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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1907)
Tiu; gi::;cqu daily jquknal, poktland, i-kiday kvtmuG, auuust o, iiw. Condition of , Hop Crop lis "Serious ; in This State Despite Ail the Talk of the Dealers Who Have Sold Short. ' . ; PnTATflFS Tfl fV l lll UI.U I V wit , i - -i . . ! OUTSIDE I- Rains Cause, Shortage Tern 'U : porarily Plenty of Ripe .: Stock, But None Coming . Today's market featurea: , rotatoee to mov out oon. teady improvement In egse. -Chicken market fractionally better, ; Dressed weata hard U Sret - CanUloupa market attain bad ahape, Standard Oil puta down eandlea. Paaohee aell at a fTlncVit Watermelon demand I curtailed. Corn meal and hominy lower. Local aalmon atook allll email.. 4 Potatoes to Hot Soon. ' ic Aa oon aa ' weather " condition will I again permit Vctlve'digglng It loulta ! likely that there wlU b aome liberal ' potato ahlpmenta from this market to Jboth the north, and south within the i next lew wee eport irora -b .tivn that had the ralna not In- -'. terfered digging operatlona would bowt be qoM general. Jbany potatoes ar ' fiOwjftwo pr three weeka later than LM-frT but it la eta ted that a large I . 1 amount la at preaent rip and ready -tar W , market, in rains nave own a wunuwr- ar a - a . J I 1 .ataaaaaaA n rui aia to iaie nu wu y" ',,th crop to toe neavier man .expecteo a few weeka ago. On tha other hand. It la , ! atated that tha 'ralna will .cause the I early atock to atart growing a rain and thla will ba a detriment to ouallty and .; appearance. In thla city tha trade la offering I1.2S per hundred pounds for J potatoes for ahlptnent At tha moment : auppliea In the local market are exeeed- Ingly ecarce. and thla la what eauaed I tha aharp advance In fha prloa yeeter- day morning. Practically no arrlvala ( today. . V Steady Egg Improvement. There contlnuea a ateady Improve ment In the tone of the local erg- mar- ket. '. Recelpta from than country are ; I anjaller and demand ia increasing. Ore J aon egga are worth from S to Sc a doaen mora than eaatern atock, and thla la : aald to be causing aoma handlera of eaatern eggs to send the latter out : when onlv freau atock la ordered. Thla la a violation of tha new pure, food law now tn operation and the dealer ; who doea not apeclfy where the ewe , come from that la If they are not I local la aubject to a heavy fine, Re ) liable dealera will welcome the atrlct enforcement of thla law aa they atate they are unable to compete with , handlera of eastern egga who Bend that ! grade out when only egga are specified ' In the order. Best Oregona are today eeltlng at 21tte and 18c a doien. There la a fractional Improvement In , the tone of the poultry market, but , values are scarcely changed. Recelpta and demand about equal at thla time. The cooler weather haa curtailed to a considerable extent the demand for wa- I termelnna. with eight cara in me otner . day the market EGGS FIRMER, SAYS ' I " THOMAS 0. FARREIL " "Eggs are In fair aupply, but ) j am of tha opinion that recelpta 4 i ar aomewhat . lighter, and con a , alder th . tone of - tha market fjrmar. I advls that ahlppera 4 get their goods In while they are 4 freah, that- tha loaa may ba aa a small aa possible. . "Butter la firmer and advanced . for all grades. .'.."Poultry haa had a very good weekl with fair receipts and a very fair demand. Good hene ar eapeolally desired, and large ' : hena ara aelllng welL .Prloes ar a . very ' flattering from a seller's atandpolnt Large young ducka d aell very well, but email onea ar hot wanted at all. Fat tur- a key hena, and larg aprlng turka ar in good demand. I am of tha ' opinion that tha Coming week will be a good on for poultry ahlppera. "Fancy, fat, medium and email ' veal la atlll quite in aellers fa- vor, and recelpta ara inadequate. . JSmall, and medium, solid pork la care and la good demand." Tom Farrell of Evardlng A Far- IO(c; medium to prima, e; eontracta, 107 crop, 10. WOOL 1807 clip VaUey. lOOlle astern Oregon. 18 v 21c i MUHA1K-N6W 1HU7 ZlfPZIHO. 6HEEP8KIN8 Shearing. 1(0 lOo each; abort wool, 2B0o; medium, wool, ev?6o eaoh; long wool. 7BcOtl.00.eaoh. tallow rrime, per id, invic; no. ana grease, zvifto. CHIT TIM BARK o per lb. Frnlta aad TegeUblea. POTATOES tl.E0ai.tO. aeUlnr: buv Ing. 11.21 ner sack. ONIONS Jobbing prlca New Walla waiia, iz.ov aaca; uregon, vi.i; ganio, lo per lb. APPLES New, fl.S0Ol.2S.. FRESH FRUITS Oranges, S4.ISO 4.76; bananas, 6o lb; lemons, $.007.50 par box; limes. Mexican. 