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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1907)
s VSunday;' easterly winds. ' ' ,A:;,;,i:iCTt:, ' . . .. . . ; j ' ' " ' ' ' " , PORTLAND, , OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING," AUGUST 31, 1007. TWO SECTIONS TWENTY PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS.' U Aom VOL. VI. NO; 153. i ' " " " W "''.- " " ' - - V ' ' .'-' ' ' ' "' .'. " ' . '- ' ' i - " iiiii r i i in . . i i i i . i 1 i i ' - - 1 , BOTH SIS REGATTA 1 " FORCE MRMP -.: "MY BATTLE ATTRACTS? COiPM TO DIE HERE IIJLOSE THOUSANDS : VUpWMr H t5 T!li Telegraphers and Companies flacn Claim victory -All ' Kailroad Operators Will Walk Out (Unless Some Agreementis Reached. business 3Ien Sign Petition to President Asking for Peace Strikers Belie?e They Cannot Lose Any of the Points A&ed. (Joornil Special Serried) New York, Aug. II. Following: the slgninc of the petition by 60,000 buai nese men asking: President Rooaevelt to use his Influence to restore tele graphic conditions to the state to which rapmv vuiiuiiivna w mv bibiv w wuitu the business Interests of the country are entitled. It Is said some mysterious Influence Is at work to bring about a settlement of the strike. There is reason to believe that unless there Is a quick settlement the railroad telegraphers will become Involved. 8 3. Small, president of the Commercial Telegraphes' union, received a message from Chicago that within 48 hours the relations between - the railroad tele- ' graphers "and railroads have become greatly strained, and he expressed the opinion met uiipn conditions were remedied the telegraphers will walk out That the telegraphers' strike will come to an end In four days both com panies and striking operators agree. But each side asserted that the other side would give In-. Superintendent Brooks Brags, Superintendent Brooks of the Western Union said he felt confident the strikers would capitulate before next week. "Empty pockets will send them back to .work. In the meantime we can handle our bualncsa as usual." he ald. The telegraphers' strike received the greatest boost since Its Inauguration to day when It was announced that a con- . ference of New Tork business men, dis gusted with the conduct of the Postal and Western Union companies since the strike began, were about to appeal to Prenident Roosevelt for relief. This conference, according to the re ports, declared that- millions of dollars of business had bt,cn lost to them through the unfounded claims of the (Continued on Page Two.) TURKEY MUST NOT DROP, DECLARES SHANAHAN Secretary of Humane Society Serves Notice on Federated Trades Council That Aeronaut Cannot Carry Live Fowl Up in Corresponding Secretary W. T. Shan ahan of the Oregon Humano society Is determined that the dropping of a live turkey from a balloon on, Labor day as planned by tne committee having charge of sports in connection with labor's big celebration shall not take 5lace. With this end In view a letter was sent today to P. McDonald, secre tary of the Federated Trades counotl. It follows: " - , "Mr. P. McDonald, Dear Sir: My at tention having been called by letters and personal interviews, also by en closed announcement, that a live turkey wouId be dropped from a balloon. Sep tember, 2, therefore, as secretary of the Oregon' Humane society, It becomes my duty to appeal to the managers and of ficials of the Federated Trades, with FIRST CRUISER HAS ARRIVED Warship Arrives at San Diego and Will Be Stationed at San Francisco Second Torpedo Flotilla Is Defi- nitely Selected for Pacific Service. (Journal (Special SerrleO Diego, Aug. 31-r-Tbe . United ruiser St Louis arrived In this last night, from the Atlantlo station, being tno rirst oi me varshlps which were ordered to Join the fleet to be stationed In the Pacific ocean to arrive on this coast ' " The St Jbouls cam to; San Diego by tway of Cape Horn and had an unevffnt- t ul voyage from ocean Jto ocean. She will probably leave t of Baft Francisco this evenlnr, .where, BhejwllVrsmaln un til orders aro. receiyedf from - U navy San , States c harbor' r Astoria Thronged Now With , ' . 1 'y,. 18 W I Visitors Drawn From All J -k - V' ' J i ' V V Parts of State Who Will ' - . r n J !' r .' Attend Water Events and : '""-' 'J V'kVT f County Fair. , ' V ui.J - . 'V .