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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1907)
THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND,- "WEDNESDAY EVENING AUGUST T 7, 1907. TO bS'SjES Exporters Expect to Send Away Large Quantities of Products. MANY SHIPS WILL BE CALLED INTO SERVICE Bailing Vessel Will Be In Demand luulk of Wheat Goea to Europe, Bat Steamers WIU Find Business Brisk If Orient Bnyi the Grain. ealltles whsrs rood field ars f fared, and during- tha next fsw wseks m. rl familiar craft will disappear from their usual haunt. - Thla atata of af fair la due to tha arrowing demand for transportation fscllitlea throughout tha country by, reason of tha rapid develop ment. i Tha aaaollna launch Imperial, which for year ha been the moat familiar member of tha mosquito fleet in this harbor, will depart In a few days for Kelso, where -ehe will be rut to rood us ferrylnr; people and freight serosa ths river. Shs, was sold by Captain Kellogg of tne KeiiOBs ooat nouse to A. Piero of. Kelso. Mr. Pierce's intention will eventually ba taken by the Lawton. wbloh 1 now undergoing repairs at the Bay Cjilf. a .' ' ' ' MAKIXE IXTELLIQENCH ' Beg-nlar tlnr 9a to ArrtTS. Alliance. Coo Bay.. Aug. 1 Radnnrfn. Seattle..: Aug. 8 Breakwater, Coo Bay... .Aug. R. I). Inman, Ban Kranelsco. . . .Aug. 12 Costa Rica, San Francisco Aug. 12 Roanoke. San Pedro and way Aug. II Nnmantlk nrlent. ...August II City of Panama. San Francisco. .Aug. 1 being; to run her between Kelso and O. W. Elder, Baiv Pedro ana way. Aug. 30 wiin in trains on ; jonan rouiwn, oau . m Dea bavls jpi br BJJBW V I Ol That thing will b lively along the Portland waterfront during; the coming fall 1 already evident from tha large number of craft heading this way, and there are those who believe the Oregon metropolis will see the biggest year In Its history in shipping as well as In many other lines. The wheat orop being tha best gives reason for estimating the heaviest kind of a grain movement both to JHaVope and the orient, which alone il bring Into action a large fleet of carriers. . Several charters hare alreadr been made for early loading, but more ere expected almost dallj rroni now on. ai though shippers feel fairly securo in the hope of being able to get bottoms at reasonable prices when they look vt the long list Of vessels headed this wa from Burane In cargoes. These, rrai will be seeking return freight, and upon this do the shippers bank their chances on getting tonnage ror wnarever quan tity they may have to export. That there will be a much heavier movement of grain out of this pert than ever before is considered patent because of the completion of the north bank railroad, the opening up of the upper Columbia river country and the year's heavy crop. How much of the crop will be started for Europe Is still a matter for conjecture, since this de pends greatly upon the demand In the orient. Last season, for Instance, ths orientals purchased so much wheat that European buyers could not compete with them. In he event that a large portion of the wheat in set afloat for the orient, principally China, then moat or tne wneat win oe moved ny meamer, since the trade is one not often di verted to sailing vessels. Meyer. Wilson A Co. yesterday after noon chartered the British ship Arctic Stream to bring a cargo of cement from Rotterdam to this port, and this adds snother vessel to the list of thoe avail able for wheat. The Arctic Stream Is well known here, having carried away wheat to Europe several times In recent years. BOATS BEING SOLD. Several launches Leave Portland for New Pastures. A number of smaller boats that have been plying the Willamette for some time are being transferred to other lo- Ralnler to connect both side of tha river. It Is believed tha venture will prove a profitable one because people have been caused much Inconvenience because of the lack of transportation facilities across the river. The Imperial Is a large craft and of enough speed to make her suitable