14.00 per 100; pineapples, fS.2f 0 6 doaen; grape fruit 13.26; cherrlea, 8 10c lb; peaches, $10 I. 86: cantaloupes, 12.60; raspberries, lOo lb; pluma, tOcOtl.00; watermelons, 14 c; cultivated blackberries, 1.76 a crate; crabapples, 600o per box; Bartlett peara, $1.00 1.60 per box; ap ricots. 11.60. VEGETABLES Turnlpa. new. 0c II. 00 aack; carrota. 76c$1.00 per sack; beets. 11.60 per sack; parsnips, J1.00f 11.26: cabbage, 22.00; tomatoes, Oregon, 60e6c; parsnips, 0cJl; wax beans, Ic; green, 4c per lb; cauliflower, 21.26Q 1.60 dozen; peas. 6c; horseradish, 8c lb.; artichokes. 6c076o doaen: rhubarb. 3c id.; green onions, 260 per dosen; bell pep- . i. i iri u k i,in i ir" i in nMn ipriiinn. rTV,. dnVsomewhaL ,e (- doij enoumbVra, hothousi. 2026c ' :rS:rinnt?m,hfnt- had : outdoor, 4060o box; radlahaaT ISo ahape with much poor atock coming both ta from the south and locally. Oood atock 5"" corn' Tomatoea are In better demand with Oroceriea, Sfnta, Etc auppliea of better quality; Price about SUGAR Cube, 8.22 H; powdered, the same. f.07; berry, IS.87H; dry, granulated. , V 1-1 1 II an V . 1 1 1 . . i ... ' - J I . . I ' - "I i . I wa... . u ' W I TT I a .i I. 1 1 1 .-I ..I r, e - I . .-1 r .hi . V. Mlgn aa 11.00 ana ii.zo. utnera aown yeuow, t.u: Deei granuiatea, 16.77V ; to 76c. barrels,. 10c; hlf barrels, 26c; boxea. Peach market ia in a rather bad 60o advance on aack basis. , ahape owing to the dry rot shown In (Above prices are 10 daya net cash FIRST HOGS III LVHEAT CROP IS 4 DAYS ARRIVE : HOT MWli Bun Vis'1': Small ; jut -Helps Unless Bains Continue Too Somewhat to Beliere If the Famine. Portland Union Stockyard. Aug. .- uinciai raoeipta: - . - "- , j , . ' Hoira. Cattle Sheen. Today 109 , io WMk am ....... 11T I Year ago ; 89 : M revloua year zx i . , , tv Tha flrat hogs to nut In appearance In th yarda ainee Monday when th total run . waa out as neaa. were re ported In today, and were quickly anapped up by killers, mostly around th extreme top values. Today'a run of 200 head compares with 127 head a week ago, none a year ago and ' a nominal number thla Friday two yeara ago, A year co todav hoara were ouoted rirmer, out uncnangea in price. , Abaeae of fhp.--r. Thla waa another dav without th ar rival of ahaep In th local yard. On thla day a week ago condition were similar and in consequence th price rulea varv firm.' but unchanged. SheeD ar already ao high that although de mand la larger tnan supply, itinera ar Tha g Long Harvest Will Be' r -Best in History. ,. Ghraln Crop Weather. Eastern Oregon, aaatern Wash ington and northern Idaho Probable ahowera tonight; Sat urday fair and warmer. Illinois, Indiana and Missouri Fair tonight; ahowera Satur , Minnesota, Iowa, North and South . Dakota, Nebraak and Montana Showers; colder to night and Saturday. Kansas Fair Saturday. ' CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Ana 9. Auor. 8. Gain. 1808. Sept 88 Hi 8814 k 72 H Dec 93 93. .. 76 . 78 general ooln- H"c- . , ia that tha y rising not Duying so freely ion or the trade, however. aheep 'market will aoon ahow value, A year ago today ahaen ware un changed In price; market very firm. While not all ateera arrivlnar ar aell In un tn At (k. (ar. a t IK. mbWa I aide la the wheat cron believed to be only -fair, wit auppliea and demand in. BJL, da1Jp at M ilme bu about aquat . . all Interests wish for a dry apell A year ago ateera war allowing an through hanreat ao the best crop In the Improved demand and prices ahowed C,"torf th iflo northwest can be tenaency 10 rise. While ralna are generally axDected In wheat belta of the Paciflo northweat tonight, weather officials give hone for dry weather again with predictions of air and warmer for Saturday. On no harvested. Official yard prloes: I Venr heavy buying of wheat la re- Hoga Beat aaatern Oregon. I.7B7S P0"' id at interior nolnta In the Panlfln atockera and feeders, 17; China fata, I orinweei during tha paat 24 houra and l.7 Cattle-Best aaatern Oregon ateera, t , 1mS,A- V... . ..... . i is- m n . ouiia, i. Hneep west wetnara, 14,16; awea, i; lamoa, D. Sheep Strong In East. nhinmwn Inr ft X7 r - ... . f A W who b.uvv ieii over, iteceipta go were, prlcee aeem to be satisfactory io purcnasers. however, no gen eral aelllng la reported. A Pendleton gaper Bays that 100,000 buahela have een purchased in that vlolnlty, 89,000 bushela being from Wild Horse growers t o. Government Crop Keport. Tha government Issued Its rron rennrt today. Tha condition in the United 'C;.2!"Prt."Llrttr Statea ahows .ToV '0i ufcWi LAprr wca.nT,'rper' 1 CatTleiiteadv. : wlA T.2 per cent Jul L 1907,P 8t. per ceni August l, ius, 87.1 per cent Cattle ateady. eneep atrong. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Dlam'f B. B. Con. 17c, G. tnlny 21.82, Laguna 11.40, Commonwealth lOo.Comb. Fract, 12.16. Ur. Bend UxL IK Or. Bend Anx, 10c, B. B. Bonansa 7o, Ke wanoa 78o. Esmeralda 10c Portland 84c. Cracker Jack 22c, Francis Mohawk 81.17, Red Hill 82c, Mohawk Kit. 12a, Ixu Dillon Sc. Y. Tiger 23c, Grandma too, a Pick Ext 4o, T. Rosa 8c, CoL Mt. Ext 2c, Goldt Con I8.02V, Dlam'f. Trlangla 2M, , r, ',.': COMSTOCK. : ' X Ophlr I1.02H, Mexican Sc. Gould A Curry 12c, Con. Virginia 68c, Savage 690, Hale Norcross 63c. Tallow jacket $1, Belcher 240, Confidence 6c Sierra nor. ivo, n.xonequer aso, vnion soc. . ; BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original To, BuUf. M. C. 18c. Mont Bullf. 6cA. Nat Bank 20a L. Harrla 2c Amethyat 24c, Qold Bar 14c Stelnway be A, Denver -Hur. Anx. ica, nonnie ciare 4 sc. Mayn. cons. .svo, Monty., unio b.ic. 7c, G. Scepter 8c, Monty Mt. 12c, B. Dalav lOcA. Homestake Cons. 82c, Tan kee Girl 4c, Nugget 6c, Tramp Con 40c, Ylotor ?C Mortn star aca, nunsei yca. '(:'?-' TONOPAHS. Ton. Nevl 12c. Mont Ton. 22. Ton. Ext. $1.85, Mac Nam ara 24a. Midway 74c, m D.l..l A XI n atmw 17a Ohio Ton. 2o, West End Cons. 87c, Res cue lie. Ton. It Calif. So, Golden An chor 12o, Jim Butler 88c, Ton. Cash Boy 6c, Ton, Horn 6c, Bost. Ton. lOcA, Mon arch Pitts. Ex. 7c, Mont Mid. Ext 8c, Golden Crown lOcA. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Wedgrt 5c, Seyler Hump 6o Dexter lie, T. In 4m Pmmaah Ht A Pnmhlna t Inn Q Granny lUc MuiUnf J 0a, Little Orey 20cA, Cowboy 5eA, Orif. Manh. 10o, V T 1 a-. Y, I ... c V..A.1. CA uuinii. ihck ivv. ruiciiuv uv. ouuiv i:ii S. Dog 16c, T. Horse 8c Indian Camp 6c VARIOUS DISTRICTS, Falrv. Silver King IScA. Fairy. Eagle 11.86, Nevada Hllla 8A. Pittsburg Silver Peak 81.46, No. Star Wonder 6c A, Ea gle's Nest Sic, Ruby Wonder 26c, Alice of Wonder So. Sales of New Wheat. Pendleton, Or.. Aug. . Though tha wheat market has been quiet here ao far tnia season. 100,000 bushels or more have already been sold. Of thla the bulk waa bought In tha vicinity of Eastt una oy is. w. siccomaa, repi of the Northwestern warehouse com hXVe voD Mone y to invest? READ THIS! Tha X M. Aoheaon Company'a big atore and-factory plant. Fifth and Alder streets, la conceded to b th best equipped and practical in the Weat. Lighting ayatem unexcelled. Tha company la aven year ol.l atarted with a capital atock of 22.000 oapltallxet bow at 2160.000. lUa a paid-up capital of about 80,000, and additional subscribed atock of 224,000. Assets about 8180,000, not including unsubscribed atock. Lla. bllltlea less than one third th assets. Doing a business of over 3S0.. 000 a year. Unsubscribed capital atock la for aaJe In amounta of fio up 10 per cent interest or dividend guaranteed Ja trade discount aU lowed stockholders on all good a purchased by them In th store. Ia connection with tha department a tor 1a men a tailoring and woolena; also a grocery atore. You can aava enough on your grocery bllla t clothe yourself. The company own th flve-etory brick, lta ladles' gar.,, ment factory, men's clothing and grocery departmenta ara located in, Very good asset Isn't ItT Subscrlptlona can b mad for weekly r monthly aavlng payment. Call, drop ua a card, or' fill In -th following subscription for the amount you deafr and how you wish to pay tha aam and mall it to us and wa will call and complete your connection with the company. . . .-. - :. ; fi, . -;i k X, th aadaralgaed, hereby anbeorlb for. . , . ,k . ,' . . ' a hare of the Capital Stock of Tha 3. 2C Acheaoa Company. Th prlc of aald Capital stock la the par vain of One Dollar (fl.00) per hare, paybl aa follows i ..,..,.,..,,,........ The lnoorporated Capital Stock of The 3. TU Aobaaoa Company la One Knndred rlfty Thonsaad (150,000) aharea, aoa-aaaaaaabl. - , v, ,;: v ii-jr.'?r,; Addreee , szxxoTomsi C. R. PEAKE A. J. FARMER J. M. ACHESON M. . TUOMPSON 3. X. ACKXSOY, prealdent. i r. 2c bttimbs, v ecreiary aad Attoraey. pany. Within tha paat few daya he has purchased 80,000 bushels from farmers of the Wild Horse country paying 69 a per bushel There la a general sentiment thla yeai for holding tha wheat for a higher price, 76c being wanted, and thua far little contracting haa been dona. .. Tha Byera mill of this city haa se cured about 40,000 buahela of new wheat August 1. 