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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1907)
; THIS OREGON DAILY JOURNAU C PORTLAND. FRIDAY1 EVENING. AUGUST ' 30. 1907. 11 r FODAY'S MARKETS EASIER TONE Trade Expects a General Drop in Price to 35c Early ; in the Coming Week. Latest market feature: All quot butter easier. Only on car rrape arrlrea. Alaska spud demand about filled. union market la in nna map.. I Watermelon buatneaa la good, i ' Crawford peaohea are disappearing,. ! Tomatoes drop to still lower prtoa. May market In fine shape. Local wheat firm, but unchanged. T ' Some quote advance for (; J, Poultry In good demand. preaaed meats firmer attain, 1' Batter Xa Quoted Sealer. ' In the local creamery butter market .in aaaler tone la prevailing. Arrival heavier voiuma jaund the output of butter la therefor creasing, pvrrnii crwranrw. iwi. till quoting their best proauct at sine a. MHind. but would like to drop to 86e Jlf they could without aeemlng to give 'in to th othera However, there I no ral weakness In the market oniy rrawlnr dullness on account Of the un t usual high fl auras for thla time of Mm , JtUWrUUlg) Ml MMHW ......... ixaoturer mere waa rtcraur anarp u in tha nrlna nt hutter at eastern I mitm kll t Via IlUl.l mtrll.t ifl M far j frr.j". i tth !relkht added, that th outside fluctua ftlon haa practically no bearing upon Jhe """i .t" ?-''r.V.U? Swfll nrnhablv do ao earlT In the COm ab weaa. SIT Haraei xa ytt rim. So Arm la the local egg situation -that soma dealera easily maintained mall advance tn value yeeteraay. in S,B ,u.llu' "! S jstern and ibid atorage egga are being withdrawn and f oread Into competition wita in. lormi irein Droauci. xiiia u iu.i ' iroro going 10 . in uun '''i""'".,. tha trad not ao anxloua to buy on ao - tnej ail.l skVXk naai Vs sa, n count of th High vaiuea. wniie prices art arm peing, aiu Tfijr min . mnok countv oolnts. th tone I eaalerl ;tnr DWtuM 01 in matir uuiuiw - fTer-xl. but stock are aald to b too ziow to aamit 01 any reauction in aiuu a TlnaB TTnlMra nf Mfltm rhMlfl ir unwilling to sell their product un- der oecauaa unaer wi mun there would be no eroflt. ChJcken market 1 In very flne shape. J with receipt not ao liberal and demand AsTOod. : Dressed Teal 1 firmer again owing ua the alack arrivals today. Price un (changed. Dresaed bog In same condl 'tlon. i. Fish market now rair arrival w Northern salmon. poruwra awxuivu. - 4iiiBipBimiM..ixi. f t Aocordlng to local buyers, practically GUTTER the northern potato Duaineaa naaiper lb; walnuts, California, 10c per lb; been taken car oi or tne ax-ai iraae; pine nuts, ltwifto per lb: hickory nuts, nni a few small lota remaining to bellOo per lb: Brail 1 nuts. 18c per lb; f 11- bought For these the buyers are or - 'faring 81.25; sometimes in tne country ,and ometimes tn th city. Quality jnaaes ine umsraio ... Onion market la In flne shape, with receipts showing a iractionai increase. avaaat str nnifiT aa inuiinnsii inrraiiiL ,,r.7 o? T cVrs "hiS5 TpGrchlsed br th local trad, for th. California market. Price about Stationary. p r x Yr. l& Son from Cailfornfa yesterday was " I I M II I SI L amilU UIU T 1.UU C I IV . a w licit) thus far thla season. Thompson seed - ,i.h in on. .uii. ...u . .mu.... f i,c pw ib. reg;Uiar snort clears, un teala. Some, express shipments of Mala- ani0Ked j8o Dor lb: smoked. 12o per lb; 'traa arrived In ratner poor condition, tocording to th. trade, and sales were 'oniy maae. ai iicnawa vtuuea. d fln tOkaVS Bre DOing received irom inl,l..r Kalllaa nnmmnW IIU. nar lh- aoutn. uest ruling onwwn j wu 82.25. If Sweet potatoes ar being neia rather .nna at c, accoramg 10 me iucbj 'trade, lower values being quoted only v -those who have none to aelL and .r therefore trying to nun me regular . irraaalna. Price on fancies up to 80c, i-wlth ordinary stock priced In propor- felon. (' Tomato market Is lower, with much ; larger receipts, especially irom uoium- Ma river oolnts. Price rules between t26o and 80c, with only an occasional iaale a fraction higher. 