for the route selected. The gasoline launch flarell whlnh left this place a few days sgo for Ya qulna bay reached her destination all right lust Saturday after a run of 17 hours In the open ocean. She encoun tered rainy smooth water at the mouth of the Columbia but rsn Into choppy seas In nesrlng the entrance to Ya' qulna bay. They caused her no damage, however. The Oaselle will be operated between Yaqulna City and Newport, across the bay. In place of the T. M. mission for the season bv tha breakins of her propeller shaft. She will also be utilized for taking fishing parties over the bar where deer sea fishing Is said to be excellent. The Tnoulna bar Is not very rough except In stormy weather when the excursions are "ailed off. so the Oaselle Is ?onilipred well adapted for her new field of opsritlo:i. There is some tslk of one of the ls'ser launches now handling traffic In and around the local harbor belnc trans ferred to a run on the upper Columbia where the demand for smaller cr.ift Is neavy. It la argued too, that It will he greater with the completion of the north bank road when any part of 'he section along the Columbia river can be placed within reach of the metropolis at almost any time of the day by sim ply crossing the river. ARRIVE IN BUNCH. Arabia, orient. Alesla, Oar. as.... Nloomedla, orient. Sept. 1 . . .Kept, is . .October 1 Alliance, City of Panama, Geo. W. Elder, Caaco and Argyll In Port. The steam schooner Casco, oil steamer Argyll, steamers Oeorge W. Elder, Al liance and City of Panama will be In the harbor this sfternoon, all of them having crossed In st Astoria this morn ing. Ths Casco headed the list by reaching the bay shortly after midnight. She continued on her1 way up the river and will be at Greenwich dock early this afternoon. The Alliance crossed In at 10 o'clock from Coos bay and left up a couple of hours later. She will reach Couch street dork late tonight, so that some of the passengers will pronaDiy remain on board till tomorrow morning. The George W. Elder, from San Pedro and way ports, and the City or Fannma. from San Francisco, crossed In shortly after dawn, the Elder leading the Pan ama by about an hour. The Elder will be up about 6 o'clock, but the Panama did not leave Astoria before noon, and therefore cannot well be expected at Alnsworth dock before 9 or 10 o'clock. This being her first visit here, It Is not known how long It will take her to make the runjip the river. The City of Panama cates in the ill-fated Co lumbia's plane and will henceforth op- prate In conjunction with the Costa Rica on a six-day schedule. She Is a slightly smaller boat than the Costa Rlcn and no better equipped. Her place Bagalat Xlara to Depart. a. W. Elder, Ban Pedro and way. .Aug. I Johan poulsan. Ban Francisco. . . .Aug. I City of Panama. Ban Francisco. .Aug. 10 Alllanoe. Coos Bay v August 10 Nlcomedls, orient .'.August 10 RAnniln Rsnttle and way Aug. 11 Breakwater. Coos Bay Aug. 12 Roanoke. Ban Pedro and way. . . . Aug. 16 Coata Rica, Ban Franclaco Aug. 1 R. . Inman, Han rsncieco. . . .aub- is Numantla, orient ...August 21 Arabia, orient September IB Alesla, orient .etepi. zo Yessels In Fort. Tnl. Rr ah Elevator dock Maori King. Br. s...East West Lbr. Co. Alvena. Am. sen Westport Palgonsr, Br. sh Columbia No. 1 Bee, Am. sch. .. .Willamette I. A B. Wk Virginia. Am. schr Bt Helens Irene. Am. schr Astorli. Thyra, Nor. str. .Llnnton Lyrs, Am. str Portland Lbr. Co, Nlcomedla, Or. ss Flour mills James Rolph, Am. sch Westport Velvllle Dollar, Am. str Stella Johan Poulsen, Am. str ..Oceanic Chss. Nelson, Am. str. Westport Nome Cltyy Am. str Stella Yosemlte. Am. str Kalama Oeo. W. Elder. Am. str Martin's dock ROSY COMPLEXION . WITHOUT COSMETIC Xom Fr esc ratios for ths Skin Bald to Work Wonders oa tli Complexion. A good complexion Is essential to racial beauty, and If It cannot be at talned naturally, then artificial means must bo resorted to. But all ladles regret the necessity i uaing imitation beauty and would gladly possess the natural roar