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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVCIO. AUGUST 0, 1SS7.- IS SECRET SOCIETY PUBLIC SPIRITED: CITIZEN M AY , ; - 1 ;,-!- ,: V.- DONATE COUNTY BUILDING SITE WES SUE .9 i 11; i . Such Is Charge in Connec . tion' With Walkout of : . P. Boilermakers. ; ( rOKTLAND SHOPMEN ' ABE SYMPATHETIC Charge la Mad That Loa Angelet ' Foreman Favored Men. TTho Were ' Members of Smoo Order to Which ' Be Belonged. t jUlered dlscrlmtnatlon In' favor of ' 'tnemberi of a fraternal order la aald to be at the bottom of the bollermakera i strike that ku euddenlr apread over ith entire Pacific eoaet UneaiOf,the j Southern Pacific railroad. It ! charred that Foreman Carter of the Loa Anrelea - shops, --wnaro.iaa . ,airi .yei 5 faTora men In bia employ who are tnem- ' bars' of the amme aecret order to which . ' be belong' if Aa'a result of the walkout at Loa Angelas .a aympatheUc atrlke was fle- Glared on the llnee In Oregon yesterday. i mi That aome generoua, publlo-aplrted eltlaen la planning . to preaant : to the county a block on the east aide of uia river to bo need a the atte for a pew county- bulldlnir la the pleafelhf rumor that haa circulated about the court houae. and brouarht visions to all-uie county officials of a splendid new home zor meir oniciai ramlllea. All airree that were a alte to be given the countv, the block on which i court house now atanda could he aold tor a aurricienuy large sum to erect a m&f ninoent new bulldlne:. and the tax payors would not be In debt for it The name of the reneroua oeraon who might m us xavor tne county was not disclosed. But whether the rumor haa a founda tion or not, H la generally believed that a new court houae will be erected with In a. year or two. County Commlaaloner Ldgniner aaia una morning tnat na waa convinced that the matter'' would oome oerore the people in aome form to be voted upon at uie election next June. - The Question of whether the new court houae tr to be located on the eat or weat aide of the river may be the one for the people to decide, or ""J? be put up to them hetne w -new oourt bouae at all. and la www form bonda ehould be Uaued. - ' uma jinniu mi hut aiiaen . mm w whether the eaat aide ' would not be a Th fnrf of It botlrrmakena i Tvtrtlenil ahona of the Sou Hie I the Eaat era Pact f lo MnA turn mm In the boiler ropalr service at Grant Paaa Roeeburr. i kurbupk. The Pallea, and La Grands walked out on telearaptlo advlcea from the offlcera of their union. Alter Certera aoelp. The bollermakera are determined to ret Cartera scalp. The do not ask that i he be discharged from the aervlce, but f they refuse to longer work under him. They charge that he uaea objectionable ' epithets and langrune to the men under ' him, with the exception that when he addreases a fellow member of hla fra k ternal order he la courteous and kind. They aay he haa been the subject of f many discussions in meetings of . the ! bollermakera' unions up -and down the ' coaat and there haa frequently been I a demand for atrlke In resentment of i hla policy toward the men. The preeent . vmnthtlc strike waa made unanlmoua . with remarkable promptness by the men all over ths co,it aa a reauii, it aaia, nt ths winerml dislike of Carter. f Two conferences were beld yesterday committee and J. F. Graham, superin tendent of .motive power, and J. P. O'Brien,' general manager. There haa for em time been in the hands ef the' officials a copy of a new agreement from the men asking for an Increase of wares and better shoo conditions. but this agreement haa not entered Into the present smite trouDiea, ana it waa not the Intention to , take un the new proposal for aome time. The causes of the present . atrlke were discussed at yesterday's conferences, but no con olnalnn waa raaohad. There hava bean t no conferences today here, but one la I vnAmr wv at Tvia Anretea. and It la aald to be up to the Los Angeles union to make the next move. ' o Agreement Mere. Boilermaker on the Oregon .line re ceive 40tt cents to 41 cents an hour. There la no agreement at the present time between the union and th railroad company excepting; aa open .agreement as to wagea . - Tha men ear that their committee, at the time of reorganisation of the Harrl- raan management in - u re iron, naa an 3 CHICKENS 18c Pound .' , ," BEST BUTTER 65c and 70c a Roll RANCH EGGS . 