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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1907)
13 THE, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, 'AUGUST S3, ISO?. PU1II FETE FOR SECRETARY TAFT . -.,... ...... .... Secretary at TYar Will Speak at 'Armory September ) Sixth. ' William H. Taft. as-war governor and present secretary Of war, aa wall aa Re publican presidential possibility, will reach Portland on the evening of Sep tember IV over tha O. R. A N. from Dan ver. He will ba accompanied by Mrs. Taft. Charlay Taft, his 10-yar-old aoo, General Clarence R. Edwards, Wendell 4M. MIschler. private secretary to Mr. Taft, and a colored messenger who cares for , tha . baggage and other deUlla t travel. EriBLISH GARBAGE T EOT Manager of Ohio Company Gives Health Board Val uable Information. Arrived here tha party will ba mat at a depot by Theodore B. Wilcox, who will escort Secretary and Mrs. Taft and on to his home, where they will be en tertained by Mr. and Mrs. wiicoz auring their star In the city. Extensive preparations are being made for the . public entertainment of Secretary Tan auring nis stay in rori- land. Tha only public function, how- ever, will be the mass meeting to be - held In the armory on the evening of ' September . Secretary Taft will be the principal speaker at this meeting, though short addresses of welcome and Introduction will also be made. Arrangements are being made to ac commodate all tha people who may de sire to attend thla meeting, and it is ; expected that a vast crowd will gather to hear the distinguished speaker. An ,' nouncements are coming to the various 1 Portland commercial organisations tell ' lng of contemplated visits from every part of the state of prominent people who desire to be present at the meeting and hear the address. Beats In front have been reserved for the presidents or tne commercial ana business organisations of the state and ' for the representatives of newspapers and other prominent public men. Owing to the great popularity of Sec retary Taft, hla prominence as a presi dential possibility,- snd his utterances on the political topics of the day It Is expected that the audience which will gather to hear him will, equal any public - garnering aver new m me cuy. On the day following tha arrival of Secretary Taft and his party, Mr. Taft will be entertained at luncheon by Mr. ' Wilcox, while during the afternoon Mrs. Wilcox will receive in honor of Mrs. Taft. During the afternoon Secretary Taft, General Edwards and a party of Portland men will Journey to Vancouver, where the . secretary will Inspect the barracks and review the soldiers sta tioned there. The return will be made In time for the meeting In the armory at 8 o'clock. i ' The party will resume its trip on tne : aoornlng of September . RURAL SCRIBES 111 II !,. Editors and Printers Leave r .- Today to Attend As ia toria Convention. With tha advent In tha eltr of F. K. Rhlnea, general manager of the Dixon Engineering V Construction company, of Toledo, Ohio, the health board was yesterday given some valuable Informa tion concerning garbage crematories. Rhine la agent for one of the largest garbage crematorium establishments in ths united States and one which, hs says, hss Installed over half of tha burning olants In this country. For some time there has been re search Into ths English garbage burning system, but arguments made by the Toledo man this morning caused a sort of revulsion of feeling on the part of some members Of the health board, in his statements he was backed up by references to reports of garbage experts of international refutation. "Before you buy an English plant," malA X D IiImai will m nA irflll In hand to investigate closely Into the dif ferent conditions In the two countries. Kngilsh refuse Is made up In a large Jortlon of ashes. Of the total refuse n an English city, atstlstlclans tell us, not more thsn if per cent Is garbage. By garbage we mean the food refuse from th markets, hotels and resi dences. "English plsnts sre constructed to care for refuse under these conditions. Here In Portland the percentage of garbage Is from 5 to to per cent. In other words there will be nearly nine times as much garbage, containing a large amount of water, than other rub- patent that these great dif ferences n ths