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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, , WEDNESDAY BVENftfO. AUOUST 23, 1907. Popular Wants DItiiSSMAKINQ HMH. HOFMAJ8TER, TEACHER OF moreya taaier tailor system or a ng and designing dresses. 6IH N. 16th. MADAME ANUELa--44l FIFTiEPA elfle Ml. Popular Wants Popular Wants GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary and manna; electric equip tnents; launches; accessor!; and raUU; engine repairing. KaUraon Machinery Co.. !8t-4- Worriaonat fcHEFJPlELfi MAftlJilTEJronfl. ant propeller. Falrbat ka Mora Co, .Jet and Stark sts. . BANKS. JTNITED STATE8 NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON. II wortnwest corner Third ar.J Or. Streets. . . . Transact a General Banking Bualnaaa. DRAFTS ISSUED Available In All Cities of the United States and Europe. Honjkonr; end Manila. Collections made on Favorabla Terms President J. c. AIN8WORTH I Caahlar R- W BCHMMB Ylce-Presldent R. LEA BARNES Aaal.tant cashier W. A. HOLT Asslstsnt Caahlar A. M. W.:1QHT roe a dock II FORI STEVEN S LADD TILTON, BANKERS Portland. Oregon. E",b,l,,':rd W. 11. LADD. C. E. LADD. J. W. LADD. .. Tr""ct General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Bsvlngs book, BUed on saving deposit. Interest rld on time depoilta. EDUCATIONAL SsJ-WALKEK BUSINESS COL LEGE, 1 Ilka' Uuildtng. t Portland. Oregon. Chaftler ahorthand and Bliss book Jteeping aa taught In tha liehnke-Walker Will lead you to success. Facta 7S7 alia for help and placed 111 alnca Aug. FlfO. W"1 Pttc vou when compe- , tent Enroll now. ""ROSE CltY BUSINESS COLLEGE. ' Elegant new quarter on 6th atreet near ' roetoffiee. Pitman ahorthand by court reporter; 10 to 40 per cent ssve on expenses W. W. Williams, M. 6,, Prin. XT BRONSON SALMON'S STUDIO OF . ahorthand and typewriting; full course tn 12 week: open all summer: established 1868. Mllnor bldg., Park and Morrison. jbEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY l academy, foriuuia. v.. viiih iui c ealogue. HECJtA,NT8' NATIONAL BANK Portland. Oregon. ri ?A,NK WATSON.. Prealdent I R. L. HURHAM. ...... .Vlce-Preeldent n. W. HOYT Caabler GEORGE W. HOYT. . Aaslatant Caahlar - . 8. C. CATCHING Second Assistant Cashier , Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued Available tn All Parts of the World. Collections a Specialty. THE nNK OF CALIFORNIA Established IIM. Head Office San ?i CspRal nald tin ti nnn Ann i nnmhn -nil undivided profits I10.1B5.S7I General t. . ' V..-i.,,... ,.,.,. Interest on Time Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of $10 ana up- .ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Muiiain. M. ft. MACREA Manager J. T. BURTCHAELI, As t Manager T?IR8t( NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on Pacific Coaat A CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 1. 600.000 00. DEPOSITS, J President I W. C. A LVORD Assistant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Cashier K. F. STEVENS. .Second Asst Cashier TRUST COMPANIES. TnPTT.l Km piitof rnrw sv rtnrlAW I On-ron. OTRnVwrTrn nvpn Gnrrtl Pankln. Two pr fwt ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 4 W y WALSH CO.. Sll STARK BT leetrle and Gas Fixtures and Supplies. Mantels, Tiling, urates ami isogirons. WlirtC ELECTRIC CO. - ENO near, contractors, repairs re, electric (Wiring, auppiiea. isi, cor. Bar. Wain 6 NfElTKR" R. H.Tate, Mgr. r-eTECTrTC W6ftks. si tK at Tontrsctors electrlo supplies. motors and dynamos; we Ins tail light nd power planta. itrtRRIBfla ELECTRIC CO.-itl B. .. Morrison at Fixture, wiring. r- tlrlng. East lllg, FAIRBANKS. MORSE MOTORS AND A. U ana ix isi ana dynamos. ' Ptsrk ate. 't HARDWARE .JWINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS . mad to order. Portland Hard wars Co, 74 th. HOTELS ;)XHI1 BELLEVUE, EUROPEAN PLAN. ' 4th and Salmon. "HOTEL Portland. Am. plan. II, H dayT iELVEDERE. European; 4th and AldeT INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRH IN8URANCB. , 144 Sherlock bldg. i Jab. McL wood, employers' lia- L bllity and IndtTldus! accident security fionds of sU kinds. Phone 47. 