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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1907)
', - I . . - -,' v; . THE 'OREGON - toAILY . JOURNAL- PORTtAND. 'VtIIPRSDAY EVENIN&JULY 18, .1807, v. i- f 'I I i i SUPPLIES FOR c amem or Kodak Everything You Need Films, Plates, Mounts, Etc. The new Lumicre French Films, remarkable for depth and brilliancy, fit any kodak or camera. We have facilities for making enlargements, lantern slides or transparencies. Bring in your negatives. We develop and print the same day. No waiting for work. Such a Difference In Spices and Flavoring Extracts. We recommend the "Woodlark" brand for strength, purity and exquisite flavor. Only a trial is needed to convince the most skeptical. Leather, Bamboo and Wicker Wicker Suit Cases and Hand Bags, light, cool and durable for summer travel. 24-inch cases, double-action lock and bolts, leather bound, riveted frame; regular $2.75. Special $2.17 Heavy woven Bamboo Suit Cases, 24-inch safety lock; regular $3.75. Special $3.15 Bamboo Hand Bags, leather bound, linen lined with pocket; regular $3.75. Special $2.79 Waterproof Pegimond 24-inch Suit Cases with shirt fold; regular $4.25. Special.. $2.50 New arrivals in Horn Back Alligator Traveling Bags and Grips from $5.00 to $50.00 All Wash Belts HALF PRICE tucked, stitched, hand embroidered. New Focket Flasks with safety top SOf to $5.00 All our Traveling Roll-Ups, hand stitched, fitted complete at 25 per cent off regular price WOODARD. CLMH FREE DELIVERY IN WE CITY CANADIAN MONEY at Full Value &C0, r , , . . ... Grape Juice l":::yM MP H 5 Fruriy in kjrir f n mm m I r:- I II VI Prepared From ' the Choicest Concord Grapes Rich, Pure, A delightful, cooling summer drink, absolutely pure. Contains no alcohol, no coloring, no pre servative. Order-a dozen by phone today. PINTS $2.50 dozen QUARTS , . $5.00 dozen tAPf(;juici r Bathing. Coasf Needfuls , Water Wings . 25.J Bath Caps, special. . 43f , 5. Kerchief Bath Caps . . . . . 7 Bathing Shoes 15f . Sponge Bags and Toilet Roll-Ups, in silk and ' creton , 25 up Bathing Suit Cases, waterproof, special. .. .73 MONTHLY CRIDIT EXTENDED TO RESPONSIBLE PERSONS Pocket Compasses Don't et lost in the woods on your vacation. Take one of our compasses with you. Price 10 ft- TUNNELS WILL BE NECESSARY ! Proposed Harriman Line to Enter Portland, Seattle and Tacoina Thns. asassasBBBsaiBaBBBBBBBBBBaBBBSBBB PLAN NECESSARY FOR EASY GRADES DESIRED THIS WISE DOG KNOWS WHERE PORTLAND STREET CARS STOP Entire project Laid Out With View to Fast Tracks and Heavy Tonnage Science In Transportation of People and Freight Is Object. After a larre amount of money has been spent engineering for the proposed Harriman railroad line between Port land, Tacoma and Seattle It has been found that all three cities must be en tered through tunnels that will each be a mile or more In length to give the Una eeay grades. Plana for all three tunnels have been completed by the engineer The en tire Una and, terminals have been laid out with a , view to fast tracks and heavy tonnage, and it is proposed to j reduce to an exact science the trans i portatlon of people and freight between i these cities, tl Is said the Improvement i of rail raotiitlea by the four linen con trolled by Harriman and Hill between ; Oregon and "Washington centers will have the effect of areatly benefiting all the country tributary to them and will .. equally assist in the growth or th three large cities while giving neither i ona any special trade advantage. Benefit to Portland. But Portland will unquestionably be t: placed on a better footing for Alaska business by transshipment at Seattl ; when there are two fast and competitive . railroad lines operating between thi ' city and the Sound. The present tral t service upon which this business must ' rely will be at least doubled, and It Is reasonable to expect various concessions that will be of material assistance in The old saying, "It's a wise dog that knows his own master," was never bet ter Ulustrated than by a little white and tan terrier, which followed his mas ter downtown this morning. The "mas ter" was on a Willamette Heights car the dog on the sidewalk. As the owner boarded the car st Twentieth street, the dog wagged his tall looked into the man's race and made other signs In the dog languago. which plainly said, "80 long, I will meet you downtown." True to his word he ran down the street until be reached Nineteenth street. There be waited until the car came up to him. He watched to see whether his master stepped off. When he saw the car start without fa la master getting off he barked Joyfully and started down the street. At ench cor ner he stopped until the car could catch him, when he watched for the man to get off. An Interesting feature of the proceed ing was the fact that the little fellow seemed to know on which side of the street the car would stop. At Nine teenth street he waited on the west side of the street. At Sixteenth street he stopped in front of the fire department station. At all other streets he stopped on the east side of the street At Twelfth street, where quite a long stop occurred, the dog came up to the car and looked into his owner's face and the two held a tete-a-tete a la canine. When the car once more re sumed the Journey, the dog gave a little bark of goodbye and trotted down the street again. Arriving at Fifth street, where a con gestion of wagons and pedestrians gen erally occurs, the dog stopped between two wagons standing at the side of the street and watched. Noting that his master still remained on the car he sped on to Fourth street, where the man got off and the two then pursued i.ielr way together to the master's office. PORTLAND GROCERYMEN'S PICNIC MOST SUCCESSFUL EVER HELD tsT 9 iuv You can't judge en tirely by appearances. Wait till "something's doing." Some clothing that looks good on the coun ter goes to pieces on the first jump. Our clothing is made to suit our ideas if it ; fails to suit yours we buy it back. Here's everything complete that boys want for.dresSu-or . vacation wear, and at saving prices., ' GiolliinnCo 1C3 and lriThird Ilohawk Bid Orocerymen. their wives and aweet- hearts, mothers, sisters and employes and the relatives of all these to the number of 1,500 or more shut up shop from the delivery boy to the. boss yes terday and went to Bonneville to cele brate. Today everyone Is at work: again abundantly satisfied with the fun and unanimous in the voice that the annual picnic of the present year was the best and most Huccessful ever given by the Grocers' association. Yesterday was un ideal day for the picnic it being neither too hot nor too cold. The large excursion therefore had a most enjoyable time and In the even ing came home tired but abundantly satisfied. The principal event of the day as far as amusement was concerned was the program during the afternoon, ranging in events from the fat man's race to the pie-eating contest. Substantial prizes were given for first, second-- and third events In every Instance and much merriment was furnished to the pic nickers. During the entire trip no unpleasant feature occurred. The big crowd was In good spirits and no accident great or small, happened to cause sorrow or un pleasantness. The managers of the af fair are greatly pleased at the success of the day. handling Alaska business from Port land. The line means that Portland will have a new double track railroad bridge or that the present Steel bridge will be rebuilt, with a large widening of the east approach to give easy ac cess to the main line through the tun nel that Is to start into the hill near the John Mock residence and come out at McKenna Junction, The tunnel will be aproxlmately one mile long and will be a common user tunnel with the ex ception of Its east entrance, which the Harriman companies have succeeded in retaining for their own use. All Ma Us Tunnel. The franchise provides that anv com- fiany may use the tunnel if it win drive ts own entrance at the east end and nay a reasonable toll. The engineers are now awaiting orders to proceed with this boring. The building of the tunnel will require tne larger part or two years. At tne same time tunneis win ne driven for