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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1907)
I: ..- THE ' OREGON- DAILY JOURNAL POXniin'WED!NrESiAT EVENINO.; 'AUOUST 7r JtOT. 0 4 IL Topics TUB JOUliSAL AT RESORTS YAHPfiat aflat. H","Trfi ma regular ratea at the foi . lowlnfeeorta by notifying tb agents lJh various places mentioned. Sub- ripuvna dj mau ere payable la ed gwhart Park... . . . , .p. j. struck t" ...,...... Hot &ake Sanitarium ft,a ........ t Lewis A Co, rnnoii Bprtain.. T. W. MoLeran ' v7ASHINUTON RESORTS. Cirinti yf SoB n neral Springs notel Collins Springs.. C, T. Belcher Jlwaoo " ,.,jLcul Cohen . oemon. , ... . .......... Marshall Pottenger and O. A. Smith Nahcotta .....7 It J. Browfl jrein rark. Matthews Thserorq geevlew ...Frank B. Strauhal The Breakers The Breakera Houl TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS Marquam Grand The Undertow." urand , . . Vaudeville. Lvrlo "Jim. the Westerner. Star "A Bachelor's Honeymoon." The Oaks, O. W. P. oerllne, First aad aiaer. - Plasa, band concert, A. Da Caprlo. di rector. B. Wolfe, wife' and family of Neligh. Nebraska, are visiting Dr. B. B. Wright ad. ur frlenda In Portland. Mr. Ta tha owner of one of the la r great Apartment stores of Nebraska. In speaking of hla flrat impreaslon of the olty yesterday Mr. Wolfe aald: "Port land la the laat Urge city we ahall vtait In tha northweat before continuing our Journey to San Franclaco, and I must acknowledge that your atoree are the beat I have Been, the surround In as of tributary to your metropolis ta by far the beat of the union. Portland la a much nicer city than I had expected to aee." Plumbing Inapector Hoy's report for July shows a total of 212 new build ings Inspected as compered with 10 In June. This gives an Inkling of the great amount of building going on in Portland. Two septic tanke were In stalled during the month. The total number of fixtures connected during rfuiy was l,B2W. tions were made, 111 LOOK IIITO " -.'' '. ' ' tiff'-- '?'' '"' RATE OH VJATER Chamber of ' Commerce Ap points Committee to Inves - tigate Meter Charges. OUTRAGEOUS INCREASE IS THE ALLEGATION Claim Made That In Moat Instance Rata Has Been Advanced From SO to50 Per Cent May Investigate Coat of numbing Supplier. In June 1,461 conneo- Water throught hoso for sprinkling yards or aldewalka or washing porches or wlndowa must be paid for In advance and used only between the hours of 6 and 8 a. m., and C and 0 p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waste fully, it will be abut oft a us i j Funeral services over the remains of Flora E. Nolan were held at Holman's undertaking parlora yesterday. The in terment waa had . at The Dallea The deceased was born in Illinois February 14, 1863. She died August 1. Mrs. Stevens, the sister of the deceased, la a resident of Sellwood. A moonlight excursion on tha rive will be given by the Epnsrth league of Sellwood on Friday night. The steamer Altona will leave the Taylor street dock at 8 o'clock, reaching the foot of Spo kane avenue at 8:80. A good program and excellent refreshments will be pre-pared. Members of the ladies' auxiliary of the A. O. H. held their regular ,bi monthlv meeting at Allsky hall last right and disposed of matters pertaining to the picnic which waa held recently. iA large number were present and Mrs. J. Collier acted as president. The first annual convention of the Traveling Newspaper Men'a association f Washington and Oregon will be held at Astoria, August 25 and 26. Dele gates from Portland, Tacoma. Seattle and SDokane will attend to diacuaa newspaper circulation. P. B. Olfford has retired as of date, Way 18, 1D07. from the firm of Kerr, Clifford & Co. The business will be