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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1907)
. I eJ-. .-.iJt"l y?-v .I'i.Ct''1 :?''; , : a-"'''r"'ilTl','TTTTT"1 , " ! I fl 1 ' - ' " THE JOURNAL "... AM iXDIPBKDRm1 RBWaPATKB. '. ft' S. Itektn. riMUh mT -ata (rpt 8ndr) .PobUab-r llld- poMioie. .ven u inereby we get "the boundless natural resources of worm men man uourne, still It wH! the United State hav. .,, . Htti- be an Improvement oyer the old ays- developed as comnarmi with thns of i cab bJiv luiuro iiuiUB Ana me only war to establish this la store for our country far greater aw"Kffll Urre 7tm and make It aure and solid records of prosperity than hare been - . . JZZnL .. Porti. or., for ana eiie' for legislative can- made In the .recent nhannmnal -- ttxHuk tb .ue - eoau.e didates to subscribe unequivocally to years. The situation has nothing . 1 statement No. 1. Any man who will UVA mMIIMnmiltl tnw a..anr st-io ' TDJCFHONS MAIN TITS. I t ,v. . , . . . "11 " " ""7- aoi d eieciea. it, --,-, i m. me . AD SepartiMata timet br Oils asmbar. tU tk operator th 6prtmnt jvfl want Only men who. will obey 3 i people J cedes nrflinirlt n..u.a and -.-n yoanoN apvsbtisino Rip.rasNT.nvg should be elected. . LacHv. .,, .. .-m,.-- , l .v . . . . I ' J - uu .u U..VW vt party is a minor . nf . -,,, little differently from WMlaMl.HMhMta Inaal A iWwt.. n IbTMIWT imami- Bnuoini. 23s riftb araaoa. u.w " ; " , " " """" er of a panic." But he explains the ion; moan oouainf. vuicaso. i iiurauuu w iun vug oi ODBTinr IDO nnftf . i I wuuavBvu ahaerlDtloa b U Caltad StatM, DA ILl Oaa Tt I Om moatb Sl'NDAT. 0a faar 1X80 I On Bnntta, DAILY AND SDN DA I Oaa jraar 17.50 On month. Letters Froiq tLc People If" By Claraland Vfoffatt Not only Is It tru that a number ef Tmw br naU to any Kdrw will of the people, letting the people most Othura aarlna-- '"'"ri.f.T4' " Mttk rule. They hare a right to choose !' ' "y,n, - a leglB.ature of one barty and a sena- STS.9 s x tor or anotner. iney hare a right uma of money Is incraaalnr Rising I A to elect a Socialist or a Prohibition- prices follow an Inoreas In tha cur- lst to the senate If they want to. rency ,'n1 " npob o hava a . , .. . panic wnan pricfa are ria nr. Except in the matter of formally re- Df courao. th.r. will b. cording their will, It Is none of the I in apaclal caaaa whort speculation legislature's business whatever whom r'" prices abovo tha normal level thv lct or what nartv h helonra "ul w" m"7 "P01 inoreaaa If I might control the literature of the household, I would guarantee the well being of church and state. Baon. Any other treatment of the or M iaaK M th, volum, of to. question Is dodging It, with It. 'Juggling1' than A JUGGLER REPROVES JUO-GLINQ, "J VQQU&" 18 a favorite word with the Oregon Lan when It has no argument to offer In lA money Incre&aaa mora rapidly population and bualnaaa. The trouble la not with waalth pro auction, but with distribution. Tha truat are bleeding tha public; the tariff nsi rnna r saw la w .... . Mlvn rtTUB-o a tui .v.. . w..a ...iu .uu.uuiera v-,v v.-.x wu -u.ub. iu.uMd the rnroad, ovarcharrina- tat Portland does not sufficiently rona, but tbeaa thlnca can ba remedied appreciate and make known to now aaainr than ever before. The truata PORTLAND WATER. i-', i. A BASELESS ASSERTION. ,, . cn be dlaaolved and they will emDloy fiT.1v i n . I U. 1 ODt - . 1 1 V.VUUI.1J BUU IUO I " cvijr v yrupuaiuon mil H I .ij i, . . . . iuuiw poupis mm u more fooaa urxJer flntvuu ht.f .ii . .... """ " uiiut- competition : the tariff rn h. ,.i.i f r WE Mil UB 1 U U IU LIIRIlfT I . . . I " - . - I T m watw L" mm 1 . f I x ... xuw 11 11 j kikica miii iin na wage roti ana tne output In such excellent, superior, perfect cred; railroad rate can be reduoed water, one of the most ImDortant and nd Ptrona can use the money r.i.-. ' . tnu "ved ,n b"y'ng what the rnanu- Ul -uiiia,uua puaseaBiona. facturera have to aell. Wft whn IfvA hrtt IM 11 Bart l n-1 I ... v. v n, BUU I0W la the time to itlaanlva Ih. so do not appreciate the blessing of true ts. reform the tariff and reduce It, nor sufficiently advertise It so rallroa1 rtM- "n1 no threat of panic that nAftnla of ntW Mtli ,noula Bcar e public. out the country will understand how greatly Portland Is favored in this respect. It is only when a Portlander travels away from home, and has to drink different water, that he feels a due appreciation of our Bull Run water. Not infrequently visitors from other parts of the country are sur- from the lerlslaturA Wh.t .... M"'"" l" ""ru UJUl ine' m7 ar,nK m .v. rv water out of common hotel faucets not only safely but with delight. They have not been used to this In other cities, In many of which water Is not safe to drink unless boiled, and in few if any of which is it taste ful, agreeable and refreshing, as here. . Jugglers In the land It Is the chief, ' ao far as we have "any knowledge, la oppoarng the election of United States senator by a direct vote of the people Instead of by the legisla ture, its whole pretended argument . Is a Juggle, for It dodges or seeks .uto obscure the one main, essential question at issue: Should the will of the people or the will of the legislature prevail, Ja accepted, and made effectual? The Oregonian says we cannot "Juggle" with ithe federal constltu ' tlon, and cannot send a man to Wash ington with credentials from the people; his credentials must come I "Juggling" is this. Nobody proposes to aend a nym to Washington as senator without formal credentials from the legislature. In formal com pliance with the constitution; but what is contended for is that the leg islature should obey the people, ac cept as a matter of course the ceo 1 1 71. . . - i . ii .vt.. . . . ,1 v ! - ... i ni uui cipiou mis remaraaDie pie choice, and issue the necessary : , T .m.,. . , ' advantage more? The hotels of - credentials in accordance with the people's -mandate at the polls. There Js nd Juggling" with the conatltu tion Jn the cae; the whole inatter is: Shall the peopld in reality elect, the legislature only' formally ratify ing their election; or shall the ofd system be restored by which the legislature was made a scene of log rolling, holdups, corruption, scandal, bribery, and all-around devilment in consequence of a senatorial contest? This is the evolution, and the Ore Portland could easily do this, by announcing the purity and excellence' of Bull Run , water , on placards, to be placed on the doors of all rooms, and 'on1 bills of fare and hotel sta tionery, mis would call every guest's attention directly to the su perlortty of Portland's water, and visitors would remember this and talk about it wherever they went afterward, thus making Portland noted not only as the "Rose City," gonlan cannot "Juggle" it away. The !? 18 m0re lmportant' M i.a4iv fuio w a vet vil. 1UQ people understand it Tor years this monumental Jour nal hopes Portland hotel proprietors nallstic hypocrite pretended to advo-P"' CD8lder th,S BUggeBtlon faTor- Ai-nflnn i. i , . I auiy vw uwuuu wi Dciiawn ay uireci Tote of the people, and bewailed the T IS constantly reiterated that be cause there will probably be sev eral Republican tandidates In the primaries for United Slates senator, the one hav ing a plurality cannot be elected as against the Democratic candidate. But who knows that this will be so? There Is no precedent on which to base such a statement. There were five Republican candi dates in the primaries last year, and one of them received the nomination by but a small plurality, yet Jie beat the Democratic candidate, a very strong, capable man. It is well known that Mr. Bourne was In some respects weak, objectionable, yet he won '.fcy.iulte a large majority over Mr. Gearln, who was then in the senate and had made and was mak Ing a fine record. Since such was the result last year, why Is It re- Iterated that the same result cannot be attained again? Merely because those who say so are Inciting the Republicans to overthrow and de stroy the primary law, and especially that feature of It providing a way of electing senators by the people. Origin of Some Oregon Names. Portland. Aug. 8. To the Editor of The Journal I noticed la your, paper of last gaturdav evenlna- in oolumn fvw or tne editorial page, near the bottom of the oolumn. a short article nomad from the Moro Observer, eredlted to millionaires In America' own olatea ef v . Ireland, senior editor, in which solid gold or silver gilt (which latter Is ne preienaa to give the origin of the conaldered aood enouah for European name of Lucklamute. stating that It royalty), hut there are rich families comea rrom "lucky mute." a deaf and who boaat aeta ef nhina. oo.tln from dumb man who was suoceaeful aa a I II. 00ft tn is one Arn an that tha """""nan. Toriy-aifht year I breaking -a, f ,ifI pUU mMns the ago. If "V Witt" made the state-1 loaa of ..v.r.i hi.n- u.r. ment as a Joke, knowing him In olden I Now I believe - In apending money m ihb eonaiaeraoie or a Joker, I wnnin reaaon on Deautlful things, on intnmi is ay; out ir ne " painiinna. noDie Duuainga. inapir- really In earnest I am compelled to Ing mualc but I say that any man or differ with him for the following rea-J woman who uaea platea Hire theae of iKi-.. ... . . i Hum ur silver, or irarue piaiea ai aaV' . Tat Forty-elrht yeara aaro" would eral thouaand dollars rinun whii mi, i-.l-i1.- ,ht. Um .thf nm orlgi- tltudea near by are perishing of want l?6,;' u 'ct au- 1 that auch a man or woman Is .hm.. , prnoi inn me name "xuok-1 worae man were when he ahod hla laraute waa In uae, being applied to the mulea with gold, for Nero may have Stream now bearln hf n i . k.wlii Lnnwn mm kii w.. . . .. l. wum m am oai range or noun- Drougnt up in tne teachlnaa of democ- Ulne and running weatward through racy and Chriatlanlty and they do know wiii.J?!.u.-tji nl mP,tJrlna tne better, and theae thfnga which they re- 5m,iViivV'.' rl).u' lg."- Th! f Mfl"- tB, shameful mlauae of proor alluded to a ln the nature of wealth, may be counted asalnat them tltu5PPr.?,r'nn,L'.,,!d .th,tyr ,0,M h,n the hoir of r "konlng titled Preaton Sectional and County arrives. map of Oregofi and Washington weat of a Un'ted'sd:..:.' ?P!iVJr 'w case, of thentlo sources, by J. W. Trutch and P,urul nilaery that have recently eome tiyae,- ana copyrighted HOW THE RICH LIVE In Retfsrd to Eating O0 Plates ef Solid Gold U. W. Hyda." and convrla-htad b llahmaa of fine attainments aa a aur- t I to mv knavloln In xr- ,. rit A-Pf"101.. ..Mr. Tnitch was aa Eni- a boor hiM about a -.r. m .. ,1 veyor. and did much of tha. early aur-ISf?001 on morning, through a bitter veylng In the Willamette vallev orior eoruary anowatorm. with Its feet tied to 1886. Iater he went to Brltlih Col- "P n " umbia. waa knighted, and waa lieu ten- had net nor ahoea, and when the teacher re- By Arthur Brlabana. - Very often this column contain. .. hsrewn neuHahment . After school she JJZ V?V?1' ?f V" naa to atruggie until dark wltn a neayy : . " Tr" "e sud puahoart ef potatoes. And she worked Jeot, and we write It If wean. and ?- 'tl Il5.t, 'ht w," 5 utJ " "ky to Intereat-the ma tons. She died of overwork and lack joriy Of food. i jviii. ..H see Today wt write by request an edi. These are twe eases among thousands torlal concerning a large collection of In New Torkl Another was at S!v Hen- human beings, gathered together for ry street, fourth floor, where we found benevolent and cheerful purposes, and four little children all alone. They calling themselves "She Owls." The Were filthy and llmmr Tti mnttn nf artia n-.1a nplnvi said their mother had gone down stairs, neath three wlae looklna- bird. Present y the mother staggered In. with ?....--. woKing wrds, reads two pans or water. She Had luat left a I - ick bed and weak as she was, had car- There's so much bad In the best of us ti.r..VrW w.T. W'th'.0 u. J with bronchitis. She ha4 no money ns Th,t. u ou. merely an origi- food. no oca" Shi de"a?ed (In 6ert J?'," n V"e P'? '"- man) that she would eommi? .,S,id- if ?eA," old command, "Love One ant-governor of British Columbia from 1 1"0!1 thf af th child's feet were Juiy, mi, to Julr, 187S. i vm jiurpi umwt rroien. Second I cannot Imagine the source The same teacher told me of a little Of Brother Ireland'a "Infnrmitinn" it girl, about 11. who had to arat un before certainly was from hearsay, as he did dy''ht to aaw buttons on sweatshop not arrive In Oregon until the fall of garments.. In the morning she would ls. And further. In his reference to school and at noon would carry to "Cralo- In th inm nffin in n.An aome lunch to har fnthar In (ha -..(. City" it Is Implied that "Asahel Buah." h,P- Then she would hurry back to now a well-known banker in Salem, was school with only a crust of bread for uiiurii wnier upon ine Argus, naa wrote so badlv that Cralv nmild not make out his writing: whereas, the fact la Bush never waa tha editor nf the Argua. but. on the fonlmrv waa editor of the Oregon Statesman, which he eatabllahed at Oregon City in March. 851, and removed it to Salem In 1863 . ,ij .. , ;-.-...- t .. i Auoinir. babies and she oould not leave them rer'.Vm'uch bad In the beat ef e e e I ""i " mucn ifooa in me worst or I wonder bow It Impresses a million - ? V1 7?UJL.T " ?. tr.VlTllm aire company dining off gold plates to I and to see and to encourage the good hear such stories) Perhaps they aoceot I ,n the worst of us." Post that "wanton charity" Is worse 1 smoothly aa w r-Mt. it man exiravaganoe, ana decide to leave ir human beings could forg well enough alone. It fa so aaav for I own excellanr r ll. k. in tha -lh.A An k.l I aM . . " J. . . .... ..... . . '' i " iwni nouaes mere are a nm iici ia. aa a diti mmja nerore. hi wwiiniM or nth.., inui uiri GoariiT until we nav mmii. wu mere i in tha mA.t ..-n...- thing better, and neither the editor of I of creatures, the brotherhood of men in, oiuru; ATening foui nor im iaay "uu " aavanceo conaiderably;. we with the gold plates nor any one elae should need fewer Jails and poorhouaea. need feel any great concern about the i No. 6 of 'TNie Owls' reads as "wantonness'' of charity so losg as follows: Naw York hoanltala a -a mihImii. 'Don t take vnuraolf tv- A m -nn -t .. - V HWJ1 P. bankrupt and New York tenement chll- I ou".,y- Rowdyism at Weddings By Carolyn Preseott What do you think of a young bride nd controlled Its column until I who makes an exit fnr har iiii.. T A i -wwr r . m I . at . OrrT CUy in April7 iFsswTth V. T!7.1. TV 0t n. tru aa, roreman. a mora awim. I - -v -a. pllnhed nrlnter never aet font on nnn A New Bedford rum t ..- It'thlnf W" "0t t0 ln order t0 best friends, who In the cane of the word "Willamette" nad Planul to torment her by adorning oromer Ireland a akout aa far "off" I ner Wltn rice and rnnfatH i .. aa iiw ib in i c i - l ii 1 1 n i.frm l.urir-i thM .. i . . ... lamute." It Is true that about the yiir " """ "UP emblems. 1876 there waa a controveray about the her escape ln the trunk that waa umper apcuing or tne w principal conteetants were proper spelling of the word: but the supposed to contain her wedding finery principal contestants were .lnrto-a Taadv ri.ii. . . .. ' i -,i r..A iiim .:" ".-r.. ' " " auests were aearchin. fm ii iiiiftui ou uiit. ine rormer i . . ... rlnlminif that "Wallamet" waa the cor- n'r b WM lying ln a doubled-up poa reet apelling. and the latter that "Wlll-I ture that did all sorts of things to her ,t.tcpo7r;y&nticelve"r; cro- bRck -t Kach man had his supporter! fut0. to convoy tb young cnntrovAmv hut people to the station flered at the time L.If,n: u bout time that this wedding MAN'S FACE IS HIS PROP-ERTY. f. degrading and debauching system of legislative elections; but that there was not a particle of sincerity ln all ttlwSse "professions Is shown by Its coarse now. No sooner Is the thing It pretended to favor accomplished, or la process of accomplishment, than It turns about and denounces and ridicules and opposes the very reform that it falsely professed to Indorse. Now it says that the pri mary law, and especially -that por . tlon of It Intended to effect this very "reform. Is "foolish and crazy," Is 'tomfoolery." is "absurd." It says If the people elect a legislature a majority of whom are Republicans nd at the same time elect a Demo crat senator, or vice versa, they don't want the senator they have chosen, but dome one. any old thing, that the legislature may choose. But after the Republican party has nomi nated fits best man, according to Re publican voters, and all the voters la a largely Republican state have declared in a general election that they wanted not him but the Demo cratic candidate or vice versa what authority or reason has anyone to say that they did not know what Uiey were about, or did not mean what they did, or that there is no obligation on the legislature's part to pay any attention to their clearly una empnatically expressed will? if ' this isn't "Juggling." and "absurd." and "tommyrot," and "huggermug car." and all tha .... --. -"v il ui me ure- " r gonian'a favorite argumentative ex pressions, we don't know what could , , td so. , ? . The thing has already been done. 1 Senator Bourne is regarded in Wash . . ington and everywhere as a senator f elected not by the legislature, except f as a necessary formality, but by the ' people of Oregon, whose choice the legislature obeyed, regardless of the choice of its members. Whether the people did the best they might is not the question. Even if they did not, It is pot yet time to abandon the pew and but once tried system of . electing senators by the people. We f oiag to Jteep up that system if GREAT PROSPERITY, BUT T HERE ARE no signs of an abate ment of the country's "abound ing prosperity" at least none certain, tangible, imminent. The usual "period" of prosperity has been rounded out Into a full decade, and everything indicates Its continu ance, that the usual period of de pression will be skipped, or deferred for awhile. People have been proph esying a panic in a year or two, or three, or at least a time of compara tive dullness, but it doesn't come, nor Is its coming anywhere within sight, or hearing or feeling distance. A' FEW YEARS ago the supreme court of New York, ln the case of a young woman whose pic ture had been used on cigar boxes or beer bottles, and who sued for damages and a permanent Injunc tion, decided by a bare majority decision against her. To the general public this decision looked wrong, and an opposite one by a New Jersey judge, ln the case of Thomas A. Edison, will be quite generally ap proved. A firm was using Edison's picture lor advertising purposes which the court held it had no right to do. It was held that if there was any value to the firm in the picture, that value was the personal property of Edison, the owner of the "mug.' accent on case. Each ln a long drawn out u wan x.niniiiw winiin.,i a. ,.. .in- rt " - - u . v v mo ' ... - " ....0 mat juage Strong had the beat of the f "nns WM aclared off? I have urgummi. However tnat may be, the "'a ui many cases where carefully word as spelled by Judge Strong. "Will- raised, well bred, sensitive girls have amette." with the accent on the second b,n humiliated beyond measure by the syllable, was the generally accepted well-meaning (?) friends, who for the v:"'iik iu pronunciation long oeroro I """ uuncemraiea tnelr efforts to iiio luuiruYsnjr reierrea to Degan. In newiy weaaed pair what they fact, as far back as 1813. the word considered an appropriate "send-off" was epelled in that fashion, being One occasion I remember very dla- ."."...tu in in, jyui imi vi Alexander wur a uriae. rusning throuch Henry and David Thompson, the nrat. a downtown arcade to elude per pur- a .ur.rad,e. of thJ Northwest Company, juers, lost a very valuable diamond sun- and the latter the official geographer un,ti hr husbands wedding gift Her v.7 K a , . i 1 company. wwt niier ner ln hot pursuit. Jvih -a,-tett" yTOttW yar" a" the much, P&ck of hounds pursues a KM.yiCS Jh v'?ud.B produced poor little rabbit, and in her mad rush in support of his view. to eacape the jewel was lost This In my opinion the word "Willamette." overclouded the Joy of the weddina- is a corrunt on of the Tndinn ,,d trln. nii tha -; v..aMl? uo naa savea nifylng "green waterT" d m bridT .. n.tiiVi iL.-.T"?. ro' ..m" opinion is based on information ob- from his wife's visiting list all thf JiS&r Vn ago from Mrs. young people who wew'lmDlteitii ta Hnv.t,b8.tmtldf1',,f0rk S the. w'ette for thlW rVery reason, c countrt Um' 'h rr,ve1 the them for not wishing i S'i. 55-ft wh..h.T. wMcrthepeXdn', j i me origin or Indian Marriage is a s they are applied to the lo- should be entered I lect named because of some manner. It Is not made a stud names that callty or oblect ni.aii.n. me locality or site of in rarir aava waa kniwn aa neia, meaning youna- nennla vjne cannot blame to participate ln led "plrcil," Intn performances degenerate. lerious thing, and into ln a dignified dren under 6 years of age are dylna at I V advlae the Owls to elwnlnate from the rate of 11,000 a year, and New fork I f.nal ruI? n Profane wordf There is niuvn unu in ine Deal or us" that word a well-meaning organisation Gverv .. In this world has Its Import- " ' " a,wwv m ;.i. an v. ii.h 1 UIK tnothers are bringing Into the world I k.vuv cnuaren a year without' medical aiiinouicei Tkc Loat Key By John Anderson Jayne. On your oupboord shelves. It may be. there Is a box that you are desirous of ... ... wai m urn Lilac really don t need to sdd even one rd of profanity to the regulations of ample set ln this world has ita imrwrt. ance. And even a harmless effort to be funnv and original a. ... ..!. the use of the mfidest nrofanlty In tha "-Hor,wr,Un'. ' nelbfe men" R.?l"h0, iur,',t no"'r change In , .' u should make It read. T,Tou " jvurmvn iuo seriously. iri.. i i . - " .w-bij. opening. In the box are valuable papers. Owl or ni. h. r ,r. Perhaps some trinket from the home of hPm1 or herself aa seriously as pos the dear old mother, far down the line lbJ?i.. ..,. . of the years. Lt".1 " .K"tt " we Mir. tlmaa v... ii. I.JI..M...11C w" j m ti. . gjvjuv w mv cup board and taken the box from the rlnnm and KHhn t . - 1 1 . I " . - ii. iv wis iiidl hii. j-veryimnr tnat ha Ka-a A A . I. ' " v imi. hiiuiu r 1 ; r vnu pnnin nava 1 .u T uuui iuivusu wis siuin lur nn v n man rsi-is A s. do not take ouraelxAes seriously? iu2C5 nan; .Individuality and person fi.UF lraU that he h- Everything t"S.t h 's mu,t D dne by him self Everything that he is must be k.U 1 - I 1 . 1 . . - . hl--.l . .."".""" ' vumuui- ui your memory, trying w ncriuuaiy. ue is serious. locate the time and the place where JerioGs erlou' responsibilities are you used it last. But, search as you From early childhood until the last will, there la no trace of the key to very man and woman should be found. .mtIlS v,lew. of of person- Tou are unwilling to break open th. diV' a man "should1 tSZZi,"?- box! It waa a rift -Vs.-. ,. .u... I OU1t nOUFh tn- amir H ..! imri... UP. are now still, so a. the earth I SSS. 1 y.te WwS.tdlUs&U.; language Is ooncerned. but eloquent ln there of good work, of S hii. J ft. - - , .. ... Ilnmvh an A 1. . r t . i . a iu vernacular 01 tne "streets or gold." ; i u. wTl . "v"n i Drougnt out 7" VV buK J-0 intfrm the Owls that tha fientlmAnt a.Anl.MAn . V. hnn. -4 a ing the key keeDa vou from hririn P1811 who have succeeded in this wnrld the box. " nve suken themselves extremely serl- It mav not be tha Ira-- n a hnp - oufliy. have lost. It may be the key that an lSilSV f.rt?h0if our ,,lYe" ' Fir would open the door of success. 5'Lt1,ni10 thlr ral characters. Once you held it in your hand. Tou fc1-1. y" WLU ,ln.d. the men snd women even tried It ln the keyhole of the door. "SIS Thnm?i,ln" .akln th?"" But for a moment you turned aside .rimlT Mrt.Vr? ' ' mo,t sly. from the opportunity to open the door ',.,, . . . . that was given you. Now irrh ."? BnplP official In the Owls' you will you cannot nnd the key the him tat I..'." Ja,r one key that vou ri .nr-v.. . .'?;.?" w .T gla to put before know-would 'open the door ' ' short stat2m.'n "h? S.2mnt,f?B5 th,a Tou know that on the other side of Owl" tatemnt by the chief of the th6 lOCkcd &nd rh.flAii Anew tnara 1a I i. ' . . all that your soul deslres-thr option thlnes- and if he i, -ThJLl-h .l" of work, or the privilege of study, or he il de-d 1 n0t dolng ""r10"' the advantaaes that come from lai.nrai. ti,. .:, travel. nl. i- .Aiifi 1 .18 woula '""fy tha But the kev is lo.t. and i .t k. r.W11Af doPUng the name of the wls- fOUnd. Wa , What are you going to do about It? that hav." passed mlddleTf. ' Yo wri.2 Borne will sit down by the side of the It down and repeat It to others or and waste their lives in vain re- Not years, but idleness means m L'ta. anA the unkind, harsh -ge-.Thi laV. worthlee'''.',. mat nas aept tne door closed so I thi door grets fate' fl7, worthless, young spend - i bent. at work. a "place of rest, miles south of Salem, was so the Indians because the segac ver was so plentiful there, and uraver lllinee. beaver.' or, the ui. in uiu una worm ami ihi , ' for tin can ohr..ia vou ween d.v .d nia.h. Vk'. A L-"' r""ll7 - ana showers of old .h.. -, r. -" . jt :. "-.-""-.' ". :r,"7.."" numoiy, aoing nis duty Halem other miaaiia. ii .u ""; ,nq iin.iiii.iiui, yuur .ears, tnougn i turn aoing nis best Is not old ChimZ! iual mJf."ie..Af . th. "me ha come they be formed of the Iron that has en- The world owes th2L. .k .k. ," or a tur. u i, r:M 'I!?.I,7,CI11 tor- tered your soul, will never be fashioned gt Owl for thst short Avln, ' i lure, as did the New Bedford hrida i-I Into the mntr kav tn n-i-i. ,. Tha V, "ylr mI1".- callVb j? u timetoPLfrronhVhpur",1Jar- then L V you have. ke there U And the man not dolny" nvthlng i.Te.5' land 7 ""..Dri?e ce. a custom handed You must taks your whole manhood to have self-lndi.i-. .'" "Itl 'ITll This course of reasoning gives hiT.1"!! immemorial, but this to Father Time, the great locksmith of of real accomplishment 1 ,ii I ... -. -.-..... .Vinci im. .nn , ua luui-iinu uu anvil nr nil- II..1- 1 ,... . . ' . - 1"-" 1 VITH a hA.l-a a- - .i.l . - ' 1 . . . - - -. naiiy orauiirui greenisn hue mav be At, 7,,zr' "i . " -oumg arrray. I a new aey tnai snau uniocK the door. mere is an oia proverD that reads: . ..- ! ,. ui all iimes oi aaa.iia .,1.1. .VT" : .. w not oe . "" iiu aiuov ny iwo. 1 nera the year when It Is in normal condition. rtiit k-ii t2ottn" of horns, the Is another taken from the Latin; "La- . viBAjtiuix ti. ifiMEa .." ;, ,V l oeating or tin oor conquers an tnings. uomoine time i-. Ik. " " many times dur- witn nonest laoor and you. will find as Vacation Tim Won. .,1 ?-aa . I.f on r two the days go by that In your character vacauua lime. lessons are needed to teach tha. n... than Is balnar formed another v From the Jacksonville Post. mXih1rhaLy?un8r PfP,e lesson, they When that key cpmes, as oome it Everybody ln Jacksonville, with tt a "Ln. 'i?' c..m? from sureiy wm, use it well, wisely. , . , , ... I ii.. T. . ... 1 -.iici me cnier lane with you man s ln,a,t orier saylna hv the biareat n Work, anj between fhou d be Incorporated by TK OwT ird Work there may n ell their publlo documents sa foi uwi While you work, you are younr 5oheJL.y?u worl yu ire Ji No matter about th. .-" u ead." ai I V ..a. !... Wa- aal. . l X - I Fl 1 W--l-hn- T71 A - v ..... . Una ha. r-""" V" c,"f or PO- ua.j.ww "i- cynuiusiun oi tne i"Biein. ...., im. .mi.r reiurnea i "- " iue resiaents that any I wnoie matter: or tne man who has tar about the age.' A Rare Specimen. poor iiTiVsjrnt'a MaMina- walk at aii- n?vUp -th boar' Z. 5.f.yanHc.c,ty when he ran Into True, there has been an enormmifi shrinkage In the market value 0f i Th,B 8eems t0 UB to be 8lmp,e' clear. certain stocks, but this did not af feet the real values of the properties, or of any kind of property. It was only a water-squeezing process, father a healthy one, and the coun try in general went ahead with its business and paid no attention to it. Crops are smaller throughout the country than last year, yet are large, and prices are unusually good. In dustries of all kinds are flourishing exceedingly and various trade Jour nals unite in saying that there are no clouds of significance In the busi ness sky. These writers know well what they are talking about, are acute observers, and are inclined to be conservative and cautious rather than too optimistic, and a recent publication of their opinions collect ively Is reassuring. The story that a score of these editors tell is one of boom, rush, inability to fill orders, quick, large sales and good profits! This report covers fancy goods, men's furnishings, hats, shoes, hardware, Jewelry, toys, china and glassware, agricultural implements, carpets, arugs and oils, automobiles and blcv cles, and other manufactures. There a greater demand than ever before for luxuries household decorations, costly; books, silks, etc. The editor of Dun's Review sees no occasion for pes8lmlBm. He thinks the monetary problem what ever that ,ls win, ltKlti lt mutt it It is solved t and that plain Justice, but lt is as much so in the case of a pretty, unknown girl as In the case of Edison. If unknown to fame, she might "Hot be able to say to the court, "My face is my for tune, sir," but she should have a right to say that no advertiser could use a picture of her face against her will. We hope to see that New York decision reversed Tne New York World says: "The battleships should be kept out of the Pacific while San Francisco is what it is and the Japanese situation is what it is." We are free to admit that San Francisco Is a pretty bad and troublesome town, perhaps near ly as bad as New York ln proportion to population, but we fall to see that this is any reason why the battleships should not cogpe to the Pacific. As to the "Japanese situation," while lt is true that we should not aggravate the testy Japanese, our government should certainly not wait to ask "the ! consent or any government on earth" before sendfng its ships whitherso ever .it pleases ln American waters. ran Into "Well." said Rnlll.i . ... lost the key to the doorway opening "Why, haven't you heard thanawsw o success, tners snail be rorged an-lK"i Jbinstein. , ther kev when he brlna-s hla whni. I What news" fciii- ct wh"ther ft be by a gang being to the task of finding, forging "I'm mhrried!" hoodlums, a party of dmnlr.n ?-." and flnlahin. the kev. 6 "Cona-rtiilHo. .-.. -n . man nr a m-m,A . -i ,.r . ..v;"-' "" n ml ters and gumdrops. and an unrisrht nl- folks flushed witi Z ""'A0""7 """,'- v"a2.a' W ano? and a hammock, and soma she.t wedding. , Uly. music, and a Bible, and a camera, and TtT.. I!!?!? long many Far. far. away. some wedding cake, and at-yit: and rUn.e 'i 'L-i.Vy.r!rormln. carriage wheat. aoie woman you ever saw.' from or Is preparing o go to the moun- wedoBwlili1iniid,'turM Rt 1' tain, on a vacation trip. Borne of these M 0?, days I am going to borrow a little blue orderly conduct, whether It be by a rang be nark inrlt nnri naw s-.s-.a k...s...i. - I ar X r- 'vulv UIUVUIJIL VJf Not only thefarmers but the mu nicipalities are calling for labor. A worklngman can take his choice of city or country now. Curious; we 'haven't seen Judge Landls mentioned once yet as Democratic candidate for .president. urusseis carpet,. and I will ge to the mountains and pretend I am enjoying uijmvtk .iiu renting, up. ,1 like to go out in ths wild expanse in- mguoiuni ana commune with nature. I have tried lt and know what It Is. I have slept out with nothing over me but the mantle of night and a iow nan, ana notning Deneath me but a xew cactus plants and an ant bill, nave arose at .7 minutes past t and ran 17 or II miles un the mountaina and back to try and get enough blood In circulation so that 1 could command iuu advertising rates, and then ui down on SNrock 10 times colder than the north pole to wait for sunrise. I re member it came up ail right according to schedule, but lt didn't seem to cheer me any. seemea murky and moldy. Most everything seemed to ba shrouded in aloom. There was more rlnnm around there than J had ever seen. I needed some one to pity me and love me a great deal. I needed rest and a cnange or scenery. Kougning it doesn't seem to ao me tne right amount of gooa. uuess im too puny and frail. My nature seems to be able to get along with a lot more home comforts and leas soenio grandeur and cold nights. This Date in History. lfl First ships built in Canada said to have been launched at Quebeo. 1814 Commissions from England and tha United States met at Ghent to ar range a treaty of peace. 1834 Joseph Marie Jacquard, Inventor of the silk-weaving . loom, died. Horn 1762. -1882 Commander David fl.' McDouaaL u. b. rt.. wno wim a single snip ue- stroyed a Japanese squadron at Shim on osekl. died. Born In Ohio, September It. HUV. : 1589 Mrs. riorence 'MaynncK con victed of the murder or her husband. 1899 -Dreyfus trial opened at Rennei, Franco. ' sort of V. I .. panlon by the hand. vw" res. and. that's nn ni. n n . . havnnd fha I Flnntalh rn -A.', iu. --'. "P" ' .. iviiiiib I . , ' - ai. a lilt. I II UB I 0 I able woman you ever saw." The world neds reforming along manv ?m J?113, 1ot try "'ormlng m?r?lag5 CUStOma? I know nf aa.ra--i ft.ij' . be of the coming mSnth who iift were nrth.,ns t,n,anks they While wreathed in music near and flection In his friend's voice and hurried Tr, .i!1'?, wuld be allowed heavenly sweet, on: "She cooks like a French chef anS rSsSnd ','lr "tu honeymoon In A lark soars alnglng from the mea- "he's so economical thltoS? Joint ex- W MB The forests stand ln mantles of soft Diue, Of course." But Einstein Ignored the cynical In flow rue. An Appeal to Bryan. Henry Watterson In the Louisville Courier-Journal. we are no more concerned in the result Of next nrealdAntl.l penses are less thn whan t -naa a v... elor. and she n.v.r mr.rAm . . s . , Along the roads where sheltering u- to the club and staying out late and Ier rlver,m Ieers to mail, nor rrpw. maschs g A few wild The bright midsummer, but the elders' pods In the stores, and she doesn't cry vr.T.uad Im ,. -..-.u L' I'.r8,tt Was her when I come "iiwiiiiii ui juiy. i ni'iiin, aim ene says sna nrniiMn'f .m tlon than any other of the six Through fallow Held, the scarlet Are and shTnwsr'in. or seven millions of persons wno t.,7' ft,HES.h.r .. ?,rme.h"sbana. ?nc- and I m bothered can themselves Democrat. There is no 1 m, mo"ier-in-taw, and she hasn't reason why we might not return Mr. I And with their blazing blossoms wor Rrvi n unnm n- ..a , . . I ShlD Claim ' crk hi whin and Vr. 1?. ?L a tha P"" butterflies that pale structlon, he alone getting rich whilst I th others sUrv. But. as a matter of I A lr?w.B nuor .tinctures all the air, fact, we entertain no unfriendly feeling - wall ara "' "0aam er th9 toward Mr. Rrvan'a naraonalltv hi.K I Ta.ll hnllvhnolra waava u... .1 I. .w,.iJfcaV.jr.. ."""-' I "ft. "- vcvi -"uuw - "JivB.inoi Hirvniviv w us. nor uO I wimiff we ne in any discomfort under the ban foses linger and defy sends me on wild goose chases to m.VTh wun no motner-m-law, and a yet. spoken of getting a dl -" , Bt0Jl" "asped Bllklns weakly. Why, what's th matter? You're as mo as a gnostr For an answer Rllirona ni. -..tad n the ground dead! ' ine shock had been too much. Poor Bl Ikons! . i, he has lmDOSed unon un aa tinnn hnn. I fall urcun 01 mousanos or Democrats with From fragile stems red poppy petals' I A Misapplied Prescription. .. a FrJ2m Young's Magailne. . Maude Fulton, whose winsome smile out whose votes we can elect nohodv. Small. sdIcv Dinks about the dn,,d i".r..tT?l,J" ..or . Orchid, is re- We would relegate to the rear all by- shine. or tna ronowing: gone dissension and recovnlxe tha living Brlaht orans-a llllea i. "rmer .wen.t UP to a gone dissension and recovnlxe tha itvinr Brlaht orans-a HlUa aw.v !-.. i.a .. "rmer .wen.t UP to a veterinary situation as It la " "WallTs, u.T" 0 "f. IT ' w l0,110 W"11' It Is our Judyment that Mr. Bryan And through tha feno bold ragged m? "a?v hir Phthdnoedna-ak.e.ridVfU n"l VlJSiM. PS"' Tt.wret .obln. twine it ... . vet. aW'.Mu SS. anr considerable portion of tha fnd pendent vot. He hak Identified himself And clamber un tha tall. .nfin... I VBl-, An "our later tne farmer came up stalks unflowar fgain and said that he ooudn't get the with too many conceit of the lecture VkI tl? powder "Oh.'' saia platform. It Is safe to say that quit A warm breese stirs the cedars and i,?- !urg0- put thu ub. AoHn two thirds of tha nhant.imn. .,,i. fio.t. thrni.h 1 8 na his throat, then lay me Dowder in the- -.i....; .. -. T" - -t . tnh and hlnw 1. v.i. ."""...SS iu?hani. iS?. lKJZ.nmrr wu,ow within Within an hour the fs ... - .w,' vi l 1 u ii c l, re-1 . 's 1 .1.. l , . - - -.- . garaing mm as an agreeable lay preach- A wnue as wind-flower buds against "-V. .. . u Z.. er whom they like to listen to, Sutnot the blue, ?f t" Wi V .a8"5? 5 their preference a. a presidential oandl, Tlje , summer clouds go slowly blow- ft? ViV? down'hls'tl in an ox, tne aeDatani states there is I a distinct pro-Bryan element Each can Bo honey sweet the earth la, and so " wmor. in ine lace or these I pare conditions why should not Mr. Bryan be f . Th tender heaven bending overhead first to sea the impracticability of his 1 think no heartache here could long nainuuKgy am rest content to have cnuuro, the party name a candidate who can Nr sjiy pain remain unenmforted. unit it vote and draw to hi standard New York Independent that evew widening clrola of independent " - " L0.Le.r,.whiJn,xt.h flnal Quation deter- Skentlcal. Discrimination. From th Topelta Capital. You can't altogether blame th Japanese If they fall to understand our profession of" "traditional friendship" when they see this country rigorously excluding Its Jap friends from immigration, while admitting the riffraff of southern Eur one. for which we never did have any special friend- mine th result? From the Louisville Courier-Journal. . As John Burroughs ha answered Dr. Long's snswer to president Roovlt wwii Trr itr "From th Phtladalnhla Pr... It I the expressed otiinlon nf a'rhn. lit Is apparent that he dnea nr. taira n.wspaper wist a sound thrashinsj much stock In the president's published Ml?-J.l,-?Mf- Bute. good. Does statement that Theodore Roosevelt is Uk?rLn5ic,g? rtb thst wants I JJ1.?. w5ri!?- neatest, authority'upon I wild animals. his throat.' came run- ale and excited. "What's Didn't you da said the farmer. throat and laid the powder In lt. but th horse blew first" . A Jumped-at Conclusion. From the New York Tribune. Dr. Parkhurst told the other day A good story about a bishop. "The blshoo." lie said. "like, a aood cigar, ana was traveling to Albany, in the smoking car. "A labor in r man took tha east llBn. Ids him. ved hla derlral sarh. rat a. light from him and said, as he ettled.V paca ior a isomroriaQl smoKs: -iarrin, air?-' t- . "lhe blshOD hesitated. Then hn an. ' wered blandly: , ., " I wa once "'Ah.' said tha l.hnrlnr man Mrlnk. I SUpPOSe.'". . . . 1-,. iy .:- a