3 r-alrr aunnllea are larger and Drices r down. Quality Improving. f. Front street prices: 1 Orals, riour and Teed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, tc, larg lots; small lota, 9c. j WHEKT New Club, 81c; red Rus ' elan, 78c bluestem, 8283c; val- ' lav al f! CORN Whole, 129.00; cracked. 830.00 par ton. '. BARLEY New Feed, $22.00 $28.00 "tier ton; rolled, $24.0025.00; brewing, $28 00(8(23.50. i "?ri; P'ZT ... . 'Ti'n'n.T-.nn U"'".,V " " '-- !CSt-2?tt it n i,iJ WMJSU"PJ Will Whole wheat. $4.00; rye, 60s, $5.50; bales, Cr.Vti iT.'tKliW. IS 00. , MILL8TUFFS Bran, $17.00 per ton; i middlings, $26.00; shorts, country, $20; cltv, $19.00; chop $16.00$21.00. HAY Producers' price Timothy, a Willamette valley, fancy, $1.0017.00; ordinary. $12.00 14.00; eastern Oregon, J $18: mixed ioi8io.&o; clover, $899; jgrain, 5Hfiu; cneac. iurii. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. t BDTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland Sweet cream, 33 36c; sour, 31 34c. tiU'lTJiiit liy creamery, a 0 tg a 1 c aeconds, 8Zc; eastern, 8Zc; state ' fancy, 86c; aeconds, 86c; store, Oregon, " EGGS Extra fancy, candled, 26c; astern, 24 25c. C 1EESE New Full cream, flats, 10 per lb; Young Americans, 17c per lb; eastern, 17 c. POULTRY Mixed cblckensv 1S HHclb; fancy hens. 13c lb; roosters, old, 10c lb; fryers, 14 16c lb: broilers. 14016c lb, old ducks, lie lb: spring ducks 12c lb; geese, old, 810c lb; tur keys ll13c lb for old; squabs, $2.50 r dosen; pigeons. $1.26 per dozen; dressed poultry. llc per lb. higher. . Bops, Wool and Rid. 1 - HOPS 1K08 crop Prime to choice. :; qic; medium to prime, 4p4c; con tracts, 1907 crop, ( ). WOOL 1907 clip Valley. 20 21c astern Oregon. 18 21c. MOHAIR New 1907 i9i29e. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 16 20c each; short wool, 26 4 0c: medium, wool, . 76o each; long wool, 76c$l.O0 each. ( TALLOW Prime, per , 3 4c; No. J and grease, 2tc. j CHITTIM BARK 60 per lb. Tmlta and Vegetable. 1 POTATOES Fancy, $1.25 1.40 ell Ing; buying, white,- $1.25 per sack. ONIONS Jobbing price Oregon, H.60; buying, $1.7&1.S5; garlic, 8c per ""APPLES New. fl.00OJ.00. V KRESH FRUITS Oranges, $4.259 4 75: bananas. So lb; lemons, $.007.60 fer box; limes. Mexican. $4.00 per 100; -1 ineapplea. I3.25.00 doxen; grape fruit i.ii; pfachea, 600c; cantaloupea, J1.004T1 60; plums, 060c; watermel on. 101 e; cultivated blackberries, I1.25W1.60 a crte; crabapples. I1.J 3.10 per box: Bart let t peas, fl.SO per box; caxttbaa, $2.26 2.60 doxen. . VEaETAJBLES Turnip, new. 90c j EGGS 'ARE SCARCER WITH PRICES IIIGn , "Efgi are acarce and higher and It look a If receipts would ran behind for awhile., "Butter 1 coming In more freely and we consider the con dition much weaker for all grade. "Poultry ta alao weaker with a better demand for fancy hens than for spring chicken. The latter have been In very large aupply of late and the demand for them haa alaoked off ma terially. Laxge aprtng duck are In good demand and the trad doe not get all It needs of them. Large spring geese are alao good aellera and the trad can ua more of them. Fat hen turkey are In demand and large spring turkey are being Inquired for. I do not look for Chicken the coming week, al though a good many will be wanted, especially hens. "Veal, If small and medium, are still scarce and In very firm rwquem ai nne prices, ana mc same la true a to small pork. although large la hard to move. "Potatoes are In larger supply and weaker." Tom Farrell of Everdlng it Farrell. I 1 1 OA aa-b- oarrnta TSkIIII OA nar aaOr - per sack; parsnips ll.OOrt i tomatoes, Ore- 2 8c; green I 20!o rer lb: cauliflower. Ills doi: oeas. horseradish. 8c lb; artichokes. 66 - l.'"V. .-v v i ueii .peppers iio per id; neao lei- I tuea I . do- ruumUn hnthnni. 16 iitc jog. radishes, lto doaen bunches; I eggplant UHe lb: green corn. 3101-26 i mm; ceiery, votrauo. OrooerUe, JTnts, Zto. SUGAR Cube. 88.21U: Dowdered. I6.07H; berry, $6.87 H; dry, granulated. t"r A TO?