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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
1 r TirE OREGON DAILY URNALY PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY "EVENING, AUGUST 28, 1007. . 1; , .., . ..... PopularWants Popular Want id Popular Wants ' ' FOR 8ALB REAL ESTATIV Popular Wants PopularWants PopularWants PopularWants :WasMngl6n,4; Oregon Realty Company ' V;ao Id t. Portland, Or. 4,Ouo buys a beautiful 7-roora new Coaern nous (never been oeeupied), run lament, furnaoe, hot and cold water. yrr desirable, on Broadway, Just off Willi ma ava. 15.000 Buy a beautiful 2-rooni mod ern bout on Wuoo st, Holladay's ad dition. Lat us show you this, lovely homo and you wlil want Iti lot 66x100. $2,000 (-room cottage. In flunnyeldej baaemant,- Bull Bun water, bath. toilet, to.; street Improvement In and paid; tarma. . $8,000 A new modern T-room nouss with oonorata foundation, ato.: lot 60x 100; on Brassage at; 2,000 caah handles tbla barraln. $1,600 buy a B-roora cottage, rlaa tsred. ate; 60x100 lot; In Llnooln Park annex, Tarma, $660 oaah, balance $20 par month. Thla la your chance to gat a homo cheap. ' ' New room modern house complete, with fireplace, bath and bit; living room, 11x16; located Park ava. and 18th at.; price 13,800; $1,000 caah handles thla. on E. Ankeny and 24th ats., with gas. eiactno wiring; a sweu corner, ana cheap. Unimproved Lots. FOR SALE. 14,100 buys quarter block In Hsfcr thornPark. on E. Main at, near the TJUO Eacb. I Iota BOxIOO. In Hell- woon. llama' addition. $1,000 Each, S slegant lota, 60x100, Wild Roaa addition. $3,600 A beautiful corner lot on E. Main at., Hawthorne Park, with, atreet improvements all paid. $500 each for 60x100 lota In Clover dale extension. $3.(00 Buys quarter block at north weat corner E. Market and 10th ate.; a beautiful level lot. , FOB ALE REAL ESTATE TOR SALE LOTS AT WOODSTOCK I blocks from oarlloe, with barn; fenced; $$00. Inquire at i$7 Hood at., city. i For Bale. z,16o IftVij6T6 bTO galowi awall location; a anap; owner leaving elty. 117 ltth at. Phone East lTff bucHYEL A itflRNS MAklS A SpiS elalty of eaat aide raalty, rentals, loans, eta. 33 Ja. Morrlaon at C R Donnell & Co. REAL. ESTATE. Room 13, 246 Stark at II. too to plumbing, gaa and electric lights: fiber rlaater; l-mlnute car service; all new. nqulre 103 4th. Tel. Main 8990. OTTAGES LOWEST PR Intra i.vuw e rooms, Dientv or rruit. 1,600 to $1,900 (-room modern, full J. W. line: -might take Dart trade. Rutherford. 617 Commercial bk ANTHONY HARfcV, LMMTOr', OR., realdance and bualpeaa lota, water front and factory sites; farms and tlm ber lands. k1ll1n6sw6rTi! aVe For sale. 4 lota. St. Johns oar line. Address C-466, Journal. tOll BALE REAL ESTATE. 4-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT, RENTS $$ per month, $760: half cash, balance percent. 604 Gold ami th, Alpina. aimmp IrftnhAn BnnA WOOdBhed. V4 acra on corner, new picket fenoe. fruit. berrtea; wired ror ugnts; cjom 10 vr, $1,960, $1,000 caah. Phone Tabor 733. Chuvnhlll A Roaa, Laurelwood a tat Ion. Mt. .Bnott car. A CJOZT HOME IN FIRLANDI t-KUUM modern houae. lot 100x100. near oar; $lloO: part cash. - See thla. Phone Tabor 783. Churchill at Ross. Laurel- wood station, Mt Bcott car. We have several good houses for rent 103 3d St.. Portland. Or. $1.100 LOT ON SAVIKR ST., NEAR (th t. 40x100; Improvements all In; easy terma; $260 handlea It. Waldo F. Stewart, 211 Commercial block. M. 160. A-4606. ACREAGE SNAP. Two and one half acres on St. Johns carllne, near Meagley Junction, for only I, vow. mis is an abaolute anap, as (0x100 lota are aelllng for $500 and up. 1 Owner going eaat. Property fenced and under cultivation. i ZIMMERMAN A VAl'QHAN, ' Room 303 Buchanan Building. 286 Washington Bt. , PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A perfect little beauty of a bungalow i with extra largo living room and fire place, three bedrooms, reception hall. , kitchen and pasa pantry, full cement ; baaement and furnace, for only $4,(00. Splendid view and full lot. I ZIMMERMAN & VAl'GHAN, Room S03 Buchanan Building. 7X6 Washington St. $2,750 3-room houae. 2 stories, good porches, bay wlndowa. hall, pantry, bath, large wlndowa. chicken park and house, barn, ground 80x100 feet, good lawn, orna mental trees, roses, fruit trees and ber ries; 1 block each from 2 carllne; 1 dry goods store, 2 grocery stores, 1 drug store, 1 butcher shop, 1 black smith shop, 1 millinery store. 1 confec tionery store within 2 blocks of the houae; publlo acbool 3 blocks away; 7 churches within 10 blocka, and only 30 ralnutea' walk from buslneaa center of the city. Henkle & Harrison 217 Ablngton bldg. SNAPS IN LOTS FOB SALEJFAItMS Washington & Oregon Realty Co. 100 acres 12 miles from Portland. In Whlnton county. ( mllea south- eaat of Reedvllle In the Tualatin Valley; 46 acrea In cultivation; aeverai acrea rrun timber: balance stall V olaared; small creek near houae; one acra bear ing orchard; one acra grapes; new 3- ... a L. . . . , I kMa lnm m . I J s i I U I V O-rUUID UUUBQ, I mil win) v lSi ACRES tS FRUIT, BERRIES AND ; quarter mile to school and church; fine location; Dest 01 sou on main count road; R. F. D. and telephone; prioe $62.00 per acre. Investigate this before buying. 140 acres 17 miles from Portland, tn Clarke county, Washington: fine grafrel road to Portland; 2 miles from railroad station on main county road; R. F. D. and telephone; one mile to a good coun try town; 80 acres In cultivation ; 3 acrea bearing orchard; fine spring near houae; all level, very beat of aotl; no rock or gravel; fine location; will divide this place in small tracts. 