101 Mo kay bldg. LAND SCRIP j ."WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL y klnda, including approved forest re ffierva scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. ' M. Hamilton. "The Portland." PorUand LEATHER AND FINDINGS i CHARLES L. MA6TICK CO.. FRONT 1 and Oak ats.. leather and skins of mrmrj description (pr all purposes; sola no. lap cunera; iinuina". MONEY TO LOAN fONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY IONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY iONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. I GET $10 TO $100. ? HO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." XX)WEST RATES EASIESTPAYMENTS A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER, IF fOU WORK, WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU A8KT RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. t STATE SECURITY CO, , 704 DEKUM BLDG. ' HOTTRS A. M. TO P. M. 7 WED. AND 8ATURDAY TILL P. M. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY J MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY . MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY TO LOAN The Oldest Trust Company In nar.i nnlrlnr Two per cent interest on check accounta (even hundreds) on dally balances of JBOU or over. Letters of credit nnd exchange on all parts of the world. , Bv' r eJlfa counts. Tim certificates. S to 4 per cent; shrt-csll speclnl certificates. $aoo or over. Ju to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS. ftnut(uat rnm. Thlrt r, A HaW Kt Phnn Prlvt Exchang BENJ I. COHEN President I H. L PITTOCK Vice-President B. LEE PAGET Secretary J O. OOLTRA Asalatant Becretary GoTernmont Will Expand A Large Sum for Work to be Done at Once. CONTRACTORS ARE ASKED TO FIGURE Structure Will be LTeJ Principally nerles on tha lower Columbia ars .also rreparlng to return to their homas-zin ha outh because tha season Js over. Ths North Paclflo liner Roanoka, whlclvsalls for San Pedro and way ports tomorrow night, will probably also carry a number of Chinese. MARINE INTELLIGENCB Kerala fcinara Bus to Arrive. R. D. Inman, San Francisco ...Aug. St Breakwater, Coos Bay Aug. 10 City of Panama. San FranoJaco.Aug. 21 Redondo. Seattle Sept 1 Arabia, orient Sept 1 G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way . .Sept I Johan Poulaen. San Francisco. .epi. Alliance, Coos Bay Sept 6 Costs Rica, San Francisco Sept 6 RoanokM San Pedro and way ..Sept 10 Alesta, (Bar. as sept J ft NIoomeiMa. -orient October Numantla, orient uct xo Berulax Users t Dapart. Roanoke, San Pedro and way... Aug. It Numantla. orient..' Aug. II Alliance. Coos liar Aug. II Breakwater. Coos Bay Sept f For HandllniT fironei In rnnnrtlnn i K. D. Inman. San Francisco. Sept t - "wmvmm -iu T ITbS maI aaa Hani J V..11 V Ul iTV.Iia.IIIB, 04AI1 r I om,ow . .swaa. With Construction of Jetty Mouth of Colombia River. at SECURITY SAVINOS TRUST CO. I6S Morrison Street. Portland, Oregon. Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Inter est allowed on Time and Savings Aorounts. Acts as Trustee for Estatea Drafts and Letters of Credit Available on All Parts of the World. C F. ADAMS President I L. A. LFTW1S First Vloa-Presldent A. L MILLS... Second Vice-President R C. JUBITZ Secretary OFO. E. RUSSELL Assistant Secretary TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY 14') Washington Street MORTGAGE I)ANS ON Portland Real Estate at Loweet Rat. Title Inaured. Abstracts Furnished. J. THORBTTRN ROSS President 1 JNO-E AITCHISON Secretary GEOROE H. HILL Vice-President T T. BURKHART Tresaurer H BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal. Railroad and Public Pervlce Corporation Bonds. OWNING-HOPKIN8 COMPANY Established 1 8 (3 BROKERS. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main IT. D Overfceck & Cooke Companyl Couch bldg.. 4th st, near Washington. GRAIN. PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. Ths rovernment will build a new and large wharf at Fort Stevens as soon as a contractor can be found willing to take the Job at a reaaonable price. In the neighborhood of $26,000 will be ex pended In ths project The wharf will be used In connection with the Jetty work, which la henceforth to be rushed with all possible haste. The announcement of tha rovarn- ment's decision to build the wharf waa made this morning from the office of Colonel 8. W. Roessler, United States engineer, where specifications for the wor are being- drawn up. Contractors will be invited to submit bids in a few days. It being desired to have the work coinpietea as soon as possible. The wharf will be used principally as a place where the stone