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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1907)
THE OREGON DAlLY JOURNAL, , PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, . SEPTEMR ,2. '.1907.''- 12 PopularWants Sari Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market SL, bet 3d & 4th ABTrfcTisriraKTS ? bub- CXXO BECBTTBD. Oregonttns when In San Francisco M bare their mall sent In care ot The Journal offlce, ARTHUR L. riSH. Representatlre. v.. NEW TODAY Katherine ORIOI SVIIMXWOS sinnATS. 10 Minute Car Service SU Xlles to r. o. "Every person who In vests In well-selected real estate in a growing section of a proeperoua communi ty, adopts the surest and safest method of becoming Independent, for real es tate Is the basis of all wealth. "PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT." ,1 Why will lots purchased now in MTBERIN1 be a better investment than in any other part-of the city? Because they are lower in , price considering improve ments than in any other sec T tion." , :77 The section northeast of Mount ,Tabor has only re cently secured Bull Run wa ter and prices are yet very low. .When the vivifying effects of the water will be mani fest in the abundance of fruit and flowers and when the Mount Hood road goes through next spring, the ; Oregonian who is from Mis souri will say, "That's just my luck. Here these new comers have caught me nap ping and made this profit." A prophet has no honor in his own country and some Portlanders in their apathy don't know that the city is expanding rapidly and prop erty increasing in value ev ery day. . The great influx of new comers must be housed. It is practically impossible to day to rent or buy a small house reasonable. Grasp this one . Grand Opportunity and call at our office and in- yestigate NOW. The Curfiss Co. ;." 309 Abington Bidg. Open till 9 p. m. Phones Main 699; A-2699. "The wise young man, or wage-earner, of today In vests his money In real es tatesuburban real estate. "ANDREW CARNEGIE." SB Katherine omci opzir xrrxHzjras AZTD XTITBATB. Addition Graded Streets Bull Boa Water. BURNSIDE STREET . For a Few Days Only . ? fV ; Price $9,000; Terms. lOexlOO on the N. W. cor. of 11th and - E. Burnslde. Price $9,000. Mall &' Von Borstel 104 Second and 382 E. Burnside ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Taul VanTrldagh L (trustee) et - V tl C. B. Woodworth, lot 13, Clock Ij, JTohft 'Irvlng's First addition,. .W. D-."... 9 4,000 Martha M. Taylor to Elle Tunky lots 8 and 4. block 142, Caruth ' era addition to Caru there addi- CHlon. VV. JD., 4460 PopularWants KEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Title Guarantee & Trust' company to diaries A. J turner, jot jz, block 6, North Irvington, deed. A. P. Smith to William H. Saw . telL lot 7, block 19, Sunnyslde, W. D Henry and Margoretha Staub to Elizabeth K. Harris, lot 2, block ISO 2,800 HI, Sunnyslde, w. D Egbert F. and Almeda Ferris to Ellen A. Tyler, west 40 feet of south 10 feet of lot 3, and west 40 feet of lot 4, block 20, King's Second addition, W. D Annie and William MacMaster to 3,400 10 Ellen c. McCord, lots 8 and 4, and north half of lot 5, block 1, Ardmore, 8. W. 11 20,500 Webster Thrlp to Frank R. Hertiler, lot 8, block 32, West Portland, W. D E. Werleln, treasurer city of -r "Portland, to Victor Land com pany, block 10, lot 4, Multno mah, unpaid assessment deed.. J. E. Werlein, treasurer city of Portland, to Victor Land com pany lot 12. block 17. Highland, unpaid assessment deed Louise E. Hamilton to Frank J. Nomura, lot 4, block 49, Sunny slde. contract George T. and Caroline Smith to W. R Hampton, lots 22 and 23. block 6, Mansfield, W. D J. B. and 8. E. Meek to S. I. 25 SO 3 2.250 50 W. D. Ben Selling (trustee) et al, to W. Otterstrom. lots 3 and 4, block 10, Kern Park. W. D University Land company to Mrs. James O'Connell. lots 14. 15. block 138, University Park, W. D The Land Company of Oregon to Georgia May Roscnsteln, lot 13, block 12, City View Park, w. n 400 300 210 375 M. A. and W. A. Shaw to Crown- Columbia Puln Paper com pany, southeast quarter of sec tion 21, township 1 north, range east. W. D 10 Margaret J. and H. F. Woodcock to Emma s. Ruedy. lots , s. titrwb Mtsrhlsnil W Tt 1,200 George H. and Emma R. Stovall to Ben f. Bmitn, lot z, diock o, Vernon, W. D. 400 Amanda L. and J. O. Williams to Fred Ryser. lot 11, block N, Seiiwood. w. n 350 FOR ABSTRACTS, TITLE INSITR- ance or mortgage loans, call on Pacific Title ft Trust Co.. 204-5-8-7 Falling bidg. GET YOUR INSURANCE AND AB- stracts to real estate from the Title Guarantee & Trust Co., 240 Washington at-, 14. - - WEATHER REPORT The pressure has risen decidedly over eastern Oregon and southern Idaho, and the crest of tRe high area overlying the northern California coast last evening was central this morning- about Boise. Idaho, and clear skies prevailed In con sequence over southern and eastern Oregon and southern Idaho. Cloudiness was, however, prevalent over north western Oregon. Washington and north ern Idaho. Light to moderate