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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1907)
12 Tim OREGON :i DAILY , JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENINW, SEPTEMBER ' 0. 1807. t J GREATEST FIELD III I7ESI IS HERE Oregon Offers Finest Invest- yment Opportunities De- clarcs JL' A. Wallace. H. A. Wallace, o Chicago, Mm of J. IT, Wallace, formerly snginssr to chief of tho Panama canal, waa at to Port- Jan last-sight -and told of ha faith In Oregon. Mr. Wallace baa offices In the fiber look building and visits. Portland three or four tlmaa year. Ho aald 'last 'night that ha spent four months - In looking ovar tha Paoiflo northwest before ' deciding to locate In Portland - which ha considers tha leading coaat .city. ' "Despite tha fact that our headquar ters have been In Portland and Oregon . for -nearly a rear," aald Mr. Wallace JOT OF Mil IS AT 1 mm Wright Declares Press Is In j ' Conspiracy to Quash His Pet Measure. (Pirlfle Ooait Free Leaaed Wire.) aacoma, wash., gept. People of Taeoma are apparently about evenly 61- t - M - - - ... " I Tjuea lor ana against tn. Oraen river water system, a two million dollars project on which they ura to yon to "r0. at . Peetai olaation. ..'.""c5 !ry D,,n 'njooted Into the I rom present indications the vmiuviaii win nvor me gravity avatam whUe the- Renublicn. ini V.ul "Yff .h,-r, ndn that tha present Mayor Wrlaht 1 irrr...!..!. u peugning ror the new system- and in a most sensational publio announcement ha accuses two Tusnu nan.-. T." w cvnapiracy lO Kill tha last nlsrht "our work thua far has Th-IT. V "L" . beea outside tha state. Thla fact haa ' "wuae 10 WO.. rot shaken our confidence In Oregon. J t . 1 JSJMriiS pE ENEOLLMENT - have not been able to interest eastern capital because of tha stringent money market. There la no place In the world where , tha business opportunities are orrered Efficiency of ftrhnnla na.i. -that can be found In Oregon. Com- MUC,enT ocnoois Greatly In . merclal fields of every natura are , awaiting capital and tha time la not far distant, whan It will be brought In. Dr. Liebig, the famous German Chemist, says that beer is "liquid bread' By this he means that beer is a food full of life-giving, healm-sustaining qualities. The value of beer as a food is becoming well known, and it is now used by many who have hitherto looked upon it as a beverage only. AT BAKEB CITY The railway possibilities aro enormous. Tart of our work In the nothwest Is tha construction of the viaduct for . ine norm nana roan at Vancouver ana . bridge work, at Spokane. We also have an irrigation project in Utah. nr.- wi creased by Added Equipment and More j Teacher. (pedal Mepates Te JvaraaL) eaaer city, or, Sept. I. Publio Wallace declined to dlawuea Via Cb.ools of thla city eneaed this mom. father's retirement from the Panama I lnsr with tha i.m.i .ii . i Chief Engineer fiteVens who succeeded I Vk TmfAr...CU7 chools now ms rawer maaa a speech whan ha re- r tii . . , . . . - V . v " -uio tired from the canal work last aprlng. ?ZjZ?n.ft. JZl htv bn 'rai t-w u Uij u. ii I improvements made durinar tha annm to the men working on tho canal ui S1!1".?1 TaaUy to their efficiency. .'Mr. Stevens aald that ail tha onalneer- ! ?? building was I log work had bean dono by my father Br,7"lO" 01 A10'000V. OUm,p and that hia.part In tho canal enatrnct-1 H".1!?,1"'?, ?f.T f11 ,,rniy ,reno- tlon had been to Comolete tha ornnU T9?1 n1 rything dona that will add . - - . . ma I in rna Mmrnrt mil 1 m mnnq Kinw ny my rarnar ., . .. ... i -tJCJt yuiwuww Ul IU TLn" M.a".car " aay anout the I ",7 .,. . . i v u one wa never