ElDWARD HOLMA.. UNbEfeYAlOfiR. 'BNS?D JStJ!f WAP rH QIRk FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. - 220 Id st 1 bench hand. Portland Saab A Door 1 good wages, experience not required. -", c xaymr aim umron . 301 8Zd St., wiuamette iieignts. Main CEMETERIES DTinfB vrirarciMnr n nriiviia tiA family lots. ' 10x16, for 1100, and upwards, according to size; the only cemetery la Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For Information, apply to W. K. Mackenzie, Worcester diock. w. m. iaaa, president WOOD MATJHINE HAND WANTED, AT 5860, 172 Front st. WANTED BOYS FOR GOOD Posi tions In candy ' department Pacifio Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. RSlr-N9aRiBLt1 EXPERIENCED LADIES' TAILOR. 429 family lots. 126 to 176. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cully road. Phone Tabor 205. For rull information apply to Frank Schlegel, 102 Commercial blk. Phone Main 2821. NOTICES. Washington. J. K. Stern, ladles' tailor. WANTED BOY OVER 16 YEARS OF age to learn some-jraaev. 271 1st BOY WANTED. 26 PER WEEK TO begin. 65 N. Front cor. Davis, WANTED DRESSMAKER'S HELP- ers and apprentices. Mrs. Zeliruchs, 186 Washington st A GOOD GIRL .TO WORK IN COS tumlnr house. A good strong woman to clean and mend. A good girl to do general house work. Apply 288 Morrison. WANTED HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO help with housework: wages. Tel. B. iza. aua nacKamaa st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR cooking and general housework; small family; good wages. 581 Marshall at, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE United States, for the district of Ore gon, in the matter oi the pacino Burial WANTED A BARBER; GUARANTEE 115 per week. 270 N. 23d st BOYS WANTED IN FURNITURE faotorv. Hall 10K N. 11th at P,'eiP0.T.1?Y?LM?!a..5k5up.t!L ?, ?r YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN WH6LE entire stock of the Pacific Burial Case L, 'l1 n-.u"' U M' Avertu Co 108 Co., Including caskets, shells, rough " ' n'.u , . boxes, machinery, fixtures, tools and all WANTED DELIVERY BOY. WITH materials. Any and all bids must be wheel. Jones' Book store. 291 Alder. seated and accompanied by 10 per cent 11.00 A MONTH PROTECTS YOUR thereof in cash or a certified check, I time against sickness or accidents, which amount is to. be forfeited In case I Pacific Aid association. Lumber Ex. the bidder fails to comply with the! bldx.. Portland. Or. Liberal pay to terms oi oils ma arter acceptance, xne t gooa agents. right to reject any and all bids is to MaN' t0 worK for LARGE COR be reserved, and said sale is to be made subject to the approval of the court All bids must be in by io a. m. on Tuesday. September 17. 1907. Inven tory and Itemised list of the property may be seen at my office, 409 Alder st. ' E. E. EK1CKHON. Trustee of Pacific Burial Case Co. In bankruptcy. ws r -A--Bet tenmille; ?wh i ot lot 1 and north, of lot 2, . block 1 City Vie Park, war- rn uly deed ,..t....i..iTir"i 2,000 J. A, and Florence E. ' Pettlt to - , Harriot Ofier, lot 12, .Holly-, woid, warranty deed. .. .1.... . . 150 Alfred and EliZHbeth"-Thompson t' Greta C. Huff, lots 2 and i ' K, Mock 4, Thompson's addition ; ; 1 to Urealiain, warranty deed,.. 109 THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed bids ror a stocK or groceries of the inventory value of $1,497.12 to gether with fixtures and a horse and wagon, 11,654, located at 11th and Mor rison sts., Portland Or., up to 12 o'clock noon of weanesaay, aepiemoer ii, 1807. r A cash deposit or io per cent, oi amount offered must accompany each bid and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids, Inventory and stock may be Inspected on application, k. u. Sabln, 7 1st St.. Portland, Or., Dated BeptemDer 7, lU7. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed bids until 12 o'clock, noon, of Tuesday. September 10, 1907. for a stock of drygoods of the inventory, val uatlon of 12.603.92. together with fix tures of $977.00 located at No. 325 Morrison at.. Portland. Or. A check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each Bid and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory and property may De, seen on application. R. l; SABIN. No. 7, 1st st, Portland. Or. Dated September 4. 1907. '-.'.'-. MEETING NOTICES. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12, A. F. A A, M Stated com munication i this (Monday) evening at 7:20 o'clock. . Work In the E. A. degree. , Visitors are ; cordially , In vited. . I - W. M. DE LIN, Secretary. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6,464 , meets... Wednesdny evenin;.AHeKy diqk.. aa ana Morrison sts. 4 M. W. A, -OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. ' 6,171. Mondays. 17th and. Marshall. Visitors welcome. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD Covenant Contract Co; lit FUeUaer Udg. Mala 111. , ... Deration: salary guaranteed: must In vest $100 cash as security; only hustlers wanted. if Lumper jgxenange Diag. Wanted machine men and cab lnct-makers. Oregon Furniture A Mfg. Co.. Macadam Road. . . ALL AROUND FURNITURE MAN TO do the shipping; good pay to right man. io isi st. BOY WITH WHEEL TO DELIVER and help aoout store. Fraiey s, in Id st. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MEN TO . learn railway and commercial teleg raphy; good wages and permanent posi tions when competent. Oregon college, vviiiiuuiiwcatiu uiub, ' WANTED OFFICE BOY, WHOLE? - sale hardware, good chance for a boy that IS quick in figures and can write a good plain hand. WANTED RELIABLE MAN TO . show property and business chances; references required; commission basis to begin, coast Kealty company,, zzev Morrison. . . WANTED INTELLIGENT YOUNG man principally for office work In fire Insurance department; experience preterreo. nartman ae Tnompson.-WANTED-FIRST CLASS STICKER man: none rout experienced need ao ply. Portland Sash A Door company, E. Tavlor and.-Union ave. , : ' "WAN T ED Y OUNG BOY TO LEARN hardware v business : good chance for advancement; moaerate wagea to begin with. M-600. Journal. i BOY ' WITH . WHEEL TO DELIVER and help m store, creamery, 127 1st. Both phones. ...... vV" ANTED RELIABLE SOLICITOR, - afioiialnterl in city.' that can Dromote: large commission and Interest - to right party.' can room. w vcciaentai hotel. WANTED BIDS FOR FINISHING careen ter work on I-room - cottasre. Apply to Dr. jariing, aa and Morrison. YOU MAY HAVE A POSITION, WITH TJncle Sam when - qualified: railway mail clerks, letter-carriers: also post office elwrks needed. Call In regard to preparation. P, S. Schools, 611 Mc Kay bldg. BOOKKEEPER AND S. W. corner 16th and COMPETENT" stenograner. Alder. ! - SEWER DIGGERS-!??; HOURS. Dover U boside baseball park, a EXPERIENCED TAILORESS TO HELP on coats; steady work, good pay. J K. Stern, ladles' tailor, 429 Washington WANTED 2 FIRST-CLASS MAKERS apply Art Mllllnary, 409 Stearns bldg, Open Monday. WANTED.' BY THE 24TH OF THIS month A woman for housework; two In family; easy place; a good home for tne ngnt party: reierencea required Address M-auz, journal. WOMEN t AND GIRLS WANTED FOR all olasses of laundry work; good wages. Troy Laundry Co., 201 E. Water st. . GIRLS WANTED D. M. AVERILL A Co. COMPETENT 102 N. 6th st BOOKKEEPER S. an5 W, corner 16th and stenographer, Alder. Wanted woman TO make beds $35 a month and lodging. Dewey House. 26 N. sa st. WANTED NEAT GIRL TO ASSIST with housework ana coomng; pieasant room, can arter o p. m. or roomings. 