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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAi; .PORTEND. WEDNESDAY , EVENING. AUGUST 28; 1907. ' ir TODAY'S MARKETS iat ncKiiiG I'ipi i iiFjnrp iMV IILLL UIIULIi Ilfll Short Sellers Now Admit That' Hop J Crop in England Will Not Be Heavy Purpose is to Force Harvesting. Quality of Gathered Crop , Will Be Best In Years Weather Good.. Latet market feature: Dressed meat com faster. Hop-nicking t under way. To close house on Sunday. Egg and hen are sought. Creamery butter remain mixed. Fancy peaches are scarce. Fancy Qravensteln applea coming. Salmon earn from the sound. Another car watermelon arrive. Xop-Wckln- WU Under Way. LARGER ARRIVALS OF . , TEAL AFFECT PRICE 4 Larger Arrival have affected 4 e , the value in ui dressed veal e ; market alone; Front street. Dur- lng the past 14 . hours the re- ? 4 celpt have been Considerably In- e creased and . prlcea are down about He a pound. e "For hen the demand la atlll ' very good, but there la somewhat 4 4 tif a difficulty in dlapoalng of 4 4 spring at top values. 4 "Egg are firm and are aflllng 4 e at the price Hated by The Jour- 4 nal." B. W. Graham of Temple- ton ft Graham. 14 15c lb. old ducks, lie lb: spring duck 12c lb; geese, old, SifflOc lb; tur keys ll13o lb for old; squabs. $2.40 doxen; pigeons, $1.26 per dosen ; dressed noun is si HIGH TODAY The excellent weather during the past Poetry. iltte per lb. higher. two days ha caused hop-plcklng m bo- Hops, Wool and Side. come general In the Willamette valley. HOPS 106 crop Prime to choice, 8ome of the larger yards will atart op- 66ttc; medium to prime, 4044c; con- eratlonH today, while a few will wait tracts, 10T crop, ( ). until Monday before "beginning their WOOL 10T clln Valley. 10 Olio A large number of growers aatrn fimrnn. H(S2lo. made no arrangements as yet' to MOHAIR New 1907 -sailtte. yards which will not be harvested at ail each; short wool, 25 40c; medium, wool, thla reason. Even with " this the hop tov 76c each; long wool. Too 11.0 each, crop of Oregon promisee to be very TALLOW Prime, per lb, 1 Hay 4c; No. heavy the present season. On aocount j nd grease, t0 2o, bf the acute situation few growers will CHITTIM BARK 6o per lb Fruit aad vegetable. POTATOES Fancy. 11.2601.60. sell Ina: buying, white. 11.25 per sack. ONIONS Jobblna- price New Walla Walla. $2.26 sack; Oregon. 12.60; buy lng, $ 1.76$1.85; garlic, 8c per lb. a u l I ir u Man ! n n V v nn FRESH FRUITS Oranges. $4,260 bother themselves with anything but the best Quality that their yards will produce, and the result will be that the narvesiea crop win snow tne Deal quai ly ever grown In this state. However more damage reports are coming In very day from the east sldo. Dressed Keats Com Faster. Reeclnta of dressed meats are much I 4.76: bananas, r,o lb: lemons. I6.00&7.K0 more liberal along Front street. Arrlv- per box; limes. Mexican. $4.00 per 100; ala of dressed veal during the past 24 I Pineapples, 11.2600.00 dosen; grapefruit hours were the areatest for any day I 13.26: peaches, 60c tit 1.00; cantaloupes. during the past two months. One firm $1 .00011.50; plums, 6075c; watermel- aione received a ton and a hair or veal on, iwittc; cuiuvaiea macsoerneH, ?eaterday. On this account the market II 2601.60 a crate; crabapples, $1.26r s not so firm and prices were shaded '-id Per box; Bartlett pears, $1.60 Ho a pound In order to keep the mar- per box. ket henlthv liW fam-v .mail hlnplr VEGETABLES Turnip. DtW. 9OC0 h ih . rinm.nH $1.00 sack: carrots. 75catl.00 nsr sack: Because or the unusually light arrivals. i7.' 1:D.U """'" jrrice therefore unchanged. cuuc, inc: iumiuM, Eggs and bans are still In very good F" 2560c; , beans, 2$cj green, smunrf i. .,.... h .r,rir, 202c per b: cauliflower. 11.26 doz peas, chicken are harder to selU 'and In some Sf: horseradish, 80 lb; artichokes. 660 Instances a concession In the price li "f, dox; green onions. 15c per dox; made in order to unload. ' "W8C J"r iv "B"u . . 1 iuvg uui, I'uuuniuen. iiuijiuubd, auw ursamery anmr srioe auxeo. 25c dos; radishes. 15c dosen bunches: A reported exclusively In this report eggplant. 12V4e lb: rreen com. $101.26 yesterday, an but two or tne city saca; celery, 90cy:i.oo creamenes cut tne.r on ouiter o OrooeHe. Huts, ZtC the' laat advance. Butter suppliea are L.SAT9AIJ Cu-bA-?f" : ?.ow?er . i,c lo.viM oerry. o.n 1 : arr. iranuiaifc, ,1(1. vnBi 1,0. x 110 v u ticiucj tew 111 'I'lfrA-. o,-p ,( Ttu" nr.t A t K fl 7 Lt : city holding out the Haielwood and ' 'i "lVi7rr:' "" 'A' ik f u V, the Townsend companies, and the Ia- , V Villi?