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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORN. AUGUST 11, Kl?. PALLID SPEGTERi CAUSES EASTSIDERS MANY CHILLS WON HIGHEST HONOKS v ' . AT MEDICAL COLLEGE ' n. k v Vemlro. aon of Mr. and Mm. F. Namird of 18 1 Sheridan atreot. baa Frightened , !! Bobs Them of Bedclothes and Causes House to "" ' ; : Eustle .With Unearthly Sounds and Sighs.' , J : " A gboat that not only walk "but mm; a ghoat that pulls bed clothing om sleeping pereona; a ghoetly ghoat aht In tho city of Portland la earning no end of troubl for peaceful, sleep-loving oc cupants of. a modest two-story bottag out on tho aet aide, coupled by Mm, James Oatrander, her two J"Ue boys : and a roomer.' . r:.i :'k "; . -' ' ; '-" '" " I7nllko tho tractor , that drov poor frightened Jehabod Cran from hie woo Ins of tho buxom little Dutch maiden along tho Tappan Zee. thla ghoat leavee no traeee of a broken pumpkin lying by tho roadside, but cornea back again and again t6 haunt tho bouao. - In thOory darkaat hours of tho ntaht. when tho atara and tho moon Ua "ISS.n b.hlnd a bank of Meet Oenll, Ilka cloud, and whllo tho wind moane through tho fir branch.a, tho ghoat starts upon Ita raaumptlon of oarthly promenade. Dark, fearaom ahadowa furk vrywher about tho roomo In which tha spirit atalke Ita rounds, aava In tha vary apaoo occuplad by tha epeo tr. whoro on. can aao tho form and ' t set res of a woman. . Bbo com soruv ana pimnaa pbiu tha boda. whara aha gases mildly down upon tha frightened oocupaota. Than, ,-lth a awlrl and 4- mah aha teare through tha house to tho window In an empty room at tho roar of tho second floor whoro aho allpa through tho glaao and leapa across tho roof to fly away upon tho air. . supot Korea Quota, . presently aho returns, but aosoftly that nona can haar bar until aha la onea rnoro at the front of tho house. Than again aha ruahca acroaa tha floor and makea her exit through tha cloaod win dow. Her f ootsteps ara audible to per Bona downatalra. and on one occasion at least tha harrowed spirit has been known to go downatalra and remove the bed eovering from tha forma of two little Bleeping boys. . Qenerally. thla feminfn fbot who ha tho had of Hamlet' father beaten ' a mile for peraeveranco In -.repeating ene-nlght atanda, and who, makea Ban nuo'B ahade a mare trlfler In tho art or appearing in in. dl uiv r h to grab a garment from a closet-"- dim. darksome ctoaet ui uwbjp the peraona residing In the house hear the garment fall to the floor with a wiah and a thud aa If something bard were In one of the pockets. A aearoh In the cloaet falla to find anything out of place or a garment fallen to ttne After tha garment falla to the floor, the femaleV apect.r of aome departed human rl.ea through tho houae In terror a a If Booking to eacape an Impending yaJUA Xa Asa It. wA .nMv iiu mr h.n heard from tho atraylng aoul that flnda no reat In the departed We. Bha performa with t out uatn tho female prerogative and to no one baa aha aver 101a ner uua. Bhe haa addreaaod no one, mo far aa can be learned, no one haa aver epoken to her. Frlgbt uaually f UU the mlnde pf thoae who boo tho ghoat In her nightly Who haa soon and heard tho apecter a aha prowla about tha haunted houae T ilany peraona-- jars. viuuuw awakened from her Bleep about mid night, Friday night, by the rushing of the apecter overhead. , Bh arose and lighted a lamp , and , Ilatened to; the tramplnga above her until . after two vesterdav morning, swhen " tha , aplrt tired from her, exertion, left the PrM? Donnelly, who rooma with Mre. Ob trander. haa not only heard tho apecter. but aha haa vlalted him In tha dead of the night Standing baalda the frlghU ..' i . ' T ' ' ' " ' ' 4 enad man'a bed. the lady' aplrlt turned her mild gas. upon hla atartled coun tenance and then ' aoftly and quickly withdraw ber ahoatlv form la atart un- n Jier rush to escape at tha and of tlie uouae. i ,' ' One night while Bleeping peacefully In their bed downatalra, the young Bona of Mrs. Oatrander ware atartled from their alenp by soma one pulling back their bed clothing. - Looking up they taw tho aneoter In the verv axt of re moving the . clothing. Thinking their roomer waa commuting xno aci, iney npuxa 10 ner, ' wuereai me epirn jiivu precipitately out of their Bignt. . Woman Za SkaptloaJ. : Mr. Oatrander haa lived la tha houae but three montha and refuses to believe that the houae la haunted. h doe not beiieva tn ghoata, but admit thai she haa heard the one that makea her home ita a bod a Mr. ana Mr, mranx Bonne ville