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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, ilIGUST 11. 1C07. . .-.-:vv-. "V .... .... ' -; V r.' ., v ! '. , 1 . . .,,..21 lniiko) ' i . . ;l .. . ,.. i.' ') . ' . .t J' ., . .,, . j s? Saturday Next, at 10 P. M. Oiir Great Sale of Good Shoes Will End Ml i ' ' .. ' . V.'r , - . OUR STORE FRONT WE CAN'T HAVE ANY' SHOW WINDOWS, BUT Mir f "V . 1 ; v. .. - in the Store 0) n So don't be bashful, but walk through the door of the Repair. Factory Cor. Fourth and Yamhill Streets MENS AND BOYS' SHOES MODERN SHOE REPAIR FACTORY 2tf mi BOM : IILHODERI 'Aerent" Dewson Declares Harriman People Are Doing Their Best. . . COMPANY ENTITLED TO SOME SYMPATHY Hm Had Bard Look With Boat Dnrlnx Pait ScTernl Teat bnt Exw pecta to Matntatn Good 'Service With VeueLi to Go on Route Soon. r Within two month or thrM at tb ' jnoat tha Portland-Ban Franolaoo rout iiwOX b corared by two larg t earners, the Law ton and the Kansu City, with tn Costa Kloa ai an auxiliary freighter, aeoordlnf to a itatement mad laat aven- tng by . H. Dewaon. agent ot tha Baa JTranclaco Portland Bteamahlp oonv any. tTh Kanaaa City haa recently t-een purchased by taa Harriman people t fill permanently the place made ya . . f ant by -the loss of the steamship Col- - j rabla and she Is expeoted to leave I Jew lork soon for this port by way of . 'ape Horn. The Lawton was .bouaht . MBit time ago and Is now undergoing repairs in can vTanoisco. " Manager . Bcbwerin of the Harriman atar Unas on the Pacific promised two r more 4arge and fine boats for the jioruana-ean n-anciaco run ' several r ears agro, but . they never materialised, 'or this .reason little faith has been laced In rumors of prospective lm rovements in the servioe of lata but : jar. uewson-s announcement last even ing Is taken to mean that the boats will I here during the time specified and it bat, they will come up to the expecta tions of those who have anxiously been , waiting for an Improvement, .iThe City of 'Panama was the only Valuable boat for the Portland-Ban , IVancisco run after the loss of the Col umbia, and she was put on to prevent a congestion of traffic" said Mr. Dew apn, ."and I do not think the company should be harshly criticised because the vessel Is not entirely up to date. She nuaa tha only boat available and was aecured with much difficulty. It was eon to relieve the situation. But two la rga boats have now been seoured." Mr. Dewson said yestsrday that the Ascription of the City , of Panama In 0 he Journal of Thursday evening had caused a large number of passengers to cancel their reservations because of fear that tha boat was not seaworthy. -The fact that she left Alnsworth vharf k yesterday with something like Co passengers despite this. Is convinc ing proof that with up-to-date steamers the JIarrlman people would handle , an Immense traffic by water 'between this j ort and the Golden Gate. The stretch rfers one of the-finest water routes t hat can well b selected, br tourists r people wishing to take a short sea lovnira. -- -r'-'.-'J' r ' .'--' ': ; - i.r nid reds of travelers ar compelled t t,r by train between Portland and n Francisco against their wish be . f e ther fear placing their lives In ,ri1r on vessels not of tha highest j'- eUhoiisrh there would probably be i ; tnt-or ot them being wrecked under , - '.r.r r clrcumstancea. ; "'; i i i .r9 Cltv was built at Chester, jvriifinniiii, f 1 out 18 years aro, and H t pt'--nt F; rposed to be plying- be t ...! i,f w T..iic and Savannah.? Her -(. are: Xenth. ill 'feet; . ..