-A-. ; joes.. vjmmm&v- aa& r i .: Portland Fleet Is Arriving Power Races Will Sur pass Any Former Event Festivities t0pen Monday Morning. (Bptctal DUpatcfc to Tbs Joarnal) Astoria, Or., Aug. II. Preparations for the thirteenth annual regatta and county fair are now practically com pleted and Monday morning will see one of the gayest throngs that ever , ' " v,lt1 thl" to celebrate the popu lar event Tomorrow afternoon and evening the Norwegian aaengerfest will attract thou sands or those who are now assembling here for a few days of recreation and entertainment and then the regatta anl fair proper will begin in earnest the following morning. A grand time is promised everybody and Mayor Wise as weti as tne oniciais or the arrair are doing their utmost to make all feel weloome when they arrive. The fleet of yachts and power boat from Portland are expected here hourly and it is supposed that the forerunners will arrive this afternoon. Indications are mat the power boat races this year will surpass anything ever attempted In that line In Pacific northwest waters and possibly on the Pacific coast There are-more fast boats now In operation than during the last regatta or ever before and this has stimulated partic ular Interest In these events. Knslolans Gathering. Word haa been received from Port land that among the power boats will be J. C. Ainsworth's Rochester, John Wolffs Vixen, Walter Honeyman'S Nancy and half a dozen others. These boats are expected torrive here to morrow morning and during the day. The saengerfest Is drawing large crowds from all parts of the PaclAa northwest, slnsers and friendu tmm Seattle. TCcoma, Everett and othor Washington cities, sroinr to swell th attendance. Several hundred visitors came from Portland on this morning's n urn aim numr large aeiegauon is (Continued on Page Two.) Balloon. tne request that through respect for tne state law for the prevention of cruelty to animals and also the humane sentiment of our community, your hon orable confederation will kindly abandon the announced turkey act and thereby receive the unanimous approbation of all humane people. Sincerely yours In the viubo oi mercy, "W. T. SHANAHAN, "Corresponding , Secretary.' Turkey Drop or nothing. When the matter was called to the attention of Chairman I D. Reed of tne sports committee tne latter stated that no attention would be paid to the matter. "We propose pulling off the event Just as adVertised," said Mr. Reed. "Of course ir we are arrested or preventod (Continued on Page Two.) Newport,' R. L, Aug. 81. There has been a great deal of ; conjecture about which torpedo-boats would be Ben to the Pacific coast wlth the fleet to oe commanded by Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans. This was settled when It was announced jthls morning that the second torpedo flotilla was appointed to the etaiion In the Paclflo.- ' , . The desfroyers which comprise the I, BWUliu wiw-uu iiuvuia m ina iwrywutia, Lawrence, il.Vhfpple, Hull. Worden and Stewart TVese craft ' have definitely been selecta to go to the Pacific coast with the baf tleships which leave Hamp ton Roads l'ecember XI sot their Jour- ny, arouad pap Horn. , I ' ' ; i "" v ' tv CttARLEcS H CALLEMPEK. ELECTROLYSIS IS EATING UP PIPES Dr. Kaffety Proposes a Sim ple Kemedy to. Save Water 3Iains of the City. Electrolysis, . an electro-chemical de composition that is eating up water mains all over the City, will be cor rected If a plan suggested to the water board this morning by Dr. C. H. Raffety, one of the . members. Is found practi cable. Dr. Raffety has spent oaiJiir- able time In an effort td solve the elec trolysis problem and when he broached the subject at the board meeting was promptly put on a committee to Bee what relief can be giveu. So far as known no city In the United .ates has adopted such a plan, al though many of them are complaining of" the gradual rusting away of the pipes. Three hundred dollars' worth of copper and a few weeks' work. Dr. Raf fety says, is all the expense the city need go to. Tne doctors pian is to Deit tne main with copper Strips at certain Intervals with a copper wire running the length of the r'peo conduct the current away from the Iron. ' Worked Wall In Alblna, The only practical demonstration of the proposed method so far made and one which proved a success was that adopted in the former Bates private water system in Aioina. Mr. Hates found his pipes rusting from electro lysis and invoked the aid of copper plates ana copper wire, i-ie was never troubled agaiu from electrolysis. Owing to the peculiar phenomena con nected witn electricity, it is believed the system will be effectual. It has been noted bv members of the board that the greatest trouble from electrolysis Is in the Gresham neighborhood, where clay beds are extensive. Moistened clay is an excellent conductor of electricity and as soon as a current reaches these places It leaves the pipe and diffuses In the earth. ' 1 In leaving the pipe the great damage is done. The water In the pipe Is trans formed Into pure oxygen and hydrogen, the latter disappears but the oxygen is attracted to the steel and causes hy drated ox yd 8 or acute iron rust and consequent punctures of the pipe. Jolted With Electric Current Every time a car crosses the Bull Run pipe on the Mount Scott line an electric current is