1806 and a 10 years' averae-e of 82.4 per cent. Quality of winter wheat 80.6. Corn condition August 1, 1807. 82.8 Strike of Operators Cause. Dull Totie f x cllVTZ' iTio."S! .Vr eggnlant. 16o lb sack; celery, 11.26 215.88 Quotations.) jhuinkx s:a per crate. COFFEE Packaae brands. 18.88. - . . . SALT Coarse Half zround. 100a. I12.)66 per ton 60a $13:00; table, dairy. Boa, $17.60; 100s. 217.26; bales, $2.26; Imported Liverpool, 60s, $20.00: 100a, $19.00; ..4s. $18.00; extra fine barrels. 2s, 6a and 10s. $4.60S.66; Liverpool Mnuthern Orernn stock. Sales of Craw ford made i during tha paat 2 houra oown. to ,7o, iduc- lancv atocc win soil today at I- and si.ip a nog. - !Brler votea " of tha ' Trad. -j. Standard .'Oil company announcea an easier ana ionnwni wwir iitiw in : candles. v Cnrn mul and hrtmlnv nhnw a decline .... ... 1.. I. Ida r a . . Bale nait la advancea ioc a naia to- '""'f. y; "r - roca. day. Thla puta the entire salt market , , , ud to the recent advance. Market very . (Above prices apply to sales of less firm at the new figure than car lots. Car lota at apeclal prlcee While a greater run of ealmon la re- suojecc to iiuciuauons.; ported In the Columbia, local flan deal- . RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, 6c; No. era sav inny are experiencing ino same i , miwaxci t uncua, iiqilu, difficulty in obtaining supplies for the AJax. 6c; Creole, 6Vc. fresh market. All flan prices firm and BEANS Small white, $3.30; large unchanged. I wnite, is.bu; pink, 43.60: bayou, 83.90 Apple market Is in fine ahapa. Call- I LI mas, ic; Mexican reds, 4H& fornla stocks the best at present and I NUTS Peanuts. Jumbo. 8V4c ner lb are bringing the higher figures. Virginia, -7Ho per lb; roasted. lOo per to Rule Today. Tha atrlke of the telegraph operatora in the larger cities caused extreme dull ness to rule In tha New York atock market and the day a sales and changes were very email. Official New Tork price by Over- peca ar ijookb company; DESCRIPTION. Some small auppliea of cherrlea atlll lib: Japanese. SQ6Uc: roasted. 7 'coming. . Prlca around 10c a nound. 7H per lb: walnuts, California. 10c per lb Dressed meats of all klnda ara In I nine nuts. l4fiRn nr lh' hlnknrv nnta larger uemanu man auppiy. no cnange ioo per ID; Kraxu nuts. 1 Jo per ID; fll contlnuea to ahow but valuea ar un- In nrlce. Chlttlm bark atronger tone, ' ennngea. Front atreet price Grain, nova aad Peed. ' GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 9c, largo jots; small lots, hc. WHEAT New Club, 8183e; red Russian, 80&)81c; bluestem, 84086c; vaiiey, oinraio berts, lto per lb; fancy becana. 1820o per id; aimonaa, isipziho. . Keats, rieh and Provlalons. FRESH MEATS Front atreet Hoga, fancy. 8 He per lb: large. 78o per id;. veal, extra, 8ttfflP90 per id; oramary, 8c per lb; poor, 67o per lb; mutton. fancy, Ktfio per lb. ii A MS, bacon. ETC. Portland pack (local) hams, 10 to 12 lba, 16o per lb; mv ki. .,... v. in.. 14 to II lbs, 16HC per lb; IS to 20 lba. C WholB' ": cracked, M.00 hB!4o. breakfaat bacon, 1SHO220 per BARLET-New-Feed, ".OOOtt.OO itUo per lb-Tegular short clears un- f A0"L.r?"ed' 2 0024.00; brewing. ZmokeA 1 2c 'per lb: smoked. 12o per lb; "iJ' . I clear backs, unamoked. 12e: smoked. 13c Zlr'l,llJ7 P lb: Union butta, 10 to 13 lba. un- Cil. I. v ..7TJ amoked. so per id; amoxea, no pr id; pTAftn r.r AV 01ear helllea. unamoked, HVio per ltn ai 5-,Y7K.0f22-.r m0K 18HC Pr lb: ahoulders. 12c ilnSi irA JJJii.lXVtlb ii 22: Pep lb: Pickled tongues. SOo each, valley. 84.8004. 40: graham. Ua. 38.78:1 rvcif r isn in. n VT. ?a whwt 1 00! T70, B0a, S6.S0; balea. Jper lb; Sa, 13Ho per lb; 60-lb tlna. HKc ;,V,Vt ; ...per lb; steam rendered, 10s, lH4c per . niuununa Dm, ni.vo ner t ion : 1 1 K Km i k. n ik- .mn.-., in. inn tMdllnge, $25.00; shorts, country, $20; De'r lb ' t?lxgbiJ90; chop $16.00$21.0O. v FISH Rock cod. T per lb; floundera, lwni?3?57-P,r0?,UCr; pr .iTJJr' 8c 9or lb; halibut, 6c per lb; striped .Willamette valley . fancy, $18.00017.00; baaa, ISo-per lb; catfish. 11c per lb; aal- ordlnary. $12.0014.00; eaatern pregon. mon' fresln Columbia chlnook. lie per li;l- ,t. w.l... Bteeineaaa, ioc per id; nerrings, so grain, $8ld; cheat. $8.60010.60. per lb; soles, 6c per lb; ahrlmps, 12c per Batter, Eggs aad Poultry. I Ibi perch, 6c per lb; tomcod, 7o per lb; . BUTTER - FAT F. a. -b. Portland I lobatera. 160; .fraah -tnaekeral. 8c Sweet cream. 