-uo. ti Itit; yth .of hold, J 4.1 featj JUST "WEDDED AT SILVEETON i mn i Aim mi i m ynw ;;7 - : - j"v'l;.l Buff on, Fr. bk ....NeweasUe, X, castle hock, nr. n,....,,..Byaney, RedhilL Br. sa .Newcastle. Knight Templar, Br. sa. .Newcastle, A. Tymenc, nr. sir. newtastu, Tramp teaman Jta Soata, Oneen Alexandra. Br. atr Madras Btrathness, Br. sir. ...Port Los Angeles ttva, uer. sa xiaaoaaie, japan MARINE NOTES Nelson D. Bailer and Miss Mar Ehlrlock, both prominent young people : 'of Bllrerton, were married, at the Methodist parsbnage In that town : Wednesday, Rev. H. H. Sallflbury officiating, The young couple are pending their honeymoon at Albany They will return to make their home at Silverton. 1 .i , Tha Lawton la of about tha same dimea atooa " Th San Francisco Sc Portland Bteam ship company has been unfortunate with Us .Portland-Ban Francisco liners for me past several years, tnree or tnem, the fit. Paul, George W. Elder and Co lumbia, navinr been wrecked, and sev eral damas-ed in serious accidents, tha latest accident being that which befell the City of Panama on her first visit hers this week, when she crashed into the steamer Alliance at the mouth of tha Willamette. JAPS BUT LINERS Canadian Pacific Discards Old and . Passing Graft. Taaeoaven B. C lac. 10. The Can adian Paclflo railway's steamships Ath enian and Tartar, operating between Vancouver and tha orient, have been sold to a Japanese shipping firm. The Canadian Paclflo railway Is building new steamships for its oriental servioe. The Japanese are buyinr no all ves sels offered at low figures when at the end of usefulness In the eyes of their owners and somehow manage to operate them at a pront, this Demg aue mainly to tha fact that they are' In position to engage oheap help. . During the past winter several large tramp s steamers vl sited Portland under . tha Japanese flax and carried away Brain at reduced rates, although they were of the old type and expensive to operate because of the amount of fuel consumed. It Is said that with modern boats at , their command the Japanese would soon gain control of tha trafflo across tha Paclflo. MARINE INTELLIGENCH ' Segnlar Zlners Sua to Antra. Alliance, Coos Bay ....Uncertain R. D. Inman, San Francisco, .Aug. 1 1 Costa Rica, Ban Fran Cisco.,.,.. Aug. 12 Roanoke, Ban Pedro and way. ...Aug. 18 Breakwater, Coos Bay ... . .U.Aug.-l Kumantia. orient: i . . . . . Anarust IS City of Panama, San Francisco, . Aug. 18 a. w. Eider. Ban Pedro and way. Aug. iQ Johan Poulsen. San Francisco. ..Aug. 10 Meaonao, ueatue. ............. .Aug. zo Arabia, orient. ... , . . ... .Sept, 1 Aiesia, oer. bb. ......... .k,,..gept. 16 Nlcomedls, orient...... ...... .October X ': Beg-alaa Xiaars to Bapart. ' Alliance, Coos Bay i.,,,,,. Uncertain Breakwater, Coos Bay . . .Aug, 11 Redondo, Seattle and 'way . ...Aujt 14 Roanoke. Ban Pedro and way ....Aug. IS Costa Rica, Ban Francisco. ,,.. Aug. 1 R. Inman. Ban Francisco..', .Aug.- IS Cityof Panama, San Francisco. , Aug, S G. w. Elder, Ban Pedro and way. Aug 21 Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. . .Aug. 25 Numantla, orient. .......... .August 28 Arabia, orient... . , ; . . , . .September 1 1 Aleaia, orient. . ...T. v ... Sept. !5 Nicoonedla, orient ii'.i...,,vi. Oct 10 - - r Vessels ia jort.