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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
THE. OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL; PORTLAND. . WEDNESDAY EVENING. . AUGUST. 28, ,1007. 12 s 1 SM1 Popular Waitits PopularWants San -Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market SU betid 4th AJirxmnramwr ' tvM . scairTzoirs moww Oregonlana when to f'S? ea hava thlr maH wl r Tba Journal oHIos. AJKTHTJR I KH, Representative. ltg.iL ESTATE TRANSFERS August H. and Ella H. Pennlsh to uregory ti. Matlen. 8.031 ' NEW TODAY. Save That Rent And Buy a Lot for i $B5 acres In section towniihlp 1 south, range 1 east W. n....:. Theodora Kaseberg to Nannla R. and Dwlght H. Thomas, lot, "A. School Park, section II, townahlp X south, range I east, John P. McAdams' to' P. "Mo Adams, lot 4, block 4, Rose dala. W. p. ...... .7. ... ,rrr. . Walter Hill to Oust and Fanny Lrhtlnen. lot I, block II, Llnn ton, W. D. Amelia E. and M. J. Morse to W. A. Dean, 100x100. beginning at point In eouth Una of block 14, Waverly, 110 feet eaat of southwest corner of aald block, W. D. ..j.... W. A. and Clara A. ran to C. O. Sutherland. 100x10 feet, be ginning at point In aouth line of block 14, Waverly, 110 fret eaat of southeast corner. W. D. FOR 1.000 400 141 100 00 BK0 tTtEb Insur abstracts: a nee or mortgage loana, call on Pacific Title Truat Co.. 104-6-1.7 Falling bidg. GET YOUR INSURANC E AND AB atracta to real estate from the Title Guarantee A Truat Co., 140 Washington at., cor. id. Popular Wants LOST AND VOVSV. L08T PULL TERRIER PUP; Mi months old; all white, except one side face and head, brlndle; large bat ear. Return to 111 10th at. Bouth. Receive reward Found 6N seLLwood CAtt sa?- urday a purae. Ownr can have aame by calling at 471 Boulevard ave. after e p. m LOST A BAY MARK 5 YEARS OLI), weighing 1,000 pounds, wart on right ear. Return to 411 Davis, or telephone Main 1480, and receive rewaro. PopularWants HELP WANTED MALE Stave Bolt Cutters Wanted $1.50 per cord, timber yel low fir, apply R. 306 Stearns Did?., Portland, Oregon. PopularWants MALE AND FEMALE HELP TWIT P1DTV WHO PICKED UP iM wirh lamclO. lS-lewel Walt ham, return to 101 Mleslsslppl ave., and receive reward. MEETING NOTICES. WEATHER REPORT IN RAILWAY ADDITION, Montavilla The pressure has risen decidedly eaat of the Cascades and the crest of the high area overlying .the north Pacific coast yeaterday morning la now central over Spokane. Clear aklea, with temper atures considerably below the normal, therefore prevail over this entire fore cast district. A denae fog prevailed at Spokane thla morning. The disturb ance over the lower lakes yesterday morning, la now passing off the New England coast, and an area of light to moderate scattered precipitation ex tending from the Rocky mountalna eaat - w . i warn iu in. Aiisnuu muuniu jikb i o- -: UmprOVea - OireetS. OC V,nVT I suited from this movement. A depres " I n ..V... ..,.. , i. . ,asy Aermi J eouth west, but clear sklea nevertheleaa prevail over mat region except along the southern California, coast The In dications point to continued fair weather over thla district tonight and Thursday, it will be warmer toniant over eastern and southern Oregon and over Washington, and warmer Thura- Xome out and see these lots. 25 Idaho.?"0"' eMUrn WMh,n'ton' : $10 Down, $5 Per Month ' (Take Montavilla Car. ' Get off at v Hibbard St, corner of Villa, or can at office. Lambcrt-Whitmcr Co. . Real Eat ate Department SOT ftbatloek Sldg, Cor. 84 aad Oak Se. S. L. N. Gilman Realty Co. -Temp.' Max. Mtn. Preclp. Boaton, Mass 74 68 .12 Chicago, 111 71 IS .0 Cincinnati, Ohio ... 81 6 .14 Denver, Col 78 6 T. Kansas City, Ma.. 88 70 .0 Los Angeles, Cal... 76 68 .0 New York. N. Y. . . . 72 0 .0 Nome, Alaaka 48 42 .20 Omaha, Neb 88 M .50 Philadelphia, Pa.... 74 2 .04 Phoenix, Aria. .... 70 .0 Portland, Or 70 64 .0 St. Louis, Mo...... 88 72 T. St, Paul, Minn 78 . 68 .0 Salt Lake, Utah... 72 60 T. Washington, D. C. 78 62 .0 A. A. O. N. M. 8. THERE will be a meeting of Al Kader Temple In their council room, Maaonlc temple, on Thursday even at 8 o'clock; important buslnesa to be acted upon; a full attendance re quested. By order Ilia' Potentate. Recorder. ATTENTION NEIGHBOR Something: Doln; BETTER COite MEET ME, NEIGHBOR, Tomorrow Night, And Every Thuraday Night, In Our New Temple, 128 11th at. Don't Forget Something doing at George Waahlngton Camp tonight. AH vlaltors Invited. W. O. W. Temple, 128 11th at. II. BAKER. Consul Commander. H. A. FREDRICH. Clerk. .. - r-rr-z rr MARGUERITE CAMP NO. 1.44S. K. . notice: Roval Nelchbora and frlenda are requeated to attend the fu neral aervlcea of Neighbor Alice Wood row at carrm hall. 106 4 Id at.. Thurs day, Aug. 2, at 1:80 p. m. Anna Roter mund. oracle: Nellie Culpan. recorder. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP, 1,416 meets Wednesday evening. Allaky bids-.. Id and Morriaon sts. M". W. A. OREOON Q RAPE CAMP NO. ,75. idonaaye, ilia ana nuiatu. Visitors welcome. .Waited Experienced helper In taffy and cara mel department; also 18-year-old boys to learn candy trade. Aldon Candy Co., 10th and Ollaan sts. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE 1100 to 1160 per month; some even more; etock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards: cash ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad drees Washington Nursery Co.. Top penlsh, Washington. Art aii Glass Works, 161 63 At Pad f to Front st. BUTTER-MAKER WANTED AT and 66 Union ave. N. WANTED MAN TO DRIVE press rig on shares: must furnish references. 1-104. journal WANTED 1.000 HOP-PICKERS - TO flck 624 acree of hops; big crop; larg and beat equipped hopyard in Ore- n . .I, An .Mill. I . mouatlons; grocery store, bakery, butch er shop, barber shop, dancing pavilion,' buxibu reel teiepnone, pnysician, neau- tlfui camping ground, I aorea Jathlng Eooi, rentaurant, provisions soia at rort ind prices; we pay 11. JO per 100 pounds. Reduced excursion rates on oar special train. For further partloulara apply to KreDs tiros., iti utaric st., Portland, or., on or arter August 17, Phone Main 1120. Home A-ll6f PopularWants Wanted Experienced hard candy worker; steady work, good wages. Aldog Candy Co., loth ana uiiaan sis. . WANTED 60 MORK HOPPICKER8 TO pick good large yard of highland hops ai i per nunureu, gona uuiimiuu camp grounds, store, dance hull ana: boarding house. Hoarders wanted. E. Tell.T. Buttevllle. Or. COOKS. DISHWASHKlTs! WAITERS and waitresses. Apply G. H. Shaffer, secretary, Cooks' and Walters' hall, J28H 6th st. STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female.' good positions open with best firms, no charge. Underwood Type writer Co., II 6th at SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS draftsman In architects or civil en gineer's office; good at lettering and tracing. B-108, Journal. WANTED LABOR FOR 40 OR MORE HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL FOR GENERAL 111 N. 14th. Phone Main competen: housework. 1717. BUSINESS WOMAN WITH STRONG personality, good health and selling powers required. One who can leave the city preferred. N-462, Journal, WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Phone Eaat 1693. 181 E. 16th. LADIES, IP YOU CAN SELL GOODS will pay beat wages you ever earned. Call at 201 Fiiedner bidg. Evening report of preceding day. 411 Wash. Street , Between 10th and 1 1th MARRIAGE LICENSES Important sale of choice E. B. McNaughton, 44 Id at., 27; Ger trude Hutchlnaon, 22. Rolla Waterhouse. Falls City, Or.. HOME- 36: Gertie Perln, 23. I n m i Mil aaa t AiL a . avririT. tmnpirnTtFa nl. In our yuivor, Bin bi., jo; un- - trude Lindsay, 28. hands to close trusteeship. For aale j0hn Otter. 13; Wllhelmlne Herman- upon EASY TERMS and In parcela to idea, 10. kit... J. A. Nolan, 711 Tlbbeta St.. 31; Anna ult J,er- Nelson, 27. PORTLAND PROPERTY wSSww: ; - ' v . Minnie Johnson, 28. Very choice HOMESTEAD PROP- James Clnl, 186 Waahlngton st., 26, KRTY with grand view, being 170 feet Clemens Baron, 12. upon the line of BANCROFT AVENUE Herman Uhlig. 712H Washington st, nd 130 feet upon the line of ILLINOIS 12: Ethel G. Donaghy, 21. STREET. South Portland; will sub- Everett A. Emerson, Holton, Or., 43; divide. Alao lots 3. 6. 6 and 7, block Eunice M liner, 26... -N." TABOR HEIGHTS, each 100x186 A. H. Weatherdon, 61 N. 16th St.. 23; Ceet. fronting on ROYAL AVENUE: Edna M." Myers, 22. will sell in pieces 60x136 if desired, at Clifford F. Reld, McMlnnvllle. Or, the low price of 1460: located just right, 24; Ella Lj Stewart, 19. COO FEET FROM MORRISON STREET Wedding Carda. W. G. Smith Co., CAR.. We will sell these properties at Washington bidg.. corner 4th and Waah- BUSLNESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD.4. Covenant Contract CoH ill meaner bids-. Main 1891. L.' C.HENRICH8EN CO.. JEWELERS, and oDtlclans. 284 Washington at TOTH GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD factorv No. 1. Grand are. and Eaat Taylor st WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE FTZ Well shirts and Bosa of All overalls at 76 1st st. Waited NEW FICTION LIBRARY, 131 at; books loaned at 8 centa the day, NOTICES. verv reasonable nricea on terms. For rartlculara Inquire at our office. 411 .Washington street. ' ' ' S. Im. N. GILMAN. Manager. ttU m ; $i8,ooo Ington sts. Wedding cards the best, 100 for l. Aivin o. riawK. if J a at. Tonseth Co.. florists, for flowers of all kinds. 128 6th st Clarke Bros., Florists Fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison at Full drees suits for rent, all slaea Unique Tailoring Co., 109 Stark st BIRTHS OBERG Aug. Mr. and Mra. Al bert Oberc. E. Flanders and 60th ata.. aaugnier. TRITT Aug. 7. to Mr. and Mra. Cbarlea rrrirt Ha mnnt htMn nth an 1 (1th A Ticini auarrer diom si comer ui l iti unn 12th and Lovejoy, and will furnish I MATHERS Aug. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. NOTICE, HOPPICKERS STEAMER Oregona for Rays Mlsnlon. Wheatland Lincoln, Salem, leavea Tuesduys, Thurs days and Saturdays 6:46 a. m ; steamer Pomona for Buttevllle, Champagne, Newberg and way landings, leaves dally and Sunday 1:46 a. m. ; baggage must be delivered and tickets secured the day before. Oregon City Trans. Co., dock foot Taylor st Phones: b, A-iZSl. MRS. SOPHIA SEIP, SPIRITUAL readings dally i, circle Tuesday and Friday 8 o'clock; all welcome. 302 Allaky bidg., 3d and Morrison. Pacific 2836. HELP WANTED MALE Union Hotel II N. SIXTH ST., PORTLAND, OR. Free employment to all: boarders' rates 11.60 per week; room, 26o and up: spe cial monthly rates given. Anderson, proprietor. WIDE AWAKE, ENERGETIC MEN wanted on good salary and commis sion for city and traveling. References requ I red. 2 07 Couch bidg. Experienced chocolate dippers and girls to learn to dip; steady work, good wages. Aldon Candy Co., 10th and Gllsan ata. Greeks. A6209. Call at 46 N. 4th or phone WANTED PAINTING. PAPERHANG Ing and kalsornlnlng done at reason able prices. Address L-600. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTE1 FEMALE ALL KINDS OF PLAIN HEWING done, comforters made and repaired, mending and repairing gents' clothing a specialty. Phone Main 1074. 76 W. Park r-t. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. o FOR RENT nOCSEKEEPlNO. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooma, reasonable. Tto and Flanders sts. -,., ',, 31.66 WEEK" UPLAKQB, CLEAN furnished' housekeeping-room laun. dry and bath. 114 Sherman at. aoutb. Portland. ' THE HEiLER, 286W (IRANI) A VMii llrst-clasa furnished nouseeepin rooms, electric light and gas; free tele phone and bath. - two fr6n r66ms -rd reJUi" I'ok light, houaekeeping with all nvan lencea;'no children. Apply to N. Kal nlgsberg. 184 Csruthers st , THREE NEWLljr FURNISHED HOUSH- keeplng rooms for man and wife; no children. 432 9th, cor. Washington. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms: gas stove, bath. Telephone Mo In 1081. 376 N. 12th at. . HOUSEKEEPING: R60M8: LOWKSf rates; electric lights and phone In cluded. 801 H Water st FURNISHED R66MS FOR H6U6E: keeping, in auites of two. IT per suite. 681 Hood st Phones Pacific 1431. A4433. ' i NEATLY FURNI8HED HOU6E- keeplng rooms. 411 W. Park st. THREE LOVELY NEWLY FUR PopularWants Business chances. ' I'.'. WAST REALTY CO., p I1IH Morrison at, phones Mala lift. 4V A-4160. 7 ..T 16,200 buyt I new -room houses, in- come 160 per month.'. Lota better ihr m vuaiea ' . " ; . I100 oash buys 4-roum. bouse, hebe III per month. y ... 13,000 buys 7 -room house, lof 100x110. near station, fine location for a tore.. V 1160 buys rooming house, 9 rooms. 100 buys 7 rooms, terms, , , -LZ60 buys. 1 8 rooms.' i 809. choice II -room house. ' 33,000, 10 rooms, some transient. r auo, ciean aaaery, oonreo., ice cream. 1.100 buys fine grooerv. , : ' .m All kinds of good bargalna. Several choice homestead and timber - claim lust listed, all near gxd town, r COAST REALTY CO.. 1 III H Morrison at.phones Main lilt;' H-102, Journal. nlshed housekeeping rooms, with gaa ana Datn. inj k. wannington. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT NICE UNFURNI8HED housekeeping rooms. Inquire 394 eth FOR RENT FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms for houaekeeping. iyi urana ave. north. ROOMS AND BOARD. OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND ave. and K. Ash; rurnisnea rooms, sin gle or eh suite, with or without board. Kast 5si. TO PLACE WANTED A PRIVATE board and room by widower with two children, a girl I and boy I yeara old. H-100, Journal. i FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD, private family, home cooking. 381 E. Davis, cor. Union sve. FOR RENT HOUSES HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOR MEN. 21 N. Id st Phone Main 1621. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 206 H Morrison at Phone Paclflo 219 27 N. 2d st Phone Paclflo 1300 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. ' Logging camD and farm halo a soe- clalty. 30 N. 3d at. Phone Main 1391. We pay all telegraph charges. ACME EMP. CO.. FARMERS' AMD loggers' help especially. 84 and 19ft N. Id. 230 Burnslde; Main 1437. WANTED TO RENT MATURE WOMAN AS ASSISTANT TO take management 8ept 1. Apply at once. Address A.-413, Journal. WANTED YOUNO LADIES TO learn' telephone operating; good salary short hours, pay while learning, luncheon served free of charge and lounging and reat rooms In connection. Apply chief operator. Telephone building. Weft Park and Alder sts. GIRL8 WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirts and overalls. Leasons given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand ard factory No. 1, Grand ave. and East Taylor at. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT- t a ft f i m atAFAsl tnm rnAtnlnv. houses, eta Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. f Phone Ex. T.I. a E. Cor. Id and Oak HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO RENT 7 ' WE will rent It for you. Commonwealth Trust company. 8th andAnkeny; phonea Main 394; A-2466. VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and nianoa moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main 1611. WE RENT AND SELL PIANOS. 