20 to 30 aores; price for whole tract $8,600; will take part in exchange for Portland city prop arty; will, give good terma 830 acres ( miles from Vancouver, Clarke county. Washington; 76 acrea In cultivation; 160 acres bottom land; 40 acres green timber; several good springs; 2 acres bearing orchard: small house; fair barn; fine dairy and stock SIGHTLY CORNER ranch; fine creek; plenty of water; can Vs.- ..1. inn t nn l.'illu..wnM, una caaollne launch to foruana. lnis ave. Northeast frontage. Address L-44tf, la one of the best buys on the market Journal. and best of soil. Price only $26 per acre. li you are looains; mr m unj stock ranch. Investigate this before buy FOR SALE FARMS grapes; 7-room house with baaement. new, not finished; near carllne la olty; terms. O-109. J ou rnal. J-ROdtf C6tfAGE AKb CORNER lot, corner 22d and Taggart, $1,600. uwner on premises. OOOB (-rOom1 "hOI'sk. LaWN. fLoV- ers, ten minutes' walk from canter of city. $3,200, half caah. See owner, 289 HaJaey St. E. 1994. 1 NEW, MODERN'. UP-TO-DATE 6 house by owner. 116 E, NEW i-ROOM1 84th et. (-ROOM HOUSE. IN HOLLA- day'a addition, close to oar and walk ing distance; for quick sale only. $3,260. J. W. Rutherford, 617 Commerclai bk.; M. 6120. . rT A 81GHTLT RESIDENCE, LOT 60x100. Bull Run water, cement walks and curba all paid for, and leaa than two blocks from carllne, only 16 minutes from heart of city. $480, terms. Co lumbia Truat Co.. Couch bldg. FARMERS AND HOMES EEKERS, Battle on good soil, in good community and cloaa to the bast market on the Paclflo; pmj a little mora for land, but be a great winner In the long run. A few examples: $3,600 On very easy tarma, for a fine 40-acre farm, near Tualatin, 12 miles out; handy to B. P. depot and Salem electrlo line depot; new 6-room plas tered houae; good big barn and other outbuildings; line living aprlng by houae; aituated on corner of 3 nne coun ty crossroads; beaverdam land now in cultivation alone worth mora than price asked, and on the uncultivated land Is mora standing qordwood than the plaoe costs. $2,000 oaah and $4,000 In 10 years at 6 per cent will buy a good 120-acre place; 90 acres In cultivation, $0 aores In timber with more oordwood on It than aaked for the place; 2 miles to electrlo cars and handy to Portland. $lo par acre for a $.777-aore fine stock and wheat farm on the Columbia river. This place made the owner heavily rloh and he will sell on very easy terms, or exchange for good city property. $126 per acre for the best 166-aore model farm. Inside 11 mllea to the cen ter of Portland. Thla farm cleara In the average $5,000 a year, as it will be froven. with the place goes all the up-o-date machinery, large amount of stock and crop; $10,000 cash will handle It For good farms or any stse, awe F. FUCHS, 311H Morrison Street TIMBER. TIMBER LANDS. Intending purchasers desiring te be located upon lands with heavy Umber In the land grant of the Oregon tt California railroad In southern Oregon can seoure the same by acting quickly. Locatl' foes Including all neoessary at torney's feea ara reasonable. Address J. E. Verdln. Grants Paaa. Or. FOR SALE 400 ACRES OF TIMBER. (,000,000 feet saw timber and cedar for millions of shingles. Sawmill 16,000 capacity, planer, blackamlth tools chains, ato., all for $7,000; 11 milsa of Bonania. Or., the metropolla of the up per irrigation project. More adjoining timber land If wanted. Addreaa Bald Butte sawmill, BonaDsa, Klamath Co., or. AtTfiNf idN, HOMESTEADERS! JOIN our party, Sunday, Sept. 1; 76 timber and homestead claims; everybody fall In If you want to use your rights. Call at 211 Allaky block. Mil FARM' AND TIMBER LAND SEEl Dlllard ft Clayton, Roseburg, Or. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE FOR SALE CHEAP BY OWNER, NEW, well-built. finely finished house, thoroughly modern. 82 St. near Ktark 7-room E. i i . i . U . ... 1 lr , , m in Van. 9V,K 1 "'ft' tail HBvn b. iiinn .u . oln ,,,.,.,. nnlv a rr.WA.rn from th rltv! One Ht'TTrn T IT A V filMIIVn 8 new cottages, modern, will pay 10 per cent net on Investment. Inquire Oor don, owner, 208 4th. I'hone Main 8990. $1,600 CASH 10-ROOM HOUSE, LOT 60x126, block from car, Montavllla. Main 4611. Call 886 Clay. half cash, balance good terms. $2,700 80 acrea, 10 miles from Van couver, 2 miles to railroad station; sev eral acres of green timber. 18 acres in cultivation, all level. 60 acrea of fine ash and vine maple swale, easily cleared; 4-room house, new barn 80x60; 1 mile to sawmill, on main county road, level gravel road to Portland, R. F. D., near school; give terma; best of soil. ACRE HOME WITH ORCHARD. Colonial house, well built. 8 rooms, nicely aituated. on W.-W. carllne, 26 minutes out, a full acre with young or-1 n ino 10 acres. 6 miles from Van chard of selected fruit; tbls place i- couver, 6 seres In cultivation, balance fords comforts of farm with ad vantages I eauy cleared 1 acre beaver dam, mixed of city, On account of bank failure will i orchard. 3-room house 16x24, barn 16x24, be Hold now at a sacrifice; only $2,000 i sheds on each side, good well, 2 cows, down, balance on terms to suit pur- j heifer, cream separator. 7 tons of chaser. For Information telephone hay; one half cash, balance good yerms; owner, fiellwood 46 or 167. 'near school 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON $2,200 Marguerite near Hawthorne; corner; plenty room for another houne; 8 fine cherry trees; linproed street; nice lo cation. Can give good terms. COMMONWEALTH TRT8T CO. 6th and Ankeny. $6606 acrea, 4 V miles from Van couver. 