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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1907)
THE - OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY. WORKING, AUGUST ll.:'le07. ', PARSON BROTHER BITTER GOVERNOR IGIISI JOIIII D. SUMS BUSINESS WITH JUDGE MIXES PORTLAND OFFICE LINDSAY V II - a I 'III ' ' Bnchtcl Declares. Court Is Fie fa Keply to . Charges JJfi ? mi..i fl.i;J. T-' j mt.i YT. T- WJ.-rP.,.V S ,1W Mil ,m.tww ."v"l ; AJUUlb KMlVnUlO JUS llUUeil ailU 1JUIH 110 XS AUliU 4. UW. v. of Criminal Corporations. (Hsarst Mam by JUragsst Lm4 Wire.) Chicago, Aug. 10. HotUiUe between ' Governor Buohtel of Colorado and Judge Lindsay of; the Denver Juvenile court reached .th mxjuarter point, but Buch tel declared tonight that If Lindsay at tempted to carry out Jil Intention to call on him be would , abut th door of hi vroom at the hotel In Lindsay's face. . Buchtel called Lindsay lltUe -floe,'' and Lindsay said that "The Rer. Henry Augustus Buohtel was the friar tuck of tn criminal corporations or t;oioraao In hl capacity aa. governor of . the tat. . ,T v - Judge Lindsay and Governor! Buohtel arrived in umcago oariy inn mormni and oocUDled rooms In botela that faoei each other across the street They hardly registered berore, in tension oz animosity broke the amenltlea of state fellowship, and a warfare of words en sued. , In hla room at the Auditorium hotel Lindsay looked across the street iivwiliuuir iiUW 1 1 huh vi wuuu vmm l where his official superior was Aitatlnr a few ascerb remarks concern- Ing the doughty-Judge of the Denver Juvenile court, and. said:,. ? . :.. i - . . ;-0 aVastac sa . ' ...;. ' '1 am on a lecture tour to make ; enough money to pay the election ex penses of my candidacy for governor ' oi Colorado on the Independent -ticket. ' I am not fortunate enough to have the criminal corporations of - Colorado ' to . famish me with a private car and the , attendant luxurle In that campaign aa was my honored opponent, the Rev, Henry Augustus Buohtel. ohancallor of ' X)nver university, now hla exoellency, 7 the swersta .,.-, - "By hla assumption that X am trying PIT! TIP OFF UNION WORK Have r Become Members of Telegraphers Societies and Keep Companies Posted, Richest Man Outcast. (Hearst Wsws by Leagest leased Wire.) New York. Aug.: 10. Th World thl to intrude Into the Governor Folk of ).',' ,. thL foiiowtn Interview Missouri class. he does me a great morning print tne louowing honor. Whatever . Buohtel may say, J withy Fran Rockfuer, -wnca uiey challenge him to produce proof that my kept aecret for year and a half under statements concerning thacorruptlon .with. Mr v Rockefeller., ;"" of Colorado politic, aa. th.yVe pre.. " : lt J' -aid ent.are wrong. ernor Buchtel'. room and there charge I will go over, to the annex to Gov- Mr. .Rockefeller, "lie is "K"" no man. . 1 1 ituhiu avviu of financial aid from John V. and yr not take It from me. him with belni corooratlona . bllndlv or wllUnrly, tnat tne would the tool of the criminal of financial aid from John ana not tae 11 irom ( - - s "He naa means 01 a uwu, muiyim v all hla needs. . ' . "But there 1 a reason why I cannot at this time tell you where he la. - In a few weeks or months l win oe reuy to tali a storv that will aroaae and hor rify the whole world. ' - 'No one yet knows that X am writing the story, the real history of John D.'s life.--- . v -.)" ! finished it seoretlv here In ray of fice several montba go. but tberewer imperfections in the work, and I . am doing It all over again. v . ' . . . "Rest assured that It will be right thia time. , . ... !-. "Tea." ba continued, in a Bitter tone. "when I make John DS true life hla- dftra him to nroriuna nroof charaea are not tura. Nay, I will further. I will prove my charge to true.