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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. ?' THURSDAY BVENINO. JULY 18, 1TO7. Sr : r?rr.. . . ..... . ., -,. .. , . ...... :.-mW&rr 11 '1111 ITt i VI m lA aV 11 H r- ' I T ; Baaae. nw- - 1 -A I Sale Women Black Hoisiery 50c, 75eahd 85c Values at 29c Pair 5,000 of Women's Black Stock- ings of every style and high class imported grades, fine black lisle lace boots, all-over laces, gauze lisle, gauze cotton, garter tops, crow foot, in fast black hosiery of all descriptions, all finest imported qualities, real Hermsdorf dye. The qualities are equal to those given in our fa mous 29c sales, and the fine weaves and desirable color make these the greatest bargains of the season. Every woman who wants ( to be sure of getting her share ought to be here early in the morning. Regular 50c, 75c and 85c values. A bargain that will bring an enthusiastic g crowd of shoppers at...sW V On Mlt at Bargain Table, Third street en trance. None C O. D., no phone orders. See window. , 2000Pcs.Fancy Ribbon$3at$1.25Yd. 2.000 pieces, 20,000 yards, of heavy all-silk Fancy Ribbons for sashes, girdles, opera and shopping bags, hat trimmings and waists; 9 to 12 inches wide, all extra heavy quality and new patterns. Values frl OP to $3.00 yard. Special Friday $lLD 8ee Washington street window. 25cTurnovcrCorrs 7c 5,000 Turnover Collars in embroidered and Japanese hand-drawn work; values J to 25c each, 4 for 25c; each IC 25cSilkVeiling5cYd. Sewing Silk Veiling, 18 inches wide, in white, black and colors; can be used for draping sailors or can be worn at the C beach; most extraordinary value, yd...OC Sale Auto Veils $1.25 Auto Veils, 3 yards long, of a good heavy quality of wash chiffon, -inch hem stitch; extremely popular to wear with sailor hats this summer. Choice d OC of any shade or color at Children's 65c Rompers 45c Children's pink and blue Chambrav Romp ers, made with yoke, pocket, belt and drop belt Regularly sold at 65c; very AC good special value at fJC Great Half-Price Kpture Sale Thousands of Framed Pictures at Half PriceAll Kinds of Subjects 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.13, $1.25, $1.50 to $7.50 Iff- P" THE reason is quickly told we have decided to sacrifice a great part of superb stock of Framed Pictures at EXACT LY HALF PRICE less than wholesale cost in order to make room for the thousands of new pictures arrivin? for fall display. The collection embraces Water Colors, Carbons, Etchings, Hand-Colored Platmums, Pastels, Gravures, Artotyps, Sepias, etc., in great variety. Gilt, ebony, mahogany, rosewood. black and brown oaks, chestnut and imported hardwood frames. The subjects embrace nearly every artistic conception; many reproductions of famous foreign paintings, a large number being exclusive imported prints. Kh,MkMBE-ExactJy half the regular price. The ifc I" bargain opportunity of the year to buy pictures to decorate your home. ....... 45 Women's Tailored Wash Suits 55 Women's Summery Wash Dresses $235 Regular Values Up to $8.50 Lach Special for Friday we offer an extraordinary double sale of Wash Dresses and Suits at one price, as follows: 45 strictly Tailor made Suits, in a variety of styles similar to illustration, rather mannish styles, in Pony and Cutaway effects, or those long swagger1 styles, cut generously full. Also 55 beautiful summery Women's Wash Dresses, in eight distinct styles, made of union linen and lawn, in pleasing effects. A number of the popular jumper styles, also the breezy college blouse effects, with pink or blue collars and cuffs and sailor tie; others in fancy lingerie styles, with lace, insertion and tuck trimmed waists ; some with panels of embroidery. Skirts in all styles, plain and tucked. Reg. values to $7.50. Special for Friday Bargain Day See corner window display. Mall orders filled. No phone orders, none reserved, none C O. D $2.95 Ladies' Regular $1.25 Short Lawn Kimonos at 78c Special for Friday Bargain Day we offer a great special sale of Ladies' Fancy Figured Lawn Kimonos, Nightingales and Dressing Sacques, trimmed with scalloped edges, lace, ribbon and plain bands, with or without belt. Dainty effects in pink, blue, 7 ff lavender, black and white; sites 34 to 44. Regular values to $1.25 for vJV See 'window display. Mail orders filled. ANNUAL SUMMLR CLEARANCE, OF White Linen Parasols $3.50-$5Vals.