8lc; aour. 89c. pfL,D; cnTLIlnzsS ?.er fl0".:-"'"P? BUTTER -Clty ereameryT 82Hc: sec- ' ?e.r.,lD5 .b,a?lt,J?a8.". s" Ter. l ends, 80c; outside fancy, 8082Ho; aeo- AMrts -J i ia nm x arrtr iikba-ah i u ... i vva au. wiowa v vva. ti m uwi w"7irTa .tA'S I OYSTERS Shoalwatar bay. ner' eal 06.26; Eabla, canneicV ipo can; $7.00 4 trffA inri1r1 99a c.TEESE New Full cream, flats I Pi! k lh. . '--IdOa. - V.''. -t:! - - nntTT ilmv in . ji t . I 1 CT . k A & TTa.4atttl : Ma AtiM ;- 11 JA. ruu uini mum cmcKens, ii)4C:i -Tz , "ri r L.'-. fancy hena, ISo lb: roosters, old I raaor ciama, per nags xw per. aos. lOo lb; fryers. 140160 lb; broilers, 14 Palate, Coal ' OSVJBto.j'r 'r 15 ' 0J?..M.C,5-. "f - D.L Pwn o"5ka, ROPE Pure Manila. 15 tteV Standard. gftK "cL'iLiipearl or Ara CaaeV li s? nadoien. r?rL-2,:ifi5e0,nl' H 'per gal; water white, iron bbls, ,fH .r lh hfch.r d oultr' . Mo par gal; wooden, 17o per gal; head t..o per lb. higher. . ,., 173 de CMe. 21VJ , Hope. Wool and SMu. HOPS 1908 crop Prima to choice, DEY ROT IIURTINa LOCAL PEACH PEICE 4- "There la oonalderabla dry. rot '.4 In tha peaches now coming from 1 4 southern Oregon points, at this 4 time. Thla accounts for th low 4 prices now ruling on that claaa . $ of fruits California peachaa are ' coming In batter ahape than 4 ' usual and they ar graded better 4 ! 4 than those from : local points. 4 . som very nice ones are comlhg , .$ ' 4$ from Th paiiea but many ara , $. poor and da not bring good val ,.4 uaa .-i-w . 4 "The ralna have atopped tha r'v ripening of tomatoea and. thla a ; has resulted In a better market m&7. ' Our firm did not receive more than a. Quarter of lta usual e. supplies today." Charlea Walker 4 Of Pays A Son. AmaL Cop. Co.. Amer. C. & F., c. Atner. cot. Oil. c. Amer. Loco., c. . . Adner. Sugar, o. . Amer. Smelt., c. . Amer. Smelt., p. . Ana. Min. Co.... Amer. Wool.-, e.. i Atchison, com. . . . Atchison, pfd. . , . Baltl. A Ohio. c. Brook. Ran. Tr. . . ... . , . Cen. Leather, c. . Chi. A Gt. W., c. cm., mil & st. y. Chi. A N. W., C. Chea. A Ohio... Colo. Fuel A I.. 0. Colo, bo., com.. Pela. A Hud.... Den. A R. G., c. . Den. A R. G., p.. Erie, com , Erie, 2d pfd Erie, lat pfd Gt Nor., pfd 111. Central Lou. A Nash Max. Cent Ry... M. K. A T.. c... Distillers Ore Lands VI r. Chem Mo. Pacific National Lead . . N. Y. Central... N. T. O. A W. N. & . W. com. . . . N. Aemrlcan N. Pacific, o. . . . . Pac. M. S. Co..'.. Penn, Ry P. G. L. A C. Co.. Pr. Steel Car, c do pro. Reading, com. .. Rep. I. A S. c. , . . do pfd. Rock Is. c do pfd St L. A S. F. 2 p So. Pacific, & . . . do pfd So. Ry. com..... Texas A Pac T. St L. A W. c. Union Pac. 0.... do pfd TJ. S. Rub. 6..... U. 8. Steel Co. c. do pfd. Wabaah, com. . . . W. U. Tel. 78 40 S3 Hi' 104 102 49 24 88 4 81 K 1684 10 125 145 84 27 4H 163 '23 136 1372 107 19 88 B0 109 88 124 I 24M U 20 8 24 20 8 78 40 SS 115 104 102 6 Z4 92 85 61 ZO 10 125 145 84 Z7 15 164 27 23 i 126 137 108 20 88 60 83 71 52 109 $8 124 36 120 30 88 20 I I IT P-5" . at cent July. 1906. 89.0 per cent August iuu ii.i ptjr cam July, iu Oata condition Ausrust 1. 1907. 78 8 ner cent against 82.8 per cent August 1906, and 90.8 per cent August, 1906. Tha reDort waa bullish but ha lltfi effect upon price making In Chicago to- Chlcago prlcea by Overbeck A Cooka company: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. 76 89 82 4 76 40 82 114 100 it 71 '6" 84 60 166 1 10 124 124 Aug. Sept. Dec. May Sent close. 86 83 98 "IHlKaT Mav 144 27 71 163 25 22 100 60 23 !o7 69 165 181 10 65 A 82 A 63 B 125 136 107 19 25 59 63 70 60 07 88 122 24 118 28 93 20 86 111 18 27 26 133 82 82 33 97 12 77 85 111 18 28 26 183 I 22 32 83 98 12 77J 84 110 18 27 25 130 80 31 82, 96' 12 77 144 34 27 28 184 25 08 22 88 66 125 135 108 19 88 69 63 70 107 33 71 65 123 ZD 119 88 28 8 H 79 20 32 85 110 18 28 25 131 it 32 32 97 12 77 Call money closed at 2 3 per cent Total sales for day, 694,700 aharea. New York Cotton Market. Jan. . Feb. . March April . May . Aug. . Sept. Open High . 1238 1256 Low 1238 August. 1260 1271 1268 .' 1166 1178 GASOLINE 88 desr.. case 24Uo ner gai; iron ddis, rms per gat. uouvzjisjfi f b aeg., cases, zso per ga,i; iron ooia, oe per gai. TURPENTINE In cases. So par gal; wooden bbla, 93e per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lota. 7c per lb; 600-lb lots, par lb; leea lota, 8o per lb. WIRE NAILS Present basla at $3.18. -United States Oovernment Bonds; Tork, Aug. 9. ' Govaramant New bonda: . ... - Bid. Twos, registered ...... 106 do. eouron losu Threes, registered ..... 