2 acres in cultivation, all level, on main county road, 4-room house, small stable, fine soli. $5.600 66 acrea. 13 miles from Port land. In Washington county. 2 miles from railroad station; 35 acres In fine i HOMEHEEKERS. HAVE TOI' SEEN a Roae City park "ar" and , off at 382 f"1 m'CIUu ' Sandy roai. corner of E. ?9th. and ask j Far' a' 7,nn7dnea" 2 torv 6-room '"1 L ft" J?kLn for a i hard "f hed 'hnugS. cos't TOo? "n.w Two Good Farm Buys 41 aores, all rich, sandy loam, nearly level; 81 acres cultivated, balance In pasture and woods; good new bouse, not quite finished; two barns, nice orchard, watered by stream and well; 13 sores In corn, I hi acres In potatoes; yield last year 36 bushels oats and 4 tons hay per acre; 3 mares. 1 colt, 1 cow, s nelrer calves, wagon, buggy, plow, harrow, dlso potato plow, cultivator, cream separator; 5 miles from prosperous county seat town on Willamette river, H mile to a-ood church house. H mile to graded achool, 2 teachers; price now only $3,860. zu acres, all good land; an rencea small house; 1 acre cultivated; good spring of water; some fine cordwood; land good for fruits, berrlea, grapea. corn, vegetablea, hopa. oats, wheat. clover, vetch, etc.; 11 miles from Port land, on good road; easy terma; $1,100. HENKLE it HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Bldg. Farm Bargain READ THIS OVER CAREFULLY. 626 acres, all fenced and cross fenced; all good soli, no stones or f ravel; 600 acres lies nice to cultivate; 40 acres cultivated; 160 acrea more can be put Into cultivation at small expense: balance of land In pasture and oak timber; 12.000 cords of oak wood at very low estimate; house, barn, out buildings; fruit and berries; watered by excellent sprlnga; beautifully located In the Willamette valley, 4 mllea from a prosperous county seat town, 1 mile frorp railroad shipping point. H mllo to school; has K. F D. and telephone. You can pay for thla farm out of the timber and have one of the best all round farma In the alley left for your profit. Will take some other good prop erty as part pay. Price J20 per acre. It lies well to subdivide. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 AbinKtun Bldg. 106 fr Third St.. Portland. Or. EASTERN OREGON WHEAT LAND TO exchange for Portland resldenoe prop erty or arocery stock. $12,000: first- class rental property in good oountry town making $116 per month to ex change for a stock farm in Willamette valley, 1 16,000; 20 acres, ail cumvavea. close to electrlo road and school, $6,00: want residence worth about $2,600 and give easy terms on balance; 26 acrea apples and small fruit dose to Hood River, good buildings, 10 inches water, valued at $12,600; want good residence property In Portland worth about $4,000. easy terms on balance. Forbes A Mamer, 607 Buchanan bldg. Phones A-1171, Main 6671. FOR SALlWnSCTXLANEOUS. NEW BTEEL RAN OB AND KITCHEN cabinet, cheap. 3(1 N. 19th. ; FURNITURE FOTTiALE. 4$1 E. JMOR- rlson st. FOR dAL&-FtrkNltURft 6 J-ROdAi house; $130 takea It 1371 E. Ollsan St.; Montwvllla rr. for sale onu! LadIes' aWd 6n'i3 gentleman's flrst-claaa ticket to Chi cago via I Denver . limit September 16. Address 1-100, Journal. FOR SALE ONE 3 It P. GASOLENE drag saw for sawing 4-foot wood In timber; will cut 80 to 40 cords per day; flrst-claaa condition; machine al 416 E. Morrison. East 6206. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. FreeN FOR ONE WEEK MORS,. PERSONAL. Exchange Small rooming house, wMl trade for land. HENKLE 4 HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. Exchange Batcher Shop One of the best shops In Portland, well located, established trade of 18 years without change. Owner has made enough money to retire from bualness. Will trade for good city property or rarm and pay cash difference. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY Dr. iary Lai Formerly with the X-Radlum Medical Institute, has severed sll connection with thst Institution and can now be found with the Dr. Mary Lane Institute Where she will be pleased to see any of her old patients. DISEASES OF WOMEN AND cniL dren a specialty: Suffering women will do well to consult me; consultation free; correspondence solicited. Rooms 6 to 14. Orand Theatre bldg. Phone Main 3024. Correspondence confidential. BRIHO THIS AD ANT) HECEXV ' ABSOLUTELY FREE, On. Of mr CONSULTATION KXAXV The abor CONSULTATION RBADlNfJ Will na - t Given Free - to every person who comes prepared t tske one of my celebrated ($ 0 pay. chopalmo Reading tor only $1.00) to all who bring thla paper ad. , This is strictly a matter of tttiatnesf on your part, to call at my offloa an. I become familiar with or SPIRITUAL and SCIENTIFIC work. X hint $0 tho wise is sulflolent. W&y? Exchange Rooming House Splendid paying rooming house; take good house and lot as part You can't do better. HENKLE A HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. will pay. Exchange Suburban store building with Irving rooms, occupied now by the owner with a grocery stock; will trade for a small farm. HENKLE A HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bldg. HAVE FOUR QUARTER half acres at E. 26th st., from car, one from church, soil, Bull Run water, easy p; V. Belford. owner. Phone E R frame barn, rustic 60x60: fine location: AND SIX R. f. n. and telephone, near achool. milk one block j route past door, best of black soil, near the Tualatin river; investigate mis De fore buying. excellent ayments. ast 4JSS. $2,300 80 acres, 7 miles from Was I hougal, Clarke county. Washington' 20 i acres In cultivation; some green timber; ! ircrtA hnuRi. ond horn- anad famllv or- -100x100, adjoining Walnut j corner, $4th corner, 21st and and $26068x100. 