- aol'd.n G 15 27 1 VVftu I i i a.. l.u i ,. t I too advance on sack oaala. (Above prices are SO day net oaah h HMAtatiANa 1 l HONEY 18 60 nor crate. COFFEE) Package brands. 115.110 but rsl aak 17 s. 1 f sAiinl 1AA 1 112.6O per ton; 60s. I1B.00; table, dairy, J0t $X7.0; 100a, $17.25; ble, $3.25; 1 imported UyerDooi. 6 On. 120.00; loua, I tia HA at. HO AA AVtM Ana. Ka o-ala 2s, ts and 10a, $4.606.60; Liverpool lamp rock, per ton; co-io rock, 1 811.00: 100a 110.50. I (Above prices apply to sales of less I than car lota Car lets' at special prices 1 suDject to nuciuauonaj I RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1. (e; No. - ll. 6VkV5e; New Orleans, bead. 7c - 1 Ajax, dc: Creole, c, jaa, w viwav. as -a aj. I BEAN 8 Small white,; larg wim W "". Lima. tte: Mexican reds, 4Hc I MITTBPaan,ita lnmVin Slin Mr ih Virginia. 7o per lb; roasted. fOo per ibt Japanese, 606Wc: roasted. 77Ho 1 peris, ieo per lb; fancy pecans, iszoo i per id; aimonoa. 190210. Meats, rish and rrorislons. JCRiraH HEATH Front street Hoa-a fancy. 80 per lb: large, 708o per 1 . . - a. . . . . . &-tl?'Z Vle. JL.".0 g'v v I uiiio mAi e-tv-. t i. .-v (local) hama, 10 to 12 lb. lo per lb; ,4 to t jbsUHc per lb; 18 to 20 lbs. lhU.M Knaabfaal hA rsn lhli.M71H ma 1 it,. niVin. nixn k- Afti Cear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked, 18o per lb: Union butts, 10 to 18 lbs, un- smoked, 12c per lb; smoked, 180 per lb; smoked 18 c per lb; shoulders. 12 c per lb; pickled tongues, 70o each. 1 LOCAL, LARD Kettle leaf, 10a. lSVc 1 per lb; 6, -8 c per lt: 60-10 tins, iz c per lb; steam .rendered, 10s, 9ic per lb: 5s. HTWe Der lb: coimound. 10s. llTac per in. I inrofT t j. n 11.. per lb; catfish, 11c per lb; sal- mon. fresh Columbia Chinook, 11c per lb; slivers, 8c per lb; humpback, 8c Per lo"- herrings, 6c per lb; soles, 60 per lb; shrimps, 12c per id: percn, c per id; lomcoo, vc per in; lobsters, 16c per lb; fresh mackerel. Bo per lb; crawfish, 25c per doz; sturgeon, l?,0 Per,Ib;. black base. 20o-per lb; silver smelt, 7c per lb; frozen shad. 5c PI lb; black cod, 7c per lb. OYSTERS Shoal water bay. per gal lon, $2.60; per 100-lb sack, $4.50; Olym- rla, per gallon, 2Z.Z6; per 115-lD sack, 5.60 06.26; Eable. canned. 10c can; $7.00 dox. CLAMS Hardshell, per box. $2.40; rasor clams, $2.00 per box; lOo per dox. Faints, coal OIL 2 to. ROPE Pure Manila. 15 9ic; standard. 13c; sisal, 11c. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Casein 18 c per gal; water white, iron bbls. 14C per gai; wooden, lc per gai; neaa light 17(5 eg.. cases. 21 tfc per gal. light, iyu deg GASOLINB-86 deg.. cases. 24c per gar. iron bbls, lc per gal. ! BENZINE-68. deg.. cases, 25o per Ml KK11 OON wva-. a-ol TURPENTINE! In cases. 96c per gal; wooaenDDi. scper gai. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 7 lie per lb: 600-lb lots. 80 per lb; less lots, 80 WIRE NAILS Present basil at $3.18. per lb. 10 WEE FRUIT RATE NAMED FOR CANNING (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) f3t"m. Or., Aug. 80. The following telegram from R. B. Miller, general freight agent of the Southern Pacific, was received by the railway commission yesterday afternoon: "We desire to publish effective 29th, rate 10 cents per hundred pounds green fruit for canning purposes only from Salem to East Portland to expire in 60 days. The reason given is that can nery at Salem will be unable to tako care of all fruit offering and lack cold storage provision at Salem makes it imperative that business be shipped to mast ijortiand to oe taken care or. xnis rate has been made during- former sea sons for this particular reason. Have we your authority to puDllan tarlir ao rdingly? Please answer quick. "R .B. MILLER." The commission Immediately wired the following message In reply: "Answering your wire of August 28 1907, lust received, proposed rate granted. Please confirm wire by letter. Notices of the change should be posted Castvra Bark Higher. (Special DUpntch to The JonrsaL) Chehalis. Wash., Aug. 80. There has been a stiff advance in the price of caa- cara nark in tne unenaiis market within the past week. Buyers are paying 7 cents a pound for new bark -now, an ad vance of 2 cents over last week's prices. The peeling seaaon la now over and many ton of bark are coming dally to Chehalis. Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool. Aug. 80. Official prices: WHEAT. Onen. Close. Aug. 29. Gain. i K V. A "Im Kbit U.A Sept, Dec. .7e 6d 7s 6fcd .7s 8d 7s 8d 7 8d d ' COKN. Sept.... 4 td 6a 8d 6a 3d d SHORTS COVER VR HOLI DAY Sellers Arc Buyers Today in the New York Stock Market. BTOCK MARKET GAINS. Amalgamated ..lHIDel. & Hudson.. 2 Locomotive . 1 Krie . ..... j Hugar Kmelter ... Anaconda . Atchison .. HrooHyn . (Junaillan . 81. Paul . . C. N. W. 1 do 2d tifd.k. .2Ta .3 Great Northern. I H : 5 .1 U & N 1 Katy 1 l)lstlllers IS Missouri Pac. . .1 Nat. Lead 2 S. Y. Central. . .1 Northern Pac. .1 ?pnn H U. 8. Bteel J4 do pfd Vt 2 C & O IK Colo. Fuel Reading IS Houthern Pac. . . Union Pac 1 New York. Aug. SO. With a two days' holiday Saturday and Monday, In prospect, stock market shorts hardly cared to hold their sales, so there waa considerable covering today. Borne of the leaders gained 2 to 8 points during the day. American Smelting closed 8Vi points up for the common. Erie sec ond preferred was active on the talk of a dividend ana closed z up. in London a lower ranaa of values ruled on American shares. urnciai xxew i or Dnce dv uvroeca a. i.- - - I at vwav lumimiiy U DESCRIPTION. 4 as tr J AmaL Cop. Co.. Am. C 4 F, c. 70 89 'it" 61 .2 72 38 i5 Am. J. t . p. . . Am. cot. OIL c. 82 82 Am. Loco, com. . . Am. tiugar, com. Am. fcimelt, com. 63 61 68 1H U 118 113 6 95 46 8 90" 48 97 98 4 87 90" 41 96 97 46 8$ 90 Am. Smelt, pfd.. Ana. Min. Co.... 46 Atchlaon. o. Atchison, p Haiti. A Ohio, a lialtl. at Ohio, a 90 90 81 Br. Rap. Tr 43 4 14 Can. Pao., com. . . 168 166 19 13 Can. Leather, a. 19 86 10 19 19 Can. Leather, p. C O. W com.. 10 121 144 33 26 22 42 64 162 22 9 0, M. A tit. P... p & u ur 120 1ZU V. . . V .. WWII. 144 82 24 22 40 62 143 142 Chea. Ohio... 38 24 22tt C F. & I, com.. Colo. Sou., com. . 24 22 40 61 iso 10. ao., m p., Colo. Sou., 1st p. Dela. & Hud 42 64 161 161 162 D. R. U.. com. 21 21 ZZ 66 1 3 46 V. & R. U.. pfd. Erie, com. Erie, 3d pfd.... Erie, lat pfd..... Gt. Nor., pfd.... I1L Cen Lou. & Nash Manhattan Ry. . . Max. Cen. Ry. . . . 20 20 124 20 86 47 16 48 1Z1 121 1124 106 108 1061107 118 is 84 63k af a 18 o 67 65 18 84 67 62 63 67 48 103 82 7 '68" 120 26 117 86 28 83 18 25 67 M. K. & T., com. Distiller ....... Ore Land M., K. & T., pfd. Mo. Pacific National Lead .. 66 63 68 60 V 63 7 48 8 60 N. . Cent. . . , N. Y., 0. & W, N. & W., com, do preferred Nor. Am N. P., com. . . , P. M. S. Co..., Penn. Ry. . . , 103 105 104 82 S3 76 76 'J 120 78 69 69 122 121 26 26 26 117 118 118 P. U., L. & C. Co.. 28 88 86 28 P. S. Car, com.. do preferred . Reading, com. . do 2d pfd. . . . do 1st pfd . . . R. I. & 8., com. do preferred . Rock I., com. . . do preferred . 29 83 83 92 83 86 92 B4tt 71 80 SO 80 80 20 71 20 44 1K 20 46 83 17 45 4b 84 17 8. L. & 8. F.; 2 pf 88 17 45 34 62 17 46 do 1st Dfd . . . . S. L. & Si W., c do preferred . . 46 85 So. Pac. com 83 83 84 80. Pac. pfd So. Ry. com 110 110UlO 16 16 16 25 10 do preferred . . 63 Texas & Pacific. T., S. L & W., o. 26 26 26 24 do preferred . . 46 46 45 46 U. P., com U. 8. Rub., com. 126- 128 126 127 32 do preferred . . 90 30 94 90 81 96 89 80 94 .A. 20 90 U. S. Steel Co., c. 31 94 do preferred . . Wabash, com. . .. 11 20 do preferred . . 20 20 Call money ruled 8 per cent Total sales for day, 401.100 shares. American Sugar, common, ex. dividend. 