8Z1 6th St. Wanted cook And waitress, 176 Yamhill at COOK, ONE DINING R06m! GIRL, ONE dish washer, 193 West Park. JANITOR WORK. CAN GIVE REFER- ence. Address sss . water si. jfnone Main 4666. 1 WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN CON f ectlonary Yamhill. store. Inquire 8d and MALE AND FEMALE HELP. 100 HOP-PICKERS AT PATTERSON'S vard at Oleoua. Wash.: do not wait to' write, but come; take Northern Pa cific train leaving Portland at 1:80 a. m.i beat wastes. v-- "' .'.. STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open wltn best firms; no charge. Underwood Type. writer co.. tn at. HELP WANTED , AND SUPPLIED. male or female. K. O. Drake, aoitt Washington st pacirie ii70. -.''.' HOPPICKERS WANTED. . Krebs Bros, will emolov Dickers at cruum or inaepenuence; mere are iwu trains daily. For further Information call un Woodlawn 727. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN" THE barber , irade In 8, weeks; costs less, better salaries, learned in Jess time than other ' trades; catalogue free. Moler aroer college, bp N. tn st ' SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. y ounqT" 'woman; tr angerV in ilty.. wants -lo meat a. gMiUsaiaa of means to assist her. financially, s B-506. Journal. ... ACCURATE. RELIABLE- UNDERWOOD ODorator. must .lave work: , snlary nominal. ,. phone ? after evenings. room at Paolflo 496, A-1858. REFINED YOUNG WOMAN.- ALONE (stenographer). - desires . aeaualntance Influential business man who will assist lias.. H-50A, Journal. . .j-. i , If YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Hlgtest prloes paid for seoond-hand (foods. 267 Flan. ders. Phone Main 1518. HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of aecond-hr.nd goods. Union Exchange, 269 Front st Pacific 1411. DIRT WANTED SEE J. A. BACK strand, 11th and Hoyt sts. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE- hold goods of every description bought, sold and exchanged. The I, 211 let Main 1174. Home A-2227 DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE TO order. K. E. Karlson t Co.. 161 An. keny St., Main 6260. WANTED GOOD FARM AND STOCK ranches In the Willamette valley. In exchange for residence property, well located in the city; also a few good wheat farms In eastern Oregon and Washington to exchange for valley land. Turner. 103 H Washington st CIDER APPLES, ALL KINDS OF fruit, chickens and farm produce. M. T. Wllklns, 687 Alblna. Call Monday. A YOUNG MARRIED WANTED BY lady 1 or 2 children to board, suburbs. Phone Scott 6661. 160 Emerson st COAST RKAT.fV rw 214 Morrison st, 'Main 1568; A-41B0. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? nee these before- a final decision: I-room houaa. woodaha al.. . -a . 11 In fine condition; net eash, 11,100. Alao l-room houaa, 1 lots and chickea park for $760 cash. ATtRACTIVE; FURNISHED.. 5-kOOA t-SwT W0Ck flat, dellshtful loa.ion. eomplele. I . n. with fueL 16th st. near Montg..mory. UghtB. bMt of plumbing. fu! cemsnt smn niivr imiTaTa I 5. , . 1 Dioca to car, $1,660. FOR RENV IIOUS3S - ' I We also have a number of unflaiahxf iiaaaMatlis-a tie,,.,-! p i s mnniirn tnr Til artsBl alaasa IA aa nitt, tKU TMin K t 4fl i-.-jSJr1 4 surrounasauta aloaluun nianea; TADor Meignta. msni i lots and acreaae: eaar tarma. X man. Clay A Co. 1671. Taka Mt Scott car at First and Alder sts.. get off at Millard aye. Chambers , A rirntvunn, . F. ADAMS A CO FOR RENt-LARGE, BEAUttFUL 1100 tSm Bulldln. Th1rd"JA hnma nuarta. hlrvnlf waat aid: car- Koom wU' ti?Ku.m Building, Third and TWO i-ROOM PLAsTkRED COT. tagea 110 and $12 60. E. 14th and Falling at See at 167 E, 1 Ith. Wood- lawn car. home, quarter block, west side; car pets. , for sais. reasonsDie. j.oi. main 1650. FOR RENT I-ROOM. COTTAGE,. ALL conveniences, no; clean ana neat. ci 4th. Call arterneon. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE i FOR SALE FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS FURNI- ture of a 7-room house, very cheap. Call warerooms. Z7 is. vtn at. FOR SALE FURNITURE IN 4-R66M flat, all modern: mt for rent, lis per month; price $125. 660 H Missis- slppt ave. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 4zz. a. nice Office sUite for renT. Madison bldg., Id and Madison ata. Ol In- DESlRABLBi aRbUND FL66R flee on Ith, near Washington. autre 11 Ith st. STORE ROOM, GOOD LOCATION FOR any kind or buamess; win give satis- factory lease. Main 6202. Madison. FOR RENT MlSCEJJiANEOUS. HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modern conveniences, f none Main use. BUSINESS CHANCES. Miam riTDiTfnv rT 226 Morrlaon st, phones Umin 1561, 1 houses, first-class modern In every re- A-4160 " I spect ana guaraniu; m, ioin, oeiwexn $8,200 buys I new Croom houses, In- Haiaey ana weiuier etreeis; on one car con,; $60 per month. Lot. better ban line , and ff2W ousted nana. i ! - 1300 caalfbuyg 4-rootn house., balance Phone East "l f-nz; resiaenee pnono ilt per montn. . . .. I . is.uuo Duys 7-room nouniiui ii"i I i ttAvu uuins w ai i iiw run Waahina-ton Sts. Your money In a home la better than In a bank; certainly a bargain here. 6-room house with basement lust fln. taboo1- lot Knvl AA Mn.1, - 1 1. . . . v . wvmsww, . ,i uim u.1 lllin . close to church and achooL Pries $l,10t ovv uown, a years time. 6-room cot tare, lot 60x100: naw $1,900; $500 down, t yeara 6-room houae, corner, 60x100, just fin Ished; 2 blocks from school: street lamn and mall box on same. Price $2,450 $500 down, balance 6 per cent Interest No greater snap In a roominr-housa in Portland than thia 21 rooms, corner: good location, money-maker; leases must sell. Price I960. CRYSTAL SPRINGS ADDITION LOT? near Sellwood, for sale; also lot in Fox-Chase addition near Alberta car- line. Address W-600, Journal. FOR SALE: REAL ESTATE. Acre and Half Acre Tracts. We make a specialty of acre-tracts with water mains laid and payments of. only $10 cash and $10 per month; a much better purchase for a home or Investment than lots. A. C. Churchill, SarRman a cc-.. isi MlLWAUKtrf at., offer for sala 8 or 10 flrat-olaaa modern homes. Wewlll stake our repu tation aa real estate dealers that each and every one of these is a bargain; good neighbors; fins view; good loca tions: 1 and 2 blocks of car: 16-mtnute service; don't wait butcall at 682 Mil waukle st Sparkman A Co. FOR SALE AT COST TO -BUILD," ngures proaucea to. prove it; s-room WANTED SECOND-HAND TYPE writer. ' Vegetarian cafe, 105 6th st. WANTED AMATEURS TO IN crease the membership of the Lents cornet band: rehearsals every Monday evening at I o'clock. Come and get FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL OAK FIRST-CLASS FUR- nlshed rooms, electrlo light gas. bath and phones; situated next to city park. Z47 uait st. THE GRAND, 46 H N. 8D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen, ii.zs per ween anq up. THE RICHELIEU, 13 H N. ITTi ST. Elegantly furnished: steam heat and baths. '..-.-. - ;-. -':-.-. j FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. The Clayton. 15 N. 10th st -ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE $25. Phone East 67S. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 235 Cherry St., corner Benton, near Steel bridge. ; parlor ,..suitb, EtmAmLY ,:-fw- Ished. 2 blocks from Failing sohool. cheap. Address C-608. FURNISHED HOUSES. $10-rA I-ROOM FURNISHED ' FLAT, Close in. pnone East 1657. b. 68z tn. ROOMS AND BOARD. OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND ave. and E. Ash i furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with or without board. USSt 5619. ROOMS AND BdARD 6tf EAt SIDE one block from car Una 272 Vk Mill st., comer 4tn. near station, fine location for store. 