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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1907)
':-T DAILY THE OREGON JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENWO. AUGUST 8, 1907. 19 SIX CLUB LEAK FOB EOT Mf ANOTHER KANAKA Tri-City Ifan'ajers Already Long Has Sent for Friend of Planning: "or season : of 1908. Barney Joy Coast . League Notes. NEWS OF THE SPORTING WORLD PITCHER 0nill6 SALE3I WANTS TO JOIN MINOR BASEBALL BODY Portland's Four Clubs Will Be Con- solidated Into Two Woodburn and Possibly Astoria and Kelso 1 Will be Dropped Diamond At $ The Oak. C. Two first-class team In Portland, on at Balem, one at Bt Johns, and two (nor located one each at either Van- oott, Eugene, Kelso or Astoria such r the probabiUties for next year's , makeup of the Trl-Cltjr league, V 'With the end of the 1907 season now In ' fright, the Trl-Cltr managers are slslnc sjp the results, looking over th sltua . Hon and figuring or! avoiding during s Wh next season Ui mistakes that have . Ifceen made In this one. For lta first year the Trt-Clty leagu has succeeded very well a a minor ' baseball body. Th players In a leading team, such as the Frake. have aver aged from tl to $19 a game, while those of th clubs far down In the percentage column hav averaged IS or 14, In addi tion to expenses. Besides, there Is a goodly sum In the league treasury. Grounds at ttvs Oak. With th xperlenc of thl year and th confidence Its success has brought rth Trt-Clty managers believe they will Chav a league next year that will have la. large following. 1 On of th greatest handicaps this yar was a want of local grounds. A Miamond at th Oak was promised early fin the aeeaon. but It did not materialise. tjlowever, the proposition will be taken hip one more, and it 1 probable that it he resort will hav a diamond ready 'XoT th opening of the season of 1908. Another mistake was that there were j4oo many clubs In the league, especially ' in Portland. Th plan now is to hav a f ix-team league, and to have but two nrl lumi Instead of four, as at pres ent. Th Frakes will probably remain Intact, and the three other clubs will be .consolidated Into on strong aggrega tion. . ) galea Xs ft Certainty. That Salem will be In th Trl-Clty ' league next yr la next to a certainty. ;ed W. Gardner, publicity man of the segue, took a trip to the Capital City last WKK, ana ueiure no icluiucu iwas given the most substantial assur ances of support A prominent business' nan of the city offered to finance a elub at Balem to the extent of $1,000. Th new suburban electrio railway Is another thing that will help by cheap ening traveling expenses. Unless Astoria can secure better ''grounds It will be dropped from the cir cuit Th Astoria fans are very loyal, but they can't be expected to pay 76 cents every time they see their team flay ball. Th admission fee at Astoria only 26 cents, but the grounds are far tip on a hill, and the round trip In a bus costs SO cents. Woodburn will be dropped, and possi bly Kelso. If Kelso and Astoria sre both dropped the fifth and sixth clubs 1 Jr5? ir: " . a ri r,-'"v i TV - ! fU Danny Long, manager of the San Francisco pennant chaser, thinks he ha another Barney Joy on the string. When Dan first Introduced the bl Kanaka to th Amerlcsn' baseball pub lic, the latter panned out mighty llttl pay dirt Every time h was put In th box he had to b pulled out again because he wis as wild ss a March hare and did nothing but send a procession around th bases. Folks gav Long th "ha ha" and wondered why he still con tinued to be Barney's meal ticket. Then Frank Bernard Joy for that's th way he writes It began to steady down and pretty soon Long was hug ging himself In th realisation that he had th btt drawing card In the league ana one or in best pitchra Now Joy ha found Danny's ear on behalf of on of his friends, a half Kanaka, standing six feat in his stock ings, and weighing 100 pounds. He Is a streetcar conductor by profession, but on Sundays he take a day off and so joy ssys ouris them over so fast that they look much Ilk a pea passing the piaie. ixng naa written to tne new man. whose nam 1 Reuter, and so has Frank Bernard. Barnev has told