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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1907)
i THE OREGONVSaILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING ' AUGUST 19, 1S07. Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Warit San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789MarketSt,bct. JdtMth 4DVfT18l.'M!1fT AWTJ tlTB- ftcsxrrioaa kbCj-it-cs. " tiregonian whan fai Baa Fratvdsoo iNui hava their mail ant In car of Th Journal ofl-oe. .. . ARTHUR I FISH. ' Repreaen tatty. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. NEW TODAY. Save That Bent And Buy a Lot for IN RAILWAY ADDITION, ; f.!cr,tavi!Ia Improved Streets, 5c , Carfare Easy Terms . $10 Down, $5 Per Month Come out. and see these lots. Take MontaviUa Car Get off at Hibbard St, corker of Villa, or call at office. - ' naisaoetn narnaon Evan and Will W. Kvm to Annie Cana v?J..,ot ! b,ock ,0 Caruther addition to Caruther addition, Alnaworth National bank to Caa- P' wmraunn, lot 2, OlOCK ill. Lincoln PA fl r M. E. Thompson t al. to' John w' mi wirr, ja.. w omeisaorf. lot Centennial, InyeatmenV 'company to H. W, llembrae, beginning ! at northwest corner of lot I. block J60, Holiday", addition hen".;t 74 feet." thenc 5!ith il thenc meat 78 '" vnnnc nortn 25 feet: agreement ... Martin and Alma R. Olson to J. A. and Dlannah Kepner. lot 14, vOC? 4V,Kl?"'1 w- D ' Ml J- H. kennarly to Eugen ; A. Ctishman, east half of lota 1 ' . and J. block 4. Klnael Park, W. ' P' l?0.. to Albert an b,oc . Bunnyalda Third addl- tlon, W. D. ........ . Chr.rle O. and Marie Strube to f.ather Kliaabeth Jakway, lota 12-and IS, block I, O be rat, W. FOR ABHTRACT8,TITLB IN8UR. ' a nee or mortrara loana call mm PaHiin I ma at rrust Co.. 104-1-1-7 FilllnrhMr 5Ef V6UR INSURANCE ANb A.- ? stracts to real eatate from the T1U , Guarantee 4 Trust Co 240 Washington 4.100 10 eoo 1,800 400 1.700 4.100 1.100 'J MARRIAGE LICENSES 1f Jamaa M Hml1tnn fit I"har1. ti.l MPortUnd. Six Nellie F. Starr, il. 47; Era Cooper, , ; ' Waahlnrton bld, comer 4tl and Wash Inirton at. "Tveddln oarafti.e beat. io4 or tt Alvln a Hawk. 144 Sd at, 1'onweth aV Co.. florlata. far onn til all kinda. l 4th at. ' , Clarke Broa. riorl:B-in fin-a 1 and floral deetgma l Morrlaon at Full dreaa aulta far mhi .11 i Pnlque Tailoring .Co.. S0 Stark at - BIItTILS v HELP WANTED MALE nELP WANTED-FEaiAM v FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Cutters LADIES AS AGENTS EOR OUR TEAS. American importing fet Co., 4U Vab inrton- ft. atudy commercial telee-ranhv: nnitnn. aaaured when competent, nnnrnn r-v,i lego, 404 Commonwealth blda;. IVE-UOOM HT WORK 15 aDartmont: arwwl nlan. nw bWf.;pcrtJand,Orcrcn.. trffi Main 6603. - - - . ' . TOtfNG" HOUSES FOR RNTV-OTRNITURB . v',FOR.SALB.s:.,V' FOR SALE- REAL ESTATJ3 $1.50 jjcr cord, timber yel low flry apply Stearns m PTIWI DTflJ-D'T ItPTT l)U "HI ITH BT Kloaantl f urnlahed; ateant beat and rA r . Kfc- ..-7- ... ... ,. .. . .1 TI1E3 ' BtJTLKR. MODERN furnUhed up-to-date: gaa and aleo trlo lighted. 408H Washing-ton. Journal fllB CtiRTlfl, CORNEkTITH XUH Commercial; over Danxlger a clothing atnra: . irood room a : central location: tranairnt trade aollclted. Aatorla. Or. HALL AND BALLROOM,' NEW WITH HOTEL, raniretf Into four houaakeeplng aultea, A profitable lnreatment,, Aoaseaa -o-o, CUT THIS OUT. NEAR 1.. WELL ."""7J?0.Purfa'.wv .tJIot,T Ar-1 S . vi ,,,,v,.iuiii caan: ,-iwin mouern nouae, on rp-rloL cloae to car, 13,750, food temii?p-roo,n modern house, lot 77x136, aV kinda of moiJ FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. ; Tlita A'iAt.ntJ1 ifriTEfr' URNTIJTKfi I modern convenlencea. Phone Main 18. rooms, modern throughout - Cor. 11th I FOR j J .JS; 'er J. PhonVmb Sai4w,i iff: ytffeitf a e k E to p a R or and Wanhlnrtnn folding,, ad-I nlahed rooma, electrlo light, gaa, bath a-1 ana pnonea: aituatea tint to ctr pane, j 147 uaic at. fruit and flowera,- nice garden, 13,750: geed terms: 6-room. atrietlv mni..r. beautiful lawn, $4,600, rerr little money; very good 5 -room houae, city, water nice lot, blocks from car. i860, ood RKNraESfPAeETN TOWN" Suburb-, jiirt & Tplac'e to ToV.n V buShi? THE. ORAkb. i6U M. b StROOMt. dreaa Washington uraari' Co Top- "".of 5u,ii. m 8t for gentlemen. tl.H per week and up. penlsh, Washington. wjg 1 iftsTele; TllE ' NEWLANH HOliBB GOOD ' ". I fTA- P:ro SoJrnM .r V ' or rooma. singje and an suite: good, clean . Union Hotel - , r''- J"r"aJ- Ar ... . i. mo 141 $tu per vmo .ninuj jjju ur.a ma werK, oH xat. tnone Mam tsiq. Free employment to all; boarders' rates S 1.60 ter week: room. 25o and up: ape- cial monthly ratea given. Anderson, proprietor. WIDE A FEW BARGAINS. T B a. 1 Til . M I 'vJS&Htr? PLEASANT, CLEAN KOOMS. , QUfart hS.'lSSCtZ ftl jnu wv x Kiiiiiili. nulla, ntiuu ow. d and Market. ... ctn buy oheap on account of sickness: '. ; .....''''U'.lLl. -i one ot tne Dest io-acra farms, all lm- SUMMER R1SORTS ' IV Iproved, close to. city, running water. ,...Ue 11,100; acres. 