formerly lived in the houae and both admit they heard atrange nolaes while residing there. Mra Bonneville heard the apecter on aererai occasion wuu. an. who lived with the Bonne villea also aaya ah heard the apecter. Mr. Bonneville also beard the atrange aound. - , - . . One family, whoa names could not be learned, lived Jn the house but a ahort time, and suddenly moved away on Sunday.. They did not wait to re move their- oarpeta, but pulled them from the floor, tacks and all, and de parted in haste. it la believed they were frightened away by tha ghoat. Juet who her ghoatshlp la no one knowa. Whan aha first appeared la the houae no one knowa She la there and makea her appearanoe eeveral times a week. When she enters the house, sba holds full sway. When aba leavea. a trembling, frightened group remains be hind. Tbey aay aha Is a ghost. They also aay aha come often and ataye lata What her object 1 they have not been able to fathom, but hint that In the paat aome woman may have been murdered In tha houae and her aplrlt haa come back to haunt tha spot where her aoul waa rudely snatched away from Us tor restlal cloak, , ' - . . They ask. these peraona who have seen tho specter, whether aome Hamlet wlU appear to avenge tho murder of the puor, frail woman whose astral shape vlalte what Is believed to have been her former earthly residence. v 1 . , Beeldenta Ara Zxparta, , .... Mra Bonneville formerly lived In Chi cago, where she had experience with f hoata. Her father waa a carpenter and he family lived In a houae wherein atrange rapplnga and knocklnga were beard. Little attention waa paid to the , noiaea, but one day her father decided to make alteratlona about tha houae. Ha. set to work opening up a window that had been boarded up. -. Suddenly be dropped hla hammer with a cry and ran out of the house pale and trembling. It I aaid. Ha returned presently with a friend, who aided him in removing tha reat of the boards, and a skeleton waa revealed hanging In the Inclosure. Doctors who examined the human framework aaid that It had bean hanging there for ten year. It la not known who owna the houae In which Mra Oatrander Uvea It la aaid the houae belongs to a doctor, but nona of tha parsons who have vlalted there jinow hla name. - , Whether or not the houae la haunted hv a anlrlt or br aome eelfieh Individual rha. ilka Puck, llkea to maaa mortaia appear true to the little felloWn aay Ing, 'What foola theae mortaia be," Mra. Oatrander has had enough and la innirln tor another house. She aava aha does not believe m gnoats, out ib urea of being aroused in the atilly houra of the nlrht to listen to tha rushlnr foot- beats of aome spirit hurrying acroaa the : I t . - '. .... : -: : 'x . ' : .... fv v - --,--...-iaaL4UlMliiW'lafJaB" lilaiaMTr" -BMesaaaeajl Dr. A.1 F. Namirol, .V,N rived bom after completing a medical rourae at tn university oi uouimviuw from which ho received th highest hon or. . Ha will make his horn la this city. LililD CAS.ES are STILL 1CERT United States Attorney Bris tol Beturns From Confer ence but Eefuses to Talk rAVElIIIT HELD 1(0 RFC AC w E Bescindingv of ; Bituminous Macadam; Contracts by Council Causes Delay. Immedlata lmprorement of Sast Mor- rlaon street. has been held p with number of other streets, on account of tho failure) of tha Barber Asphalt com pany to carry tout Its contracts and the action of the ooundl yesterday In re scinding tha ' oontraots held by : that company. - However, tha property own ers atill have faith la th Barber As phalt company, and it is tha plan to re petition for asphalt laid on a concrete base, aa la " being don la the Ladd tract tn Hawthorne avenue. A guaran tee that th work will b completed at an early date and that It will be aa rep-, resented when completed will . be re quired by th petitlonera The paving oompany has given aaeur ano that the asphalt on a concret baa will be satisfactory, and even as sert that it will last five yeara longer than bltullthlo or bituminous macadam. Furthermore, they promiee that ahould the property owners prepare new peti tion asking for thin kind of Improve ment the work will begin at once. It will not be necessary for the city engi neer to prepare new plana, for tha same : plana prepared for bituminous macadam will be aatlafactory for the asphalt. , - Thla Improvement extende from East Seventh to Union avanua A movement haa boon started also to secure the fill ing of tha spillway under the atreet at Bast Third, by which tha block north (of Eaat Morrtaon atreet waa filled by the dredge thla winter. Until thla tun- nal under the - atreet : haa been filled and allowed to Beta th aeetlon of tha treat below Union avenue cannot be paved next aummer, as the plana of th property owner now provide. It 1 likely that the action of re scinding th bltumlnoua macadam con tracts held by the Barber Asphalt, com pany will also affect tha Hawthorne avenu improvement, for which no con tracts have been let, although the peti tion was granted over one year ago. Thoae property owners will alao oe compelled to adopt the asphalt Improve ment ton the concrete base. . SHOOTS HIMSELF AS gPABLCMEN CLOSE IN M vstcrloiis - Btmxge&i Dmientcd 1 Thought SO Offloers Were After HJm E. W. G on Ana. . . 