brought on barges from the quarries up the river will be discharged prior to being placed on board of cars for the extreme end of the jetty, where they are dumped Into me sea. Colonel Roessler, accompanied by As sistant United States Engineer Ogden. is on a tour of inspection throughout the district having left for Snake river this morning. Colonel Roessler and Mr. Ogden returned from the Cowlits river Tuesday night where they Inspected the revetment work being done in the vicinity of Castle Rock. Reilondo Reuttle nnH wlv Sent! O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. sept Costa Rica, San Francisco Sept Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. .. Sept 10 Arabia, orient Sept 16 Alesla, orient Sept IB Nlcomedla. orient Oct It Vessels la Port. Yola Br. sh Elevator dock Dalgoiinr, Br. h Columbia No. I Rats Am arh . Wlllltnalta I 8. WkS Conway Cawtle. Br. bk Greenwich I Slam, Or. sh Portland Lumoer v,o. Alliance. Am. atr Drydock King Cyrus, Am. sch. .Standard Box ca Be .f RerfectMan With No Back Pains No Nervous ness No Waste of Power No Loss of Ambition But With Plen ty of Life and Energy and the Viger of Youth. To be strong and manly Is ths aim pf every young man. and yet how many we find who are wasting the vitality and strength which nature rlvaa them. Instead of developing Into ths strong, vigorous, manly young fel lows that nature Intended them to be, they, find themselves weak, stunted and despondent no ambition to do anything. They struggle aimlessly along, sooner or later to become viotlms of that dread disease, nervous debili ty; their finer sensibilities blunted ami their nerves shattered. I Cure Men's Diseases BB. TAYXOft, The Ieadlag Spaclallat. DAMAGED ON BAR. LEAVING PORTLAND. Phasta Expreaa 1:16 a. m. Cottage Orove Paaaenger . 4:16 p. m. California Express 7:45 p. m. San Franclaco Expreaa 11:10 p. m WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Paaaenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove Passenger ...11:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger ... 6:20 p. m. Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express 7:15 a. m. Cottage Grove Passenger. .11:00 a. m. Shasta Express 7:30 p. m. Portland Express 11:30 p. m. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Paaaenger 6:66 p. m. Sheridan Passenger 10:10 a m. Forest Grove Passenger . . 8:00 a. m. Forest Prove Passenger ... 2:60 p. m. Northern Pacific. T aroma and Seattle Exp. .. . 1:10 a. m. North Coast & Chicago Llm. 2:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overland Express ..11:45 p. m North Coaat Limited Portland Expreaa ... Overland Express .... Puget Sound Limited .. T:00 a. ra. . . 4:16 p. m. . . 8:16 p. m. .. 10:65 p. m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Local Passenger :00 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:30 a. m. Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Kan. City & Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer Chi.. Kan. City A Port. Ex. Chicago-Portland Special . lyocal Passenger 3:00 a. m. :45 a. m. 8:20 p. m. 6:45 p. m. Steamer QnJnault Needa Repairs In Yard At Aberdeen. Dunlun In. t TK. aan,r rl. nault which went on a sand spit in the lower harbor during a fog Juat after crossing the bar Saturday morning, has gone on the marine ways for repairs. It was found that she had lost part of tho ntern post, that her keel was badly dam aged, and that part of the forward plank ing waa sprung. It will be three or four days before she wll be ready to load. Beulah. Am. ach Vlncennes, Fr. bk. . . North King. Am. tug Antelope, Am. sch... Churchill. Am. sch.. Numantla, Ger. str, . Queen Alexandra, Br. St Nicholas, Am. sh Alvema, Am. sch. . . .Astoria .Columbia No. 1 Astorl .Foot of Lincoln Astoria Montgomery atr Linnton Astoria St. Johns St Louis, Fr. bk.. Pacific Coaat bunker Lakme, Am. str Martin's dock Compeer, Am. sch Astoria Btratnncsa, ttr. ss. . roruana x.umoer -o. CHINESE GO SOUTH. Astoria & Columbia River. Astoria and Seaside Exp 8:00 a. m. Astoria & Seaside Express. :00 p. m. Bol,l,. Rneclnl 3:10 p. m. Dally except Sunday. "Saturday only. Astoria ft Port. Passenger. 12:10 p. m. Portland Express 10:00 p. m. All other trains dally. On improved city property or for build Ing purposes, for from I rfth privilege to repay all or part t of loan after two years. time. to 10 years' Loans ap- t proved from plans ana money savancea km building nrogresses: mortgages taken 1 up and replaced. 