11 'mllea ouC all 1m- lAjtauax tlAlsls BEAH1DB3, UK.. PH. I wrovao. s acrea airawDerriea, all kinds r i AUfun, proprietor, aaaisted by U iruu,. e,uuu, pari uma. v;aa we show A-Carlyle; rates from 312.60 per week ud: I you any of theset a . . - I . a .r at. ra ww- vrmn r -i 1 . ris ana reservanons may oe mane now wnn ur. Austin, aentiat. Raieian hid. BilELBUKN HOTEL NICELY WfuZ nlahed rooms; everything first-class; UADOiM a. BTT VTTT, 130 6th at, bet. Washington and Alder! WANTED GIRL TO W6rk! IN dN-: ' fectlonerv Utor Tnnillra Mnmlnn 1 i '-i.-s '" IL lj " ; a and TamMil T r. ' .. T "'" Ull KJSMT-1H XHH HEART Of THE wanted on go?d salary and com ml a- WANTED-.AT ONCE, A WET NURSE, j hall. J74 H 6th ' st, nicely f urnlahed BUSINESS CHANCES Ion for city and traveling. xot coucn oiag. ulred. References j U. S. GOVERNMENT SERVICE MEN wanted at once to Qualify for. fall examlnatlona Call today, information free, wast coaat echooia, lit Oregon ian oiag. vpen lonignt. EXPERIENCED' FRAME MAKER AND bench hand. Portland fiaah & Ioor Co.. H. Taylor and Union ave. Wanted -aN btFica uaU com" i Detent to liandla cltyj reaulrea soma wer; give phone. C PhOne Main 4470. A-43TS , Irtmmm I, lKMn,l.l r,n,ii,fil hnn.. WANTED A GOOD.' '' FIRrlT-LAAfl I from tl.60 par week UP. took; good wages. 386 E. Morrlaon. 1 BUNT-nKK WKf.T. WrRNISHRn i rnotn. sa vrn inn iniiAtra , HALE AND FEJMALE HELP FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD, , ssrsaai paamnihU iil TarairsftA HOP-PICKERS " TO Aktf' lrtWr V 1 ,fauVaWn i Ore- au u iiium wire; perieoi accom 1 modatlons; grocery store, bakery, butch- PLEASANT WANTED 1.000 t vtiMir at v a m ntua as v. -v . wi- quiDDea nooyara in lire. I . . -- -w, ellla wire; perfect accom. I p ' ' " " ' PEASANT ROOM, REASONABLE: young ladles or mas and wife. 310 est and best gon: all on trel money: salary: an. 7, "r , yujrimH. . i,it P..r,...u ,i. - - - .466, Jonmal." r'V t?m, ' SilSS WRNlSHlsp. FRONT , ROOM... SUIT. - . ' I land- trica!wa VaV -itTa' r.",Ya I ,ffiwA.fif! XW.t.' THE INTERNATIONAL, CORRESPONDENCH ROHflflT, - I nounda. Rci1uea1 nnl ... I ?: ' . '" Can train you for a better position: I special train.- Foe further nartimiiara I LIGHT FKON momenta valuable. I Phone Main 1320. Home A-8153. For further particulars Or., on ; or after .August 17. you can aeep ngnt on with your work apply to Krebs Broa. 27 Stark st. hu ..uu uuiiiiK .imr. nuun: our, ruruinn. courses make odd momenta valuable. Portland office, 133 6th at Call, or write for deaorintlve circular. SOBER INDUSTRIOUS MEN WANTED, X BEDROOM. MODERN conveniences, suuaoie ror two; "L- or "R-8 sota ave. car.; take inquire SOI Minna- FOR, RENT HOUSEKEEPING. beat Of waaea. Annlv at T. PI Vmm'm pneayarq, ta. in ana Tillamook ste. TERMS. The above table Is basti on existing j Woodlawn 1277. WANTED BEGINNING , 8TENOGRA phers getting less than 240 and ex- fh tia t i-.M iViiT a..w I THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING for hiahev aaJariea; will aVmn niaM and transient rooms, reasonable. Jtlt oondltlonav Day and evening classes now n a fnJ'ana6.r, tM' . ' " For further particulars, address. sion. . fficieotio Business will iiarr -rail mnnnn T111.111-. bm-m i viu bv . . 1 uuudccvdiiih-i wmi v ma particular call room I. 146 6th.' eor. HeLp " WaNTeD . AND ' stlLf Etx lBdr !"" t. yard. 302M Sua- Medford. Oregon, ner Alder. . - ,7 I mala or female. R. G. Craka. 206Vs . " w' 1 . ' I 1 "iartoS hiSri "iir. &JS5 WaNtriS-W ifp-tod . furnished housekeeplng-rooma. Uun- FO ROARK August 10. to Mr. and Mra 234 Waahlngton. ' large yards; long season; fine picking; ,,.1 : ", WUllam A. Roark. 103T East Eleventh 1 fine camping gn-oJnd. etc: rroc.rle. til For!1""i -. .......... a, v A-eva.g, SB, puu. '.. ' I " r I til iUtiaCHMAN August 7, to Mr. and! . 128 t ROOUB RIVER APPLE ORCHARD. ' ', r ,. ' 10 ll.NI V T V Cost of orchard' and planting (1207), Value, 120S .'.v,..i,. 3,000 ,- Value, 10 ;, .,.,.4, 4,000 vaiue.' iio ............ 4.000 Value. 1211 ............ e.oon Value, ; '1212 . 7.000 Value 1411 . i n Knn value of Land. 1314 10,000 rroiua irom rruu. ,iu 1,000 Profits; from fruit, 1314 r....... 2.600 Profits from fruit. 1216.,...,'. 6,000 rrui 1 La irn zruiL. 1 vin ....... n.iinn Profit from fruit, 1217........ : 6,000 . v.' ' ,' - .v.rt.j- i , j. v ui ej giv-sal Willi )Vi IV reallBO. TojWjralus In 10) yeara...... 128.600 carpet 5, dishes, eto.; would-asllv rent vriiuuu vuai ........ .... j,(9j i. mn o aontuu; price 11.300. . ., ..:., . J J. Oeder. cor. Oronrl and ta ib.. Gain In 10 years ....126,760 f6r BALE CH6iCE LoTB In $1,000 CASH BALANCE . ON EAST erlock adon. cheanTi? Lai, tVrlV J. Simon, 83 Killings worth ave. Phona terms.'