-. f., J- t ... - - Bays Onggenhelm Bonght Seat, : - "I ohaUenca him to disprove these two propositions: ... "One That Senator Guggenheim bought hi aeat In the United State enate 1 , .. - - "Tvn-Tliil ha atsta of Colorado has not a representative government, but 1 I Imperfections in the work. and. I in control oi tne criminal c who are exploiting the stat terest of special privilege," Telegraphers' k Strike f As sumes Serious ;Phaso and i : Locals Likely to Quit , ', So serious has the telegraphers' strike become throughout, the country that the Western Union company In Portland is refusing to accept message for delivery unless the sender aasumes all risk and even then only on the condition that the messages be subjeot to Indefinite delay.. Very little business arrived from the eaat yesterday and the situa tion Is becoming more critical hourly. The local operators have not chanted from the position they took at Friday night's meeting when they decided to remain at their keya until called out by President S. J. Small. Press dls- f atones from Chicago last night say hat President Small will sanoUon the strike today. If he does every man In the country will quit, including the Portland men, and for the first time in the history ' of commercial telerranhv the entire country will be without wire service. While the condition in Portland 1 critical. It is even worse In other coast cities, especially those of the Pacific northwest. Seattle ha no connection whatever with the east and Portland torr publlo and explain the facta about had no wire Into Helena last nirhL father, Oils country will b too warm for I Spokane Is In worse shape for tele- rrapnio Us richest cltisen, tjo as tell him communication ipe thai either outlet When Governor Buohtel. was told of the fact that Lindsay would go to ma room and force an answer to the pro: altion nroDoundeif In the face of 1 lplnal hlr nannHva nt tha tl tM orilta rlfhat Rltlsen. mnh A UOloraao no D scams una ana saia: l as a vus v. wuvrv our iuur iv. ruruaim or mama, iai oniy ouiiei If that man attempts to come to my I ten mm mat i sen i you ana mat . I rrom tne metropolis or eastern waah room I will close the door In his face. 1 dare him to answer. - I lnston is Into Portland, where nothlns I am governor of Colorado ana the cnan- , -wut tne tune win soon com , i was taken yesteraay in tne way or mes- oallor of Denver university, and as 1 1 can safely speak. Tnen it- wiu dot i sages save local business for California. such my position is too prominent UN sare ror Jonn u. to appear upon nm i Washington, Oregon ana British col urn .1.. Mm 4Ka nnlnplAt t,A MtMltta lltff AfDSrlRin filtT. HO WOUld I Hla nfllnta II. UH, . fc.W VW M WW.W..-. I " . - T . . ' . I ."Nothing but flight from the country to some foreign land will aav him when the whole truth is known." courts. "I will not meet Lindsay anywhere In tha discussion of anr toDio. for 'he Is nobody, and X could not afford to de mean myself by entering into a discus sion with him In Dubllo or private. X will answer your queries on paper next Tuesday, wnen i return to tne -cty. Mhltad Press tor gseelal ' Leased Wire.) Chicago, Aug. lo. Bulletin Evidence was secured today that Ptnkerton de tectives have worked Into the Commer cial Telegraphers' union and arc .keep ing the Western Union and Postal com panies coated on every move of the Strikers. . flnoechea were made bv union mem' bars in which it was admitted that the Pinkertone have succeeded In affiliat ing with tha union. Committeeman Thompson said: There IS nothing to it. wo nave got taem licked." 1 The union at Washington, D. C.. tele , graphed to President Small asking per mission to go out. ' Their leader ex plained that they want to strike where the action will bring the situation to the attention or, the government. Twelve other unions In" the district also called upon the long - distance) phono and re quested Instructions. ,. The Associated Pre men win de mand $16 a week for eight hour and ft cents an hour ror orertlmej The only wires operated under con tract are those of the broker and those of the United Press and the Hearst Mws set vice. ; , ; COMMISSIONER KNAPP WEDS MBS. GABDNEB (Bearst News by longest Leased Wire.) . ' JNew Tork, Aug. lO.