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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1907)
4 ( TIIE OREGON DAILY JOURHAi; PORTL'AND. MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 10. 1C07.1, ? , If PopularWants PopularvWants Popular Wants PopularWants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wani FOR BALE RE Ali ESTATE. V ' I ARB TOU , LOOKING I FOR A HOMJBf ;h oerore a rmai decision: -room house, woodahed, nice . yard; iitn fin a condition; ne ouh, 1,100. w t-room noon a 101a tna cuwn " TTk. mr TS0 cash. ..,,1 - ,;-.-...--On Jaroom madant cvttMV 1 blooka from ar, 11,100. , ! ; ' On t-room modern eVttaga, eieotrio -jiKnts;' best of plumblfer. full cement baomnt ; half block toicary 11.650. We alao hava a number of unfinished ; modern cottages, close to oar Una, all , surrounded with aloe homea; alao recant ana acreage; eaey terms., xaae MUScott ear at Fir at and Alder ate., ' 'get oft at Millard are. Chambers i ft lamsworth, , - - '' -for saLe - a owner, JMJiiWr. ' atrlotly modern alx-room house In Piedmont; eesy terme. Phone Tabor 115, Ir'ba sAU-room . Hoiiaa ."'AND r, lot 0l00j nloe lawn and fruit jreea. onrup rer caan. ill p. inn FOR a a i. m ' 'five-room MOUSE bath, eto.; full lot; fruit' flower! ' rloe tn ear 1 Heat 15th at 11.800. , one of.THh nicest on" V ' V CmaiJa ..- MV. alal lea! 'Mtf u uuiuaiuej bb.sw av iarara i-room house In nerfect OOndltlon! large hall, attic, cement baaement, nloe lawn with fruit treeaj near new high school, Dublin acbool. ohurohea, atorea .and cara: you can't beat thia location. Owner. 7(8 E. Burnalde at. near E. lid. T6ft BALe-tIiM bEBf ' fet'SlNKfld corner on Kllllngsworth are, at a ( bargain. , J. Simon, 12 KUUngsworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 1177. for saLe new MbbslRjT faoTOMfl lledmont carbarna; prioes rrora aiao a raw nne residence iota Simon.. 11 Kllllnci worth eve. ie woodlawn 1177. 'two ACBfcfl. CLOSfl W, CtnCkKX rancn: wooa, water; nargain. eua Gossett, Riverside office. St. Johne car, KILLING-WORTH AVE. pear Fl. For sale, 4 lota. St. Johns oar Una. Address C-466, Journal. :rr. msmrwrsmr ' For 'eale, 100 feet on Kllllngsworth ave. Nortbeaat frontage. Addreaa L-4J6, Journal. FOR BAM HaJL A)rK; A 4-r66! house and outbuildings near a 10- room achool, at Xante, inquire of T. F. Cad well, owner, one eohool for term a. block north of V6lt SALfc-CtlEAP, BY C-WNfiR, A new 7-room houee, neatly furnished, I lota 60x100; nice fruit trees, berrlea and ' .B-l, roses. Fin Journal. location. Address , , McKlnlcy Park On Mt Scott line: lota from 1100 to $160; acre traota from l6Q to 17S0. Call at once for beat aelectlone. Oun- derson Williams. 106-9 Mohawk bldg. .KkW. W6DiiRr BtMUL6w, cor: 14.S00: 1600 caah: 110 monthlv. Phone East 676. tier, ; : FOR BALE FARMS. """r"'" A ' BSAP lit" FRUITLAnST ; 110 acrea of fine fruit land at The I mi lea, Oregon, with valuable Improve ments. Surrounded by flourishing fruit 'orcharda and vineyards. Equal to fa mous Hood River fruit land at on quar ter (he price. For terms, prloe and rea son for selling see owner at Weeks' Granite Worka, 4th and Columbia eta.. , Portland. Or. . FARM .6XAP SELDOM OFFERED ' 1,600 On eaay terms for a nice 40 acre tract, near Tualatin, cloae to S. P. uepoi ana eaiem eieotrio line; new S . room . plaatered houaa, and other out buildings; good wall and living aprlng; fine aoll; the beaverdam land alone la worth the price asked. F. FUCH8. t , , 111H Morrlaon street. Jo-acre fAfeM. M6b S6IL, VfXtm. fruit, and buildings; water and phone In house; 16 miles eaat of city limits. 1 , to R. R- and ataamboat. Will take email residence near carllne, balance - :eesy terme. What hava yout M. Jlo- Mrh R. I. Troutdale. Or. . TjJON'i' ..BUY A FOR 1UCXT MISCELLANEOUS. FREB3 FOR ETVERTBOD I RlWtt UP Main 410 or eii TBOI 111 44 Front at We buy and aell furniture, clothing or any buy and i nM thin ftiW 6Afeaa aKP FlXTURga. KBW and aeeond-hand. Jaa. ?r Marshall Mfrr. r. jaa Couch at. for": SALto-)Wa, HOTEL BAKdffi Tnnulra 171 1st Bt v from the orchard. We will deliver anywhere , in the express delivery dis trict of roruana no see oi extra raaoy peaches for ; I boxea fanoy for 16.76; 6 boxea choice for 11.60.- The lat ter grades best for canning. Send money with order. Satisfaction guaran teed. Merlin Mercantile Co., Merlin, Or, BIDDER. CER lficate worth 140 on any piano or or vo. To fiia HlahtST tifici ran at ion, Shedda, Oregon. Reed-French Piano JT. Carl- 1 ' iioffitlG EWdlKB FOR BaLB oheap. It oan be seen at work S3 Ind at. and Morn eon. 6N4tt B6Atri6usfl IT oriCB-fAkfl Fulton oar, foot Nebraska it, turn left . t : NOTICE1. HUNTERS! HAVE A FIKfil snocun nrooosition for this aeason; need two mora roembera. Addreaa Ci w. Kicnardaon. 170 East 14th ONE BbAtHduM'AlVdtfC'fl-TAKfl Fulton car. foot Nebraska at. turn lert. PERSONAL. THE ORIGINAL AND ONLT Br.