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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1907)
THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL .PORTLAND; 1. , I;-" If:,. i'V-.-: If- 4 "; -A . Ml 1 ' KILLS HIMSELF G. Dclamater, Once Candi date for Governor of Penn sylvania, a Suicide. (Jonrnil 8pcll Brrlc.) Pltt.bura Aug. 7. George W. Dla- rnater, former state senator and later candidate for governor 0f Pennsylvania on the Republican ticket, shot and killed himself this afternoon in the office of the Pennsylvania Steel Tie company of which he was president Melancholia Is. supposed to nave been the cause. He had been worrying over the death of hla son a month ago. Let ter found on hla person and which are now in the possession of the coroner It Is thought contain the real cause of hla suicide. THE : HALL ROOM BOYS. They Do It on $9.50 Per. CORONER DECLARES OLSON . A SUICIDE WUBLE (Sperlit DUpatcl to Tns JoornaL Kelso. Wash., Aug. 7. A .man known as Charles Olson committed suicide by Jumping into the Columbia rlrer near Cottonwood island opposite Carroll's point, Washington, Monday afternoon. He had been employed on a fishing boat for 10 days and was a atranger In this vicinity, e was aoout iv years old. "had bine eyes, red hair and welched about ISO pounds. An anchor and the Initials "O. B." -wer jtatooed . on the right forearm. . On the left forearm was another tatoo mark or dlrferent deslcn After Investlration it seemed ao con clusive a case of suicide by drowning that the coroner decided an Inquest un necessary and the Doay was given im mediate burial. NEITHER RICIIARDSON NOR DARROW OUT YET (8pedal DUpatdi.te The JosrnaL) Denver Colcv , Aug.. 7. No decision has been made by the Western Federa tlon whether Clarence Harrow or E. F. Richardson .-continue In the defense of the Boise trial a. - Darrow takes the same position that Richardson does, re fusing to act with' the other. Darrow aye he Will be glad to be relieved. Richardson haa been the attorney cf the Federation for years. Richardson paves the way for retirement by ear In that Darrow represents the social' Ista, who giy the moat money for the defense. LIGHTNING KILLS ' FOUR ILLINOIS MEN ( Joornal-ceHal Berries.) Pans, 111., Aug. 7. Robert and Frank Henderson were killed by lightning, and three others shocked last night. Crops were badly damaged. The Catholic church at Nokemls and two homes were destroyed by the electrical storm. Shelbyrille, I1L, Aug. 7. T. N. Hol land and Frank Anderson were killed by lightning last night while gathering hay. Golden Cycle Mill Barns. (pedal Dispatch to The Journal. ' -Colorado Springe, Aug. 7. The Gold en Cycle mill, the largest plant of Us kind In the world, was destroyed by fire this morning. The loss Is 1760,000. The Electric Denial Parlors' Washington Slrtel, Corner FUlb Having fitted up our offices with the most modern appli ances, we are now doing dental work by the "Electric Painless System Isl. .'tie I I f f-Aeam TA JTMkV'.. CQfOU TA I Is UT 1A rfc,PRTZ!TTT!TJ v Z ' i'.' " """'""'" - 1 - - ' RIGHT. SAt I HtAHTHFYftFfcMNr; APR 7? TnVucTJX 'n M 'J ? A .'?yr...T0 D I fiTT VOTING, FOR AJ --)AGLASSl ) THINK HF. QUHT TO S VyTy -Vl THtMOSTfp yL0F ICE r 6fT THE. PR11E. F0R 1 -Jj&ZZL . . . 1 1 . : " ' ) riOTHE 1 I... tt.ivr ) ' HE 5CT THE PRI1E fOB 1 ) will save, tour 1 REscut: S S'Sff ) iM!NI E " popuimi ian f . ; II. They Just Miss Winning the Prize for Popularity. No More Fear of the Dental Chair." "Nor High DenUl BilL" See Our Rates During This Entire Mbnth 0YSTERMEN COMPLAIN OF TKANSPLANTEES (Special Dispatch te The JonrnaL) Salem, Or., Aug. 7 At a meeting- of the board of flsb commissioners yester day a delegation was received from the men engaged In the oyster trade on Yaqulna bay. The chief complaint of the delegation was that certain private companies were transplanting eastern oysters to certain districts of the bay formerly occupied by the native var ieties and acquiring the exclusive rights to the beds. Certain members advanced the opinion that all transplanting oper ations should be carried on by the government In order that private fisher men might not be forced out of business. It was decided that the state fish warden should make a nersonal lnsoec tlon of the grounds and that the com mission would base Its action on his HINDOO SOLDIER OF PROMINENCE WILLING TO WORK AT ANYTHING report. GAMBLERS RECEIVE (Continued from Page One.) Beautiful 22-karat Gold Crowns $ 5.00 Set of Teeth on rubber f 5.00 Set of Flexible Flesh-" colored (very best) .. .f 10.00 Bridge Work, Flesh- colored (very best) 3.00 Gold Fillings (very best) S 1.00 Silver Fillings (very best) 60f Extraction Free When Plates or Bridge Work ordered. All work guaranteed for 10 years. Best bank references. The Electric Dental Parlors 3Q3& ITashlBgtoii Street, : Corner of Fifth : E. -AbPll!i$ IC 5., Mgr. XSJSf Associate.. . : liV, 111 ., as Anthony Comstock. This Is the. one organization that la now combating gambling in a systematic way through out the union. When a bill was Intro duced In the Idaho legislature last ses sion to license gambling, before twenty four hours we had word flying to ull parts or me state to arouse opposition and thus killed the bill in committee. And so by marshalling all the moral forces on the field of battle and having them led by the mighty voice of The Journal, this foe of the home and of our social and Industrial welfare will soon be driven from our fair state. The church and the press united are far more potent than vice." Wew Order Issued. The order issued yesterday by Dis trict Attorney Hedges follows: "To whom it may concern. ! call attention to section 1944 of VKelllnger and Cotton's annotated codes and stat utes of Oregon, which reads an fol lows: "Gambling unlawful Each and every person who snail aeai. piay, or carry mi. open or cause, to be opened, civ who shall conduct either as owner, pr- nrletor. or employe, whether for hire or not, any fame of faro, monte, roul ette rouge et nolr, lanqucnet. rondo, vlngtun (or twenty-one). poker, draw poker, brag, bluff, tljaw. or any banking or any other game played with cards, dice, or any other representative of val ue, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500, and shall be Imprisoned In the county Jail until such fine and costs are paid: Provided, that such person so oonvlcted shall be Imprisoned one day for every two dollars or sucn nne ana costs: And provided further, that such Imprisonment shall not exceed one yC"6n and after Tuesday, August IS. 1807 the above section of our statutes win 'he atnictlv enforced In the Fifth i Judicial district, state of Oregon, com prising the counties or uacKamiiB, viai onn Pniumhia nnrl Washington. hat the enforcement of said section mar prove effective, i can upon mo press, municipal authorities, and the best citizens in the district, to coop erate with me In this matter. "GILBERT It. HEDGES, District Attorney for the Fifth Judi cial district of Oregon." State Fish Warden's Report. iBoeclal Dlsoatcb to Tbe Journal.) Salem Or., Aug. 7. Master Fish War den H. G. Van Dusen presented his re port for July to the board of flsh com missioners vesterdav. The total re-1 celptg for the month were 12,308.04, Itemized as follows: Fines In district No. 1, $210.01; No. 2,. $33.3$; receipts from licenses in district No. 1, $1,418.70; No. 2, $$4f. Rahman Kahn appeared In the city this morning looking for a Job. He was willing to milk cows, wash dishes, act as watchman or chief of police, If only he could find something by which to keep himself occupied. He has tried several employment offices and the man ager will try to get the bronze-hued Hindoo a position. Rahman Kahn was a prominent sol dier In his own land, because across his chest he wears a half dozen large medals and marks of honor earned In battles he fought on the British side. A arunner In the artillery and a malor by rank, he left a nretty fair position to venture in me lana or tne rree. T no poor man." said the Hindoo this morning when asked as to his financial condition, "but I no have money Just now. Cost $500 to come to America and e ... . . Will work if I can no have much left, find Job. anything. The medals worn by the labor swker are dated Egypt 1884-86, Suakln 1885, Burma 1886-87, Relief Hongkong 1902. Rahman Kahn says he has been in many rights and for most of the time acted as gunner for the artillery. He came to this city by way of Victoria, British Columbia. His recommendations are the best Knights of Columbus. (Journal Special Berrlc. ) Norfolk, Va., Aug. 7. There was on Increased attendance this morning when the national convention of the Knights nr Columbus neean its second day at the Fine Beach hotel. A business session behind closed doors was held this morn ing, while the afternoon and evening are lert rree ror entertainment, a rish fry at Cape Henry this afternoon and a I At Breakfast Ti m p as a rDle' Cocoa Xllllw is most appre. dated. The housewife who serves Ghirardelli's delic ious Cocoa for the breakfast of her loved ones does much to prepare them to meet all conditions of weather, work and worry. It lightens her own labors also to drink cup of I Ghirardelli's Cocoa i I I I! Foreign Concern File Articles. (SpeeUi.DuiHitcb U The Journal.) Salem. Or, Aug. 7. The Pacific Steel St Wire company filed Us articles of In corporation today, it is a Ban Francisco eonotrn with a capital stock of $509.