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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILV JOUfeNAi; ORTTAND, '; TUESDAY EVENINO, JTJLT 1 "MOT. an " ? BCSINE&J CHANCES. THl COAST RBALTT COl. ' III ft Morrlaon, st, headquarters for fw eatat oi ovary description, uoiua- g timoer ua n mini. sio. . rHONB MAIN 1111. A - 41B0. ,000 acres splendid timber Including fLi" 1,000 I SklK.Oo' trge saw tnllL ess v ttrmi. $61.000 One half ash tnrt boot I sr g In oity, only two mllM from I i urnos. only with. ua. I IllflJhft ITrdw iIam 10 Tar. 110,000 Splendid manufactory a. lnr M.000 Manufacturing. saUMlsbsd ' Vaara f 4,000 Ona half oash, nsw saw uQt with lot of lumbar, loss and Umber on 11.000 Two thirds ossh, 10 aorss Im proved near Oregon City. Other acrsags au prices. ... i iflOO Ons half oaah, ft ssction land. IS00 ranta 10 aoraa two mllea from Oregon City. ) J - 110,000 Ona of tha finest homes on ua Heights; only witft ua. 1 1,150 Ona Half oaah, aUa-TOom o- ni nouaa. la, 000 Ona half oaah., ssTsn-room. new houaa; othara ail prioos. 11 Inn tana h Ilka rant. . tlOO Sevsral oholca lots At Ml Ti. Dor. ROOMINOHOUBB SPECIAL. II It no Kaw modarn steam heated. tS.000 Ona half oaab, new modern 80 rooms. 11,600 One half sash, fine brick cor ner, ag rooms. 11,000 Elegant new money maker, SO rooma. clearing lioo monuuy. 11,400 One half oaah, It rooma, brick, A money tetter. 11,250 On half oaah. new modern rooming houaa, averaging iioo weeuy. H.OOfl Seventeen rooma. er-todrn. well carina. II rooma. 50 New modern plaoa, Waehlng- ;n at. 1710 buys It rooma modern. S 110 Six rooma furniture, oloee In. 1,000 Grocery at invoice, three liv ing rooma. 1100 Old established roaj eeUte and lnauranca. 11,600 buya buaineea clearing 180 per week. 1760 Confectionery at Invoice, living rooma. 1600 buya Interaat In old established real estate buatneaa. 1400 takea ona half Interaat In res taurant and be cashier. 1160 buya employment agency doing good buaineaa. 1116 buys confectionery with six rooma on Ird at. Other buelnesa ohaneee of all kinds. For quick results consult THE COAST REALTY CO., 121 ft Morrison St., Phone Main 1641, A 4160. CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM AND I 1 I rs cigar store; fine location, established good business. If you are looking for aomethlng good, see this snap; 1760 Can be taken on trial. Wanted at once, partner In established real estate business; must be roe tier; man or woman. Diamond Realty Co, 161 Alder St.. room 10. A CHANCE TO GET IN ON THE ground floor of a good manufacturing business. For particulars call Phone Bast Ifi. FOR SALE MILK RbUTE; 11 COWS, driving team: everything complete; Estacada line, Luther station, P. H. Trigg, proprietor. ON ACCOUNT OF BUSINESS. WE ARE Authorised to aell general hardware atora at 11600 below vaiue; anyone be ing Interested In business, of this kind call quickly. I IQ Aiieny oiag. ktOOMiNO i.ND "BOARDlNO HdUSH for sale, bargain. journal Addraaa D-414, f6r rk"nTP. And TUkNltURH foS ale A 1 4 -room hotel: a good bnsl- Cook. ; nan at', a low .price. Address J. Jay AftfliJN HCtEI. MXraMfl for sal, rood looalitr. vtnx if i -k--ii.u a-v- a'T HBWPAPeJWa&N" fiHflf JH VJLL ley, for sal or trade: power presses; M 41 e Journal spisnai. Held. A I6-R66M lioTgL. ON CoRKEr ?. S".: mu"t be o'd quick. Apply -R BALE FIRST-cLa kit it a ShOI). For t)r1lnillor nail nw, h f . - - ' - v-ry ns-rawara uo., Bstacada. Or. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH C. B. Arnold A C.n nrl.rln.1 h.l.l hotels, rooming houses and furnished houses bought, sold and exohangad. In yuu me i.nuea Hiaiea. C H. ARNOLD CO.. Original Motel Broker a. Removed to 161 Morrlaon Bt Phone Maf 7111. 11,000 OR 11.100. ALL THAT ifl RB- auireo ror hair-interest in two atoma or will sell one store outright, splendid opening for a business man. Address EMU. Journal. i KR BALE Bf OWNER GROCER" stock at lnvoloe. Phono Woodlawn 107. FOR SALB-flALoOl! DdINd GOOD business: falllns: health cause for selling. 20 Grand ave.. N. FofTbale cash orocery, about 1600; aales over 125 dally. Tt let. FOR SALE) REAL ESTATE FOUR BEAUTIFUL I-OTB ON THE eaat alone of Mt. Tabor: you oan make an eleamnt home on thla prop erty; don't delay If you are looking for bargain ; also a few nice lota In Arbor lodare: one blook from carllne; cloae to school and nice homes. Turner will tell you about them. 101 Vk Washington ROOM 8. NEW. NEAR HAWTHORNE ave.. furnace, fireplace, buffet, laun dry, cement walka and basement; fine surroundlnga; large rooms; extra large ining-room with dsn; 11,000, terms. !. C. Shay, owner. Main 1941, 104 Ab- Ington bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Modern l-room houaa Corner Shaver and Garfield ave. At a special prloe for A few days only, J. E. Boydston, III Garfield. Phone Eaat 1141. liJoo o66f HSdkrH homo raerrtton haJL Dantrr. elOMta, W a i m. a m A V X - M A , nakskfl 4eava m bI 1 naa mnar Kak aatnl A ak t tntM owner 'leaving city. Do not fall tp see uua property at once. J, K. DOHNKLL at IA, Koom ll, Itn stark at. 16oaio6 SbVtmxif FROM KBrBT at, few mora lota in Weat Fledmont, Investment Coa Borthwick and Killings worth aves. Phone Best 6404. a Large four-room bukgalo, In Pie atrlotlv modern. In Piedmont, near ear line. Owner. I4S Wllliama ave. Phone Bast 40t. S-v-N-ftOOW H6t'BB. WODffftN, Til provementa, lot 100x100: oloee In; IAA XlmtnlH A BmOk 111 Aft mt ADTHONt MAfebt. LiWMTOiJ. 6ft.; residence and buaineaa lota, water front and factory altea; farms and urn ber land a. for bals mm hom- tw iwll location; alao some good oity iota 406 Morrison at. STVe AcrS roft ii.6M: A Snap. 0f Arlington heights. Top of Canyon road near council crest; all piattea Immm Van i 7 VTn , 5or HoUBEd xNb L6Vfl ciT,L AT 103 E. 14 at., or nhone Tabor 611. 14oxio6 6VerLoo1n6 tIib" 6AK8 Larre oomer. beet view of oity and river: must sell. H-100, Journal. Artar Lodge Snap Come aulrk before advance In values. Choice homes and lota on St Johna Una, beet location, dandy aer tract easv erma ; make aae. t-none woooiawn n. BARGAIN IN DRUG BUSLNEBfl AT Huntington. Or., doing 136 per oay oaah; good, clean stock and fixtures; valued at 17,400; will be sold for 16,000, 14.000 down; rent 150 per month. Ad drees P. O. box 5, Huntington, Or. MOTEL AND ROADHOU8E TO LEASH Old-established, with or without sa loon, furnished; newly remodeled: 116: also 7-room house and orchard. tlO; and 4 flata, 16 rooma, 126; all on west aide. C H. Plggott. owner, lawyer. 4, 6 and 4. Mulkey bldg. H-ROOM TRANSIENT H6USI2, NEASi 6th and Stark ats.. 2-year-lease; lady going east, will sacrifice. Main 6202. Swell furniture Uf i-roo house on Washington st, bringing In 110 psr month; first offer takea thla Main 6201. 114.000 INVET&tENTWE HAVE A gilt-edged, proppaltlon that, wlU. net 5 per Cent. Thla 'is no scheme. The property will convince you. C411 at onoe. Diamond Realty Co., 251 Alder. Room 10. T FOR SALE BEING UNABLE TO handle It myself, I will sell cheap the beat wood saw In Portland; It Is latest Improved gasoline, all new, and J have all the work In eight any one would want. Call at 841 Garfield ave., or ring up Phone Union 67 LARGE MODERN Bl'NOALO, CORNER lot, rwell new 6-room cottage, alao 8- room house; osy monthly payments, Owner. Phone East 675. HOLLADAY PARK RESIDENCE. LEAS than 1 block from car line; modern In every particular: beautirul lawn; 14.600; terms. Columbia Trust Co.. Couch bldg. and river. 1750. term a. Acreage on Balem electric, take Sell wood car to cre matory. J. w. Walker, nil K. in at. NEW MODERN HOUSE, WEST SIDE I1.2S0 Lot 60x100 and 6 larae rooma. bath, gas, eleotrio light, furnaoe, house will be completed in acout two weens; walking aiatance from buaineaa oenter, FRED C KINO, 501 Commercial block. Id and Wash. RESIDENCE LOT WITH ALL 6B- ern lmDrovementa In and with 16- mlnute car aervlce; price 1460: make four own terms. Columbia Trust Co ouch bldg. , ALL !ndb reaL est Ate BdUaHf. sold and exchanged. Abraham Id. Labbe bldg.. offloea I and I. White. 217 Washington St. oomer Id, ltbe Dli phonea Both NHiW ADDlTlONf-FlNE LOTS 50x146. streets 60 feet near ear station at Lenta, So car fare; only till: term a Take Mount Heott car. 0. R. Addition. Lenta, Or., 6c far. C. R. DoDnell & Co. REAL ESTATE. Room 11. 168 Stark at b6 NOT FAIL tO SEE HOMJffi LAND Co. ad for Dargalna, Sunday Journal. List your property with- us If you want quick results. HOME LAND CO. 145 H First st 1176. Fine corner lot, 60x100, on B. 11th and Frederick; terms. Phone B. 4851 f 50 TERMS, FIVE-R"OOSi HOUSE, lse1it llht Kii r1 tw TIV 1 . H V. lltu ainiahav, tntiii, s a vs vw, lot 40x120, 2 blocks Mt. Scott carllne, Naahvllle. Owner 797 Grand are, T FOR B AL E B E1A V TTFIjL BUB U R BAN home: three' full lota; 7-room house and bath: 20 bearing frutt treea; ber ries of all kinds: fine srarden and all kinds of shrubbery; this Is an Ideal home; 7-mlnute car service. Phone East 4078, or 14 Hart ave Montavllla. GOING EAST. MUST SELL MY BDT room house and lot In atevena ad dition. See me today, 241 Madison st. fin ou n, 11.600. p. 11,400. e. 11,200. ROOMING HOUSE BAROAINS BY HATFIELD SMITH, 166 tt 4th St 38-room house, near Morrison, 10 rooma brick building, cheap, 14-room house, line rurniiure, 10-room house, central. 1516. 1 l-room house, 1100 Income, 1750. 8-room house only 1260. ' " WILL SELL. " United Wireless, preferred, 14.25: J. C Lee Co., 140; Alaska Pet. A Cool, 17Hc; B. C. Amalgamated, 4c; Almeda Con.. SOc. H. W. DONAHUE A CO.. Brokers. Ill Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7358. Well-drilling mTTlTTT plete; cheap for oaah. C W. Steph- COM- ens, Orient, Or. RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP ON account of other buslneas. Address B-416, -Journal DAVIS HOTEL FOR BALE, REASON- able terms. llOH in. so W "MAKING THE ROUNDS DON'T forget to call on ua for business chances and Investments' before pur chasing. Western Realty Co., 610 Buch anan bldg. We may have what you are looking for. Phones Main 6287. A-2417. WHY' NOT GET IN ON THE GROUND floor and make real money? Company now forming has place for small num ber of 1100 to 1600 Investors; give hone. L.-4Z1, journal. 4-ROOM HOUSE H ACREGR5UN"d77 blocks from Kern Park station; 1100 worth of garden; price $1,800; terms. 142 Mndlaon st. MODERN 7-ROOM ON CORNER LOT 60x100; nloe lawn, fruit treea and flowers. Phone owner. Bellwood 424. 3.000 0-ROOM HOUSE ON E. TH st.; hardwood finish, ooncrete base ment gas. hot water; easy terms. Call between 10 and 4 at 250 Id at Rooms 16 and 16. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN PIEDMONT. half block from car line. Owner 1168 Cleveland ave. FARMS WANTED. Wa ar in communication with people that want farms In all parts of the Willamette valley: If row wish to sell, call on us, or write full particulars. DIAMOND REALTY CO., 161 Alder st. Room 10. Poland, Or. FOR BALE FIXE MODERN 6-ftOOM residenoe on Vancouver ave; trade with owner on pramlaea 117 Vancouver ave. FOR SALE FARMS TIMBER. IOOTCIVfl mR TTMTUBWt Wa offer you every advantage through our system of expert examinations which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending time or ntunay, ii our general report inai- oatea mac we nave what tou want our estimates by two and a half acrea are usiiy vennea. THY "THE LACEY WAY." JAMES D. LACEY CO., Ill Chamber of Commerce, Portland.. 07 Lumber Rxnhansa Heattt FORFA RM AND flMBKR LA lllard and Clayton., Roaeburg, Or. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rata to Diisineaa houses, etu ana Jiawmorne. East 71. BEST WORK AND LIGHT HARNESS. prices lowest; we take your old har ness in exchange for new. Keuer Har ness co, 41 North th at eprJss Ri6 boim aaoD Biisi- ness, also 1.200-lb. horse. 180 Water, HARNESS AMD SADDLERY. kELLER Uaraa rn XT tK Mt BEAUTIFUL iMEBtNUT MARE WltH allver mane and tall, gentle and fine driver. T years old; alao good rubber tired burrv and harneaa AdoIt 1670 E. lith st for bale c Heap A i66b HoWEflf work mare. 11 years old. weight about 1.100. 161 B. 11th at. N.. cor. Shaver. Phono Woodlawn 168. FOR SALE BUTCHER'S DELIVER? wagon. 116. Phone East 1822. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS B0, 40 AND 110, REED-FRENCH Pi ano oertmcatea for aale half Drtce. Address N-412, Journal. Victor Talking" machines and reoorda: Stalnway (and other) pianos. Bhemran, Clay ft Co., Ith and Morrison ta. odd. noetoffica FOR SALE A 111 FRENCH-REED piano certificate for 110. Call at 407 E. Belmont at FOR SALE NEW PlANO; TRADED for It; have no uaa for It 107 Union ave, north. HIGH GRADE PIANO, TAKEN IN ON ' M .v. ,J' i v. your own terms. Call up Mr. Brown, Main us: A-sisv 40 CERTIFICATE, OOOD FOR FACE value at Reod-French'e on any or organ. Will sell for 115. Journal. person- MANLY YIQOR RESTORED BY DR. HODerTar Merv-e Qlobulea, On month's treatment 12; I months', S; sent se curely sealed by mall. Agents, Wood- aro, yiarae at ua, Portland, ur. Ers! Sbrock. graduate BIT seuse; eablnet bath, salt glow; alcohol rub, oream massage; referenoes. Ill Seventh at Main 4161. Br. fllNd Choono1, IWpoiviilR Crti- neaa root medicines; sells Chinees tea, certain cure for all dlaeaaea 111 Id st. between Yamhill and Taylor. DdW'f BiS DULL AML WaCTIV-i fiextns Pills cure all weakness: II a box. 6 for 6: full guarantee. Address or call J.' O. Cleroenaon, druggist. Port land. Or. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER; Ssalskln aarmenta red red and re modeled; expert fitter: estlmatee given) lowest prtoea 661 Washington. Phone Main 7108. LADIES DR, SANDERSON'S CB" Savin and cotton kooi kuis are tne only sure remedy ror aeiayea perioda; by mall II per box. Dr Pie roe. 111 let URKI8H BATHS. 100 ORBGONIA V.1 . 1 s) u. Amvm MntUmMi tnt arV t si UlUf.i 1 SSjAA was ust e pvi,w mm B v Mam 1958. prompt service. 64 4th st Lady bar ns r wanted. P1AN6 tmrfNd pHone pAiWc 686. C. E. Carlton, III I4tn st MOLES, 'WRINKLES, Stf PERFLttoUfl" hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mra. M. D. Hill, room i rueo- ner bldg. Phone Ficinoiifc bR. T. J. PIERCE. SPECIALIST, DIS- eases of woman; all irregularities oor riwtMl: nn Mnnaura: medicine bv mall. Office 111 1st st, corner Yamhill. Port land. Or. MADAM WsHtl AND ASBIsTaWT glvee baths and massage treatment ioi h id st baLm of Fids F'dft ALL FEMALE diseases, clflc 2811. 116 Jefferson. Phone Pa- or- plano D-411, FOR SALE LIVE8TOCK. FINE YOUNG JERSEY COW, CHEAP. Call 751 Gantenbeln ave.. near Beech. MILCH COW FOR SALE, 402 EBEY" it. Montavina. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1460 BUYS CARRIAGE. I 16-INCH headblocks; feed works. Iron track, 10 feet wire ropa, one 66-lnch Atktna aaw. new and saw mandrels. 160 buys one hand edger. complete. carriage, track rolls. 1.0 One 4x24 Sweepstake planer. $140 One 4x1 Houston moulder. 60 One water-wheel TRAPPIBT FATHERS. BolO, Or. 110 ACRES EIGHT MILES FROM Prinevllle. one-auarter mile to school; all under fence; good alx-room house 20x40. good barn 44xsu; wagon aneo. granary and wood shed. Good orchard and email fruit; 200 acrea in cultiva tion; 66 acrea in alfalfa; soil black heavy loam; all cultivated land under ditch; plenty of water; free water right; Private ditch. This land has never failed to produce heavy oropa of Train and alfalfa hay. It la situated near the pine timber; plenty of wood and outside range adjoining. This is an excellent farm; a rare Bargain at 110,000, with only $1,600 cash, balance on terms to suit at 8 per cent. Crook County Real Estate Co, Prineville, Or for sale farm lands, large and small traeta. ranging In price from 126 to 146 per acre in heart of Willamette valley: also city property; send me a description of what you want and I will do the reat Write J. D. Winn, the land man. Buena Vista, Or. FOR SALE 220 ACRES UNIMPROVED land In Cowllts oounty, Washr near Kalama river, about 6 mllea from Ka lama, on county road; 2 good streams of water running tnrougn piaco; some um ber; price $6 per acre. Address E. N. Howe, Kalama Waah. SOME FINE BUYS IN FARM PROP erty; a few good homes In the city. What do you want to trade for7 Tell your troublea to Turner, 1014 Waah Ington st FOR SALE 80 ACRES, TI MILES from Portland, I miles from Oregon City; 10 acrea In cultivation, 10 acres pasture; $100 per acre. Address M. C. Colson, Clackamas, Oregon. Box 117. R. F. D No. 1. or call lblle south of BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. LOTS 50X Sunnysldc school. 100. above grade, graded street, water 297-ACRE DAIRY FARM. ALL STOCK- in, owner on ground. 248 E. 44th at. ed; preaent lnoome $300 per month; South, 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. $5,000 cash will handle It; a fine propo sition. Columbia Trust uo., coucn Diag. BARGAINS STEEL RANGES, stoves, iron beds, springs, mattresses. tables, chairs, dreasers, cheffenlers, car pets and linoleums, new and good aa new. at loweat prices. Come and aeo us; It will pay you; your gooda taken In exchange, toi & Bromer, 82 N. 8d. Phone Main 2111. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. BHow Cases and fixtures, new and second-hand. Carlaon A Kall- strom, 289 Couch st FtlKE FOR EVER Y ROD Y RING UP Main 4290 or call 212 H Front at We buy and aell furniture, clothing or any old thing. FOR SALE ONE- HOTEL RANGE. Inquire 271 let st. NICE LifTLB LAUNCH AND BOAT- houset 4 H -horse-power engine; MISS RAYM6NT). masseuse: iliU Uc rlson St.. room 14; phone Main 6111. SL'ITS 'PRESSED Wkfl.E Votf WAtT1.' 60c. Ladles' skirts pressed, 60o. Gil bert 106 H Sixth st, next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. Sack dates of magazines at i cents. Jones Hook store. zl Ainer. German books. Magazines, noV- els, eta: Gorman. English, French, Spaniab. Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign ooks of all klnda Schmale Co., 229 First at CHICAGO MEDICAL INSTITUTE Electric and vibratory treatment for all acute and chronic diseases; good sur geons in charge. :h N. 6th st Phone Pacific 2818. Consultation free. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatism. Bold by all druggists. SlSfl GIBSON GIVES BCALP TREAT ment: dandruff. 2684 Morrlaon at. room 52. m7ssmarceLLA Lb roy". ACCflk- CARPET UURANIKQ Largest plant on coast; Lorln and Harding staf phone East 180;- carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; "team and compressed air proosss; renovating mettreseea and faathara a specialty. JOYCE BROS., PROPftlKtORfl OF THE Eleotrio Clean In a works 1 carpets o.eaned and l&M hnth drr and com pressed air cleaning; carpet reflttlaf our spjciauy; work guaranteed. rnoM jawa ano A-16T1 I7" Grant St CHIROPODISTS CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mra M. D. Hill. Room 180 Fleldnsr bldg. Both phonea CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST! SEE MELVIN. THE RENOWNED CLAIRVOrANT SPIRITUAL ADVISER. GUARANTEES SATISFACTION ON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE. YOU HEAR THE TRUTH: AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. SPECIAL THIS WEEK I.OW FEE. 60o 60o SOc 60o 60a 11 H MORRISON. COR ITH. PHONE MAIN 7144. Always Consult the Best. PROFEESOH KHIMO. Greateat living astral dead-tranoe olalr voyant of the age; adviser on buslneee end all affairs of life; tella your full name and what you called for, whom you win marry, how to control the one MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY MONET TO LOAN MONEY v MONEY rK MONEY MONEY MONET vc TO fid A REMEMBER, IF TOO WORK ' WE WILL ACCOMMODATHOU YraST HOURS I A. M. TO - MOWI HUNEI MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for, build ing purposes for from I to II years time, with Privilege to repay all er nart of loan after two yeera Loans ap oroved from Plans and money advanoed. as building progresses; mortgages taken up ana repieosa. FRED H. STRONa Ftnaocial Agent. I4i ntara sj. I P. Mi MOIfBT MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONK you love, even though miles away; re- termsflrst c"6WKKn"tTAL LOANfl ON 1AL: arlea, . lnsuranos polloies, pianos, fur niture, warehouse receipts, etc.; any de serving person mar secure a liberal ad vance, repaying dv , emsy seeaiy ew monthly installments. NEW ERA LOAN aV MORTGAGE COM. FA NY, 20 Ablngton BMg. MON-T APVAWCed BALArIU, Yl&b- pie and others npoa their own nam without security: cheefteet rates, easiest payments; offloes In 40 prlnelpal ettlesi save yourself morusy by getting our unltee the separated; gives secret pow ers to control; does all others ad' rtlse to do. Hours 10 to dallv and Sunday 151 H Washington st. Phone Main 1147. Mrs. Palmer The World Wonder Palmist and Psychologist She reads your life with unerring sight X N. Id st. Portland. MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER. AT 116 Main at, 26c. Phone Main 7648 JOHN SLATER, CIRCLE TONIOfif 8:15 sharp. 188 7th at Readings 10 to 4, same place. DOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. p suite 4. MISS ETHEL WARD TREATS BUC cessfully corns, bunions and Ingrown toenails: aha alao manlcurea Room 16. 861 H Morrison at DETECTIVE. STRICT'L COWfIDEN" tlal; private work only. Addreae M-422. Journal. psyche6"nowden vapor baths and massage. 145 H "th, room 16. LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGISTFOli Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For !5 vrara known aa best eafest Alwaye reliable. Take no other. Chl chesters Diamond Brand rills are Bold by druggists everywhere. LADIES! DR LA FRANCO'S COM pound; aafe, speedy regulator; 25 cents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Dr. I,a Franco. Philadelphia J'a. llahed masseuse, 191 H Alder at. W. M. MILLER, V. 8 . VETERINARIAN. 26 N. 8th at. Phone Main 6606. All branches of the science. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses and dogs. 281 Gllaan at Phone Main 1484. DR. C ft BROWN DOO' ANDjHORSB hospital. 106 N. 6th at (Main 4084). Prophetess Viola Marsbfleld, spirit medium. 4th at 111 DENTISTS DR. W. B. KNAPP HAS RETURNED from eaat Office 10 Hamilton bldg. DANCING waltz, two-step, three-step and etage danolng; lessons 26o during summer months. Prof. Wal Wlllaon'a Dancing School, 104 Allaky bldg.. Id and Morrison sts. TOLMAN. ! II Abtngton id at. BV3 UNCLE MEYERS LOAN Of'FICA 141 Id st. near Aider, established 1171 1 old and reliable; any amount loaned sn watches, diamonds, Jewelry and sealskins. Bt6cKfl And BoWM 6 E3TAB- llshed enterprises bought and soiut commercial paper bought and money loaned on all claases of good security. Room 207 Couch blds, 4th and Wash ington sts. moneY tO LOaW ON RflAL BflTATBL onatiei mortgages or personal curlty; notes bought C. W. Pallstt, nion oiag. BoWBgRROW" M6nT 0M flALi-t untu yoa see Hntton Credit Ca 612 Dekum bldg. MONEY LOANED TonBTfLAHIHTPKrC pie Just on your own' name; don't borrow until you see me; my system Is the best for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men end all other employee; business strictly confidential, F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg, 18s Washington. 1 MONSYf 6 ' LOAN1 ON" tkPROVSlP' cltv oroDertv or for bnlldlns; dun roses. Columbia Life A Trust CO, 114 . umber Exchange bldg. MorftiY TO LOAN OW ALL HWM of security. WllUarn BoU. room I, yv awningion oiag. to Loan Bums t6 BPIT' 6M CHAT- tei security. K. A. Frame, ,411 the Marquam. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE8 YOfNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE irlves electrical, aloohollc and medi cated treatments, alao tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Washington ats. FOR 10C. B. Overdorf, Marriage directory No fee until married. Portland. Or. CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPECaL dlseasea of men and women cured by modern scientific methods; electric treat ment for diseases of the prostate; oon- 2 STEAM WOOD SAWS. WILL , SELL j Wtrttt cheap. Inquire Lowengardt, 88 Park. I ' guar anteed; aell cheap for cash. Phone Main 6860. FOR SALE CHEAP FINE MOTION picture machine, filma etc Room 2. 145 H th st ' $100 DUE BILL FOR $76 TO APPLY on any new piano in atore. E-418. Journal. FROM THE SECOND HAND ATTORNEYS 826 BUY atora where vour credit is rood. 1st at. pacino l70. SHINGLES LARGE OR SMALL LOTS. The noted Port Orford cedar In etock. Call and aee them. S. E. Gilbert 114 Front PIGGOTT, FINCH A BIOGER. ATTOR neya at law, 4 Mulkey bldg, corner 2d and Morrison eta ARCHITECTS on 44th st. Phone Tabor 264; price 1600; terms to suit. FOR SALE A NEW HARD-FINISHED 2-room house, fine lot. 60x100 on carllne; only $700, terma. Phone East 731. NEW MODERN FOUR-ROOM BUNGA- low, near Mt. cott canine, at Tre- mont: reasonable terms. Tarart lis Chamber or commerce Ding. The Rustlers FOR SALE ON ALBINA AVE. CAR- line, 8 houses, inquire 1024 Alblna ave. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND lots; bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton, Lents, Oregon. Take Mt Scott car, 6c. LARD, SANDEFER & O'CONNOR Have cash buyers waiting for desir able rooming-nouses. $61 H Morrison st, room 6. WE HAVE A FINE BUY, FOR YOU IF you are looking for a Dargain. 17 -room house, newly fumiahed, $750. 27-room houae, good lease, brick bldg., $1,100. 46-room, steam-heated, hot and cold water In every room,' new brick bldg., a fine money maker, $8,000. In and out Of town propositions of all sixes; give ua a call and we will suit you- C. S. ARNOLD & CO., Hotel Brokers. 851 M, Morrison. Phono Main 7111. OOOD PROFITABLE BUSINESS FOR lady who can sew a little: good in come; best location; must sell at onco; lease If desired; further Information of owner. T-421, Journal. MININO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. . Corre spondence Invited. H. W. Donahue A Co., 512 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7363. . FOR SALE CIGAR CONFECTIONERY ' store. 110 North 6th st. PARTNER WANTED IN WELL PAY lng business. References and small capital required. Particulars 2264 Morrison at, room 2. , SICTCLE SUPPLY AND REPAIR U.w. 1m e n n Innatlnn, n n ... ,, BUip, ' ha,uuu, ymyiiiff well now; party will aell for $500 on account of leaving oity. Address H-412, Journal. Acreage Bargains In McKinlev Park, adjoining Lents, Johnson creek bottom, beaver dam and fruit lands, mostly in cultivation and In tracts of 1 to 6 acres: Just the thing for country homes, garden truck, berrlea, fruit or chicken ranches; 5-cent fare to Lenta. Agent at Lents Junction. See Giindersoa & Williams 205-6 Mohawk Bid. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE IN 8UNNY slde; good location; $2,500. Modern 7-room bungalow nc-ar Hawthorne ave., $3,400; terms. L. H. Freeland, room 7, 141 H 1st st FOR SALE 40 ACRES UNIMPROVED land, close to Estacada; nearly enough timber to pay for same; price $850, $250 cash, balance long time. Cary Hard- waro Co.. Estacada, Wash. FOR BALE BY OWNER 11 ACRES good land on Foster road, 10 miles from city, no rock, no gravel; good neighborhood; cloae to school and store; lays nice and level; three acres cleared. balance easily cleared. Call on George Hamilton at Gates' Croaslng or write R. F. D. 8. box 55. Gresham, or GASOLINE ENGINE. New I horsepower horlsontal Lewis: all complete; will take $190. Address 454 E. 8 th St. FOR SALE OLDSMOBILE RUN- about In line condition, price reason able. Address L-421, Journal. FOR SALE GOOD CAMP WAGON. 16th and Mall. $30 ORDER ON REED-FRENCH PIANO Co.; cash $16. 8-421, Journal. BNAPS GASOLINE ENGINE FXJH sale or trade; stationary or marine; from 2 to 12 H.-P. 205 1st St. HUNTERS NOTICE! FOR SALE Thoroughbred setter pup. 7 months old, of prise winning stock, cheap If taken at once. Call after 6 p. m. at 418 Knott St.. or phone East 8874. BUY ROSE CITY LAWN SWINGS. ERN8T KRONER. ARCHITECT Plans and specifications; also building superintendence. M. J. WALSH CO.. 811 STARK ST.. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling Grates and Doglrons. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGT- neera, contractora. repairers, eleotrio wiring, supplies. 14 1st eor. Stark. Main 669. R. H.Tate, Mgr. WESTERN" ELECTRIC WORKS. 1 6th at Contractora. electric supplies, motors and dynamoa; we install light and power plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. HI 85. Morrison st Fixtures, wiring, re pairing. East 1128. -I ' 11 i L .J. MUKMtt MOTOKH Fairbanks, dynamos. Stark sts A. C. and D. C. AND 1st and DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKER FROM BAN FRAN clsco wishes a few more customers; alteration work neatljadone. 284 Id st Phone Paclflo 805. MADAME ANGELES 242 FIFTH. FA- 1uIck LOANS 6M ALL tiECefftlTJffSL 4 Wi S. W. Kma. Mam siw. ashlngton A LOAN" FOR fklS AsWNo 8ALART ie Loan Co 410 Dekum Ths or chattel. mOnky t6 Loan1 !n ifioo t6 IMbo.' Pi Charleston A Co. Commercial Pacific 1196. bono CASH ON HAND FOR PURCHASE; money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of aale on real estate, either country or cltv property. H. E. Noble, Commercial blk 2d and Washington. $200 TO $2,000 ON MORTGAGE " FOR July only; low Interest small expense to borrowef, Ward, Al.rwky.bldg. M-7126. clflo 982. EDUCATIONAL WILL LOAN $2,000, PER CENT. ON real estate. Farrlngton, lit Fentotj bldg. money1 t6 LOaM; LarguJ LOANS specialty: also building loans!, lowest rates; Are Insunca William G. Beck. 818 Falling bldg. DON'T WORRY $10 TO $100 LOANED aaianea people, wltn or without se curity. Crescent Loan Co, 428 Mo hawk Wdg. MUSICAL ASSAYERS WELLS ft PROEBSTEL. MINING EN glneera. metallurgists and as payers, 104H Washington at GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Aasay Office. rlson st. 186 Mor- ART FRJE LESSONS IN Embi idery Every Day. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP, 882 Washington St BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COL LEGE. Elks' Building. Portland, Oregon. Chartler shorthand and Bliss book keeping aa taught In the Behnke-Walker will lead you to success. facts in calls for help and placed 111 since Aug. 1. Will place you when competent En roll now. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, Washington and 10th sta FUedner bldg. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting and all English branches taught both j day and night FINANCIAL ktf td Six" WORTHY" C 8. MITCHELL. THE TALENTED musician, la now available - for , all piano engagementa, first-class piano and mandolin instruction at reasonable rates. Call at 484H Washington at. pTano. VI5LTN. CORNEf . ' TrOM: . bone, clarinet. Professor B. A. Smith. 254 12th st Main 4701. COTEOPATHIO PHYSICIANt , dr lIllebklle Patterson, bpe clallst on nervous, scute and ehronlo dlaeaaea, Offloe 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Paclflo 1110. DR. R- B. NORTRRU. 4i(!-ii-ir dK: kum bldg., Id and Waahlngton sts. Phone Main 149. Examination frea. PAINTING AND PAPERINCL young laJles who wish to take a ahorthand course. Apply at once at office. 617 Commonwealth bldg., 6th I p doane gives BEST ESTIMATE! AUTOMOBILES baby awtngs. or lawn aeata Wsshlngton at. PAIR 630 oa a r-ura ait Ttvrf uDDrtvipn t.a vn 8 miles from Salem, $20,000 worth of timber on the land; price 130 per acre. Hatneld & Bmnn, 165 H tn st. FOR SALE CHEAP ONE NEW MOD ern 7-room house, also four lota. See owner, 369 Ivy st, near Union ave. rH Opportunity hunt- rs" are abroad in the city today armed with The Journal classified advertising columns. If you have anything to in-' terest them they will an swer your ad. LOT 60 BY 100. FRONT RUSSELL ST. and enough lumbar and brick to build, only $660. 604 Goldsmith at. Lower Alblna. $1,500 WILL BUY FRACTIONAL LOTS 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8, block 3, Elizabeth Irvlng's addition; good location for barn or factory; cheap property. J. L. Wells Co., 806 Q. C. bldg. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE ff? SOUTH Portland, sewer, spring water, good rrom car, newly prloe $1,450; terma. Co., 209 Com'l bldg. FOR SALE FINE LOT. EAST FRONT, between Broadway and Weldler, Owner. 93 Cherry. OWNER WILL SELL OR RENT GOOD 6-room house, concrete foundation, fult basement, on E. Taylor st. corner lot 60x100: price ii.soo; cash 8650. bal ance $10 per month; also 6-room house In Ashland, Or., or trade the last N. Wrelter, 411ft Hawthorne ave. streets, 1 V4 blocks papered and painted J. A. Moehnke & Ci sTy! buster, here is a good thing. One of Oregon's beet 180 acres to be had for $1,000. Pacific Inveatment Co.. 91 H 6th st 80 ACRES LAND TWO MILES FROM Estacada, 800 commercial apple treea. 242 Madison st. 45 ACRES IN HOOD RIVER VALLEY; good 4-room house, good barn, 200 bearing fruit trees, 200 prune trees, pears, cherries, etc.; all kinds of small fruit. This la first-class fruit land, L. H. Freeland, room 7, 141ft 1st st BARGAIN. 104 acres good land. 85 acres under cultivation, 7 acres In bearing orchard, 15 acres green timber, balance quite easily cleared; 6-room house, large, new barn and necessary outbuildings; includ ing 6 fine milch cows, team worth $500, 14 sheep, some hogs and chickens, new surry, wagon, mower, rake, cream sepa rator and all small tools, and all crops, which are worth over $1,000, for only $4,800. See THOMPSON A SWAN, Cltlrens Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Waah. OF SCREW DIAMOND EAR- rlngs for sale cheap. 429 Main. A GOOD TEA AND COFFEE WAGON for sale, $15. Call 226 Mill st. HOWARD M. COVET. A rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobllea, Cadillac and Kno Temporary location Club Oarage. 16th and Alder ate. ACCORDION DRESS PLEATING MISS O. GOULD, 617 S WETLAND bid 7. Accordion pleating and buttons covered. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. IN SOUTHEASTERN OREGON; IN A little inland town; 30 miles from railroad; I have a good stock of general merchandise that will Invoice about $7,000; this Is an established business and has a good trade; and we will show you that It is a good proposition. If you have some good city or farm property that you want to turn In as part pay ment on this business. See Turner, 808 ft Washington st. 80 ACRES, UNIMPROVED, GOOD land to trade for city property, $2,600. Hattield & Smith. 165ft 4th st. HAVE GOOD HOUSE AND LOT" TO exchange for heavy team of horses. Inquire S28 Mlchlga n ave. BLANKiBOOK MAKERS HOWE, DAVIS & KILHAM, 109-111 ID st. Blank books manufactured; agents for Jones' Improved Ionse-Itaf ledgers; ses the new Eureka leaf, the best on ths market. BATHS-MASSAGE MANICURING. FACE AND, SCALP treatment; baths and massage. 110ft 4th at. CLEANING AND DYEING CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark at. TIMBER. Cottage NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE. $1,200, 61x100 lot, worth $800; easy terms; C. R. Hotchkiss & Co. 108 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NICE LITTLE" SUBURBAN HOME. ' 7-room house, bath, patent toilet ce ment walks, young fruit, 6 full lots, 260x100, 1 block -of 6c carllne, 20 min utes from this office: all under fence and cultivation; $3,650, ft cash. J. M. Cameron Co., . Room 412, Commercial piag. HERE IS A SNAP, MUST.VBE BOLD thla weak l.mnn housed new nrt modern in every particular, lot 50x100, location close to best carllnes In city, 11.160: 1650 cash, balance at, 7 per cent Horns Land Co- 146)4 lt st. tl-.- WE ARE STILL IN A POSITION TO locate aeveral partlea on railroad lands In southern Oregon, cruising better than 4,000,000 feet per quarter aection: for making tender to the company and fil ing papers in the clerk'a office after ward, location, including all attorney fees, we charge tne sum or Z6. now come and look into this proposition, if you have never bought any lands from the company heretofore: remember this does not interfere with any of your other rlghta. call and get fall particu lars. HOWSE & MILLER, 66 Ith st Open evenings. Phone Main 6188. H. W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. 605 Jefferson st Main 2513. TO KXCriANGE FOR SMALL FARM In Oregon or Wnshlnnrton a fine newspaper plant and Job office doing , FEATHERS AND FEATHER BOAS a good business. Will bear closest in- I cleaned, curled, dyed; work called for vestlgatlon; also fine farm near Lewis- i and delivered. Main 2875. 764 Water st ton. idano, consisting or leu acres, no acres under cultivation; nil fenced, for farm In Willamette valley. What have you to trade? Address J. D. Winn, The Land Man, Buena Vista, Or. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES PERSONAL EXTRA GOOD CHANCE TO TAKE UP timber and stone claims of 2,000.000 to 8.000.0U0, sugar pine. 405 Morrison. A FEW SPECIALLY GOOD YELLOW pine claims In Wheeler county; must be located at once. Columbia Trust Co., Conch bldg. TWO TIMBER CLAIMS hOH SALE IN Trinity Co., Calif. R. E. Buber. 228 4th St., Portland. TIMBER LANDS. ' Intending i purchasers desiring to be located upon lands with heavy timber In ths land grant of the Oregon A California railroad In southern Oregon can secure ths same by acting quickly. Locatl- fees Including all necessarv at torney's fees are reasonable. Address j. is, .vsrain, urants jraaa, ur. LADIES, IF YOU ARE UNEASY about yourself. If your condition of health Is not what It ought to be, con ault Dr. Isabelle Mackle. Bhe has helped others, she will surely help you. She treats by natural methods. Room 10, 860ft Morrison si. Phone Main 7320 AM A YOUNG MAN OF 26 AND would like to marry a young girl of 25; have five acres of land on the east side; father owns a ranch near Oregon City. Address T-421. Journal. Classified Ads In The Journal reach ths people In ths great Oregon country at the right time. Rates for Classified Advertisements Count six words to ths line.) One cant a word each Insertion. Mors than two Insertions, 6 cents psr line each Insertion, By ths week, 81 cents per 11ns (' days). No advertisement taken for lass than II seats. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Deki m, 131-133 1st st, carries a full line and c iplets assortment at lowest market price-!. and Burnalde sts. L BRONSON SALidON'S STUDIO OF shorthand and typewriting; full course In 1 weeks; open all summer; established 1888. Mllner bldg.. W. Park and Morrison. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS for satlafactory work. 2S6 YsmhllL PLUMBERS FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. 231 2d. bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main 2001 dWnISbero a radeSMAChkr RB- moved to No. 203 Burnalde st - ' PRINTING - Oa7LBErHROa. 'pRlKMpZABjMl billheads, etc Phone Main 1151. GASOLINE ENGINES. ! 145 ft 1st St. . . Stationary and marine; electric ; iulp- : jJqekn PRINTER Y. " FliON-i "tK ments; launches: sxicessorles; wholesale , R ,g Rurt-l bw 4th and retail; engine repairing. Relerson w-rHn , ., Machinery Co.. 182-4-6 Morrison st Morrison . I1ILM feHEFFlELb WARlNfii ENGINES. ANY ; propeller. Falrbarks, Morse & Co.i 1st and Stark ats PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS 2 and Everett sts. Phone Main 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS feEFTTTED GASOLINE low price: call or wrlta Fairbanks, Morse & Co.. 1st and Stark sts. , i PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AND TTPHW ENGINES; i writer. Main 1171. 814 Dekum bldg. HOTELS THE BELLEVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN, 4th and Salmon. HOTEL Portland. Am. plali, $3. $6 day, FA YE KANDLE. 209 ALISKY BLDG, :i PAINTS. OIL AVI 43 LARS F. E. BEACH A CO., Tina PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glaslnf. 126 1st at. Phone 1834. BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder, HARDWARE WINDOW AND made to order. Co., 74 4 th. RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI catetsens. Homs cooking, 484 Wash ington st. TAAO 0.DD.IPXTD Portland Hardware THE PORTLAND COFFEE HOUS IS now open ror Dusinesa o -st. wm - i first-class bakery in connection. INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS S. BERKENWALD & CO., 804-306 Ev erett st, largest butcher supply house on the coast. Write for catalogue. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 141 ALDER BT. 844 Sherlock bldg ' Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps, : 344 feheriocK uiog stencils; baggage, trad checks; . w r. ptrin! "fNSt'RANCE; EMBLOY- j?!J---.t; ,, , , ' REAL ESTATE ers llaointy. suroiy vuu, uuii and accident Insurance. Phone Main 828. 204 rolling DKg. JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF flce and store fixtures built and re modeled; showcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. E. MELTON OFFICE. STORK Fix tures; general jobbing. 67 1st at. Phone Main 8190. HOUSE MOVING AND GENERAL RE pairing; foundation and carpentering. 1038 E. Caruthers. Tabor 2i0. ;- - -,v, A'tfp,, rrr1 J w. CKii.K;, ka uiia JAS. Mcl. Wi?DMTJi?Z?t L-rtv loans; established $$. 146 it Jt, , . bllity .and Individual accident security - sphinx Agency - Dealers IN i real estate and rentals. 101 ft Stark bonds of all kinds. Kay bldg LAND SCRir at. Main H4. v.r rARMS Of1 fcViRt PSagRTP: WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL, "on. w. . cpr, winunrviM kinds, including approved forest re-; bldg. serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyea. timber anl prairie government land. H. M Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland COAL AND WOOD LEATHER AND FINDINGS -xiATJT.lTS MASTICK & CO.. FRONT and Oak sts., leather and skins of every description for all purposes; sole PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD ,d tap cutters; findings, jo., bob i ront s, successors to rm- - - , ton Wood Co. Fir, oak, alabwood. coal, j RIACHINERY lei. main inso. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 48 75. Oak, ash, fir and coaL Portland Wood & Coal Co.. 16th and Savter sts. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coke. charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES A CO.. Wood and Coal. 181 East Water at FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONH Oregon Fuel Co. 834 Alder. TID3 H. C. ALBEE CO. SECOND hand machinery, sawmills, eta 248 Grand ave. A. 3. PAUL. 100 1 BT. A COM plete line sawmill machinery; also engines and boilers. MONUMENTS NEU A KINGSLEY,- 218 1ST. BT, Portland's leading marbla and granite works. i ' ,y - , If soroe. other woman has. got- greater, service in her, shopping out of $5 than you have out of ' it probably was be cause she spent a. .little. ,more time in readin,-; Journal ad, than yci ' did.' . r ' '"?