-.-- Tola. Br. ab.. WMUM Elevator dock Maori Klnc Br. ss.East. West Xbr. Co. Alvena, Am. sch .Westport Dalgonar, Br. sh ; . Columbia No. 2 Bee, Am. sch. ...Willamette I. & B. Wks Irene, Am. schr.. Astoria i-yra. Am. str., Portland L,br. Co. James Rolph, -Am. sch .Westport Melville Dollar, Am. atr Stella Nome City, Am. str. Stella Tosemlte, Am. str......... Kalama Casco, Am. str. Goble Daisy Freeman. Am. Str... EL A W. mill J. B. Stetson, Am. str Stella Conway Castle, Br. bk Greenwich Breakwater, Am. str Oak street Slam. Uer. sh Astoria Asuncion, Am, sh.... ...... ..Portsmouth Redondo. Am. str ....Couch street Alliance, Am. str Bupple's yard KnoaencK unu. Am. oarce unnton King Cyrus, Am. sch. Kalama Somber Carriers 2a Xonta. Aurella, Am. str.......... San Francises R. D. Inman. Am. str Saq Francisco Thomas I Wand. Am. str.San Francisco Coaster, Am. str .San Francisco Susie M. Plummer, Am. sen. . .Guaymas Wasn. Am. str ...San Francisco Northland, Am. str....... San Francisco Beulah, Am. sch......... San Francisco Americana, Am. sen,,....,,. San Pedro Alice Mcuonaia, Am. sen. Kahuhul Lettltia. Am. sch...... ..:fitn Fl-anr'nea Churchill. Am. sch... San Francisco Berlin, Gr. sh ....Nushagak et. Micnoias. Am. sn Musnaeak John Currier, Am. sh ...Nushagak ComDeer. Am. sch. ..fian TTVanp.laco wrestler. Am. DKtn .....Ban Pedro Cascade, Am. str. ....... .Ban Francisco Sn Soate With Cement and OenaraL Buccleuch, Br. sh. Hambur Brenn, Fr. bk ....Hul jjw'v 1l ,.,Aniwerp unnoviBvo moanos, ii. ok. lxndon Rene Kervller, Fr. sh.. Hamburg uwiinec, rr, sn.. ............. .ewansea ua mier, t. dk. ....London Martha Roux, Fr. bk..... Hamburg Mozambique. Br. sh...... Newcastle, t Samoa, Br. bk.... ...Shields biam, uer. sn. ................ London 'lmers, rr. sn .Newcastle. EL vincennes, Fr. bk. Glasgow Marechael Turrene, Fr. bk.... Hamburg Ville de Mulhouse, Fr. bk. . . . . .Antwerp Guethary. Fr. bk Antwerp x-ioi i i uui jcr. u& ..Antwerp Walden Abbey. Br. sh ..Antwerp Glenesslin, -Br. sh., ......... . . .Antwerp Versailles. Fr. bk. Lei tfi General -d Bolsdeff re, Fr. bk ..London General' de Negrier, Fr. bk, . . .. .London Bayard, Fr. bk, . ... .Antwerp VIMS o uijvu, r r. urn. ..Antwerp Alio- Marie, Fr.,bk. .....Antwerp Eugene Rergatene, Fr. bk .Antwerp H. Haekfleld. Or. bk... nrmninii. Arctlo Stream. Br. sh... Rotterdam Crown or inoia, ur, Pk Antwerp 'i'4!-; Coal SDalpa Sn Bonta. - Relen. Fr. bk. .......... .Newrautla A Col da Vlllebois Marenll, Fr. bk. . ; .7 - -. . . .. . . . . . . . .Newcastle. A. Claverdon, Br. sh. Newcastle, A. Wlllscott Am. bk......,, Newcastle, A. Port Patrick, Br. sh.,,... Newcastle, A, Rt Mtrren. Br. Sh. ...... .NewnmtHa a CrlUon, Fr. bk. ...... -..Newcastle, A. Ardencraig, Br. bk.. .,. , . .Newcastle, a. Eugene Schneider, Fr. bk.NewcaatleA. 6t Xoula, Jr- ah. NeweasUe, A. Astoria, Or., Aug. 10. Condition at mouth of tha Columbia at t p. m smooth: wind, south., 4 miles: rainy. Ar rived In and left up at 4 a. m., steamer Asuncion rrom Ban irrancisco. Arrived down last night and sailed at 11:80 a. m., steamers Chaa, Nelson and Johan Poulsen. for San Francisco. Arrived down at 8:80 a. m schooner Irene. Ar rived : down at a. m. and sailed at 12:80 p. m, steamer Geo. W. Elder, for San Pedro and t way porta Arrived down at' 11:80 a. m., German steamer Nlcomedls. Left up at 1 p. m., British bark Conway Castle. Arrived down and sailed at 1:80 p. m., steamer Argyll, ror -ort iiarrora. lert up at I p. m. steamer Redondo. Balled at 1:10 p. m German steamer Nlcomedls ror Hong Kong. Arrived in at I p. m., tug Daunt less with bark Roderick Dhu. from San Francisco. Arrived down at 5:30 steamer City of Panama San Francisco, Aug. 10. Sailed last night steamer Cascade, for Portland. Sailed at 11:80 a. m.. steamer Costa Rica, for Portland.