5 : rspeelal mraatah s , Iba araal Bola, Ida, Aug. 10 A man who re fnsea to give hla nam triad to blow out his brains at Parma, a small town weat of Caldwell, today. vFor several days It had been thought by people living In th vicinity of th place that tha. man was demented, ha Imagining about fifty dep uty sheriff a were after htm." The peo ple mere organisea to aunt nun out,, tia was found In a vacant house, where ha had taken refuge, and when he observed hia cursuers he drew a gun and ahot himself throngh th base of the brain. He waa oneratea on ana l etlll alive. but refuaea to aay anything regarding bimseir. xne initiata, "is. w. u." are tattooed an his right arm.- . United State Attorney WOllam C Brlatol's return from onfrnos with Secretary Garfield and Francis 3. Heney did not reveal any startling changes In the Oregon land fraud casts and so far aa anything Mr. Briatol haa had to say, nothing will be done until Attorney. General Bonaparte decldea upon aome coura which the government will follow in it prosecution of the men who have been lndloted for purloining publlo lands. Just when th attorney-general will decide upon Oregon affalra la unknown, but figuring upon hla return from hia vacation ana the time when he can con fer with th power that be. It la be lieved that some action will be taken about September 10. i Mr. Bristol refuaed to discuss hla Visit to California aava to aay that everything bad been left to the decision of Attorney-General Bonaparte. Noth ing oould be learned from the aatute federal -attorney about the movementa of Francle J. Heney or when he could b expected to arrive in Portland ' If ha eomea at all. Prosecution of the San Francisco graftera Is taking up all the ttme of Mr. Heney and it la doubtful if he will coma to Portland thla year to participate in tho land fraud caaea Although Mr. Bristol waa mute about the conferences he engaged In with th secretary of the Interior and Mr. Heney. the question of holding another federal grand jury 1 In Oregon within a few months waa dlecussed a wall as the peraona agalnat whom charges will be preferred. ,., . - : v Croquettes;Hovr to to Make Them C CHURCH SERVICES i .vapttev, .'r-r.-, ArletA Rev, E. A." Smith,' Services, 11 a. tn. and & p. m.t Sunday school, 1 a. m.j B. y, P, U. 1 p. m. . Third -Vancouver avenue and Knott atreeta Services 11 a m. by Rev. John Bentilen. .Sunday school, 10 a. m. Highland Alberta and Sixth atreeta. J unday school. 10 a. m.: aervlcea at 1 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. by Kev. Ad T. ohnston. - .. !, ' ':"';';. '"' Bellwood Tacoma 2 n . Eleventh atreeta; Rev George A. Learn. Bervlcea. 11 a. m. and a p. m.; Sunday school,. 10 a, m.i B. V. P. U.. 7:16 p m. , ' Calvary Kaat Eighth . and Grant atreeta. . Services. 11 a. m. and T:I0 p. m.; preaching by Rev, H. B. Blood; Sun day achool, 10 a. m. imumnuel Second and Meade atreeta; Rev. A. B. Mlnaker. . Kervlc.a at 11 a. m. and 7:4S p, ni., Sunday. - Grace Montavllla;. itev. Oilman Par ker. Service at 11 ; a. m. and 7:80 p. m.: toplca, "The Doctrine of Faith" and "Tha Divine Origin of tha Bible." - . Central Eaat Twentieth and Aakeny atreeta; Kv. W. T, Jordan. Servlcea at i:80 a. m.; Sunday school. It m. Unlvaraity Park Rev. A. a. Waits. Sunday achool at 10 a. m.; servlcea, 11 a. m. and t p. m.; -missionary program by children; evening toplc, "A Sight Worth Beholding." r- - First Tha White Tempi. Twelfth and Taylor atreeta: Rev- J. Whltcomb Brougber. U. servioea, ia:i a. m. and V:46 p. m. Dr. John Roach Straton of BOitlmor will preach; toplca, "Prao. tical Holineaa' and "Th Old God for tha New Age"; Bible achool. 11:10 p.m.; young people's meeting, I:t0. --,,BunnyId (German) Forty-flrst afreet and Hawthorne avenue; Rev. C. Feldmeth. Preaching. 11 a. m,; Sunday Bchool. 0:41 a. m. - . ,,. - St. .John (German) Rev. C- feld raeth. Preaching I p. m. Sunday school I p. m. ' ' Second Seventh and Eaat Ankeny atreeta; Rev.