1 per cent. Canadian Pacific, common, ex. divi dend, ta per cent, CWLElinffl TO IRK OUT FUTURE Portland Union Stockvards. Auar. 20. Official run: Ho its. Cattle. Sheen. Today 136 187 470 VteeK ago 162 206 1.788 Year ago 86 817 Prev. year 183 144 96 "Just let the cattle market alone and It will take full care of Itself." This the remark : o Seefetarv Plnmme? -S.Itmf,r...r?5crlt.aJ7 J?lmme? s and the llvesTockoole havem th? utS of the steer market Takpn aa a. whnla tnriav'a arrivals I .iK,n,a5 ..Jl0-1.0?-."?"18 quirements of the trade in all line at the former ranee of valuea the former range of values. a year ago today all livestock ericea were sieaay 10 nrm and unchanged. urnciai yard prices. Hogs Best eastern Oregon. 86.76: stockers and feeders, 16.256.50; China I HI 3, 0.0U IK ' o. Cattle Besk. eastern Oresron ateern. $3.76 4 ; best cows and heifers, $2.76 BheeD Best wethers. 86: mixed ti: Fine Stock Coming. (Journal Special Service.) Chehalis. Wash.. Auar. 30. A ahinment of a carload of thoroughbred registered HolBtein bulls Is expected soon from tho east, 'iney were uought in Wisconsin by an agent of the Pacific Coaat con densed Milk company from the finest Wisconsin herds. The. animals will be aisiriDuteo pro rata and sold to dalrv- men who furnish milk to the company' condensers at Chehalis, Kent and Mount Vernon. Washington, Hillsboro and For est urove, vregon. Cattle Strong In East. Chicago. Aug. 30. Official run: Hogs. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago 18,000 15.000 8,000 1 Kansas city s.&uo 8.600 2.000 Omaha 8,500 1.600 2,000 Hob's are steady at vesterdav's clos ing prices. Left over from yesterday, 4.300. Receipts a year ago were 18.000. Mixed, $5.856.50; heavy, $6.9006.20; rougn, sD.ouio'o.fio; iignt, io.ouo6.oo. Cattle strong. v., SheepWeak. Portland Bank Statement. Clearing today $971T146.29 Clearings a year ago 663,767.06 Gain today $337,378.23 Balances today $161,106,051 Balance a year ago 109,860.00 Not a Single Sale of Hops Is Kcportcd Thus FarvThis Season In OregonA; 3fost Unusual Occurrence. - h r J SHARP RISE IN WHEAT PIT Chicago Advances on Short Covering and Buying for European Account jTorthweat Crop Weather. Western Oregon Probably fair tonight and Saturday; warmer south portion tonight; northwest winds. - Western Washington Proba bly fair and warmer tonight; Saturday probably fair; north west wind. Eastern Orgon Probably shower and warmer tonight; Saturday probably showers. EaatenT Washington and Idaho Probably shower tonight and Saturday. CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Aug. 80. Aug. II. Gain. 10. Sept tw .... V0H 88 1 70H .... I6H 1H 76S ....108 102 1 77 in.. Chicago. Aug. 80. Th wheat market opened weak on a fractional decline in Liverpool cablea, but the latter advance there caused sharp advances with con siderable short covering. Foreign buy ers took advantage of the recent weak ness In American prices and bought hard winter wheat wherever It waa ob tainable. Tha fart that thara la an much damp grain thet must be moved at once has undoubtedly swelled the current receipts tar above the nominal corn la in lighter aupply in the local market than has been known at th) aeaaon In a great many year. Shippers ar having th greatest difficulty in getting cargo lota together and soma of them will be unable to meet their Au gust shipping contracts. Heavy rainfall and high winds through Iowa and alao portion of Wisconsin and niinot are creating considerable bullish sentiment In oata. There Is a good call for cash oata for shipment at prices H to 1 cent higher. Broomhaii cabled from Liverpool that he expected a heavy decrease fn Liver pool wheat stock tne coming week. Official Chicago prloe. by Overbeck ft Cook company: WHEAT. Oven. High, Low. 89 4 101 Close. 90 96 103 60 68 69 61 48 49 1646 1660 1676B Sept. , 89 91 Deo. May Sept . 96 97 101 103 CORN, . 1 ,. 68 69 .. 69 60 Deo. May . OATS. Sept. iec . 60 62 .. 47 48 May . 49 60 MESS PORK. Sept .1646 1560 .1660 1660 .1677 1577 1637 1660 1662 890 902 865 Oct Jan. LARD. spt. . 892 896 . 906 907 $95 Oct Jan. 907A . 