-Iary Laie Formerly with the X-Radlum Medical Institute, baa- severed all connection with that Institution and oan now be found with the Dr. Mary Lane Institute where aha will be pleaaed to aea any of her old patients. DI8KA8K8 OF WOMEN AND CHTL dren a specialty; Buffering women will do well to consult me; oonaultatlon free; eorreapondenoe aollolted. noomi o to ie. ' Grand Theatre bldg. Phone Main 27 Correspondence conf IdentlaL FARM. atncK. " rannH. until, von Tlc with' 'Turner,, he know J where to find them. ' Office. 101 H Washington at The original and only Dr. Wary Lane Lady phyalclan. with the old established X Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium For yeara la atlli at the old atand. Dr. Mary Lane Lata aunerlntendent of Chicago Wo men's Hospital, treats diseases of wo men end children exclusively: ladies needing Immediate assistance will oon- auit their beat interests ty communicm- ui with ma: no lee ror oonauiiaiioas correspondenoe absolutely confidential; maternity cases given special atten tion. Resoectable arrangements made for the adoption of Infanta The flneet equipped sanitarium In the northweat Office, 2J3 Alder corner Id, Portland, Or. Phones Main m. Horns A-ZTfO. ATTORNEYS PIOOOTT, FINCH BIGGER, ATTOR- neya at law, a Mvuaey mug vwnes Id and Morrlaon ata. AUTOMOBILES ,x;. , ' . HOWARD H. COVJDI. ' ' ' Armt Pierce Great Arrow, Looomobllea, CadlUao and Knox. Temporary locaUoa Club Oar. rb. lttb and aider ata. ASSAYERS WELLS PROEBSTEl MINING EN glneera, metallurglsta and r aaaayera and Montana Assay Office. rlson st - s' 111 Mor BLANK-BOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS aV KILHAM, 101-111 ID ' PK.'-f.ieilK BOTH IHIHlUAVVtUIW, H.H,. for Jonee" Improved Loose-Leaf ledgera; sea the new Eureka leaf, the beat oa tba market'- - - ' : BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES BBfcaaBfcOaa- eeawaweagBaiaaesjesefc! B. BIRKENWALD COH 104-101 EV- arett at, largest nutoner auppiy nouae on the coast, write ror eaiajogue. BATCHERS1 lUPPUEiUAbbLpa A Dekvm. 111-131 ist at., carnee a run Una and c ipleM aaeortment at lowest market price. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. Fred FOR ONE WEEK MORS. BRIMG THIS AD AND RECSXVX ABSOLUTELY FREE, One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Tba above CONSULTATION READING ww pa Glyen Free to every person who cornea prepared to take one of mv celebrated (66.00 Psr- chopalmo Readings for only 11.00) to all who bring thia paper ad. This la atrlctlv a matter of business on your part, to call at my office and become familiar with my SPIRITUAL and SCIENTIFIC work. A bint to the wiaa la sufficient Why? DR. " BINO CHOONd.'lMrOfH ER CHI neea root medicines; sells Chinese tee, certain cure for all dlaeaeea 161 Id at, between Yamhill and Taylor hiStm Pressed whIle ttti waIt. 60a Ladles' skirts pressed, 50c Gil bert 106 H Sixth st, next to Quelle, phone Main 1081. - - BALM of Fio4 For aLL femaLb) diseases. 626 E.. Belmont Phone East 4014. t)R. t. J. PIERRE. SPEfltALlsf, Dlfe eaees of women; all irregularities cor rected; no exposure; medicine by mall. urnce in it at, orner. xamnui, -or iana, ur. Because there ia no tiers on la Ufa that does not meet with trouble. In the path of life, which they cannot overcome without help. And you now have the golden opportunity, WITHOUT prick, to oonsult one of the moat SCIEN TIFIC OCCULT PHILOSOPHERS IN AMERICA thia weak. I know when I have demonstrated to you that I am en rapport with that MOST POWERFUL SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE that can ad viae and help you. When you are In need of such advice and help you will call and see CHIROPODISTS "BaBMaansaBBBssBawuBeBka CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. m. D, Hill, Boom 110 Flaldner "ar. potn pnonea CARPET CLEANING , i -Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding ata! phone Eaat 210; carpete oiwnea, re in tea, eeweo ana laia; steam and oompreBsed air process; renovating mattresses and feathers a specialty. JOYCtf BROS.. PROPRIETORS 6FTriB Eieotrio Cleaning works: careeta ceaned and' laid, both dry and com- praseed air oleanlng; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Mala iWl and A-I67I 171 Grant at CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS JOHN A MELTON, 104 4TH BT.OF flea and etore fixtures built and rm- modeled; ahowcaaea and oountara Phone Main 1717. JLUbLTtaJ-6ml&. &?6ti& Ftjd- tures; general jobbing. 17 1st st Phone M1n 1190. CHIROPRACTORS I M. GORDON, D. C, SCIENTIFIC spinal adjustment, acute and chronic die ease.; houra 10 to 11. 1 to 4, 7 to I. 16-17 Raleigh bldg. DANCING. DANCING LESSONS, I6e DURING aumm.r months; school open all year: social, fancy and stars danolnr tauaht dally. Wilson's Dancing school. Alls- fcy bldg., Id and Morrison ata. PROF. RINGLER, DANCING MASTER; private lessone dally. Rlnrler Hall. Grand and B. Morrison. East 6670. MONET TO LOAN r I BANKS. MONEY . MONEY MONEY - MONEY MONEY v MONKY MONEY ' MONEY SALARY LOANS ON, PLAIN NOTES. BA4T" GET 610 TO 1100. NO MORTGAGE' NO WDORSBB LOWEST RATES BASIEBTPATMENTS TATB BCURIT CO : .. 