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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1907)
- v .THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, .PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING,.: SEPTEMBER 2, . 1807. It THE LDEN EAGLE I THE GOLDEN EAGLE HII&tAND YAMHILL I TOE GOLDEN EAGLE: I tHE COU)EN E AG T r rnri Tnr nrnmr awn rnn " . ms iaci curtains $u$ $1.25 bed spread ' $uo table covers $sc ftlli lUJu rljUlLL AWll rUK Nottingham Lace CmW, plain QQC EngHsh Tapttf Tabl Com. L va uu ll&r A wm center with floral border, 3 yds. ; fa floral deaigna, aatia finiao. , , long,. 60 Inches wide; regular Full size Bed Spread, Marseilles fringed x all-around, :ls;tes, W j L - . - value $2.25 .-special djt PQ pattern, 72x90; regular 'AO regular ,value (1 JO; ), QO J ' J " . alue $1.25; special ea.....30C special, each ..;..;..,r.JOC JJrmtmmm witesi wte, taps. ,pi m is&rill, ,irwffe". r-"-' 15c Pillow Cases, size 45x36 Special He 10c Heavy Hock Towels, size 18x32, In plain white and hemmed-Special 6c En THIS STORE'S INDEPENDENCE IS YOUR PROTECTION The "Golden Eagle" stands between the people -and- high -prks. No-nd to- pay- the- hundred per cent profits asked by the "big stores" 'round town while this great and DEPENDABLE bar gain house is here to fisrht the people's battles and defy the trusts and monopolistic department store rings. We quote HONEST PRICES at all times on all lines. How da the trust stores treat you? How have they treated you in the past? In their eagerness to get all for themselves they lose sight of and forget the Golden Rule and mark their goods at exorbitant and unreasonable prices. They would get ALL of your ahopping money if they could, ana give you in return about half what should be yours. Thank the Golden Eagle Store for inaugurating a campaign for fab prices for COMPETITION and for FAIR WAGES FOR STORE HELPERS. Did you ever see a better page of real bargains than this? There are thousands more equal or better that await tomorrow's buyers at the store. Note the marvelous special values with which we start September's business. SILVERWARE SAVINGS Interesting news for those who have need for splendid ware of standard make. News to make the trust dealers quake. Read: Wallace Bros. Tea Spoons, fancy patterns; A worth 40c dozen; special, set of 6 1UC Wallace Bros. Table Spoons, shell pattern, beaded edge handles; worth 75c dozen; 1 f special, set of 6 IOC TIN TEA SPOONS. 2 FOR lc A lot of Tin Tea Spoons, fancy embossed handle; just the thing for picnics, camping or 1 home use; special, 2 for 1C Dollar Set Knives and Forks 79g A line of the celebrated Landers, Frary & Clark Knives and Forks, best quality tempered steel, highly polished, varnished cocobolo handles, handles riveted and well bolstered; 70 worth $1.00; special, set of 6 I HC 25c Beauty Pins 10c Good quality Beauty Pins, in bar and fancy scroll effects; regular value 25c; special, set , 10c 6 Pure Linen Handk'fs $1 A line of Women's pure linen, hem stitched Handkerchiefs, with M, and $4-inch hems; regular value 25c sns? $1.00 Women's 10c Handkfs 5c A line of extra fine gauze, linen fin ish cambric Handkerchiefs, with and J-inch hems; regular C value 10c; special, each Women's $1 Lisle Gloves 16-button length Lisle Gloves, mous quetaire finish, in gray, tan and white, all sizes; regular value $1.00; JQr special, pair v. J iiioPpst Card Albums 75c Leather covered Post Card Albums, PCBI tjuoiiiy papct , tuuci si Pit? tl nA 11 Sft? arterial. mcVi JL Anti-Trust Prices in the Crockery Shops Special for Tuesday 16o BXJTVEB nATXS 70S 54 Dark bins Dinner Plates, best grade Enrllsh semi-porcelain, festooned edges, fanoy, artistic tNlfiiii regular vain 16o ; pooUl. on $3.60 DECOBATSD TOIIJBT BUT 1.98. -pUo Tollot Sot, oomirtlnf of larff DUW1 IfcUU UAIfUUVS, WTWAWU UWU1U.1 UW water pitohor, oovarad oap dUta, tooth bruih holdav and amall mup; pink, bin, mn