872 876 872 SHORT RIBS. Sept. 860 855 845 856 Oct 880 867 860 866B Jan 810 810 802 810 HARVEST IN FULL BLAST. Practically All the Wheat Tested at Condon Goes as No. 1. (Special Dlipatcb to The Journal.) Condon, Or., Aug. 80. Harvesting In this vicinity la progressing satisfactor ily, but there Is such an enormous crop this year that farmers are having the time of their lives now. There are 20 combined harvesters and 16 threshing outfits running at lull blast in this dis trict. They expect to be through by October 1, weather permitting. A careful estimate places the amount of grain to be marketed at Condon thin fall at 600,000 sacks of wheat and bar ley. or 1.200.000 bushels wheat and 400. 000 bushels of barley. All wheat tested so far this season goes No. 1. Not one case of where any of the 1907 wheat tested less than 58 pounds, the average being 60 pounds. Fifty-eight pounds is No. 1: A great many of the farmers have contracted their wheat at 70 cents. About 85,000 aacks sold at that figure today. The recent hall and rain storms did no damage here. Ranchers six miles from here report no hail and very little rain. RAINS PUT STOP TO HARVEST WORK (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) -Garfield. Wash.. Aug. 30. A heavy downpour of rain last night has com- fletely stopped all harvest work for his week, and the town IB full of men from near-by machines who have come to attend the Jesse James show, which Is to be here today. A general feeling depression rules among the farmers. Onlv two day this week has it been JJ L?!hin? hA? to work, 2 n r a uT--i " . "u r unuiug is not rood. The outlook for the wheat is v.ett a'5cof'i,lanr, ah8. ?hSn SaveS" third of the crop .has been saved to date. Never since the big rains of 1891 have the farmers felt so downhearted over saving their crops aa they do to- day. 69 67 68& 60 47 48 D. C. Burrt-s' All BUTTER Jersey Creamery Jackson Creek .. PEACHES D. C. ' - r- A v . PHONE MAIN 61 6, A 1 WILLING HOP GROWERS .CANNOT . GET PICKERS By Hymen H. Cohen. Even the small number of grower who have contract and are eager to gather their hop crop this season are experiencing considerable difficulty In obtaining a sufficient cumber of har vesters. Not one of the large yards have more than half enough picker ta gather the crop In the usual time. Everv dav adds to the number of growers Who have decided not to pick their hops this season on account of the lack of encouragement In the price and offera of picking money. Yards ara be ing abandoned on every aid for this reason. Few vards show any matured hoc at this time, but all who can are hurrying the harvest with all possible speed to stop the destructive work of the ele ments. In some sections the quality could acarcely be better than ahown thla year, but In other place the stock Is so trnor that even In vears of good prices It would scarcely pay to pick the crop. Dealers hsve placed another 50,000 hundred weight on the crop of England within a single '24 hours In order to further muddle the growers. A feature of the present year Is that to date there haa not been a single sale of hops. Not a alngle bale of flggles hsa changed handa This Is a most ex traordinary eeurrence and shows the general lack of confidence In the market by the dealers. Votes by an Eastern Journal. The New York Producers' Price Cur rent says of the situation: Business on the local market la ex ceedingly dull aa usual on the wlndup NEVADA SHARES IN FRISCO MARKET San Francisco, Aug. 30. Official bid prices: GOLDFIELDS DISTRICT. Sandstorm 40c. Mohawk 320A. Colum bla Mt. 4 9c A, Jumbo Ext. $1.76, Vernal 20cA. Ooldfleld M. Co. $1.36, Kendall 2 Bo, Booth 40c Blue Bull 83c. Adam 12c Silver Pick 60c, May Queen 10c. Ner. Boy 7c. B. B. Ext. 8c. Blue Bell 17a Dixie 6a, O. Columbia 26c, Hlbernla 7a, St Ives 8 2c A, Conqueror IKeA, Blk. Rock 6c, Lone Star 21c, O. Wonder 2c, Potlach 40c A, Oro 19c, Kendall Ext. Sc. Sandst. Ext. 4c. Mayne 6c, Atlanta 49c, Ureal Bend S2c. Blmerone 26cA. Em pi re 11c, Red Top Ext 