character of the refuse guarantee the crematory we manufac ture to burn odorless, leaving no organic matter in tne asn. wun propr nuu ling you can get ths operating cost down to SO cants a ton. Thoaa, of Anncaa ea ti Where there la. a greater amount of water to Aonauma the cost Will DO Thi board will probably take up the garbage matter at Its next meeting Saturday morning. Leach wants to test a revolver he will select a nice secluded spot somewhere near ths top of Mount Hood. Leach waa arrested by Patrolman. J. J. Murphy at Fifth and College streets for discharging firearms " within ftbs city limits. Desiring to try out a new IvruiT!,' umvii IUV IIUU . HT UMl. h to be burned will make a difference In the construction of the plant. 'It would be Impossible for sn Eng lish nlunt to operate in Portland with out extra fuel, and an auxiliary grate. The English is all right In Its own field and Is probably the best plant Physical Culture. Professor Rlnglers gymnasium classes open for the sesson next weeie Expert Instruction for men, women and children In physlcsl trslnlng. swimming and dancing. Membership limited. En rollment now open. Entrance fee dropped till October 1. New building. Grand and East Morrison. East 670. Ringlet flancinp: Academy. Professor ltlngler will open his danc ing classes on Tuesday evening, Sep tember 2. at his hall, Ursnd svenue snd East Morrison. Children Saturday. t (i m. Enrollment now open. Miss luckenmeyer snd Miss Stockton, as sistants. DISCHARGE OF PISTOL , COSTS OWNER TEN In the parlance of the newsboy, "it's cinch" that the next time Sidney ard and fired one shot Into the ground. Unfortunately urncer juurpny waa in the Vicinity and the arrest followed. In the nolle court yesterday the defendant entered a plea of guilty and was fined 10. LAW REPORTS OF FAR ., OFF LANDS COME HERE Reports of tha decisions of tha su preme courts of ths Philippines, Ha waii, Alaska and tha new state of Okla homa have been received by Librarian A. H. McCurtain for tha Multnomah law library at the courthouse. Only for a short time have the decisions of the su. preme court of the Philippines been re ported wniie tne reports rrom Hawaii and Aiasss cover a sugnuy longer pe rioo. In addition to these new reports largs number of volumes have been added to the library within the paat few weeks, among them three encyclopedias of the law contained In 14 volumes, tha federal statutes and the federal and United States digests. Tha latest edl tlons of ISO of the leading text books are among tne new volumes. j .1 STORE, CLOSED AH, DAY MONDAY ON ACCOUNT OF LABOR DAY ONE-FARE-ROVNB TRIP VIA rom CHICAGO Take -laxm xosa-om KIOXIOAH QBBTBA& Ths Niagara Falls Route f 1 Ttom ST. XVOT7XS Take "bio rotm booty Tak nOMXA ZAka rle ft OB bt.q tovm OTjmr "AMERICA'S GREATE8T RAILWAY 8Y8TEI for thnt purpose constructed. - A 100-ton plant will cost app lmately $76,000 fully equipped. I ad vise the building of a fireproof building for vou do not want to have the ex perience Los Angeles did, when the wooden structure there burned to the f round after a month of service. Now hey have a fireproof building. We MC3PLES SARATOGA, N Y. and RETURN aocotot or acBSTnra Grand Army t0mpb Republic m mini mm T "I- triad all klnda ef blooS remedlei which fall. ted m any food but I h found tha rifht tblnf tllul. Ht teaa fall of pimple, and black aada. After laklac Cm caret ther all lf. 1 am eotitlnalnr tha aa of I ham and raaomnMadln ham to sr Manila. 1 feel fla ibtn I rite la tba Biornlnf. Hope to bar a ehana to reeommead OaasataM." frad 0. Wlttaa, M list St.. Hawark. K. J. ft iL jU Tht Bowels j i. VV. i tANOVCimtsffTlO ef ; Members of tha Oregon Newspaper . association leave this morning for As toria on tha steamers Telegraph to begin the annual convention. A num ber of features Jiave been prepared for the session this year, which will be held : at Seaside with excursions to points of Interest about the summer resort. The members of the association gathered in Portland last evening and made ready for an arly start down the river In the morning.: A meeting will be held at the cham ber of commerce In Astoria Friday af ' ternoon, followed In the evening with a reception by the Astoria commercial bodies. Saturday the organisation will move on to Seaside, where headquarters will be established