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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1907)
.THE OREGON DAILY i JOURNAIi PORTLAND;' FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST 30, 1907. 13 17EST DOES NOT KH017 WALL STREET-EXISTS maaaurlne- I5U inchea ' In l'nrth and IwHghlna; lltt pounda. ir. Marka wm Irriaatlna- at iha tlmavand waa attracte I by. a nolu and uoon examination fouc tha trout floDDln in tha araaa. It got Into tha field from tha aupply ditch from tha river. It waa tha aecond large trout Mr. Marka haa cauani in nia nria lately. Tha other, wpicn weighed . j ft pounda. ha ol tna ounaajr previoua, ccrctary Wilson Declares DELINQUENT AoTOIilA aaw. I -ar - e VtYHAAY ar-war-arrva-ap.-.-. les Are Not Friirhten- UUiUi itttUUMMJLTTJSD J . "n i 4. U1U X CUlllC Ull lUOBU I (Iparttl Dtapateb to Tke JoorsaL) ' I . - . 1 ... B K . . , Aiionii ur, au. u. ai a, aession of tha county court yesterday an order (Joamal Special Serrlea.) -ij-a. Jnhmnn anf Jnht..n. Washington, Auk. SO. Secretary olhlnquent minora who were committed to 'Agriculture Wilson returned to Waah- the care of the Boya' and Olrla1 Aid ao- I ciAtv aX VAnr r mint rsmmltA4 t mtton after an eb.etace or MTarai re' of th mi iA-h V.V .VhT weem in the west, bringing aiowin o-jtney are zi yeara of age. oounta of that taction of tha country. 1 1 . , , , j 'The weat la not worrying: oyer future mica nr times, but la aendlng monev to tha eaat rlaht now," he aald. "People out there do not know that wau atreet exlate, excepi aa my ru about It ta tha newapapera. The grain cropa are generally good thla year, and less weatern money la going Into Canada than laat year." "There U aome fear of another coal famine during the coming winter. aald: Bpeaklng of politic Secretary WUaon "Everybody I talked to out weat was ravoraDie 10 KooaeveiL. ana win in upon the nomination and election year of a man who will carry ou policies. Fruit Wanted. THE OREGON CHEESE CO. 1126 fifth Street THE HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE NORTH WEST AT YOUR GROCERS. AA ccrnt Swetland Bldg., Between Alder and Washington Sts. W.h.r.Rtiaa.M Punnlnv Mimninv an offloe and warehouse on dock foot of Tamhlll at.. Portland, Or., n where they are buying peachea, peart IJest Creamery iiUtter, and plume. MINERS' WAGES TIP; COAL TRICES DITTO roll.. GOt and 70d Fresh Eggs, 2 doz 55 l ine Old American Cheese. 25f Fresh Tillamook Cheese.... 17 to 20 Swiss, Limburger, Chehalla. Waah.. Au. So. Coal in the ImDOrted local market la to be advanced 60 centt p Rrirlr Vrtiino- AmfWi. a ton September 1. On that date all Cream, .DriCK, XOUng Americas, the minora employed here are to Del a 1 V Til, .11 III WHRCB fW I . . y . . - w i a day. A large number or men are oesi police in Lily lur aiac affected at Chehalla and Centralla. pjnc jjams and Bacon- PRIZE TROUT CAUGHT IN MONTANA MEADOW fBDedal Dlaoatek to Tha Journal. 1 Helena, Mont., Aug. 30 Probably the largest trout ever taken from a stream In weatern Montana waa the one got Sunday afternoon by Robert H. Marks aouth of Stevenavllle In an irrigating ditch In his field. It was a bull trout. OREGON CHEESE CO. CHICKENS 18c Pound Spring Ducki and Geese Best Butter 65c to 75c a Roll RANCH EGGS 30 DOZEN CHINOOK SALMON 2 lbs. 251 HALIBUT 10 Crabs-Crawfish HOLLAND HERRING Keg $1.10 COLUMBIA FISH CO. Third and Ankeny. Phone Main 5 BUTTER Best Creamery 70c and 75c Eggs 25c 30c Dozen Dairy Butter 50t Best Sugar Cured Ham 17 Breakfast Bacon 18f Cream Brick Cheese, lb 20 and 25 Limburger Cheese, each 35 Pull Cream Cheese 20 Oleomargarine 45 Remember Saturday is our Chicken Day. Dalles Diamond Flour FIRST IN BREAD FIRST IN BISCUITS FIRST IN THE STOM ACHS OF OUR COUN TRYMEN. ASK YOUR GROCER Diamond Flour Mills THE DALLES, OR. Household La Grande Creamery , 264 YAMHILL ST. Expenses Saved We have a plan whereby you can cut down your grocery bills cry materially. Call and see us or call up by phone. RICHET CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS 114 Front St, corner Washington Phone Main 758, Home A1758 w rr i E CIMIE1 MT 11DIUI1 liiDli I IN WAX CARTONS. Clover Is not only the best, but the only Butter put up in CARTONS. Ask your grocer. T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. Portland. Seattle. Astoria. Salem. Lyons. Dallas. GROCERIES 849-351 OAK ST. Fellows Grocery