and rrav. In dalntv floral deglmi rornlar vafuo $3.60; I QO poolal, sot 1 ,3ro Women's Silk Belts 29c A line of pure Silk Belts, assorted styles and sizes, in tailor made, plaited and girdle effects; values at 50c to yjet special, f WE HIT THE HOUSEFURNISH ING TRUST HARD WITH THESE SPECIAL CUT PRICES ON Curtains and Draperies 18c Curtain Swiss, 38 191 An inches wide; special 1A2C 20c Art Denim, 1 yard wide, floral patterns, in red, blue and 1Ag green; special 14C 18c Cretona, 1 yard wide, mill ends, handsome patterns; f special 7C 75c Brush and Comb Sets Combination Brush and Comb Sets, sterling silver trimmed, good quality bristi -broth regular value- AQr 75r? anrial aet "OL Trimming Braids 12Kc Pure silk fancy Trimming Braids, in ail mo laieat zau coloring, oiacx, white, navy, green, brown and Per sian effects; values at 20cfOAf and 25c; special, yard laC'Zl Women's 25c Veils 1 2 V2C A line of Net Veils, washable, V yard lengths, in cream and white; regular value 25c; 1?lAr special, each I WaL Paraffine 8c Cake Pure Refined Paraffine, large size cakes Spe- Qr C?Att cial Tuesday 01 JlWC New Fall Millinery At Prices to Make the Millinery Ring Weep Usually elegant Millinery means high prices. For vears the local milliners have held their new sea son's creations at fabulous and almost prohibitive prices. Not so here. We're readv to show Golden Eagle matrons some most charming creations for fait wear master ideas of millinery genii. All the new shades of autumn, brown, pretty greens and bright tones of red. Very newest shapes, authoritative models from Parisian sources and New York models. All the new ideas in trimmings, embroiderings being used largely for autumn hats; plumes and vel vets also, with pretty novelties in ornaments of gold and cut steel. Shapes both large and small. Drooping effects are popular. We ve a large initial display of charming millinery for fall ready for Tuesday buyers. Values that other stores would quote as "$5.00 to $15.00." Our Price $3.00 (o $10.00 OH bt A Wonderful Sep tember Shoe Sale Here's a sale of Footwear for the masses. Well known standard makes from the world's best shoe makers. Stylish, smart and splendid wearers. Shoes for men, women and children, all mercilessly reduced for immediate clean-up preparatory to extensive alterations in the shoe department. Get the children's School Shoes now while prices are down. The price is the point in Tuesday's sale. Read: WOME1TS $5.00 SHOES, gl.98 A Uno of Woman's Snoaa, In patant laatnar, daml-g-laia, patent kid, valour call and tioI kid, hand mada. llo-nt . Urtt or $1.98 heavT aolaas values at S3 .50 to $5.00; special, pair WOKES'I $3.00 SHOES, 81.35. A biff lot of Women's Shooa In all leather; jnat the thine; for hop plokerej regular nisi aj.uuj special, pair p plokers; $1.35 HEWS $3.00 SHOES, 81.35- About 380 pairs Ken's Shoes, In viol kid, box oalf and patent leather ) lace or Bluoher out: regular value II l( $3.00; special, pair CKX&BBEH'S $1-35 SHOES, 694. A Una of Children's fine viol kid Shoes, lace and button, hand turned soles; regular value $1.35) AOs special, pair OaFC YOUR SHOPPING DONE FREE GOLDEN EAGLE ADOPTS UNIQUE PLAN FOR BENEFIT OF OUT-OF-TOWN patrons. t; "Wenave organized" an experF corps of 'exper ienced shoppers who are under the direction and supervision of the store's advertising department, and have placed it at the FREE disposal of Q who cannot come to. the store and are obliged to. order by phone or through the mail. By this means out-of-town folks will be enabled to share in all special sales, the same as our thousands of home patrons. Whatever you need, be it either among the staple goods and standard-priced things, or in the lots specially priced on the bar- fain tables, write or phone to the GOLDEN. IAGLE MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT, and your shopping will be done absolutely FREE by store shoppers trained to the work. New FALL DRESS GOODS ONE-THIRD PRICE ? 