In the Moore hotel. ' .All sessions in Seaside will be held In the Moore hostelry. Bundsy there will ; be an excursion to Fort etevena and " a clambake on the return home to Seaside Sunday evening. : Monday the members will start on the I home trip and Will spend the day in Astoria. This will be Labor day and the . Ilrst day of the Astoria regatta. The return to Portland will be made the following day. The Oregon Newspaper association Is made up oi the, editors and printers in the email towns In Oregon. An annual 'convention is held each year to discuss problems that confront the editors and proprietors of country papers. It is also a social gathering and constitutes a vacation for many of the busiest editors. aiiMMl S.t.t.hl. tMiWaat Boat. Be flood. fterer Blekaa, jVeakea or rir. U. M, Ha. Mare told la balk. Tha (attain tablet ataiapad 0 00. thVMrated to cere or roar atony back. . 8terllog Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. sej AKM(MLSALE,TEI L'.'LUON BOXES Tickets oa Salt Mpt -y-8 Oood to Saturn to Sept. IT xeioa to Oct secured fey deposit and fee of tl.00. , Tickets BOTTTID T1A OXTB ITRI wtU b accepted at your pleasure by ths BOAT XjXHZS In either Direction, between SSTBOZT, TOLIBO, CUTimJID and BVrrAX.0. Also between AXdiJjrr and MW TOV.K. aawawnna t WSW VAavarSflimw mmA mattm aa SIDE TRIPS BAaATOOAto JTBW TOBXor bostoit and ETTaW . at BATTLB 0B.XEZ, SBTBOZT, SAVSTSZT, WZST- ( riXI-D and BXAOABA TAUS, OB OOUtO JOXnUTST SI 11 fU VEZIJ Passsngsr to leave last stopover point sot later iaaa tJ M tr v y t-iu 9. OH XBTTTXS JODKIET X0 day wlthla v transit limit. - In tiic most approved styles . for FALL 1907 AT Tickets oa sale DULT unUl sept. S0 limited to October si. ST. Z.OT7Z8, f270 CHAUTAUQUA and RETURN rare from CXIOAOO, VtM PSOBXA, 123.30; BOSTON and RETJJRN atto. , 10, so, m mr. 10, , s, as. Z-ara from OKZ0AOO, at.00 rare from ST. X.OTTXS, C37.00. New England Resorts auo. , 10, so, S4S ssrr. 10. 14, a, rrom CKZOAOO or ST. &OTJX8, One Pare ring saK) for tha Bound Trip. CANADIAN RESORTS at mrm. me. so. w rrom OHXOAOO or ST. LOUTS, One rare Pins S3.00 for ths Bound Trip, ror farther inf ormaUoa Apply to Passenger Agemt of the NEW YORK CENTRAL LINES 13a THIRD STREET, PORTLAND WABJUBW 3. ITITCH, Faiienger Traffic Manager, OHXOAOO. NOW READY You'll pay from $2.50 to $5.00 more for these same garments in the high-rent district WfiXN YOU SEX IT IN OUR AD, ITS SO Two Stores Thirds-Oak MOTILE mTITTO HEW QUARTERS FOR RRH Within the nest 10 days the general offices of the Harrlman railway com panies, now located In the Worcester (building at the corner of Third and Oak ' streets, will be established In the new ! Wells Fargo building at Sixth and Oak, i three blocks west. The moving will be . :gln this week. The passenger and freight depart ments will move torriorrow and open Monday in their new quarters. The en ,tlre force will vacate about 60 rooms 'in the Worcester building. Assignment .of rooms for the railway officials In the .Wells Fargo building will be as follows: Fifth floor, auditor's storage eta; sixth floor, general freight agents and assistants, meeting rooms, mall room; seventh floor, general passenger derart- ' ment. tax and right of way department, freight claim department; eighth floor, freight accounting department; ninth floor, auditor of disbursements and gen 'eral accounts; tenth floor, passenger ac counting department, equipment ser vice bureau; eleventh floor, legal depart " ment, general manager, purchasing ? agent, claims, directors; twelfth floor, . general superintendent, telegraph de- Sartment car service agent, engineering epartment. ' Enlarges Its Quarters. , The best evidence that a firm Is pros , perous is e4janslon. Ballou & Wright, the Portland supply dealers, found it necessary to have more space to care for their rapidly growing business and . were fortunate enough to secure a long Jesse on their old quarters and the next storeroom, thereby doubling their floor pace. . , Ballou & Wright - are deserving of . much credit for the manner in which xntty nave carea ror me automobillsts of the northwest. They began carrying a stock of auto supplies when there .were not over a half dosen automobiles In Portland and have kept abreast of the times by constantly adding new lines aa fast as the demand required, until