sent bounding along the main. The effect Is said to be worse in winter, owing to the excessive moist ure. Other mains are experiencing the tame gradual decay and Dr. Raffety be lieves In lime all of them will have to be provided. Dr. Roffety in outlining the plan to the board this morning said: . "Scientific investigation of the pecu liar decomposition .caused by exposure of w.iter mains to electric currents shows that the pipes are only affected where eleotrlcity enters them and where It leaves them again. The chemical ex planation of the phenomena is simple. "It is an established scientific phe nomena that when electricity Is con ducted through water it separates the hydrogen from the oxygen the chemi cal elements composing Water. - As the electricity enters the pipe it choose a point where there is moisture, a -well-known characteristic of electricity. The elements are separated by the elec tricity, the hydrogen Is freed, and the oxygen oxidizes or rusts the Iron pipe. This continual action . soon perforates the' pipe, usually making-a small, hole less thafl a half Inch. In diameter. ? Bust Eats Very Hurt.. , ; "The rustlne or oxidisation' of the pipe takes place faster than the pipe would , rust on tne wnere it is merely exposed to the oxygen In the air, for the oxygen separated from the water by the electro-chemical process Is almost pure. "Now. I propose to encircle the pipe with a band of copper at places where electric lines cross the water mains; fasten a copper wire to the band lead ing to a plate In a bed of coke In the ground. This. I believe, will lead off the electrlolty without affecting the lpe. It is a simple device and I should ike to see It tried." A. H. Willets, a Grand avenue busi ness man, proposes to lay pipes on streets other than those on which there are car tracks as a remedy. For in stance, he says he sees no particular reason wny pipes snouia not oe piacea on East Sixth instead or Grand ave nue wherethey would not' be exposed to electric currents xrom a street car line. h-.. . . -..Three leaxs were round in tne ami Run main yesterday and plugged up after much difficulty. Streams.jreveral inohes In circumference were said to be Issuing from - the aperture" when the workmen finally succeeded In shut ting off the flow. All of the punctures vera wiuun g outanoa vv ieet, LEAPEE .OKWB G1AN 5INGBJ2$j HANGS Oil MIL Bf flllliES RING Long Beach Woman Meets With Mishap While Stand ing on Chair. (Journal Special Scrrlca.) Los Angeles, Aug. SI. Mrs. Laura Scales of Long Beach was the victim of va peculiar mishap yesterday, while standing on a chair placing a Jar 'of fruit on a high shflf she lost her foot ing. As she fell a gold band ring on her finger caught on a projecting nail In the wall, and for several minutes her entire weight hung on the finger. It was nearly cut off by the encircling ring before she got rree, and she etui suffers intensely. A Jeweler had to be sent for to saw off the ring. The nesh was torn loose down to the tendons inside of her hand. FORTY DOLLARS IS PRICE OF CHILDREN Peasant Attempts to Market Babes at Avellino and Is Put in Jail. (Journal Special Berries.) London, Aug. 31. A Rome dispatch brings a story of an attempt to sell chil dren in the market at Avellino. A peas ant and his wife brought two of the children, twins, 4 months old. and Un the market offered to sell them for J 4 (Peach. The babies were plump and healy and were bought by a man who offered" the price required. He was taking tho children away when the police stepped In and arrested both buyer and sellers. GIGANTIC REBELLION BREWING IN CltoA (Joarnal Special Serrl Peking. Aug. 81. The shadow of a gigantic rebellion hovers over the Im perial palace. With the arrival of Yuan Shi Kal. commander of the chief Chinese forces, there began today an unusual series of deliberations concern ing the condition of the empire. The Imperial family believes the Chinese are bent upon unseating the Manchu dynasty. Officials Appointed. (Joarnal Special BmtIcb.) Oyster Bay, Aug. 81. The president today announced tho appointment of William M. Cutter, coiner of the mint at San Francisco; August E. Muenter, collector of internal revenue in Cali fornia, and Edward Sweeney, superin tendent of the mint at San Francisco. CAN YOU READ? The Sunday Journal Is for every one who, can read, old and young. Features to1 every one's taste will be found In thlsH greatest of all news papers. , A few of them are submitted for. your approval. " . Oame Fish In Oregon It is a tact that the streams and lakes of this state afford better sport than Is to be found anywhere else In the Union. What Made Portland Pamoust If you want to know the answer to this question read J. L. Wallin's Interesting story in the Sunday Jour nal Magazine, m ;- " Saving the forests By Herbert A. Smith. Forest service