Clsouss. iJlYr" v w f"L ""f" "l ouper- .kaa ji ... . I lncandant J. A r?htirnhiii v. . for nine month after his return to :? i11 ,an! f.uf1 number of new theatus .and for. three montha we itAer" th wilt incraaoo the efficiency SHAnn knwn a4iat)i k. --t. I 01 the WOT kill I foroa Tauhara nn engage in any field of work again be- nUBh" nd It la expected their work miiu if 111 hullk I Will mark tha moat nrnanamna - f, Mr. Wallace left laat night for San tn h,,.torT ?f the aohoola. The teach- m muu. unu ueigamenia are as loi- ivwi; High School Helen H. Stack, princi pal, English; Professor J. A. Goodwin, science: Christina Thomsan. Latin? M.r. garet Bannard, German; Ines Depew, commercial; Bessie Bowers, history and English: Grace Murray, hlitnr. EngUah; Omar XI. Bittner. mathematlca orooaivn DUlIdlna- Ida. llh nHiul. pal. eighth grade; Grace Davis, seventh rue, lhiuu. ja. iiestier. auth grade; Ua Moulton. fifth grade; Ethel Bowen, fourth grade; Jennie Cunnina. third S.. maurer, aecona grade: owuiviiw urn iTaat. Central bulldlna Helen Uiyimi. eighth grade; Ethel Hlndman, sev enth grade: Cala Healln. alrth , Francisco where . ho expecte to remain several- weeks before , returning to ; r Portland on hla way homo to Chicago. FIRE: DESTROYS DEPOT ; AND CAR OF LUMBER ITroutdale Station turned s j "While Agent is Away j: - From Home. l ' --: I riro started by a spark front t freight angina completely destroyed the f O. R. ft N. depot at Youtdale yester- t day. ' A box ear loaded with lumber was vnHvfw - mmx a - ox mum freight waa partly bunted. Tha upper tory-bf tha depot waa oooupled by tha station rent, D. C Kendall and hla zamuy. tab loaa la placed at f 10.000. v Station Agent Kendall and family were ai uanu vummjr retail vea at the time or tne nre. wnen tha fiamna were discovered tha crew of the freight train and townspeople broke Into the nouse ana carrtea out nearly all of the nousenoid eiiecta, piling them on a bank some distance away. While the men were endeavorinr to save etui mora furniture, aparka from tha burn- Ing building aet fire to the goods that naa oeen carnea away, Durnlng them before the blase could be extinguished. yde, fourth grade; u Graves, fifth grade: Edith a-rade: MaJiala. RavnnM. third grade; Edna Graves, second grade; ; :, For a mild, easy action of tho bowala, . v a aingle dose of Doan'a , Reguleta la ; ! I enough. Treatment cures habitual con- stlpatlon. IS centa a box. druggist for them. Aak your IS i, I AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS Slightly Used PrXRCr CaTS We are authorised agents ef the Oee. H. pierce Cempaay. Buffalo, n. Y.. makers efthe celebrated Pleroe-Arrew Aute mebUea. At the present time we have a Bomber ef slightly used Pleroe Cars fully equipped and In per fect running condition, which we will sen at $mo eaeb regular prices 40 to !. WHUor ietcrtptivt Utt mi me4 lOSS-HUGHES MOTOR CAK CO. PHILADZLPHIA. PA. Beftnenoe : rrantlln Kauonai Bask, Phna. V ft if. Maud Ragon. first a-rada. South Baker buUdlng Jessie Gllflllan, principal, eighth grade; Mary Moser. seventh grade; Ella Thompaon. alxth Bia.u, Ansa unngman, nrtn grade; May Denham, fourth grade; Pearl Reed, third n oowier, aecond grade North Baker building Chryi Thokpson, prlnolpal, alxth grade; N M. Eaton, fifth Tada: l.liifh i fourth grade- Marlon Nichols, third grade; Lola Dale, second grade; Mary w. taurm, oral graaa TLc Beer, of Quality' IS the most nourishing: of all beers because it contains every particle of the healthful, wholesome nutriment of the malt and all the tonic properties of the hops from which it is made. The Pabst Eight-Day Malting Process