- ' :--... , ..:. . j New t-room house, modern ' one block from "L- cart 2609 will handle It: bal ance eaay terms, v - , , . New 6-room houae. atrietlv modern t blocks from "U" car: larga rooms; f 1,004 down, balance easy terms.'" ' Beautiful 8-room house In Piedmont; strictly modern, including den, laundry: -hardwood floora; f urnlahed; one block r-v,m .11... mmmah m.... aA . .--. . 1 v. - iiTii mutt aw iv VIW" lfornla; 21.000 caah: balance easy terms. -SUMMIT I IN VESTMENT CO.- Borthwick and Killing. worth ava.; " - x-none i!.asi ea . , TWO HOUSES CLOSE viot duxiuu: ' lncnma ahnnt IIimUim. montn: walking distance, J. J. OIm. nrtW .flMnA eaua. aa.Ji T71 S I Al. " v' --s-aiV4 ea v vj., Biin TU 'JftnHffnV. IPn, . '. ; A BARGAIN7" . S-room eottav. int k i.Tit. , all the furniture goes with It; 240 range Aarnata y44aaiakai a a.-i . . . , a' i i PROFITS FROM $10 TO 3100 DAILf Have you small amount of money? ty prices. Apply Andrew Kan It 1 Morrison at. HAVE, FOUR . QUARTER IWn SIX " UnlvirsityrM 11 WEEK UP-CLEAN. HJRNISHED ROGTJB RIVER ORCHARD INVEST tTSm' 'cnV f rom chniTA 2J-bnOC? water, easy Dirmmii i R. V. Belford, owner. Phone Eaat 4738. MUST BE SOLD WITHIN U DAYS; my new 5-room, modern cottage: lo- irom down. Taylor lambcrt-Viiitmer Co. Real Estate Department, ' tor Charlook Blag, Cor. td and Oak St. ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTS AT SAST 48TX ST. AJTO ' HAWTHORNE AVENUE The best place In Portland to buy prop-! any xor noma or prone LOTS $300 to $700 flO A KOVTK HOMES built and sold on eaay month ly payments. To see property, take Mt. Tabor or Mt Scott car at First and 1 Aider streets, rids to East 48th. Btreit.' a dauVhtar - "urr" WANTED SEVERAL GOOD SWAMP- SALESMAN OR SALESLADY WANTED "ss wprn7c.5cs:r ,fc8ttaSi: ninemv0-. a dVuihter?- Bendor' " " 1 STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALM ANfa HULL August 14. to Mr. and Mr. Gordon J. Hull, 824 East Anksny inn, a otuinitr, ... i FRANK August 14, to Mr. and Mrs. m Mi. o. ' jrrank, Z25 Mlsner atreet, daughter. ' ... 1 yl:'rr':'r.PFml: '' FASSEN August 16,-Arthnr F. Fassan. aged 6 montha. 172S East Nineteenth: STEARNS August 17. v Milton J. Stearns, aged 68 years 4 months and 10 cays, loss Nortn - Grand avenue: mitarl valvular disease of the heart NORDQUE8T August 15, Erlo E. NordDUest aced 14 years 4 montha and it days, warrendale, , accidental 1 uruwiuiiK. UNDERTAKERS female, a-ood noaltiana onan with haat firms; no charge. Underwood Type- writer Cn th a . .... .. . . . WANTED -T-2 BOYS TO LEARN" koppinwRRti trad. -II UVrtnt mmM Tm-m I 17 T v .... . n?MfaOUSEKEEPiKA ROOMB: LoWflf Qrocw. 80 Front st L -,.f-?i5-' .WPfcile" . na Pnon lB- BLACKSMITH TOOLS, AND . STOCK FOR BALE A FIVE-ROO,- 18 per month; FOR SALE CONFECTIONER T. ICE MorjERti '.room' HtM hir". b a iriT . Kr..?"" L.!L!ft.tobW.4 r MnantrVN,oodh eluded. 801 H Wster St. '. I ahon: can he FRONT PART' Air IhATaAia Wttvj1 I dolna aood buslnenaav- yard and porch, furnished; gas; 214: 1 Wardle. Carlton, Oregon. omer zurmsnea suites, ) 4-room house, with barn. Apply Jr N. . 2th st. Willamette I Wife alck. Snap If taken Immediately. ""8"" f m -n, tnn aomn diock. uooa focaiion; rent z TWO FURNISHED H6uSEKEEPIN3 00. Sell atinvoloe. Wanted parlor, frame finish ' er. 66 Front, corner Davis. WANTED CLERK vT THE tMPERl" ai liairr iiuncn. . iiu mrth a, kEN an! " boys wanted" TO learn plumbing, plastering, bricklay ing. Day and night classes. Free cat Positions Secured. No bonk laarntna. Coyne Trade School, 230-240 8th at. San Francisco and New Tork. Wanted a good foreman1 , f6r" bread. 451 Second at. WANTED at St Charles hotel on Tuesday. Au- guat 40th, from 10 to 3 p. m. John Kuachneck. Gervais. Orea-on. - Wanted amateur per-WrMers, una ouiTOBW VMI SI 1 St, Wanted! ghts caf to 26th, then south H block. Good location; rent $20 per month. Price J0sntf r,cV V,,10rf lw: O FURNISHED HOUSEKF.KPiNfi I $400. Sell at invoice. No agents. Call 71Vuh-i Freeland tCo., nrf .. ,..,..i.w.j - r let 104 Baae Line. Mont a villi. t ' .-.,tj at. . ; pantry, good basement; 'on B. 80tlt aown, 220 a' room. 7. ui 1 1 ya mvniBviuai w i -i i iih , , , u , Inquire at 80 E. 12th st, corner Stark. PLACER GOLD MINE A GILT-EDGEj ,"wlJ'Mni- .-i if-K,iRIl-H0Ufi?f ' rll?-. .E?LEis . GRAND AVE-; I t.?MmtJ!L. i5v"tmnt a W I t$!M5TSatf ld mth. 146 U C4ti aV faSTSna rtSfrira'telelBUBT THE WOOD TRti6T----fiHEAiltt I 'Tf'j HOME, OVERLoON-g J.W.'k" ' .v at v? au, phone and bath. r- . , , i woo.; BOW rMdy fSr .business. Co- U ira K? .. 