--Martin A, Knapp, chairman of the Interstate commerce commission, was married today to Mrs. Mary N. Gardner of Syracuse. Tha car amony . wag performed by Bishop An drews, a life-long friend of Mr. Knapp. Only the immediate families were pres ent Following the wedding the pair left for Spring Lake beaoh for a honey moon. . Both Mr a. Gardner and Mr. Knapp have been married nerore. Tne an nouncement came aa a great surprise to their friend,' aa no mention had been made of the approaching nuptial. 'Mrs, Gardner came to New Tork accompanied by her mother and brother, Dr. Way nard. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp. will make their future home at Stinltlgh court, Washington, IVC. 'tf Potober 1, . , . The numfcer of women employed a , printer In England lncrase every SHINGLE El HARTJE CAN! OT IH nil ii ti ESCAPE TRIAL Millionaire's Cousin De-i Will Swell Defense Fund! and Join in Coming Bate Fight Clares Case Will Be Prose cuted Very Soon. , (Special Dispatch ts Tke ToaraaL) BeatUe, Aug. 10. C F. White, chair man of the executive committee repre- aentlpg the Lrumber Manufacturer' as sociations of Oresron and Washington, (Hsarst Hews by Longest Leased Wire.) was today empowered to represent the Pittsburg, Aug, 10" shall try Au- shingle mills bureau In the fight against gustu Hartje for perjury and consplr- the proposed advance in lumber and acy, notwithstanding the fact that h lslshlnele rates effective October li Hi a relative of mln," This was the state- appointment as chairman of th hlngl ment made by Dlatrlct Attorney Harry mills bureau committee and giving him Qoehrlnar this afternoon when told that ant hnrltv tn mnraunt tha ahlnarla man- j. dooh rirguion, aemur cuunasi jor uracturers in tne lumbermen executive tiarije, tne millionaire paper manurac- Short connection prevail for outside points at Spokane and farther eaat con nections are short because of the strike. All messages from Spokane to Helena are being aent by mall, as are other mes sages to points In th vicinity of Hel ena. The Portland operators are waiting ror instructions rrom rresiaent emau. They are ready to go out at a moment's notice and say they will have the mes senger force back of them in their fight with the telearaph company. Even if the messengers should stay with the company, the men are not afraid of the outcome of the strike in this olty, be cause or in strong organisation wmca ba been pert so tad. LOVERS ELUDE IGRVpER Granddaughter of Stonewall Jackson Elopes With Briefless Barrister. committee gives White half a vote in that compact organisation which con trols th rizht aa-ainat tha railroads. ' never be tried. The district attorney is Connie with tha fact that ha renre- a cousin of Hartje. and for this reason sents two of th four mill eomblnes la it is presumed erguaon leu so conn- the committee 1 the circumstance that turar. who la aa-atn to trv fop a rtlvnrna from hi wife, said that Hartje would dent Harm I under Indictment for con spiring with William Hooa, a negro 1 coaenman, now serving seven year in in nenironiiary zor penury ana con- l be rememoerea. naa jm- piracy. Heoe. it wll was th negro who- swore h aa chairman he will have authority to direct active work and will not be ham mered by much interference from the wo other member, who at best could only tie his vote In matters of policy. taro who- swore he he proper relations with Mra. Hartje. He I all wilted under eevere- oross-examlnatlon. admitted Hartje had listened to his will add 140,000 to the defense fund of glee of a single day's out levied against muis in the shinsrle mills bureau nieana that the hingle manufacturers (Hearst Mews by LoBcest Lessed Wire.) Charlott. N. C, Aug. 10 After long flight of more than ISO miles, with her angry father In pursuit not 20 mile behind all the way, Miss Julia Jackson Christian, the beautiful grand daughter of , Stonewall Jackson, the Confederate general, wa married at Salisbury Thursday pight to B. Ran dolph Preston, a young lawyer of Char lotte. Th father of the bride, W. E. Chris tian, arrived here a few minutes be- first story without turning pal and 1 1141,000 already guaranteed by three I hind his daughter. Miss Christian, who kept him supplied with money to keen lumber manufacturers' orranlzatlona