75c DRESS GOODS FOR 25c ' 5,000 yards Wool Dress Goods (remnants), black and colors; values at 50c, 60c and 75c; 9C special, yard &OC 75c CREPE DE CHINE, 25c P A lot of Crepe de Chine, 25 inches wide, and Pongee Silks, not remnants; worth 75c; OC special, yard .mvC TRUSTBUSTING PRICES ON BEDDING .900 PILLOWS Prices to pleas prudent housewives. Special Toaesaar $1.39 COHTOimi, 984. dark colored Comforters, eztaa Just the thins: for oamners and hoo plokarat regular value $1.39; special , , S3.00 COBOTOXTEHS. B1.A0. SOkoUne ooTered Comforters, dean cotton ! gtn fUlad; regular value $3.00; special $3.60 COHTOHTEXS, 82. AS. Extra larva Sllkollna covered Comforters l s? tsn tegular value $3.60; special I1JS COTTOH BIAaXXTB. 8. Extra sla gray cotton Blankets! regular QO value fi; speouu SIM rBATHEH FTU.OWS. TOrf. - - S-Dound SUlows. filled with turkev feathan. aoww ered with extra heavy fanov tlokuat ftn-. regular value $140; special ......;.' UnAWVA-l 8FV, ,4(W r WOMEN'S SUITS Which Have No Equal for the Money $40 Youll be surprised to see the style and excellence that has been crowded into these Walking Suits tor autumn atreet wear at the extremely low price of $20. They are made from splendid quality of broadcloth and serges, in long fitted coats, cutaway ana scnu-mimg aiyiea, amariiy inmmra wnn ritn, nanasome vei vets and buttons. Skirts are in plaited effects, very trig anat.ftA trim. Suits that most stores hold at $28.50 to $50.00. Hereby! I TO a good showing of advance styles for fall at prices efl uj from AMAZING BARGAINS THESE Smart New Walking Skirts, Best $10 Values $4.85 Handsome wool materials, tailored in expert workmanship, very stylish, in trim walking lengths that sweep the instep. Very pretty mixtures and plain, rich colorings in popular autumn shades. Full plaited styles. A big value that should attract throngs of buyers on Tuesday to the garment salons. With fall shopping aays aneaa, ana tne rainy season near at nana, every woman should have several of these indispensable garments in her ward robe. ('There's exceptional chance to save tomorrow more than halfon the price. For we offer best $10.00 values, special at. ... $4.85 Extraordinary Sale of Men's Sails at $9.50 There's a charm about first choice of the new season'a suits. Smarter styles were never known. Full, broad, shapely shoulders, long and perfect hanging coats, with trousers that have the perfect lines so admired by good dressers. Scotch tweeds and neat mixtures in the new and popular overshot plaids, and attractive gray worsted woolens in dressy effects. Single or double-breasted styles. Superb tailoring distinguishes our clothing. Suits are serviceable, and the finest made-to-order garments in the land cannot excel them in point of style or make. Suits you'd be asked to pay $15 for in the citys exclusive clothing stores await the buyer here this week at. A VERY SPECIAL GOLDEN EAGLE SALE PRICE. $9.50 A SENSATIONAL SALE OF MEN'S SAMPLE UNDERWEAR $2,000 WORTH OF FACTORY AND "DRUMMERS' SAMPLES. AT HALF PRICE 50c to $2.50 i J Our New York buyer, ever on the alert for unusual bargains for "Golden . Eagle" patrons, has struck a rich find at the underwear mill of a famous maker in "York State." He has secured and shipped to us the entire fac tory and road line of samples of fall and winter Underwear; for men, paying just half price for the lot On Tuesday we hand our good luck over to our men patrons to share. In the immense convention of undergarments is. numbered, Undershirts and Drawers in separate pieces, and "Union" or combination suits in cotton, fleeced garment; both wool and cotton fleece, cotton and wool or ."merino" garments, silk and wool, etc, in "flat," ribbed and plain weaves. Black, white, blues and tan, assorted weights and styles. Here's an exceptional chance to save in buying the fall and winter - II A 1 1? nnifl? underwear, for tomorrow we shall offer choice of the lot at just ........ UiiJJ; a IULIj THE GOLDEN EAGLE THE GOLDEN EAGLE THIRD AND YAMHILL THE GOLDEN EAGLE THE GOLDEN EAGLE PIONEER OPERATOR WILL GO ON VISIT V James s. TJrquttart. the oldest tele- nnh nmntnr In the aurvlnn whn caroa to Ban Franotaco la 1JS9 .via the -.Isthmus of Panama, will leave , tomor row Biffht, tor California to visit his plsters, granddaughter and mat-grand, daughter at Sao Luis Obispo. . From Nevada,,-to look alter his Interests yret Oh arrlvfnir 't flan fcVnnrlnen tn ; 1 RKO Mr. Urquhart went to Marysville, Cali fornia, as manager at that town for the California State Telegraph company. There was only one wire out of San Francisco in those days, reaching 'four other towns, Ban Joee, Stockton, Sacra mento and Marysville. All the operators who worked on the line with Mr. Urqu hart have passed away, leaving hint be !?,n.dJ H ! with thaoya and "will stand pat," - v ---' "Jim." u Ur Tlmnhi.t.l. nntitv known .from1" Alaska to the equator, worked at Colon, then called Aspinwall, in 1869 before coming to Ban Francisco. He was, for several years manager of the Western Union offices at San Fran cisco after that company purchased the lines f the eld California State Tele graph company In 1S65. Afterward he was superintendent of the fire alarm and police telegraph system of San Francisco and added many Improve ments to the system. For 24 years Mr. Urquhart has made Portland his home, and has great faith In the Rose City. He says he expects to live to see a population of more than 600,000 in Portland, and will lose no op portunities to spread the fame of the city among the millionaires of Nevada. He will return to Portland within a few weeks and intends then to write a his tory of his experiences since he first learned the telegraph business. 1 4 years SEVERAL II RETURN TO PULPITS Many ministers resumed their duties In Portland pulpits yesterday . and launched upon a strenuous winter's work. Several have spent quiet vaca tions tn the mountains and others, like Dr. Brourher of the First Bantist church, spent vacation atreauous or more so than their duties at home. James "Whitcomb Brougher delivered 17 sermons during his rest of IS days in Los Angeles. Rev. Jerome R. McOlade returned to his pulpit yesterday from a short stay in Victoria. Rev. J. J. Staub preached his first sermon alrica hla vacation yes terday at the'Sunnyside Congregational church. Rev. 8. C Laphani of the Sec ond Baptist church Is expected to return during the weeki The Westminster Presbyterian church was reopened yesterday after being closed for six months. Improvements have been made during the summer that cost 11.600. The walls were tinted and a gallery was built In the auditorium that will Increase materially the seating capacity of the church. Rev. Heat Marcotte occupied the pulpit yesterday. Rev. B. Nelson Allen returned to his congregation at tho Hawthorne Presby terian church last week and preached both morning and evening yesterday. Rev. D, A, Thompson of the Sellwood Presbyterian church Is expected this week. Rev. D. A. Wattera of the Uni versity Park Methodist church has re turned and was in the pulpit yesterday. BUNKH0USE QUAERE!- ,: F. Pennelli, Greek, was arrested Saturday niarht it Bannnu h rnt Sheriff AroUa Zeonard. r charged with attempting to kill Pete Palgea fcy stab, bins hint through the left lung with knife. Dalgen is at St. Vincent's ho pitai. and PannaUl Is la the county jail. FanneUI admits itsbbinf- Dalgen, - tru t say he struck In self-defenes during quarrel. -J" " Tha two Greeks J)d been working m ths railroad near BonnevUlj and f r soma time there had been bd bl.x.d t .. tween them. Dalgen say that on Jo day night he attempted to .wnve 1, . , ttiesam-bitfikho't - wnere. .,-4'eo' ; wan quartered and the letter ur knife aad stabbed Mm, iJii!n r.j cover, ..- ' . rreferrei r' C Alien 4 X .4' 1 -it .