continued under the old name by the remaining partners, Peter Kerr, Thomas Kerr ana Andrew Kerr. At a meeting of tha trustees of tha Portland chamber of commerce yeater day afternoon a committee waa ap pointed, consisting of F. A. Nltchey, I. N. Fletachner and Harvey O" Bryan, to Investigate the eausea of alleged axoes alva Increase of coat of water aupplled through raetera. It la aald members of tha chamber will also urge an Inves tigation of the enormous Increase of coat of plumbing auppllee through which olty water la' served, making the com bined Increase of water service almost too great for the consumer to bear, i BaUdlng Owners ok. Most of tha complaints regarding me tered water coma from owners of butlff- nga having hydraulic lifts. It Is aald the. coat nf .lnerAtlnir s.n elevator bv water pressure has Increased through the meter plan from 20 to 60 per cent. and that these customers will be obliged to remove the hydraulic elevators and aubatltute elec trice. It- has been aug- gested also that the city authorities might have adopted thla policy pur posely In order to conaerve all the water possible for dumeatlo uses. . . Tne coamMr committee will look: into the Question of water suDOly for fire protection, and its report is expected to cover the water famine conditions that now confront the city as a result of too small a Dloellne from Bull Run. In many parta of tha city proper house holders have thla aummer been unable to get water enough from their pipes for the ordinary uses of the kitchen Mink and the toilet, to say nothing of the garden hose, during the hours be tween and 8 o'clock when lawn sprink lers are generally in use. The result has been a general violation of the rules of the water department as to hours for sprinkling lawns. Consum ers who are paying water rent regularly for maintenance of their lawns and flowers have revolted against being de prived of all water supply durtna the sprinkling flours, and have appropriated water revjy fop their lawns at other hours of the day, rather than aee flow- era ana grass wither. Many JTew Members, Tha chamber trustees yesterday elected the following men and firms to membership: u. F. Sanborn company, Western Iron ft Steel company. P. H. Murdoch. Pacific Coast Realty company. Chap In Clark, Mercantile Printing company. O Shea Bros., North Pacific Steamwhlp company, A. H. Bell, O. F. Moffett, Walker, Simmons & Co., George W. Joaeph. Rosenthal ft Co., A. H. Fa- FRealty Co.. Rober Machinery company, Zimmerman ft vaughan, Chlopeck Fish Co., Deschutes Land company, Bronaugh ft Bronaugh. Acting Secretary Moses- sonn lias received a letter cordially thanking; the chamber for lantern slides of Portland scenic nhotoaranha sent to P. B. B. Peters, director of the manual training school of Kansas City, Mis souri, to be used In lectures at Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Joseph and other cities. v ADD TEII ACRES TO HEIDELBERG Pacific Coast Realty Com pany Purchases More Ground for Suburb. , Tha Pacific Coaat Realty Company has purohaad an additional 10 acres, ad joining Jta Heidelberg tract, which will be aubdlvlded and become a part of that attractive suburb. Tha company now haa nearly 1100,000 Invested in acreage in thla Tlolnlty. and by tha time tha extensive atreat and aldewalk Improve ments, contemplated by "tha company, are made tha Investment will nearly double thla sum. . . Heidelberg la beautlfuly situated on tha Columbia alooa of tha ranmauia anil la riaatlnad to become one Of the choicest residence dUtrtcU within tha environs of Portland. . Tha lota are all to be full aise, oy 100 feet, with a 14-foot alley in tha rear. All streets aad aldewalka are to be graded and laid. Water mains con