5 I TIED H. STRONG, Financial Agent l. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. ; chattel mortgages or personal se j oority; notes bought C W. Pallett 04 Penton bldg. t $ ixWT WORRY 110 TO IIM .LOANED i . salaried people, with or without se a Csrity. Crescent Loan Co.. 421 Mo- f hawk bldg. CONFDDENTIAL loans oTJ SaT7 arles. Insurance policies, planoa. f ur - nlture. warehouse receipts, etc.: any de i iiervlnar noraon mav aecura a liberal ad- 4 vance. repaying by easy weekly or monthly Installments. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE COM- PA NY. I ton Ahfnrton Bldg. MONOIENTS NEU ft KINGS LEY, 268 1ST 8T. Portland leading marble and granite works. MUSICAL PIANO, VIOLIN. CORNET. TROM bone, clarinet Professor E. A. Smith. 154 12th St. Main 4703 OSTEOPATHIC PHY8ICIANL DrTlILLEBELLE PATTERSON, 8PB clalist on nervous, acute and chronic diseases. Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Pacific 1190. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP, 415-16-17 DE kum bldg.. Id and Waahlngton sta Phone Main S4S. Examination free. PRINTING OGILBEE BROS.. PRINTERS CARDS. billheads, etc. Phone Main 1161. 146H 1st St. MODERN PRINTERY. PHONE PA clfic 1526. R. 26. Russel bldg.. 4th and Morrison sts. - STREltT PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings. 314 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVINO CO. of Portland. Office 665 Worcester blk. TYPEWRITERS. NEW AND 2ND HAND. ALL MAKE8, rented, repaired, sold. P. D. C Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DEBCRIP tlon; bank, bar and store fixture made to order. The Lutke Manufac turing Co. Portland. R. H. BIRD8ALL. DESIGNER; AGT. M. Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. TRANSFER AND HAULING PLUMBERS FOX ft CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS, 131 2d, bet Main and Salmon. Oregon hone Main 2001. t ONNERBERG ft RADEMACHER Re moved to No. 303 Burnslde st .dfCLB MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE. 141 Id st, near Alder, established 1870; ?dd and reliable; any amount loaned on i watches, diamonds. Jewelry and seal ) skins. '1 m6SeY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pie and others upon their own namea without security; cheapest rates, easiest I payments; offices in 60 principal cities; T nave yourself money by getting our ; terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton Bldg. 106 3d st. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEO ple Just on your own name; don't borrow until you see me; my system : Is the best for rallrond men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confidential F. A. Newton. 511 Buchanan bldg., 2 1 Waahlngton. CASH ON HAND FOR PURCHASE money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either .country or city property. H. E Noble, Commercial blk.. 2d and Waahlngton. PAINTING AND PAPERING. pT A? DO A NEGlVESBETSTIMATa for satisfactory work. 286 Yamhill. PAINTS, OIL AN1' GLASS F. E. BEACH ft CO., THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glaslng. 185 1st st. Phone 1334. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS C. O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST.. B Be tween Star!; and Oak sta.; phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick ware house with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO. Henry Roe. W. A Cleland. tr. P. Bheascreen. General transfer and storaire- ufn pianos and furniture moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oak st Both Dhones. PENINSULAR EXPRESS & BAGGAGE' iransier. ii Aider st Phone Main XI I l. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 N. 6TH. Main 69. Heavy hauling and itnrnni INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRAN8- rer co storage. 