704 DKKUM JBLDG. HOURS i "A. , iw . FPJ W Saturday tjlL p. m, MONET MOIN n. X f"VSi SlXV.SiA MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY WftNRT MONEY' MONEY MONEY Oh improved city property or for build. Ing purposes, for from I to 10 yeara time with r-rlvlleae ta repay, all or part of loan after two yeara - Loins ap fm niana end money advanced as building proareaees; mortgagea taken up and repijrea. , , . . . tit Htark st m6neV to L6aM OH R4aL ESTaT-1 nr nersonai Be a W. PaUett. 104 DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C. B. BROWN, D. C. M. DOGS and horee hospital. 106 N. 6th st (Main 4086). W.M. MILLAR. V. Sv VETEHlNARf AW. 16 N. 6th at Office 127 Flanders. Phone Mstn 7846. carnby'S VeTerInarY ridfcplf aL for horsea and doaa Phone Main 1414. Ill Gllaan at chattel mortaaaes eurlty; notea bought V,nfn hid. bbN T WORRY 110 TO $100 LOANED salaried people, witn or -wunoui eurltv. Crescent Loan CO-. 2B aio finwlr M CONMBeNTIAL LOANS ON BAI. imiinnM nnllnlea. nlanOB. fur niture. warehouse receipts, etc. : any de serving person mar secure a liberal ad vance, repaying by easy weekly or monthly installmenta . NEW ERA LOAN A MORTGAGE COM PA NY. 106 Ablngton Bldg. UNCLE METERS' LOAN OFFICE 141 Id st., near Alder, established 1170; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds. Jewelry and seal-eklna DRESSMAKING MRS. VADOHAN-8 DRESSMAKING I perlore; good work at reasonable rices. 111 E. Burnslde. Phone East 117. MADAME KNGELES 141 FIFTHTpa 111. m6ney Advanced salaried p6- ple and othera upon their own namea without aecurlty; cheapeat ratee, aaeleat navmenta: offices in 60 principal eltlea; vt vouraelf money by getting our terma first . TOLMAN. til Ablngton Bids. 10H a at. olflo ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES chr6ni(1 nerVoUs and SpecjIal dlseaaea of men and women cured by modern actentifto metbodai eieotrio treat- TDILER. LOOKING FOR TIMBER T We offer you every advantage through our aystem of expert examinations -which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending time or money, it, our general report lndl ' ratee that we hava what you want our rvtlmatea by two and a half acres are eaeuy veririea. TIJT "THE LACEY WAY." JAMES D. LACEY CO., . IIS Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange, Seattle. "TTmTTer LanTdS: : Intending purchasers desiring to be .located upon lands with heavy timber in the land grant of the Oregon A California railroad in southern Oregon can eeoure the same oy aoting quickly. j.,ocRii' lies including an necessary at torney's fees are reasonable Address J- E- verain. oranta Paaa, Or, TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT A: to timber buyers only; we hava a few cnoice iraciB ror aaje whlcn we own. nave uetaiied estimates ny rorties. (3. . emiuourn ec vo., ui-i-i wuenanan lag. WE CAN SECttRE V6U FIRST" AP- t , plication on valuable R. JL timber land. Fee 125. Call 407 Buchanan bid. ,. A FEW "SPECIALLY GOOD YELLOW pine ciaimB in. Wheeler county; muet be located rat once. Columbia Trust t, o eoucn nidg,. 4th at., near Wash. ment for dlaeaaee of the proatate; oon aultatlon free. Dr. W. I. Howard. Com monwealth bid.. 6th St.. Oor. Pine. TURKISH BATHS.' 166 OREGONL4M bldg.; ladies days, gentlemen nlghta. Main 1161. AX INTELLIGENT; LaBT WlgHEfl fd middie-agea gen- X-466, Jour- corresDond with a tleman; object, friendship, nai 'TIMBER' RBLiQUlfiHMfisKf.'. tkiTO- las county, for sale eheap. Address .,.601 Lumber wain 49 y. Exchange bldg, Phone FOR -SALK 100 0 feet 6 miles from Portland; CRUISING ACRES 000,000 root miles n sawmlll proposition: price right V"so .Tijciioii logginar proposition en co lumbla.?all. P. ft. Murdock, 407 Bu- ehanarrblda.-Portland. Or. MX SAW AMi WiCHAmiEl 160 ACRE GOOD STOCK RANCH; ALL fenced; good house and bami aprlng of water on place; plenty of out range; aell, or exchange for what you have. Howe Land Co., 146 lat at, $OCREs0b'i FJEtUlf LAND NEAR Portland, 126, per acre. Will trade tar cny.propnty. Hatfield & Smith, 165ty 4 th St. GOOD PtA(!ER MiNB EcJUIPeB for hvdraulloklnsr. Value 11.600. Own. eaat., wni; trade for real es 466. Journal. ,tr (coin a east. tate. K- HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIKS FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rates io cosiness nouses, .in ana uawtnorne. Kaat ti Udiesi ask Your druggist 6r Chlchasters fiu. tna uiamono Tirana. For 16 years known as best safest Always reliable. Take no other. Cbl chesters Diamond Brand IUls are aold by druggists everywhere. LADY'S RETURN TICKET EABf A8 far as Kansaa City. Good until Sept 10. E-467, Journal. WE WANT YOUMfl lAbiM AND widowa to Join our Social Acquain tance club. Call on Mrs. Gray, II E. Eighth at., cor. Washington. I a. m. to 7 p. m.; Sundays, 9 to I. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES. NOV Spanish, Swedish and Italian French. diction all kinds. aries; foreign books of Schmale Co., Ill Flrat at LAMES' bR. SANDERSON'S CO. Bavin and Cotton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for delayed perioda; by mail 1 per box. Dr. Pleroe, 111 1st. MADAM YasHTX-VAPor and Wb baths, massage, alcohol ruba. 101 Vi Id at MANICURING, BAtH AND HaSSAGE. competent attanaanta ner waanina-ton, Greateat living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; ADVI6ER OF BUSI NESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE: whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; reunites the separated; givaa se cret powers to oontrol othera; no dif ference how close or how far away, you can always obtain your desired results. Tells you Just how, where and when to invest your money to obtain the best possible results. If you are sick, mel ancholy, disheartened or diaoouraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; come and receive spiritual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. I will do all others advertlaa to do, and a great deal more,- Office, Nob. I and 4, Grand Theatre bldg. 352 1-2 Washington Phone Main lt7. M. J. WALSH CO.. Ill STARK ST.. Electrio and Gaa Fixture, and Supplies, Mantels. Tiling, urate, ano uogirona. PACIFIC wiring, supplies Mam . West ELECTRIC .4 CO. ENoI- neera, contractors, repairers, electric ppiies. 4 iai R. H.Tate, cor. Stark. t Mgr. WORKS IT 6th st Contractors, electric supplies. motors and dynamoa; we inatall light and power plants, MORRISON re- BLECtftW CO. Sti Morrison st Fixtures, wiring. airing. East 1128. AIRBANKS," MORSE MOTORS AND M6NEY L6ANED TO SALARlftfi PeO nie Just on your own name; don t borrow until you eee me; my system Is the best for railroad men. clerka, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; business strictly confidential. F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. Ill Washington, cash" ON HAND f6r pUrO-hask-money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of aale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E. Noble, Commercial blk.. Id and Waahlngton. WILL LOAN 11,000. 6 PER CENT. ON" real .state. Farrington, 111 renton MONEY d LoAN: laMB LOAMS apeolalty: alao building loans: lowest rates; fire insurance. William G. Beck. Ill Falling bldg QtflCk L6Ans ON ALL SECtittlf Ws. dynamoa Stark ats. A C. and D. C 1st and EDUCATIONAL BEHNKE-WALKEK BUSINESS COL LEGE. Elks' Building. Portland. Oregon. Chartier ahorthand and Bllas book keeping as taught in the Behnke-Walker will lead you to success. Facta 737 calls for help and placed 111 alnce Aug. l, ivos. win piace you wnen compe- poses. Lur See MelviD For m patent attendants. utt tn. cor-waahlngton. CURB V6URSELF ' WITHOUT .DRU4 or kn ointment. lfe; consult Dr. Burry by ap- Adaress Z47H yirtn si, ORTLaND INSTITUTE iSOH MOR rlaon at. room B-ll. LeWls Bids:.: we cure rheumatism, nervous and stomach troubles by eleotricltyj hand rubbing and electrio sweats. Trained nurse in attendance. PRIVATE HOSPITAL, HOME FOR unfortunate alrls: rood care. I M41- ner piny ADVICE THAT WILL DO YOU GOOD, - Meivin baa mane thousands or aoiiara for Portland people. He has deceived none. If your mining stocks are a fail ure ha will tell you. If you hava money to Invest, do not throw ft away. Melvln will guide you and show you a way to success. He advises in business, uo not buy or sell real estate; do not invest in any thing before consulting him: let Meivin be your guide and you will always be - M..1T successful. PROF. MELVIN TELLfl YOUR NAME, AGE, OCCUPATION. WHERE YOU LIVE. NUMBBK OF TOUK HOUSE AND THE STREET WITHOUT ASKING A QUESTION, without any previous knowledge and having no natural means of knowing who you are, whence and for what you came. lie tells you of friends and enemies, who is true and who ia false, tells you whom and when you will marry, giving name, dates, facts and locations; faking no fee in advance and accepting none unless satisfaction is given. LOW FEE. 60c, 60c, 60a, BOo. LADY'S BARBER SHOP NOW OPEN at 64 4th St.; will teach 1 respectable ladies the trade. MISS ETHEL WARD. dll 'MANICURIST and chiropodist, has returned from her vacation; will be pleased to see old and new patrona in room 16, 151ft Mor rison Bt. tint "j. 1 tmosst." cxAmvo'YANf and magnetic treatments: noura, m. to 6 d. m.. evening 7 to 10. North 6th at, Room 6. Y6UNG SCIENTIFIC MAWIOT gives electrical, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh Bldg., pixin ana waaningion, n THE BENSON BLDO.. 161 H Morrison st., corner Fifth. PHONE MAIN TI46. MRS. O. BROCK. GRADUATE MAS seuse: cabinet Dotn. salt glow, aiconoi run, cream massage; references, my, park st. ricme xsii. EtfccTRid 'VApor bAfrtS' -""A8-sage, eleotrlclty 14EH, room Harness and jS a bjbLEB y. keLLer Harneaa Co.. 49 N. 6th st. 5t6D" AND BUCicjy saie cneap. is iitn at. SPAN BOUND HORSEfJ; 666b W6Rk. era; also mares, bred: five time to ,pay. iou MiiwauKie ave. eeuwood car to oratton's urove. 