$1.95 This is the treat Parasol opportunity of the entire year, a tale of highest grade pure white linen Parasols, selling regularly from $3.50 to 15.00, and the warmest July and August lingerie days are still ahead QC of us. Less than wholesale cost. Get an early choice at ylfD A Big Friday Special--$1.50- $1.75 Waists at 83c Choice of 300 White Lawn Waists in a number of pleasing styles; some with plain embroidered fronts, some with panels of embroidery and tucking, some tailored style with plaited fronts; also popular Marie Antoinette Waists with plaited fronts; tucked backs, y sleeves, lace trimmed collars and cuffs. Regular $1.50 and $1.75 values. See them in window today and choose early Friday at, only. 6000 Yards White Irish Linen Finish Suiting 10c Yard For Friday Bargain Day, 6,000 yards of Irish Linen Finish Suiting, in white only, fOc a yard. We need not make further comment. The simple announcement of this well known suiting and skirting at 10c a yard is sufficient to crowd our wash goods 1 A A W aisle to suffocation tomorrow morning. 39c-75c Millinery Flowers for 15c 75c-$1.25 Millinery Flowers, 39c Hundreds of pretty flower trimming for sum mer hats popples, sweet peas, forget-me-nots, roses, geraniums, maiden-hair ferns, novelty foliage, fancy silk flcrwers. 89o 75c values, special Friday at only...l8o 75c $1.25 values, special Friday at only. .30o Sale All Children's Wash Dresses Values to $3.75 for $1.45 Values to $6.50 for $2.55 This big clearance sale of all our Children's Wash Dresses and Suitv in white and all colors, ages 6 to 16, of gingham, madras, Swiss, linon and other materials, offers two great specials: All Values Up to $3.75, Special $1.45 All Values Up to $6.50, Special $2.55 FOR WEEKS JAPANESE HAVE BEEN DRILLING Subjects of Mikado Working: in Logging Camps Near Portland -Plead Ignorance When Questioned Regard ing Sunday Skirmish Drills Held in Forest. 'i In a, remote and Isolated clearing In the deep forest neaa- Currlnsvllle, on the O. W, P. Kstacada line, Japanese soldier have been assembling, every Sunday for several' weeks and practic ing the tactics of war. Whether they are devoting this half day every! week to military practice merely" for the exercise or whether they are acting under Instruction from . Tokio la not At any' rate, thev have selected, an Ideal spot either to carry out secret In etructlons or simply to while away a few hours- at the frame of' which' they profess to be so fond. Deep In the af- mosi , igmi wnicn innvti in the valleys and on the hills of the Clnckamas there la a' large clearing. Woodmen long ago-chopped away the big trees which stood there' for years - vTTorsTnre-taT-breft-it-t tha' stumps and underbrush which usually remain. , Jnit the Place to Drill. So, now it ia a veritable pasture, a neia or waving grass, uninterrupted ny stumps or trees, in the midst of an im mense forest. It is located several miles perhaps from the station of Currlns vllle, which, by the way, Is not even a village, merely a stopping place with" a waiting room where excursionists may await the arrival of trains. It is in this isolated but ideal parade ground that a company of Japanese soldiers has been aolng through regular infantry - evolutions and maneuvers for several weeks. During the week these little brown soldiers labor ill the camps WhlCh, abound a.) one tha lina af tha fV W, P. and on Sunday assemble In this clearing to imagine they are once more on the banks of the Yalu with. an oppos ing army of Russians on the other aide. Durinc their maneuvers a nortlon of the Jape are armed with rifles. Others who have no firearms use sticks as weapons. They drill as If they were in the field, under command of the regular officers of a company of infantry. Residents of that vicinity are few. but they have frequently been attracted on Sunday afternoons by the noise of the ununlforraed troops. The sharp commands of the officers, the reports or voueys or rines attracted their at tention, but until the last few days they gave the matter little or no atten tion. Last Sunday, however, a large num ber of Portland people went out the O. W. P. line to seek a quiet place to spend the day. Many selected the neigh borhood of Currlnsvllle and In the af ternoon had an opportunity to observe the drills of the Japanese laborer-soldiers. They also thought little of it at first, but after It had continued for several hours they watched, the actions of the Japanese more carefully. Company Fully Officered. The Jans were under the command of an Individual who, in manner and ac tion, corresponded to a captain. He gave orders with a sharp voice of com mand end under him were lieutenants and other subalterns, in their practloe the spldlers had a target at the far COFFEE. We want the credit of ours and 'are willing: to take the responsibility for Year grocer money if Tee ioo'l lite Schllllag 'a But; wt say end of the clearing. From their actions the Japanese led their observers to be lieve that ther