25c Dozen CHINOOK SALMON - , -w;2 2bs.-25f.. -.. ' HALIBUT 10 Crabs-Crawfish - HOLLAND HERRING Keg $1.10 COLUMBIA FISH CO. Third and. Ankeny. Phone Main 5 arreement on the Southern Pacific, but they were unable to secure one under the new management of the Oregon Una. and tha only naner aimed waa one agreeing upon the wages to be paid, and that Jt contained no provision aa to anop ruiea or notice or etnae or ais charge. IlOn yVrnj to Catch Copperhead. ' From th Lewlsburg Journal. John Eddy, engineer at the Luke Fid dler, water hoist, near Mount Carmel. while on duty laat Wednesday night aaw a anake'a head appear through a knot hoi In the floor of the engine room. ; Notifying several companions, he pre pared to -capture the reptile. Looping teavy piece or airing arouno tne nois waited until the serpent poked his head up again, when a quick Jerk of the line bad him fast, a blow witn a club then dispatched him. The anake proved to be a copperhead about aix leet in lengtn. Tomorrow la the laat dav to receive discount, on west side gas bllla. now occupied by the court houae Is wo valuable for the county to '",nhlA "fhS alte for the oourt noua . --"-houaa would be Just as easy of access If it were on the oUer aid or the river aa It la now. BUTTER Best Creamery 60c and 65c Ranch Cage 23c Dozen e ' i ' Dairy Butter 45 and 50 Best Sugar Cured Ham. . . . ;17 Breakfast Bacon . r ...... . xof Cream Brick .Cheese, lb.. 20d and 25f Limbureer Cheese, each. ...35d Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs. . .35 Oleomargarine. .45 Remember Saturday ia our Chicken Day. LaGrande Creamery 264 YAMHILL ST. The Oregon Cheese Co. 126 fifth Street Swetlind Bldg Opposite Olds, Wortman & King The Best Cheese and Butter Store in the Gty Fine Old, American Cheese. 25 Fresh Tillamook Full Cream Cheese. ...... .17Vaf to 20 Oregon Cream Brick '. 22 to 25J Also Imported Swiss, Limburger, Young Americas, etc. Best Creamery Butter, per roll 65 Best Dairy Butter, roll 55 Fresh Eggs, Cured Meats, Honey. Coffee, extra fine. .25 to 40 OREGON CHEESE CO. Swetland Building i CEMENT-. CEST CSHiiwroa-ji When You Buy This You Got The t40 Seat Waaalngtoa Street. (With Portland Warehouse ft Transfer Co.) Jfhone Zaat 5607. i IKii $50.00, $40.00, $30.00, $20.00, $ 1 0.00, $5.00, $5.00, $5.00, $5.00, $5.00 IN MEAT ORDERS aasa i i SSSSSS , , , On dealers carrying Covernment-inspected meats, for the shortest and best answers to the question: "What is the strongest argument made by Solicitor McCabe for V ; I..' using Government Inspected Meat in his great speech on Govern , ment Inspection?" " v' WE'LL SEND THE SPEECH FREE " c CUP Along This Zilne. c The speech, which seta forth all that has been accomplished In the past yesx under tha new federal law for U,-S. government Inspection, Is now pub lished in book form beautifully illustrated in addi tion there are other interesting matters that will make the book of permanent value toyou. Send 2-cent stamp lor mailing.. , , Write or call -No. 14 Hamilton Bidp Portland, Or. D:pt. Government Insptction Dept. Goyerainent Inspection, Union Meat Co. 14 Hamilton Blda- Portland, Oregon. Please mail me at once your free book on gov eminent inspection containing Solicitor McCabe's great speech. I wish to enter the prize meat contest Stamp enclosed. i Name. Street. .State. I(airam Fresh meats in hot weather are Just as good and healthful as in winter if they are fresh when bought, such as you can depend on getting at our store, still you .'don't pay ;as much as you would elsewhere. -' . il PAYS TO TOADE AX TfflS STORE Beet Sausage Bologna ...... , ....... V. 75 JLiver Sausage i , ; ..7f , Blood Sausag ;.7t Beef Stew.......... 2 to 4a Weinerwurst . . . ....... .10e Boiling Beef. ...... .Set to 5e ' f , Pot Roasts.. ,....5e, 6ft,'7 v FOrk s: Hamburg Steak ..7; ,;..C . PorW Roaats ,,.,..... . .12f) Corned Beef .... ........ ,5t Pork Chops ............ 12Shoulder Steak 6 Pork Sausage . . ... .8 Sirloin Steak . . ........ . .10f , SPECIAL VEAL Vearstew'..;.;;;;v:..7i Yeal. ' Chops f 'i ; . ; V;; 10ft 'Shoulder ' Roasts . . V, ,' . 8 Veal Breasts .8t Loin Veal 't;t:.;;;J;i2Hf Veal Sausage . ..I.. 12M ;iMuttoii Mutton Stew .5t :'. -t. - -.. ' ; v. , , - f, ,v - . . v, . Mutton Shoulder ... ... . 8ft : :.;'' v. ",.',.Vr:.' . . Mutton.Chops u . .... .10 Mutton; Legs ;, . . , ; . ,12 1 POUNDS S10 y..- WITH EVERY $2 ORDER' " : y 3 cans Carna tion Cream for 25e Canned Goods Mason Jrs SPICES Can of any kind of Spice. .5e Mb. cans 25t Baker's Cocoa 20 TEA ft 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea. . . . .25 1 lb. U. C Japan 25e 1 lb. E. B. Tea 25 Tomatoes, Peas, Beans and Corn, 3 cans. ........ ;25et Two cans Apricots, Plums, Peaches and Pears. . . .25t 7 lbs. Navy Beans 25 5 lbs. Rice 25 Pints, dozen 85 Quarts, dozen . .05 Half gallons, dozen.... ..00 Rubbers, dozen ....... ...5 Cap's, dozen .20 CREAMERY r BunER..oi)C SPECIALS Scotch Oats ........ .10 7 lbs. Rolled Oats..... 25 1 box Macaroni 25 2 pkgs. Fluff Starch. . '. .5 5 doz. Clothes Pins 5 Soaps Elk Soap, 13 bars ...25 Monarch Soap, 8 bars. . . .25 Baby Elephant Soap, 6 bars 25 Golden Star Soap, 7 bars 25 2 pkgs. Gold Dust..;.... 35 Coffee Postum ....20 Gold Medal M. and J.... 35 MONARCH COFFEE ..25 1 lb. Loaf Sugar Free with every pound. Town Talk, lb. ........ . .20 Army and Navy Blend... 15 Peoplo Col I phono MAiN-i4TT) Fl PST AND TAYLOR STREETS I home a i4ia I Dalles Diamond Flour FIRST IN BREAD FIRST IN BISCUITS FIRST IN THE STOM ACHS OF OUR COUN TRYMEN. ASK YOUR GROCER Diamond Flour Mills THE DALLES, OR. GOLD MEDAL FLOUR la the beet of all rood things that come from the grocer. It makes tha most irholeaoihe and nutritious bread and tha daintiest cake and pastry. It ia a blaeult flourIt la a pastry flour it la a bread flour It la a cake flour-- It la an all-around flour made for you. ' .Washburn-Crosby Co.'a Gold riedal Flour S6.35 PER BARREL. S1.65 PER SACK. t). C, Burns Co. 210 Third St. Phone lain 616 A I6a6 THE HIGHEST GRADES -OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE ' NORTH WEST AT YOUR ccrrti I I CffiTwse. oetoSSJ GROCERIES FCIIOWS S49-551 OAK ST. Grocery Co MEATS Both Phones, 2590 348-350 ANKENY ST. WE ALWAYS LEAD IN PRICES AND QUALITY f ; BELOW ARE A FEW Of OUR REGU1AR PRICES: BEST FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER, per roll 65 ROSE CITY FLOUR, hjighest fancy patent, per sack ...... T. J. 91.30 BEST DRY GRANULATED SUGAR, 18 pounds for ... 81.00 HUMPTY DUMPTY, large package... .'. 5 4 pkgs. Fancy Table Salt ..........25 3 cans Carnation Cream ..25 5 cans Star Cream.,... .....25 1 can Eagle Milk .15 1 pkg. Scotch Oats ..........10 1 lb. Postum or Figprune.......... .. .20 1 lb. Fancy Mocha and Java Coffee...... 25 1 lb. Green or Black Tea. , . ....... . . . ... .25 5 pkgs. Korn Kinks....!,.;"..-25 1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut.?. .15 5 lbs, Best Broken -Rice.. .25 4 pkgs. Corn Starch;?. j?p$ SPECIAL PRICES TO HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND BOARDING-HOUSES ORE SSER'S QRBAT PURE FOOD EMPORIUM - , SATURDAY SPECIALS MAPLE SUGAR, absolutely pure. f. ....................... . 25 lb MAPLE SYRUP, absolutely pure eallon 82.25 CLOTHES PINS....: ; 5 do., for 5 - . TETLEY'S TEAS 20f y2's 40, l's 75 . "DRESSER'S LADY. FINGERS 40 lb. Regular 50c DRESSER'S MACAROONS : .40 lb.Reeular 50c " DRESSERr'S COOKIES, ASSORTED ; 4 doz. 25Regular 10c doz ' DRESSER'S STICK CANDY.... .....20 Ibi-Regular SOc Have you visited Dresser's New Good Food Emporium? You should as . there is feature after feature which Vill please one who loves scrupulous cleanliness ' FIFTH AND STARK E. 15TH AND BROADWAY SEASIDE. OREOON QEARHART, OREOON S5 City.... GROCERS.