8HER man. Clay A Co. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM. FINE VIEW, Sellwood carllne, 20. Phono Sell- wood 69. ' A 4-ROOM COTTAGE. SECOND, NEAR Hall; 112 rent. Inquire 480 6th st FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED cottage, with gaa, free bath and piano. 262 Page s t .. near car line. NEAT 4-ROOM HOUSE. LOW RENT. furniture for aale; all In good con dition. Phone Tabor 183. - bakery. UP'TO-DAlW CONFECTIONERY, CAR. rylng cigars ad tobacco,, Ice cream rarlor and lunch room, good established rade. Must sell on account of ll( health. "WU1 pay to Investigate." Ad- ' dress H-101, Journal. ' I3J0. 6R lNVfiNT6RY. PAfef YlkiC takes at once established well-paying cash grocery store; rent 116, a tore and. rooms. 703 Williams ave.; take V car. 12-ROOM8, ALL FURNISHED, CLEAR. , ins ia to iuu per montn, cneap for csh c. F. Button, 606 Waahlngton I KUUMN, IN,- 460. 11 rooms; a bargain at 1760. 18 rooms, good transient. 17,800. '!0-room apartment house. I9W.. 46 rooms, modern brick. IS.OoWC. 185-room hotel, clearing 1800; a n I AAA 1 C , uiii ,1,VU. C. 8. ARNOLD A CO.. The Original Hotel Brokers. 161 H Morrison St. Phone Main 7111. SEE THIS ROOMING HOUSE OF 1 . rooms; new rurniture, bringing in 1100 per month net;, quick aale at 13.100 oash. 607 Buchanan bidg. Phonea A-1171, Main 6671. WANTED A PARTY WITH 1600 Afl A business associate: good opportunity to right party; must be hustler; write experience to H-110, Journal. HENRY MENSOR ' BY OWNER, 6-ROOM HOUSE, ON MA bel at near where the "8" car stops on Corbett at Room 206 Mohawk blrig.U FOR RENT FLATS BUSINESS WOMAN DESIRES ROOM in modern apartment walking dis tance: must be quiet; references; ad dress G-107, Journal. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 343 Waahlngton st, corner Seventh, up stairs. Phone Main 2692. Female holp wanted. EXPERIENCED LADY MARKER AND sorter who can help. in office and on books. Good wages and steady position. Write Wallace Laundry Co., Wallace, Ida. WANTED WAITRESS. APPLY SWET- lantl'a 273 Morrison. WANTED AGENTS. AGENT8 WANTED CAN -YOU SELL goods T If so we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur- sery company, Salem. Or. AGENTS WANTED FOR A NEW proposition; salary and commission. Call after 4 p. m., room 66 Labbe bidg. HOPPICKERS CAN MAKE GOOD SIDE money selling goods. See R. M Plummer. st druy store. 260 Third. JUST COMPLLTED MODERN FLATS of 7, 6 and 4 rooms: walking dlstsnce, 200 feet south of 23d and Waahlngton nts.. Green ave.. Cedar Hill. 110 S-ROOM FURNISHEEl FLAT. close in, fine view. 632 7h st Phone East 1667. 824 and 111 Lumber Exchange bidg. Boardlnc and 22 furnished rooma 11.600; cheep rent lease I years, clears 1200 monthly, hot and cold water throughout; rooma always rented: car- fct and furniture A-l; excellent place or man and wife; beat location In Port lajid; Investigate. Bee Henry Menaor, 134 and 116 Lumber Exchange bidg. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET 13,000 or Invoice: rent 140: 8 veers' lease, doing a business of 13,000 month ly: 2 horses, 3 wagons, party la crip pled up with rheumatism cause of aale. Investigate this at once. 124 and 126 Lumber Kxchange Mflg. , CONFECTIONARY AND CIOARS 12.260; rent only 126; doing a good business, elaborately fitted up; nlc. clean stock, must be seen to be appre ciated; beat location in Portland; full value in sight If you want a good, re liable busineax; will not last long. Henry Mensor, 324 and 326 Lumber Ex changwj bidg. RESTAURANT. 1600; CHEAP RENT. located cloae to Union depot; thla place worth double the price asked: seating rapacity 36; snap. 324 and 321 Lumper ftxenange Dirty. FOR RENT. EASY TERMS 10 ACRES. house, barn, welL etc.: 15 minutes walk to car. B. E. Crosby, Lenta, FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 422. A NICE OFFICE SUftE FOR RENT. Madison bidg., 3d and Madlaon sts. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN- eral housekeeping for small family, Phone East 2254. U. S. GOVERNMENT SERVICE MEN wanted at once to qualify for fall examinations. Call today. Information free. West Coast schools, 116 Oregon lan bidg. Open tonight tenant that will pay 1300 per month for building 11 erected on-same. , Call about It If you want such. Martin L. Mathers. 1764 Dwisht St.. a naugnier. DEATHS. fflTLE GUARANTEE 4 TRUST CO.. BRYSON-Augu.t Heinle M? Bry..' Corner Second and Washington Sts. Vacant Lots for Homes C3500 A fine quarter block on Ban-1 FUNG August 26, Jung Yung Fung, aged 17 years. 2 months and 4 davs. 448 Hibbard st: tubercular rneninaltla. 6ISSON August 25, J. E. Sisson, aged ac-out eu years, Marquam building angina pectorla. CRAWFORD August 24. Ruth M. Crawford, aged 4 months and 26 days, (02 jveny bu; cnoiera lniamum J cock and 10th ata. I aged 60 yeara, 131 2d at.; aarcoma of 61500 Nice lot, corner 7th and neck. " Schuyler. In Holladay. MEYERS August 22, Edmund Meyers, S2600 Fine quarter block on corner aged 14 days. 338 Sherman st.; In- f 12th and Hancock ata., in Holladay. i anmon. 