102 JI ., - K - . I. . T - uu, uiiujiuu ,.... jiua Threes, small bonda..., 101 Dla. Columbia, 3-66s..,. 113 r oura, registered, new. . 124 do cnunnn .. -....MAIL Twos, Panama' ........ 104 do. coupon .......... 103 r Philippine Foura ...... 109 Asked. 106 106 108 . "I A ft 7 " Ta 125 128 105 10t" if$ Frodnctlon of Wheat t WaahlngtOn. T. Anl S Gnvern. roent crop report: . . ?. Production of winter wheat, 409.500, 000 bushels,, or about an average of 14.8 buahela. an acre, i'- . .'.'i- , - Amount Of oat In farmers' hanrta T.l ner cent , aauallln hnah. ala. fc . , . X I I o Oct 1217 Nov Deo 1224 1166 1187 1232 1188 1178 1218 1245 1226' 9 1246 1247 1264 1268 1262 1168 1174 1226 1229 1239 8 1229 1232 1288 1241 1245 1157 1187 1213 1214 1221 Sept Dec. May Sept. Sept Oct Jan. Sept Oct. Jan. .. 88 88 87 .. 93 93 92 .. 98 98 97 CORN. .. 54 $6 .. 61 62 .. 63 63 OATS. .. 45 45 .. 43 43 .. 46 46 MESS PORK. ..1640 1650 1630 1635 B LARD. ,. 915 920 915 917 i. 920 927 922 925 . . 865 855 866 865 SHORT RIBS. . 870 882 870 882 . 872 887 872 887 B . Yz 7SZ 790 792 Rains Delay Harvest. Wall Walla. Wash.. Aug. 9 Har veatlng all over tha valley was brought to a stanasuii yesteraay by a heavy downpour of rain which Bet in early in the forenoon and kept up through out tha day. The rainfall in the foot hill districts waa extremely heavy and It will be several daya before the com bines will be able to start up. In the Eureka flat and Toucfiet districts the rain waa not ao heavy, although mi- cmnea were cioeea aown. unless showery weather contlnuea for several daya. farmera do not antlclData any aamage to atanaing grain. RAILWAY ENGINEER RUN OVER BY TRAIN 7' Bat. TATX02S, The teadlng spedaHgt Howard Dexter Lies on the Track In the Northern Pacific Yards at Forsythe, Montana. 64 61 62 45 42 45 (Special Dlspstcb to Tba Jonrnal.) Forsythe, Mont.. Aug. 9. Howard Dexter, a freight engineer, was run over and killed late yesterday afternoon In the railroad yarda here by a Northern Pacific passenger train. The engineer or the passenger says he saw an object on the track, but In the dim light he , thought It was a dog, and it was not discovered, until It Was too late to atop J tne tram, tbat it was tne nooy or a man. No reason can be assigned why Dexter was on the track or his failure to hear the approaching train. I CURE MEN BY Original Methods I cannot too forcibly Impress the fact that the METHODS BT WHICH 1 TREAT AND CURB MEN'S DISEASES ARE ORIGINAL WITH ME. They ara a result of my observation, research and atudy during yeara practice aa specialist This should especially appeal to TH08B WHO HAVE BEEN DISAPPOINTED In their afforta to obtain relief, and should aid an anuciao. men inr the runrrR ftp" a PHYSICIAN. Aa to my understanding of men's dlseaaes and the eclentlflo eorrectneaa of my treatment, MY UN EQUALED SUCCESS IN EFFECTING PERMANENT CURES speaks sufficiently. Weakness MT SUCCESS In curing those func tional disorders commonly termed "weakness." IS DUE TO MT FULL UNDERSTANDING AS TO THE CAUSATIVE CONDITIONS and to my absolutely scientific methods of removing them. Many case of p re mat ureness, loss of power, etc., present a vsrlety of symptoms so entirely confusing snd perplexing that MOST PHYSICIANS have fal len Into that dangerous rut, tha practice of treating by set methods, without discrimination and without KNOWLEDGE AS TO THE REAL REQUIREMENTS. My first step Is an absolutely scientific and accurate diagnosis. In a large majority of rases I find the sole cause of these functional derangements to be A owni ihm inpiTiTirn ivn CHRONICALLY INFLAMED PROS TATE GLAND. This condition can not possibly ba remedied by any treatment other than the local meas ures I employ, and to ATTEMPT TO" FORCE NORMAL ACTIVITY AND VIGOR BY THE USE OF STIMU LANTS and tonlca would only reault f In aggravation of the trounie. under ' mv treatment a cure la POSITIVE AND CERTAIN, and absolutely per manent because I accompusn it oy the removal of every cause respon sible for the disorder. afy Pees Are Pair, Mr Core remanent, aad Ton Can Pay Whea Satisfied That Toa Ar Well. Varicocele Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool. Aug. 9. Official prlcea: WHEAT. Close. Aug. 8. Los i" a 78 ia 7s 8d 7a 4 d CORN. 4slld ODen. Sept.. 7a ld Deo.,. .7s 8d Sept..4elld d d 4alld d San Francisco Grain Market. Ban Francisco. A us- a. ni.ii i .SiTy member, $1.82; May, .o I Tel wneat no tolas. DAYTON-WALLULA LINE'S PROGRESS (Special Dtipatob to Tba JorroaL) Walla Walla. Wash., Aug. 9. E. B. Llbby, formerly