rains fell over these regions during last night, with thunder storms reported from Lewiston and Spokane. The weather was clear over northern California and Nevada Temperatures this morning were lower from California northeast ward to Sookane. especially in southern Oregon. Indications point to fair weather over this district tonight and tomorrow ex cept in western Washington, where cloudiness wits possibly showers Is ex pected. FORECASTS. Portland and vlcinitv Fair tonieht and tomorrow; easterly winds. western ureeon Fair tonieht. warm er south portion; tomorrow fair, east erly winas. Western Washington Cloudy, with possibly showers tonight and tomorrow; southerly winds. Eastern Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho Probably fair tonight and tomorrow. Wedding Cards. W. Q. Bmith A Co., Washington bidg., corner 4th and Wash ington sts. Wedding cards the beat,-100 for $5. Alvln S. Hawk. 144 2d st. Tonseth & Co., florist, for flowers of ail kinds. 123 6th st. Clarke Bros., Florists Fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st. Full dress suits for Unique Tailoring Co.. 3 rent, all slzea 1)9 Stark st UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M ENTEE & GILBAUGH, undertakers and embalmers; modern in every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 430. Lady assistant. ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. AND embalming. 409 Alder st Main 6138. Lady assistant. MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST, l6o 6TH" st, opposite Meier & Frank' a Main 7216. J. P. FINLEY & SONS, 3D AND MADI son sts. Office of county coroner. Phone Main A. S HEMSTOCK, FUNERAL BT-" rector. East 13th and Umatilla. Phone Seiiwood 71. Lady assistant ZELLER-BYRNES CO., FUNERAL LT rectors, embalmers, 273 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN. UNDERTAKER. 220 8d st CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, $10; family lots. 10x16, for $100, and upwards, according to size; the .only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For Information, apply to W. R. Mackenzie, Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, president. ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES$T0; family lots, $26 to $76. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st. and Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. For full information apply to rpnK Hrnlegel. 602 Commercial blk. Phone Main 2S23. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND BOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Flledner bidg. Main 2891. L C. HENRICHSEN CO., JEWELERS. and opticians. 284 Washington st NEW FICTION LIBRARY, 131 10TH st: books loaned at 3 cents the day. COMMERCIAL AND SOCIETY PRINT ing East Side Printing Co., 94 Union nve. East 499, B-1X88. MEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. Ill, A. F. & A. M. Stated communication this (Monday) evening at 8 o'clock, Burkhard bidg. Work In M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. C. E MILLER. Secretary. M. W. A EVERGREEN CAMP. ,468 meets Wednesday evening. Allsky bidg., 3d and Morrison sts. M W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. 6,975. Mondays, 17th and Marshall. Visitors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE "HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Meti- ger. proprietor. JOST SEPTEMBER 1, BETWEEN Portland and the Oaks, a pair of spectacles tn case; return to 135 Front st. and receive reward. LOST GOLD FILLED WATCH; Ini tials "M. P." on caste; finder leave 907 E. 6th st. N. ; rewaro. Fred Frederick sen. "STRAYED ON THE 25TH OF AUGUST one Jersey cow and two Durham year L'J1?..n?"ers' Kod reward on return to 75W.JHumbolt st LOSTYELLOW AND WHITE SCOTCH. totlie dog, 10 months old. yellow pre-1 dominating; white face, breast and right fore leg; reward for return or definite information. Phone 412; no Question aakfcd. . , PopularWants NOTICES. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE county jlerlt or Multnomah county ror furnishing' appliances for burning oil as fuel In the ferryboats Lionel K. Webster and W. 8. Mason un tn Wednesday. Sep tember 18, at 12 o'clock noon, when bids Will be ooened. Plans and sDeclflcatlons can be seen at the office of the under signed. The county reserves the right to re ject any anrf all hlrin. F. S. FIELDS, - County Clerk. SEALED Blfl WILL BE RECEIVED by the county clerk of Multnomah county up to 12 o'clock noon. September 18, 1907. for tha erection of a two-story frame detention home at Center addition for the boys and girls of the Juvenile court. Bids will be received either separately for ach branch of work or complete for the entire building. Plans can be viewed at tne ornce ot me county clerk at the courthouse. The county reserves the right to reject any and all bids. F. S. FIELDS, countv t.ierK. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District or Oregon In the matter of the estate of J. Rosencrantx. bankrupt. The undersigned will receive sealed bids for the following property belong ing to this estate, to wit: One stock of general merchandise of the Inventory valuation of 33,118.41, to getlwMW with.,,, flxuirea .jMnouoUnc.tQ $818.66. up to Tuesday, September 8, 1907. at 12 o'clock noon. I A certified check or cash deposit of 10 per cent oi me nmuuni uuerea must acoompany each bid. Sale subject to confirmation by the court. Inventory may be seen on applica tion and property may be examined at 983 Belmont street. I R. L. SABIN, Trustee. No. 7 First st., Portland, Or. Dated August 28, 1907. HELP WANTED MALE $1.50 per cord, timber yel low fir, apply R. 306 Stearns tUg.f Portland, Oregon, Waited Experience; helper in taffy and cara mel department; also 18-year-old boys to learn candy trade. Aldon Candy Co., 10th and Gllsan sts. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE $100 to $160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion far from old orchards: cash ad vanced weekly; choics of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Top penlsh, Wash ngton. Union Hotel 81 N. SIXTH ST., PORTLAND, OR. Free employmont to all ; boarders' rates 1150 per week; room, 26c and up; spe cial monthly rates given. Anderson, proprietor. MEN AND BOYS WANTED. TO learn plumbing, plastering, bricklay ing. Day and night classes. Free cat. Positions secured. No book learning. Coyne Trade School, 230-240 8th at, San FratK-isco and New York. Waited Experienced hard candy worker; steady work, good wages. Aldon Candy Co., 10th and Gllsan sts. WANTED BOYS FOR GOOD Posi tions in departments. Pac, Coast Bis cuit Co., 12th and Davis. WANTED BOY OVER 18 age to learn some trade. YEARS 271 1st. OF WANTED A SECOND breal. 651 2d St. BAKER ON WANTED EXPERIENCED FUR FIN lsher and liner; best of wages paid; steady work: also 2 young ladies who want to learn the fur business; good wages to start with. A. Reiner, 663 Washington st. BOY WANTED. $6 PER WEEK TO begin. 65 N. Front, cor. Davis. 20 BOYS, 16 TO 18 YEARS OF AGE. Applv at once to OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. WANTED NO. 1 SALESMEN AND solicitors for best proposition ever made to both agent and public. Call after 7 p. m., New Occidental hotel, Room 212. P. Kramer. WANTED 16-YEAR-OLD BOY FOR errands and to make himself gener ally useful. Turner's Dye Works, 605 Jefferson. WANTED MEN OF EXPERIENCE TO work in country; good salary guaran teed; one man to each county. Call at 2ii5 Washington st. room 12. BOY, 14 OR 16 AR8 OLD WANTED to learn mattress trade. 240 Russell st WANTED ALL KINDS OF LOGGERS, hook tenders, rigging and rollway men. Apply at camp. Eufauna, Wash. IMMEDIATELY PRUNE PICKERS and traylng men; 4 weeks' work, cheap fare. Young Men's Christian Associa tion YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN WHOLE sale house; one with wheel preferred. 102 N. 5th st. D. M. Averlll & Co. WE SECURE POSITIONS FOR OUR members; special membership $2. Y. M. C. A. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED AX handle man, one that thoroughly un derstands the business and can make patterns, etc.; also a No. 1 finisher of handles; also man for bolter. Charles Hoff, manager, Dallas, Or. MEM WANTED AT KERN'S BRICK yard; brick wheelers and common la borers. E. 34th and Tillamook sts. EXPERIENCED FRAME MAKER AND bench hand. Portland Sash & Door Co., E. Taylor and Union ave. WANTED MAN AND WIFE TO" work in bathhouse; must understand massage. Address W-605, Journal. WANTED ALL-AROUND DENTIST to take charge of high-class dental office. Apply Chicago Dentists. 6th and Washington sts, A YOUNG MAN TO PREPARE IMME diatoly for railway mail clerk; start ing salary $70; rapid promotions If apt; several letter-carriers to qualify. Pa cific States R., 513 McKav bidg. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST In fur business, prefer one with some experience or wtlllng to learn, goml wages; steady work. A Reiner, 663 Washington, EXPERIENCED LADIES' TAILOR, 429 Washington. J. K. Stern, ladies' tailor. WANTED HEAD Side Laundry Co. B-1635. MARKER. EAST Phone East 80S; WANTED BOY, 16 YEARS OLD. TO make himself useful; steady position. Lion Clothing Co., Ififi 3d t. WANTED GOOD, RELIABLE MAN to act as janitor in wholesale house; references required. Apply in writing. D-bOl, journal. WANTED 2 GOOD MllN.TO WORK IN prune drier; must have their own tent; will give table board. Call 411 Buchanan blk. I WOULD LIKE TO MEET, A MAN that understands pottery; have references; money in It for you. Ad dress B-601, Journal. Stave Bolt Cutters Wanted PopularWants HELP WANTED FEMALE Waited Experienced ' chocolate dipper and girls to learn to dip; steady work; good wages. Aldon Candy, Co., 10th and Gllsan sts. WANTED 1 B CHOCOLATE AND BON bon dippers; also packers. Apply candy department, Pao. Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis. MATURE WOMAN AS ASSISTANT TO take management Sept. 1. Apply at once. Address a-413, Journal. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO learn telephone operating; good salary short hours, pay while learning, luncheon served free of charge and lounging and rest rooms In connection. Apply chief operator. Telephone building. West Park and Alder sts. COMPETENT housework. 