22d and KUllngsworth. $500 3 lots near Maegly Junction. $800 41x100, Wasco near 24th st $50 60x100. corner E. Flanders. $1,20060x100. E. 13th near Tilla mook. $1,600 Park. $1,65060x100, Waaoo. $1,80060x100. xamhlll. $1,8008 lota, Irvlngton Park. $2,20060x100. corner, 22d and Wasco. Terms arranged to suit. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Sixth and Ankeny. BEE THIS; THREE FULL LOTS; 16 fruit trees, 8 years old, all fenced, good chicken house and yard; 6-room cottage, wood-fibre fnlsh; all in good condition for, $1,600; $260 will handle this; also 6-room modern cottage. 2 BY OWNER NEW. MODERN, 7-HOOM and S-room houses. Holladay Tark ad dition. Lots for sale. Phone East 2432. ICAOn i cnara; email creen pooa spring, guuu " 1 team. 5 head of cows, 2 wagons, one heavy, one light; mower and rake; ail kinds of farm machinery; cream separa tor: best of soil: this Is a snap; good I ONE ACRE OF GROUND AND BUILD- terms. I Ings. 109 Maxwell ave., Stewarts sta I tlon. Mount Scott. KNAP TWO-ROOM HOUSE. fiber plaster; fine lot 50x100 on 796 Eat 34th st. Woodstock car. Only $700, owner. Dairy Farm 810 acres, about 30 acres timber. 260 acres cultivated; nearly all of this farm Is rich river bottom land, part of which Is beaverdam; a fine, clear stream of water flows through the land, with ex cellent opportunity to Irrigate a large part of the land; some beautiful springs of water on the upland, well located to furnish water for the hoUBe and barn; 6-room house, frame barn 60x100 feet, also smaller barn; all outbuildings, family orchard, $50 per acre. Henkle & Harrison 217AblnKton Bldg TO EXCHANGE. 8 lota with nice 6-room house, fruits, woodhouse, etc; nice corner property; 6 minute car service; 20 minutes' ride to 2d and Washington; will exchange for Improved acreage and pay difference. Address 410 Surman st WELL WILL EXCHANGE grocery about $500, for small house and lot; will nay difference, 702 Williams ave The original and only Dr. Mary Lane Lady physician, with the old establiahed X Radium Medical InaUtute and Sanitarium For year la at 111 at the old stand. Dr. Mary Lane Lata superintendent of Chicago Wo men's Hospital, treats diseases of wo men and children exclusively; ladles needing Immediate assistance will con sult their beet Interests by communicat ing with me; no fee for consultation; correspondence absolutely confidential; maternity cases given special atten tion. Respectable arrangements made for the adoption of tnfants. The finest equipped sanitarium In the northwest Office. 253 Alder comer 3d, Portland, Or. Phones Main 2796. Home A-27J6. Recause there is no parson n Ufa that does not meet with trouble. In tha tatlx of life, which they cannot overoome golden opportunity. WITHOUT PRICE, to consult one of tho most BC1XN TIKK; OCCULT PHILOSOPHERS INJ AMERICA this week. I lenow whan I have demonstrated to you that I ana n . n ,,.- .... ws-kdr. n ti 'tt t mrr r r vi, i i Willi uiv wi wn i runmiuuij SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE that can ad vise and help you. When you are It need of such advice and help you will cau ana see '. E THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE Ladles and gentlemen, If you are in trouble about the condition of your health, do not fall to consult me. I can convince you that I can help you by natural methods. Consultation and ex amination free. Dr. Isabella Mackte, 850 H Morrison st. Room 10. Phone Main 7820 or A-1644. Dr. Philip T. Ball 608 Fifth St., Comer Sherman. Acute, Nervous and Chronio Disorders cured by modern scientific methods. No Drugs or Operations. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sextne Pills cure all weakness; $1 a box, I for $5: full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemenaon. druggist, Port land, Or. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealakln garments redyed and re modeled: expert fitter: estlmatea given: lowest prices. 663 Washington. Phone Main 7308. confectionery store, invoice MOLES. WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS Greatest living astral dead-tranco elalr .'ruin oi iiia nn, aim innn vrp xjuoi- . whom you will marry, how to oontroi . the one you love, even though miles sway; reunites the separated; gives - i.rri powers to oonirui oinera; no oil, ference how close or how far away, you ran always obtain your desired result a. Tells vou 1imt how. where and whan to Invest your money to obtain tho best uunniun rrau ii. 11 tuu ui iica. mai ancholy, disheartened or discouraged. DO NOT QIVE UP IN DESPAIR: ooma and receive spiritual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH, WEALTlt AND HAPPINEP8. I will do all others advertise to das and a great deal more. ' Office, Noa. 8 and 4, Grand Theatre? bldg. 352 1-2 Washington , Phone Main 1337. See Melfta For PAYING J Section raw wheat land, big Bend country. $10 per acre; guaran teed good; will exchange. Alexander Land Co., 63 Vi 6th. near Pine. HOUSES, V EHICUS, HARNESS I LOTH lOOxL'SO ALL IN CULTIVA tlon, close to 10-room school at Lenta; i extra bargain $400; terms; 5c fare. O. R. Addition, Lentw. Or. FOR NICE, HIGH LOTS CALL AT 343 E. 44th St. S.: $450, terras; lots 60 by 100, Improvements. I'hone Tabor 254. The above places are all guaranteed as advertised. E. 1 FOR SALE NEW 7-ROOM COLONIAL house, $3,000; $300 down and $25 per month. Phone E. 676. McKINLEY PAHK. Lots and acres for sale