26c Florence $4.05, Dlam. B. B Con. 24c O. Dal $1.46, Laguna $1.60A, Comb. Free. $2, ur. Hend Ext. 14c Or. Bend Anx. 9CA. Mlllstorm 25o, B. B. Bonania c Ke wanoa 72cA. Esmeralda 12cA. Cracker jack lfc, Francis Mohawk $1.07, Red Hill 54o. Mohawk Ext 11c, Lou Dillon lie. Y. Tiger 82c a Pick Ext. 4c Y. Rose 8c Col Mt Ext. 3c Goldf. Con. 27.46. uiam. Triangle lie. COMSTOCK. Ophtr $1, Mexican 63c, Gould A Curry 23c, Con. Virginia 76c, Savage 91c. Hale & morcross 86c. fellow Jacket 81.10, Belcher 20c, Confidence 90c Sierra Nev. 42c, Exchequer 33c Union 42c BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 6c Bullf. M. C 13c Mont Roll la Km n.nlr 1 T. Vtmr-rtm 9 n Amethyst 26cA. Gold Bar 69c Stelnway oca. xuayri. cons. lie, Monty, unio icxt. 6c. G. Scepter 9c B. Daisy 10c A. Home- stake Cons. 96c Yankee Girl 6cA. Nug- et 4c, Tramp Cons. 34c Victor 16c A, lorth Star 5c A. TONAPAH8. Mon. Ton. $3. MacNamara lie. Mid way 76c Ton. No. Star 20c, Ohio Ton. 2c west End uons. esc, itescue isc Ton. tc Calif 4c Golden Anchor 11c Jim Butler 85c Ton. Cash Boy 4c Ton. Home 4o, Bost Ton. 10c A, Mont Mid. Ext 2c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. M. Co. 6c G. Wedge c Seyler Hump 5c Dexter 10c 1 Jo lc Cres cent 5cA, Combination 2c, Granny 14 c Mustang Jlc, Little Grey 15c, Cowboy 6cA. Orig. Manh. 10c, Bronchi 8c Jump. Jack 10c Pinenut 6c, Buffalo 5c A, S. Dog 18c Y. Horse 8c, Indian Camp 8c Page Buy Pear. (Special DUpatch to Tha Journal.) Garfield, Wah., Aug. 0. Mr. 01dn burg, repreentlng Pag tt Son of Port land ha been In the Palouse country this week and has succeeded In pur chasing several good pear orchard. From J. F. Long, Dr. Dlvln and H. S. Hunt he purchased five car of splen did Bartlett pears, and the growers will begin packing about September 1. J. E. Trimble ha lust sold the fruit from his 100-acre apple orchard east of Garfield. The price he received Is not made public but It Is learned the figures run up into the thousands of dollars. The Palouso country will have one of the largest crop of fruit In Its history, a every orchard I full of all kinds of splendid fruit There are old neglected orchards near Garfield that are So full of fruit that the trees are breaking down under the load. The 40-acre orchard near Garfield owned by the Burrell estate of Portland will have $4,000 worth of choice apples on it this fall. The varie ties are Baldwins, Jonathans, Greenings and Rome Beauty. United States Government Bonds. New York, Aug. 80. Government hnnda: Bid. Asked. 106 ' 106H 108 103 Two, registered 105 do coupon luett Threes, registered 102 do coupon iuz Threes, small bonds 101 Dls. Columbia, S-66s lllU Fours, registered, new... 13 H do coupon ..izbh Twos, Panama 104 Philippine Fours lOSft Xew York Cotton Market. AugFst Op; en. High. Low. 1240 iz52 1268 1281 1261 1265 1219 1230 1233 30. 29. Jan. 245 1260 1244 1247 1255 1258 1262 1261 1263 1223 1239 1235 1248 1249 1257 1260 1266 1262 1266 1228 1281 1238 FD. aaa March ....1254 1259 April 1258 1268 May 1262 1266 Aub-. 1261 1261 1 Sept. 1257 1267 Oct 1225 1229 Nov. 1230 1284 'Deo. 1236 1241 .801 .80 BURNS COMPANY .2 lO THIRD 626 TO HARVEST CROP of the old seaaon when th prospect for th Incoming crop ar good. Brew er are making very rew purcn dealera ara not Inclined to take On much took unless the prloe named ar par ticularly attractive. About the only transact Inn wa hear of on the Open mar ket la a little over a carload of protty maoA Pari flea. Tha nrlca Daid I ald to b clo to c. There ar offr to sell lower grade at ,lea money, and It la doubtful that choice would bring much over 8a Stat hop ar also nom inally lower, and our revised figures would doubtless prove extreme aa a trading basis. A few early seedling hav been picked In New Ijrk state and earn pies will be ahown her next week. The later crop la looking pretty well, and picker will be at work quit generally the flrt week In September. It 1 estimated that the yield will be ahnur bales. Growers