- Hand Embroidered ' Lingerie Daihty, durable and elegant, is within reach, of every woman by our plan. We have nearly 100 exquisite designs for sets complete. Corset covers stamped on extra quality French cambric, each, 50C. Free lessons in embroidery. If finished complete, hand made and hand embroid - ered, $3.50 to $10.00. Contvlt $or latest ideas far Troutteau. . Phone Padfle ill The Keedlecrift Shop, X2 WasUagtm Street, Portland, Oregon banqwet at the' Chamberlain hotel, t Id Point Comfort, this evening re the principal features of the social program. Oreat preparations are being made for tbe reception of Cardinal Gibbons and other high prelates of the church who re to attend the celebration of Knlghta of Columbus Day at the Jamestown ex position tomorrow, CITY CLERK BENNETT . OF CENTBALIA DEAD (gpteUl Dwpatch U The JomrsaL) Centralis. Wash., Aug. 7. V O. Ben nett kn Uii nrvM as city cl.rk of Centralis for seven years, Is dead at hie home here, of dropsy. Funeral .errlces will be held Thursday under the aus pices of the Masonic order, of which he i ,nM m.mher. Mr. Bennett was a native of New Hampshire but had re- elded for the last Hi years in centralis. EARL NIMS GOES UP FOR BURGLARY itiiiruii u iih i4JirULj i m datu oownri . . oirr nAnra A Perfuroed Luxury for th Bath. I Bett Toilet powder. Anep&Jry aotteni nara waier. Dcaa puns. , iveuere cu&bum aad . iIim Padnu 7 hatha Vh.fini lUat ! . " - I WfJZS ch.,7frALL noiiiT baby. --t I IS IIsmI.1 tnMt(i la Tk lwr..LI Chehalls. Wash..' Au. 7. Earl D. Nlms pleaded rullty yesterday to a rharce of burglary committed at To ledo last week and was riven the min imum sentence under tne indeterminate l.. lu. T..A.UaaAM Irwin wnA h. il court durlns the absence of Judge Rice. A guard from tne state prison iook Nlms away at once. Mexican Mustang Liniment eMtj-leklytet!i vary eere ef the .Isease and tf the aeet .eep-, erMlatlRf pain almost Instantly. Mexican Mustang Liniment Oaree every llsssel f Maa er Beast that a goad, taonewt Llalraant eaa Nsm setter, Men so good. Two Grand NBAR B(y CITY TILLAMOOK BAY Nowhere along the Pacific Coast are there to be found such excep tional opportunities for summer resorts as are adjacent to Bay City. This means that within a year or so, thousands of Portlanders, tour ists and people from' 11 parts of the world will be flocking to the Tillamook Bay country.' : Bay City is the -railroad center for this section and the main point on the Lytle Road. All traffic must converge here. Oaripaldi Beach, 11 miles long, extends trom tne opening of. Tillamook Bay north to the Nehalem river. Bayocean Park, with 8 miles of bay and ocean beach, extends along the mook Peninsula, south to Cape Meares lighthouse. These beaches are as smooth as glass. Bayocean Park is being developed rapidly. A $250,000 hotel is about to be built. A company is now platting a new resort at Garibaldi Beach, to be called Oceanlake Park Beach. Others are in prospect. It means simply this, that every DOLLAR placed in Bay City property now will yield TEN DOLLARS within a year. The Lytle Road will be completed in 1908. Information of all kinds will be supplied free by the Bay City Board of Trade, Bay City, Oregon. : twov Bay City Land Company 319 Lumber Exchange, Portland, Oregon. 170 Commercial -Street, Salem, Oregon. Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to take orao Laxative Fruit Syrup TOM SAM WT AXX. PBUOOttT. Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It la guaranteed . . . JODppM A BIRDSEYE VIEW HEIDELBERG REASONS JU5T twenty minutes' ride on the car from the heart of Port land is the most desirable addition that has ever been put on the market in the northwest. The ideal beauty of the location, its healthfulness, the exceeding richness of the soil, all combine to make HEIDELBERG the perfect opportunity for the investor or, homeseeker. THE. justly famous "BULL RUN", supplies HEIDELBERG with water, the purity of which is unexcelled anywhere in the Unitecl States! IT is the fixed purpose of the owners of this magnificent tract to make HEIDELBERG a suburb of cozy homes and beautiful gardens. The building restrictions guard absolutely against any undesirable improvements. WE want you to see this property. We want to emphasize the fact that these lots are within the reach of every one. PACIFIC COAST REALTY CO. : 305.6.7-8 BUCHANAN BLDG. ' PORTLAND, ORE. f 1 .' -4v 4 :