on good terma. Lots from $100 to $160 each. Acres from $450 to $750 each. Mount Scott line runs through tract. Call on Gunderaon & Williams, rooms 20C and 206 Mohawk bldg. Above bargains are but a few of the farms on our list. We have the largest list of farms of any firm In Portland or vicinity. Prices range from $500 to $30,000. Write or call If you are In the market for a farm. Farm $2,100 Six-room house, In South Portland, near Hamilton ave. Owner, blocks from car. new and nlcelv fin- room -'On. Mohawk bldg. Washington & Oregon Realty Co, 108 Second St., Portland, Or., And 300 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 2404. FARMS 85 acres, 28 In cultlvat.on, crop all 116 acres, all good land; 65 acres culti vated, balance pasture and timber, esti mated 6.000 cords of good wood on the land; watered by good wells and nprlngs; excellent roads on two sides of farm; nice schoolhouse and beautiful church house within half mile; good 7-room house, fine new frame bam, all painted; good orchard and outbuildings. This Is n bnAii 1 1 f nil v located fnrm. 16 miles from Portland, lU miles from boat landing 1 HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mra. M. D. Hill, room 830 Fl lea ner bldg. Phone Pacific 186. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 626 E. Belmont Phone East 4084. PRIVATE HOSPITAL HOME FOR unfortunate girls; good care. 8 Mll ner bldg. LADY'S BARBER SHOP NOW OPEN at 64 4th st.: will t?ach 2 respectable ladles the trade 60 EASTERN OREGON HORSES 60. At auction at the Union Stockyards. Portland, Or., on Thursday, Aug. 20, 1 o'clock p. m., sharp. In this lot are some broken saddlers, some broke to work and a fine lot of unbroken horses, some fine one and two-year-old colts w, i I arf-r.u, Itilr, ti i find ahmil1 be overlooked by farmers that want to j SUITS PRESSED WHILE TOU WAIT, make money; also two fine saddle 6O0. Ladles' skirts pressed, 6O0. GU- horses, well galted and gentle, for a bert, 1064 Sixth at., next to Quell. DR. BING CHOONG. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases. 181 3d st. between Yamhill and Taylor. lady to ride. At the close of the sale we will sell a high-going, five-year-old Imported Coach Btalllon. Come to the aale, and remembfA- the date. TWADDLE K ICHARDB. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. East 72. Phone Main 2088. on the Willamette river and half a mile from the new Salem electric line now building Into Portland. Price $8,000. Henkle & Harrison 217 Ablngton bldg. Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th st 12 Acres All good land, no stons or gravel, highly cultivated; 4 acres In orchard, choice varieties and In fine condition. balance of land chiefly In strawberries. I blackberries, loganberries, raspberries FOR SALE-EXTRA FINE DRIVING horse, also buggy, harness and cart. Acme Lumber Co., phone East 1846. ONE DRAFT TEAM, WEIGHT 3,200 lbs.; one team, weight 2,700 lbs. 24$ Front st DRIVING MARE, WEIGHT D00, WILL work any place, safe for any lady; good life. A snap. $86. 689 E. 10th. Phone East 1651, after 7 p. m. DR. MARY KRAMER. MIDWIFE: home for patients; treatment for all blood diseases; examination free. 861 Mississippi ave. East 5648. ADVTCE THAT WILL DO TOTJ OOOIX. Melvln has made thousands of dollars for Portland people. He has deoelvedt none. If your mining stocks are a fall- ' ure he will tell you. If you have money) to inveat, do not throw ft away. Melvln, will guide you and show you a way t9 success. He advises in buslneaa Do not buy) or sell real estate; do not Invest In any thing; before consulting him; let Mel via -be your guide and you will always bj successful PROF. MELV7N TELLS TOUR NAME, AGE. OCCUPATION. WHERE) YOU LIVE. NUMBER OF YOUH HOUSE AND THE STREET WITHOUT ASKING A QUESTION, without any previous knowledge and having; no natural means of knowing who you are, whence and for what you came. He tells you of friends and enemies, who Is true and who is false, tells you whom and when you will marry, giving name, dates, facts and locations; taking; -no fee in advance and accepting none ; unlesa satisfaction Is given. . LOW FEE 60c, 60c, 6O0, 60a Me!?ta THE BENSON BLDO, 291 V4 Morrison st, corner Plfth. PHONE MAIN 7246, AUen's CHRONIC, NERVOUS AND SPECIAL I mediums, wish to Inform tha Spiritual diseases of men and women cured by ; lt and honest Invent tutors that the modorn scientific methods; electric treat- wm give spiritual consultation dally at ment for diseases of the prostate; con sultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard. Com monwealth bldg.. 6th at., cor. Pine. TURKISH BATHS, 300 OREGONIAN bldg.: ladlea days, gentlemen nlghta. Main 1958. GERMAN BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NOV els. etc: German, English, French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign books of all klnda Schmale Co.. 22 First et lahed with rnnhn.rHn trv nrlco with ! WII.I. KFT.T.T. MV Rf A I 'TT PITT . T) V.fil terms 11 260 S lt tnr harmlnl In riurw-o i,f 7 rnnma tru a h,lh alrlnllir HIKS. 11 VOUI1H COWS. 1 heifer. 1 high houses and lots; also one and five-acre modern, for $800 less If taken this week. , grade bull, l mare with fine colt, 1 tracts, close in. Chambers & Farns-' for reason of a business opportunity. ! ho"e, g calves, 2 young hellers. 1 boar. six montns rent at 330 pr month i ouvo, i, r,u.,o,, guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 837. i enB. 1 cream separator, buckets, pa ls and pans, all tho farming Implements, ! nhonA In hrtime on mail rnul. half mile worth, Millard ave.. Mt Scott line. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME 7 See these before a final decision: 6-room house, woodshed, nice yard; all. in fine condition; net caah, $1,100. Also 3-room house, 2 lota and chicken park for $750 cash. One 6-room modern cottage, 3 blocks from car, $1,200. One 6-room modern cottage, electrlo lights; best of plumbing, full cement basement; half block to car, $1,660. We also have a number of unfinished modern cottages, close to car line, all surrounded with nice homes; also vacant lots and acreace: easy terms. Take a scott car at First and Alder ats., genMr at Millard ave. Chambers & Farngworth. bbN'T TOU THINIC 16 ACRES 6nv the edge of Klamath Falls, which has the natural advantage of Denver, Spo kane and Salt Lake City combined, of fers a sure road to prosperity? We have the land, irrigated by the government OREGON REALTY & TRUST CO. $01 Fenton bldg. 84 6th at. I harvested and In barn, fair house, a ! fine house, 2 full stories, all plastered, good barn, granary and other outbuild-' rinisneu in ceaar ana reawooci. large upcn Bimiway iiuin oil iiug-i uuiii , ii-brary-room, bath, toilet, china closet, open fireplace and grate, also furnace; run brlcn baaement, large porches, a pic FOR SALE GOOD TEAM. SUITABLE for express or delivery purposes, wagon and harness. 354 Stephens st. FOR SALE YOUNG, SOUND HORSES, good workers; aluo mares to breed; give time to pay. 10i4 Mllwaukle ave. Take Sellwood car to Gratton's Grove. ELECTRIC VAPOR BATHS MAS sage, electricity, 145H 6th, room 25. MADAM VASHTI VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage, alcohol rubs. 201 Vi 3d st. MANICURING. BATH AND MASSAQE, Plans and specifications free. Re liable estimates given; money furnished when required. Office 427 Lumber Ex. bldg Phone Main 6854. to school, 3 miles to good town and railroad, Yamhill county. Price $3,700; terms. turesque view from the house. One of the very best suburban homes about Portland. HENKLE HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Bldg. An Ideal Acreage Home 11 acres, all In cultivation: fine assort ment of fruit, good house, barn, chicken- Filley Park Two 6-room and one 6-room cottage; $300 to $400 down; easy monthly pay ments. Office 427 Lumber Ex. bldg. Phone Main 6854. A SNAP. 40 acres, lies fine, all clear, good slx- rfinm hAiia, a trttA harn ,mall nrohnrri located in a well-improved locality on I house and park; soil Is all good; spring main road school close by, miles ; ana wen on piace, a typical mouniain to Reedvllle, 12V4 miles from Portland.1 stream cuts one corner; on electric line. FOR SALE GENTLE TEAM WEIGHT about 2,800. or will trade for smaller team; also bicycle for sale. 691 Clln- ton st. Phone Sellwood 666. $160 LIVELY YOUNG WORK HORSE, weight 1,300, sound and true. 1004 E. Lincoln st. frl BUYS GOOD RUBBER-TIRED hupgy and horse. 835 E. 28th. St. W. W. car, Kenllworth curve. $3,20 Big Snap 8-room house and lot on Base Line near Mt. Tabor. Fine location. Bual ness and residence combined. Rooms 205 and 206 Mohawk bldg. Look at the s. w. corner of East 34th and Lincoln at. Price $650. rnone r.iwi oi. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE A SELECT building site near KUllngsworth ave. Cash. Don't delay. Address 1004 Eaat iincoin, or pnone rmst on FOR SALE THREE NICE BTINOJk lows on Portland Heights: modern and excellent homea. One $3,606: one $3,660, and one $4,000. Small cash payment; balance easy terms. Call quick. CHAPIN & HERLOW, 833 Chamber of Commerce BIG SNAP FULL BLOCK, 8 LOTS, near carllne; $1,600; good terms. Commonwealth Trust Co., 6th and An keny. TWO LOTS, BLOCK 20, CITY VIEW Park, very sightly; $1,500, half cash, balance on easy terms at 7 per cent. Address H-107, Journal. We want both vacant and improved property for saJe in all parts of city. Call on us. JACKSON & DEERING. Phono Main 345. 246 Stark st. H. P. PALMER. M. VAN ALSTINE. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO., REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE. 222 Falling Bldg. Main 6661. A-2663. FOR SALE $2,500, LARGE. WELL built new house; store, 6 rooms and bath. Pretty homo, good business. Will pay 14 per cent. Owner, 192 East 86th st. SNAPS. 7 1 $900 60x100 corner, S rooms, 32 S3. Everett. $2.600 looxioo, 0 rooma, E. 18th at $2,650 60x118, 7-room cottage, Mor ris near iwraney. $2,900 60x100, 6 rooms, E. Everett. $3,000 68 2-3x100, 7 rooms. Univer sity Park. $3,260 60x100, 6 rooms, E. Flanders. $3,400 60x100, 6 rooms, near Haw thorne ave. We can make terms to suit. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO, Sixth and Ankeny. LOOKI RARE SNAP! Woodmere, on Mount Scott car line, $300, beautiful residence site, 100x100, close to car line; the lots ara selling forRso apiece where these are lo- Tfed. This is a "pick up," a chance or vou. Sea H. w. Lemcke company. 6th and Washington sts. Malp. 650. FINE HOME; HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS; barn. - grounds 100x100. oholca fruit trees; bearing; streets Improved: sewer, gas. Call at 973 E. 10th st. North. Phone Woodlawn 877. 2H ACRES. QITY LIMITS, NEAR CAR ,Dnt. 2$1M Burnsldt st 4 . . r . DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? 48 acres rich bottom land, 6 acres of beaver dam. 1,500 cords wood, 1 mllo to Hlllsboro. $2,260 If sold In next 10 flays. Q-106, Journal. FOR SALE GOOD INCOME BUSINESS property, by owner. G-465, Journal. CLOSE IN MODERN NEW COTTAGE, 6 good finely finished rooms, porce lain bath, sink, patent toilet and full cement basement, concrete walks, im proved streets, lawn, garden, near 2 carllnes; a beautiful up-to-date home; cheap for location: $2,660; $1,000 down. Thomasoti & Bailey, 223 Chamber of Commerce. $600 SMALL HOUSE. LOT 60x100 fas. water, near carllne. 