1 t1;?0 Cnai' t,Te" 1 Phone East 4261 or call 343 Madison. FOR SALE Sawmill at Amity,' 6ri 3 V V'S biriAW-.ta - 271 First st SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. NO. 1 . baLesmet ant. uutiuuis iui urn uruuuiiiiun - " - - ; made to both agent and public Call EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND GIRL WANTS PLACE AS STENOG raDher: amall war a a to Ivaain R.ica uurnai. - 3 ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUStt keeping,: ground floor, woodahed, wa- ici, i,ni, . imul nr iriiiii Ln. 1 1 rnnn. rc iei. - ' $3700 mllea from railroad, lots of timber: good contract on hand. Box 64 R. FOR No. 2. SALE Greenhouse In . mlnlnc stocked: can take charge at one. Ad- MAX M. SMITH, . FLORIST, 160 6TH st, opposue Meier m rang'a .Mala TTP. FtNLKf A S6S'S. 3D AND MADf aon ta. ornce oi county coroner. pnone Main .- , . DUNNINO. M'ENTEE after . 7 p. Room 812. Wanted to., New Occidental hotel. r. A.rarnr. IMMEDIATELY- slaughterhouse butchers: one sauaura maker; one cellerman; one teamster. Zimmerman Packing Co.. Macadam rd. SEVERAL MORE , MEN NEEDED AT?ni a B JU . , , n.vuuM u vjj t w IIUOlll- .; XOr U. O. ".:Ti i:..;7r..i D ..",u. : uarners. vara detail. Seventn and P Ina. Ma in 'P - . p""i"u. Ijdw aaalatant - ; I -......."., .Wait Oremnlan hMo- Se? 7-tIdy M WANtED-INTELLlGENf tdUNd .EELLER-BTRNEa CO.. .l-UNBiRAX PI.' i " j',1, ?fJiii: "4 rector, enabalmera, Z73 Russell. East ratnt" Vit nrilrXZ nZri-J. XZz 1088. Lady assistant I potent, call. Oregon College, 406 Com- EWARDtHOLMAN. UWPBRTAKER, ICiAN." Tb TEACH STRING!, PORTLAND Realty (32 Trust Co. Brasvoh Offloe on yiopeity. 2Acrcs-8 Quarter Blocks On mil. from Morrison t; for ftwrtory, BXVUR VIEW-BINGLK GRAVES, $10: Ir-. TL"! ?0W"nyt Wf WANT ' 20 LADIES TO INTRO .warehouse. wood or coal .rd; Inoo2 P. r! $ Ano ERICSON embalmlna. 1 siss. UNDERTAKING CO AND 40 Alder . st Main Lady assistant CEMETERIES brass and reed Instruments in nrlvata school In Inland town; splendid oppor tunity for right man; reference. L 466, Journal. - WANTED IN CITY, FIRST-CLASS cement finisher: three good concrete tvnewriter deairea noaitlon Ta flrat. clasa and ha good reference. A-462, Journal. EXPERIENCED CASHIER' DESIRES poaltlon. WIUS : work teasonable. A-469, Journal ' . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. , HANSEN'S EMPIX)YMEN OFFIC-BJ ' IVtt MEN. WEEK. J iBTtnKrTRmr.T. ffl.J"?"'. drr..eGl4?; Jou"l! A nu ,iu w A it V tUSlKH&l HOUSE-1 xiAifm nfp x si mnt-fc-p-. Wrtnj-P ,U Bri Keeping suite and single rooms,-12.25 nrVailj iti ,ta iif.Jlii fr to 22 60 ner-week 7 j iT c. n.w TtT or: reai estata for two household ne UMT6V3f.Au PAtented in U. 8. and foreign FURNISHEp HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS countrie;. no means to market them; ialsp furnished rooms; 801 H 1st t must sell at once; no reasonable offer xm. . i reiuseu. a rortun xor right party. XilKliiti noUShixtEEPING ROOMS 1'""" rent, iuo litn, near Washington. tO RENT i r66mS;"m6DERN; prI ' vib entrance; use o 2rd st N. Phone 2511 r ,lt. a , ... . ' : ' sDvomaii ' nouse, oeauiliui lot ' ' $1,360 Modern 6-room bouse, a bar. gala. - . ri$ 1,650 Modern 6-room cottage, lot 62x106. -1 . I Lis 00 Modern ' 7-room fcmiaa lot. . ' 38,650 Modern 7-room hoase, lot 22.660 Modern ' 7.rnnm : hmi,.v . 1a. . fenced; on carllne. ' . ' LEWIS . O. CONANT, Room 10. 248 fltark ml ELEGANT ' 28 N. 3d St ' Phone Main 1K. 5RTi.AD 1.MP.66YMENT ,6FFidl4 ; 206H Morrison t..,,.Phon Pacific 229 37 N. 2d at .........Phone Pacific 1200 HOME, lli ACREfl! f WAaaia Alt flea l..k .jt i.i I f6R SALE-4-faoOM1 BbAtHouSE; fruit Krrt;,, graV'e;. oTnSmen foot of Clay st Inoufre 188 W. Park. 1250 chlokens. cow. lnouhalnr tnla of phone. . 171 B. GENERAL STORE LIVE TOWN $.000.' I !,.,.?h.ed .?.r.. unfurnished : - acrlfic "for 1. - center of .logging camps an a.: i i"1"" ""e. on car.- x-4Bg. journal FOR HElNvT-i FURNISHED H6USE- ""wLfL.1," "f1 l,t'rM- w- H.01iS 4LOTS. NEW.BAAN;' keeping room, hot and cold water Winks. South Bend, Wash, . I - 32x24, 13 fruit trees, room- for cow- us of phone and bath. 49$ Nehalem MlNmoOfrTlNDTjS1 St ave.. Sellwood. - and bonds bought and anM'-i Pur-.. I John car. H. H. Luse, 210 Argyls st. RED CRdSS KMPtoMICNT V" i Logging camp and farm help a spe- ciaj.y., iu n, ta st pnon Maw Bills. We pay all telegraph charges. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO., FARM rs" and logger' help a specialty. 84 N., 2nd St.- 29 H N. 2nd t; $41 Davl u rnon main ets?. o0mpl.W rM- bath. 480 East-'Washington. Ninth; reasonable. . . FOR RENT FARMS. corner 7268' IF TO us. u wish t6 buy."6r 6ell,'"seb We aive you all referenrea fraa of charge. C. S. Arnold Co., original hotel brokers, 851ft Morrison. Phone Main vail WANTED AGENTS. ' luher t?1! year.TFctom HOTEL Al4D ROADH6uSl T6 LEAfeg I good house and ; barn; only 12 .mile irom . Vancouver, inquire at 446 Man Old-eatabllahad. with or vlthmit inon; lumisnea; newiy remoaeied: 36; lltl e.n ntliails t awaaa m w aa auw a wr A r S -7 KIUUU1CU . Mam i sanlta st, Woodlawn; take Woodlawn 11180 "-room house and orchard, $10: and car. 4 Hat. 1 rooms, $26; all on west side. MEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. A A. M Stated communication this (Monday) i evening at 8 o'clock, Burk-1 hard building. ' Work In the ir. v, degree. Visiting breth ren welcome, C. B. MILLER, Sea. X002US, 804 Ooldsmlth M, 'r;- tff!!ffy,l''' ' WEATHER REPORT The higrh area noted over the coast1 or Washington yesterday ; morning baa moved rapidly eastward and now over . lie western Montana. . It still retain Its energetic character and much cooler . rweamer east or me cascade range has ; attended Its eastward movement Clear aklea prevail over this entire district excepting at North Head, where arenas I -fog had formed. The disturbance over : unuBa jo.umDia (Saturday morning la : now central over the upper lakea Mod erate to heavy, rain have fallen over . .ha t.