editor tells of rigorous methods for preservation adopted by Uncle Sam. YOU WILL LAUGH rTJll your sides ache when you see the comlo supplement Joyful, darl ing Maud meets with a mishap, but her revenge Is sweet Jimmy and Zu-Zu! ! I Bunk and the Fairy and others. Jangle Flashlights Every one likes bunting adventures and the mys- terles of the African Jungles, in stories, Read of the actual experiences of one man In the wilds, ;, ..ty- .ly y' VaroDility'sOrasade Against Tloe European monarchs at last ashamed' of misdeeds of generations and are Joining In movement . for cleaner J morals. w . X OnlytTnlonleasedWlreslnPortland There is no strike on The I Journal's leased wires and It is the only Portland paper which gives you . X all the news all the time. Z - - , .V,-- ; " f . I Th Captivating Sunday- Journal II ESCAPES Wealthy Californian Claims That Evil Spell Held Her Four Months. fJoenal Spatial Berries.) Galveston, Texas, Aug. 11. Mrs. Car lyle Westbrook, wife of an exporter of San Francisco and owning a big es tate in her own-, name in California fruit lands, has been, rescued by the po lice from a maq giving the name of Oscar Krueger, a student In hypnotism, who claimed her as his wife. The cou ple were living together in a hovel In Houston, the woman supporting the home. The woman declares Krueger hypno tised her four months ago and that the spell was not broken until a few days ago, when she found herself in Hous ton. She Is the mother of three sons, she declares, and her married life has been happy. She met Krueger in San Francisco In the early part of May at a performance. sne startea ror nnme on writing her husband of the facts. Krueger asserted that the woman eloped with him. He admitted that she supported the household. Mrs. wesiorooK speaaa several lan guages and is nigniy accomplished. Krueger is in Jail. SINGER FID FOR DISPLEASING KING Madame Melba Mars Ap pears in Police Court With Her Manager. (Josrnil Special Sarrlce.) Marlnbad, Aug. 81. A sequel of King Edward's displeasure at the theatrical performance here last evening, when his majesty left the theatre In disgust owing to the vlleness of the songs, was seen in police court today. Herr Laska, managrer of the theatre, and Melba Mars, the woman singer, were brought to court and the latter fined $12 for having given an objection able song. Laska escaped, as he was Ignorant of the woman's Intention to sing such a song. The woman's defense was that she believed she was making the performance more attractive. Peary's Hunt Abandoned. (SdooIhI Dispatch to Tb Journal.) New York, Aug. 31. The crew of Peary's steamer Roosevelt will start for home today and the Roosevelt will spend the winter at its present berth. This confirms earlier reports that Peary's fourth trip In search of the pole is abandoned ror one year. mm FROM ypo Streetcar Rails Will Be Torn Up by City Unless Corpor ation Lives Up to Terms of -Its Franchise and Com pletes Work. Improvement of Thorough fares Delayed for Months by Dilatory Tactics of Transportation Company Council to Get Busy. Drastlo measures are being contem plated by the city authorities In deal ing with the street Improvement ques tion where the tracks of the Portland Railway; Light A Power company are concerned. In the past large street Im provement projects have been held up by the company through their failure to lay new tracks according to the speci fications of the street committee and the executive board. At the present time paving contracts are being held up and hindered until the proacn or winter win put their eon etlon over for another season, but In the future the exeoutive board will take the situation by the horns and complete its improvements wnetner or no, . ..-r ; ; : will VsU'trn 9i4kas:.2k It has been decided according to one member of the executive board the next time a contracting company Is ready to begin laying pavement after the con tract has been duly let by the city au thorities and the work provided for by the council, that If the street railway company has not done Its Share of the Improvement by laying new rails accord ing to the requirements of the city, then the tracks will be torn up and the city will proceed to pave the. whole street Just as though no tracks had been on the street . In the belief of the executive board the opinion recently rendered by City Attorney Kavanaugh regarding the void able condition of the franchises held by the streetcar company gives the city ample power to enforce improvements (Continue'" on Page Two.) ALTON GIVEN IMMUNITY FOR STANDARD REBATES Attorney-General Bonaparte Will Extend Whitewash to All Kailroads Involved With Qil Trust in Cases ? Now Pending in Courts. V (Journal Special Set-Tie. ) Washington, Aug. 31. It is under stood that Attorney General Bonaparte has decided that the Chicago & Alton railroad