necting with the Bull Run eyatera will be pnt down throughout tha tract. Ar rangements nave oeen ' maaa wi un Portland Railway Light ft Power Com pany to extend the Alberta Una through lis tract.. It la probable that the car line will be extended north along East Twenty-second street to tha center oi Heidelberg and the, west to Wood lawn, connecting with theNJnlon avenue cara at that point, thua making a loop. The name Heidelberg was chosen be cause of the proximity of tha tract to the sits of the proposed German Luth eran Theological seminary, wnicn is 10 be called Heidelberg after the celebrated German university. It is the Intention of the promoters of thla enterprise to nulla up a large uerman luouru. rnwi will be placed at auch a figure as to per mit any one, who really wants a homo to secure it In this addition. NEW MASONIC HALL CORNERSTONE LAYING Appropriate Exercises Arranged for Burnside Event to Be Held Saturday Afternoon. ATTENDED BY MANY. . Next Saturday afternoon at t o'clock, with appropriate ceremonies, the corner atone will be laid for the new $18,000 Masonlo hall to be erected at, Eaat Burnside and East Eighth streets by Washington lodge. No. ii, and Washing ton chapter. Royal Arch Masons. Orand Master Lot L. Pierce will have charge of the ceremonies. He will be assisted by George H. Burnett, F. H. Davis and H. H. Parker, dignitaries In the Masonlo order. J. H. Ackerman will represent the lodge and chapter and H. W. Scott, grand orator, will be the chief speaker. The lodge room and banquet hall will be on the aecond floor. There will be a music gallery in connection with the lodge room. The building will be com pleted by January 1. Tha Washington Building aasociatlon, of which the di rectors are members of tha Washington organisations, have charge of tha erec tion, GOOD PROGRAM FOR , TONIGHT'S CONCERT DEALS C0UTI1E m SIX FIGURES Real Estate Market Con tinues Active in All Departments. Realty transfers filed for record again went above tha 1100.000 mark yea terday. reaching a total of 1107,074. The market has been increasingly active for me past three weeks, tha daily salsa averaging about $100,000. One of the largest sales reported ao far this week waa that of II lota In block I, Willamette Heights, by Percy H. Blythe to H. W. Hogue. Thla prop. arty la In a block bounded by Qulmby, Pettygrova, Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth streets and brought about $$71 a lot. It la beautifully situated and would oe laeal ror three or four band some auouroan homes. Mr. Hogue plana to keep a portion of the block for a future home and sell tha remainder In four-lot building sites. The Portland Trust eomnany sold yesterday to Oustsve E. Bruere a house and 40-foot lot on Twenty-fourth atreet. between Overton and Northrup, for SB.DVV. Robert Benart has DUrohaaed from Charles L Rabenelck a 7SxlOO-foot lot, occupied by a modern, two-story resi dence, at the southwest corner of Arthur and Second streets. South Portland, for ft.DUV. M. E. Oreenman haa purchased from Mrs. Rachel Cornelius 20 acres In 'he W. H. Payne donation land claim, near Linnton. xne purchase price waa no,- oon The Brown-Yale oomoanv haa nur chased from Mrs. Josephine Hlrsch the west nair or tne rnur lota rronttng on the east side of East Tenth street, be tween East Morrison and Belmont slderatton, $16,000. The property tween East Morrison and Belmont, oon- perty has a frontage of 100 feet on East Tenth street and a depth of 60 feet. Xeavy Travel to Seaside, Hundreds of people are solns dallv to Clatsop beach and Seaside. People returning from tbls popular summer re sort say tnat never Derora nave tnev had the excellent train service that la now being given by the Astoria ft