follows natureby nutritious food. ' The quality of the materials used and the Pabst method of brewing make Pabst Blue Ribbon not only a pure beer, but a healthful, tissue-building, muscle-building, life-giving, "liquid bread," Drink Pabst Blue Ribbon, and you put health and strength into your system. When ordering beer, ask for Pabat Blue Ribbon Made by Pabst at Milwaukee And bottled only at the Brewery. Charlea Kobn & Co., Cor. 3rd ft Pino SU Portland. Phone Main 460. atlne elite I son. H A F a Ik. aerm lire? vmi ui.iwp aw WW watts i II t-j i si r IJis-f DOES IT IN A MOMENT A liquid preparation for Face, Keck, Arms and Hands. It Is neither sticky nor greasy. It's harmless, clean jC and refreshing-. JVlnrrriAlan iltagMUlia Cannot be detected. Two colors, Pink and White. Hagan's Balm WV Mm. t i vw ii morning, noon and night, Summer. Winter, Spring, Pall. SAMPLE FRKK. I v Lyon Hanofacturlng Co., ! B. Fifth St. Brooklyn, N. Y. III MissGussie Lenshaw '.The Celehrated Jjady Baritone big hit woo ' maaa such a In the cast at the PUREFOODSHOW ' 'v sxposztxov am, x: WABRTJraTOV mtmxxt. - j ti !" ;.' Also -.. Hound's Xadles Or ' ,.' eaestra Bpecialty Con ' ? '- '-5 - - -f Hiw yorte . iEXT2ITS. CONTESTS,' itc. ) . The place ' to meet 'every-'V- j . i vuuj. ' ovuieixiinB uums! ail 'j . the tlraa Asa your v" ".; for Grocery Tickets. ask your grocer v ,; 4. wnere oasene Soan la used it ha. comes entirely unnecessary to add waah- mi auninonia or aai aona. tn tha .ta. Oasene does It all In hot or cold water! CAEEIEE PIGEONS TO BE SHOWN AT FAIR (special IHapntea to Tfce 7ormaL) Salem. Or.. Sent . The nlnn anf Est stock department at the state fair as been nractlcallv romnit.H nnH. the management of H. C Schellhoua, superintendent of the nnultrv rtnar7l ment It contains 1(0 caa-ee with a,.. commodatton for 60 pigeons. There is little doubt that all these cages will be filled. Mr. Shellhoua haa ilr.i..j . circular letter to fanciers throughout the state, calling attention to this part of the poultry exhibit E. H, Bauer of Portland has promised to exhibit the two carriers that made the record flv from Oakland tn Pnrti.n wim umer noiea Diras. . momti Beach ell of Woodburn and 3. A. 3ltmnn n Bm wui aiso nave large exhibits. Todav and tomorrow wilt h tha i-t uajm -oi aiscouni on west side gas bills. PEACE DELEGATES GATHER AT MUNICH (United Press Leased wire.) Munich, Bavaria, Sept . Some of the most distinguished cltlsens of Bavaria joined today In welcoming the delegates from all nations gathered here to take pan w vne aeuoerations or the six teenth universal oeaca conarreaa. It Is 10 years since there has been a session oi me congress in Germany, the eighth congress having been held' at Hamburg In 1897. Coming In the same year .as The Hague peace conference, with many distinguished members of that body here as delegates, the present conference is expected to be of the greatest moment to peace workers inrpugnout tno world. The sessions wui continue tnrougn the week. Today and tomorrow will be the last oays oi aiscount on west side gas bills. Garfield Bank in Excellent Condition. (Special Dlapatefe to The Journal.) Garfield, Wash., Sept 9. The Bank or uarneia nas issued a statement which gives some idea of the prosperity vi i iie iarmers in mis aistrict. The statement shows the deposits of the bank to be I11S.S14.69 and that the bank una unaiviaea proms or iiz.zos.15. At this time f the year when the farmers are drawing on their bank accounts to pay harvest expenses and before any wheat haa been sold to reDleniah the cash drawn out the deposits are at the lowest point The First State bank Is owned by A. P. Johnson A Co., and has an excel lent patronage among the Palouse farm- era During the past two years the in stitution has mors than doubled its business. Today and tomorrow will Ha tha laat days of discount on west side gas bllla BIontavUla-Morrow Fair. (Soeclal JMtpatea to Tha Jonraal.l Pendleton. Or..