324 Stark. Main 407. Large Number Engage Passage On The Costa Rica. The Chinese cannery men who went north to Bristol bay last spring and returned from "rhfe a few days ago on sailing vessels, bringing the season's pack, will hurry back to San Francisco as qulcklv as the transportation means will permit. About 100 of the celestials who ram down on the American ahln St. Nicholas will leave for the Bay City thla afternoon when the Hamman liner Costa Rica goes to sea. The Costa Rica left Alnsworth wharf at 9 o'clock this morning with 100 cabin passengers, but her steerage empty be cause of reservations having been made for the Chinese to embark at the city by the sea. This will toe the first lot of the returning cannery men to go south this season, but it la said that they are leaving earlier than usual. Several Chinese engaged In the ean- TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS MISS L. B. MAY. 502 BWETLAND Copying deeds and abstracts apee'lty. RUBBER STAMPS also Gliding loans- lowest FOR FARMS OF EVERY DE8CRIP nsu4nc. vvUiam 6. 'fleck J on- W' W" Espey' Conimerct'U ' WILL LOAN $3,000. 6 PER CENT, ON real estate. Farrington. 313 Fenton . bldg. MONEY TO LOAN; LARGE LOANS specialty: , rates: fire i . Sll Falling bldg. QUICK LOAN8 ON ALL SECURITIES. B. W. King, 45 Waahlngton bldg. Main 6100. Sonet to Loan Qtf aLL kinds' of security. William Holl. room 9. Washington bldg. k LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY" ' or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekura Wdg. EONKY TO LOAN IN $600 TO $J.000." Phone p. a stamp works, 249 alder st. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamp, seal, stencils; baggage, trade checKs; brass signs and plates. REAL ESTATE THOMPSON ft OGDEN REAL Es tate, insurance, loans. Sea us before buying. 848 Mississippi ave. Phone Woodlawn 202. REAL ESTATE AND J W O ("51 I.BEE. loans; established 18 S3. room 11. DEALERS 145H 1st. SPHINX AOENCY. real estate and rentals. st. Main 6164. 106 Stark TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB brush, soap. $1 per month. PorUand Laundry & Towel Supply Co.. 9th and Couch sts. Phone 416. WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUNST ft CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. EVERDINQ & FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchants. 10 Front St., Portland, Or. Phone Main 179. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turing Co. Manufacturers of furnl ture for the trade. Portland. Or. WA)HAMr CO.. WHOLESALE ORO cers, manufacturers and commission mercha-ts. 4th and Oak sts. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special orders. L. Ruvensky's furni ture factory. 307 Front st. fTharlaaon A Co. Pnmmr1ol , Pacific 1196. DON'T BORROW MONEY 6U SALAR? . until yon see , Hctton Credit Co. - 612 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVSo fit 9 oronertv or for poses. Columbia Lire ft Trust Co building pur- . 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. AONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE r other good security at lowest rates. Mortgages and contracts bought 616 Commercial Bldg. . i . 'i ..I JlACLTNERr A HIS H. a ALBEB . CO.EOOND band machinery, sawmilla, sta 141 Orand ave. ' : : :. X J. PAUL. 100 IS Sf". bldg. RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI catebsens. Home cooking. 434 Wash ington at ROOFING pairing and general Jobbing. J. Losll, Hi Jefferson st. Paclflo 1424. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER ft KLEISER SIGNS. We have built up the largest sign business In the city by first-class work and keeping our promises. Our prions are right 6th and Everett sta Phone Exchange 66. - "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT land Sign Co., 287 Stark. Pacific 1696. SAFES PORTLAND SAFE CO, SOLE AGENTS for Herrlng-Hall-Marvln safes and Manganese Steel Safe Ca's bank safes; 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank es. very cheap. See them or write us. 92 7th st . DIEBOLD ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. sTonca bouts. B. B. XTmatina Ana;. St B. B. President Bept 38 B. B. Senator Oct 7 B. B. AXABXA BOVTB. Balllng Prom Seattle. Bkacway, Sitka, Juaean and way ports. vailing s p. m. BC. B. B. Co.'s Humboldt Ang. 82, Sept 3, 14 City of Seattle Ang. 97, Sept 8, 80 Cottar City, via Bltka Ang. SB SAZf OA-CISCO BOVTB. Balling a. m. Prom Seattle. President Sept. 9, 17 B. B. Spokane A Off. 93, Sept. 7,83 Sonoma Ana. 88 City of Pnebla Ang-. 30, Sept. 18, 87 City Office, 848 -Washlngtoa Bt WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND glassware. Prael, Hegele & Co.. Port land. Or. LEWIS-8TENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co., Barbers' Supplies, Barbers' Fur nlture. Barber' Chairs. 10th ft Morrison TRANSPORTATION. Ho! For Astoria ao ob FastSteamerTelegraph Pally except Thursdays). Leaves Aldet tree i -oca i a. m. Bundays t a. m. $1 round trip, PHOWB MAI- BOS. Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES SZPTEMSEB 11, 13, 13. Chicago and return, $71.69. St Louis and return, $67.59. St Paul, Minneapolis, Dulutb, Supe rior. Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re turn, $60. 3 TRAINS DAILY 3 For tickets, sleeping car reservations and additional information, call on or address H. DICKSON, C. P. ft T. A 198 TKZB9 ST.. POBT&AHD, OB. Telephones: Main 680. Home A-2286. North Star. Am. tug Astoria Americana, Am, sch Vancouver Gardiner City Am. bktn Drydock Alice McDonald. Am sch Astoria Aurella, Am. ss Vancouver Rhoderlck Dhu Am. sch. Linnton Roanoke, Am. str Martin's Santa Maria. Am. str Portsmouth Col. de Vlllebols Muriel. Fr. bk.. Astoria Daisy Freeman, Am. ss. ..East A Weat Honolpu, Am. sch Astoria Zi amber Carriers Zn Boat. Thomas L. Wand. Am. str. San Francisco Cosstsr, Am. str San Francisco Suvte M. Plummer. Am. sch. . .Quay a Waap. Am. str San Francisco Lettitla. Am. sen Ban Francisco Berlin. Am. sh Nushagak wrestler. Am. Dkin Ban Pedro Annie M. Campbell, Am. sch . Ban Francisco Glendale. Am. sch San Francisco Oliver J. Olson. Am. sch.. San Francisco Mabel Oale, Am. sch San Francisco Andy Mahoney. Am. sch .. San Francisco Cascade. Am. str San Francisco Salvador. Am. sch. ...r.San Francisco W. F. Garms, Am. sch. ...San Pedro Virginia, Am. sch. . . . Port Los Angeles Bn Bonte With Cement and OeneraL Buccleuch,' Br. sh. Hamburg Brenn. Fr. bk Hull Europe, Br. bk. Antwerp Genevieve Mollnos. Fr. bk. London Rene Kerviler. Fr. sh Hamburg Laennec Fr. sh Swansea Le Plller. Fr. bk London Martha Roux, Fr. bk. Hamburg Mozambique. Br. sh Newcastle. E. Samoa. Br. bk Shields Thiers, Fr. sh Newcastle, B. Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk. .. .Hamburg Vllle de Mulhouse, Fr. bk Antwerp Ouethary. Kr. DK Pierrl Lotl. Fr. bk Walden Abbey, Br. sh Glenesslln, Br. sh Versailles. Fr. bk. General de Bolsdeffre. Fr. bk General de Negrler. Fr. bk... Bayard. Fr, bk Vllle de Dijon, Fr. bk Allc Marie. Fr. bk Eugene Rergatene, Fr. bk Antwerp H. Haekneld. Gr. bk Honolulu Arctic Stream, Br. ah Rotterdam Crown of India, Br. bk Antwerp Cornll Bart. Fr. bk Antwerp Jules Gomme. Fr. bk Rotterdam Edward Detallle, Fr. bk. Antwerp Coal Snips En Bouts. Belen. Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Claverdon. Br. sh Newcastle, A. Wlllsoott. Am. bk Newcastle, A. Port Patrick, Br. sh Newcastle, A, St Mlrren, Br. sh Newcastle, A. Crlllon, Fr. bk Newcastls, A. Ardencralg. Br. bk Newcastle. A. Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk. Newcastle, A, Buffon. Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Castle Rock, Br. sh Sydney, A. RedhilL Br. ss Newcastle, A. Knight Templar, Br. ss. .. Newcastle, A. Tymerlc, Br. str Newcastle, A. Henry VI Hard, Am. str. . .Newcastle, A. Thordls, Nor. str Morovan, Japan Homeward Bound, Am. bk.Newcastle, A. Tramp Steamers Ba Boat. Eva, Ger. ss Hakodate, Japan El a. Nor. ss San Francisco African Monarch, Br. ss Japan jemou. in or. ss Kan irancisco Oil Steamers Due. Atlas. Am. str San Francisco Santa Maria, Am. ss. ...Port Hartford Asuncion, Am. str San Francisco Maverick. Am. ss San Francisco Sn Bonte to oaa Grain. Gael. Fr. bk Puget Sound Turgot. Fr. bk Puget Sound Miltonburn, Br. bk. Santa Rosalia I have treated hundreds of men who have lnnv suffered a aradual decline of physical and mental energy as a result of private all- m,nti mil hivi htn Interested tn notinor tha marked general improvement that follow a thorough cure, of the chief aisoraer. My uccb in curing, uuucuu cases or. long standing has made me the foremost specialist treating men's diseases. This success Is due to several things. It Is due to the study I have given my specialty; to my having ascertained the exact nature of men's ailments, and to the original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ. To those in doubt as to their true condition who wish to avoid the serious results tnai may ijiiow negieci. i oner iree consultation and advice, either at my office or through correspondence. If your case Is one of the few that has reacnea an incuraoie siage, i win sot accept It for treatment nor will I treat curable cases only, and cuu all I urge my services upon anyone. cases I treat In Uncomplicated Cases My Fee Is Only YouPayWhenCured