president of the Lewis- ton-Clarkston company, la expected to arrive in Walla Walla within a few daya to take up the work of promoting the Columbia ft Walla Walla Traction company's proposed line from Dayton to Wallula. The electric road haa been aurveyed and tha necessary rights of way and depot facilities at Dayton, Waitaburg. Preacott and Wallula have been already secured. The company has aireaay expenaea ciose to fio.uuv in surveys and rights of way. The pro posed line win toucn waitsDurg, uixie, walla Walla and Touchet, ending at Wallula, where connection will be made with the Open River association's line of steamers. Specific Blood Poison I know thla leproua disease com pletely. The system is thoroughly cleansed and every poisonous taint removed. The last symptom van ishes to sppear no more, and all la accomplished by the use of harm less blood-cleansing remedies. Do not submit to the dangerous mineral dosing commonly Indulged In. Such treatment merely obsoures tha symptoms. I positively cure Varicocele In on week, and frequently In even leas time. I MEET WITH NO FAIL URES, nor ia my treatment ever followed by undesirable reault. MY METHOD OF EFFECTING A CURE IS PAINLESS, and no other equally satisfactory, sara ana certain mem od exlata It is an original and dis tinctive method and produces AN ABSOLUTELY THOROUGH AND PERMANENT CURE. Varicocele not only Impairs func tional activity, but In many in stances It results in A WASTING AWAY OF THE ORGANS involved and gradually undermines th gen eral health. A THOROUGH CURE IS A MATTER OF VITAL IMPOR TANCE, and la also a matter of but a very few daya' treatment under my ayatem. Contracted Disorders Through my long experience treat ing these dlseaaea L have devised methods that not only cure, soundly and permanently, but cura In less time than the best of other treat ments require. Take no chance Do not rlak your health and strength by relying on patent nostrums or uncertain methods. You ar abso lutely eecure when you intrust yotfr caae to me. ,. PAY WHEN YOU ARC CURED oo2f8rtrr.TATxov ran mt honest and candid advice costs YOU NOTHING. I cheerfully give you tha very beat opinion, guided by yeara of successful practice. Men out of town. In trouble, write It you cannot can, aa many caaea yieia reaauy to proper nome treatment and M. tO cure. My offices ara open all day from f A. from 10 to 1. I P, IL. and Sunday FARM HANDS STRIKE Tomorrow ia tha last dav to receive discount on west side gas bins. FOR EIGHT HOURS PATIENTS TO ERECT ASYLUM BUILDING (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. 9. Farm- era In the vicinity of Preacott and Bowlea Junction have resisted a de mand for an eight-hour day and as a H. (Srweltl DUcitcb to The Journal.) Lewlston. Ida.. Aug. 9. Architect J. Nave of this city 4s working on THE DR. TAYLOR 'CO. OOam 8ZOOID ADD KOXKISOIT STBBETS, POKTTJUTD, jrnvate Entrance saH Morrison, treat. . - ; osxaov. Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today $1,158,121.88 do year ago 768.884.49 Gain today Balances today do year ago . 887.457.17 127,697.83 92,281.10 Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Aug. 9. Cotton futures closed 8 to 11 points up. ' result over 60 harvest handa employed Plan fr a handsome building for the in that section have struck ' Many of adminiatratlon department of the North tha atrikera have left for tha Palousa dbo Aaylum for the Insane, at Ort country where they expect to receive fin0. Though the plana call for a build fro m $5 to $6 a day. ing that under ordinary circumstances Farmers from tha Ptmmii an,i would cost $20,000. this will be erected Bowles districts were In Walla Walla t half that figure. The brlok will be yesterday looking for farm hands and made, burned and laid by lnmatea of were fairly successful in picking un the Institution and the, carpentering will men. Since tha Farmera' Employment be handled along the same lines of agency haa gone out of business farm- I economy. In many other details the era are compelled to pick up men from lnmatea will build the structure, work me a i reels. -rnis causes inniM,mhi. i n iindar n. alciiieri rnreman iuaa in ume. j,n employment agency was closed several daya ago because aome" of tha moat prominent farmera of ins vauey reiusea to nav tnmr Ansa al though they did not hesitate to visit the agency ana get men whenever they Torturing eczema spreads lta burning . . n . ... T" 1 nuin... . . 4 .. 