- San Pedro, Aug. 10. Sailed last night, barkentlne Wrestler for Portland. Tides at. Astoria Sunday High, 1:42 a m., 8.4 feet; 2:88 p. m., 7.8 feet Low, ;zq a. m. o.g zeet; : p. m., x. rest ALONG THE WATERFRONT The British shin Dal sonar will carry a cargo oz Dariey to uurope. sne was chartered about a week aa-o. The steamer Alliance is being repaired at Supple's boatyard on the east side near the Morrison bridge. The steamer Keaonao arrived in tne harbor late last night from Puget Bound porta v The British bark Conway Castle will be at Greenwich dock this arternoon. She brings a cargo of cement from Europe. : . Tha Ctorman shin Slam, which reached Astoria Friday zrom Jonaon, encoun tered heavy weather off Cape Horn and some of her cement cargo was damaged by water. ; . GRAINS OF SAND. The travels of grains of sand have long been a matter of sclentlflo record. Tears ago It was established that par ticles picked up on . the coasts of Pas de Calais had their origin In the rocks of Brittany, from 120 to 180 miles dls tant Another standard fact Is the dls covery on the coast of Denmark of chalk dust which undoubtedly came from the cliffs of Normandy. . Professor Thoulet, the Frenoh ocean ographer, has lust addressed a report to the Academy of Sciences on me pre cise manner . in which these particles travel such rreat distances. He finds that the result Is due entirely to the action of waves snd tides, causlnc the particles or sand to oursue a sigsai oouriA wnicn no ii&oni o mi uein o a saw, end having In the Channel and the North Sea a general direction from east to west--' '':"''' -:!': Tha nroressor calculates that each grain travels at least 8.000 yards up and down the beach under the Impulse of the incoming and retreating waves ror each yard that Is conveyed parallel with tne coast line. Thus, allowing something for the Influence of the wind when the sand Is dry, the sand from Brittany found along the Pas de Calais strand must have travelled something like a million miles to reach there. 1 On an average aoout rirteen waves a minute strike the beach, and these cause a lateral movement or about one eentl- however, Is apt to be constantly reversed by winds, currents and obstructions.- It s mrenrea tnat tne journey performed n of sand . must take rears, and mar milr consume a hundred, . . , 9 UUV1 I VU UJBI y each grain I least fifty BELIEVES AMERICANS III FAR EAST SAFE Persian Minister Says His GoYernment Will ; Pro tect All Foreigners. DR. ROACH STRAT0N AT WHITE TEMPLE During the temporary absence in the east of Dr. James Whltcorab Brougher, Bey. John Roach Straton of tha Seo ond Baptist church, Chicago, will fill tha pulpit of tha White Temple. Dr. Straton (Hearst Mews by Longest teases' Wire.) Washington, Aug. 10. The Persian minister called at tha stats department today to say that his government was taking steps to protect American mis sion schools along the Turkish-Persian border and especially at Urumlah. The minister ascribes the trouble to lawless bands of Kurda He does not think