1,350 Modern 6-room house, $800 down, balance like rent $1,800 Modern' large - 8-room house, fine location; a good buy; terms. $5,000 Modern 7-room house, best part of city. 1 to 6-acra tracts, near citv and ear- line; good fruit and garden land; easy terms. L. H. FREELAND CO., 141H 1st st, $1.000 6-ROOM HOUSE, FULL LOT. woodshed, barn, on 24th at. Alexan- aer Land Co.. 63 6th st. near Pine. Will sell this at the bargain price of $3,600, half cash, If sold within 16 days. It Is cheap at $4,000. You'll have to hurry if you want this. 24 acres, 16 cultivated, t acres in fine timber, living creek In rear of place, well located fair 6-room house, brand new barn, small orchard. 150 bushels of oats, about 25 tons of fine hay, 4 acres of nice potatoes, 6 fine cows, 1 goou team oi horses and new harness, some pigs and chickens, 2 wagons and all farm Immements, 2 miles from Reed vllle, 12 miles from Portland; Portland. Hillsboro & Forest Grova electric line will run close to corner of place. Price $4,000; terms. R0 acres. 25 in cultivation; good six room house, with fireplace; a new barn and chicken corral and other buildings; fine water, a creek througn the place; a good team, new wagon and harness, all kinds farming Implements, S cows, chickens, etc: phone in house, R. F. D. mall, quick route- 2V4 miles to best store In the county. Price $3,600, terms. W. W. Espey "t Room 819 Commercial Bldg. Corner 2d and Washington sts. Phone Pacific 1846. 6c fare, station on place: good eravel roads; fences all first class; better car service than the average suburbs. Easy terms. Henkle & Harrison 217 ABINGTON BLDG. Five Acres 4 acres rich bottom land. 1 acre on fine elevation, 2 acres bottom land, first-class beaverdam; 2 strong flowing streams of water, sufficient to Irrigate; nice new house, all well finished, good porches; woodhouso, workshop, barn, chicken barn and runs; finely located on good driving road: fronts on electric car line, station on place. Better look this up at once. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Bldg. $25,000 A FINE STOCK AND GRAIN ranch to exchange for Portland prop erty. 374 1st st. DOUBLE EXPRESS OUTFIT, Peninsular Express, 247 Alder. fop sat .rr. Jinrtn xvnrnr unoar Will sell cheap. Inquire of S. Felgh ner at Ivanhoe station on W. W. car llne. B. Feighner & Co., 186 Morrison. competent attendants. ner Washington 110 4th. cor- MRS. O. BROCK. GRADUATE MAS seuse; cabinet both, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream massage; references. 282 Park st. Pacific 2611. their residence. No. 181 Sixth street from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. Trumpet se- . ances and other phenomenal demon stra ttons to private parties by appoint ment 181 SIXTH STREET. Prophetess f SEER THE EMINENT BEET SEER SEER AND HEALER, SEEK SEEK VIOLA MARSH FIELD SEEf. SEER BEST KNOWN SEEK) SEER CLAIRVOYANT SEEK SEER IN THE WEST. BEER, SEER 368 MORRISWN ST, SEEK SEER THE COSMOS. SEEK MAY ANDREWS. CARdLilEADER. AT, 325 Main st., 25c. Phone Main 7848. CARPET CLEANING THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE HAS engaged the services of Miss English, electropath. Room 10, 850 Morrison st. Phone Msln 7320 or A-1644. HOLDENS RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE, ELECTRIC- al, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S CO Savin and Cotton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for delayed periods; by mall $2 per box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Stelnway (and other) pianos. Sherman, Clay & Co., 6th and Morrison sts.. opp. postofflce. BENTON COUNTY STOCK FARM. 480 acres, 100 acres under cultiva tion, 180 acres in pasture; 6,000,000 feet of good saw timber that can be easily logged, on the balance, 90 miles from Portland. Place well fenced and cross fenced. There are two houses, three barns, outbuildings, orchard, springs and several running creeks on the place; soil is flrst-clflES. This Is a fine stock and dairy farm. The timber alone is almost worth the money asked for the place. The price is $20 per acre. DEVLIN & FTREBAUGH. 608-609 Swetland bldg. ACRES liYlR RALE 10 acres nlca level land. KUllngsworth ava.. near Union ava. north: lots around this land Mllina from IROO tn 1600. Also a 7-acre tract on Patten ave,, near.. KUl lngsworth ave.: must be sold this week. O'BRIEN REALTY CO., 626 Lumber Exchange. COME TO HARNEY VALLEY IF YOU want homesteads. cheap lands, ranches, town property; get in ahead of the railroad. Smith & Sweek. Burns, Oregon. Farm Bargain 60 acres good land, part Improved; good 6-room house, barn, orchard, run ning stream and well water; fronts on good road; good community; conveni ent to school, near Washougal, Wash., and Columbia river; snap; only $1,300. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Ablngton Bldg. ONLY 35,600206 ACRES; 160 IN cultivation; all level; on bank of Wil lamette; fine soil, orchard, buildings, good water. Owner, T. Jackson, crock ery store. 475 Hoyt st. Main 61. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK 3 FINE FRESH COWS FOR SALE AT 248 Front st. 6 FRESH COWS, GOOD MILKERS. 64$ E. Madison St. Phone East 2991. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS DON'V BUY A FARM, WHEAT OR stock ranch, until you talk with Turner, he know whero to find them. Office. 303 Washington st TIMBER. ACREAGE NEAR EST AC A DA CAR line.; good county road; best of soil; mostly under cultivation, on creek; $126 to $22S per acre; beat of terms. Com monwealth Trust Co.. 6th and Ankeny. FOR SALE. Farms and acre tracts, Portland real estate and suburban property; lots in Capital Hill addition: business chances. OEO. W. BRANT, Room 40. Hamilton bldg.. 3d t- bet. Alder and Washington. Phones A-2545 and Paclflo 1848. LOOKING FOR TIMBER T We offer you every advantage through our system of expert examinations which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending tlmo or money. If our general report indi cates that we have what you want our estimates by two and a half aores ar easily verified. ,- TRY 'THE LACEY WAY. JAMES D. LACEY CO., 828 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange, Seattle. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only; we have a few choice tracts for sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. G. F. Sanbourn Ss Co., 401-2-8 Buchanan bldg. RELINQUISHMENT IN DOUGLAS county, house and barn, three mllea from railroad; will sell cheap. W. J. Cook, 601 Lumber Exchange bldg. Pbone Main 4977. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ For new or second-hand furniture go to THE DOLLAR; largest stock in the city. Square dealing. Prices always right. The Dollar. 282 1st st. 3383$$$3$3$3$$$33$$$$$$$33$$$3$$33m3 HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING UP Main 4290 or call 213 Front st We buy and aell furniture, clothing or any oia tning. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES. NEW and second-hand. Jas. T. Marshall Mfg. Co.. 389 Couch st FOR MISS LE ROY. 291 ALDER room 4; massage and baths. ST, ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER. ARCHITECT Plans and specifications; also building superintendence. ATTORNEYS PIGGOTT, FINCH ft BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner 2d and Morrison sts. ASSAYERS WELLS & PROEBSTEL. MINING EN gineers, metallurgists and asaayers. 104 Washington st. STAJTDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses and feathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THEl . Electric Cleaning works; carpsta c.eaned and laid, both dry and com prassed air cleaning: carpet refitting oun specialty: work guaranteed. Phone Main) 2812 and A-2672 279 Grant st ' ' ' COAL AND WOOD PORTLAND SAWDUST & SLABWOOD Co., 865 Front St.. successors to FuW ton Wood Co. Fir, oak. slab wood, coal, Tel Main 1936 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY1 6f gtlfe- wood call Main 4876. Oak. ash. flf and coal. Portlrnd Wood & Coal Co-' 16th and Savler sts. - , WESTERN FEED FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. -.- TELEPHONE EAST 7. v r y i xt c a m. rr Wood and CoaL 181 East water St, FOR QUICK DELIVERY Oregon Fuel Co.. 834 Alder PHONiJ CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING . Mrs. M. D. Hill. Room 130 Fleldnav bldg. Both phones. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Office. 186 Mor rison st. AUTOMOBILES SALE ONE HOTEL Inquire 271 1st st RANGE. FINE EDISON MACHINE AND GOOD feature 11 m for sale cheap. Room 2, 145 6th, near Alder. FOR SALE 7-HORSEPOWER OLD'S runabout good as new. Price, $250. 336 Eugene St. Phone, East 1872. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$i$$$ For Sale 15 Iron frame school desks; food as new. The Dollar. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FOR SALE CHEAP VIOLIN. ROOM 8, 28 N. 26th st FOR SALE, CHEAP ENGLISH SET- ter dog, 6 months old. 765 E. Everett HOWARD M. COVEY. A rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, Cadillac anJ Knox Temporary location Club Garage. 15th and Alder sts. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS & KILHAM, 109-111 2D st. Blank books manufactured: agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best on th market BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT. CON tainlng new up-to-date vibrating ma chine, electrlo bath appliances, new Mission furniture; verr reasonable; 111 Allaky bldg.. 3d and Morrisons : SEWING MACHINE. LATEST IM pfovementa, in use 8 months, 120 if taken Thursday. 661 E. Davis st S. BIRKENWALD ft CO., 304-206 KV srett st, largest butcher supply house on the ooaat Write for catalogue. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPli " A. Dekuro. 121-182 lat St.. carries a full 11ns and cr jpleta assortment at lowest maraec prices. s. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS 30BS MELTON; 204 aTH 8T.-OF-flcs aud store fixtures built and re modeled; showcase , ; ountsrs E. meltonoff!c!e, " 6l6RBi,",FIX toUnr:"M,'Si,,?S10.JOb . M " CLEANING AND DYEING - . CLOTHES r"CLEANEDANIPRESSBrX $1 per month. Unique Tailoring- Co- ' 809 Stark st. H. W. TURNER, DYER CAlpgf'ii dyed a specialty. 608 Jefferson st Main 2513. - , DANCING. DANCING LESSONS, 25o DURINO summer months; school open all year social, fanoy and stage dancing taught daily. Wilson's Dancing school, - Alls J mug;., so ana Morrison sis. PROF. RINGLER. DANCING MASTER; Rlngler Hall, private lessons dallv. Grand and E. Morrison. East 6670. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C E. BROWN. D. C. M. DOO i and horse hospital. 10$ N, U u (Main 408. W. M. MILLAR. V. S.. VKfEllNARiAN.' 2 N. 8th st. Offics 121 jrindr Phone Main1 784. - - - . .- . CARNEY'S 'VKTSRiNAKY llmiT. for horse and dogs. S o,n at. Phone Main 1484. v ;,,, , ' . --October 1. --For cafaWus t I -,, Charles- Keane. prxuvfit, lui Ut ;t St., San Fra n fim - ' ... , E.VC K AX I " M W OK It PORTLAND WIKE A ION Mm 2d anJ iverett sis, ilous .