--44nM, .. n na. , , a. ,n1.aa.A. . . a...v . J U..U... 1UUUU1U1) 1 T C 1 Ml Inches . being renorted from St Paul. CARPENTERS' A nign area is now passing off the New I corner ic pin ana Grand ave. meets England coast and temperatures con. e-very luesoa-' nignt Phone Kast 6279. lderably below normal prevail over the M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAM?. l.Kii midle and New England states, r meets Wednesday . evening. Allsky , Fair and wanner weather is Indicated bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. .rt over this entire forecast district to- Vt "i""fiBWw riiwr, vfA Sight and Tueaday. - ' V . IX". Mondays 17th d MaMhail." i viaicora welcome. . samjL. . Min. jrreoip. Bismarck. f. IX.. 80,, . 44 , . .0 Boston, Maes. ... so , 66 - .0 Buffalo, N. Y. .... 74 ; 60- .0 Chicago, 111. ..... 80 ,68 .0 Jienver, Colo. ...... 82 (8 T. Havre, Mont . ... 62 , 82 .9 Kansas City, Mo., 92 74 .0 New York, N. X.. 86 " . . 64 . Omaha, Neb. ..... 94 68 T. Philadelphia, Pa... $4 ' 64 .0 Portland. Or. .... 74 64" , .' -.0 6t Louis, Mo. ... 84 72 , .0 6t Paul. Minn. ,, 88, 64' 1,82 rpoKane, waan. , . 7 g - .9 "Washington, D. C. 80 ' .0 UI.inL.lII. " HI. .1 .' ( R I -. 1 . I IT ll 1 1 aj. ... a. ..a. r . . . a . . . Information, applrto W7 R. Mackenzie, bmise' mooA titn f or HaTit -r aH1-f I9K tn I7K . 1 - nt at cererV-eorner of mont at WA"TED EXPERIENCED ..SOLlCi: and Cully road." Phon Tabor 206. For v,jSV.? J!?J10J, J . '2? ro,U,th? E.aa! full Information spdIv to Frank SchleeL Portland -Cleaning and Dy Work. 148 402 Commercial blk. Phone Main 2828. uranq ave, city. . . WANTED A HANDY MAN TO WORK around hoteL . Union Hotel, 81 North oin st. - ' ' 1 HELP . WANTED FEMALE UNFURNISHED ROOMS MMf T If .A W ...ll .Ml. .lwmnl.l. t1VT, v.-m-.T-M . n . . . . .n m a. I , . . . j . . ... . " T - ,T., ' " ":.?.'""i.v","','7" nmu VAYIB ox., uji-i seu rurn.iure ana riztures OI Bprlns Sofr nTrHfrW kl7.'lV rooms r light housekeep- field hotel, with leas on building; goo! choice of territory. Capital City Nun. eery company. Salem, Or. WANTED TO RENT ; ; x ' WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT-I taaes. riaia storaa. orricaa rnnminf. houses, eta , Landlord will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF i OREGON. Ing. 8-ROOM -. FLAT,' $10. is. in. Marget 4-ROOM FLAT, paying business; good good ROOMS AND BOARD. location and private reasonor ening. Address boa 176. Springfield. Or. for nrlces and nar. tlcular". .'.v., ,v , v. FOR SALE Cash; general merchandise stocg, about 33,000, in milling town of n-l m-, ii. i. I . ..v.uv ,UVU a, i UNUiiii WWn UJ OSBORN HOTEU CORNER - GRAND P09 inhabitants. vwltb. excellent farm ave. and E. Ash; furnished room, sin- community; cfteap rent Jong lease gle or en suite, with or without board. 0? reaeon for selling., F-463. Jour froat Ksie . T I naj. Phon Ex. 73. S. E. Cor. 8d and Oak. WELL FURNISHED FRONT '. RAOM.' f."1 15,.A.pAYING HARD- Wanted - Two .: tJnfurN isHsb i ,,wtttt Chrysler, $s Tay-1 vaiiev town, of' nr;iaPra2 ' WANTED. SS EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATB AND bon-bon dinners: also nackera Annlv JlEADQUARTERd. candr department Paclflo Coast Biscuit Grand ave. meeta Co., 12th and Davis. housekeeping room with the use of none, m thevicmitv I dress K-469, Journal. i FOR RENT HOUSES WANTED REAL- ESTATE. from Portland; all cash not necessary. juuuirw xvuuin au.. ijonanouin nint. FOR SALE BUTTER AND' BUTTSr: $8 a BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co ; 427 , Fliedner bldg. Main 2891. - L, ft HENRicHtjai4 C6.. JsWELEfta. VAN HORN TRANSFER STIRNTTTm-S . mllK. rou.t, K1". Tom $4 to and pianos moved, stored or .m7 1 oay. -inquire oi yuimny street Phone'Maln 1618. ' . . . Bull Run water, cement walk and curbs all paid for, . and less than two blocks from carline, only 15 minute" from neart or city. 46U, term. Co lumbla Trust Co... Couch bldg.- ' $3.000 7-RQOM MbtERtf" H6ufe4; lotSj frill t; on oar line: Stewart sta tion; $1,600 cash, balance $20 per month. ' Mrs. W. R. Farrell, Mt Scott car. FOR SALE NICE, NEW. MODERN' t - room cottage; large attie; will be fin ished in two weeks. ,! East Main, near 42d. 1229 East Main. $1,800 NEARLY FINISHED 4-ROOM . modern, bungalow: $300 down, $20 monthly. 