a-lnw with which some of their sister are so bountifully favored. nere is a prescription that comes across the ocean, from France, the iiume or so many beauty secrets, and ii is aaia to be the most effective prep- '"""n xnown to science ror rejuve nating the skin and restoring the bloom of youth as well as promoting mo gruwm in unueveioped or shrunken Obtain from your druggist: two ounces or Kose Water; one ounce Spirit or Cologne; four ounces crystallsed oarvoin BKin rood). fut the Sartoln Into a pint of hot water (not boiling) and after It Is dls soivea and cooled strain it through One cloth and adl the Rose Water and Cologne Spirits. Put it in a bottle or rruit jar and keep well corked when not in use. This wash Is to be annlled twice day or oftenor, and massaged well Into me BKin. it la an inexpensive mixture, the ingredients being obtainable at any good drug store, and Is well worth a i rial. City of Panama, Am. str.Alnsworth dock Argyll, Am. tr ronimoum Casco, Am. str Greenwich Berlin, Gr. sh Nushagak St. Nicholas, Am. sh Nushagak John Currier, Am. sh Nushagalt Lumber Carrier Ba Bouts. AUrelia. Am. str San Francisco Caacn. Am. str Ssn Francisco R. D. Inman, Am. str San Francisco Thomas I Wand. Am. str.San Francisco Coaster, Am. str San Francisco Surle M. Plummer, Am. sch. . .Guaymas Wasp, Am. str Ban Francisco Northland, Am. str San Francisco King Cyrus, Am. schr Ssn Francisco Beulah, Am. sch San Francisco Americana, Am. sch San Pedro Alice McDonald, Am. sch Kahuhul I.ettltla, Am. sch San Francisco Churchill, Am. sch San Francisco Daisy Freeman, Am. str. ..San Francisco Ba Boat With Oemeat and General. Hamburg Hufl . .Antwerp Antwerp Buecleuch. Br. sh Brenn, Fr. bk Conway Castle, Br. bk.... Europe, Br. bk Genevieve Mollnos. Fr. bk. Rene Kerviler, Fr. sh "August 8, Why?" On the lapel of the coats of practically every streetcar man in the 'city has caused more talk than any recent freak in the advertising line. It is advertising the big event that will be held at The Oaks August 8 by the employes of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. The carmen, in conjunction with Manager Freeman, of the park, have made elaborate preparations for the event. -During the after noon there will be the great baby show, in which most all the babies in Portland and vicinity will take parti There will also be a number of swimming matches and other sporting events. In the evening a big cakewalk will be a prominent feature on the program. On the stage, in plain view of every one, there will be a series of wrestling matches, boxing and fencing bouts and other events of real interest and merit. The leading business firms in Portland have contributed trophies to aid the carmen in making the affair a success. The list as compiled up to this time, is as follows: AFTERNOON PROGRAM BABT HOW rBOM 1 TO 3 P. 11. 1 Prettiest baby girl under 18 months High chair, donated by Jennings aV Sons. Prettiest baby boy under IS months Baby Jumper, donated by Tull A Olbbs. 8 Prettiest baby under 18 months, district north of Holladay avenue Child' rocker, donated by H. C. Schroeder. 4 Prettiest baby under 18 months, Holladay avenue to Hawthorne avenue Child' rocker, donated by Calef Bros. 6 Prettiest baby under 18 months, soutu of Hawthorne avenue Child's rocker, donated by William Taylor. Prettiest baby under 18 months, west side, north of Washington street Child's rocker, donated by Powers Furniture company. 