2500 A very fine lot t on Benton. ' neap TTnlnev mt ' nan eetmAnr wsllt Anrfl vrivmir. ivwifi.'o . - --.--' "- I v A' j xui.-irj quiivito. 0ri?hXif?,th0?a'tP,n',be" ROBERTS In this city, August 27, sllKAli Mn2' ?nt ne.? Tr.. mt in Martha R oberta, aged 63 years wife ' tftT'tf' tl?h Jersey at In of Samuel 8. Roberta. residence ' North St. Johns. University Park. Friends are re- We also have some sightly lots on spectfully Invited to attend the funeral aruncu uresi ior inue money. services, which will be held at Holman's .TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO., chapel, corner Third and Salmon ata.. inter- Corner Second and Washington Sts. RIVER FRONTAGE 20 acres on Willamette river: all (cleared, with public road on one end and at I -p. ra., Thursday, August 29. ment at Hlllsboro, Oregon. UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M'ENTEE & GILBAUGH, undertakers and embalmers; modern tn every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 430. Lady assistant. deTp-water frontage 'oTtne otheR. DNDEpmo ?L ' bly located for platting into lota. ,1?lnb1v?:"..itsnt Mln rvir. tunn n, o.o- nna hir k.h 1118. Lady assisisni. taiance'Yo st puBaserT MAX M. BMil, FLORI8T,' llio 6TH w I fine lots, 50x285 feet each, with I 731 rood building lte on each lot. Price J. p. FINLEY & SONS. ID AND MADI ; 12.600; 11,000 cash, balance to suit pur-I son sts. OffJce of county coroner. cnaser. i rnona juain v. W HEMSTOCK. FUNERAL bf- rector. East :3th and Umatilla, Phone 11 wood 71. Lady assistant. x,ii,jjL,xi,rv-xj jl nx di rectors, embalmers. 272 Russell. Eaat 1088. Ladv assistani. EDWARD HOLMAN. UNDERTAKER, EXPERIENCED FRAME MAKER AND bench hand. Portland Sash Door Co.. E. Taylor and Union, ave. meI? and boys wanted. To learn plumbing, plastering, brlcklay Ina. Dav and night clasaea. Free cat Positions secured. No book learning. Coyne Trade School, 230-240 8th St., San Francisco and New York. GIRLS WITH TALENT FOR DRAW- lng. painting and designing; good po sition to rigni party, u. to.. Averui oc Co.. 102 N. 6th st. GIRLS FOR CUTTING AND PASTING D. M. Averill & Co., 102 N. 6th st. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED TO work in fruit cannery. Apply at Holmes' Canning Co., E. 8th and Di vision streets. if you Have small amount of money, you can make from io to 130 daily, particulars room t. iiovs tn, near Alder. WANTED BENCH HANDS; ALSO men to run rip saws. Oregon Fur ntture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. WANTED SLACK BARREL COOPER. Apply Western Cooperage, room 806, Btearns bidg.. opposite postofflce. CLERKS FOR RAILWAY MAIL Dl- vision to qualify at once; must be at least 6 ft. 6 In. in height; several letter carriers and clerks for Portland. Call to day. Pacific States school. McKay bidg. WANTED COMPETENT OFFICE man to take charge of large dairy and creamery; some money required; city. Address C-465, Journal. WANTED BOY OVER 16 YEARS OF age to learn some trade. 271 1st. BAKER WANTED FIRST - CLASS bread baker; night work; Hubbard oven. Easy job. First-class wages to first-class man. Must be sober: refer ences required. Address: Davis St Davis, Marahfleld, Or. CABINET MAKER AND BOY WANT- ed. Call 106 N. 11th st WANTED NO. 1 SALESMEN AND solicitors for best proposition ever made to both agent and public. Call after 7 p. m., New Occidental hotel. Room 212. P. Kramer. GIRLS TO WORK IN TAILOR SHOP. 114 N. 4th. . GIRLS WANTED AT G. P. RUMME lln & Sons, 126 Id St., near Washing ton. DISHWASHER WANTED FOR BOARD Ing-house; good wages. 1298 Macad am road. Phone Pacific 692. WANTED 2 WAITRESSES, try girl, at 376 Yamhill. 1 PAN WANTED CHAMBERMAID AND waitress at the Barr hotel, 6th and Gllsan. WANTED GIRLS TO PACK CRACK era. Apply Western Baking Co., East rnird and uavis st. WANTED EXPERIENCED 8EAM stress. Willamette Tent & Awning co .f ront arid uurnstae. WANTED 26 CHOCOLATE AND BON bon dippers; also packers. Apply candy department Pac. Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davis. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Phone Pacific 38. WANTED TEACHERS: GRADES, 60; rural 860 to 175. me msK Teachers Agency, 1200 Williams ave., Woodlawn 1118. WANTED A COMPETENT CLEANER and dyer at East Portland Cleaning & Dye works, 148 Grand ave., clty WAITRESS; GOOD WAGES, STEADY place, room. Enterprise hotel. Phone Pacific 2316. GIRLS WANTED TC) WORK It? tailor shop. Union Tailoring Co., 73 N. 6 th st. Body 414 The Shaw-Fear Company 340 Stark Street. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 220 Id st 1,000 !. JUoore Investment company to D. . B. Kelly, lot 8, block IS, Ver "! non. W. D 400 1 iLmarine n.air 10 .Edgar J Nausa, lots 26 and 26, block ." I, Tobasco addition. W. D. ... 00 , H. E. and Ella T. Noble to Annie , . . Schulta, lots 23 a,nd 24, block . - 4. Columbia Heights. W. D. ... ibo Frances L. and Benjamin A. J own to uiga c. Petersen, (.. samo aa above. W. D. ; Investment company to P. w. . Yettlck, lot 3. block 30, Pied mont, Agreement ............ . 'John J. Cole ' to John L. and Anna -A. Wohlatrom, lots 10 - and 1L block 9, Millers' ad dition to Sellwood, W. D. ..... 600 I Ariela iMna company 10 ueorgef L. Jobb. lot 28, block 14, Ar- leta Park No. I, 8. W. D. ..... 100 JS. B. Priest to Charles M. Ross, lot 16. block ' I, Laurel wood Park. S V. n. .... 210 . CX and Ida Johnson to Bernard - Llsoakl, lot 6 and weet 10 feet v - of lot 7. block 1, Ethel Lynn Bddltlon. W. P - 180 fin 8chmeer to N. E. Divllblfs. l.t , Wock 2, Casila Ann, W. J l, ....... v 700 CEBIETERTES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVE8. Ill: family lots. 10x15, for 1 100, and upwards, according to size; tne only cemetery in Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For information, apply to W. R. Mackenzie, Worceater block. W. M. Ladd. president, ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES. 110; family lots, 125 to 175. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cullv road. Phone Tabor 206. For 600 full Information apply to Frank Schlegel, coz commercial Dig. rnone aiain zszs. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 221 Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mets- s"r, proprietor. 611. 1LVEK-HANDLED UMBRELLA "LEFT at the Quell: reward will He rlVAn fnr return or same to the Juell office. LOST WANTED AN UPHOLSTERER Morrison street. WANED BOY TO LEARN TRADE. Wire and iron work. Columbia Wiro & Iron Works, 368 East Washington. WANTED A SECOND BAKER ON bread. 651 2d. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED AX hundle man, one that thoroughly un derstands the business and can make patterns, etc.; also a No. 1 finlaher of handles; also man for bolter. Chas. Hoff, Mgr., Dallas, Or. fRONERST mangle nanas. 12th and Flanders, IRONERS AND American laundry. WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED 13.000 FOR ONE YEAR AT 7: security, warehouse property wltn 180 feet frontage on railroad and 200 feet on streetcar line. Inquire room 15 La- fayette bidg., cor, 6th and Washington. 13.000. 3 YEARS. 6 PER CENT. FAC tory. YamhlU county, worth 18.000 Address 327 Marsuerite St.. Montavilla. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED. ATTENTION. Someone who really means to sell and wants caan. a nice 4 or 6-room bun galow or flat cottage, nice ground. Must te convenient eitner to North Al blna or East Ankeny carllnes. Must not exceed 32,000 in price for a modern, up 10-aate mue pi ace. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. No. 149 4 First st. WE CAN SELL YOUR HOMES OR business: it's our specialty; trv ua Thomason & Bailey, 323 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 6116. WANTED ALL KINDS OF GOOD city property and good farms for quick sale. F. Fuchs, 2214 Morrison st WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WILL BUY YOUR HOU8EHOLD Roods and guarantee best prices. Call. phone or write. 8. J. ft L. Rubenateln, 170 f rom st., opposite ixauonai noteL Pacific 1401. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD OOOD8. SAV- age & PennelL 345-347 1st st. Phone Paclflo 360. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCT1UN KUOMS, Main 6666. 211 1st St. IF YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Hlgcest prloes paid for second-hand goods. 267 Flan ders, fnone wain ois. HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hend goods. Union Exchange. 262 Front st. Pacific 1431. DEFORMITY APPLIAKCES MADE TO order. K. E. 'Karlson Co.. 861 An keny st, Main 6250. A WILLING GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED woman lo help with light housework. at 4 50 6tn. WANTED 2 GIRLS FOR FIRST AND second work In family, or 2 Japanese. Apply 634 CHston at, Portland Heights. pnone-inain zos. WANTED BOYS FOR GOOD Posi tions in departments. Pac. Coast Bis cuit Co., izth and Davis. BOY WANTED. 16 PER WEEK TO pegin, t5 w. yront Cor. Davis, A SPECIALTY SALESMAN; BOND OR Us equivalent required; state qualifi cations to 1-101, Journal. WANTED MEN OF EXPERIENCE TO work In country; good salary guaran teed: one man to each county. Call nt 25 Washington st.. room 12. 20 BOYS, 16 TO 18 YEARS OF AGE. Apply at once to OLDS. WORTMAN & KING. 13 TO 110 DAILY SOLICITING AD iMrt f m! nr ' commence Tupnrlnv fall now; new propositions. 603 Goodnough Diag. EJC PERIENCED MEAT CUTTER wanted; straight wagea. Give phone tA. alftnui T.lAfi Taiim.I WANTKi) FIRST-CLASS . CARPEN-, If rs Bl xu 011 v imiiimn bib. WANTED FIRST-CLASS DEMON- strator for the Dur food show. Ap ply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and .Davis. , WANTED GIRL ABOUT 16 TO HELP take care of baby. Mrs. Grannis, Hobart-Curtls hotel. WANTED A STRONG WILLINQ girl r chamber work ana to assist in waiting on table. Apply 610 Flanders. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED HOP PICKERS FOR large yards; long season; fine picking; fine camping ground, etc; groceries at city prices. Apply Andrew Kan & Co., 287 Morrison st WANTED HOPPICKERS; WE PAY 60c per box; camp shacks free. Will be at the St. Charles hotel August 26 till September 3 to sell round trip tickets to Brooks, Or. P. P. Gouley, grower. Wanted 1,000 hop pickers to buy 1,000 camp stoves at 97c each. 271 1st st , WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE- f hold goods of every description bought, sold and exchanged. The 1. 282 1st Main 1374. Home A-2827 LADY WOULD LIKE CHILDREN TO board and care for; good home, con venient to school, suburbs. Phone Scott 6651. TO TAKE PARTY TO OREGON MAM moth cave or deer and elk hunting; plenty or game assured. Main 8057. I WISH TO PURCHASE ROOMING house of 80 to 60 rooms, direct from owner. Address G.-108. Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TnFCTOELlEuTSNrjTH "sTV Elegantly furnished; steam heat and baths. HOTEL OAK FIRST-CLASS FUR nlshed rooms, electric light, gas, bath and phones; situated next to City park. 347 OttK st. THE GRAND, 454 N. 3D ST. HOOMB for gentlemen, ii.z per weeic ana up. per Or BAY tea at 1 inn pniivna - well, mm ana norse broke rrom sta- ,l:'t m?0",1' Jark; 110 reward, W. M. Harold. H-104. Journal. AN EXPERIENCED STOCK AND BOND ..salesman; steauy position; salary and commission to right party; write expe rlence to O-l 10. Journal. BOY WAITER; GOOD WAGES, WITH , room. Enterprise hotel. - 1 WANTED 60 OR 60 HOPPICKERS; good camp grounds, stove; pay 60c r box. J. & E. Schlndler. Salem.' Or. regon City Transportation dock, foot of Taylor st - . WANTED 1,000 HOP-PICKERS TO buy 1,000 camp stoves at tc eacn. 271 1st st. WANTED HOPPICKERS ' ,' FOR MY yard at BrooksOr.j pay 60o per box. Will be at St Charles hotel, August 25 tin weptemper 1. Jriomer uouiey. HRI.P WANTED AND HIIPPI.IED. male or female. R. G. Drake, 3064 Washington si Fada 1170. 1 . a u THE NEWLAND HOUSE GOOD rooms, single and en suite; good, clean beds, electric lights; 11.25 to 13.60 per week. 806 1st Phone Main 7810. TWd LOVELY.. - QUIET ROOMS, II and 610 each. 846 Harrison. Very desirable booms for gen- tlemen desiring home comforts. Phone Main 7863. - CLEAN, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS and transient lUtt-l'lth at., cor Stark. A NICE FRONT ROOM, ELEGANTLY furnished, suitable for one or two gentlemen; 8 blocks from heart of city. 29 rx. rn sirmi. CORNER STORE, 34x44; LARGE front and good show windows; choiea location fpr drugs and Jewelry com bined; long lease If desired. 711 Mis sissippi ave., cor. Fremont st FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY AND cigar store. 110 N. 6th st. A SMALL STORE WITH A FINE corner show window for rent cheap. 174 First street. 342 FRONT, WITH FIXTURES, EX cellent for grocery and produce. Main 6864. STORE. 20-FT. FRONT; GAS FIX tures; suitable for any business; fartlv furnished for tailor shop. 691 st st. FOR RENT LARGE WELL-FUR-nlshed office room in best location in city; rent reasonable. MacDonald, 101 Dekum bidg. FURNISHED HOUSES. 4-ROOM HOUSE. PARTLY FUR nlshed, suburbs, close to carllne. Main 2001. Call, 209 2d St. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern conveniences. Phone Main 1869. WANTED A GOOD RELIABLE steady man to buy 4 Interest In tho best real estate and business chance of fice in Portland, on very easy terms; full particulars 126 Lumber Exchange bidg. HERE YOU ARE 12.200 BUT8 THU best rooming-house in Portland; clears 176 monthly; reserves 6 elegant room; location cannot be beat; something good; act quickly; party must leave at once: a bargain. See my agent, 124 and 12S Lumber Exchange bidg. SALOON 16.000; CHEAP RENT, f years' lease; best corner In Portland; centrally located; dally receipts ISO; never before offered for sale; elaborate ly fitted up; don't miss this opportunity; will not last long. Henry Mensor, 124 and 315 Lumber Exchsnge bidg. BAKERY 11.900: RENT 150 AND S living rooms; lease 5 years; estab lished 20 years: 2 horses, 2 wagons; partly paralysed and must sell business; always good location; csnnot be beat; act quickly. Exclusive with H. Mensor, 324 and 326 Lumber Exchange bidg. WANTED GOOD COUNTRY STORES listed. If they are good, I can sell them quick. If they will not stand close Investigation, please do not write me. ,F. Fuchs. 2214 Morrison st HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR SALE OF A COM nletelv furnished 6-room cottage, very conveniently arranged and clean, mod ern, west side, rents for 121 per month, very reasonable. .George J. Scliaefer, 317 Chamber of Commerce. ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, FUR nlture for sale; 1350 If taken by Sep- tember 1. 208 7th st. &EVEN-ROOM. PARTLY FURNISHED house, west side, cheap rent. of owner, 614 Pettlgrove st Inquire VALLEY TOWN CONFECTIONERY and notion store; nice living room; rent- 115; annual receipts around 16. 000; annual profits around 12,000: will sell for 11.100 cash or trade for houso and lot. Thomason A Bailey, 223 Cham ber of Commerce. ELEVEN-ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN. west side, desirable location; reaso able rental. Party going east; will sa? rlflce furniture. Rooms rented now. Move right In to a good paying busi ness. C. L Parrlsh & Co, 311 Marquam BUSINESS CHANCES. HOTEL AND ROADHOUSE TO LEASE Old-established, with or without sa- , . .. I I I . .l.l. ,'J I also 7-room house and orchard. 