- Sent. . court of Morrow county has appropriat ed IJQ0 for an exhibit at the Umatilla jnorrow countv rair. tn ha tim.A Tn- dietT,!Lih..laat of thi8 month. -AU parts of Untatilla and Morrow counties wUl be represented. (8ptdl Diapateh to Tha oaraaL) : HHain. Or.: flent. w r. . t,iv.. who wm elected principal of the Ela-ln minify. BAhnnl - I . . r v mipw to accept another poal tlon. T, A, RhlneharL who LAST CHANCE THIS YEAR, TO TAKE A TRIP EAST AT BUT LITTLE MORE THAN ONE HALF THE REGULAR RATES Z5e OoR WILL SBUL TICKETS ember II, O and 13 From PORTLAND to CHICAQO and Rtturn 371. SO ST. LOUIS ad Return a$67,SO KANSAS CITYaad Return $60.00 ST. PAUL and Rturn.... $63.15 rSet7i?VS.t.U.Vw i tiwet" mt rate' " topoven at pleasore within limit.. To other points in the East and Middle West and from all points in the Northweat corretpondingly low rates. THE ONLY WAY To get the best there is in traveling is to travel on the line which affords the beat. On a transcontinental W Z equipment, through trains and good service are such important factors, buy your ticket of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation company. Through standard sleeping cars and tourist .rnL?nepldnHyrh-h,S hnC'ihtC regon hort Line Union Pacific .and Chfcago & Northwest vZtA TcSi r"d Chica?0- andt toJtur's.t cars daily over the Short Line and Union Pacific between Portland and Kansas City. Any agent of this company will sell you a ticket, give any desired infor mation and make all necessary arrangements. Our Portland City Ticket Office ia at Third and Wash lngton streets. x WM. McMURRAY, Gen'l Pas. Agent, Portland, Oregon CARTERS IVER RE BtekBaadaeheaad rsllsreaU the troubles toe. aeni 10 acinous SUteof tne araiam. anna aa Discuses, Hansea, Prowalnaas, Zhstraas after aatlaa. Pain In tha fii3. aa. Wbila that mnaa ranaxaaoie suocaaa itas bean shown la earlsg gaadaeha yet Carter's Little Liver mis at eaoauy vamanie in OonaHiiatlim. mrin aad m. Vantlnf this annoyujf oomplalnt, while they also eemet aUdlsorden of theslomaehtlmtilaU tha nraraaa xaguate tae oowaia. tnalt tbey eaiy AelieMieyweaMbeaimostpTaMtothosewBd. snffer from thla dlatnaaiaf complain batforta. aately their goodnn does aotend harand theea waeeaoetry inern wui aaa naos ntua puis wda stale toae many ways that they wui sot be wiV isf teaowitnowioaea, . not aner au rtcs Beat aV as i7 as el IB haa taua-ht three auaa.r.,1 . tZ. . 1 Elgin, has been elected' to succeed llr ADMISSION 25C -v 'Z h 'Th!rioUowte "nit of teachers'' has 1 been selected to te&nh thla t-n. Li frofc T, At; JibloaiukrW vrlacinaj. iantb Is tha bane of so many lives that hare Is Where we make aw greet boast. Owpluseomtt white Cartafs UOU i Liver Pfflasie vary email and "vy eaayte Uka. Oneer tw QU atakaadeaar They are strietly vetetable and 4a not gripe e graaboihy their ganUeaeuoa pleaaeall was turn KisBisi co, m ntt: '' SEPTEMBER 11-12-13 LAST OPPORTUNITY Final dates of sale this season for the special round trip tickets to the east. Secure berth reservations at once. NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Call en e. address AD. CHARITON L,n?;;;.,,- Aa CLP K --.': . . .455 Morrison St. Portland, Or. v TEETH EXTRACTED FREE ; : I When Plates or Bridges Are Ordered v All Work at Half Price for a short time to introduce the "Dectro Painless System" Full Set, that fit. .. ... .