Columbia River railroad to these beach resorts only four hours' ride down the Columbia river to the Paclflo ocean. Two through trains leave dally, Jam. and f p. m. Special train Saturdays, :10 p. m. city ticket office Third and Morrison streets. X V- e ' V SEE THE RED TAGS SEE OUR WINDOWS A SAN FRANCISCO EMERGENCY a An opportunity for judicious piano buying that cannot be duplicated in another city in America today Seven carloads of choicest, new instru ments now being sold here at57c onthedollar B. L. Wyatt and, Miss Ora E. Brat ton were married yesterday at the home i iiie bride's father. Robert R. Bratton, on Eaat Forty-third street near Haw thorne avenue. Rev. O. C. Love officiated. Amusement Council Crest park every evening. Take a car ride to this most beautiful snot Music, dancing, moving pictures, illustrated, songs, etc. Vocal and Instrumental muslo by tha "Ha waiian musicians." Learn to swim at Rlngler'a new Nat fetorlum, 386 E. Mor., cor. Grand. Enam rllnd tank; fresh Bull Run water; pri vate lesson, 60c; club membership, 1.60 per month. Phone East 6670. .A free open air entertainment will be given tonight by the men of the Re Aemptorlst parish at Piedmont on the parish grounds. Good music will be provided for the guests. H.' N. Mitchell of Klamath Falls haa filed a petition in bankruptcy In the ocal United States district court. His ties are placed at $2,431.62, and his 00. J "sWlablll Jc?n a at $1.00 Rayner. general representa tive of William Kiutbe & Co., of New .York. Is visiting the Portland agents of this manufacturer, Sherman, Clay & Co. Steamer Jesse Harklna, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m. Scientific Shoe Repairing Best work. Sewed soles, men 75c, women 60c. Jacob Schwlnd, 867 Stark, near Park. Navajo Indian blankets. 111 8lxth st Alaska Indian baskets. Ill Sixth st. Eastman kodaks. 111 Sixth street Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and (lne gasoline. Phone East 789; B-1007. Woman's Exchange, 18$ Tenth street, lunch 11:30 to 2;' business men's lunch. D. chambers, optician, 129 8eventh. Berger signs 284 Yamhill phone. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. Beck Jeweler 206 Alder. Sals of Sam Praaclsoo Pianos Attracts Buyers Prom Everywhere. Seventeen fine pianos were sold the first day of the emergency sale'of Ban Francisco pianos, leaving an exact one hundred instruments to be taken. Tues day's record will not be qufcte so largo in numners, out tne sajes wore made up principally of the h!ghestprlced In struments. Several choice Deckers, three Schu mann, two Klmballs, one Chlckerlng, two Webcrs, one Pianola Piano, and four pianos Of less expensive makos were taken Up to 6 o'clock in the after noon, one of them going to Salem and another to Tillamook. Eilers Piano House is doing exactly as advertised, each instrument is plain ly marked, and is offered and sold at the ratio of 67 cents on the dollar I making a $300 piano $171. a $400 piano, $288 and everything else at corre spondingly low prices. . One half cash, balance within a year, are the terms upon which these Instruments are ob tainable. Everv instrument disposed of I In this sale Is fully warranted, both as I to quality as well as to price. Be sure 10 can at noil wasnington. street today If you have no piano and the saving of money Is an object. Eilers Piano House. FORMER PORTLANDER VISITING IN CITY Father L. P. Desmarals, formerly of this city, who Is making a tour of the United States, was In this city yester day. He has been visiting the Yellow stone National Park and Is enthusiastic over the scenic beauties of the whole northwest, which he asserts are far su perior to anything to be seen abroad. father Desmarals recently returned