him away from Pittsburg. I Thus far the loggers' associations of Goehrlng 1 mad, and th indication Puget sound, Grays harbor and the Co tonfght are that Hartje will be tried lumbla river and the lumbermen of Cal- soon. i. I lfornia and Idaho have taken no action. If they make an assessment the defense fund will be swelled above the 1250,000 originally set for it. At a meeting of tne sningie mills bureau it was claimed lives here with Mra Stonewall Jackson, had been vi si tin a ber father In Atlanta. where she was the recipient of atten- )ubiio men. even ajourning in her ENGINE JUMPS BUT PASSENGEBS ESCAPE jm would not b. lott. iSjSrxitm tlons from numerous p the Georgia senate adj honor. Thursday night he was astounded to receive a telegram from her announcing tnat sue naa taken a train ror jnar (HearstjKsws by Longest Laased Wire.) Washington, Aug. 10. The engine of the Baltimore and Ohio train from th west, due her at 1 p. m.. left th rail FIGHT HILL FOR time to board the section of th New Tork and New Orleans limited, th first Section or wnicn. witn bis daughter on oard. had culled out 10 minute ahead or mm. . x going 60 mllea an hour at Kennlngton, j cross ties, but th- coaches held to th a suburb a few mile from Washington. Th engine tore up about 200 yard of traok. The passengers were jolted, but tner was no one nurt. CHICAGO . TERMINAL Then be ran the chase, the father hoi op taJ t i ii: lies Christian had laid her plans in- ing against hop that something would that At present there are 100 In Loo on alon. 1 year. SHOT IN THE FOOT WITH A TWENTY-TWO Harriman Plans Gigantic Campaign to Gain Control of Transfer Eoad. (United Press by Special Leased Wire.) Chicago, Aug. 10. E. H. Harriman wa in Chicago this Afternoon planning H uY.! b?,UKh gigantic fight with J. J. Hill for the gun was acoiaentaily discharged by a i-year-oia orouier. i - -- - - -- - - Rubber . V o '1 7 . 'ff l-.xmm mmi mmmm ? I I eT. j:-.' V ' V I sassasBBSwaawaas--' i Hu long been the favorite roof corering of the pacific Coast states, the neighboring districts of Can ada, Mexico and in the Orient. . It .is - made to withstand aXL , the' extremes jof climate. Under "Pioneer" Rubber Sanded Roof ing building is cooler in sum mer and warmer, in winter than under any other;lass of roofing. That wear-proof surface of hard flint sand, means a big "money saving for every user. , ... Send for Complete Roofing; Guide free with samples . a nd prices. RASMUS SEN 4 CO, ;:f Second and Taylor Sts. J PIOJJBEkimO ' Loa Anno!o3. California (Special Slapatch to The Journal.) lavOranda. Or... An lrt Wilttr Young, the seventeen-year-old son of xeo xoung, was acidentally shot mrougn tne root yesteraay with a .3 caiiDer revolver at Hllgard, sewsra mllea from here. He was hroua-ht tn jsurnnue. it is mougni u w"l not 0 nnaltlnn f ths Chips o-o Terminal Tritu nuecessary to .ampuute.the foot . The F"'1".0.? SV .7l"K.?; . swa a vit vstu, w t va nuavu saut i iiitnii pects to enter Chlcaaro with the Balti more and Ohio railroad. Hill wants the terminal transfer for his own entry Into Chicago with the Great Northern. - Tne terminal was one oi tne proper ties over which John R. Walsh had con trol, and lt practically the only terminal raciiuy leu tor any great system to en ter Chicago. Through the fight over It wajsn nopes to renuDUitate ma indus trial properties. Harriman left tonight for the west uoon a tour of Inspection of the Faclflo coast railroads in wnicn ne is interested. STBEET TBEE PLANTING How St. Louis Expect to Secure the Most Satisfactory Results. In the general movement for clvlo lm provement tne question or trees is a: Imoortant factor, and much attcntl has been given to the choice of the beat trees for fit Louis conditions, says the Globe-Democrat Several kinds of trees have been tested by experts, and two have been found to be capable of endur ing without injury the smoke, soft ooal gases and other conditions peculiar to tnis city, 'inese are in sycamore ana in some degree tn swamp (or soft) miiDifl. - The city .has been laid out in district ror tree planting, certain