2717. GIRL FOR GENERAL 133 N. 24th. Phone Main WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Phone East 1593. 181 E. 16th. factory No. 2, Grand ave, and East Taylor st. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE Flf2 Well shirts and Boss of All overalls at 75 1st st. WANTED TEACHERS: GRADES, $60; rural $50 to $76. The Flsk Teachers' Agency, 1200 Williams ave., Woodla wn 1118. 2 EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESSES; A girl to do housework and learn sew ing. Apartment 2, Sheffield, 7th and Jefferson. G1KL8 WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor St. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 H Washington st, corner Seventh, up stairs. Phone Main 2692. Femala help wanted. WANTED WAITRESS. land's 273 Mfrrlson. APPLY SWET- GIRLS WITH TALENT FOR DRAW ing, painting and designing; good po sition to rigbt party. 13. M. Averlll & Co.. 102 N. Sth st. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED TO work in fruit cannery. Apply at MotmeV canning Co., K. 8fh and Dl- vision treets. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, for ladles; female help wanted. Main 6297, A-2417. 610 Buchanan bidg., 286 Mi Washington. WANTED MILLINERY MAKERS. Mrs. Zeltfuchs, 388 Washington. WAIST, SKIRT AND TAILOR FINI8H ers; good wages. Room 405 Flledner. REFINED WOMAN FOR SPECIAL PO sltlon with the Viavi company; one having had some experience preferred. 205 Tllford bidg, GIRL ing; THAT UNDERSTANDS COOK good wages. 128 14th st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, only three In family. Ap ply mornings, "340 10th st. MILLINER FOn CITY; ALSO MAKER. Call at Case & Rust Co.. 5th and Oak. Call for Mrs. Feyler. Monday. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHAM bermald. Nortonla. 14th and Wash. EXPERIENCED TAILORESS TO HELP on coats; steady work, good pay. J. K. Stern, ladles' tailor, 429 Washington. MANGLE GIHL8 AND IRONER8. AT Independent Laundry Co., 266 (Jllsan. GIRLS WANTED GOOD WAGES FOR competent help; permanent employ ment Portland Paper Box Co., 208 Oak. WANTED HEAD STARCHER, NECK band girl and 2 mangel girls. East Side Laundry Co. Phone East 809; B-1535. WANTED GOOD SEAMSTRESS, room 61 Cambridge bidg.. cor. 3d and Morrison st. EXPERIENCED OIRLS FOR DRESS- malflnv alar, rfl tt a u a. atid ViAlr, ' about the house. Mrs. St. John, 115 Willamette boulevard, next to Denver avenue. WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS 8EAM stresses; also girl to learn sewing and do light housework. Apply 2 Sheffield, 7th and Jefferson. WANTED 2 FIRST-CLASS MAKERS apply Art Mllllnary, 409 Stearns bidg. Open Monday MILLINER WANTED-INQUIRE AT 107 Tacoma st. Mrs. T. R. Anderson, St. Johns. Or. WANTED TAILORS, WAIST AND shlrtmakers, finishers and appren tices at M. A. Shogren's, 141 10th st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO CHAMBER work and help wait table twice a day, 186 Sth st. WrANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN general housework. Apply 321 6th St., near Clay. WANTED SINGLE LADY FOR housekeeper for one man and child; good home Q-501, Journat MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED 1.000 HOP-PICKERS TO pick 624 acres of hops; big crop; larg est and best equipped hopyard in Ore gon: al! on trellis wire; perfect accom modations; grocery store, bakery, butch er shop barber shop, dancing pavilion, 50x150 feet: telephone, physician, beau tiful camping ground. 3 acres bathing pool, restaurant, provisions sold at Port land prices; we pay $1.10 per 100 pounds. Reduced excursion rates on our special train. For further particulars apply to Krebs Bros., 272 Stark St., Portland. Or., on or after August 17. Phone Main 1320. Home A-3153. SOUND YOUNG MEN, AGES 18 TO 35, for firemen and brakemen during rush season on . leading railroads here in the west and on new lnes being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen, $100 monthly, become engineers, $200; brake men, $80, become conductors, $150. Many positions now open. Write at once for particulars. National Railway Training Ass'n. 916 Paxton blk., Omaha, Neb., or 916 Central bidg., Kansas City, Mo. COOKS, DISHWASHERS WAITERS and waitresses. Apply G. H. Shaffer, secretary, Cooks' and Walters' hall, 128!. 5th st STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female good positions open with best firms; no charge. Underwood Type writer Co., 68 6th st. WANTED HOP PICKERS FOR large yards; long season; fine picking; fine camping ground, etc.; groceries ut city prices. Apply Andrew Kan & Co., 287 Morrison st. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED, male or female. R. G. Drake, 206 H Washington st. Pacific 1370. ' WANTED 1,000 HOPPICKERS; ALSO for sale 1,000 camp stoves at 07c each. 271 1st st. Open 6 a. m. to 7 p, m. POSITIONS OPEN FOR CAPABLE salesman and saleslady; permanent and good salary. 203 Flledner bidg. WANTED AMATEUR VAUDEVILLE actors in Portland invited to send name and address and what you can do. You furnish props. Services acr cepted will be paid for. No profes sionals. D. M. Brodeck. the Oaks WANTED A - CHAMBERMAID AND porter. Dewey house, 26 N 3d st; highest wages. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE. ONE OR TWO GOOD ACCOUNTANTS to collect on commission. Address, W-602. Journal, SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE SITUATION WANTED BY MAN AND wife, German, to take care of private -place or small farm. Address X-505, Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 2 N. Id at Phone Main 1526. PopularWatits EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES.. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 105 H Morrison st.... Phone Paolfto . J3 27 N. 2d st Phone Paclflo 1300 wir.ri' onOka EMPLOYMENT CO. uiacina camp wu Tl". m . V. v elalty. 20 N. 2d st. Phone Mala S2(. W pay all telegraph charges. ACME EM P. CO., FARMERS' AND loggers' help especially:' 84 and 29 H N. 2d, 230 Burnslde; Main 6437. WANTED TO KENT AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU BELL goods 7 If so we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur- sery company, Salem, Or. AGENTS WANTED FOR A NEW proposition; salary and commission. Call after 4 p. m.. room 56 Labbe bidg. Wanted furnished rooming- house, 25 or SO rooms; In or out of city; rent must be reasonable. Address M-605, Journal. Wanted medium sized house. west side preferred; careful family; no children; state rent and location. Ad dress T-605, Journal. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT tagea, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses, etc. Landlords will do well to PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. HOPPICKERS CAN MAKE GOOD SIDE money selling goods. 8ee R. M. Plummer, at drur itore, 260 Third. HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO RENT? WE will rent it for you. Commonwealth Trust company, 6th and Ankeny; phones Main 894; A-2466. WANTED FINANCIAL. FOR SALE MORTGAGES FROM $1,000 to $3,000, bearing 7 per cent Interest; first-class real estate security. Hart man & Thompson, room 3, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED REAL ESTATE. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WE BUY AND SELL REAL ESTATE. Care for and manage mining property, rent houses, flats and buildings of all kinds, write fire Insurance, loan money, and col lect. Can we serve you? Whst have yu o-lt List It with us and you will get returns; wo cooperate with Cross Co.'s offices in Chicago, Milwau kee, St Paul and Minneapolis. COAST COMMERCIAL CO.. 504 Dekum bidg., Main 7342. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR ALL kinds of citv property. What have you for sale? Come and list it at once, for we have the purchaser; we are mak ing a specialty of citv property. WASHINGTON & OREGON REALTY COMPANY. 108 Second St., Portland, Or. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call, phone or write. S. J. & L. Rubensteln, 175 Front St., opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV age & Pennell. 346-347 1st st Phone Pacific 860. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main 6655. 211 1st st If 1UU W iU OJS.lL,, OCJli UH. Second Hand I Palace. Highest prjoes paid for second-hand poods. 2(7 Flan- ders. Phone Main 8518. HIGHOE8T PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hend goods. Union Exchange. 262 Front st. Pacific 1431. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE hold goods of every description bought, sold and exchanged. The $. 232 1st. Main 6374. Home A-2327 DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE TO order. K. E. Karlson f- Co.. 351 An keny st. Main 6250 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THE RICHELIEU 83 ft N. 6TH ST. Elegantly furnished; steam heat and baths. HOTEL OAK FIRST-CLASS FUR nlshed rooms, electric light, gas, bath and phones; situated next to City park. 347 Oak st. THE GRAND, 45 H N. 3D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen. $1.26 per week and up. THE NEWLAND HOUSE GOOD rooms, single and en suite; good, clean beds, electric lights; $1.25 to $3.50 per week. 306 H 1st. Phone Main 7810. VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR GEN tlemen desiring home comforts. Phone Main 7852. 23 OH RUSSELL ST.. OWENS APART ments, furnished and unfurnished two room apartments. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, HEAT, bath, $6 to $8 per month at 622 Delay st. NICELY FURNISHED, DOUBLE PAR lors; other rooms; furnace heat; phone: bath; walking distance. 149 Lownsdale. Main 7224. FOR RENT SIX-ROOM HOUSE, $10. Phone Pacific 226 after 4 p. m. FURNISHED ROOM. 229 5TH ST. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. GOOD FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2 for $8, 8 for $16; 3 unfur nished in cottage, $10; new lower flat. 4 rooms. $16; front part of cottage, fur nished, $16; neat 6-room cottage, fur nished, cheap. Apply 364 North 26th, ( Willamette iieignts cars to 26th, turn south half block. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th and Flanders sts. " $1.50 WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN furnished housekeeping-rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman st. south. Portland. $1.26 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard. 203 Vi Stan ton st U car. TWO OUTSIDE ROOMS FURNSHED complete for housekeeping; gas and bath. 480 E. Washington, cor 9th, $12. ishlng ISHEI NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms, all conveniences of the home. 481 W. Park. Main 6069. FOR RENT LARGE ROOM FURNISH ed for housekeeping, $12 per month; no children. 410 4th st NICE NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, also single rooms; cheap rent. Hotel Ohio, 266 Front st. ROOM WITH BATH; REFERENCES. 330 Union avenue. North. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms in private residence; gas, phone and batn. 427 2d st, Main 4707. ROOMS AND BOARD. OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND ave. and E. Ash,; furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with or without board. East 6619. UNFUftNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT NICE housekeeping rooms. UNFURNISHED Inquire 394 6th. FOR RENT FLATS NEW MODERN 7 AND 4-ROOM flats, 200 feet south 2Srd and Wash ington sts., Green ave. Apply on premises or Phone Pacific 1245; FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 3 2 6-ACRE FARM IN Polk county, 10 miles west of Salem, 3 miles from Independence; all under rtrmwm-ir acres aftflHT orchard : 60 acres plover: balance grain land; good nouse ana earns; win lease ror 6 years; cash rent, $760 per year. In quire of owner, Charles O'Brien, 490 Capital st, Salem, Or. Popiilat Wants FOB RENT HOUSES- FOUR ROOM HOUSE, BARNy CHICK : en house, 35. . wri' Good 7-room house, yard, basement, ; Good furnished 6-foom cottage, 2I. . ( New lower 4-room flat, gas, 3H. , Three unfurnished hskpg. rooms, 110. , Furnished housekeeping rms., a for Front rooms in cottage, $1. Five acres, fruit, berries, house, barn, ! coast Agency Co., zzbi ntorriBun Wat "4-r6om house, tovf reni, coast Agency Co., zz Morrison furniture for sale: all In good con dltlonr Phone Tabor 383. ' VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main 1618. WE RENT AND BELL PIANOa BHER- man. CAav A Co. I8 PER m6NTH. S-ROOM- CdfTAG." mnriArn nlrm ffrrtlinds. 829 Kelly St., 2 blocks from Clinton-Kelly school. The Dunn-Lawrence uo., ist st. SOMETHING NICE NEW MODERN 6-room; Seiiwood carllna, Lecompte. Phone Seiiwood 69; 320. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. INQUIRE 1221 Mllwaukle st. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON EAST Main st., near 34th; fine condition and cheap rent. Keystone Realty Co., 212 Allsky bidg. FURNISHED HOUSES. ROOM COTTAGE. COMPLETELY furnished, with or without piano; 6 months at least. 644 E. Morrison. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE COMPLETE FURNITURE of 6-room flat; 3 rooms rented. 225 Vi Mill st. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 422. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT Madison bidg., 8d and Madison sts. 342 FRONT. WITH FIXTURES, Ex cellent for grocery and produce. Main 6864. v SHOW-WINDOW AND FLOOR SPACE to rent cheap, 530 Washington st. Apply between 6 and 8 o'clock evenings. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL AND BALLROOM. NEW WITH modern conveniences, fhone Main lsos. BUSINESS CHANCES. HENRY MENSOR. Telephone East 2040. 193 Holluday Ave., Room A. 12 rooms, furnished. $425; rent $50. half block from Washington st, close In; worth doubla the price asked; party is sick and must sell. Henry Mensor, 183 Holladay ave., room A. Drug store, $2,000; rent $42.60, fine location, good trade; fine opening for two good hustlers; look this up If you want something good. Henry Mensor, 182 Holladay ave., room A. Confectionery and cigars, $550; rent $25, lease, 3 furnished rooms, located close to Portland, fine neighborhood; party wishes to leave city cause of sac rifice. 183 Holladay ave., room A. Clothing and gents' furnishings, $1, 100: rent $30, lease, fine location. 183 Holladay ave., room A. Confectionery, ice cream, cigars and tobacco, grocery, $2,700; rent $26, dally receipts $30, lease, all cash trade, no delivery. Do you want a good business? If so. see this. Only with 183 Holladay ave., room A. Ladles' and gents' furnishing and men's clothing at invoice, and good will of business; cheapest rent tn Portland, irood corner, 6 years' lease, dally re ceipts $200, established 15 years; will heV trlpet Invent lra t inn hon-Tlri proposition; do not answer this unless vou mean business: reason of sale, lar er Interest to attend to. See my agent, 183 Holladay ave., room A. COAST REALTY CO., 226 H Morrison St., phones Main 1663, A-4160. $6,200 buys 8 new 6-room houses, in come $60 per month. Lots better than a busted bank. $300 cash buys 4-room house, balance $15 per month. $3,000 buys 7-room house, lot 100x160, near station, rlne location ror store. $350 buys rooming house, 9 rooms. $1,600 buys 27 rooms, terms. $1,250 buys 38 rooms. $600, choice 15-room house. $3,000. 