Co. MEATS Both Phones, 2598 848-350 ANKENY ST. Remember the Big Store On Oak Street, near Seventh, is the place where you can save a large per cent on your grocery and meat bills. We give high quality at low prices. Best Creamery Butter for Saturday 75 18 pounds Best Dry Granulated Sugar $1.00 4 packages Fancy Table Salt 25 5 packages Humpty Dumpty Breakfast Food 25 5 cans Pork and Beans 25 5 caiis Star Cream 25 1 can Eagle Milk 15 cans Carnation Cream 25 1 package Scotch Oats 10 1 package Puffed Rice ....10 1 pound Mocha and Java Coffee 25 1 pound Good English Breakfast Tea.... 25 1 pound Good Gunpowder Tea 25 Sack Yellow or White Corn Meal 25 1 pound Shredded Cocoanut 15 7 pounds Standard Rolled Oats 25 Special Prices to Hotels, Restaurants and Boarding Houses 8 npppickers, Attention!! . . . . - .... WE WILL PACK YOUR SUPPLIES READY FOR SHIPPING Sausage Bologna 7 Liver Sausage 7 Blood Sausage 7f Weincrwurst 10 Pork Tork Roasts 12t Tork Chops llM Pork Sausage 8 Picnic Hams l&M Beef Beef Stew 2 to 4 Boiling Beef 3 to 5 Pot Roasts 5, 6, 7 Hamburg Steak Corned Beef 5 Shoulder Steak 6f Sirloin Steak 10 SPECIAL VEAL SALE Veal Stew 7 Veal Chops 10 Shoulder Roasts 8e Veal Breasts 8 Loin Veal 12lif Veal Sausage 12lAt Mutton Mutton Stew 5 Mutt Shoulder ......... 8'' C - y Mutton Chops Sot Mutton Legs lK One Duster to Each Customer With $1.00 Orders 19 POUNDS SUGAR WITH EVERY ORDER $1.00 3 cans Carna tion Cream for 25c Canned Goods Mason Jars 3 cans Salmon 25 Tomatoes, Beans and Corn, 3 cans 25 2 cans Plums or Grapes.. 25 2 cans Tiger Cream 15 7 lbs. Navy Beans 25 5 lbs. Rice 25 SPICbS 3 cans S. A. Soups 25 2 cans any kind of Spice 15 Mb. cans 25 Vanilla Extract 10 Lemon Extract 10 10 bars Royal Soap 25a nr CA Elk Soap, 12 bars 25 I Monarch Soap, 8 bars 25 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea 25 Baby Elephant Soap, 6 1 lb. U. C. Japan 25 bars 25 1 lb. E. B. Tea 25 2 pkgs. Gold Dust 35, Pints, dozen 55 Quarts, dozen 65 Half gallons, dozen 00 Rubbers, dozen 5 Caps, dozen 20 CREAMERY 7A BUnERjUC Oleomargarine 45 Soaps SPECIALS 1 barrel Snaps 25 Scotch Oats 10 7 lbs. Rolled Oats 25 1 box Macaroni 25 2 pkgs. Fluff Starch 5 5 doz. Clothes Pins 5 3 Toilet Paper 10 7 lbs. Prunes 25 1 lb. Honev 15 Coffee Postum 20 Gold Medal M. and J....35 MONARCH COFFEE ..25f 1 lb. Loaf Sugar Free with every pound. Town Talk, lb 20 Army and Navy Blend... 15 People's -MarteU & (Grocery'' Co TUB STORE OP GOOD THIINQS phq main iTi FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS HOME A 1413 Meats, Spices, Canned Goods, Butter, T$a, Coffee, Etc. iDPXSSER'Si i STORE CLOSES AT NOON MONDAY, LABOR DAY WEM-EN SPECIALS These little week-end specials constitute an extra induce ment for strangers to visit our new store; they also serve to weld more firmly our relations with our older patrons who have appreciated and supported our policy for years. We have found QUALITY a wonderful foundation upon which to build a business. The Bakery Offers Dresser's Nut Loaf (our own make) ; popular with OA hundreds; regularly 25c; Saturday,. each aUC Dresser's Assorted Layer Cakes (our own make) ; ask a Dresser customer about these; regularly 25c; Saturday, each CdJC Market Offers Dresser's Veal Sausage (our own make) ; the purest Of and most delicate of Sausage ; two pounds aCOC Dresser's Legs of Lamb (selected) ; Saturday, r pound JLtJC The choicest Candies and Sweetmeats; all made by our own candy makers. Fresh, cured and cooked Meats, Fish and Fruits; all of the characteristic Dresser quality. a DRESSER'S 2 The Biggest. Brightest and Most Complete Food Store on the Coast BRANCHES : 1 5th and BROADWAY, GEAR HART and SEASIDE . tfcava . . ri.fW trXAWZi agHjBaaaaaaa Whcn.Yo.u Buyjhis You Got The 1 J " (With Portland Warafcouaa k Tnuxslax Co.) I Tlere a Taste' otColee? , Scientists say no! It's the aroma, and its the aroma that makes HE Mil (CWIEE tele (Eooifl 40c per lb. Coffee, 3 lbs for $1.00 30c per lb. Coffee, 4 lbs. for $1.00 Delivered to your door fresh from the roaster. Special prices to hotels and restaurants 7 For sale only by 0- 90 FIRST STRE-E.T PHONE MAIN 3263, HOME A3263 Remember, the Boyd Tea Co. wants your trade on the excellence of its coffee. Do not be caught by premium offers. " PHONE A TRIAL 0 j 6 40 Sast WaaMnrtOB Btraat. Phona Zast 8607. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY BEST j V t t