-Henry B. Hudaon.- 8arv- lcea at 10:10 a. mand 7;4I p. ra. Savler-Street Between Twenty-flrat and Twenty-second streeta Servlcea 10 , tn.: Sunday achool, a. tn. St. Johns K. A, Leonard. Servioea, II a. m. and 7:S0 p. m.; Sunday school, Chinese Mission 181 H ' Oak street Sunday school, 7 p. ra.; preaching In Cblneaa, p. m. Flrat Germrn Fourth and Mill streeta t Rev.- J. Kxatt. ServlCea 11 a. m. -and 7:10 p. m.; Sunday schooL-1:4( Second' German Worrla atreet and Rodnav avenue; Rev.L F. Bueermana Servlcea, 11 a m. and T;S0 p. m,; sun day achool. 1:45 a. m. .... East Forty-fourth Strt Mission Eorner East Main Rev. B. C. Cook, ervioea. 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. tn.; Bible school. 10 s, rn. j - Lenta Ninth avenue at home of Wil liam Kneeland. Servlcea at S:80 b. m. Mount tJiiva Beventn ano a,ver: Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. - Services at 11 ALLEGED BWC0 MAN DIES OF A WOUND ,i.'Vf success . Has crowned 1 We ' have fitted fltimbers of dif- . ficult cases' that others jiaVe ' ' failed on. It is our ' . ' Ability in ritting these difficult cases that' go - to make our reputation. - We . do our own grinding and are are able to give prompt serv ice. Try us. ' fQPBACK OIML OPTICIAN t. v.. c a. r: j. (gpeeisl DispetdT t ba learaat) Spokane, Wash., f Aug. " 1A Th-- aU leged bunoo man, John Anderaon, who was shot, by. Officer Jo Daniel in July, while attempting to escape arrest by running, died today at - Sacred Heart hospital. i. Death waa due to a, sudden hemorrhage following the amputation of his injured leg. -.-,. . , Anderson was matching dollars with Walter Shier and Andrew Anderaon when, an : officer demanded ' banda . up. Anderson ran and waa shot fhroagb the leg. : He had $325.61 on him at the time, James Hopkins,' Anderson's , attorney, aaya hla home la In Michigan. He re fuses - to tell where, as .Anderson re quested him not to do so. His mother la in Sweden, a Bister la In Michigan and hie father is dead; Hopklna denlea Anderaon was a bunco man. The po lice aay, he waa known aa the 'lone-' aome Swede.' Burial will be In Fair-' mont cemetery, HAIL NEAK BAKER ; . THAT KltLED HOUSES, (Stwdsl Dispatch t Tbe JoorasL) Baker City, Or, Aug. 10. Reports are coming in from the Jjookout mountain country to tho effect that during the big hailstorm In that section a few days ago over 100 head of cattle were killed., Horses, colts ind aheen Were alao killed. The hall ia aaid to have fallen thick and fast, with some hailstones the size of a teacup. This waa about SO . miles from Baker City. , , . ..Building at Asylum Ceases. ..; (Special DIspstA to Tbe Joornsl.) . Salem, Or., ' Aug. , 10. Work on- tha new addition to the atato insane asylum haa temporarily ceased on account of steel for the framework not having ar rived, rii- i ;VJ:vU . i jr. J . W By Elliabeth Roberta (Level measurements ahould be used to all the fallowing recipea.) Croquettea hot only form an attraot lv dish for th company luncheon or dinner, but give us a convenient way of utilising "left-overs" for th family table. - They aan b made of meat, flah or fowl, of various vageUblea, and of cereals, and are more .wholesome, than many other fried foods, as the immer sion of th egg-coatd - Croquette Into th hot fat quick'- harden th surfac and preventa th absorption of grease. Aa advantage of croauettea aa a hot weather dish is that most of th work of preparation can ba don early In th day, and th finishing for the noon or evening meal will then take but a few mlnutea ,. . . " - For frying ua lard, eottolene, or a mixture ' of fata, aa lard, chicken fat and clarified beef dripplnga. Croquettea may be fried in fat that has been used for doughnuta or frlttera. ; For coating croquettea uae state oraaa that has been ; rolled and . alf ted, or cracker crumba, and an egg and water mlxtur of two tableanoona of .water to an egg beaten until it is no longer aiip- Pry, yet is not rrotny. .Salmon Croquettea-Make ' a v thick sauce of one cup of milk, two level tablespoons butter, four and one-half tablespoons of flour, and one-fourth tea spoon salt, cooaea togetner tut imoom, When done atir In on and one-half cups cold cooked salmon mashed fine with a fork and aeaaoned with salt, pepper, cay enne, a few drops of lemon Juice and a teaspoon chopped parsley. Spread on ft plate and aet away to cool When cold shape carefully into cyllndere or cutlets, roll in bread crumba till wall covered, then In beaten ckit and again liucrurabn, and put Into a