treea auottea to certain sections, and the two trees mentioned being the preference. -Hereafter the city forester will see that only the kind of tree officially desig nated for each particular locality win pa piantea in tnat tocamv. This plan has been adopted with a view to harmony and a consequent ? raster street beauty. It has been ound that If treea of th same specie are planted togethr the general effect la more symmetrical and pleasing to the eye than If different sorts are grouped. Trees of the same species have the earn general form and outline, spread, to about the same distance and form- a more compact mass of foliage than if those of different rapidity of xrowth, are useo. . '. eoma property owners odjsci to wnat fhev term arbitrary action of th city in compelling a man to plant one sort x tree wnen ne warns 10 piani anotner, ut in most .cases when reasons for this action are explained they see the pur pose and are willing to conform to th new rule, especially since it relate to sidewalk tree only and leave th in dividual free to make hi, own choice of tree for hi 'yard. .,;.,-.vtrs(- ?.-; -h "Sycamore and maple are now there fore th official treea for 8t Lou I a and all future tree planting will be done In conformity : wltbth . new order. This la also in consonance with the faot that the street trees are planted on the city's joropertx, not J&t propervt ownoCgt happen to detain the train in front o n mia-nt eaten up. But like tha true granadaugnter or stonewall Jack eon. well. 8h wired her aweetheart here to meet her at the station. The young man telerrathed a colles-a chum al taiisoury to nave a preacner and license at the depot when the train arrived there. Then he boarded the train with Miss Christian, and when the couple arrived at Salisbury they found the preacner on nana 'i ne ceremony was perioral sa immediately. "JACK THE HUGGEB" IS ABBESTED ONCE M0BE Ed Gee, "Jack th Hugger." who i alleged to have viciously assaulted Mrs. Nellie AverilL of 201 Eleventh street, on Morrison street Friday night anu was subsequently ' taken into custody on a charge of disorderly conduct was again arrested by Detective Tlchenor last evening: on a warrant charging him with assault and battery. , For some reason, although th war rant caned ror jiuu casn nan, uee wa allowed to go on his own recognisance. As the matter now stands the accused man has only been required to produoe 100 Km two serious charges, which. In view of the circumstances surrounding the case, is regarded as low ball. The police declare Gee to be a dan gerous character and It will not be at all surprising if he would fall to be on hand upon tha calling of the case to morrow morning. ' , 1 v' ' .)' ' 1 . ' ' '' j . , - ' ''''''' ' - , ' V 9. ' ....... . ' Sr - a : : . t' ' v ' ' ' -K , "j a , . i fs ' J .'' ' ' .". ' ": l.l5,'A 1 .... .Ji., " ... . ... .a t,.y. f, .ii..ln.,...)rw' -iiin" J 's t ' V v ' ' Any-Men's Outing Suit 1 I 1 .J. 1 ' ' . - ' " " Any $20 Three-Piece Slimmer Suit II a Do Not Forget We Are Selling Youths' Outing Suits Boys' Wasti Suits Ladies' Wash Suits and Coats All Panama and Straw Hats ONE-HALF All Summer Weight Union Suits $2.50 Silk Underwear $2.50 Lisle Underwear $1.50 Balbriggan Underwear $1.50 Lislp Underwear ONE-HALF BEN SELLING -LE.ADING CLOTHIE.R Latest Novelties for Fall ' Now In Your Inspection Invited OREGON'S MARKSMEFJ LEAVE THIS MORNING Expert Biflemen Go Special Car to Na tional Shoot. in Oregon' team of expert riflemen, picked from the national guard of the tat, will leave thl morning in' a private car on th O. R. As N. for Port Clinton, Ohio, where the national con tact will be held. The party I com posed of It men, there being 16 sharp shooters and three officers In command. Adjutant-General Finser commands the party. Captain Settlemler of Wood burn Is statistical officer, and Lieu tenant Whit fa ordnance officer. The team of riflemen that will compete at the Port Clinton range I as follow Captain C C Hammond. F. B. Ham lin. R. O. Boott and E. M. Denny. Lieu tenant O. H. Houclt, Bergeant-Major V. 8. Howard, Sergeants A. A. Sch