that I the American mends or the mission aries need have any apprehension. The stats department telegraphed to Ambassador Leishman on the same sub- i lect The news from him Is that the Turkish government has been advised not to interfere with American Interests and the sultan has had the military of ficers on the border telegraphed accord ingly. . . HARVARD GHAPEL. Memorial ' to Collegiate Church of St. Saviour. From' the London Dally Newa Nearly three centuries have passed since a little company stood at the font In the Collegiate Church df St Saviour, Southwark, on November II, 1607, for tha christening of tha infant son of I rehently . arrived In Portland from Los Robert Harvard 'and his wife, of Strat- J Angeles, where he preached at the First rora-on-AVon. Manv and atrann vtpi- i uantist cnurcn mere ror ' tnree weens. sltudes has the sacred edifice passed Dr. Straton is a theologian of note and through since little John Harvard, ono was recently Identified with the West- of Southwards most distinguished sons, rn Chautauqua association. He was in : nurauanc . at . tha nrnrntnaa maA also heard On several occasions during at the font, waa first taken to church th recent Chautauqua assembly at to learn his catechism, and then J Gladstone park and created a most fa- hrougnt to the bishop for confirmation, I voraoto imprcHion. .. . Trto-h nr, nf r..M.r, I Dr. Broughers trln to 1 the eastern did not lessen his love for the old ehurc ,'or vr,ela"on 'rom wnicn nas now once again taken its I " Place In tha "tasking of ecdaalatloal leaner, of An,.H "aU a 'til JAPANESE BEER. miliar with his famous, benefaction resulting in the founding- of the unl-The Chinese In Manchuria Acquiring TViaMtJ VNUUJ1 in. iiaiuu nil viu.n I - ... . and most famous of all tha American I A Thirst for Xt.r colleges.- It is, moreover, still fresh in ' ' . .... i.1: i i kaMMaHMMaaaaa pr, John Roaca Straton;!. PTU4i AlODll AEX I TMA tMSvlraf VAM lAAflM ASS n A AW in (UISIH. the publio memory that Mr. Choate. I . ' t " r... a i u . . .i ciuini ii nswuir nvwinr. iu u hdw the most disUngulshed of rfarvard s hDa' J. " sons, presented a stained glass win- A?;?5neB. ni.5u,a.n'-i..-.5.u?,lK. c,K-.i, .o.v,.-r . . I wiyieaoarw srauusu ouuiiiiiS ww v wvuvaj stsu sb VMMiauisw aaa uuiiui i rrb. TaiamaaI m a.v.a a m a.i, aiatis -a "r-We n.,-a-j 4... V.... tl. I AJ UU1UHI UJ. -tlTJ AlWOt Aweau Asiawv n.V.?i? I JZa !f0I?. Association says that tha ImporUUon f.t-i-J0 'i?nSa?4kiaM7,v1,0i- through Dalny -last year consisted of The window, it will be remembered. I .k.. "1 a nn . was placed to: the, vestry of the cathe- bottles) of Asahl and 12,000 cases of arai traaitionaiiy snown as tne Chapel i Sapporo beer, valued . at 800,000 yen 01 ou jonn me aivme. - 1 (1150,000). Of this amount about two- This little gem of architecture has I fifths was sold to the Russians in Harbin now. by the generosity of the students 1 and other nolnts in Manchuria, while of Harvard, been restored as' a further I considerable Importations Into this, reg- memoriat 10 wonn narvara, ana wm m I ion as wen as eiDena were uao maae luture os Known as tne Harvard ohapsl. ny way or. yiaotvoatoHV'- In consequence of this ; restoration Japanese.: beers are practically all new vestries were required for the use lagers, of which the two named most of the cathedral clergy, . and these popular brands supply practically the hnva haan rftA nn h. ,iH, a whole of the Manchurian market at aisle, use. being made of some ancient I present While the prices last year were Norman doorways which nave for many I Irregular, owing to the unsettled conal years been "bricked np." I tlon of the market sales being made Recently the blshob of the dlooeae mgnest iigures oownaoie, some- . ,-... - . m M,mnl. " K II .nn f V . AAn m 1 consecrated tna new vestries ana aedi. i .