at the present time thev have nn ; of the largest and best selected stocks! or mesa ruvai w n iuunu on me r tlflo coast - . Many Ilia come from Impure blood, fa n't have pure blood with faulty di gestion, lasy liver and sluggish bowels, burdock JBIood Bitters , strengthens stomach, bowels ant liver, ana purines l tie Diooa. . rrefarrM stock Canned Ooodju Alien utmir vn anno. in tn LOOK WHERE YOU WILL YOU'LL FIND NO VALUES TO EQUAL THESE The Greatest Pants Sale in Our History 01 OC For all our re gular $2 Work 9l)D and Dress Pants, all sizes, 20 styles. In fact, any pair pf pants of- fered on this page is lower in price than same value can De" naa anywnere America today. frl Of For men's Dress Pants tDl.OD new styles, including all-wool worsteds, blue and black cheviots and serges, neat, stylish stripes and checks values ud to $3.50 all to go at $1.85 t0 Of? For men's fine Worsted PaW)D Pants, in 30 distinct patterns the new pegtop styles arc also here rep resented in this great lot. Values up to $3.50 and $4.00 all to go at 2.S5. Of For choice of 700 pairsJfef DasaOv men's fine worsted and Silk mixed worsted Pants, in all the new wanted styles; values up to $4.50 are included in this lot choice at only f 2.85. , fl ir (jives you choice ot mens P)'z9 finest Worsted Pants, new est fabrics. Every pair $5.00 value, some worth $6.00. You must see them. Choice $3.45. Q Q Gives you choice of 800 pairs P)eOD men's finest Dress Pants in the very best makes on the market; fine check worsteds, neat stripes, blues, blacks, etc. All worth $6.00 to $7.50 your choice at only B3.85. n r iiii f nnno iuymmmmno vumiii Kiuii mllwlj Ute ttle to! liy fl Men's Furnishings AT THE LOWEST PRICES of the YEAR For all our regular 5dc grade j of JC ribbed men s lines of bummer Underwear. For choice of six lines of regular tall. 75c value men s finest Underwear. OP That's all we are asking for the OOC well-known Griffon brand of Negligee Shirts; cuffs attached or detached. C 1 1 C For all our regular lines of P1.1J Cluett, Star and Chicago makes of regular $1.50 shirts. You all know what Cluett and Star Shirts are. tl For choice of all our regular Pl.jD $2.00 collar attached Negli gee Shirts, silk, mohair and pongee styles; best makes. d1 OC For all our regular $2.50 silk pl0 Shirts, all colors, collar! at tached heho, champagne, tan and gray and white, all silk. See them in our windows. fiC For the Argonaut Tan Sateen Out Shirts, union made, collars attached. Best value offered in Port land. - ' Saturday night at 10:30 o'clock this sale will be an event of yesterday. Tomorrow will positively end this gigantic summer clearance. It will be your last opportunity to buy the best merchandise the market affords at cost price and less. Each department has joined in this final selling effort with its quota of new bargains. Many of the articles we offer will be suitable for early fall wear. You will prom Dy matting your selections early. Final Offer of $20,$22.50 and $25 Suifsaf This Price i f Some Are Complete Lines Others , Depleted Hundreds of Suits in the Lot All Up-to-Date Patterns tmifiTffltmpuui.. .1 J.iJJJU.IIiJ!iki.:.i iiii. a. i ,j j ii , , , ,,,. ,. ,qr 815.00-This special prke sacrifice enables you to choose from hun- Here is another remarkable garment offer, including all the dreds of styles in men s $27.50 to $30 Suits, wtth a saving of half and more 1afMf ffmrt. in B-v-i .ff-rent kinrl of fah- on your investment. These garments at their regular It F Afk several different kinds of tab- prices were very worthy values. Your choice during I I III rics- They have been selling previous to this this sale at only t Jj tJJj sale at $12.50 to $18.00; to close at, only 1 mJJ SSSlMen's Shoes 5!, lowest Prices Ever Ottered double. 194 for regular 35c grades. 29 for regular 60c grades. Thousands of $3.50 to $4.00 SI. 85 t9 QK Gives you choice of 50 styles, All Underwear Greatly Reduced values at this price. JwOiJ button or lace; any leather 19 for 60c ecru ribbed. 29 for 60c For all you want; $4.50 to $5.00 value. 5Sboadi?"FHedmin tTAK For all $5.00 Patent Oxfords; Reg $3.50 dJO or For choice of finest Shoes 854 tor all $1.60 grades. Pink, blue, flesh, putv Bal. or Blucher cut. Oxfords 4UOu made; values up to $6.00. etc. Out of the High Rent District Not in the High Price Clique i I