310; and A flmtm Iff mnmm 19n! nil An wat aM C. H. PigKott, owner, lawyer. 4, 6 and e. MuiKey piqg SPECIAL DRUGS AND FIXTURES, etc.. for sale cheap; will rent build lng to party buying; good opportunity; otner business necessitates saie. j. Everest, Cornelius, Or. BUST THE WOOD TRUST CHEAPER wood: now ready for business. . Co operative Wood Co. Call 819 Ablngton Biag. GENERAL STORE LIVE TOWN 3.000. center of logging camps and saw mills; clean stock, modern fixtures.. W. C. Winks. South Bend. Wash. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold, corre spondence Invited. H. W, Donahue A Co., 612 Buchanan bidg. Phone Main 7361. " ' BARGAIN FOR A FEW DAYS I MUo'i sell furniture and fixtures of SDrlns- field hotel, with lease on building; good location and paying business; good private reason for selling. Address box i, 01 Jr., for prloes and par- THE itlNG ROOMS WITH ALL MOD ern conveniences; electrlo light, bath and heat; reasonable. 309 Jefferson. - FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. II 18 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard. 208 . Stan ton at U oar. 176. Springfield, tlculars. HALF OR WHOLE INTEREST IN restaurant and saloon. 309 and 111 Washington st, Vancouver, Wash.; busi- flrst-clnss goods; best of location. Sick ness of one partner, the reason for aell- ing. ' , COME IN AND SEE US IF YOU want rooming-houses, restaurants, ho tels, arooery stores, meat markets, real estate, -Business cnances, investments. Western Realty Company, 'Room 610, Bucnnn dwipi wasnington St. FOR SALE- HALF INTEREST IN unaeriaaing uuumettn, mi lurmsnings new and up to date; doing a good busi ness. H-103, Journal. FOR SALE COMBINED NEWSPAPER ana joo orrice, consisting of 13xl Peerless Jobber, treadle and steam fix tures on press to print 6-column quarto paper, body type, display type and com plete outfit except paper cutter. Will sell cheap. Investigate. Address for full particulars Lock Box 180, Olympia, Wash. . RESTAURANT. 14.600; CHEAP RENT"; dally receipts 190; lease 3 4 years; seating capacity 60; location very cen tral; best business proposition In Port land for money asked; will bear the strictest Investigation; party has made fortune and wishes to retire; act quickly 11 J "t. naiii a. ptviug UUDlllcn. 44 I4UU1- M ber Exchange bidg. f FOR SALE REAL ESTAT HAWTHORNE ADDITION- BARGAIN. 11,300 snap; must sell pretty new 6 room house, built for, home, close to Hawthorne car line, lot 60x100; terms can be arranged. See H. W. Lemcka company, 6th and Washington sts. 1350 -A BARGAIN; MUST SELL cigar, confectionery, Ice cream, books and stationery; steady trade; new stock; three living-rooms; low rent H-108, Journal. STEAM WOODSAW, TEAM AND HAR ness for sale, and plent-. TJf i wood to saw; can make good money; machine In fine order. Call 288 E. 8th st, cor. Hawthorne ave WANTED IMMEDIATELY, PARTNER In established real estate business Good business for a hustler. Address G-106. JournaJ. - ' . STRANG E'S SNAPS. 11,70014 acre-, all set In fruit, 6-room house, 2 blocks from ear. 31,3001 acre, same location, 11,300. 12,260 6-room new house, nice, on Morrison-Tabor car. W. L. STRANGE. Rooms 10 and 12, 268 Stark st GOOD HOMES CHEAP. 1600 Easy terms, full lot on west side, with fine river view; the cheapest to be had In Portland. 12,100 Very easy terms, for full lot. with 6-room modern new house: good location. . 13.800 Nice corner, with modern 8-room house, on west side; a good buy. 1625 Sacrifice, 3 lots In university Park; cash, balance to suit F. FUCHS, 2214 Morrison Street' 5,000 MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE ON East Burnslde st: firenlsce. furnace. laundry tubs. etc. palmer.vaV at.rttntg co.; 222 Failing bidg. Main 5661. A-M. 82,600 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. new tinted walls, porcelain bath, etc; one block from car; full lot. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO.. . 222 Falling bidg. Main 5661. A-8653. 12.100 CLOSE IN. COZY 6-ROOii house, easy terms. -. PALMER-VAN -ALSTINE CO.. 222 Falling bidg. Main 5661, A-2658. 6-ROOM HOUSE IN THE SWELL East Burnslde district, large living room, dining-room paneled six feet high with French windows, large fireplace, special light fixtures, built-in book cases, mirrors, seats : and wardrobea. narawooa iioors in nail, uving-room, -- tuning ana nucnfn, iuu cemni. iwn ment, rurnace, was built for absolutely- first class: PALMER-VAN A; 221 Falling bidg. Mai 11,600 7-ROOM MODERN - HOUSE, now being completed; 'terms. : ' s .. PALMER-VAN ALSTINE CO.. 322 Failing bidg. Main 6661, A-2663. PARTIES ' DESIRING TO . BUY OR - lease a 14 -room house on 8. 1st st should see R. M. Plummer, 260 3d st . xrs in naiu nving-room, dtchen, full cemerti. base , laundry tubs; themise a nome ana everyuiin.'s . 1 ALSTINE CO.. fcfcJ lain 6661, A-2688. "i 4 1 V