30 rooms, some transient. $300, clean bakery, confec, Ice cream. $1,300 buys fine grocery. All kinds of good bargains. Several choice homestead and timber claims Just listed, all near good town. COAST REALTY CO., 226 Mi Morrison st. phones Main 1668 A-4160. HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE Old-established, with or without sa loon; furnished; newly remodeled: $36; also 7-room house and orchard. $10; and 4 flats. 18 rooms, lib: all on west side. C. H. Piggott, owner, lawyer, 4. 6 and MulKey bidg, BUST THE WOOD TRUST CHEAPER wood; now ready for business. Co operative Wood Co. Call 319 Abington Bidg; MINING AND INDUSTRIAL 6TOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence Invited. H. W. Donahue & Co.. 612 Buchanan bidg. - Phone Main 7353. BARGAIN FOR A FEW DAYS I MUb'i sell furniture and fixtures of Spring, field hotel, with lease on building; good location and paying business; good private reason for selling. Address box 175, Springfield, Or., for prices and par ticulars. MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT, CON tainlng new up-to-date vibrating ma chine, electric bath appliances, new Mission furniture; very reasonable. 311 Allsky bidg., 8d and Morrison. COME IN AND SEE US IF YOU want rooming-houses, restaurants, ho tels, grocery stores, meat markets, real estate, business "chances, Investments. Western Realty Company, Room 610, Buchanan bidg., 286 V4 Washington st FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN undertaking business; all furnishings new and up to date; doing a good busi ness. H-103, Journal. $5 TO $700 TO INVEST IN RESTAUR ant; no agents. Address A-604, Jour nal. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN bakery. H-102, Journal. FOR SALE TAILOR SHOP, GOOD Po sition, fine location, doing good busi ness; price reasonable. Call 298 Russell st Phono E. 6243. FOR BALE GROCERY; SOME HARD- ware; good business; small capital. Phone Tahor 319. FURNISHED 16-ROOM ROOMING house for rent or sale; lease. Phone at once to owner. 'B-1698. FOR RENT A 21-ROOM HOTELF R nlshed or for "sale cheap, if taken at once; lease. Phone B-1898 1250 OTOAR? STAND. E. MORRISON? building, stock and fixtures; rent $3: owner. 598 Hood st. grounc WOULD YOU INVEST' $60 TO $2,000 If you could double your Investment within twelve months plus large divl dends. If so, address X-503, Journal. FOR SALE BIGGEST RESTAURANT Snap in Portland; $700, half cash, long lease, excellenLlocatlon. Address L-6T)4. Journal. " NEWSPAPER WILL SELL CAPA ble party half Interest, either me chanical or editorial end; fine plant and field. Address K-&0Z, journal THE BEST LOCATED ROOMING house In the city, one block from very center of town; good patronage: low price and good terms; . must sell Immediately. Harry E. Wagoner. 109 .Burlington St.. Pi. joiihb, uregun, WANTED PARTNER TO INVEST equal amount; rennea oc motion pic ture theatre. Call roojn 2, 146 Sixth. near Alder. rcSSiTT HAS BOUG IKteret In the Highland meat mar-1 ket. Sept, 1. Schmltt & Wells First- class meat, laTd, sausages, etc. FURNITURE OF 8 ROOMS. SOMB thlnr nice, rood location: this will go for $380. Call Main 6202, Horn A-1681. PopularWants BUSINESS . HOUSE WHICH RENTS fr.$50 per month for sale at 33,600, j. B. Hosmer, Bllverton, Or. - CtlFFS HAS TRACK LAID IWtdttM - town and i work , has begun on tha yards; a tralnload of material on war fuunuuuuM, hj, me oest invest ment In the 'west; get in while it U young; ou ootiagea wanted for rallroa men: many ousness nouses needed. T v. or , m numi, ur., crojsr on ferry. J. J. Reid A r.n.. mi bi.TT or office on ground, address Rufus Or. FbR SALE FIRST-CLASS. GROCER IP toriv!?':ioct,0nr 'vorable lease; sales 34.000 per month; high class Una' of customers; good reasons for selling: about $5,000. Lock box 682. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. X"jn,Jffn,"S''' H "saaaawSfcsas, M isgssj BPANTONS EAST BIDE RESIDENCE BARGAINS. 3900 New 4-room bungalow, Mt. Scott line; large porch, plastered throughout; $260 cash, balance $20 per month. $1,860 Northwest corner; 6-room, two ... story house; lot 60x100; close in. $2,000 Cottage of 6 rooms, full lot; ona half block from East Ankeny car. Terms to suit $2,100 6-room house, new; lot 40x100; $2,100 Huse, 6 rooms, almost new; lot 60x107. Easy terms. $2,400 6-room house; close in; lot SOx icu ivu casn, oaiance sarnie as rent. is.uuu Mouse or a rooms, lust e Dieted: cement basement a-aa an electricity; lot 60x100; modern in fcvery way; located at $64 E. 36th street. $1,200 cash, balance easy terms. $3,750 2-story, -room modern house; lot 40x123; fine view; situated 783 E. Salmon street between 28d and 24th. Terms one half cash, bal ance 6 per cent $8,000 Southwest corner 22d and Tilla mook streets; large 8-room strict ly modern home; lot 90x100. Terms $5,000 cash, balanoe 6 per cent. THE SPANTON CO., 270 Stark Street. Portland Homes Our Specialty. WILEY ALLEN & CO. ARE STILL ON deck with a few choice bargains. Here are some of them: - - ejerea tin- gel -land, umle'f' " cultivation, with some fruit; new, mod ern house; bath, lavatory, closets, etc . with cement basement; only 16 minutes' walk to school and car station; fine view of Portland and Mt Hood. Price $4,000; terms. 