were maneuvering against the target as If it were an enemy. Advancing diagonally across the clearing on the run they wotfld sudden ly drop to the ground and open fire upon the supposed enemy or fort. RIs incr quickly they would run across the olearlng. still, however, advancing to wards the target. After running a short distance they would drop to the ground again ana open rire, Those who witnessed the actions of the Jaon declare that the little brown men were undoubtedly going through skirmish tactics and that they contin ued at their occupation all the after noon. Late In the afternoon many of the Portland people who had seen the practice met at the Currlnsvllle station and agreed that the Japs were practic ing their infantry tactics. No one made a thorough examination or went close enous-h to the Japs to scrutinize their actions studiously. There are hundreds or Jananesa em ployed at the various logging camps In that vicinity and In the construction gangs of the Oregon Water Power & Railway company. Many are recent ar rivals and are veterans of the Russo Japanese war. They still retain their connection with the Japanese army, 'for all Japanese are subject at any time to an order to report for duty. Whether these Oregon Japanese are going through these military tactical merely as a pastime in remembrance of their deeds in the recent- war. or whether they have received orders to be In readiness for a call to arms la not known. Those who are employed at lorrinc camp, near Currlnsvllle and who are known 8 have participated in the' drillinsr iaat Sunday refuse to dis cuss it at all.- They . "no aavy they mm support whether or not they are acting on their FROM TILLAMOOK Inquiries Being Carried On With View to Building j Automobile Road. Inquiries are being carried on with a view to pushing the movement to build an automobile road from Portland to the sea beach at some point in Tilla mook county, probably at Tillamook City. 8. G. Reid, president of the Port land chamber of commerce, and mem bers of the Portland Automobile club j are back of the project, and are recelv lng warm support from Tllfamook cltt- aens. R. W. Watson of Tillamook believes the idea is a very valuable and practical one, and has offered to assist by sub- Bcnpuun ana in other ways. He says many others in Tillamook county will subscribe and lend all possible assist ance. Regarding the feasible routes he said, in reply to a letter from E. C. Olltner, secretary of the Portland cham ber of commerce: "The Wilson Rivet route Is exactly 57 miles from Forest Grove to Tilla mook, and in the neighborhood of 40 miles from Forest Grove to Portland, which makes it 97 milea from Portland to Tillamook Instead of 67 to 65 miles, as stated In your letter. It la S8 milea from Portland to Tillamook ae the crow flies. "The summit or the Coast range on the Wilson river is in the neignDornooa of 3.000 feet above sea level. The first five miles from Gales City to the top of the steep climb is a rise of 1,600 feet, and this elevation cannot to my knowl edge be lowered unless another route and pass Is found, but this would neces sitate another road, and perhaps an In crease of distance. The southern route from Portland to Tillamook via Sheridan and Dolph, la exactly 113 miles, and the Increased dls tanca is easllr made up as against the poor road on the 7 mile route via the Wilson river. The Wilson river route cornea tnrougn green iimoer ' ror . u miles, where the sun rarely spreads its rava beneath the itreen follare. . while on the Sheridan route the roads drv out quickly. beUig an open and cleared coun try, with little green timber along the roaa. , . . ...... j - Mr. Watson added that he wouMlanit assistance to the building of either road that should be selected after they were viewed by a man competent to Judge and select the best route. He said consider able assistance could be secured In Til lamook county by subscriptions of cash and work.; The roaa could be improved so that the automobile triTv vmM ha made from Portland to Tillamook In lx to alghtMioura. , . . . Tomorrow and - Saturriav Aatvaw the last days for discount on east aide j . BEST RUtZUt $7.SO 009 SET FC2 $5.00 Sana kind all or reUable dentists make; only dif ference , la ' - the profit we aak. Bridge work or teeth without l"tl Pr ootn. t f 5.00 Gold Fillings, no from Silver Fllllnrs. an frnn Knamel Fllllnrs, up Crom....Sl. porcelain in.....tfl aa. Palnleas Extraction ."7. .. 7.t;jk A amarantee for 1 ft aan ith .n work. lAdy attendant. , Lily Dental Co. nz&s euro cotrca rrrrrrx Tn,n 'until 9 and t!unly until I p, m. tfatoma TTjowe A1SIX MoUto States TUnnt ral.' . ' Tomnrr'ar the l"t u ire ( jcuuot on '