BPBOZPXO BLOOD POZSOB. No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the interior, but harmless. blood-cleansing remedies that remove the last poisonous laini. YABIOOCXIB. Absolutely painless treatment that cures completely in one week. In vestigate my method. It is the only thoroughly scientific treatment for this disease being employed. FREE My colored chart, showing the male anatomy and affording an Interest ing study In men's diseases will be given free upon application. W BAB lit Tou've probably Ibeen treated tor so-called weakness and helped tem porarlly or not at all, and the reason is very apparent when cause of loss of power In men Is understood. Weakness Is merely a symptom of chronic Inflammation of the prostate gland, which ray treatment re moves, thereby permanently restor ing strength and vigor. OOBTBACTSD DXSQBDXBfl. You can depend upon a quick and thorough cure by my treatment A quick cure Is desirable because a slow cure Is apt to be no cure at all, and a chronic development will come later. I cur you beyond the possi bility of a relapse and in half the usual time required. I BBTZ.BZ AZUCZB TB. Often the condition appearing to be the chief disorder Is only a reflex ailment resulting from some other disease. Weakness sometime comes from varicocele or stricture; skin and bone diseases result from blood poison taint, and physical and mental decline follow long-standing func tional disorder. My long experience In treating men enables me to de termine the exact conditions that exist and to treat accordingly, thus removing every damaging cause and Its effects. .. .Antwerp . .Antwerp . .Antwerp . .Antwerp Lelth . .London . . .London . .Antwerp , .Antwerp . .Antwerp Consultation and Advica FREE. Call or Writs Today i Xotu-tt ft. u. to I p. bl tartdfty 10 to 1. DOCTOR TAYLOR co 834 H XsTOBBXSOW BTBSXT, COBB BB BBOOVD, POBTZJUTD , OB. Pattemts living- out of the city and eoming to Portland for treatment will be xnnusnea wiin line room xree ox onarf. cneoB pour uu dlreot to 834 H Morrison Street. TAKE THE HOUR'S TmEt SAVE THE DAILY WORRY! MARINE NOTES M A Kn A vtrstp sicca -A COM- Large line rlet line sawmia machinery; also (Jacks, ialla, metal furniture. Both Columbia River Scenery BEOTrXTOB LQI BTBAB&XBS. Dallr serr lee betweea Portlaad ul Tfc Dallas, exeept floaday, Inrlnf PortUad at I I, I, n at aoeai o p. a earrylatf fraigbt asd passenger, flplcndld ceoaiBods. Uoo for eetflt and Urtoek. Dock foot of Aider at. Portlaadi sot at Jfioart st, SM Pallss. ftm JU UK rerUaae, COOS BAY Weekly Freight and Passenger Berrlee of the Pine Steamship Breakwater Leaves POBTXiAHD every Monday, 8:00 p. m., from oak-street sooa, xor EMPIRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIDLD Freight Received Till 4 p. m. on Day of Balling. P ABB Prom Portland, lst-class, $10.00; ad-class, 97.00, inoludlng bertn and meals. Inquire City Ticket Office, Third and Washington sta. or Oak-street Dock. Astoria, Aug. 28. Arrived down at midnight and sailed at 4 a m., steamer Colonel E. L. Drake, for San Francisco. Arrived down at 81:5 a. m.. steamer Johan Poulsen. Arrived at I a. m., steamer Daisy Freeman, from San Francisco. Sailed at 8:20 a m., steamer Elmore, for Tillamook. Sailed at 11:60 a. m., steamer Johan Poulsen, for San Francisco. San Francisco, Aug. 28. Arrived, steamer Catania, from Portland and schooner Beulah, from Astoria. Astoria, Aug. 27. Sailed at 2:10 p. m., steamer Lyra, for La Roca, Pan ama. Bailed at 3:40 p. m., tug Tatoosh with steamer Altoona, in tow. San Francisco. Aug. 27. Sailed. Ger man steamer Eva, and steamer Maver- ick, ror t-ortiana. Bailed at 6 p. m steamer J. B. Stetson for Portland. MODart. Aug. 27. Arrived prior to date. French bark Marechal de Tur rene, from London, for Portland. Liverpool. Aug. 27. Arrived. French bark Asle. from Portland. Astoria, Aug. 28. Condition of the bar at 8 a. m.. smooth; wind northwest, iu mues; weatnor, clear. Tides at Astoria today High water: 4:05 a m.. 7.6 feet: 4:30 n. ra.. 8.2 feet. Low water: 10:18 a. m., 1:5 feet; 11:08 p. m., 1.4 feet. ALONG TI1E WATERFRONT HOBTB PACTjriO BTZABUEOCZP CO.'B STEAK SB IPS Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday at S p. m. Ticket office 133 Third .near Alder. Ticket offlo Ja Jhird. near Alder. The steamer Strathness la loading lumber at the mills of the Portland Lumber company for Melbourne, Aus tralia. The barkentlne Gardiner City will go on tne aryaocx ior general cleaning and painting as soon as the Alliance is lowered! The Alliance is supposed to be ready for launcning tomorrow. The Norwegian steamer Jethou, which is to load wheat at this port for the orient soon, arrived at San Francisco the other day from Mojl, Japan, short nearly 600 tons of coaL Effort will be made to ascertain how the shortage oc curred. The oil steamer Santa Maria arrived at Portsmouth this morning with 40,000 barrels of oil from Port Hartford.