350 buys rooming nouse, s rooms. 1.600 buys 27 rooms, terms. 1,250 buys IS rooms. Ron nhnlea 16-room house. 1,000, 10 rooms, some transient 800, clean bakery, confec, Ice cream. 1.300 buys fine grocer All kinds of good bargains. Several choice homestead and timber claims just listed, all tear good town. CUABT IWiAlil X V.U., 226 Morrison st. Phones Main 1611; A-4150. confec!ti6nery, - Uigar store. no. no. n. stn st. -cHaIr barber shop for sale. cheap. If sold at once. 6f 4tn st. BUST THE! W60D TRUST CHEAPER wood: now ready for business. Co operative Wood Co. Call 119. Ablngton Bldg. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence Invited. ' H. W. 'Donahue A Co.. 612 Buchanan -bid. Phone Main 7861.'". ' RlRrtllN FOR A FEW DAYS I MUb'i sell furniture and fixtures, of Sprins- field hotel, with lease on ouiiaing, gooa location and paying business; good private reason for selling. Address box 176, Sprlngfleld,-Or for prices and par tlculars. :-'-- ',- ' v $1.0 $1,5 $1,6 4-CHAIR BARBERSHOP - FOR SALE, cheap. If sold at once. 54 4th st FOR SALE EXCELLENT SAWMILL proposition, one half mile from Ya- colt; 1,000,000 .feet $1 per thousand. Address u. J. A., Vancouver, waan, BAKERY FOR RENT, SPLENDID Lo cation, For information write J, B. perry, penaieton. GROCERY STORE AND LIVING rooms: aood corner: cash trade: rent $10; will take $850 or? invoice stock. This Is a rare chance to get In business at a bargain as sickness compels owner1 to leave city, Aggress m-oi, journal. FOR SALE A WESTERN OREGON newspaper and lob plant, is doing a big business; power plant; average montniy Dusiness, ouw, n mh oy w toher l will soil at a sacrifice: must have ll.BOO down. B-505. journal. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR ' TWO, working people . preferred: modern ; reasonable, walking distance. 124 E. Morrison Bt - FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. . 7th and Flanders sts. lOo" WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeDing-rooms. lau dry and bath, 184 Sherman at, south. Portlsnd. $1.26 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED nouseaeeping-rooms, parlor, . , oatn. laundry, furnace heat yard. zoi otan ton si u oar. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in suites of 2 and 3 rooms, $10 to $14 er month. . Cor. E. 26th ..and . Main. -non hsit iifii FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND 'single' rooms, fine flat - reasonable; get well located for winter with per. petual heat and hot water. 490 Morri son, across from high school. , Top flat I. - Don't bother the Hyland landlady below with Inauirr. TWO OUTSIDE ROOMS -FURNISHED f or housekeesing: ass and bath. EL Washington. $11., ,,.' 480 rAOmING HOUSE BARGAINS, By Hatfield A Smith, 165H 4th st. ' Sfl-room house.. 4 vears' lease: $1,600. 14-room house: good furniture; close IBill.OOB. . ... noiiae: extra locauun: i.vti. 23-room house; close lnn transient; $1,600. - .-' s-room flat; fine furniture; make ad oner. , The best buy in the city: l-room house;-' modern; close In. Lot 46x100; 2 blocks from car; $2,100, HATFIELD A SMITH, 166 4th St iiRn nrfVn A ii.ROOM HOUSE. FUR- nished. all full, rent- $26; no agent P. O. POX ell. Jrnone main .no. E7v5 Hil.TTa PROFITABLE 5t? burban drug business established over 15 years; stocK, nxturee ouuun a nu lot all go; be independent or will sell business and lease building; no commis sion; only those meaning business need asrita . M.KOS ..Tournal. - - EIGHTEEN COWS AND MILk ROUTE for sale. or -particutrapMjr; Jy buniM u" R r. Portland Route No. 2. i280-cidAR STAND. E. MORRISON? I-, building, .Btock and fixtures; ground rent $3. owner. 