7 rrettiest oaoy unaer is monins, west siae, soutn or Washington street uri rocKer. nnnaien dv uevuni x sons. wards-company. m rOOT BACES. Foot race, 60-yard dash, between wives of members Rocker donated by Gadsby & Sons. 10 Fat men's race, 225 pounds or over, 60-yard dash Meerschaum pipe, donated by Sig Sichel & Co. 11 Firty-yara aasn oeiween inspectors: j. u. Mann, Piedmont division . . . London .Hamburg . .Swansea London Hamburg .Newcastle. K. Shields London . Newcastle. . E. Laennec Fr. sh 1 Plller, Fr. bk Martha Roux, Fr. bk Mozambique, Br. sh. Samoa, Br. bk Slam. Ger. sh Thiers. Fr. eh Vlncennes. Fr. bk Glasgow Marechael Turrene. Fr. bk. .. .Hamburg VUle de Mulhouse, Fr. bk Antwerp Guethary, Fr. bk Antwerp Plerrl Lot I. Fr. bk Antwerp Walden Abbey. Br. sh Antwerp Glenesslln. Br. sh Antwerp Versailles. Fr. bk Lelth General de Bolsdeffre. Fr. bk ..London General de Negrler. Fr. bk London Bayard. Fr. bk Antwerp Vllle de Dijon, Fr. bk Antwerp AUc Marie, irr. dk Antwerp Eugene Rergatene, Fr. bk Antwerp H. Haekfleld. Gr. bk Honolulu Arctic Stream, Br. sh Rotterdam Coal Ships En Boute. Belen. Fr. bk Newcastle. A. Col. de VUlebols Marentl. Fr. bk ..Newcastle. A. Claverdon, Br. sh Newcastle, A. Wlllscott. Am. bk Newcastle. A. Port Patrick, Br. sh Newcastle. A, St. Mlrren, Br. Bh Newcastle, A. Crlllon. Fr. bk Newcastle. A Ardencraig, Br. bk. Newcastle. A. Eugene Schneider, jrr. DK . Newcastle. A. St. Louis, IT. h Newcastle, A. Burron, Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Castle Rock. Br. sh Sydney. A. Redhlll, Br. ss Newcastle, A. Knight Templar, Br. ss. . .Newcastle. A. Tymeric, Br. str Newcastle, A. Tramp Steamers In Soato. Queen Alexandra, Br. str Madras Strathness, Br. str.... Port Los Angeles Eva. Ger. ss Hakodate, Japan ALONG THE WATERFRONT C. F. Do:y. West Side division; G. W. Bucholtx, East Ankeny division Box of cigars, donated by M. A. uunst & uo. ' 12 Special race, 60-yard dash: G. C. Fields, superintendent of transporta tion O. W. P. division; Fred Cooper, superintendent of transportation Portland Railway division Pair of slippers, donated by Knight Shoe company. 18 Special race, 60-yard dash: F. I. Fuller, vice-president and general man ager; 8. G. Reed, treasurer; F. G. Sykes. general manager light and power department; C. J. Franklin, general superintendent Mahogany stand, donated by B. F. Boynton. 14 Bicycle race between Western Union and Postal TelegTaph messengers First prise, cap and bicycle pants, donated by Lion Clothing company; second prise, pair of slippers, donated by Reeves & Co. SWTJCMXHGr CONTESTS. 16 Free for all ladle, 800 yards Order for dress hat, donated by Wonder Millinery company, t 18 Free for all-boys, 16 to 18 years of age, 800 yardsi Gold-filled 'watch ami chain, donated by Beck & Sons. EVENING PROGRAM I Tug of war between east and west side carmen Box of cigars, donated br Henry Westermire. t Foil contest for trophy, engraved, donated by A. A C. Feldenheimer g Wrestling contest, catcli-as-catch-can, best two out of three Engraved trophy, donated by Butterfield Bros. 4 Exhibition drill, Uniform Rank W. O. W. prise team of the Pacific Coast; Uniform Rank Knights of Maccabees Trophies, donated by' G Helt keroper and Louis Gllbride. SPECZAX OOMZO BAGS. 6 Between Dan McAllen and Dr. Deveny, 60-yard dash Box of cigar, donated by Hart Cigar company. 6 Comic race between B. I. Dasent, advertising manager, and W. P. Ready, land agent, 60 yards. 7 Foot race between four oldest platform men present, 60-yard dash Sldit pounds coffee, donated by Wadhams A Kerr Bros. gComio race between Captain Gtlham and T. W. 8ulllvan, chief engineer llrht and power department. Fifty-yard dash, free for a" .young ladies present on the ground Order for pair of shoes, donated by Stalger Shoe company. CAXE WA&X, TBSB TOB UL 10 For Juvenile under 16 years Girl, bracelet, donated by Charles Leonhardt; boy, sliver cup, donatedxby Frledlander. II For adults Lady.; gold-headed silk umbrella, donated by McAllen A McDonnell ; gentleman, , gold-headed cane, donated by L. Henrlchsen. 12 High-wire exhibition by Professor Penners, Parisian Importation. boxxvo ooirrxsTS. 8 win ds one or me mum iniamung reature or tne day sport These sts will be participated in by and between the best amateur talent In Paclflo northwest, ine tropnies ror which they will compete are superior QUail 1-7 LU milj 3c w . 