from Europe, after visiting Italy and the Holy Land. Damascus, he savs. is the most typical of all 'he old world cit ies, tno same today that It was in the time or Abraham. Freight is still car rled on the backs of camels and cara vans may be seen leaving for Meso potamia almost any day. "At Baalbac, in Palestine, the most interesting; and best preserved ruins to be found in the whole country are to be seen, said Father Desmarals. "Here is the great temple of the sun built about 2000 B. C. by the Phoeni cians. Some of these great granite blocks are larger than those in thn great pyramids. Some of the blocks are 68 Vi feet long, 12 feet high and 12 teet tnica:. After visiting San Francisco, Salt Lake City. Colorado Springs and Den ver. Father Desmarals will' return to the east. The Park board wlfl furnish the fol lowing program from the band atand on the Plasa blockthls evening: March, "Bn Ooguettes" Daudenard Overture. "The King Jvelot" Adam "Moonlight Serenade" Moret "The Forge In the Forest" Michaells Selection from "The Strollers' Englander Intermission. Fantasia, "My Old Kentucky Home" Dal bey Intermeixo, "El Dorey".Von der Mehden Baritone solo, "Souvenir de la Suisse" , xioeraii Signor DeCaprlo. Selection. "Maid Marian' De Koven March, "The Stars and Strrpes Forever" , Sousa A. DeCaprlo, Director. INDETERMINATE TERM JFOR HIGHWAYMAN irrnm S to 20 years In ths penitentiary was tha sentence passed upon Oeorge -OPIATES p20,.. We can extract one or all your teeth without hurting a bit and fiut In new teeth the same day f you desire. Our system of crown snd bridge work is simple, quick and painless. When desired you can have T. P. Wise or my personal service. Painless Extracting Pre Whsa . mates are Ordered. 10 TBABS SHU snd doing dental work all ths time. That Is the record of Dr. W. A. Wise. That's one reason our business has grown our ps trons come back, and they send their friends. W. A. WISE, Dentist railing bldg 3d and Washing0 8 a. m. to p. m. Sundays to 18. rainless Bx. attoa OOoj nates go T. P. Wbe, fl. A, Stardevint and H. A. Hoffman ABBOOXATXI. BOTX FZOsTEB, A AJsTO SOflt. Unprecedented Figures. Makes That Every One Knows. A Definite and Binding Guaran tee, he Time Is Short. Be Quick. dispensers of pianoreliability Frsser, aged SO years, who had' pleaded with an accomplice on March 17 held up rullty to highway robbery before Judge :ieland in circuit court. Young Fraaer F.W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for PRINTING I v- 1 f A r First and Oak IN CAR LOAD LOTS iff-, Rainier Mineral Soap 1b Great Demand in tha Xaat. Another car load of Rainier Mineral Soap waa shipped to Buffalo the past week. Thla will make about a million and a half bars this concern has shipped within the past six months. This would not be possible for such a new industry were it not for the fact that the soap considered a speoiric in sum trouDies. r. Wende. DreBldent of the Board of neaiin or ifurraio, w. x., ana tne lean ing specialist In skin diseases in his section of country and a practitioner who is considered thoroughly ethical, says of Rainier Mineral Soap: -"I use it in skin diseases and the people ought to know of it.". This soap has been used and indorsed for skin diseases being a soap with medicinal properties I It Is considered fcne of the finest arti cles on tha market today for toilet and bath. ;s V Ttm BlssoeAXs rUadU. It is the ill fitting shirt that eausns LXhe iroitble with the head of the house hold, uuett and Star brands are peace makers -on special sale at Robinson & Co.'s, $9 Washington sUU ( . E. J. Maxwell near, the O. R. & N. tracks on tha east side of tne river ana too $125 from him. Fraser afterward went to California, then returned to