1 . HIV. nn:i j .in. .'van a .iiviii.ii, lUiUA ly stops its spreading, instantly re lieves the itching, cures it permanently. At any drug atore. , . ' aa a NEVADA MIXING STOCKS. Bid Prices Current Today on San Francisco Exchange. the A rood appetite trees with a o-nnrl rlicr.ion. A irenr.lA San Francisco. Aug. 9. Official hid .fi.n i;w p.Kt m. i . - i v unu A Hilib iiiuv r I." 1 a.... ic. ... , I tion and whets the appetite fY" Jttonawa .. . ... . . j5J,. io. ojumDia ml 60C. Jumbn Kt 11 ok. i uwi.u iwu aiiiu uxuia.. vemai no, Pennsylvania sca, Goldfleld M, Co. $1.60, Kendall SOc, Booth 4c, Blue jbuu .80, Adama 18c, Silver Pick 69c, May Queen 40c, Ney. Boy 7c, Hlbernla Bi. iris sic. uannuaror in Riir kock ac, Jone star 22c, G. Wonder 2c Potlach 40cA, Oro 22c. Kendall Ext. 2c, Sandst. Ext. 4c. Mavna 7c. Atlanta 60c Great Bend 78c. Slmerone 2nv v.m. plre 10c, Red Top Ext. 28c, Florence 6c, f WILL HAVE NO HOPS TO PICK, SAYS M'KINLEY MITCHELL Pabst BlueRibbon The Beer of Quality "The hopgrowers need not trouble themselves over the picking troublea this season, for the present outlook la that they will have no hope to pick." Thus spok McKlnley Mitchell, a well-known local dealer, aa well aa grower, and whose opinions are gener ally taken as conservative. "There la lie and honeydew every where In th heavy yarda," he stated, "and this weather 1 oaualag the vermin to multiply with great apeed. I was all through the Gervaia, Woodburn, St Paul and Brooks aectlona and have Just returned from there. The man who saya ther la no lice or honeydew in that aec tion la badly mistaken and haa not taken a good view of conditions. "The hop are Just forming and the iica are going uuo tne nurs. This, con dition ia : mora serious tnan any one would admit heretofore. . Some of the Tines are turning jet oiack." should bo served at meals 'tween meals. It will help your digestion, build up your strength, renew your appetite and drive away all dyspeptic tendencies. Charles Kohn A Co. Cor. ad and Pine Sta., Portland, Or. rnone Main 4ou. WE MEN FOR mo AND WE TREAT MEN ONLY ZSTABUSXSD 87 TXAmi XV POSJUrj). CONSULTATION FREE - y3 Cure ''s'-:4 . Ulcers, Chronic OUcharses Stricture. Prostatic Diseases Hydrocele, Nervo-VItal Debility Varicocele. Blood Poison and ; .Bladder DlseasesMf Strictly XeUable. - .. .t 'W'ipr r a r Hemorrhoids, are small vascular tumors situated at K'l I .r the lower opening of th bowel, or rectum, and they hav " a most degrading influence on the general health. We i cur Piles witnout cutting;' nor. : m ,w use . injurious ligatures, which treatment Is seldom successful. Our treatment is safe and reliable and when you are dismissed by us you are cured for life. wmZTS if you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential ami all reolles sent in plain envelopes. - ? THOBB WHO HAVE BEBW SISAPPOIirTED BT TmnTCTttEII STO, ; CIAIiISTB mm mi saaaasTiir aiJBUVIiBTES TO HTVEBTIQATB OUm METHODS AWB TEBMS WITHOUT CEI.AT, WHICH UD TUT DOXTB I IT THE BEQIHHIJTG WOUXJ BATH SATED THEV. TZXS AJTO MOHEY. .;':...!!" ....v.v . ,i -H , A LIFELONO CURE FOR Ain mtVtmttl IVTW . v - . -' '- '- ilJVVW WrrH aaa mmr. wiiiaiBI B-y i glJ f aVXIBSaU Bll A1V TV SjSl FT. TAHIOOCELE. HTDIOOSLB, , HXHTOUS DECUVS, WSAXHES8. FIXES OB CHBOHIO DISBASBS Of 1KB HXDMBTS ATO PBOSTATB.- raivais iiioiaiia BawijrcontraciM ana chronto caaea cured. All burning. Itching and Inflammation stopped in 84 hours; cures effected In 7 days. WE OOTSB TKB EHTTKH TIEED OP SLTBOZAZt AMD CHBOHIO, EEEP-SBATXS, COMPUOATED DISEASEsT "V We do not offer you iinyjrHBB VBXAX. TBBATMEHTS, BXBOTBX0 BELTS, WOBTHLESS CHATOHS, or other useless methods f of treat.. ment. uur aaa are our own, ana wnil others may copy them, they can. not Imitate our superior methods of treatment. WB ABB THB XjOHO. EST EOOATED ABO OXJ1EST SPBOZAXJSTS IB POBTbAJIO, having been located hera 25 year. We do not advertise cheap, Inferior treat- ment, but we give you all the results of yeara of ripe experience, galnl -in the treatment of many thousands of patients. We give you our aklll and ability in th treatment of olseases of men for a fair fee. whlrh irmy be paid In any way th patient desires. XBTESTItfATB OVI U3BTH. ODS ABD lEABH THAT WB AHB AZ-li WH CLAIM TO BE, iH WI88 TOU PX.ACB TOTTB) CASO TB OtTB BABDS TOV ARB 0 3 . PI OBTTIBO THB BXST TBBATUEH T SKAT CAB BB OMTAlJt JL J AB T W HE KB. V4 f ..j,,, , ; , . , . . -y .HOURS a, m. to f p. m.; Evenings, T to i Sundays, I t m, to St. Iousi:i:aii4 Bispansr, COBHBB STllOOBP ABD UVXIU STBTBTS, POWTXASTB, C" . ti