598 Hood st ; NEWSPAPER PRINTING " PLANTS bOUgnt. sola; parinera iuuiiu. . nui I and 6-room houses, from $1,600 to., $2,000: list your property with me at . once if you want a quick sale. A. B. . DraDer. 143 U Washington St. rooms IV' and 4, corner 7th. Be WIsbJ. InVeST In a HOmb. . 0004 rooms, 751 E. 1th. . . - 500 5 rooms, 766 E. 8th. 6606 rooms. 766 E. 6th. 11,8606 rooms, Mallory and Mason. 11.400 U block South Portland., All vA .jwIawm OAS A U fall ii v w nil u mvruri isa ur iici . aivo Vbiia Tel Main 3990 or Pacific 2125. LESS THAN COST NEW " 6-ROOM house: two blocks rrom cara X-506. - Journal. ... KLAMATH FALLS.. $500 FOR JACRE3 adloinlrfg city, government Irrigated. K down: also larger trscts. Oreaon Realty A Trust company, Fenton bldg., etn ana ptarx. ' $3,600 2-STORY, 6-ROOM, STRICTLY modern house: II E. 28th St. N., on E. Ankeny carlineT1 nice lawn. This is a splendid buy,-either for a home or In- vestment. Terms can be arranged. The Span ton Co., 270 Stark st. ' , 760 CASlt, BY OWNER. 6olNii away; 6-room house, 6 lots, 44x110; fruit and berries; one mile from carline, near Oregon City. Investigate, this, or you will be sorry. If you want a home cheap. Address A-607, Journal. - . , $700 A BARGAIN, IF TAKEN s66Mj houaa and 2 lots, necessary outbuild. tngs, 22 fruit trees (variety), berries (variety), 7 cords wood in shed. 20 chickens, tools, furniture, stove; 6 blocks rrom mi. acott car, Kern . park statii Metsger St.. No. 88. owner W, H. N3 10 ACRES GOOD LAND. I MILES S. E. from Morrison st. bridge; house, barn, orchard. Price $3,000. B-608, Journal. I HAVE SOME CHOICE . PROPERTY' to sell In St. Johns and all parts of the city. Terms on lots and houses. See me before Investing. . , E. C. HURLBEBT, t , 266 Stark St. - ' - TWO 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSES ' iW City View park: terms or cash: a snan if taken at once. .Call at 191 Leo ave. Sellwood car. FOR SALE OF TRADE FOR A 6 OR . 1 A aka.. A 'VlaV.. 1 1 m. &wapaper.rokegeiG03dnough Ding, COME IN. ANJD SEE- US IF YOU want rooming houses, restaurants, ho tels, grocery stores, meat markets, real estate, business chances, investments. Western - iteaity unipBiiy, xwumi viv. Buchanan bldg.. 8H Washington st. FMALL STORE, DOING GOOD Busi ness; good location, cneajo rent, living rooms; very cheap. D-608, Journal.., , 9-room modern house, list . st. Kenll worth, close to carline,' G-501, Journal. FOR SALE GOOD INCOMK BUB1NKK3 property, by owner. G-465. Journal TO LEASE CORNER LOT FOR TERM of years on 10th at: fine apartment or flats location. E-B05, Journal. COTTAGE AND LOT FOR SALE NO. 490 E, 27th, between Division and Clinton; price $1,200. See owner, L. C. Wier. St. Helens. Or. 8-ROOM HOUSE. STRICTLY MODERN, corner lot, 100x100. In Piedmont, vary cheap. Phone East 6404. ' 6-ROOM HOUSE, STRICTLY MODERN. .1 block from .carline. Phone East 6404. . easy terms. ACREAGE 1.22, 2.28. 7, 10 AND 20 . acres, : all very close, electrlo car, mostly 56 fare, all - good buys. Tha kin everybody wants. G. E. Walling, 243 Stark at ' - MODERN ' 6-ROOM COTTAGE bN E. 26th st for $1,800: $30 a month: slve reference and no first payment neces-' sary. The Spanton Co,, 270 Stark st - - 4 NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGES; ALL complte on outside and I will fKlsh insiae to suit purchaser; easy teruc. -1800 to 11.000: also a new modern .. room house, all -complete, bath, toilet eiectnc ngnc an in, waus tinted, snaaes up, everytning iirst-ciasa see -owner at Nahv41)e-ddtt4nke--Mtr-ertc en- pet ort at muiara ave. - Aiao some cnoic lots cneap. CHEAP. LOTS $110 NOT ' HALF . lota, but lots 40x125 and Id-foot al-. leys; good, car service; positively th best lots for the money, i A sere investment.- Terms, $5 -' -down, $5 - por month. 3. J. Oeder. corner Grand ava. and East Ankeny. .. , -v . .