Oregon, stopping In Salem, where he stole a suit of clothes and served three months in the county jail of Marlon county. MORE OIL DRILLING NORTH OF ST. JOHNS It Is reported that drilling for oil will be continues on ins ugaen iarm north of St. Johns as soon as additional funds can be colleoted. The work was suspended sometime ago when a shaft 800 feet deep was sunk because of lack ot capital. At that depth several buck ets of petroleum were brought up and experts assart that oil should be reached at a depth of 1,600 feet. ' Mr. Ogden is endeavoring to interest others In the project? The House of Highest Quality 353 Washington Corner of Park Added Attraction 1ffiS Ice. Ice For lea call Main 234 or A-I24E. Delivery company, 851 Stark at BRINGS DEAD TO LIFE. Apparatus for Resuscitating Persons Apparently Dead. An apparatus for producing artificial respiration has recently been devised whereby in cases of suspended anima tion the action of the heart and lungs can be renewed. Professor George Poe, the Inventor of the apparatus, does not Insist that with Its use life can be brought back, but claims, according to the Scientific Amer ican, that by artificial means applied through the instrumentality of the res pirator persons killed by asphyxiation, poison or drowning can be reauscitated; that the death of persons under the in fluence of anaesthetics while being op erated upon can be prevented; that its use will . prevent Infant asphyxia at birth; that a drunken person can be sobered In a few minutes; that persons electrocuted or hanged In the latter case where the . neck has not been broken can be revived, and that the f reeling to death of Arctic explorers can be obviated. These results are ac complished by stimulating normal res piration through artificial means. A demonstration was maae on a rao- blt. Two arralns of morphine were In jected into the leg. after which four ounces of ether were administered. It was believed bv the experimenters tnat life was positively extinct, as the appli cation of every known test failed to reveal any sign of life. In this condi tion ths tubes of the apparatus were ap plied to the rabbit's nostrils, and on tumping out? me poison wun one cyt nder numDlnsr oxygen Into the lunsrs with a simultaneous movement of the Valves, within three minutes tha rabbit, but lately pronounced oeaa, waa breathing naturally, and within six min utes it was running around" the room. Tha ether was entirely out of the sys tem, as there was no Indication of "NUMBER PLEASE" Main 1S72 places at your command a large, and well-selected hardware stock, with prices as close to right as the goods to your wants. Corns and see! AVERY (a CO 48 Third St., Bet. Pine & Ash ONOW BALL IN SUMMER TIME AT CLOUDCAP INN, Mount Hood. Auto mobiles operate between Hood River and the re sort. Make your reser vations now. For trans portation rate ask at O. R. & N. city ticket office. For reservations wnle HORACE MECKLEN Manager. Postoffice. Mt. Hood, Or. TLA Consumption doesn't in crease with the growth of the country. Fault off the tea. Tour grocer returns your money If you don't like BchilUng'a Best; ws pay Mm. I M19WI AHf MM T.TV' CswiM vV L fl f OASDOT sJOCUT. Tl "iT JlS 1FVTAF&LL Ml W7M fWnmMAJ I Tlf Trttrf frews VP fr fit Utcnf M oroxm TT TwS. . VI mm m urn ran Vv JrJ?rfJ ? crmtmmnmnprt 1 S Z1 ZZL 41 3utv ntr Atom m lS 1 llZJlZTi1 jf JTAMTIMC ALACI Ml I ISISU "7 J L, I SjL dojbTSo'' ""CYI I J. gff AU.OIJTIO) f Ss. n miuft - roViAA V 7xV!w jf , , Tomorrow! 9 Carmen's Picnic and Field Day 50 Prizes 50 of Special I Even- Program Brents All Day and Big Bve Ing Baby Show. 10 prises: Athletic Contests: Cake walk ; Watermelon - Eating Con testa; Races. 10 minute ear Berries from 10 o'clock to midnight Sunnyalde, Mt. Tabor and Ankeny street passengers for Oaks can now transfer DIRECT to Oaks cars at First and Morrison streets. Marquam ' Orand "V" XatUs TUX UNDERTOW ; Tha great sensational graft play. ' Evening iOc, 26a, lia. Bargain MaU lna Wednesday, all seats ,." LYRIC THEATRE ' Pbona Mala Mil. This Week the Allan Stock Company Presenting -riot, m wasTUuram. Matinees Tuesday. Thursday, Satur day and Sunday. Prices, too, ito. Bv ary avanlng at 1:15. Prtoaa, 10c, 10a and f Oo. Reaarved aeata by phone. Main 40SK. tVtlce open from 10 a. m. to ll p, m. The Star sS iii wnrx or avvvw s. A special Summer mlrth-provokar. "A BAOXX&Om'fl XOsTXTMOOsT. Matinees Tuesdays. Thursdays. Satur days and Sundays at 1 110, prices 10a and loo; avory evening at a:is pneea ibs. 20o aad tOo, Becure seata for all cer- formanoaa by pbona. THE ORAJND x or Avavsr s, tsar, TaadawtUa Da IMS. Hsskdsd ky DATZS T. PXBKrSTS, XS3TBT A. TsAV TIM SI vO Dally mattneea at 1:I0 twa perform anoaa each evening at T;4I and 0:10. BASEBALL ATHLETIC PARK, (Dona Yaogba and Ttrwty-fauCa. August 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 OAKLAND VS. PORTLAND Oame called at 1:10 p. m, dally. Oamea called at 1:10 p. m. Snndays. r.ADrjBS' DAT PBXSAY. - ADMISSION 25f. arandstand He. Child ran 10a. Box Seats Slo. AsnrUA Picnic and Field Day or Brotherhood of Electric Street Railway Employes THE OAKS nnrssoAY, avqvw s. TA YrosMaa ant cask prlsaa) Oo fA dv J" lrr ooatestanta Jjj aAZATZST BAST sTKOW. Foot Races, Boys' Blcyala Paces, Tub Races, Swimming Races, Exhibition Drills by W. O. W. snd Maeoabass. Championship Caks Walkers, Prise Dancing, 'iug-of-Wax Contests, Boxing Matches, Wrestling Matches, Psnclng Championship. Grand display Pi re works and other Free attractions. Osoar Stanley, A. C. Burns, Jamas Morgan. A. M. Singleton, C J. Ander son, committee. Come With the Crewd and See the Pun S1 A WEEK S t WIL.L, BUY YOU A 1; Diamond or a VMc EVERY ARTICLE QUAFiANTGCD . , STANDARD JEWELRY; STORE 189 Third Strt, Bettwejam Yamhill find Taylor fl if v? 19 ii LL MILITARY ACADf PORTLAND ORt. A Boarding and Day School for Toung Man and Boys. ' Preparation for col leges. U. S. Military and Naval Academies. Ac credited to Stanford, Berkeley, Cornell. Am herst and all Stata Uni versalis and Agricultural Colleges. Manual train ing. Business course. Ths principal has had St years experience in Port, land. Comfortable quar ters. Best environments. Maks reservations now. For Illustrated catalog and xothar literature ad dress j. w. mix, hd., Maalpal and ProprlaOom, GAurOaurxA loma Hotel Hamlin v DDT AKO tCAYCrVOaTH SIS, to San First psiuiassnl bsg, kotel dova tewsv Contains lOObeaatlfalhr furnished stsaaa heated apartOMnts, 40 baths. Private tslsphass sar Vie. SamplaroaBasfec eenunercial travslara. Eddy 8c aara fresa ferry pass doer and esn i sect with trd St, eat fnaS.P.Depet. Rates f rem $1.00 ua. Pkotte Private Sx. Praaklla42S. Fran c i s c o GRAND HOTEL 56 Taylor St, Near Market. SAN FRANCISCO Two blocks from -railroad offices, mint, postoffloe and city halL Tha most modern and handsomely fur niahed hotel In tha olty. European plan. Rata 11.19 : Up. . Our Tus msato ail trains. ' ; l f.' . ... ,-. AUfl. Bl DRUCKBR, Mgr. V9 MM TOVB TAOTOBT- UTILITY UANCFACTORIKG AND PLATHG C011PA!,Y Store Display f Plxtures, Light Manufacturing Specialties, Plat- tng and Oxidising, Braaa Finish-' Ing, Wlra Work.. : lsi'imosT ATim ' v k .Phonaai Bast 0, SIMS. Dr. Sandareon's Compound Savin and Cotton Root PUl. 1 he ht and only reliable remedy fori'; -IATED PKRiOPS.. u ". J MAflt Ahatlnat t V. ? days. Price tl ixr bos. mailed In t ' i wrapper. Sold h dfr :"Ztr,,' Address T. 3. PIERC& 1 ftrtt street, Portland. Oregon. c