- mascus .omn.nv nn the mitid Th.i l llow- V granulated. $6.77 H ! ?Sr'.nJ. JllW-th- advance'on aaci TnZ ' Ktm h.itter la .till haln nM In (Above price are 80 day net caah large quantities on account of the high q HOwvit a probably the reasoi why most of the L COFFEb Package brands. $16,880 city firms cut their values. b I'tt i-A.r..if (1 2 109s, barrels. the manufacturera are holding very hump rock. $20.60 per ton; '60-lb rock, firm at top values. $11.00: 100s. $14.60. . raiioT reaone Are Bcaroa. (Above prices apply to sale of less than car lots. Car lots at sptctal prices in tne f ront street mamei today, and " jt t 1, , -rJ ' vt , . M for selected stock from a grower i.f . RtITELmI,e'J,a, JaPa,n- No- J- ' a reputation the price sometimes rules as 6Vi54c; New Orleans, head., .c; e, $3. So; large 60: bayou. 13.90 Llmaa, 8 Vic; Mexican reds, 4Hc. NUTS Peanuts. Jumbo. 9V4o per lb c per id; roastea. iuc per agtVic: roasted. 7p7Hc inn. Whl.rwh.rLrr nf,. 120 ton: 60s. $18.00? tabli: dalrf! !lhi'e.J wh???Jl ro5e. .a.rMn ,?." : 60s. $11.60; 100s. $17.26; bales. $2. 2S r".1-: Jq"w""" -""w" 11 ,l Imported Liverpool. 60s. $20.00: on the sly at 16 V4 017c. At Tillamook li'-?:' if , high w II a Box. Then, again, there AJ5&A6A CEn?ift 6Att is Mite a lot of smallvStMtf coming, S?, i i whlcfr'sells as low as 60o a box. white. $3.80; pink. $3.1 Some fancy Gravensteln apples were iVr.-po d received this morning from the Hood w, Jf ,f,,' River association. For small sises tho iV. 'i - 1. aa ... , i-. iu ia. Japanese. ."'"''5 U.r IK- w.lnt. r-ollnrnl. 1 0 r.r- IS- IWru"ed uoto IU0 m U'9 Pine nuts, ir 16c per ib: hickory nuts! Mother ca? of Watermelons came In lW tnl llZ? n'hVk Is morning from the south. "filJ ,f?ST.y, Pe.can- 1825 Meat, Fish and Provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy. 8Ho per lb; large, 708c per price Another Cabbage market is In fine shape at Per lbL ?ml 1 Ktti'Ac a pound. Salmon Come From the Bound. Oil I . l . i l DJiverBiue na iiumpiwca saimon an hh. v-.t -r,. gv ik. nriiinrv v-V e,oBP.,.t i R-iYi.7i .IT 8c Pe" "! P Pr lbi mutton, ket from Puget sound. Receipts thus anv R&Qa rter lb far have been small owing to the high rirloAa nnaPirAfi onn tn that far r Vi v Ka I . . ' . . - r a,L.. ..7,1 JlVri r local) hams, 10 to 12 bs, Ic per lb; rKftmh!. r.vlfUh" aZlFZ 14 to 1 lb. lBHc per lb; 18 to 20 lbs, Columbia river flan. Silvers are today m.. v icwio ??.!mhu nhftir k- nd lb; pfcnics. HHc per lb; cottage roll. Columbia chlnooks at llo a pound. , i. ii i-. ' The oyster season Is about to open .moked. l2o oer lb: smoked. 12c d lb: Price Goes From $18.50 to $21 in San Francisco Liquidation Costs Loss. Tradlnar in the Ooldfleld group of shares In Ban Francisco 1 Increasing In today' market Mohawk gained In the naked price. Interest Is more pro nounced. In the recent trading prices were advanced and today' market show considerable liquidation and gen erally lower prices. Official bid prices by Overbeck t Cooke company: QOLDFIELDS DISTRICT. Sandstorm 44c, Mohawk $21, Jumbo Ext. $1.80, Vernal He, Pennsylvania 26c, Kendall 25c, Booth 44o, Blue Bull $4c, Adams 14c, Silver Pick (0a, May Queen 10c, Nev. Boy 7c, B. B. Ext. to. Blue Bell 18c, Dixie Sr., O. Columbia 27c, Hi bemla so, St. Ives 85c, Conqueror 12c, Blk. Rock 6c, Lone Star 21c, O. Won der 2c, Potlach 40c A, Oro 20o, Kendall lixt. 2c, Sandst Ext. 4c, Mayne So, At lanta 60c, Great Bend 64c, Himerone 26cA, Empire 12p, Red Top Ext 2c, x lorenc $4.30, Dlam'f B. B. Con. 26c, O. Daisy $1.65, Lagium $1.50, Common wealth 26c. Comb, Fj-act. 12,07 hk. Or. Bend Ext 14c, Gr. Bend Anx. 8c, Mill storm 22c, B. B. Bonanza c, Esmeralda 10c. Cracker Jack 20c. Red Mill 6tc, Mohawk 10c, Y. Tiger 26c, Grandma 20c, Y. Rose 8c, Col. ML Ext. 4o, Ooldf. Cons. $7.6 iH, Dlam'f. Triangle 20o. COMSTOCK. Ophlr $1, Mexican 6Sc, Gould & Curry 22c, Con. Virginia 76e, Savage 85c, Hale & Not-cross kOcA, Yellow Jacket $1, Belcher 20e, Confidence 80c. Sierra Nev. 29c, Exchequer $3.80, Union 89c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original c. fiullf. 18e, Mont Bullf. 4c, Nat. Bank 19c, L. Harris 2o. Ame thyst 50c, Gold Bar 69c. Stelnway 6cA, Denver Bullf. 9cA, Mayfl. Cons. 87c. Monty. Ohio Ext. 6c, G. Scepter 9c, Monty, Mt 11c, B. Daisy 10CA, Home stake Cons. 96c Yankee Girl 8cA. Nug' pet 4c. Tramp Cons. $4c, Victor 9cA, Norm star dca. TONOPAHS. Mont. Ton. $3.06, Ton. Ext. $1.16. Mae Namara 22c, Midway 77c, Ton. Belmont I3.U0. Ton. No. Star 20c, Ohio Ton, 2C. West End Cons. 75c, Rescue 13c, Ton. Jt, Pullr An nnl.lAn Annhnr 11r Jim Butler 88c, Ton. Cash Boy 4c, Ton. Home 4c, Host. Ton. iocA. Monarcn fins t;x. 6c, Mont. Mid Ext 2c, Golden Crown 6c, MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. 37c, Manh. M. Co. 18c. G. Wedge 7c, Seyler Hump 6c, Dexter 12oA. L. Joe 2c. Crescent 2c. Comblna tion 2c, Granny 24c. Mustang 21c, Little urey ieA, cowboy bcA. Mroncno sc. mienut 6c, Burralo 6CA. B. Dog 17C, Y. Horse 8c, Indian Camp 4cA. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Fairv. Stiver King 20oA, Falrv. Eagle $1.66A, Nevada Hills $5.20, Pittsburg Silver Peak $1.60. No. Btar Wonder 4c, agle s Nest 30c. KuDy wonder 2 be A. RU N FOLLOWS WAKE OF STORr.1 Palouse Grain Escapes But Other Sections Are Very Badly Damaged. Tl ! TO PEE VENT F0BQERY Novel Slothod of Indicating Approxl- ttutto Amount of, Check. At the prnt time It has become a universal practloe among business firm to stamp oa all check a numeral Indi cating that not over a certain amount is to be paid It 1 most impossible to raise tne xaoe or. cases so icmpvu, thus lessening chance of forgery. Oc casionally check o stamped have been tampered with, additional figure being added both to the written amount on the check and to the stamped figures. This would be Impossible by a scheme pat mim h tliw Ydrk man. which 1 Shown In the accpmpanylng Illustration. At one end of each check 1 a stub, or extension. Arranged on tha tub are a number in figures, constating of the nine digit In numeral order In a vertical column. Eaob dlarit 1 followed by an In definite number or cipher in a norison tin. Raiwun ui-h flarurs are borlton tal and vertical perforation. Any or all nf tha rilrlta or olDhers can thus be conveniently removed irom m iuu, STorthwest Crop Weather. 4 Westerh Oregon and Western Washington Fair tonight in southern portion except on coast; Thursday warmer except on coast. Ington and Idaho Fair and Thursday; warmer. aw toiilg ght STOCK MARKET IN OF HANDS FRIENDS New York. Aug. 28. The atock market was In the hands of its friends today and all through the list the ad vances were very liberal. Great North ern preferred and Northern Pacific each gained over 2 points, as did Reading common. Official New York prices by Over- beck & Cooke company: DESCRIPTION. C it P 9 o P-s- ana me iraae is mamnar nrenaratinna fn w ii,. wii i 1 1 .u Clear pacta, unsmoKea, lie. rama, ic .tr? M?. fTUrhPPh.J-nw Pr : Union butts. 10 to IS lbs, un- L the fish houses now mokea 12c per lb; 8moked, 13c per lb; ?.ftV ?r,,fy"" dr bellies, unsmoked. HHo per lb; ters, so supplies win be better reau- . itu. ik. .v,,.i,i, nix. laiea man nercioiore. lh. inm, urh Fvi " v F. -' y- - - Brief Zffote of the Trade, LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10s, 13Vc Cornmeal and hominy advanced 5c i r" lb; Bs-3c per lb; 60- b tins, 120 bale, per lb; steam rendered, ius, vc pjr 8ome changes made In Drovislon ID: 11 !c Pnr 1D compouna, tus, 11 ;c prices, wee list. vcr iu. Tnmatnaa D hnMlnir ihnilt th. FISH ROCk COd. 7" Der lb! flOUndSrS. as yesterday, prices ruling between 26 per lb; halibut. 6c per lb; striped 60c a box. bass, 15c per lb; catfish, 11c per lb; sap Vrnif r. tm . Y,mrA k tnOB. fresh Columbia cblnooK. lie per - - J ' J v " v'" III.. .. I Ol. IK. I. , . ..I,. ,1, tain, manuracturers claiming that help u ! ,Mr, ihm v 8c VBr lb:: herrlnfrs. 5c per lb Hide market Is ouiet and dull, with BOle8 9 PeT lo.: snnmps, nc per Values dragging but unchanged. jb: perch, 6o per lb; tomcoa. 70 per in; x roni strGci Driccfl" I uuont w ui iw( n con uc mi, w - , i tier id: niacK uas. zoo Der 10 sliver smelt, 7c per iu; rroxer ner lh: black cod. 7c ber lb. WHEAT New Club. Me; red Tn- OYSTERS Shoal water bay. per gal ;'an. 7o bluestem. 82(B8Sc: val- Ion. 12.50: per 10O-lb sack, $4.60; Olym lc. pla, per gallon, 2.zt; per l id-id saca. Whole. 229.00: cracked. 130.00 15.50 6.26; Eable. canned. 10a can: 17.00 per ton. dor. BARLEY New Peerl. !! nn M nn I PT.A MS Hardshell, ner box. 12.40 per ton; rolled, $24.0025.00; brewlnir rasor clams, $2.00 per box; 10c per dox. ij.uu.iiw. paint, coal oil. Bto, AOPE-Pure Manila. 15c; standard, GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 8c, large silver smelt, 7c per lb; froxen shad. 5c lots; small tots, vc. WHE lSa'j". 78 El1c. whHe,o$J2.6024.00 per ton; gray, $22.00 FLOURI Eastern Oregon patents. SVZTfLL xP?rt, $3.70; whole wheat, $4.00; rye, 60s, $5.50: bales, 13.00. MILLSTTJFFS Bran, $17.00 per ton: ziiiuuji.'na,. ,tu.vv, siiurin, country. 120 city, $19.00; chop I16.00$21.00. HAY producers' price Timothy Willamette valley, fancy, $U.OOtfl7 0o' ordinary, $12.00(014.00; eastern Oregon lor iiiiAt-u, fiwunu.ov, riovor. I809- B 1 ! t"rvi viicu ., va u 1 x. Butter, Egg and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F o. b. Portland BWPtl ( renin, JOIU'OOC BOUT, 1H?34C BUTTER -City creamery. 86 37 He- seconaB. omc, cusiarn, 82Vac; state zancy, kbiuuo, ooc; store, Oregon, EGOS Extra fancy, candled, 25 a 26c; eastern, 2426c. w c 'EESEJ New Full cream, flats. 160170, per lb; Young Americaus! 17H18c per lb; eastern, 17Hc. . POULTRY Mixed chickens. 13 13 He lb; fancy hens IS He lb; roosters, old, lOo lb;-fryr, I4i5c lb; broilers. NEW PRUNE CROP IS ; OF FINEST QUALITY "The prune market Is In fine 4 shape. Practically all the crop ha been contracted at big prices. 4 kTbe crop this year will be unue- 4 uaiiy gopd, unless rains Inter- 4 Sixes are large instead of 4 mall a last season, and thl mean a good deal to the reputa- 4 tion of tha state a a producer tf 4 good prune. Tha new crop en- 4 ten the market in style because e applies of old crop are practl- 4- cally,xhautod,'!--Mrrrpa of ; Gaie and" :Co.:?V-"WV-:'i; . ' , i U0 KS . 13 c: sisal. 11c. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Casem 19 He per gal; water white, iron bbls 14c per gat; wooaen. ivc per gai; neaa llzht. 17o dec. cases. 21 Ho per gal. GASOLINE 86 deg.. cases, 24 Ho per ral: Iron bbls. ISO per gal BENZINE 62 deg.. cases, 26o per gal; iron bbls, sc per gal. TURPENTINE In cases. 98c per gal wooden bbls. 93c per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7o per lb; 600-lb lots, se per lb; less lots, 8He WIRE NAILS Present basis at $3.18. per lb. United States Government Bonds. New bonds: York, Aug, 28. Government Bid. Asked. Twos, registered 105 106 do coupon 105H 106 H Threes, registered 102 103 ao coupon iu2 lus 1 nreeo, umuu uunus ....iiiia .... Dis. Columbia. S-66s 113H Fours, .registered, new. . .126 H ' 327 do coupon ...126H 127 Two. Panama 104 105? Philippine Fours 105 H .... Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today $944,31.42 ao year ago. 856,663.97 Gain today .....$ 87.667.45 balances today , .... 104.S93.89 o year ago zu2,zei.iu New York Cotton Market. Jan 1252 1269 1243 Feb. . ... 1263 1263 1246 March ... 1267 12ST 253 April ... 1268 1268 1667 May .... 1278 1278 1273 August ..1265 1265 1254 Sept 1271. 127S 1280 Oct .1231 '. 1239 1224 Nov. .....1236 1239 1236 Deo. .... 1241 1260 1234 August 28. 27. 1243 1244 1246 , 1245 1253 1261 1255., 1264 1260 1268 1254 1163 1259 1168 1224 1230 1227 1234 1234 1242 Xlverpoof Cotton Higher --.Liverpool; Xug. ; a. Cotton More closed 9 nolnta uo. . ? , . -i. AmaJ. Copper Co. 70 U 71HI 70 Am. u. Sc c. . Am. c & p. . Am. Cot. Oil, c. . Am. Loco., c... Am. Sugar, c . . Am. Smelt., c... Am. Smelt., p... Anacon. Mln. Co. Am. Woolen, c Atchison, c. . . B. & O., c B. & O,, p li. R. T Can. Pac c . . . , Cen. Leath.. c Cen. Leath. p... C. & G. W., c... C. M. & St. P... C. & N. W.. c . . . C. & 0 1 Col. Fuel & I. c Col. Southern, c Col. South. 2d d. Col. South. 1st p, i. & 11 D. & R. G., c . . D. & R G., p Erie, c Erie, 1st p O. N., p 111. Cen L. & N Manhattan Ry. . Mex. Cen. Ry.. M., K. & T Distillers Ore Lands M. K. & T.. pfd.. Missouri Pac. . . . Nat. Lead N. Y. Central .. N. Y., O. & W... N. & Western, c. do preferred . North Am N. Pacific, c. . . Pac. Mall S. Co Penn. Ry P. G.. L. & C. Co P. S. Car, c. ... do preferred . . Reading, c do 2d pfd do 1st pfd. . . . Ren. I. & 8.. c. . do preferred . . Rock Island, c. . . do preferred . . S. L. & S. W., c. . do preferred . . S. Pacific, c. do preferred . . S, Railway, c... Texas & Pac. . . T., 8. L. A W.. c. do preferrea . . ,U. Pacific, c. .. do Dreferred . . U, S. Rubber, p... U. S. Steel Co., c. do prcrerrecl . . Wabash, c do Dreferred . . W. Union Tel. .. Wis. Central, c Total sale for day. 616.300 Call money closed at 24 per cent Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Aug. 28. Official prfces: WHEAT. Obn. Close. Aur. 27. Gain. wept. ...7 ift a is 414a i8a Dec. ,..77d 7s74d 79Hd CORN. f ' Sept ...SsSftd 6s3Hd 5s$d uct . ..osxfca osia- ts a (Spclal Plapatch to Tha Joirnal.) I Garfield. Wash.. Au 28. Never In I the history of eastern Washington has I there been such damace by rain 1 and hail a visited the wheat district , Saturday and Sunday. The Palouse 1 country practically escaped damage, but Franklin and Auams counties were bad ly damaged, as were parts of northern Idaho. Htandlnsr rraln in Franklin and Adam I counties In many places was beaten tlat to the g-rouna by hailstones as large as an egg, and around the Genessee coun-1 try In Latah county. Idaho, the same! storm prevailed. At Genessee there were two storms Saturday afternoon. The first began at 2 o'clock and passed two mile west or tne town, covering a iraci four miles wide. The standing grain was completely threshed out oy the hail and ueaten to the ground. The heavy rain which accompanied the hail did a vaat amount Of damage, and hay stacks and grain stacks were carried away by the flood that prevailed. The second storm came at 4:80 o'clock and was general over the entire district In ravine near town there was three feet of halL The grain standing In the field before the storm is ruined, and a passer-by would never know that there was a splendid crop here this season. Shocked grain was completely threshed by the hall. The damage here cannot be estimated, at this time, but It will amount to thou sands of dollars. Cattle and sheep Suffered severely by the fierce hall storm, and reports come that many sheep were lost tn the flood. In many Idaho towns fruit and shade trees were ruined. The damage in Adams and Franklin counties will amount to many thousands of dollars, whole fields of standing- grain being beaten to the ground and threshed out by the hall. WIPE SPREAD IX WHEAT. 