his friend that there Is better picking in America than ringing up short fares In Honolulu and Long bllve that within a few week he will hav another Is lander showing th Pacific coast public how to play th American game. Long says he will do everything possible to keep Joy next year. H has received several big offer for th pitcher already and ha refused them. Of course the Kanaka may be drafted, but only on player can be drafted In a season and Long will take chances that It won't be Joy. Arrangements are being mad at Hon olulu to send a baseball tesm composed of Japanese and Hawaiian player to Japan. It will b th first time that a foreign club has invaded that country, though Japan sent a team to America a couple of years ago. It was a college team and put up a fair article of ball. The Japanese were weak In hitting. Bill Reldy, who was on of th best pitchers th National league had eight or ten year ago, has fallen from grace wun ma uaxs manager, ana yesterday afternoon was Indefinitely suspended BREWER HATS For Fall 1907, Now on Display The Best $3.00 Hat in the World BEN SELLING LEADING HATTER J. B. Taylor, the famous negro middle distance runner, In a hot finish against Mel Sheppard. Taylor was one of the five star athletes who won the Intercollegiate championship for Pennsylvania university this year. His record in the 400 is 48 4-5, one second slower than the world's mark, made by Maxey Long in 1900. ana tinea z ror not reporting for duty. It seems Bill forgot thst It wsa his turn to pitch, snd took a little vacation, which the management didn't like, and as a punishment they set him down and took a chunk out of his salary. San Francisco Chronicle. Though Danny Long has said nothln sbout It, Joe Cantlllon has given It ou at Washington thai ho ha bouaht Wion a bottle of Wlt-hffi been lamp FRISCO WINS IN IDE THIRTEENTH will probably go to Eugene and Van- ilgene is one 01 me oesi Dae- ball towna in the state, and Vancouver ' should pay by reason of Its proximity. Anotner improvement me ciuos win try to make next year la to keep their original team together as much as pos sible and to change their players only vhen they prove unfit to hold up their nd of the game. Changing the men a sound demoralises the teams and dis gust th fans. The Trl-Clty season ' will end next month, and then the man agers will at once begin to make defi cit plans for next year's season. One thing is certain the idea of quitting te game is the farthest thing from their minds. JUS SEEN SEEVICE IN Fernoll Passes Spencer and Player Scores on Long Fly To Eight. (Joaraal Special Barrle.) Ban Francisco, Aug. 28. The Seals won a 13-lnning gam rrom the Beavers yesterday. 4 to 3. Portland had a lead of x to 1 until the eighth, when the locals put two men over. For five Inn ings after that there was no score. In the second half of the thirteenth Pernoll walked Spencer, who was sacrificed to BOTH ARMY AND NAVY ffsjft !; t0nMir Carl Nelson, th champion broad wordsman of company F, Third regl tnent O. N. O., who is to fight Major Robert F, Reld of the Royal Dragoons, for the mounted broadsword champion ship of the world, at Multnomah field j next Monday afternoon. September 2, . comes of a family of fighters, his fore V fathrs being among the greatest of 1 Sweden's soldiers, i Nelson was born In Stockholm and ' sjrhen but a lad was placed on board one of the training ships of the 8wedish ifavy, where he remained for many erears. Emigrating to America, young Nelson 4nlned the American navy and was as- ' Signed to the U. 8. S. Trenton. Hla first fight with cabers was on that . snan-o'-war In 1887. when he defeated Frank Ketchum, a noted swordsman. '' When the Trenton foundered in Samoa iarbor during the terrible storm, In ' JS89 Nelson was on the gunboat and wss on of tha few survivors, of the Ill-fated vessel. , , - Nelson after returning to the Lnited States was honorably discharged from V the navy and enlisted in troop D. Fourth Vnited States cavalry. He defeated all comers while In the army and after the organisation of which he was a member was quartered at Vancouver barracks, ' ' Kelson fought three mounted broad sword contests with Ivan De Malchln