43d, near Hawthorn. E. 622,? Dr. Darling. Cambrldae bldr. JnqbERN 4-R66M HOUSE. ANfi i.V'x1"0 ."snia, Dam: 4UX1UU root lot. 918 Hai.rht ave- 12 illft Tnnnlra Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1165. FOR SALE GOOD INCOME BUSINESS property, by owner. G-466. Journal. feUCHTEL A KERNS MAKE A fefE- ClaltV Af Ha, aM. ...It. ...I.l. . loans, -etc 862 E. Morrison st C R. DoDEell & Co. REAL ESTATE. : Room 12. 268 Stark at Have your abstracts maM'b Security .Abstract ft Trust Co, 1 Chamber of Commerce. 11 LAUttDRY" 'HELP WAktED Mo E: perlenc required: good wages; steady! $80 to $40 monthly, TXT . XT',. ul i nr.-. TrT-ir . hnnaa nf I nr I t-nnma. i.11 In,. ..t WB RENT AND 8ELI, PliNnO SHirtJ. over i,uuu; 6uu to oown, balance I '". -'r jo. position. t 201 E. Wa-I A-466, Journal. and opticians. 284 Washlnaton at NEW MICTION LIBRARY. 121 10TH st.; pooas loaned at 8 cents the day. Hytrf.T.V irt ivf fr VT iVftiftfen flour, feed, 'hay, grain. Phone A-161L ' I - nEAL ESTATB TRANSFERS Pearl Rosenquist et aX to A,-' , . ; t Moser, lot 18. Mock 2, Clover- '"' dale tract W. D ..$ 000 vora l nayer waiger to will ii. Walker, lot 14. block 49, Irv- ' ' lngton, W D la J. and Elizabeth Plowman to Fred G. Wonder, lot 18, block City View Park, W. D. .... IW. J.. and Phoebv A, Sharp to ?tt,ra.. ZIpsy. lot 4, block 13, ' Smith' addition, W. D. ..... ,3. V. Tamleale to Tillie Dusan, ; , . block i. central Albina, 3Elm 6. "and Harriet F." ' Babb to Ada C Webster, lot 4. block 1, Bhlnn's addition, W. D. .... ' IF. F. Haradon to Mn n nvt . wards, lot 2, block 88. Couch's ' addition, bond for deed J.OOO Forrest S. andEdith M. Fischer to Carlton P. Williams, lot 8. . ..tract B, Smith' 4dlUon. W. i Olof and Bessie dlaon to j."N. i and Crnthle FlnealnnH Int. i 82, 23 and 84, block i. Point' View addition. St Johns, W, D. . 1 a7-. ui vj cTiiiB, jtiuni; com pany, to A. A. Courteney, lot 1,' Mock 14, John Irvlngs flrat d ciltlon, S.'W, D. Josa Borles to A. flpeer, lots 10 and 11. block 4. Bartsch Park adilltion. W. D. , ;Cfnneh A. Jt Mackensl and JMarion Msckensle to Sophia B. i. ,.,.r.,r, lots 7 and 8, block 13, iwoHli. W. D. V'. It. "1 Siclta D. McValr to A." ". ! i . lota 4 and 6, block 1,: Wck- n.i-r 1'flrk. W. D. ...... t.ofit company to J."1 r t hftlf of lots 9' S2. VrriOM, W. IX ! r.llua'ieth P. Good- on It, Nelson, Jt " w. 4,600 1.650 ,' ' ,000 . S.000 400 10 1.700 S.780 1.600 NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- The undersigned incorporators of the Portland Country Club A Live Stock association, designated' ' by a majority of such incorporators to open book and receive suDscripuons t te tne capital stock of the corporation . and to fix upon a time ror a meeting of the sub scribers to the stock of said corpora tlon, hereby call a meeting of the sub sc ribers of the stock of the Portland uountry utuD & Liv etock associauon, to be held at Commercial club rooms in the cltv of Portland. Ore iron, on Tuea. day, the 27th day of August 1907, at the hour of four o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing not less than three aireciors or saio corporation, as the stockholders present shall . determine. the adoption of by-laws, and for the transaction or such other business a may properly come before the meeting. coruanu, uregon, jujy zstn, mvi, , G. A. WE8TGATE, , , ' JULIUS L. MEIER. TOM RICIIARDSON,- incorporator. BIDS FOR BUILDING ADDITION TO achoolhousa In district No. 67. Jt. will be received by Clerk J. A. Johnson until eaturaay, August zt, 1907, . H. x v. no. z, poruand. Or.- - J loot e 1 r'i . F. ap-1 i: I Chrrn I.fc f ,, ruK tf ; 4. b.,nk X IK 409 216 $00 Coles addition, ,HI.I.1MIIIM1MH 409 LOST AND FOUNU. . , FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR maitresse renovated and 1 returned wne nay. - ZZS Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Met. ger proprietor. - LOST LIBERAL REWARD GIVEN . lor return or Information about collie SJL.nam'.'1 "Sandy." - Lost Saturday mor"lnK from .7:40 Cazadero car. East HELP.; WANTED MALE WANTED BOY OVER 16 YEARS OF ag to learn soma trader $71 1st GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO work on shirt and overall. Lesson given to inexperienced. Apply at Stand. I ard factory No. 2, Grand are. and East uayior st ' ' HANSEN'S tADIES' 'AGENCY.! 34$ W ; wasnmgiiTn su, corner oeventn, up stairs. Phone Main 369$. ' : Female help wanted. - - GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD factory No. 2, Grand ave, and Eaat at. FROM OWNER ABOUT TWO ACRES nartiv Cleared: close in. near tn r line. State price. P-467. Journal.' WANTED FINANCIAL. WANTED! TO BORROW MONEY FOR Duuamg purposes in choice addition On the east aide, close to car Una, 8-467, WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD : -.-.a-.. ;-, . w ., a w 4. . JJ1UUV Ul IT, 1 fcW, company, Wanted girls 8. J. A L. Rubenataln. 