frying basket (a few at a time ao aa not to cool th fat) and cook one minute In fat hot enough to brown a email piece of white bread in one-half a minuta - Chicken Croquettea One and one-half cups old cooked fowl, or one cup fowl and one-half cup hot boiled ritre, aea son with one-half teaspoon; salt, one teaspoon lemon Juice, one teaspoon chopped parsley . and a-llttl cayenne. Mix with one cup thick aauce as for sal mon croauettea. ' Let - cool, then shape, egg, crumb and fry.; :;." Crab . Croquettes. Mix- on and one half cupa of chopped crab meat with one cup of thick aauce,' aeaaon with one half teaspoon aalt, one-fourth teaspoon mustard, few grains cayenne and two thirds tablespoon lemon juice, , Finish aa Salmon croquettea, and serve with tomato aauce in separate dish. ; , 1 Tomato Bauce. Fry a chopped Onion in two tablespoone butter till yellow, add two .tablcspoone flour all at once, atlr till It bubbles, then add gradually one-half cup of milk. - flniahing with one-half oup of strained tomato. In which apineh of soda has been dissolved.- Season with salt and pepper. Veal or Lamb Croauettea. Two cuna f meat, chopped, season with teaspoon pepper, cayenne, a rew aropa onion Juice, and two teaepoona chopped pars ley. ,jmix -wim ; one cup tnica , icy. . . Willi VUf CUJI v m IHUUD, Cool, shape, egg crumb and fry as other croquettes, They may be served with tomato aauce, mad th sam aa for crab croquettea except that all strained to mato, instead or part milk, la used. v Sweet Potato Croauettea One nlnt hot sweet potatoea, well mashed or rlced. season wiin sail, pepper, ana-two table spoons melted butter. Mix In one beat en egg, and moisten with a little hot milk or cream. - Shape in croquettes, roll In crumba then in beaten egg, and crumba again, fry in basket In deep fat. ' Croqyttee of t vegetablea are best shaped while Mrm.' . , , f v--..s:.;:; i . H ii m ,ii ill ii,n,ii' .:-",v-,r;-. Th headquarters of -the International Union of Carriage and Wagon Workers of, America will ehortly be aatabllahed la- Washington, U G. ... f.ny a a. m. and a p. m. Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth: Rer. Frtr.k Scherstrom. Servlcea 10:41 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; Sunday school, 11 m.; d. x. u., : p. m. . .... Union Avenue Mission CBweaienj Corner Skldmor. Sunday , achool. 10 a. m. '. -j- yreabytrlaa. . . First Twelfth and - Alder Btrts; Rev. William HlrBm Foulkea Servlcea at 10:80 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; Rev. Wil liam Foulkea, D. D.. of Kanaae City will preach: toplca WA Workman Not Ashamed" and 'The Parting Message." Mlzpah East Thirteenth and Powoll Btreets; Rev. Jerome R. McOlada. D. D. Servlcea at 10:30 a. m. Professor R. T. Warren will preach, f " Calvary Eleventn ana uw axreeta; Rev. Ben-Ezra Stllea Ely Jr.. D. D. Servlcea at 10:80 a m. and 7:45 p. m. Rev. Boudlnet Seeley of Germantown, Pennsylvania, will preach: toplca, TSleo tlon" and "Abraham, the Called Of God." Fourth Flrat and uiodb streeta; nev. John R. Weiah.- Services, .10:10 a. m. and 7:45p. m Sunday school, 11 m.; Tc. P. 8. C E., b:3 p. m. . .' Hawthorn rara i wairtn ano r-am Taylor streets; Rev. E. Nelson Allen. Servlcea, 10:30 am.; Sunday achool, 13 m V . H. I:. ML. 1 D. m. Forbes Sellwood street and Ganten teln avenue; Rev. Harry H. Pratt Serv ices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p, m.; Sunday .huil ' 1 a a. m. . ' Piedmont Cleveland avenue and Jar- rett Street; tier. U. Myron xsposer. oerv ices at 11 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.; Sunday achool, 13:15 P.-n- t . ., Westminster East Tenth and wald ler Btreeta; Rev. Henry 1 Marcotte, Servlcea at 10:30 a. m, and 7:46 p. to,; Sunday achool, II. m. ' Fulton Rev. A H. Burkholder. Sun day school "-11 a. m.; Christian En deavor. 7 p. m.i aarvlce, 7:45 p. m. Marshall-Street Marshall , and North Seventeenth atreeta; Rev. C. W. Haya Sunday school, 10 fcm.: preaching at 11 a. m.i T. P. S. C. R :45 p. m. Mount Tabor Belmont .street and Prettyman avenue; . Rev. Edward M. Sharp, paator. - Servlcea at 11 a. m. and p. m.; Sunday achool at 10 a. m. Bellwood Corner Eaat Seventeenth and Spokan avenue. Services at 11 a, m. and pi rn.; Sunday school, 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. , ; - Third East Thirteenth and Pin atreeta; Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery, paator. Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:45 P-Vernon Bast Twentieth and Wygant streeta Services X 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. tn. bv Rev. G. A. Blair j Sunday achool, 18 tn. ' ' ' . , ' Montavllla Rev. J. A. P. McGaw. Servlcea at 11 a. m. and 7:30p. m. Millard Avenue Sunday achool. IS, a. m. services, i a n. . THE ' BIG -STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICE; ' i ' . , i ... dDittpSiifi Rcoular S15.CD Values Sale Price See Window Display mm Men's ; O u ting Pants, Regiil ar $3.50 Values, at . . :. . . , $2 v -.v. ''See Window -Display .::.:'v 10 ' It Men's : Fu rni s hi hgo ANY PANAMA:IN:THE STORE . : : a Greatly; Reduced : Any Straw Hat inHe iStpre Clothing Cor. Morrison 0 Second Su. Burgette 1C M. HilL acting paator, Methodist. Tavlor-Street Dr. Francis BVinrt, RV. 1C M. Classea, 0:80 a. m.: aervlces. 10:80 a, m. Dr,H 74S t m.: toDlca. "Rewarda Found In Unauapected flacea" and "The Toung Woman of the Smart Set"; Kpworth ijeague, S:80 p. m. m Sunnyslde East Yamhill atreet, be tween Eaat Thirty-fifth and Thirty BUtth streets: T. B. Ford. Services 10 a, m. and 1:80 p. m.; Sunday achooV ll " sT Johns F. U Toung. Services ll al ra. and 8 p. m. Sunday achool. 10 ' 'worth Irvln and Twenty-third: E. H. Bryant. Services at li a. m, and 7 1 Centenary Ninth and Pine, W. H. Beppa Services ll a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Trinity Corner of Eaat Tenth and Grant: Lewi F. Smith. Services at ll a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school. 10 a. m.-i-ii LiL.:.: . Centra KuBseu ivoi vj lumi; j. eervices at x a, m. ana :a atreeta; Dr. A. A. Motrtaoa. farvlpaa. I a m., 11 a m. and 8 p. m. Dr. Mor rison will officiate morning and va- ing. , - Rt rtsvi's v-Mmt Twelfth and Bel mont atreet: Rev. Oeorg B. Van Wat era, D. IX . Communion, 8 a. ra.: morn ing prayer and aermon, 11 o'clock; Sun day achool, 8:48 a. m.; evening prayer and aermon, o'clock. - All Bainte Twentv-aeoond end Reed atreeta Sunday achool. 10 a. m.; even ing aervica a . o'cioca. St. Andrews TInlveralty Park: Rev. W.R. Powell. Service 11 w m.i Bua- Amv maIiaaI 1 sl m Oood Shepherd Sellwood atreet and Vancouver avenu. Alblna: Rev. John Dawson. Sunder school, t:4i, a. m. St. Paul's Wood mere: C. I ' Parker. lay reader. Service at 11 a. m.1 Sunday chool. 0:45 a. m. ' , St. Matthew's First and Caruthera atreeta: Rev. W. A. M. ureca. wm- miinlon :SB m- m' urmftn. Ham, . Th Churnh of Our Savior Wood- atock. , Servioea. , 11 a. . m.; Sunday school 10 a m. St. Mark's Corner f Ktneteenth and Qulmbv atreeta: Rev. J. E. H. Bimpson. Communion. a. xn. and 11 a. m.; even song, p. m. St. John'a Memorial Sellwood: Rev. W. R. Powell. . Services and sermon,; 11 a. m.; Sunday school., 10 a. m. ' , ' OongTagatloaaL tjnlveralty Park 1813 Haven avenu; Rev. ii- is. urav: services at a p. m preaching by Rev. hi. a Bollinger, Sun day school, 10 a, m.j T. P. S. C. it. 7 P- m. - -v .. ' " Laurel wood Rev. D. B. Gray. , Serv lcea at 11 a. m.: nreachlng by Rev. BS. 8. Bollinger; Sunday; school 10 a, m.; P. S. C E.. 8 n. m. Mlaslaslppl Avenu MUataalppI ' av- tui- ix1 Fremont -atreet: Rev. William L. Dpshaw. Servlcea 11 a m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday achool at 10 a. m.; Chris tian n.naeavor, ( p. m. . . . Sunnyslde Cornea of East Taylor and Fast Thlrtv-fourth atreet: Rev. J. J. Staub. Services at 11 a. rn. and 1p.m.; Sunday school, 10 a m.; Senior Chris tian Endeavor, 7 p. m. . Hassalo Street East Seventh and Haasalo; Rev. Paul Radar. Servlcea 10:80 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.i Sunday school, 18 m., Christian Endeavor, :4( P' Flrat Madison and Parkl Rev; Dan iel Stover, assistant paator. Servlcea 10:30 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.; Rev. John W. Bradahaw. Toplca, "A Paaalng Re mark of Jesus, and The Buceeserui Life": Sunday school. 13:18 p. m-; X. V a C V t-AK n m. Highland East Sixth atreet "north and Prescott: Rev. EL. 8. Bolllnaer. Berv lcea at 11 a m. and 7:46 p. m., Rev. D. B. Gray will preach. Sunday achool, 10 a. m.; T. P. S. C. E., a:46 p. m. r Rt jrnhns Rev. a. W. Kelson. Serv ices, 11 a. m. -and 8 p. m.; Sunday school. 10 a. m. man streeta Rev. A. A. Winter,' 10 m.. Sunday achool: services 11 a ra.-t tonic "A study of Balaam": union ser vioea. Hawthorn park. 6:80 p. m. Second Fargo and Kerby atraets; Rav. B. a Hughea paator. Sunday achool 18 a. m.: servioea 11 l a and 8 p. m. Rev. Cheater Paul Gate. Preaching 11 a. m.j bunaay. scnooi at i a. m. Ocklev Green Gav atreet and wu samvihw u u, . . wnw. wm. nutnr. Rarvlcea. 11 a. m. and 7 MB D. m.; morning sermon ny hbv. yv, b, jriow man. T, Abbett Chlneae Mlaalon 3han Sing KaL Bervlcea 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Mount Tabor Jamea Moore. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Patton Michigan avenu and Carpen ter. H. T. Wire, tervicea at u a, m. and 7:80 p. m. Vancouver Avapu Service at 11 a. tn 'null 7:20 S. m. ' , Woodlawn-R.v. S. H. Dewart Ber vlcea at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p.m. Woodstock Rev. W..T. Kerr. Ser vices at 11 a. m. ana 7:so p. m. Norweslan-Danlsh Thirteenth and Davis; C. J. Lrftraen, , servlcea at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Swedish iortnwicK ana Beach : Rev. Johnson. Servlcea 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. . - - First German--Fifteenth and Hoyt, G. A. Waasa. 8ervlces at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. to. f Becond German Stanton and Rodnev. H. B. Maas. Servlcea at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Japanese Mission 131 : North Fif teenth. Services at 11 a, m. and 7:30 University Park Rev. T. A. Watt am Services at 11 am. and 7:30 n. m. Grace Corner of Twelfth and Taylor streets; , Clarence True Wilson, li. . Servlcea at 10:80 a. ra. and .7:45 p. m. Kev. Charles T. McPheraon will preach; toplca, "Rank In the Kingdom of Heaven" and "Our Commission"; Sun day scnooi, is aa p. m , i Xplaoopal. '5;'Z'v4.i--.f'f-.' Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Mar tyrThirteenth and Clay etreetsi. Rev. H. M. Ramsay. Communion, 7:30 a. m.i services ll a. m. and f;30 p. Sunday sohool, 9:46 a. m.' 3 ; , Xrtalty Nineteenth and Svrtt " Xjntharam, Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and Irving atreeta Servlcea, Ham. ana n. m.i Hnntta V school. 0:45 B. m. Norwegian Synod Eaat Tenth and Grant atreeta; Rev. O. Hagoea Sunday achool. 0:30; services at ll a. m. and 8 n m T p. tL. Tuesday at 1:16 o. m. Betanla Danish Union avenu and Morrla atreet: Rev. Gudmund Grill. mptii'm 11 nv a.n1 K n. m. '"BV Jamea' Engiiah Weat Park and 3tfrrnn streets: J. Allen Leas. Serv tut 11 a. m.. connucteo nv tnui j. Kuniman of Philadelphia; - Sunday achool, 10 a. m. . - , St. Johns Peninsula avenue and SU' Patrick street; C Buechen. , Bervlcea at s n n r m . a . ' , Norwegian 46 North Fourteenth street: Rev. J. M. Nerving. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school. 8:46 St Paul's German East Twelfth and Clinton atreets; Rev. A. Krause. Serv ices at 10:80 a, m. ana p. m,: Sunday school, 0:30 a. nn ' ' . THnltv n.rmin rT Missouri fivnod- Corner Wllllama avenu and Sellwood atreet: J. A. Rimbach. Services at , 10 a. rn.; Sunday school, 9:H a, m. r.tnn'm Clmrmnn f Missouri Synod)- ChaDman and Salmon streets: -W, H. Behrena Services at 10:16 a. m.i Sun day achool 8:15 a. m. s Swedish Aignatana Rodney njenue ! and Stanton street: kov. v. ioni aervloea 10:45 a. ra. and 7:46 p. in.; Bun day school,. 9 ;46.S-m. :f ' -r XM''" "" ' f ".'"' ' i."''' Chrlsttaa : :Qtf Eaat; Twentieth and East lev. J. . unormiey. Services, 10:46 a,; m. and 8 p. top lca, "The, Tragedy of a Soul," and "Our Advocated Sunday school, IS m,: senior RodneyAfrenue Rodney avenue and Knott street; f Rev. . Jwmo omou. nnrvinoa .t ia:4k a. m.. ana B P, m.: The incarnation" . ana - nm . uurowui Christ": Bible school at :46 a, m.; x. t a r to a t 1 n. m - Mount Scott servioes in niu i n.n P.rk. ll a. m. and 8 p. m.; sunaay BChooL 10 a. m. " " '"' Woodlawn- Bervices at ii a. m. a a p. m.; Sunday scnooi, iw a. m. ; , Flrat Corner Park- and Columbia atreets; Rev, E. S. Muckley, . Servlcea, 11 a. m. ana 7Ma n. m. ; lupic, i no i finnl'a -, Passion for Foralveneaa." and i "Thinaa Money Cannot Buy"; J3lbl aVirwl 1A a m fV TH. S1R n. m. . Advent Second street, between Hall and Lincoln. Services at 11:80 a. m. and 7 p. m.j Sunday sohool. 10:80 a )-wJ i i.y. - J r, 1 -v V ... Tfaltad SSrangelleaJ. - sA : ' Flrat Cornar East Tenth and Sher- Svangelloal Assoolatlom. First Ensliah Eaat 1 Sixth and Mar ket streeta; B. A. Biewert, pastor. Berv lcea 11 a. .; sunaay scnooi, ia a, ra. v First German corner xentn ana uiay streeta; Theodore Schauer, paator; aer mon at 10:46 a. m. and 7:46 p. m. Sun day achool 9:80 am. Memorial East Eighteenth and Tlh betta; I C Hoover, paator. Preaching at 11 a. m. and I p m.; Sunday school 10 a. m. :, . : Bplrltnallal X', ;' '';-,J The MlnlaUrs' and Mediums' Protect- lv Spiritual association holds Sunday services At 6 p. m. in W. O. W. hall. Eleventh street, between Alder and Washington. Lectur by Rev. R. B. Coon; message by Mra Sophia B. Selp; strangera weicoma t .... r- Flrat spiritualist (society aoington halL Conference at 11 a. m. ; subject. . Ohrlstla ajotsa ' ' wirst Church ' of Christ. Scientist- Scottish Rite cathedral, Morrison and Txwnsdal streeta Servioes at 11 a. m. Subjoct "Soul.", Sunday school at close of morning eervlca Evening ser vice omitted during JUiy ana August. Second ElKe temple. Btara, between Sixth and Seventh atreeta Servioes 'St 11 a. m, subjeot. "Soul." , . i r ' ' rsited BMthyra U ChrUrt, ' Flrst-Eaat Fifteenth and , Morrison streets; Rev. H. C Shaffer. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:J0 pi. m.'; Sunday school at 10 TL ta. ' . . '. - Radical Bixtn ana jaecnania streets; Rev. C. P. Blancbara. Bervlcea 11 a m. and 1:30 p. m.; Sunday , school, 10 a. m. . . v-i - . . ' Tfalted rreabjtrlaa. ' rrhnreh of - th Stranger Wasco treat and Grand avenue; Rev. a Earl DuBols. Services at 11:46 a. m. and 8:00 n. m. - Berviees xor muiea every Sunday morning. Sunday achool, IS m. jt'irat rjutin ana aaniioianr sireeis: Rev. A. W. Wilson. Servlcea at 10:80 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.; Sunday school IS m. " ;v TTsitarUa. . Chnrch ' of " Our Father Corner of Yamhill and .Seventh ttreeta; Rav.,W. G. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. I Eliot, D, D, minister emerltua Services at 11 a. m. Rev. rired Alban Wall will preach, topla T,UnWe4 Winga" , , of th Good Tidings Eat streetB: Kv. , . TXalyeraallst. Church Cauh and Eaat Elahth J. D. . Corby. Sermon at 10:46 a, ra. Toplo, 'The PracUcal Power of Prayr." Sunday school at IS ra. (f Bfonad :, Flrat German Tenth and Stark treats; O. Hafnsr. Servioea at 10:46 a, m, and 3 p. m. , ' , - 3C M, Ohnrah Somth. 171 Second street; Rev. B. T. Mowt. Service at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.t toplca, "Immortality and "Tenth Command ment" Sunday ecbool. 10 a. ra.) fip worth league, 7 p. m. . , ' ? " msoollaaaoaa, ' ' Th Christian and ' Missionary alli ance 8 lath and Mam atreeta; Rev. C D. Bawtella Servlcea at 10:80 a, m. Sunday school at 13:16 p. m. , Universal New Thought Assembly A. O. U. W. hall, Washington, btwn Tenth and Park treat. Lector at 11 a. m. and xk m. - v... - v., Latter-Day ' Saints Holds servlees', very Sunday In Allsky hall, corner Third and Morrlaon atreets at 11:80 a. . m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. ra. . ,.-'ry.;;' v, ' '- ' ' Penlel Miaaion Rev. E. A. Ross Of Los Angeles will speak at 860 First street every night this week. 1 ' ' Church of the Nasarene; A. O. Ban rick. Service Ham. and 7:80 p. m.t Sunday school 10 a. m, bollneaa meet ing 8 p.-m. Olive Branch Mission 388 Flrat street; services every night at 8 o'clock; Sunday achool at 1:10: followed br reg ular aervlces at I p. m.; A.,. Walla, sup Millenlal Dawn o. A. R. haiL nortn- euL corner seevno uio uomivu li wm i.m. Services at 3:30 n, m. ' 8wedenborgian-Fortiand New cnarcit society, Alder atreet near Elefvnthi 11 l. m.: ttev. Hiram v room an, sunjoct 'A Spiritual Battl.! -T. M. C A. PoDular Bible class .for men at :o p. nv, lea by n. wAMtvis. All men invited. Church of God 01 Tenth street. North, Rev. J. R. Mulls, paator; J. ML, Goren, teacher, Servicea at 3 p. ra. ana g P. ra, Bunaay. Saturday. 8 n. m.: ala- tera' teaching; services at p. ra. Tubs day. - . Example of Vanity. i From the Indianapolis Star, Apropos of vanity, Secretary Root told about a politician who, th day befor he waa about to make a ear- tain speech, sent a forty-on pag re port of it to' all th papera On pag 30 appeared this paragraph! - "But th hour grows lata and I must close." ("No, not Go on! Go onD I nwiliiaatn laaaasaa Ba To'. uentrsj , Salmon streeta;? Rev, s Seventh and Washington Streets , mmmmmmm tmmmm mmmm mmmtmm Midsumimer Sale At Portland's BEST Shoe Store SayetM ing Your; Shoes fierc Patent Colt Blucher and ', Button Oxfords ; widths;' reduced to;-.'; V .v llttA 83.35 , Men's Genuine v. -' all sizes and widths reduced ioitW'Cft-Xfi9S, Men's' Gunmetal Calf and Vici Kid Blucher Oxfords, welt " soles; stylish -and (comfortable, reduced to ci i.83.1LR Women's . white Canvas Gibson. Ties felt soles, reduced Women's Patentlt and Dul -fe't-'i reduced to-." '' i.v--v ?'V'hm' t "' 8185. If Women's Patent: Colt Button Oxfords; welt soles, 1 reduced , Women's Patent" CbJtVGibson Tieswith welt and turn ; 'J f soles, plain and tipped, reduced to V..Ur.. 82.85 . Women's P.atent Colt and Gunmetal Garden Ties, reduced Children's ? Elkskin ;? Skuffers ' sizes' 5 to 8 81.25, 8 to 11 81.50, and many others,, ,4 . . ' - , , .. 81 M : ROSENTHAL'S Seventh and Washington--Seventh and Washington ' . PORTlkD'S BEST' SHOE STORE : ' K '."11 4.