and two with Major Frank Elliott of the tnglish army. Since then he has been . unable to secure a match with anyone, ing to his great skill. i . The seat sale for the contest at Mult riomah Field, which opened today at Rchiller's cigar store and Woodard, ' Clarke & Co.'s. Indicates that a large crowd will be in attendance. The bet- " ting still continues at even money, but ft is thought that the odds will switch :(' in favor of the local guardsman. FOLDS ITS TENTS AND - QUIETLY STEALS AWAY Early this morning Blngling Brothers . picked up their tents and paraphernalia and left Portland for the south, having spent two very prosperous days and J riven four well-attended performances n this city. Last night the attendance was very nearly as large as at the record-breaking performance of Monday night when many were turned away be ll cause of lsck of room. Th reports of the large crowds of the Xilght 5 batore Induced pretty nearly everyone Wo- go early last night. By ?10 th' igrger part of the crowd had ' srrlved ". and when the performance at 8 everyone was seated. No time wss lost by the circus In ri,.Urlnr ud th grounds. The animals . (- hauled to the train early in the evening, Immediately after the begin ning of the entertainment and employes were at work. on the tents before the kwiin futrfortnance was Over. V This morning all that was left ot the eircus were the three mystic sawdust ngs wM-rt will be pointed at with aw v youngster In the neighborhood the t'St of the summer. - PORTLAND. AB. R. H PO. A. E. Casey. Zb 6 1 2 4 4 Burdette. cf S 0 1 6 0 Basaey, If 4 0 0 4 0 Donahue, c 6 0 1 1 1 Atherton, lb 6 1 1 18 1 McCredle, rf 8 0 1 s n Fay. ss 4 10 3 4 Mott. 3b 6 0 10 6 Pernoll. p 6 0 1 0 6 Total 46 3 838 21 ALBANY COLLEGIANS WILL CHASE PIGSKIN Committee Is Appointed To Promote Sports On Track and Field. Two out when winning run was scored SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. I Hildebrand, If S 0 1 6 0 Spencer, cf 6 2 0 1 0 Wheeler, ss 6 1 1 3 3 Irwin. 3b 6 1 1 6 3 Williams, lb 6 0 0 12 0 Henley, rf 6 0 3 1 0 Street, c 4 0 14 Streib, 2b 3 0 0 3 8 Willis, p 6 0 0 1 0 Total 43 4 7 39 18 RUNS AND HITS. Portland 001001100000 0 Hits 101002200110 0 San Francisco. ..000100020000 1 Hits 010210111000 07 SUMMARY. Three-base hit Casey. Two-base hits Henley, Atherton. Casey. Sacrifice hits Streib, Wheeler. First base on balls Off Pernoll t, ott Willis Struck out By Willis 5. Hit by pitched ball Hildebrand. Double plays Fay to Casey to Atherton. Stolen bases Burdette. Spencer. Irwin. Time of game Two hours and 6 minutes. Um pires Perrine and Derrick. ADMIEAL CALLENDAR NAMES ASSISTANTS Puv Midland sore tracts. Knapp A V'tey, ro"m t. CMmbT of Commerce, C'l;rln & Herlovr. 332 Chamber Ot Com tuatc, J'Jwa liblm . v " ;"" v .'V ;'.. ;Vsfrr'ry? (SdccUI Dispatch to Th Joarnal.) Astnrfa fir Alio- 2 fhnrlM TT Pal lender of the coming regatta has an nounced through his chief of staff the following appointments as members of ma start: Admirals retired I. N. Day. E. S. Ed wards, A. N. Smith, F. D. Kuettner of Portland and C. v. Brown or Astoria; chief of staff. John (J. McCue. Astoria vice-admirals, Oswald West, Salem, and Frank L. Parker. Astoria; rear admirals. Captain Charles Richardson, Captain William E. Gregory and Captain P. J. Byrne, all of Astoria; commodore, Hon. John Fox, Astoria; commanders. Cap tain Steele, Lieutenant Culien, Fort Stevens. H. T. Hendrvx. A. O. Pull an vjuy ijumuaru, j. n. Bumnarot ana LMli j. Juewis, au or Portland. Captain C Bailey, T. F. Laurin N. Troyer, F. Vaughn. William Madison, Frank Pat ton, Charles Houston, George Nelson, R, J.L', A' -S0"' R" PHMngton, Otto Mikkeltton, D. B. Scully Frank WoodfWd . C, H.' Aberclbmbie InA D. 1L McLean of Astoria. Many ills com from Impure blood. Can't have pure blood with faulty dl- festlon, lair liver and sluggish bowels, urdock -Blood rtittar. f--i (Special Dispatch to Tbs Journal.) Albany, Or., Aug. 28. In response to a call from President H. M. Crooks of Albany college the alumni of that lnsti tution assembled last evening in the office at the college and discussed the advisability of encouraging athletics for the season of 1907, and especially in're gard