$5.00 Gold Crowns, 22-k. . . . . Bridge Teeth, 22-k Gold FUlings Silver Fillings ........ Guaranteed for 10 Years. Open Evenings. THE ELECTRO DENTAL PARLORS 303 Washington St, cor. 5th, Opposite Olds & King's. 3.50 3.50 1.0Q 50 f Porlknd Auclioa Co. Is Again to the Front and Has Been Chosen 'to TO SACRIFICE AT AUCTION" SALE; ffEDNESDAYSEPT; 1JL Al 10 A. H. Sharp ; THE GRAND FURNISHINGS OF RESIDENCE , No.,324 Davis Street, Between om ana seventh Streets. , . $3,150 Worth of En- tirely New ' ' FURMTURE onalitr sou hy ons of 221 i! uMe houses soaroely nil riOBt airaiinM v .TTr 14th sad HCII If! THCiTDE Phon Washington " "'"" Main 1 Toalghi, 8 US, Toss, ana Wed. 2ri-hts, In Shakeapeare'a Delightful Corned, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Nlghta Spe cial Price Matinee Saturday. MARQUAM GRAND Phone Main I. Tonight and all week. Ths oaxxroBirmrs" In Balfe's Grandest Opera, The Bohemian Girl" Prices. 25c. BOo, 75c. Matinees, 16o, 50c. aoun so matflii aa nlftoeat .U1 biu U theiffe:; eaamela. bra., aad araJTitartSto! tresses, all new au iaa. . . ala naiM Ar n.vl.. ' -I KmnVn front SW pafT TK jISJ Oriental and loma.rt7..fclr1' Oartalna aai atla mHiJ7.?T!' diar consists of tha Tory cVloast of ' lows, eomf oris, sheets, spreads, ate. v minor Items neoesaarv ia w4 saoagk fog Make No Mistake These beautiful furnlahlnr. ara t-A on the buying publio, and the Portland Auction company ia In charge, and will BJU. IOU KNOW. THE REST -AUCTIOOAUS Will Ee Held at 211 First Street as Usual on TUESDAY AND THURSDAY AT 10 A. M. AND FRIDAY AT 2 P. M. When we will offer to tha highest bid der aa fine an assortment of hlah ma. aiura ana all tne other grades of furnl- BAKER THEATRE ItMee Main 1 GEO. L. BAKER, Gen. Manager. ture, aa you will find In tha oitv a f specials In Office Furniture anoh .. Roll top desk. Typewriter, Library, Ta blea. etc. Also showcases and other Portland's fashionable. DODUlar.nriced I store fixtures, etc.. rnnnri p.h..i,i playhouse. Tonight, all this - week. I square Extension Tables, Sideboards matinee Saturday. Baker atock com Dan v I and Buffeta in Quartered. rtnMan a I in Blanch Walsh's famous success, (Mission Oak, Mahogany finish Parlor TBEB WOKAJT W TsLH OABB," set. Ladles1 Desks, Musio Cabinets. By LlVde f itch Dron Head Hawtnr Machlna MallaaKl Ev'g prices, 26c, SSc. 60c. Mat. lBc. fEo. Steel and Gaa Ranges, and 'a thousand Next week, "Tha Lore Bonta." other ltema Our aalearooma are filial and we must sell. a atr tTAwt ) . EMPIRE. THEATRE '7 11 1 WH PAT VORIB For furniture and other merchandise than any other house In the city. DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER Main (66. A-411L PORTLAND AUCTION CO., til FIRST. N. B. MR. FORD haa returned from his vacation and will do tho auctioneer ing. Main 117. Geo. L. Baker, Gen. Mgr. Home of eastern road attractions. Matinees Sun., Wed., Sat. . Tonight, all weea, Le winara jo. in "A TEXAS MAJrOEm.1 Thrilling play of great western plains. Birona comoanr. ueautirui acenerr. Night. 10c. 20c. SOc. Matinee 10c. 20c. Next attraction, 'The Little Prospector" The Grand Tff Weak of September t, 1907. An All-Feature Bill, headed by avaxai asu wuiitaso, "The Phrenologist" fffftft By special request. Al Jolson held for I I another week. Three shows dally at at . n v . ja a. m a . a- I "BWaWaWaVBWaWawaWawawawawaWaWaWi The STAR'o " Haw, A. 14B weea 01 swpfemoer 8, 19Q7. Tha R. E. French Stock Co. Pre "TXB OXTT XST WBW TOaUC' Regular matinee days. Sundays. Tues- days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1:30. Prices, 10c and 20c. Every evening at 8:16. Prices, 10c. lOo and 80c. Re served seais ojmotn pnonea. , - TRANSPORT AJTOIf. I . Ul4ial4wiljsl . .1 Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES 8Z7TXMXXB 11, 18, IS. Chicago and return. ' 7L6. fit. Louis and return. fl7.l(L Bt Paul, Mlnnespolls, Duluth, Supe rior. Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re turn, (0. 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 For tickets, sleeping oar reservations and additional Information, call on or address H. DICKSON, C. P. T. A. us rams st, postjcajtb, om. Telephones: Main (10. Horns A-IIK. COOS BAY Weakly Freight and Pasting ex Service of the Tine Steamship Breakwater Leaves PORTXiAsTO every Monday, gtOO . p. bu irom wax-seei soex, ror EMPIRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIDLD Sept 5, 6, 7. 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. FreJht Becelve on n - .j .. I 01 oauing. uoroo wauea at p. m. IJaily. Game Called at 2:30 p. m. Sundays. Ladies9 Day Friday AUMISSION 25c Grandstand 25c , Children 10c LYRIC THEATRE. Both Phones 1 atala 485, stoma, Aloae. mmmencmf Monoay, HeoC 9. THE NEW LYRIC 8TOCK CO IN roBTT-arxwx." MaltlnAa Tllahgulsl V TkMaJaH flaa... day and Sunday. Prices 10c and 20e. -Kvery evenlnr at 8:lfi. PHno iaa n jand 80c. Boxes SOc. Office onn (t v a v p. m. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth. PORTLAND VS. OAKLAND MILITARY ACADEMY 1 AJUD Trom Portlaad. f 10.00; ad-olass, 17.00, Including berth and meals. Inquire City Ticket Office. Third and Washington sts., or Oak-stree Dock. Ho! For Astoria ftOSI It PORTLAND ORE. A Boarding and Day School for Toung Men and Boys. Preparation for eol. leges, U. S. Military and Naval Academies. Ac credited to Stanford, joerxeiey, Cornell, Am herst and all State lint ersities and Agricultural Colleges. -Manual train ing. Business coursa Tha principal has had it years' experience In Port land, comfortable qtiar- xers. . ijest enyironmenta Make reservations now. For ' Illustrated catalog and other .literature ad drass , . X W. BILL, U.D.J rlncijal and rroprietor. FastSteamerTelegraph Daily (except Thursdays). Leaves Alder street dook 7 a. m. Sundays Us, $1 round trip. XOsTS BCAZaf a. WOMAN A - acss. s. SPECIALTY grade; r Miss Marjoris ' Pitman, irtnth craosi. N. . fiiAa, mtoU:M vlgbtb, Miss, cCeaaeV fXM"! Mason, shrth grade; j Miss ' Mlna Oleaa. . third Siaui 1W CUra Wilkinson, first rrada Z graae; K miss . harmlesa grade: . Miss i treatment. ' corsar 'Aiurq, Tha only , Chinese woman eta--4-4Jls- eity. fihe has cured - many . arflloted lufferers. Cured r private and female . diseasea . alaa throat and lung troubles; stomach bladder and kidney and diseasea of all kinds that tha human flesh is heir to. Cured by Chinese herbs and roota Remedies No operations. Honest Examination free, ) clay WORTX PA01TIO STBAKKKXV 00.1 STSAXSmZPS Roanoke and Geo. W.Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at I p. m. Ticket office 1SJ Third , near Alder. Columbia River Scenery BXOXTLATOB, UJTB STUABQESS. . Daily serrtee betwcea rortlaad ' aad The paUea. eacapt -gaadaa, leaalag Portias at I a. si, arrirlag aboat I s, eanytag fralcbt ad Maaenrara Rpleadld aeeoaiao4- uona ror eauiis aoa ltraataea. 4k. Dafh root at AULmm , hiMluil. ka jLMmn turn ueusa. rooM Mala SI4. iaW TOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. . Sanderson's . Compound Savin and Cotton - Root Pllla" : Ths best and only reliable remedy for DELATED PER IODS. ' Cunt tha.mna Mhatln- xa cases in 1 "to J.0 daya Pries II per box, maUed In plain wrapper, Sold by drufca-iata everywhere. Address T. J, PIERCS,. Ill First at, rtlaad. Or. . iff ..::.-U -...