warts, F. u. Stewart, A. Q. Johnson and ii. tu fetne, corporals U. . Upton, R. L. Perdew and 11. Dickie and Prlvat B. F. Fields and Alexander Ferguson. HUMOBOUS THIEF NABS PAL'S BEST TB0USEBS Reynold Olson, who la now being ought by Deteotive John Price ;on oharge of larceny, can. Justly lay" claim to being on of th moat original hum orous thieve ever coming to th notice of the police. Olson, who is a teamster, rewarded the hospitality of hla friend. Harry Buckles, who save him shelter for )wo night at th Butt hotel. Sixth and Glisan, by stealing th latter best suit m This evening Buckle received a let ter from Olson in which th thief stated that he had taken the garments as se curity against th former leaving; th olty. x took your suit old pal." ra4 th communication, "because I Ilk you. I want von ft take a trip east with m thl fall, and if you haven't any clothes I know you won't go. I'll bring back th suit at 7: JO p. m, Saturday, so don't worry." - Buckle reported hi loss to th bu reau of criminal Investigation nd De tective Price Wa detailed on the ' case. At T:46 o'clock, 11 minute later than th time set forth in th letter when Olson wa to put in an appearance, Prlo recovered the ult In a . Third treat second-hand store where It had been sold a few minute previously. . A searcn la now Mini mad lor in humorous Mr. Olson. . . t HiAt Else Could He DoT From Ally Btdper."'-" I,'- Her lip wer so near, " That what els could I doT , Tou'll be angry, I fear, But her lip wer so dear ,- Well I ean't nak it clear J , Or explain it to you But her Hp wer so near- That what else could I dot .. v NEW USE FOK BUTT Kit. Prevent Boiling Over. . Coffee frequently produce biliousness and all of the accompanying distress, such as loss of appetite, dyspepsia, bowel troubles, etc. A lady from 1111- jnois says: , "I had used coffee for many years, and tnougn i iook great care in m akin a- It, felt Its ously. Ill effects very serl It made me bilious and robbed m of mv annetlta for breakfast. i always naa trouoie wim unpipsw I was told by phy- stom- while 1 used it. aiclana that I Jiad catarrh of the ach, and came to believe there was no help ror me. two years ago i quit me use of coffee and began to use Postum Food Coffee. At first 1 missed the stimulant, although tha taste of the food coffea waa delicious. "In Mi few dars I forgot all aDOUt my coffee in the satisfaction i aerivea irom Postum. and soon found that my appe tite returned, the bllloua condition and dvsDepsla disappeared, so that nowI am proud to say that at the age of '75 var I enlov mv food aa wall aa when youna- and all my dyspeptic symptom ana stomaon trouDi naro st0""' "Thean trouDle naa oeen wiin mo xor most of mv life and it 1 really re- markabl that I am now o perfectly Well. To say that I am grateful doe; not express it. Once in a while I find a rmrson who does not like Poatum. but I always find it Is becaus it has not been properly prepared. Ther i but on wa to make rood Postum. and that i to make it xactly according to direc tions, allowing It to boil full IS minutes, not after It is placed on the stove, but after the real boiling beglnaU a email dec of butter, about the sis 6f a pea, to prevent boiling over.". Read 1 He KOaa lO WOW."P, aVaga. Ihr' a gaox ; . ,J BEST HOTEL PROPOSITION IN PORTLMID L..Liunaii ii. jwpjh niiw.iinMjmun.ii.iii iii JJ ' I . , I. ; ""II ' 11 1 ' """ ' "' . 1 , m$ 1 - - ': . - z It I t ''Sli ; t n..f , V ti " u X f t c ! vtito v.. w v s . .. ..... NFV ANH MOnFRNl Located right in the center of the great factory district, Twelfth I1LH lllUlLllli and Marshall streets. Right in this neighborhood are upward of 10,000 factory. employes who draw good wages , . , . -;, . v A FEW DRAWINQ PEATURES '- f ! Light and Airy Rooms . Gas arid Electric Lights , Modern Kitchen i' Single or En Suite . . Three Floors and Basement Large Square Court Large Halls and Corridors 140 Large Rooms Court Fitted With I" Steam Heated Throughout . - x Large Dining Room Every Comfort ani (' Will lease for five years. -For terms and further inrormatic.n tz - GEVURTZ, at I; Gevurtz & Sons.