- She Is in command of Captain Zolllng, Cap tain Lane having resigned. The French bark St Louis wHl be fumigated this afternoon In accordance with the new quarantine regulations. She sails tomorrow night for San Pedro and vm nnrts. Tha orinetflj llnora nlv. ing between this port snd China will probably not have to bo fumigated here since they are always subjected to fumi gation upon arriving at Hongkong. "What's Doing at Washington?" Read this month's article in the September Paclflo Monthly, by Ira B. Bennett "Western Affairs at Washington." it will give yovi , line on national MEJSi YOU CAN DO IT BY CONSULTINO THE St Louis Physicians and Surgeons Doctors That Can Cure SICK MEN it Beallp sssm strange that men who are BXBJOBZT WZiX will go a to the char la tarn, when ther murht Inst as easily ABB PAB KOBB BATXBPAOTOBIXiT, spend the time oonsultlng physicians of known merit To the weak, rundown and aerrons man no better advloe can be given than thlsi BEX XBIP WXBBB IT ZB OBBTAXB TO BB POVKD. r Ton persist la going to4uos who have no standing professionally, BOW CAST TO- BZPBOT TO TO BB CUBED? This institution has built np Its) splendid practice more by the free advertising glvea it bv Its PXBPEOT-T SATXSPXED PATTEBTS. who have reoelved the ben. of its modern, solentlflo and legitimate methods, than In any other wav. if ion are not a nerreot man oome to us. mi in wortn tna Utae time It will take when you are OBBTAZB that yon will have the benefit of HONEST, BXBCBBB physicians who never attempt to deceive you in any way? A consultation costs you nothing XZOXPT your own OUR FEE $10.0 Established 87 Tear in PorUand. Consultation Free We Will Treat Any Single Uncompli cated Ailment for 910.00. Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured 87 Tears' Expsrlenos. fVrOure safely and promptly WB ABB BBS, IrOST MAZfXOOS, 8PEB " "MATOBBBtOBA, SPfiCllnO BLOOD POISON JB Atl STAOES, ABIOOCBJE, HTD BOOEUQ, OONOBBXOBA. QLEET. OB ABY OP TXB DZBBABBB OOMKOB TO MSB. Our fse ars fair. Personal at tention given all patients. Write If yon cannot call. Our system of home treatment Is always OZBTAZir and most snooessfuL All correspondence sacredly confidential. HOURS a. m. to 6 p. m.; Evenings. 7 to 8; Sundays, a. m. to 12 noon. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURQICAL OOBBXX BBOOBD ASD TABTBTTiIi 8TBEBTS, POXTZtAXTD, OBXaOB DISPENSARY AET, MANUFACTUEING AND FEATEENITY HEBE Salem Or,. Ang. 28. Four companies filed articles of incorporation with the secretary of state yesterday.- Two of these were front Portland, one from The Dalles and the fourth from Rainier. Summaries tf these articles are as fol lows: Tha Portland Electrotype & Stereotvne company; incorporators, P. A. Gay, John A. Waugh and Edward J Kraenlck; object conducting a printing and lino type establishment; main office. Port- lana, vuii; cluibi, o,vuv. a no v...... ....wvi WVMIUIIIJ, III eorDorators. Zera Snow. Howard H Hal. land, Charles O. Briggs and Edward C. fimlUi; object, buying, aalUnf and manu facturing timber; main office, Portland; capital stock, $10,000. Ths Oddfellows' Building association; Incorporators, W. Seymour, Lewis Brant. W. 3. Deits, William A. ilcQowan and H. F. Harmon; main office, Rainier; capital. $400. ' The Western Handle Manufacturing company; incorporators. Edward Oer- imger, a. uunaas ana A. Horc: main oiiice, Tne Dalies; capital stock, fln.poo. Fisherman Fined At Astoria. (Soeclal DUDatch to The Journal Astoria. Or.. Aug. 28. Water Raiiifr Settem, who has been patrolling the river sine the close of the Ashing sea- - - . -m-. t. ?! . . Uf vivvt y v, w vv. .. l WWW BllQDfcou A h Ball iUdi iHlu MOnuftT' The Earl Smith Timber company. In-phight while Ashing near Point Ellia He was arraigned in the Justine eonrt terdav afternoon, nleaded arutifv fined f 50 and costs. -. . .- . . V