1 1 , U VAUAUAVftWIlB VI L 111 B Kino.. It Is the earnest request of tha carmen in general to the public to secure their ticseia kiu it vwwi iniuintin, auiu.i i. ncaeis can De procured of any carman for 10 cent, which entitles admission to Oak ground and all of above event. No fee will be charged tor entries to any of above events. Two loving cups, donated by Staples, the jeweler, ; and Fred D. Flora, th Jeweler. v The steamer Melville Dollar Is ex pected to finish her tie cargo at Stella today and sail for Guaymas. The Norwegian steamer Thyra will finish loading lumber tomorrow and sail for the Orient. The oil carrier Argyll will be st Portsmouth this afternoon with a cargo of oil. The oil carrier Atlas and barge 91 sailed today from Astoria for San Francisco. The man who fell overboard from the steamer Charles R. Spencer off Van couver the other day was a deck hand who had been ordered to put up tho guards along the edge of the bont for the protection of Just such accidents. He was picked up none the worse for his experience. KILLS HIMSELF TO AIR FAMILY Member of New York Stock Exchange Sacrifices His Life to Support Folks. (Journal Sperlel Senrlct.) New York, Aug. 7. It ha been learned that the suicide of William 8. Alley, for 29 years a prominent member of the New York stock exchange, who shot himself In the head last night In his rooms at the Lnrchmont Yacht club, was an act of sacrifice for his family. He had met with heavy financial re verses, and his seat in the exchanse re cently was declared sold. Its value was lnsurriclent to meet the claims that the members of the exchange held against him. and he whs left without means to provide for hla wife and two apns. A gratuity of $10,000 for members of families attaches to every seat In the exchange, and by killing himself. Alley saved this sum for his family, as the transfer of his seat was not to becomo effective until next Thursday, and ut the time of his death he was still holder of it. It is believed that this was the motive of the suicide. FOREST RESERVE RECEIPTS DOUBLE Oregon's Share of Revenue Twice That of Last Year. MONEY GOES INTO STATE SCIjiOOL FUND Under "Ten Ter Cent" Clause Each of.. Western State and Tcrritorie Will Be Tald Much larger Bums Than Were Distributed Year Ago ( WeeMot ton Boreas of The Journal.) Washington, Aug. 7. The total re celpts from business on the national forests for the fiscal year ending June 30 were $1.6t 9,617.93, more tnan double the receipts for the preceding fiscal year, and the sum which goes to the states and territories, by law, to swell the county school and road funds where national forests axe located 10 per cent of the total Is also more than doubled, reaching the considerable sum of $153,891.79. There Is food for thought in the fact that, except for Arizona, California and Utah, the states which derive the great est benefit from the returns of forest management are Colorado, Idaho, Mon tana. Oregon. Washington and Wyoming, the six states in which congress last winter forbade the addition of new na tional forests except by Its own act. As compared with the figures for last year, Montana's share, S20.6&B.42, Is this year over three times larger; Idaho's, 19,122 92, almost three times; Oregon s, 13,980.89, almost twice; Wyoming's, 16,690.23, about two and one half times. The following table shows the share each western state and territory will receive under th so-called "10 per cent lause : Alaska $32t.7A. Arizona 117,307.92, California $16,064.29. Idaho $19,122.92, Nevada 12. 133. US. New Mexico $9, 614.06. Oregon $13,980.89. Washington $3,73166 Specials All day yesterday and today tha crowds continue st Rob inson A Co., looking for and finding unusual bargains in man's furnishings. ' ,V, Week-End Specials Felt Hals Wash Neckwear Big sale on four-in-hsnd silk ties continues, sit styles and best rhaterials in valuable neck wear now sell "for For 25c Summer UnderwY The prices are low the grades highand the varieties excep tional. We have mercerUfi cotton, lisle, balbrizgan, nain sook and liiht wool, from The season's latest styles and shapes in all the different shades of pearl, grey, tan, etc.