'lALEOOt WORK weighs about s,!iQ0 ids.; heavy wagon ucoti jtteai Kstata ; and harness. ' Mt Co., Lents. Oregon Phone Scott 1284. - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS , , VICTOR " TALKIN AND reoords; Steinway and other) pianos. Shemran. Clay A Co., 6th and Morrison ats.. opp. postoffloa. ' FOR SALE JlUSCKLLANEOUS. BARGAINS STEEL RANGES, , stoves, iron beds, springs, mattresses, , tables, chairs, dressera, cheffenlera, car .pats and linoleums, new and good as ' newlt lowest prlcea Come and sea una-: will nay vou: your eooda taken In f ichanga Fox u Brower. II N., Id, "j'hone Main 1111. - ' aura for rheumatism. Sold by all ,. d-jaglata.'-'V.--"' Wnh. MO-TI6N KCTOrb MACHINE, tit views, lOoi films for rent. Mo tion picture machines rented, bought sold -and - exchanged, Neumanav Its it 6 th, near Alder, v , 16. t,6N'f ' ii'. "DtfLL AND' ISItJtrVi; Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; II a box, 6 for 66; full guarantea Addreaa or call J. Q. Clemenson, druggist Port land, or. X sealskin modeled lowest Main 7108. M6LEB. "WRfNgLM WPERFLU6 hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs, M. D. Hill, room 110 Filed. per piag. pnone yacmc is. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER: garments redyed and re- ; expert fitter: estimates given; ericas. 661 Washington, Phone 5t78 H6ldeN' ; 'RHEUMATIC CURE-' Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all arug gists. WANTBPyHE- "ACQUAINTANCE 6 a nice, decent respectable working woman with means, by a young work- Box 46, Rainier, Or. ... ARCHITECTS ERNST KRONER. ARCHITECT Flans and specifications; also building superintendence. Exc, HEFTY, ARCHITECT. LUMBER ban ge, room 611. ART FBUB lessons in Embi jidery Every Day, i THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP. 182 Washinvton St. Nemo Naranzl MYSTIC Baen, Nemo Nagansl is the man of today. He Is world famous for the many pre dictions he has made that have come to pass. Tells your name, tells when and whom you will marry. The test that this man gives is positive proof of his strange and wonderful power. He is an enigma, standing alone in a class by himself. He seems to reach the secrets of one's very soul. Truthful are the word that come from his lips. Would you like to know aa to changes, travel, love, marriage, law, old estates, wills, deeds, lost friends, mines, real estate, patents. Investments, divorces, sickness, as to whether you will make money, as to whether you will receive a letter, if your husband, wife or sweetheart Is true? We will aay, see Naganzl. He hastens marriages, sautes lovers quar rels, unites those who are separated, develops personal magnetism, teaches the East Indian method of fascination. Low fee, 60c. Cut this out and bring It Wllu yvu. xveuiBHiuar io nuns, Nemo Naganzl I41H MQRRIONbST.hCORNB OF tent Enroll now. P6RTLAND r.USINESS COLLEGE, Tenth and Morrison. A P. ARMSTRONG, LL.B., PRINCIPAL. Open all the rear. Private or class ln- tent. All modem methods of bookkeep-4-i: Inez taught; alao correspondence, rapia 8. W. King. Main oioo 46 Washington bldg. SWeY to loan y. v Washington bldg. ON ALL KIND3 A L6AN FOR tltf, AaklNd 8 ALA ft or chattel. The Loan Co, 410 Dekum bldg, MONh!y-T6 LoaN IN ib6o TO, Charleson A Co.. Commercial. Phoni hone Pnriflc 1186. DON'T BORR6W MONEt 6N SALARY until yon see ' Hutton Credit Co. 611 Dekum bldg. Improved pur- O, 114 wftNEt r6 Loan oN city property or ror pmiaing es. uoiumD'.a i.ue at irui w mber Exchange bldg. TTNITBD STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLANR OREGON. , Y Traneeota a OenVral Banklna Business. DRAFTS ISSUED Available tn All Cities of the TUnUed States and Europe, Honjkong and Manila. Collections 'President.. .;;;!yTcTAlNSWORTH J Caah!ef,.W.. ..iV.-V' W. SarOTFK Vlca.PreBldant..;.::iir:A BARNEfl AasiBtani er.,..,,,W A HOLtf AasUtant Caahler ........... v A. M. W..IQHT ADD TILTON. BANKERS Portland. Oregon, i W. M. LADD. C. E. LAI3IA Fatabllahed 116. J. W, LADL. TMasaot a General Bankinf Businesses A VTNGS BANK tK. ARTMENT. Bavings books is? aaWngadeposita. Intereet paid on time depo.Ua, 1"CHANTS. NATIONAL BAJ Portland.Oregoii. '. ANK WATSON,. President I R L PUl1?,' ' ',' 'Tf?IJ!.h,i , w. ituiT. , .Cashier I OEOKuai vr. ijy x ...-- 0, q CATCHING. .Second Assistant Cashier - . . j- TransaatB a Oen.i Banilni in.. afts and i Letter. Available to All Parts of the World. Collections a Specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1164. Head Offloo, Fnclar Capital paid up 14,000.000 I Surplus and undivided Tfita1 10.161.1 7 1 General banking and Exchange Business Transacted. . Interest on Time tXrposlts. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT -Accounts may be Opened of 110 and p ward. Portland Branch Chamber Of Commerce Building. WM. R. MACREA t .. .Manager j j. T. BURTCHABLL. .i .Ass t Manager , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on Pactflo Coast CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 11.600.000.00. DEPOSITS. IH.000,001.00 A, L. Mtt.T. J. W. "Newkirx. .... President I W. C. ALVORD.,,.ABsibtb- J-" B. F. STEVEN B. .gecona , .Cashier TRUST COMPANIES. I ORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldest Trost Company In I Oregon. RESOURCES OVER 11.100.000. General Banking, jrv. p-r i .I Intereet on check accounts (even hundreds) on dally balances of loa w. ovar. Letters of credit and exchange on all parte of the orld. Savings jo counta Time certificates, I to 4 per cent; ahort-call -pedal certificates, l0O, or over, 1H to 4 per cent. Call for Book of "ILLUSTRATIONS." 1 .1 ,. Southeast Corner Third and Oak Sta phone Private Exchange BENJ, L COHEN President I H. L. PITTOC......,.VIe-Preaidsnt B. LBB PAGET Secretary J. O. QOLTRA. .. .Assistant Secretary SECURITY SAVINGS o TRUST CO.166 Morrlaon Strt Portlarid ' Transacts a General Banking Bualne.a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Inter eet allowed on Time and Savings Account Acts as Trustee ates. Drafts and Letters of Credit Available on All Parts of the World. C. F. ADAMS ....President I L. A, LB WIS First Vloa-President A L. MILLS... Second Viee-Preeldent R. C JUBITZ SaoreUry GEO, B. RUSSELL Assistant Secretary TITLE GUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY 140 Waahlngton Btreat MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates, , Tltla Tnsiifwt Ahatrata Furnished. J. THORBTTRTf -nan Pmaidant i jno. B. AITCHISON. ...... .SeereUry GEORGE R HILL Vice-President T. T. BURKHART. , .Treasnrar BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M ssaaaaaB ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Building; Municipal. Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bonds. TOWNIN-H6PKlN COMPANY Established 1111 BROKERS, V STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. ; Private Wlrea. ROOM. 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phono Main IT. Qyerbeck & Cooke Companyl 22fftt GRAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WB DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. ;- ConUnuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Service. - . GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. , ' ' , '," Southern Pacific. LEAVING PORTLAND. Shaeta Expreas 1:18 a. m. Cottage Grove Pasaenger . 4:15 p. m. California Expre.a T:46 p. m, San Franoiaoo Express ,...1VU0 p. m. WE8T SIDE. Corvallls Passenger T:00 a. m. Sheridan Paasenger .:12 m Foreet Grove Passenger ...11:00 a. ro. Forest Grove Paasenger ... 6:10 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND, Oregon Express Wl a. m. Cottage Grove Paasenger.. 11:01 a, m. Shaata Express t 7:10 p.m. Portland Express 11:10 p.m. WEST SIDE. Corvtllis Paasenger 1:65 p. m. Sheridan Pasaenger 10:10 a. m. , Forest Grove Passenger ... 1:00 a, m. Forest Grove Paasenger ... 1:50 p. m. Northern Pacific. Taeoma and Seattle Exp. . . . North Coast 4 Chicago Lim. Puget Sound Limited overland sxpreea 1:10 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:10 o. m. ...11:46 p. m. North Coast Limited Portland Express ., Overland Express . .. Puget Sound Limited .. T:00 a. tk, " .. 4:11 p. m. .... Oil ft. Ub. . .10:66 p. m. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL estate and other good security; rea sonable rates. Apply 616 Commeroial calculations, office work. Chartier short- hand; easy, rapid, legible. Catalogue fre, ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. Elegant new quarters on 6th street near postofflce. Pitman shorthand by court reporter; 10 to 40 per cent saved on expensea W. W. Williams, M.. B.. Prin. HOLMES BUSINESS COLL'eOE, Washington and 10th sts. Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Typewriting and all English branches taught both day and night L brONs6N-8aLM6N'S bTUTI6 6P shorthand and typewriting: full course In 11 weeks: open all summer: established 1188. Milner bldg., Park and Morrison. SEND YOUR BOY TO HIUL MIL TARY write ror cat- O.0TEOPATHIC PHYSICL1NL DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON, SPB clallst on nervous, acute and chronlo dlseaaea, Office 117 Fenton bldg. Phone Pacific 1190. DR 'R. B. NORTHRUP. 416-16-17 P& kum bldg.. Id and Waahlngton sts. Phone Main 141. Examination free. PAINTING AND PAPERING. academy. Portland. C.- alogue. EURl-KA BtJsiNtfSS INSTITUTE, Ash at., room 9; thorough lnatruction. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE at IRON WORKS Id and Everett sts. fhone Main tvoo. GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary and marine; electrio equip ments: launchea: acceaaorlea: wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Keierson Machinery Co.. 182-4-6 Morrison Bt SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES. ANY P. A. DOANB GIVES BEST ESTIMATB for satisfactory work. 186 Ysmhlll. REAL ESTATE THOMPSON A OGDEN REAL Es tate, insurance, loans. See us before buying. 