176 Front st. opposite National hiatal. Wa .1 . , . A. ' . . ' BkktU 1 rauuiu liv., TO MAKE Well shirts and Bos of All overall CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 8AV- at 75 1st st. .MATURE WOMAN AS ASSISTANT TO I Paciflo 860, age A Fennel, 846-347 1st st Phon take management Sept 1. Apply at , journi once. Address A.-4I3. Wanted young Journal. Ladies '" TO WE PAY more for furniture. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, . learn telephone operating : (rood salary iw voir want to ., bit.t. snort- nours, pay wnne learning, tuncneon l second Hand Palace. served free of charge and lounging and paid for 'second-hand go rest rooms in connection, i Apply chief ders.' Phone Main 8518, operator, Telephone building, West Park htohofS'T "pRietf'q P lair.Tn rra Hlanest nrloes ooda; 267 Flan- and Alder sta. BUSINESS WOMAN WlTH STR6nq Exchange. 242 Front "at HIGHGEST PRICES PAID . FOR ALL Kinas oi : goods, . union p personality, good health and selling I hii.ivM.wTm '". r,r.T T ; . x nowera raniilrad. Ona who .or. 1.i Aa- i tha nt. n.;,.ii i im t..i -oraer, a. m. Kanson uo. COUNTRY HOTEL AND SALOON AND ; 14 acre of land. 25 miles from Port land, clearing anout, 3,aoo a year and RTY.Rr.nvr 'rnw.A k" faAAka rr-Al ving. ior siw.uvu win tag ,000 In Tin, ral rt y,!."' .""-.vA K00? income onnging property; balance anil -are tar. iu,ul.l. K.,h ' ... .-, , -.... . ,' Jarber, 244' Alberta 8W5rilVcoVln:.,tblOCk" 'r0mlfth W- SMALL ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE V xhon. A-nn.. .1... H "uS,T YH.oaS,?.reveryR HTtfltTd 166V? Thn ' Hat a 1 m oai . i..aj.e .,.R .fe-kEfti, ftreaf Adrdesn. ura. sasa house. 806 B. 21st st. KenllworthTka. r- at 804 B. 3!nA at ! hAna w.i. V.V --i XUU WAWX TO sell Ynrm rooming houseT If o call . un Main ..ui or A-iosi. 6tfR-R66MtH6usE; barn aNd 16o Look he'rei eight aooMq. ntptt xlOO, east side, $8. Good 7-room house, iv ,.hd. wnlth SSa- will with porch and crassv vard i?ft irnnr. i.i? urninea; worth 60o; will take rnmp-..a i..?., $360; com quick; nice location.. 242 FINE COTTAGES LOWEST PRicka IJ'SSS'T rooma, plenty of fruit ' $1,500 to $1,900 6-room modern, full plumbing, gaa and electric light; fiber flaater; 3-mlnut car service; all new. nquir 208 4th. Tel. Main 8990. i. P. PALMER. M. VAN AL8f JLWfiC REAL E . 'ATE, INSURANCSl Mat. 6661: " A-2 ANTHONY HARDY, UNlfTOlTW: residence and business lota water front and factory sites; farm and tlm- room new.lower flat." 218. w .m. At oom9. 1 vocation. , 242 river. Any comhlnatinn maoiHon housekeeping rooms,. $1 week, eaoh 16-ROOM room., vjoast Jteaity CO.. 2Z6 M Morrison. TRANSIENT HOUSE.! rent $40; two-year lease; must be can Z43 Madison st farY.ROOM fnTTlrtin t pt-I Tfr 1!? ono- Ca ?4,Mal rent; part furnished, modern; phone ELEVEN ROOMS; A GOOD pand water free: porcelain bath, gas or ."" oioca irom tn t car. .on juiiicin at. FURNISHED HOUSES -NEW 7-ROOM. ' - FURNISHED: MIL- iara ave..- ixaanviiie: . xza. . fail !n vjiany Plug. ' - - ...... - iteny St., Main enao. .--,,. ZUV g?.B.ai2 WANTEix-FURNITURE AND HOUSE. $51 An- cooklnar: eaav nlace- onlv two In tha family; a good borne for the right party; would want the ladV' to inveat.ia-ata ta her own satisfaction; references - re quired. Address. K. F. D Journal. hold oods Mf every iaiur1ntlnn bought,1 ' sold andexchanged. The $. 282 1st. ' Main 6374. - Horn A-2327 WANTED MILLINER Y-MAKER. MRS.' OBH1.UCIH, oo, wasmngton. 1 V . -r.'w A1 t i i i . -I- "ail I and care for: reflnerl hnma i.nnv.n. BEFORE SELLING YOUR , FUR- niture, eic pcone tatmv iuw and save money.1 WANTED . FIRST-CLASS dresser and manicurist. State zna- a , . -r. . a . . r rieitan una cniary. x-09, journal. WANTED GIRL FOR housework: will Day 286 a month r EDon gin, im iaet inn,- cor wash. A GOOD GIRL WANTED FOR GEN and care for: refined home: nonvan. lent to school; suburbs. Phon Scott GJLN?JaA1, Wanted to . buy 6econd-haWd doors and windows. ' Inquire 64 Cook. eral housework: new family.' 230 N. 24th st. WANTED GIRL house; small FOR GENERA f. nousewora and cooaing; ramity of 4 Wanted unencumbered wo-iU'ANTPn' fiwn.'HAicTi''Snni1.' ' man willing to learn talloreaa tran. ?.VHfl lZSR .9aAfS; WANTED YOUNG, SOUND DRIVING team; must oe reasonaDie; snow team lorenoon.-- no n;asi azno WANTED GOOD SECOND - HAND surrey; wide seat: steel or rubber tireit must be a bargain. 1045 East 2114 must be cheap and rood, for cash aa. dresa N-4S9, Journal. and help in light housekeeping. WiMTFlCrnMPOTrKt n.rz,t tSTvSI WAINIW .VX YOUiNU MARRIED aai : wnmM n - rni n : th ivtMPfi aiihiiia arnnorfl I hnUMWnfir: PIiaiia 1Ta itA 1 . ... a.-".-: aJT - vm "J e T ij! a.i a--- i 7 , - 7 i . ovm vuuo) a V AUliii nt, v I 4Qlr -t!. WJ.. ' . .'-'", I "' " I "T"-' 'l "n'T i'i!'ili'"'""'."""V"r !' 