-best $3.00 and ajo.00 values now, $2.35 and $3.35 Shirt Specials Negligee shirts, latest styles, best materials, dainty designs, one pair attached or two pair detached cuffs, various stand ard makes, including the well known Cluett, in all sires. Will sell for For $1.15 45c lo JUS Belts That Win The latest hits in belts walrus, seal, leather, etc., the thing of the season! Get one to wear on your outing. Sale prices this 45c lo $1.35 FOR BIG VALUES ALL WEEK CROSS OVER TO Robinson & Co. 289 WASHINGTON STREET DAIIO COErORATION TAX LAW IGNORED SEARCH FOR BODY OF 3IISS DAVIDSON (Special Plstiatcb to The Journal.) Aberdeen, Wash., Aug. 7. Miss Lu etic Schraeder, who was so nearly drowned at Westport Saturday while bathing, is improving rapidly, and will soon be able to return to her home at Seattle. Bo far as is known, she has not yet been Informed of tha tragic death or her mend. Mr. Davidson, the father of ths g-lrl who was drowned, has g-one to the scene of the tragedy, and says he will exhaust every means to secure her body. Captain Jacobsen, of the launch Clam, Is now engaged In the search for the body, which he thinks may possibly be cast up on the shore somewhere south of Westport. Cltlxens of that place are doing everything In their power to assist the grief-stricken father In his mournful task. (Special Dlapatch to Tha J cranial.) Boise. Ida., Aug. 7. Idaho Is going to ave trouble with her corporations un der the corporation tax law passed by he last session or tne legislature, mere are about 8,000 corporations In the state but only 400 have responded with the tax. Accoraing to me jaw mis tax should all be paid by August IS, but It Is safe to say that It will not be. The statute has met much opposition In va rious parts of the state. It Is charged that It lacks the principle of equity and Is grossly discriminating. It Is ex pected that many suits will be brought to collect this tax sfter August 16. The BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN PLAN. ns rtfm J..7...- -.flfr.. ,,,, X' .M. ''Ik- madzvo nmirn kssobt or thb viomo vobtxwbst.. Electric Light, Bteam, Hot and Cold Salt Water in Every Tub. Buy Tickets to Breakers, Paclflo County, Wash. Postofflce Address. Breakers, Wash. Dr. Robert Collyer Goes Abroad. (Journal Bpeelal Sefrlca.) Boston, Mass., Aug. 7. Among the passengers sailing from Boston for Europe today Is the Rev. Robert Col lyer, now 83 years old, pastor emeritus or the church or the Messiah, New York. The purpose of Dr. Collyer's trip abroad Is to make an address nt the dedication exercises of a Carnegie li brary at Ilkley. in Yorkshire, England. It was near Ilkley that Dr. Collyer was born and there he Bpent the years of his youth working as a Journeyman black smith. MARINE NOTES Astoria, Or., Aug. 7. Condition at the mouth of the river at 7 a, m.. moderate. Wind, south. 15 miles. Weather, rainy, Arrived in at 6:10 a. rn., steamer Geo. W. Elder, from San Pedro and way ports. Arrived down at 8 a. m. and sailed, steamer Atlas and bargo 91. Ar river In at 9:10 a. m. and left up at 12 m.. steamer City of Panama, from San Francisco. Arrived in at 10 a. m steamer Argyll, from Port Harford. Left up at 12 m., steamer ueo. w. ttiaer. Ar rived In and left up at 1 a. m.. steamer Cayco, from San Francisco. Tides at Astoria toaay: rugn a. m., 6.9 reet; ii:hs p. m., 8.6 reet. Low 6:19 a. m., .2 feet; 8:19 p. m , 8.4 feet. Yokohama. Aug. 7. Sailed. German steamer Numantla, for Portland. Spanish War Veterans. (8perlal Pltpatch to The Journal.) ikon. Waah Aiisr 7flnntrnnA tended a hearty welcome today to the United Spanish War Veterans, depart ment of Washington, whose annual en campment opened under most favorable conditions. The attendance of visitors Is large and the arrangements made for their reception and entertainment are of the most perfect and elaborate char acter. The meeting will elect delegates to represent the department at the national encampment to be held at Rnnriuakv. Ohio, next month. It is Drob abl also that steps will be taken to secure If possible the next national en campment of the order for the city of