848 Mississippi ava Pbone Woodlawn 202. j. W, ogILbee, RfiiAL estATk And loans; established 183, room 11, 146 H 1st. VR SPHINX AGENCY. real eetate snd rental Bt. Main 6164. FIRMS OF EVERY dE SCRIP 51aTJ1r 805 H Btarg Local Passenger J-OJ - - Chicago-Portland Special .. 1:10 a. m. Spokane Flyer Kan. City A Chi. Exp. 7:40 p. m. Astori A Columbia River. Spokane Fiver 1:00 Cht Kan, City Port Ex.. 1:41 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 1:10 p, m. Local Paasenger 1:41 p. m. Astoria and Seaside Exp.... Astoria A Seaside Express. Sea Bide Special . . . . . Dally except Sunday. 8:00 a. m. II Astoria ft Port Passenger. 11:10 p. m. 1:00 p. m. Portland Express ....10:00 p, in, ;10 p. in. It .... , Saturday only. All other trains dally. TYPEWRITERS. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY, Raleigh bldg v (.- oKt nH see the No. 6 Oliver, if you are looking for a good nevTand .Nd HANp. ALL HAkEd, rented, repaired, sold. Ill Stark. Tel. 1407, P. D. C Co., TRANSFER AND HAULTNG Q O. PICK OFFICE II 1ST ST- BB- tween Stark ana oa bis., pn e d. oianna ami furniture moved and peeked .hlnnlnr: eommodtous brick ware with eenarate Iron rooms. Front and Clay ats. OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER, co. Henry Roe. Cleland. FOR- tlon. bldg. W. W. Espey, 311 Commercial PLUMBERS propeller. Falrbatka, Morse ist ana stars: sts. A Co., HARDWARE WINDOW AND made to order. Co.. 74 6th. DOOR SCREENS Portland Hardware HOTELS THE BELLEVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN. 4th and salmon. HtOTEL Portland. Am. plsn, II, l63ayT BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder INSURANCE ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 144 Sherlock bldg. FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS, ' 211 2d, bet. Main and uaiison. uregon Dhone Main 2001. boNNERBERO ft RADEMACHEft RE- moved to No. 603 Hurn.ioe et PAINTS, OIL ANT GLASS F. E. BEACH A CO.. THE PIONEER Faint Co. winaowv glass ana giaamg. 116 let at. Fhone 1134. RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI- catebsena Home cooking. 414 Waah lngton st. WAV ANDREWS. CARD READER, AT" lie Mam at., zoo, j-none jnain 7aa. CLEANING AND DYEING CCibTHES CLEANED AND PRESSBDl 61 per month, Unique Tailoring Co lua otarn st. S3L"'W." Burner, DtER dyed a specialty. Mam isii. CARPEffl 605 Jetxerson st ire Af Her-. ANfi leather boas cleaned, curled and dyed: work called for and delivered. 764 Water Java. t, Portland, Or. Phone Main COAL AND WOOD A. BERGES!' ' ART "' STUmd,' : liL Washington st High grade oil paint ings in landscapes and portraits made to order. - - , PORTLAND SAWDUST ft SLABWOOD Co 165 Front at, successors to Ful ton Wood Co.-Fr, oak, slabwood, coai Tel. Main till. fob Prompt deLIvery of1 sLab- wood call Main 4875. oak, aeh, fir nd oaJL PorUrnd Wood ft Coal Co, 6th and Savler eta. '' WEdtERN'FEED A FUKL CO. Housi and blaisksmith maHa. 4Alr t - 1,1 Alt i-. ar k 1-7 m.m . TELEPHONE EAST 7, Wood and Coat III East Wi FOR 161 East Water Bt 6,UlCli ' '"DELIVER PHON Oregon Fuel Co- 614 Aldaiv JA8. Mcl. W60ft empLoyerst:! bllitv and individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. 101 Mo Kay bldg. LAND SOUP WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds, including approved forest re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed, timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton, "The Portland," Portland RUBBER STAMPS P. C. STAMP WORKS. 241 ALDER ST. Fhone Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trade-checks; brass signa and plates. ROOFING TTVT DNiMTTMn ! T T TT XT TVTiT. Wt. A 4ii ivvw A.vutf M w a. a a i pairing and general jobbing. J. Loali, 112 jerrerson st. roomo 14. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L MASTICK A CO., FRONT and Oak sts., leather and skins of every description for all purpoaes; sole and tsp cutters; finding. SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIF tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufao turlng Co,, Portland. R:H. BtRDSALL. DESIGNER! AGf. it Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. MONUMENTS NETJ ft KINGS LEY. 261 1ST ST.. -Portland's leading marble and granite woraa. . MUSICAL bone, clarinet Professor L A, Smith, 194 utn st. Main w. MACHINERY THE H. C ALBEB CO. SBCOND hand machinery, sawmills, etc 141 Grand ava PAUL, 100 1ST ST. A COM "A!"" J. plete line sawmill engines and boilers. machinery: also PUB LIO STENOGRAPHERS MISS L. B. Copying d' MAY. 601 8WETLAND deeds and abstracts apoo'lty. PRINTING PRINTERS CARDS, : Phone Main 1851. OGILBEB BROS. blllh.ada , et& ist st - - MODERN PRINTER Y. PHONE PA clflo 1616. R. 86. Russel blda- 4th and Morrison sts. SAFES PORTLAND SAFE CO., SOLE AGENTS for Herring-Hall-Marvin safes and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'s bank safes; 10 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap. See them or write us. 1 7th st. DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFEST Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal furniture. Both phones J, B. Davta, 66 Id. STREET PAVING warren Construction co. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- Inga. 814 Lumber Exchange. W. w KhMaeraen. flnmi transfer and storage: safes, nianna and furniture moved, packed and hr.i 80s Oak st Both phonea PENlNSULARfcXPRBBS AgAGQA6tf Transier. at i juiuer at. -.w .. J1T1, OrKAoN Transfer Co, ii N. ith. Mai- aa Heavy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAflflAOE A.tftANd- fer Co. Ptorage. 8. etarn. WHOLESALE JOBBER3 THE OREGON CHEESE CO. (INC.)-. Cheese, butter, eggs, eto., dairy prod ucts bought or handled on com ml salon, 26 6th st (Swetland bldg.), Portland, 'A, DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE .CIO RS. "FARRELL, PR6bUCB on merchants. 140 Front KVERDING ft a Wnrtlar.d Or. Phone Main 179. 6RE(3dN FURNlTttRB MANUFAC turing Co. Manufacturers of furni ture for the trade. Portland. Or. WADHAM- A C6.: WHOLESALE GfeO cere, manufacturers and commission nari.ha.tB. 4th and Oak sts. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special oraers. i ttuyena.y turuv tnra fantorv. 807 Front Bt, ALLEN a LeWIs. C6mmIssIoN And produce mercnants, srom mua uitu sts.. fortiana. ur. Wh6desaLe Crockkry and glassware. Prael, Hegele A Co., Port land nr. LEWIS-8TENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY nuufspoxtTATioir. ' !33Uilil iiHil'ffCi Jamestown Exposition. LOW RATES ; BXFTXKBXB 11, IS, XX ' ' Chicago and return, I7L59. " St Louis and return, MM. St Paul. Minneapolis, Duluth, Supe rior, Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re turn, (0. 3-TRAIN5 DAILY 5 ' For tickets, sleeoina car reservations and additional information, call on Or address H. DICKSON. C. P. ft T. A, Ua TMXXO SX- POBTXJUTZ), OSk . Telephones: Main 680. Horn A-1286. Supplies, Barbers' Fur niture. Barbers' Chairs. 10th ft Morrison. Co., Barbers' TRANSPORTATION. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS aTOM3 moxrwn. 8. 8. Tmatllla 8. S. Fresldenl Aag. 89 .Sept. 88 Skaffwar. THE BARBEfe'ASt-HALT PAVING CO' ' of Portland. Office 665 Worcester blk. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER ft KLEISER 8IGNS. We have built up the largest stgn buslness in the city by flrst-cfass work and keeping our promises. Our prices are right 5th and Everett ata Phone Exchange 65. ' - ' SIGNS THA f ""' ATTRACT' PORT land Sign Co.. 867 Stark. Pacific 1611, TOWJSL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWEL) DAILY COMB. brush, soan. 81 Der month. Portland Laundry ft Towel fiunniy Co Ith and Couch sts. Phone 410. :'. . I, & aliilU IOVTB,' aXUagT From Seania. Sitka, Juneau and way porta, pauuig m p. m. K. 8. 8. Co.'s Htunooiai. .Aag. as City of Seattle... ..Aug. 80 Cottage City, Tift Bit-......,,. Aug. 89 8axt raAxrczsco movra. Ba-Uaa; a. ta rroa Beattta Freaiden .Ana?. 18 8. 8. Bpoaana... ........, An. S3 Sonoma ....... Au4. SS " City Office. a9 Washlnrtoa 81. - nQY YACXXIO 8TBAMSXZF CO.'S Steamships ROANOKE and CE0.; M . ELDER Sail for rireka. San Franciaco and Lot Angel' direct every Thursday at 1p.m. Vicke office 111 Third. - near Alder. Phcnea M, HI. . H. YOUNG, Agent COOS BAY Weekly Freight and Passes e -Service of the Flaa Saaamshlp Brea kwater aves FOXTXAS-i every Monday, 9:00 p. m., iroa uaavsweet noog, ro EMPIRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIDLD Freight Received Till ( m, on Day of Bauing. T ABB From Portland, lst-eleas. 810.00! ad-olaas. 97.00, bujlnoln- bertn Inaulre Cltv Ticket Office. Third and Washington sts., or Oak-street Dock, Ho! For Astoria FastSteamer Telegraph Daily (except Thursdays). Leaves Aldet street deck 1 a. n. Bnadays 8 a. n. $X round trip, rxova uaim eas. - Colombia River Scenery Ktavxxon un rrBAM-ms. - ' DHy ewTlee eetweea Portlasd aa4 Tke OaUee, eacwpr taedar. Ueruig Portiaad at l i'S, arriving .hoot' 6 p. eairyhw freight and paaaaagere. Spleadld aeosauwHU tlon. for eouita.aad II artock. Dock foot ot Alder t rertleadi rent at Coart atn The D.ll. Pbeae 51.1a 114. Portlaad. PRINEVILLFS NEW ' . , CREA3IEEY HEADY (Special Daipetch to Tae Joanwl.) ' . Prinavllla, Or, Aug. II. The cream ery plant that has been under eonatrue tlon for some time ia now complete, and will ba ready to operate within a fe days. A meeting of was called Friday, and the plant given a thorough Investigation, a r alterations were 1 ;iteratlonaB have mad. ' tr; ; ertv will be accepted, ani m v re i : In opTratlon at once. The rn-nt ..-I' .I? ,k- wiai-h nnrv rmitiii I i - auri rapid and wo.k, ai..l U 1 . ben arranged In h mt advaot , uiuiwia 'nt iiuttpr pr dy, i''t l - i j operated suoccasfully tr '