357 Mi. INDICATES AMOUNT OF CHECK. After the check ha' been made out the neceaaary numbers are removed, those remaining expressing tmt sum mentioned on the check, or approxi mately mat sum. Along the edge of the check, adjacent to the figures, the following words are printed: 7,Not over the largest amount." B0X0PENER Combination of Wedge, Nailpnller and Hammer. Among recent Inventions Is a com bined boxopener. nallpuller and hammer, ra ten ted by an Illinois man. Up te he present time no satisfactory de vice has been put on the market by which boxes and packing cases can be opened without partially destroying the rasina: and freouently Inlurlnar tne con tents. With the aid of the implement shown here the operation should be an t torka ay thy a'ra far oprior to in 01a iyie ia rtrr w. , Electric Power From Wind. From very early time fh wind baa been used by man a a source of m- onanioaj power, and so rar as is i '"" being- superseded by other force that projeot have recvently been put forward 10 uuuse 11 to a rar greater exieni r, spr lauy 1 or oeoino ugnim. With this object In view, an investi gation of the average state of the wind ha been made In England. It ha been found that for approximately half tha time lh mean wind velocity I 10 mile an hour, and for about one-third of the time it miles. . In the winter the av erage are higher. The great difficulty arises from the calm period, which may last three, days or even a week: but It has been shown that economical lighting plants can be based upon wind power by providing gasoline motor to take up the work whenever the wind faUs. Paper Garment. For along time Inventor and manu facturers have been endeavoring to utilize paper for the manufacture of garment. Now a Saxony concern ha apparently achieved a considerable suc cess In this endeavor. Almost every one la aware of the Increase of warmth possible by simply buttoning a news paper lnsle of tne coat, and pbper vests have had a considerable sale. The ob jection to paper in its natural state, however, I that It is said It rustles, and that it oannot of coursa, be washed. The Saxony firm has devised a method of spinning narrow strips of cotton and paper Into a fabric, and naoer and wood are also combined, either making ser viceable suit, 'jackets and skirts. Xylolln, as the- new fabric is called. Is cream-colored, may be washed repeat edly' without IniurA and I belnv sold at a very low price. A sufficient quan tity of the good to make a suit may be had for from two to three dollars. TWO VIEWS OF Slllll FEMH V' ' .. ....... , K, . Sir Thomas Esmonde Advo cates Strict Boycott of ! :( - English Goods: ; f ,j BRITONS FORCED TO BUY FARM PRODUCE Mr. Healy Appeals for Unit n Recognition of What Tha J rry llamentary Party Ilaa Done Fighting For Sams Thing, . ' LITTLE OHIL SHOOTS HERSELF IN FOOT (Special Dtapatek to The JoanuL) Prlnerllle. Or.. Aur. 28. Tne 10-vear- old daughter of Charles Carroll, a farm, er who Uvea about a mile from thla place, shot herself through the right foot Monday. Although the rifle was a 22 caliber, me wound 1 very painful if vocates a vigorous boycott of British riy F. X Cullen, Dublin, Aug. 28. Two notable COM trlbutlons have been mad thla wH to the sinn Fein controversy, and tha point that Irishmen ought to bear la mind tn considering them 1 n6t that tha points of view are different, but that ; for all their difference they ax mar ' velously ln accord. Sir Thomas Grattan Esmond. In an nounclng bis final determination to re, tire from public life, declare hi com pleto conversion to the new policy and) 1 his entire disgust with parliamentarian ' Ism. lie declares that the Irish part ; has done no good by its attendance In, the Urltlsh parliament and can do n good by staying there. In hi opinion. . Vhe a year collected front Ire land. America and Australia to up port the party could be better spent in Ireland ln promoting and building; VP -Irish industries, sir Thomas also adn not dangerous. The ball entered the foot at the ankle lolnt and naaoed downward, shattering the bone of the instep, and came out through the bot tom of the foot. It is feared that the wound Is of such a nature that It mav affect the limb. Derhabs causlns a stiff joint. HARRDIAN COAL MAN VISITS HAY CREEK Ma Closes With a Gain While Others Have a Loss. CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Aug. 28. Aug. 27. Loss. 1906. Sept. 0S 804 H 71 Dee 96 V4 96B 74 U May 101 Ts 103 101 Vi 102 Gain, Jan. - . 70 38 3 87 88 8 32 22 31 81H Sept 61 61 Va 61 51i Dec. 114 114 118 113 May I 95 96 94 95 & 95 97 95. 95H . 46 46 46 46 SPl- 23 23 23 23 tr. i! ecu. ccii in: May . 89 90 89 89 , 86 Sept . 42 "43 42 42 Iec. I 168 169 168 168 May . . 16 83 83 83 83 9 9 9 9 119 120 119 120 144 144 142 144 32 33 32 33 ii-u ti-b sept. 22 22 22 22 Oct. 40 40 40 40 Jan. 61 150 151 150 161 . 21 21 21 21 Sept. 62 Oct. 19 20 19" 19V4 Jan- 46 48 45 47 UU: lPQTnpf - a .i 18 18 18 18 34 84 34 34 60 S3 5J 62 60 2 48 60 61 67 67 67 46 48 46 102 104 102 32 32 22 .55 66 54 ,. 119 120 119 117 118 117 27 27 27 '92" '93 -9i '26' '26 '26" 71 71 71 18 19 18 43 44 43 . 15 16 16 43 -43 43 83 84 83 110 110 109 15 15 15 26 26 25 24 24 24 4.) 45 45 126 127 12 si 'si -si 93 94 94 '26" '26" 'l9 h Chicago, Aug. 28. A very sharp de cline hit September wheat at the start of today's session. Bears forced Initial values lc a bushel .lower than yester day, but failed to hold prices ln check and a later improvement was maae. May wheat was very frisky during tne day, being tne only option to snow a net gain, while the others closed o to 4c under the price of yesterday, Liverpool startea steady at the val ues ruling yesterday at the close. The market was well supported there and a fractional gain was made at the close. Berlin and Budapest closed wan a email losa. In Chicago the gain made later ln the day was due to some extent to the re ports of rain in the middle west. How ever, an improvement was shown ln Canada. Official Chicago prices by Overbeck Cooke Co.: WHEAT. Open. High. ..89 91 .. 96 97 ..107 103 CORN. .. 68 60 .. 57 68 .. 68 69 OATS. ,. 49 50 .. 47i 47 ,. 48 49 MESS PORK. Sept 1580 1680 Oct 1590 1690 Low. 89 95 101 68 67 68 49 46 48 Close. 0 96 102T4 11 68 60 49 48 I (Special Dlapitcb to Tb Journal.) Prlnevllle. Or.. Auir. 28. W. H. Hus ton and other who are Interested ln th coal lands on upper Hay creek have Deen in mat vicinity ror several days with an expert from the O. R. & N. Co'a office, w 10 1 look in a: over the hold ings, considering the. advisability of fruviainar railway agonromoaationa ror hese holdlnrs. It la thouarht this nrnn. erty may influence a railroad tn hniM Into thla locality as soon aa It Is opened up. COPS WILL NOW GET BUSY READING LAW In order thoroughly to acquaint the patrolmen in tne ponce aopaijtment with the police rules, each orilcer will be compel lea tierearter to carry a book containing the ordinances he Is ex pected to enforoe. Chairman Thomas G. Greene of the police commission is going to Insist that every member of me aepartment rrom the chief down to the jailer carry a book of the amended 1 u.tia. r unmaniy wun me law relat ing to police enforcement will be re quired of all. The new rule is expected to result in a great deal of good. The dook or rule win also define the duties of the new sergeants of police provided uy wo last election. TWIST OF THE HAND. easy matter. By inserting the wedge beneath the boards they are easily Dried open, the peculiar construction of the handle allowing the operator to apply great force with a small amount of energy. Opposite the wedge is a nail puller. The leverage on the handle provides an easy method of twisting the wedge, thus loosening the boards. GARMENT FASTENERS 66 47 103 32 69 68 64 120 24 117 85 27 83 93 76 89 19 71 19 44 IS 43 84 iiu 15 25 24 45 127 81 88 31 11 18 d ! d Lobs. ' Foreign Exchange JRa'tea. New York. Ana. 28. Sterling Hamburg,. 4 16-1: Part 51 t Ant werp.'to. plus 1-16 ;-AmsUr dam, 21.68. 1585 T587 LARD. . 900 902 . 915 915 . 880 880 SHORT RIBS. . 870 970 . 880 880 . 812 812 1577 1662 1577 1577 1587 1587 RUN 900 912 877 950 865 812 IS 900 912 880 850 865 81 EQUAL TO DEMAND Portland Union Stockvards, Aug. 28. Official run: Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Today 272 151 812 Week ago 672 182 406 Year ago 152 102 600 Previous year ...435 105 181 A small bunch of local hogs came in today and found a good demand at the prices listed yesterday. Cattle run was small and demand good. Values same. Sheep arrivals are not so heavy and trade Is absorbing all that comes at yesterday 8 figures. A year ago today all lines were steady at unchanged values. Official yard prices: Hogs Best eastern Oregon, $6.75; stockers and feeders, $6.26 st 6.50: China fats, $6.606.75. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers, $3.75 4; best cows and heifers, $2.75a 8; bulls, $1.75 2. w Sheep .Best wethers, .$4; mixed $ lambs, $4.50?i5. - Cattle Lose In East. Chicago, Aug. 28 Ofticial run: Hogs. Cattle. 8hen Chicago 25,000 22,000 20 000 Kansas City 8,000 10.000 2,000 Omaha 8,000 6,000 17.000 Hogs are steady. Left over yester day, 4,000. Receipts a year ago were 80,000. Prices Mixed, $6.05(6.55; neavy, jo.juki o.ju ruugs, ta.iUGUB.OO: light, $6.156.60. Cattle-10c lower. Sheep Steady. San Francisco Barley. San Francisco. Aug. 28. Barler. De cember, $1.36; May U.38. New York-London Silver. New York. Aug. 2$. Bar silver. C8c; London, 81 6-16d. "High Jinks." Ever had 'emf Buy ?. copy of the September Pacific Month v. now on sale, and read how tha Ra. hem lan cltlb of California have then an nually they're good thins. , Being Made of Hard Rubber, They Are Readily Clasped. Innumerable attempts have been made to provide a satisfactory fastener which could be substituted for the button and buttonhole so long used for fastening all manner of garments. These sub stitutes have taken the form of hooks and eyes, of all shapes and sizes and similar patented clasps. An entirely new Idea ln this line that should prove successful Is shown here. This clasp consists of a clasp comprising a stud and a co-operating- eyelet Both are formed of hard rubber and attached to