-'.v cated the new chapel. Journal Readers. bottle, the present - wholfesalat price Is about iS sen (124 -cents): Importers of Japanese beer expect that their sales during tha present year : will be fully Alia journal a xriBnua. WDin nuron.1 .nn ti. rai nn in. m,.r . . lxlng Journal advertisers, will confer! as cheaply as the Japanese product or a. jmw iir mciiuiuQiiig wwi iney. saw I even sugnuy nigner n would nndouot the ad In The Journal.. .r. I edl sell well. - especially- in northern " 1 - 1 " " i uancnuria. Edward W. '. Potter has annpaalafl Michael J, Donnelly as president of the! Industrial Insurance agents organised Amalgamated Meat Cutters . and I a imlnii rM.ntl. In nrnnlrlvn a,u K. Butcher Workmen's Union, Mr. Don-1 the first of Its , kind la the United uy rvureii cecauss ( iu rt-iin. : , J states. BODY IS MANGLED IHSAlgL SHAFT E. M. Porter Frightfully In jured in Miami Lumber Company's Plant (Spedat Dtepatca te TbcJearsal) -Tillamook, Or., Aug. 10. H. M. Por ter, a well known resident of this place, who has been employed with the Miami Lumber company at Hudsonvllla, was caught in the ahaft of tha saw this afternoon and frightfully mangled. rurwr was siuuping orer ina snail oiling the bearings when his olothea caught and hurled him with terrific force against the floor. He waa raised again snd Jammed against the side of the building. Workmen picked him up unconscious. He was removed to his home as quick ly as possible and medical attendance summoned. His Injuries vara fatal and he cannot recover. Porter's right arm was nearly torn from his body, all nf his ribs broken and he sustained a frac ture of the skull which extended com pletely across one sids of his head. He is a brother-in-law of W, H. Cooper or this place. Murderous Bluejay. From the Kansas City Tim Two men on Camobell street near Ar mour boulevard yesterday morning were attracted by a bird flying Into a tree near tne siaewaia.- it-was -a niuejay and the bird carried something grasped tightly In Its claws. The men paused beneath the tree to watch, believing the bird carrying, material for a neat On looking closer the observers were sur prised to see the bluejay carried a spar-. row, - - As the bluejay alighted on a limb of mej iroo it uuniuiiBioreu eev-rai vicious thrust into th bod Y of thm- unftrrnw. wVt InK . ear a sa r Visav s 1 wiaskt w aV aI quite lifeless. After making sure that Its enemy showed no sign of returning life the bluejay loosed the sparrow and tne Dooy leu to the ground. Meanwhile as the men watched this surprising incident several sparrows .' gathered ground and perched on oonve- . nlent branches of nearby trees or tele phone wires, chattered forth a most em- phatlc denunciation of the murderous Diuejay. One Of the Cloneer InTinr nntma h :' America Is the Journeymen stone cut- v ters Of Newark. New Jaraav. , whlrh ; oame Into existence in 1884. . Last Call " ' Big Shoe Sale Money.$aving Price on Good Shoes and Oxfords . . SMC WINDOWS ' 9kL XSlaSIerrlsoa St, near Rlyt