4-room house and 5 lots, 6$Hxl37 feet; barn, chicken house and yard, some fruit and good well; only 1 block from school and 8 blocks from car station at Lents. Price $1,500. 19 K acres of choice land, all im proved; over 100 fruit trees; new, mod ern house with cement basement, bath, lavatory, closets, etc.. good well. I barn, chicken house and park; only 15 minutes' walk to JO-room school and car station; 5c fare to any point In Portland Price $400 per acre; terms. Also agents for Clemson's addition, the most desirable lots on sale, beln r close In, streets graded, all cleared and water piped to every lot Lots 40x100. Prices, $100 and up. Terms, 10 per cent down and 5 per cent per month. WILEY ALLEN & CO., Lents, Oregon. WE HAVE A FEW BEAUTIFUL LOTS 60x100 In fine neighborhood, 1 block from carllne, on one of the best in the city. 1 5-room house, modern, lot 50x100, $2,000, $1,000 cash. 1 6-room house, modern, lot 50x100, $1,900: $900 cash. 1 8-i-onm house. a modern, lot 60x100, $5,000; terms to suit. 1 6-room house, modern, lot 60x100, corner, $3,500; terms. 1 6-room house, lot 60x100, $3,550; $1, 600 cash. 1 6-room house, modern, lot 60x100, $3,000, $1,600 cash. 1 4-room house, modern, lot 25x100, $1,160; $400 cash; balance $100 per year at 7 per cent. We also have a number of good homes to see. Come in and see us, we will show you the property. Home Land Co., 145 1st st. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? See these before a final decision: 6-room house, woodshed, nice yard; all In fine condition; net cash, $1,100. Also 8-room house, 2 lots and chicken park for $750 cash. One 5-room modern cottage, 1 blocks from car, $1,200. One 6-room modern cottage, electrto lights: best of plumbing, full cement basement; half block to car, $1,660. We also have a number of unfinished modern cottages, close to car line, all surrounded with nice homes; also vacant lots and acreage; easy terms. Take a Mt. Scott car at First and Alder sts., get off at Millard ave. Chambers & Farnsworth. CLIFFS HAS TRACK LAID INTO THE town and work has begun on the yards; a tralnload of material on way for roundhouse, etc.; the best Invest ment In the west; get in while it Is young; 60 cottages wanted for rallrood mn; many business houses needed. Take O. R. & N. to Rufus, Or., cross on ferry. J. J. Reld A Co., 266 Stark st:, or office on ground, address Rufus, Or. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. LOT 100x100; fruit trees, 2 bloctcs east of Union ave.; cheap for cash. 937 E. 6th st. N. Phone Woodlawn 448. BUSINESS CORNER; KILLINGS- worth and Patton ave.; 100x100; Church St., Willamette blvd., Patton ave., Campbell st; choice modern houses; see prices and list. Zella Gos- sett, Riverside office. St. Johns car. FOR SALE BY OWNER, SMALL BUNG, alow, on Portland Heignts. beautl situated among fir trees; moderfFon venlences; 2 lots. For full particulars address A-503, Journal, BY OWNER NEW MODERN, 7-ROOM and 9-room houses, riouaday Park au dition. Lots for sale. Phone East 2432. R. B. Rice, 690 Wasco st $440 FOR 4 LOTS 40x100 EACH; streets graded, water in; near carllne; small payment down and 6 per cent a month, for a few days; this Is 40 per cent cheaper than adjoining lots. Hage- mann A P.lanchard, 91 5th st. SEE OWNER ABOUT 2 BEAUTIFUL homes. Holladay addition, near In; will give you bargain. 376 E. 8d st, N. FOR- SAL E MODERN 6-ROOM house, near Piedmont car barns; price $1.400. 1-none Woodlawn 1143, EAST SIDE HOME. $4,700. 6-room modern house, small barn, lot 60x100, close in; fruit trees, nice lawn. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave. and B. Ankeny, CHEAP HOUSE AND LOT. Two-room house, lot 50x100, near Union avenue, not far from Shaver st; prlee 3800. A good place for the money. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. EASY PAYMENTS, HALF ACRE LOTS, 6-cent fare, school four blocks. 204 Mohawk bidg. WOODSTOCK HOUSES AND LOTS IN Woodstock, Tremojit Place, Ger mania and Lenox additions. C. L. Parker, Woodstock. $i,800 NEW MODERN 4-ROOM BUN galow, $300 down, $20 month. East 43d and Stevens. Dr. Darling. $2,700 NEW MODERN COTTAGE, 6 rooms. 726 Corbett st. South Port. land. $1,400 Fine corner. 86x110, E. Front, South Portland; all fine. 6-room new eottages, from $ld00 to 31,950. Tel. owner, Main 8990, FOR SALE $1,600 CASH. CONV lent 5-room cottage, fraction lot the promising part of North Portland. 859 Thurman st. Owner, 90 Nebraska St., FUlton car. with 2 acres, good barn, To ta of fruit. d,puv. rf. mu. nvpiucr, piivurtun,. yjr, LOT 50x126 ON 6ELLW06D At" near Union ave.: will take $800 for quick sale; if you intend to build, don't miss this. Call 243 Madison st ,ia i Emu I InV I Ma : 3