Tacoma, Serpent In a Nevada Lake. From the Sacramento Bee. A report from Walker Lake states thut n monster sea serpent has been seen at the northern end of the lake. Dan Sornellson, a mining man of food reputation for veracity, brought he story to Goldfleld. Corne lson says mat com ne ana a companion named John McCorry sighted the reptile while risning rrom a post half a mile from the northern shore of the lake. The monster was then making its way toward the east shore of the lake, Corn'ellson says that at first sight he took the serpent for a man in a skiff, and when it disappeared for a moment" he thought the boat had eapslsed, and rowed toward the spot when H suddenly reappeared, giving them a good view of its proportions. which they estimated to be abaut thirty feet In length and six feet across ths back. man named Peters, is said to have dis covered the serpent some time ago re-' posing in shallow water near the shore, and oft being aroused it disappeared in deeper water. There Is also sal.1 to be a legesd among the Plut-s around Shun concerning the exist anc of a serpent in Walker 'Lake. Immense Swine Pavilion. The largest "swine pavilion" In the world Is the latest Iowa boast. It is being built on the state fair grounds at Des Moines and when finished will occupy three acres under root. Tha Judging ring occupies a square, almost surrounded by pens. This will be the center of attraction for the Iowa people at their state ex position this year, says ihe Clinton Herald. Farmers Interested In swine breeding have been urging this im provement a long time. Last year they brought 2,700 hogs to the exposition and many others were sent back for lack of space. This is a larger evhlblt of hogshan at all other state fairs together. With these Improvements the Iowa state exhibit will bo kept not only at the head of the list but far in the lead of all others. rail pSy Luinclhieoinis lis T havai tiii nafn Oummi, f., UmMnt. with which I hav been afflleMd for oer twamr jreara, and I can a ay that Oaacareta bare (Wan si Bora relief than any other remedy I bare aver tried. I hall certainly recommend them to my frlanda aa being ail they are represented." " Aos. uinara, a,i(io, iu. j The Bowels Candy cathartic Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do Good, Barer Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10, Mc, Mo. Kerer . told In bnlk. The (ennlne tablet tamped OOO. guaranteed to ear or yoor money back. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicsf o or N.T. 597 ANNUAL SALE, TEH MILLION BOXES Always Bay &itwr Collars Hi-sW JWlSknm. "THIY DOSJ'T OMOK SO QUtCK" Here'tlKOCORD" eyelet buttonhole. Saaj to button. Strong to bold. CO. P. IOC a OOn Makers TROT, M. T. MOvcrtoa Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer is the ideal summer drink. It is cooling, satisfying and refreshing. It makes the enjoyment of the outdoor luncheon complete, for it is a food as well as a drink. Pabst brews for food qualities as well as for purity and flavor. Pabst found the only way to get all of the food-values out of the barley-grain was to follow Nature in making the malt, by growing it slowly and scientifically, and he therefore perfected the Pabst Eight-Day Malting Process. Pabst Malt is richer in nutriment than other malts. Pabst Blue: Tke Beer of Quality is a more healthful, wholesome food than other beers. The Pabst Perfect Brewing Process blends the rich food values of Pabst Eight-Day Malt with the tonic properties of the choicest hops under conditions that insure positive purity, while reducing the percentage of alcohol to the minimum less than '3 J . , Pabst Blue Ribbon is the ideal family beer, because of its food values, its purity and its remarkably small amount of alcohol, making it a truly .temperance drink. When ordering beer ask for Pabst Blue Ribbon. Made by Pabst at Milwaukee And Bottled only at the Brewery. Charles Kofan V Cb s I 3rd & Pine Sta.rPortlwfl Phone Mala 480. , . (Oiiiliiiii!!iiHiinljjiiHiiiiiiiiMiii'M'i'h ii 111!: v ft