on the Paclflo coast are showing a disposition: to accept any reaaonanie diqb owihk w the difficulty in obtaining money, i-on-truii. for Oreron 1907 hona are reported at 80, and more canjbe secured at th am figure. In the Sacramento dla trlct plckera have been at work In th yards for some daya, but nothing haa been done as yet In the north. Estl- mates ar now placed at 80,000 bale for California 50,000 bales for Washing ton and 160,000 balea for Oregon. Cable advices from England are uncnangea; the crop Is estimated at 400.000 to 450. ooo cwt. Th German and Bohemian crops will be large. Internal revenue returns for July show the heavy in crease of 804.078 bble. In the beer sale for that month comparer wun a year ago. The total ror tne monm wa .S.183 bbl., agalnat .05,110 bbl. In 1906. FINANCIAL PLACES CLOSE LABOR DAY 4 The New York stock market 4 and the Boston copper market 4 will be closed Saturday and 4 Monday. The Chicago and other ) 4 markets will be closed Monday Labor day. There la a holiday ) w here alao on the latter day and 4 little business will be trans- 4 acted. New York-London Silver. New York. Aug. 10. Bar stlvar. 48 e; Lioooon, i i -ia. Liverpool Cotton Lower. Liverpool. Aug. 80. Cotton futures cloaed quiet I to 4 point lower. TRANSPORTATION. Ho! For Astoria ao ov FastSteamerTelegraph Dally (xept Thursdays). Leave Alder s treat dock lam Sunday s a. m. $jl txraai trip. non maim es. Columbia River Scenery BXaVaVaTOB IdOTH "STXAJstEBS. Dallr aarvlna batwaap PnrtlaaS aaa Taa Dallea, aicapt Buaday, laavtag Portias at las, arrlvta aboat 8 p. si, tarry taw fralalit a ad paaMcrara. gplaadld aeeoaiaxaia. Uona for oat (Its and llrwtarfc. Dock foot of Alder at. Portlasdi foot of Coart at. The Dallas, pboae Mala 914. Fortlaad. sroxTsi nemo btbaishj oo.s BTEAMSSZFS Roanoke and Geo. W.Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 p. m. Thursday at 8 p. m. Third .near Alder, iicaei onic 133 CARLOAD JUST IN Howard J. 130 First St., Next 0. Week Specials it 1NEW TODAV Norway Mackerel Chinook Salmon Bellies New Dill Pickles New Old Dutch Sauerkraut 150 boxes of he' famous Walling $1.00 A STREET lt ANSPORTATIOW. AlasKa 1907 EXCURSIONS 8L $L Irldnt ..Oo St St aaatov , gfoi. r V tt a. AiaAsrza Borm. SatlUif; Jf mm Keattl. kagway, SltkjsJTanaaq u4 war ports, X. . St OO.'s Humboldt . .Slept. , 14, SS Olty of Seattle (.Sept, a, to Oottag Olty. rU Stttka Stop, is, ty bam roAjrczsoo otm. teUlms; t a, a, rroat Beattl. Preaidaai Sap, a, 17 St . ipokan Sopt T, 83 Olty of mabla..' Sept 18, 87 Olty Offlos, 4t Washlsgtoa It Jampfnwn Fvnndfinn . LOW RATESV SKirrxatBES 11, la, 13. I , mZ Chicago and return, $71.80. St Louis and return, $7.S. St Paul, Mlnneapoll. Duluth. Supe rior, Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re turn, $0. 3-TRAIN5 DAILY 3 For ticket. lplng car reservation and additional Information, call on or address H. DICKSON, C P. T. A. US TXXBS ST, yOaTXJUTD, OB, Telephone: Mala 880, Horn A-llSf. COOS BAY Weekly Freight and rasa-s arvtoe ef ta lla. Steemshlp Brea kwater XVeavas TOMTLAWD every Monday, ttOO p. nu from Oak-street oook, tot EMPIRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIDLD Freight Reoelved Till 4 p. m. on Day oi Bailing. riBl-nem Portland, Ist-elaas. flCOOi ad-olas. 8700, laoladlag serta and moala. Inquire City Ticket Office, Third and Washington sta, or Oak-street Dock. Home Telephone Bond applications will be oversubscrib ed. List goes out-today but closes Sat urday night. Send all applications in at once to Walter O. Poor, District Man ager. 5 Lafayette Blk. Portland. Oregon. OF THE WdlSDCRFUL Over-Draft Heaters Made to Burn WOOD, COKE, HARD AND SOFT COAL Only successful wood and coal Heater on the market. SPECIAL FEATURES Complete Combustion Warms the Floor consumes nearly ah smoke 'Rior .CJaTrincr in T?n1 E Holds the Fire Easy to Operate J. Kadderly W. P. Waiting Rooms Peaches, while they last at BOX , . . . a. , .3 "PHONE YOUR ORDER" N , 1 )'.' -