11 1'' "" GIRLS WANTED. FOR CUTTING AND FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, 'U.b li ii b jwjo icnus auu Biiuvemrs, , - i, M. Averill & Co.. 102 North 6th st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL. OR . woman to oo Housework and washing; small family. - Call . Monday tnorninir. i Morrison sireei. BEAUTIFUL . FRONT . ROOM, TWO blocks P. u. and theatres. ISIU Vim. hill; new mnnagement : ; ; . a. ,a W .-W,..,.W1.UL.',,VVWU, iV.- venienoes, i w. Para at - FOR RENT FLATS buy vnrt tlbV. ' 14 room, well furnished, $1,200. 20 rooms; g-ood location; $950.. . zf rooms;, au modern; 43,8110. 47. rooms; a money-maker: $8,000.'.' .- 72 rooms; steam heat; $6,500. ' ' , See our big lint before buying. -'. C. S. ARNOLD & CO. '. The Original - Hotel . Broker. - 851 Morrison st .Phone Main 7311 WANTED A PARTNER IN ' THE nhntrv hualnaaa. to wnrlr In t1.a Km.. YTTCI-n rVMii-nr -j-t-T . .,or.wn-., .. -1, . I - . . ...........a. . a "" a x vwunnn r tiAiB 1 yaraa; must do a nusuer,- Aoares U. jo iv ujmpj-.u.tjuw MUUfEKiH FIjATB 1 yards ; must be a hu of 7. 6 and 4 rooms: welkins- dlatanna. I w nrierin. rioiiaa n nn ... : -. x-i. -- -.--iv .-. : m " - ' " '".-"''"'Ml ou Nli HMUmiUoni tvitl D1TT. o iliti.rTT or AAA TAT-,-S : 1 4. V. W" Jr OAHMllM, HH.VVV " "'"j capacity; new machinery; 200,000 feet sts.y Green ave., Cedar Hill. fern-TP Bonu XTTrT1. . "lu,ji . T lic.pauii.j , how uiauuiliei y , uu,vuu ieet OtR-ROOM NEW LOWER FLAT, nr tlmhar In alo-Hf hat million 1mm I- yoVwest VCr aln: :.5t" ey yarn, zu, west side or river. Four-1 Lumber Co. uuiu vuiv.aKB. uarn iju large ! cniCKen nouae, lot xuuxiuv, east side, g. .-ppiy special r AnairN "20-room house, furnished, full and' in 264 N. 26th t, Willamette Height cars zv-room nouse, rurnisnep, run ana In to 26th, turn south half block.. " Nov 1 shape, including building and six- vwaa -awwivv m, . tr a v. aw ... w viaviyti ( Vl 14 1 1 1 Q FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO GROUND 1 FLOOR 01 rices, ron 1 ana Anxeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 423. A NICE OFFICE SUfTE F6R ftEl4T".' Aiaaison oiag., so ana Aiaaison sta STORE ROOM TO RENT; SEVElJ uomers; appiy txe division Street 25 per cent. This a snap for $3,000. pnone pacino ivi FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 8.:Acres Close to cltv: If sold In very few day. will sell for $50 an acre; less than land ar r x a.-. " til'"l m j.i 1 tfcK room, LAROjfl FRONT WIN-1 can be had adjoining thU tract H-466, j . H . - - - av. IdUUriUU. t HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE ? FOR SALE ; I A SNAP BRAND NEW . i-kOOta" house. 8 full lota, in Woodlawn: miiat HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE I a pnee; price, $1,000, or any rea for sale: furniture of a 7-room hnn.7 1 aonable offer. R. H. Works. Woodlawn. close In; weat side. Inquire 208 Seventh 1 Il.700 NEAT. SMALL HOUSE ANn or Phone Main 3M4. ...,;-...... . lot: half block Hawtharna avv 14 FURNISHED 4-ROOM floTTAnwi lrnn East 27th st rHi,ur win sea tne rurnuure .cheap. I FOR SALE ONE LOT Phon Tabor 883, from 6 to 7 p. m. - ' kft a. 1 AA TTTX-C ton SfcLE X IfevV Midi RIgh Lotd.' VUX.XVVI tDu, 1 diock aoutn or Haw-; thorns, on 44th t Owner on ground. Phone Tabor 264. FlUeyPark Lot $80 and up, $5 monthly payment. Water main laid, streets graded. Office 427 Lumber Ex. bldg. " Second and Stark sts. " Phone Main 6864. : FOR feALB A BARdAtN, L6tA i AVlb 10, block 3, Fairfield additionlo Port land. I will sell my two lots for cash for $600. Address .Lanada McFee, . Ne halem Or. iBTRICTLY MODERN UP-TO-5ATE7 6-room--houae. corner lot . with or without carpet and ranges; $500 cash, balance $26 per month.. 669 Union ave. North. GREAT BARGAIN. - '" .' ' rVltn1 Irtt T-tvAm V... hav vafW.r ww..Ua va, - liviinv, 4 4IV31 B 14 ' borhood, cement walks, Bull Run water,, electric Ughts, flower and shad, first ClaBS' Condition. IS.SOA If ta Iran at nnca B-467, Journal. FOR SALETWO SPLiCNDID '' LOTfe, suitable for homes, center of cltv. near car, cheap; terms; one or both. In quire 14 Hamilton bldg. - $660 CASH, $700 ON TIME, 1 LOT, 60x 1 100. with house. , ln Woodlawn.' ;. In quire at 490 Flint st. $1,800 NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW; k 'modern: $800 dowA, $20 monthly. B. 43d and Harrison. Dr. Darling. ( : Snap V; $2.100 6-room house near TTawthorna ave., South Portland. By - ownerf room ' FOR SALE STORE BUILDING AND corner lot on Killingsworth av.j fln locatlen. worth $3,000. Comt.nulnk if you want this at $2,100, J. ffAon. 82 Killingsworth. Phone Woodlawn f-?77. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS HOTli, East 28th St. near navta' IVV111-4..UJ. vviiuiom uasofnent, Datn gas, fireplace, nice lawn, etc.; 2 carlinea; 6 minute service. $8,500. i PhonvEast 4677.'- " BY OWNER NEW, MODERN, 7-ROOM . and 9-room houses, Holladay Park, ad- 690 W-6 St f location; E. 7th N. jthon East 476. Y