shanks, which are fastened to the gar ment. The stud is hollow and Is shaped similar to the ordinary collar button. R0SEBURG TO HAVE ANOTHER HOSPITAL (Special Dtanitcb to The Journal.) Roseburg. Or.. Aug. 28. In addition 1 to the hospital that la now under con struction Dy the sisters of Mercy ln West Roseburg there will soon be opened another such Institution at Moaner and Flint street by Mrs. P. M. Benson a graduate of the Chautauqua school for trained nurses at Jamestown. New York. Mrs. Benson 1 recently from St. Louis, Missouri, where she has been following her line of work. There is now only an emergency nospitai at tne (Southern Pacific depot, it being the only one ln me city. QUEEN OF REGATTA NAMES ATTENDANTS (Special Dlapatch te Tbe Journal.) Astoria. Or., Aug. 28. Mis Harriet Tallant. queen of the regatta, ha an nounced her attendants aa follows: Maids of Honor Miss Edna Luckey of Portland and Mrs. Nat Tallant of Astoria, Maids Misses Lol Parker, Gertrude Upshur, Leta Drain, Laura Fastabend, Carrie Short and Irene Livingston. Pages Sherman Mitchell, Donald Roberts, Vance Ferguson and George Uildebrand. READILY FASTENED, The eyelet is slightly smaller than the widest portion of the stud. The latter being hollow and also of rubber will contract, making the operation of slip ping on the eyelet an easy matter. When the eyelet and the stud are thus clasned considerable force Is reoulred to unfast en them. The fair Sex will undoubt edly find these fasteners Infinitely su perior 10 Duuons or noon ana eye on shirtwaist buttoning at the back, no assiatance being; required to hook the two seotlons. r, OFFICERS HUNTING JAKE MUNDSHANK (Special Dlapatch to Th Journal.) Echo, Or., Aug. 28. Jake Mundshank, a broncho buster and alleged horsethlef, who has been hunted by officers for some time, was here yesterday but got away when an attempt was made to place him under arrest. A search Is being made by the Umatilla countv sheriff. It Is thought be Is in hiding not iar irom ,cno. He was bare headed and in his shirt sleeves. He la considered a bad man. KALAMA SCHOOLS BAR JAPANESE Kalama, Wash., Aug. 28. A Japanese, name unknown, who has been working for Mrs. Ault, a former resident of Ka lama, but now of Doty, Washington, through a number of citizens of Ka lama, made application to the board of directors of me Kalama school for ad mission to the last year of the high school. The board met at a special ses sion and has decided not to admit him. The Japanese is about 19 years of ae. Reduced Rates to Astoria. For the benefit of those wishing to attend the meeting of the Norwegian Singing Society held at Astoria. August 31-Septeraber 1, 2. and the 18th an nual Astoria regatta, September 2, 8, 4, the Astoria & Columbia River rail road names a round trip from Portland of $3. Tickets on sale August 80-31, September 1, 2, 8. , returning expire September 6. CJOmXG FOR LUMBER. SCIENCE NOTES , " ' -.'- . .' v'-'i.,. ';...- (3orkladb Front Paper. ; 't . A machine for- making cork ont of wast paper and paper pulp ha recently been perfected and patented. Thl ma chine makes corks out of all kinds of wast paper, which are much aunerlor to tha ordinary corks, a they are lm rarviriua tn acids hr oils. Testa made mads by chemists and tha larger users Schooner Garros and Virginia Bound From San Pedro. V, Two lumber droghers were added to the fleet bound for this port thl morn ing. They were tha schooner W. F. Garma and Virginia, both coming from San Pedro. It la believed that the ves sels will load at mill on tha lower Co lumbia, sine very little lumber is being shipped to California from tha mills in the city. : .-- . .. . There Is at present only One schooner loading mill material at the local mills, and she 1 ' taking on railroad ties si the Standard Box company's plant in East Portland. She Is tha King Cyrt!, and ' her cargo, when eotnnlnted will measure 100.000 feet.- The Klnn Cvr-i. the tu-nt arc will salt Xor BsUondo possibly tl..a ci I s. rve 1 la ft t' goods In Ireland and say that if thla policy is adopted and persisted in Irish) grlevancea will soon be redressed. Ha laughs at the bogey of British ratal la tion by a boycott of Irish goods and de clares that there will be no decrees in the quantity of Irish produce aent to England because England could aot ex 1st without Irish beef, Irlsn butter, Irish eggs, Irish pigs, Irish whiskey, ana irisn porter. . Does Vot Condemn Hot1. The other contribution tn the dismiss sion is made by Timothy Healy, M. PV who; while not accepting th new move! ment. refuses to damn It as John Red-1 mond and some of tbe other parliament tarlan leaders have dona He denies! that the party has gained nothing by, it attendance ln parliament, and nolnta to the Improvement ln the condition of . tne farmer as evidence of its work... When the parliamentary agitation b gan he said every farmer ln Ireland! was at tne mercy of his landlord, ana, now he was Independent. Tha Irish farm laborer lived in hovel ln whlcn one would be ashamed today to house a dog, while now they are decently and comfortably housed. The Irish party in parliament had gained for Ireland control of It local government author ltie and It duty now was to stay there until It got all that was wanted,, and then to get out aa quickly as pos- si oie. Mr. ueaiy saia mat tn mors tne Sinn Fein movement grew tha better ' he would be pleased, for he considered anything good that was hostile to Eng land. He asked th Sinn Felner to take the same view and not to attack -the parliamentary party, which waa, just a hostile to England as they were,, but was working on different lines. A real revival Tn Irish trade, although. not a very large one, la shown by the) . report on the country's exports and lra-j porta Just Issued by the aepartment of . agriculture. The total Import for 1801 ' amounted to $275,461,716, being an in- , crease of $8,92.06S over 1904, while tha export were $266,658,015, an increase of $10,696,875 over the previous year. An analyala of the report 1 important aa showing where Ireland is Stronc and weak Industrially. Tbe great bulk of the trade is dona with England, of course, and there ara at p res am t no figures to show accurately wnat proportion or tn gooas anippea from Ireland to England ar reshlpped abroad and what proportion of tha goods are of foreign origin. It ia roughly estimated that about on fifth of the exDorts ar reshlDDed from Eng land, and that about one third of tha Imports have come to England front foreign countries or th coloniea The Imports into England of Irish livestock, sheet), cattle. Digs and horses, were larger than those from all other coun- ' tries combined. Great Britain took $7, 864,876 worth of Irish horses, against only $1,770,150 worth from all Other countries: $44,641,265 worth of Irlah' cattle, against $48,329,030 from other sources; $6,281,185 worth of , Irish, sheeD. against $1,393,765 from other countries, and $6,360,455 worth of Irish: swine, against only $1,600 wortb oc pigs from other countries. These fig ures show that Ireland is holding her own as a stock-breeding country, but, when we come to the question of manu factured Dfoducts Ireland is sadly be hind ln the race. She only sent $48,710' worth of pork to England, compared with $7,974,880 worth which England' received from other countries, snd onlyj a little over $8,000,000 worth of bacon," while other countries sent mora than, les. worth. All told. Ireland onlv" exported about $18,000,000 worth Of pi products, while Denmark alone sent t' England more than $20,000,000 worth. Denmark sent $45,000,000 worth Of but-, ter to England, compared with $16,000,- .nit .1- Y , .1 . V... years ago Ireland regularly exported,. $20,000,000 worth of butter, whils Den mark's total export of butter was not ? $2,500,000 a year. There ara. a multi tude of points suggested by this rav port One Is tempted to ask why should. Ireland pay $1,200,000 for butter; why should she Import boots and shoes to , the value of $8,930,000; also matches,, beef, bacon, soap and drapery ln larg quantities T While she Imports leather costing $2,254,350, she exports hidea and., skins representing $2,636,875. n Now that th revolt in the royal Irish) constabulary has been crushed, tha au thorities are proceeding with their ad customed stupidity to increase th dls-i content of the men. No one not even,1 the sufferers themselves can complalrv of the drastic punishment of th leader, of the revolt, but the whole force la angry over tho transfer of "mora than' 600 men from Belfast to all parts of Ireland. These men are, many of them, ., married and hava families, and they will have to move their families at their' own expense. They will have to dis turb the education of their children and in many cases families will have to ba . separated. None of the men wera vr ' allowed to know ln advance where they were being sent. They were ordered la report in marching; order at th rail way station at a certain hour. Thera they were banded a ticket for soma re- -mot station, where perhaps they wera given another ticket to their final des- tlnatjon. Now, it appear to be tha in tention of the authorities to deal sven) mora harshly with tha force. . . f,.- . Blsxnissals Expeto. Recruiting Is going on at an unprece dented rata Mora than too new men have been taken on in tha last fortnight, and ar being drilled at high pressure. It is expected that wholesale durotssal will soon be announced. . The falling a few day a or t's heavy weight which supplies the motive power for ths bells at Chrtst Thur. ' Cathedral, Dublin, draw attention t tha ' fact that Dublin has tlw wunn ; uniqn distinction of po!? cathedrals, belonging- to the only other city ln th ";''' similarly endowed. v-h hrst and St. Patrick's ?''" 'l'',, Irish nirllamwrit .1,1 ft w.Vw thin US wall, -that the- ...... t.-Uri ); heart of ft l-rr. i I M 4.-' i. ;