to placing a football team on the gridiron. Athletics were favored ana a team will be formed, and with the as sistance of a good coach it Is expected that a creditable showing can be made by playing the college teams and the strong academic schools of Oregon. It Is the Intention to give the team the backing of the alumni, and every effort will be put forth to organize and maintain a strictly bona fide team. The Intent of the school is to encourage clean athletics, and none but strictly amateur students will be allowed places on im team. On reviewing the outlook for the sea son it was found that the school would have a good nucleus around which to build up a team. Many students who- participated in class games during the past season ana snowea up exceptionally well will be in college, and other new students that have played the game on some of the high school teams of the coast will also try for positions. A re vival of football and track athletics Is promised, and Albany will be heard from during the coming college year as Deing in line with all legitimate athletic endeavor. 1 he committee appointed to promote football and a track team for the com ing season consists of J. C. Irvine. Charles H. Stewart, W. L. Marks. George u. t-ricnara ana f. C Bteilmacner. TOURNEY BEGINS ill millllGTON ( harley Street from San Francisco, to bo delivered next season. It la orob- ably a fact, for Long and Cantlllon are lifelong friends, snd If Street Is to go up in the big bush Danny would rathsr have Joe play him than some other club. Cantlllon already has a Coast leaguo backstop whom he speaks highly of. Blankenshlp Is the man. Up to the time he. was hurt -Blank cauaht rood ball for Washinrton. If Street roes to Washington It will have the speediest catcher In the Coast leasue bv lonr odds. San Francisco Bulletin. Eleven Men's Hatches Played On Damp Courts To day's Schedule. LITTLE SPABKS FROM M0T0RDOM A tour of 9,000 miles through- If ew Eleven matches were played yester- Pennsylvania. Ohio. Indiana, Jill- day In the third annual fall tournament waB completed by C. S. Carrls of 8yra of the Irvtngton Tennis club. All ths cuse. New York, without a single ad matches were in men's singles, 10 be- lutment of his nfotor or the slightest lng in the open event and one In the club championship. Th courts were damp from the recent rains and the playing was not particu larly good. None of the first-class men were put out. James Shlves was de feated in th club event by Fred An- Ar,m 4 . ! -. " viunn bcib. iiioiny tne Frencn treasury depa closest match of the afternoon was the there were 1,438 pleasure automobiles one in which Rnm ri.fMini w w Tj.. service in 1 ranee in 1899. as corn- ham. Young Benham put up a gritty ?"ieeThicles ' the re" were 234 "iTTsM firht for the second otid lnt l nnlv claf .n,c'"S , were itt in 1898 after It had gone to 20 games. Ex champion Walter Goss played a handi cap match with a lower class man and 8o successful has London's motor bus system Droven that the munlcinal council of Paris has decided to do away with horse-drawn public vehicles In that city and to use only motor-driven, which will result in a lowering of fares. According to statistics Just published by the French treasury department, ( 111 -Cr i mm i3 'i. Ill r'JL. "V 41 I a I ,BSJxfJBr 0L 1 TKJ J ISSVA . TS'- ssw VW. k .A fcMh M ! .' Mil I ,W i nv ' jv Iffl u 11 rv i w -our whiskey MEANS that. Bottled in Bond in Its pure, natural state,! under the direct (Minrvl clrtn nf I i.v r noe Officers. oiasvEvery jje o( y IBfooK PURE FOOD U Mated with this Grcca Stamp npon which the Q over n ment ha had printed the exact Aac. Strettfllli and QnantJty of whUkey In the bottle. By demanding Sunny Brook you will KNOW that you are - cettlor an honest, natural whiskey, scientifically distilled and mellowed oy are only while stored in U.S. Bonded Warehouse, In Sunny Brook you are cettinr the best. Old Kentucky pro-1 a - - - i i duces in wnisKey. BLUMAUER ft HOCH, Portland, Oregon, Distributors. MINOR LEAGUE NOTES. The Springfield. Illinois, team looks to ds tne ihree-l pennant winner. - The Houston team has another 'Stonv" McQlvnn In the nerann nt Pitcher Tevls. Pitchlnr