the road's entrance Into Ta coma and Seattle. The Seattle tunnel, a mile long, will enable the road to avoid congestion of traffic on the wator front, where tne space is small and all of Seattle's traffic is being handled. Kor a different reason the engineers found It necessary to run their line through a tunnel Into Taooma. Old Grades Too Heavy. The arades of the route originally planned for Tacoma were so heavy that orders were Issued by Mr. Harriman for a line that would avoid the rises of the Tacoma tableland which any road from the south must cross or climb. The decision of the engineers was not to cross or climb but to go underground. This tunnel will ba 8,700 feet long. The south nortal or tne Dore win De located at the point where the Northern Pacific emerges from gulch to prairie on the way to soutn xacomi in tun nel will emern on the north aide. Where five blocks have been purchased for trackage and two blocks for a pasaenger tatlon tnat win rival tne projeciea sta tion at Seattle. In this way a ruinous .7 Der cent rrade at Tacoma naa Doen cut down more than ona half, but Is till considerable. The arade or tne road's entrano to Portland la practically a water level. portunlty of seeing one of America's leading stars for so long an engagement as Miss Nance O'Nell s In this city. And Portland Is showing Its apprecia tion of the opportunity. This week this eminent tragedienne is appearing in Sudermann s great play, 'Tne t ires of St. John." Star's Fanny Farce. "The Strange Adventures of Miss Drown" Is one of the funniest farces of the season and it 'la being played this week at the Star theatre. Instead of the thrills of melodrama usually found at this house there Is nothing but laughs this week. Vaudeville Supreme. It Is a good show the Grand offers this week. Is the verdict of everyone who has seen it. Dolan and Lenharr have a bit of travesty which contains a laugh In every line and the famous dancing Gleasons, John and Bertha, are among the sensational hits of the bill. r AT THE THEATRES "Sweet Xell" Great Favorite. The play being offered at tha Lyrlo this week by the Allen Stock company Is one of the greatest favorites of all dramas ever presented In a Portland tock house. The work of Varna Fl ton. In the role of Nell Owynne has sur prised even her most ardent admirers. LIjfarqnam'L Great Attraction. .Portland baa never before bad tha op- Women and Children Free at Oaks. On Saturday women and children will be admitted to the Oaks free of charge. There will be special amusement fea tures for their especial benefit All week, many women and children have been visiting the park to see the won derful dog performers of Don Carlos. Tomorrow and Rulnrdiv nn.iH.ii, the last days for discount on east slda gas bills. it - : ANNUAL SWEET PEA FESTIVAL AT SALEM (Special Dlapttcb to The loorntL) Salem, Or.. July IS Salem Is to hava an annual sweet pea festival In con nection with the 8alem cherry fair, which has won for Salem the title of "The Cherry City." The Salem board of trade is enthus iastic over the protect and lnt nih . lta meeting voted to make the affair a yearly offering. What the Mardl Oras is to New Orleans, the Rose fiesta to Portland and the fiesta to Los Angelas the Sweet Pea festival Is to be to the Capital city. Sweet peas grow tn such abundance in thin section and of such varied hues that they adapt themselvea to striking decorative effects and Salem believes that the festival can be made a nuge success. A Oood Piano Is Worth Bavliur It often happens a few dollars put in unon work will save the tnn. n clano.. While you are awav on vonr vo cation we will do this work and have the piano reaay ior you wnen you get back. Phone Reed-French company. ltain-4a It' tba slaoo stora oa fiuroaido street. ' OWERS SM-AIWIM 'AGSA We must reduce our stock. New goods are beginning to arrive and our floors are crowded. Prices are cut to the lowest possible point and the bargains we are offering in furniture, Larpets and Moves are tne most ity. Of course we can t list ali ot tnese Dargams toaay. ceiow you u nna a attractive ever offered in this city few we have selected at random. When you call we'll show hundreds of others. HI 00 Roman Seat, tn auarter-sawe a golden oak and mahogany finish; reduced to.. SB. 25 I2B.O0 Weathored Oak Chair; seat aphoTsterad in heit Soanlsh leather: back laced with leather straps; reduced to f 18.50 f 12.S0 Chair or Rocker; upbolateraa seat and back in chase Spanish leather; mission design; finished weathered; reduoed to. ...... .07. BO IIJ.BO Chair or Rocker in mal. With flbra seat, back and arms; reduced to ....Sll.OO JU.00 Oak Rocker; finish early gtlsh; up holstered seat and back In genuine Spanish leather; reduced to Six. 50 11.00 Weathered Oak Arm Rocker; upholstered in Spanish leather; reduoed to S4.50 ! SOFA BEDS and DAVENPORTS $35.00 Bed Davenport, golden or weathered oak frame, box for bed din f, upholstered in best grade of Verona velour, reduced to ...4.0 $57.50 Bed Davenport, golden oak or ma hogany finished frame, steel construction and upholstered in heavy Verona velour, reduced to 41.5 $65.00 golden oak Davenport Bed, heavily carved frame, tufted seat and back, uphol stered" in heavy Verona, reduced to f45.00 $50.00 Bed Davenport, golden osk or mahog any finished frame, full steel construction, upholstered in chase leather, reduced to f36.00 $100.00 Bed Davenport, golden oak frame, box for bedding, upholstered in Karpen Sterling leather, tufted seat and back, reduced to fT4.00 $85.00 Davenport, mission design, upholstered in bast grade Spanish leather and only best oil-tempered springs used in its construc tion, reduced to f5S.0- $72.50 Davenport, loose leather cushions, mis sion design, weathered oak, reduced to ..7 57.50 $125.00 Davenport, genuine mahogany frame, full steel construction, upholstered in silk velour, reduced to , f72.5 ithered! Kn ....13.76 vrrttlng Tabla; finish JtxSS Inoheei raduced to 114.00 Oak Library TabU; top I8xt trraheat book reeks en and: mission deaignj waatherad finish; raduead to.... .92350 Sst.oo Oak library Tables rTxie-tnoh top: tan brass trimming; weathered finish; reduoed to ... 19.50 ttl.00 Library Table made of finest euartar sawed oak In golden finish; one center drawer) , two-eelumn baae; reduoed to S22.50 110,00 Oak Library Tablet one drawer and shelf below; finished golden; reduoed to. 46.50 IS.I0 Center Table in oak ana manogany ball foot; reduoed to MM Center Table: shaped BUFFETS $58.50 quartered oak Combination Buffet and China Cabinet, weathered or golden, reduced to f44.00 $120 Buffet in quartered golden oak, carved feet, glass knobs and 18x48 oval French bevel mirror, reduced to f 88.50 $35.00 Weathered oak Buffet, 18x40 oval FTench ihevel mirror, reduced to f 23.50 $37.50 Buffet in quarter-sawed oak, finished weathered or gold, reduced to ...825.50 $48.00 Weathered oak Buffet, 12x40 French r rir and glass front, reduced to f 31.75 't' in,r;'Jdj ill swl.l,i MMM'' eraarter-aawed coldest oak and mahogany finlanj round top; alasj S3.7B A lan natlnneil tope; lower anelf: quarter-sawed oak or ma- I hogany finish; reduoed to...... 88.75 K ni DINING TABLES $25.00 tf-foot oak Extension Table, 45-mch top, pedes tal base, weathered or golden finish, round top. re duced to f 17.00 S17.50 6-foot Extension Table, 6-ineh lega, 45-inch top, finished golden, reduced to f 12.50 $29.00 Extension Table in quarter-sawed golden oak, top extends to 6 feet, and-polished, reduced to 821.50 $26.00 Pedestal Extenion Table, square top, 6-foot ex tension, quarter-sawed oak and polished, reduced to .810.00 $54.00 Quarter-sawed Oak Table, 48-inch round top, extends to 8 feet, pedestal base, daw feet, weathered or golden, reduced to ,f 36.50 HERE ARE A fEW EXTRA SPECIALS EOR ERIDAY AND SATURDAY 75c VALUES IN OAK HAT RACKS, 4 hooks and mirror, reduced to....... 2l5o 80c BATHROOM MIRRORS with rush and comb rack, reduced to 3Dc $1.00 PLATE RACKS in golden oak, reduced to. .' 30c 90c PLATE RACKS, in weathered oak, reduced to 25c $1.50 TO $2.75 VALUES IN TABOURETTES, metal frames, reduced to.. 65c We Invite Inspection . and Comparison i v. I ml M SBsaj ; AltlMgjlMBl sbbSbs3 'sbsbs8sbsssWSSWSJ1m aSMsBsMI ttMMmt0 Red Tag Prices Mean Cash m -V Uftr