has gained immunity from prosecution for giving rebates to the Standard Oil company. It was for ac cepting these rebates that the Stand ard Oil company was recently lined 129,- 600,000 by Judge Landls of Chicago. According to the report, the formal decision of the attorney general will be announced next week. Until this announcement Is made the course fol lowed by Bonaparte in arriving at this conclusion can only be conjectured. It is understood that the assistance ren dered by the road in convicting the Standard will be given as tne reason for the Immunity bath. BLOODHOUNDS Commissioner Bingham of New York Police "Will Add Corps of Dogs to Force to Capture Hen Who Have r Created Keign of Terror.' (Joarnal Special Service.) New Tork, Aug. 8 L Police commis sioner Bingham has practically decided, If experiments now being mad with bloodhounds prove successful, to add a corps of the four-footed detectives to the force in this city. " . For three weeks at a small town up state bloodhounds have dally been set at work following, the trails of mak believe criminals, and when the com missioner has . received "a complete re- Eort as to the achievements of the dogs, e will come to a decision as to' the employment of the animals In running down murderers and other criminals In New Tork. I v - It Is set forth that perpetrators of many deeds! of violence that have shocked the Tesldents in recent months, especially crimes against women, and children, might now be behind bars had keen scented bloodhounds been, ready to take the. trail immediately. . Railroad Magnate Today Is Touring Through Great Wheat and Irrigation Belts of Crook County. Special Sent to Shaniko, Trip Out by Way of Detrolfl Given Up Bend, Prine ville and Madras and Trib utary Country Are Beingf Visited by Party. ' E. H. Harrlman and his party touring central Oregon will come out via. Shan iko tonight and arrive In Portland, some time Sunday morning. A rush order was received today at noon from Gen eral Manager J. P. O'Brien, who. is with. Harrlman, directing the Southern' Pa cific operating department to send a special train to Shaniko. The train, in cluding Pullman and baggage cars, left Portland at 1:80 o'clock this afternoon. It has evidently become desirable for the railroad magnate to proceed north from Madras to Shaniko rather than to come out via Minto pass to Detroit, on the Corvallls & Eastern, where his own . special train has been awaiting him since Thursday evening. The . party reached Bend today, and from there telephone communication with Portland -was secured snd the order of Mr. O'Brien were dispatched. , . . . t Win fee Wonderful Country, , The Harrlman party Is today seeing; the country In the region of -l&nd, Prlnevllle snd Madras, where there are evidences In plenty of the great ton nage already there and more that could -be developed for a railroad if built Into that country. Their Intention haa been to look over the Deschutes Irri gation & Power company's segregation, visit the great sheep ranch of the Bald win Land & Livestock company near Prlnevllle, and give Mr. Harrlman an idea of what could be expected from a country that would yield grain, grass and livestock such as are produced (Continued on Page Two.) Western railroads are not to far sol well as the Alton, according to the an nouncement made by Interstate , Com merce Commissioner Franklin K. Lane this morning. Mr., Lane stated that ha will start west in a few days to Inves tigate the report that certain roads are ? ranting rebates and discriminating la roisrbt rAUtx. ' l, Chicago, Aug, SI. A dispatch to the) effect that the Alton road will b given Immunity for rebating to the Standard OH company was practically confirmed here today from the highest official authority. It is understood that the case will be formally - called for &rosecution Tuesday when a motion will s entered bv the iederal attorneys t dismiss it. The Immunity bath will ex tend to all railroads . charged with giv ing rebates to the Standard In con nection with the cases now pending. Commissioner Bingham's experiments with ' the bloodhounds are the result of the total Inability of Mm present force to cope with the reign of terror which has held this city in Its grsn? for months. Outrages occur dnli which have put the people In siic-i frame of mind, that no one's life is Mfe at night ; Thugs and hold-up men have bi so much In evidence that the ml' of people on the street go Hnn.- the least-auspicious mov on of a passer-by calls forth rw Many people are recklff t'' ' are Ignorant Of the tiae of t 1 i a great man accidents " i to the list 'of Crimea. Women living in ths suburb ' 'A '-' been repeatedly attakl airi.w..o m mob has ben form.-1 i ' ' ' nnranlt nf, th riroclral"f' every Inatam-e tu cm his escape. Wl'h (! H belifved bv Mr. I 1 JUt.tO tlil SUlt . AS