douhle-h is xevis long suit. Another week and several nf th minor leagues will wind up the season of 1907. The Los Anseles team Is flehtlnir hard to hold the lead in the Pacific Coast league. a The Aberdeen team In tha Knrit.ui league has never been headed since It took first place early in the season. a The Memphis and Atlanta taama hai been engaging ln the hottest fight that has been seen ln the Southern league In Jf l- X 1 D. a a The Western lea mi p ton ma ho. putting up a much better article of ball than they did last season. The rn- ia a pretty one. Now that "Sandow" Mertea V. . Joined the Minneapolis team the Millers will once more be in the .hunt fo American Association honors. a a Rudoloh Schwenck. nitrhar f k. Columbia South Atlantic league team, was recently fined S50 in tha in.i,.t. puiics vwuiv 4 aoaujuug umpire UOff- man. . GEAND MARSHAL OF BEGATTA PARADE Astoria. Or.. Aur. 28. Charles v Brown has been appointed grand mar shal of the regatta parade and has an nounced his aids follows: R. C. Jenkins, F. S.. Hogers, J. H.O'ConnelL Oswald West. Geors Sterena, and IXbomes Bm ' .... . Tut ud' a 'rlttv Pre wlth 17.358 ln 1 t h ina, i c,al vehicles there w zo games. Ex- . a Lpl";? a Mnal: During New York's first show the showed his steadiness hv decree tin, hu last w"ek October, the American Au SnSfn, i,h h.,, fhf iZ Zli J ll tomobll association will hold a big mmes lossvof but three convention of motorists at which paper " V .-1 , lu , ., , . ,,, win do reaa ana aiscussions. neld on The matches in the ladies' events will BUCh tonics as lesiMlatlon a-nnd roada not begin until toward the end of the ;a touring lelsJauon. foa roads week. Yesterday's summary: a a el5lub Chmplonshlp Aadrews beat A complte list of automobile licenses Shlves, 7-B, 6-4. jn tj,e United States, compiled from Of- , e n s upen nanaicap uoss towe flclal records to June 16. shows a total 40 4-6) beat Vosper (owe IS), 6-0, 6-3; of 203,630. New York heads the list, Edgar (owe 15 3-6) beat Dole (owe 16). with New Jersey, Massachusetts, Texas. 6-2, 6-J; McKenzie (owe 3-6)' beat Froh- Pennsylvania and Illinois following in iiuii iwwo o-w, i-u, a-a, uiwsiun we 1 mat oruer. 16 3-6) beat McAlpln Kwe 80), 7-5, 6-3:1 Snow (owe 6-6) beat W. W. Benham In from Denver to Iola, Colo (owe 3-6). 6-3, 11-9; Scott (owe 8-6) rado Oeorge W. Coffin of the "mile oeat wincn (acraicm, -g, 7-6: wolf nign-' city osossed rour mountain (receive 15) beat Wilbur (owe 8-6), 6-4, ranges, esch fronT-10,000 to 11,000 fleet 6-2; Warren (owe 3-6) beat C. D. Starr high and traversed 700 miles of the (scratch), 6-3, 11-9; Humphreys (owe roughest roads ln the United States 3-6) beat L. M. Starr (owe 3-6). 6-3. witnout a mishap not even a puncture 6-3. 1 a Today's schedule: Agsin the professional promoter has a p. m. 1 urner v.. twinr. glanced aDout the horizon and ex 4 d. m. Michel VS. Grey, McAlpln vs. claimed: "Lo. the noor amntaiir!" im Miller, Alexander vs. K. McAlpln; C. D. now a great "motordrotne" Is being pre Starr vs. J. W. Lndd, Gilbert vs. An- oared foN him in New York at Mofe-fa drews, Frohman and McKenzie vs. Wll- Park tace track, wliere the same thing Dur ana Ames. was iriea unsuccessruiiy a xew years o" p. m. v-ooamgnam ana wincn vi. iti. Morse and Dole, Shoves vs. Knight. Warren vs. 1. M. 8tarr, Cawston vs. L- L. Benedict of New York.. who has Wlckersham, Rosenfsld vs. de Schwem- just returned from a European trip. Is lcz, Benham vs. Scott. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. At Seattle Aberdeen 2, Seattle 0. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 4. Pitts burg 2. At Boston Cincinnati s, Jtjoston 2. At Brooklyn Chicago 1, Brooklyn 0. At New York New York 1. St Louis 2. one of the most strenuous of amateur tourists. Accordinr to O. J. Bevers. bis chauffeur, Mr. Benedict has a record of traveling nearly 15,000 miles in four months in his Berllet this summer, 5,000 miles belnr done lit Enrland. Often the party were on the road from 9 a. m. till midnight, and -2.000 miles were made ln 11 days. Although the car was a year and -a half old. being one of the first turned out by ths American Locomotive Automobile com- Diseases of Women I AH I PC FEMALE WEAKNESS. GENERAL DEBIL lfXUlCZy ITY, NERVOUS TROUBLES, UNHEALTHY DISCHARGES, PAINFUL OR IRREGULAR MONTHLY SICK NESS, safely and speedily relieved. If in trouble call or write. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Medicine sent everywhere by mail or express in plain wrapper, free from exposure. Dr. T. J. Pierce 181 FIRST ST., COR. YAMHIL PORTLAND, BATH POWDER f RICE POWDER A Perfumed Luxury for the BatL I Best Toilet powder. AntisepticaHy Softens Hard Water. RhVr I mirw R.K i 1, 1 a f iivubTVi NUVJUI ips. un rertume. 5bxtn, -i chafing. Best for ilJ2V.rTsJ!5 cmto--ArALL nORET-w baby. X5' ana m rs -sw am mm mm 11 sf ta -a.. - R '--r-ll-- A CAN 2J f any, Beyers says that beyand cleaning he carburetter once and putting in three new ignition springs, nothing whatever was done to It during the en- I had for years nffsrsd from wkatmedlesl mn lad Dyapapsla and Catarrh of the Stomach, la. box of OaiearaM and wu inr 'kaa 'am" - raa- a wlaallna.- qnirmlnf buiMI ma. Jade oar doctors tnr- eslfad Dyapapsl an Aaron I Darehaaad a prltod to tod that I "aad wit AMERICAN LEAGUE. tire trip except to f.ll the gasoline and 011 lanti ana mat in SDiie or length the tour was free of cares. its is At New York New York E; Boston 1. At Detroit Detroit 4, Washington s. Boatswain's Pipe Retained. From the Westminster Oasette. At least 1 one relic of the old navy to be nreserved. Thanks to Lord Charles Beresford th boatswain's pipe which or late ayears nas been oecom lng more ornamental than useful, is to be retained, and the calls which foi centuries have brought men to the per formance of. their duties will continue to be heard on warships, v. The Admiralty hay ordered that at least 10 per cent of the boys and youths ln harbor training establish ments are to be instructed to work to the calls of the pipe, and a prise Will be given -each half year to the boy in. each establishment-who 'is consid ered most proficient , la th art of Alias Was His Real Name. From -Law Notes. In the South Orange, N. 3. police court recently a prisoner on belnr asked his name responded, "Alias Shaneen." "Aliases don't go in this court," said Justice- Roll, with' soma asperity. "What's your real name?" "Alias Shaheen," reiterated th ac cused. . " . Of .course no police Justice would ever submit tamely to such foolishness as that, and the offender was standing face to face with trouble when police officer explained that he was a Syrian and 'told the literal truth about "his name, - Much mollified. Justice Roll extracted $5 from Alias for - peddling towels without a license and allowed him to go von . his way, rejoicing. . - m' ' .it !', .il .,. lrfarr Stock CanneavGeedsa : lUa Iwlaf ttott JBraaOa - rlt whan I ahowad him thirty taat. and ia saothar day tha rKalndr(aboat th lanrth )o( a tapa- rpnn that had beaa iappln my Tttality for yaari. hSTsanJorad tha hsatof health avar tinea. It nut this tatUmonial will appaal to other safferara." Chaa, Blaahatook, 111 pinnlty Plaa, wan rauaaaipata, 1. if SJ Th0owel nMn, PsUtabla, Potant, Yalta Seed, Do Seed. Kavar Siokan, Waakan or Orlpa, M, ffa, Uc. Kavar 5ld is balk. Tha tanulni tablet stampad 000. uarastead to aar or your IDonar baek. Sterling Ramedy Co., Chicago or N.V. sm AJiXUALSALE, TEN ULUOI BOXES PorsianflcrvrDEssonco RESTORES VITALITY Ba cored thooaandt bt easei ef Narrooa Debility aad laaomala. They clear tb brain, strengthen ths circulation, stake digestion perfect and Impart a magnatl vigor to the whole being. AU drains aad Iotas stopped permanently, f 1.00 per box. boxes, guaranteed to ear or refund money. (5. Mailed sealed. Book free. rniaa Med. Co.. 985 Arch St., Philadelphia. Sold la Portland oaly by Woodward. Clark a Co. and other drug habits sre positively cured by HABITINA. For Hypodermic or Internal nae. Sample sent to any drug habitue by ESsaa mail. Regular prfctA( per settle at your druggist or by mail in plain wrapper. Oclta CkBiteal CeM St Loala. Mar 'rUaatrOiSkr n'' OS lt Thirl Idleal Aak roar UrasrUt ft I . rill I. Kad aad tl.ld r.T2) bo, fid with hlu, RtbUa. V . Tke a allien, ' Bar f yaav " VIAMOND SKANO Piulkil Tw k Kn n Kmt, Sifart. Aav a bla ; rr:v SOU IT KMOISTS DKYV.SKE .: