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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1907)
.: A 12 THE OREGON V DAILV JOURNAL,-PORTLAND rTUESDAY ' EVENING, JULY 16, 1007. San Francisco . Office Oregon Journal 789 MarketSL, bet Id & 4th AsmmtirnrTi w ' stm. CJUTTIOVS BaOSITBD, ,: - Oregonlens when In Ban Fraoolao can hv thtlr malt sent la car of The Journal offlc. ARTHUR L FISH. Representative. NEW TODAY. $ 1 ,250.00 4-room house, full-elsed flna lot; small fult and young fruit tree; lot fenced. Thompson & Ogden 848 msaitaxm ITXXtnL psora wooDLimr lot . . - r REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. $1,250.00 . SAVE THAT RENT And uy a tOT for MS. XV BA2XMA9 ADD, XOITTATXUA. O-LASSS STaVXITS, So Carfar. Bur Tvrma 40 Dowm, $3 por month. Lambert-Whitmer Company Baal Zatate Departs an . 10T Sherlock Bid", Oor. Third and Oak. $2,300 $2,300 0.R.&N. Men Take Notice 8-roora ouse on Minnesota ave. aouth of Bhav.r at., f MOO. Tirrai f 200 caah, balanc $20 per month. Owner la anx tova to aelL Sea u at one. Thompson & Ogden - MS BtZSCXSSTJPVT ATHVUl rxowa woodIaAwit aoa $2,300 -$2,300 GenuineiSnap Thro lota in Elisabeth Irving' Ad dition, bounded by Broadway, Weldler and Wheeler street Price only 11,(00. J. JL. WELLS CO. J? so Chamber of Oonuaero Blag. 625 1.115 260 60 A FEW LEFT IOO 88 ::::::::::: tiOO $eantjOt .. .'. . All on Easy Term. See M. S. BROWN At Offio Millard At, Ht. Boot Oar Una. 6-Room Houa 6-Room House 6-Room House . 7-Room House ." 4-Room Houae . 1-Room House f IOO to S400 1,000.00 ' House and lot near "L" car Una, aouth of Kllllngsworth arenua. THOMPSON & OQDEN ,;' 848 HxsBzisxm ATxznra. x raOlTB WOODLAWJT Boa $1000.00 WEATHER REPORT A small high preasure area Is central over Wyoming ana anoxner nun presa ure area is central off the mouth of the Columbia rlrer. The barometer Is relatively low over eastern Washington and northern Idaho and thunderahowera with high ' ru ty wlnda occurred in that aectlon last nurht A crescent-shaped trough or low" pressure extends from California southeastward to Arlsona and .New Mexico and thence northeastward to Minnesota. Moderately heavy rains nave raiien in Nebraska, the pakotaa : and western Minneaota. The barom eter Is relatively high over the New England etates. Reports from the aouth Atlantic and Gulf states are missing. Indications are for fair weather In . this district tonight and tomorrow. It will bo muchv warmer tonight In south- . eastern Idaho and .slightly cooler in southwestern Idaho. Temp.- Max. Mln. Preclp. Amarillo, Tex 94 70 .0 Chicago, III 84 68 .0 Ienver, Colo 88 62 .0 Tresno, Cal 90 68 .0 Lo Angeles, Cel.. 74 68 .0 Phoenix, Aria 100 68 T. Portland, Or 74 67 .0 Roseburg, Or 82 60 .0 Salt Lake, Utah.... 70 62 .0 San-Diego, -Cal.... 70 60 .0 San Francisco, Cal. 64 62 .0 Taooma. Wash.... 74 64 .0 Washington, D. C . 82 72 .0 Yuma. Aria 98 68 .0 ' r REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ' J. F. and Lenore F. Kowlln to ' " I JC Moore, lot 14, block 4. , ' Ravenewood addition $ 900 JLeander and Catherine L. Lewis' to A. L, Stbne, lot 2 block 8, , Fairview , BO ' Calvator and Antonio Dindla to ,J Joseph S. White, lot 88, block It, Cook's addition to Alblna.. 1,460 , Charles J.- Wenderoth et al. to i Richard Cox and Annie Cox, 8 17-100 acres beginning at the ' northeast corner of southwest ' i of southeast of section ' 18, township 1 aouth, range 1 east of WT M. 1.800 M Multnomah Real Estate assooia '.': tlon to C.; f. Barhltei lots 6 and 7 block 9. Willamette townnite 460 Merchant ' Loan A Trust eom- -.onv .. . r J Rarhlta. lot E. iloL-k . Willamette townslt 125 O. A. Jlattan and Dalr Hatton to O. B. and JUora A. Woolridg it."t a hlvk 1 Wllllama - fuldltlon No:" .7. rv, tvt. i . . ; . 999 Cord Sengstak et al. to Cecilia v wataon, tn easi o wi m . lot 4, block 200, city of, Port land ; v,810 Jna Olson to C .E. Fields. 25 acres beginning at point 110 roda north of southeast corner of aoutheeast U, section 14, township 1, north rang 2 ast Jens" Olson 'to' C. ' & " Flelda,' ' lot D. W. Kumbaugh et al.'to Jena. Olson, covering lots 1 and 2 blok 1J7. Park addition to'' Kast Portland 114.000 Frank Palmer to Security 8av-v inn ana i rust company, cov ering lota and 7, block 16, Fulton Park 700 Fannie A. R. Miller and Edward M. Miner to C. L. Rotermand, lot 2. block 18. Wvwtarnrk . . . . 460 W. M. and Minnie Smith to Kliia- nein uays, eaat 25 feet of lot 6 and eaat 26 feet of north 26 feet of lot 7. block I, Alblna od ddltion ,600 Moor Investment oompany to Emma Leslie Knapp, lot 14, block-10. Vernon 800 W. II Moore, et el, to J. Marlon Smith, lota 6 and 6,. block 66, Eaat Portland 16.000 Moor Investment company to J. Martonvmlth, lota 4, 6 and 6, block 17 Vernon 1,200 Portland Truat company of Ore- ron to Un Dn IT Iwa ent Vs lot I, block 119.' Voodntork. 126 E. O. Alfredson to Oeorge M. Robinson, lot X hlnrk 1. I.aurrl- wood 226 John . Rometsrh. et al. to John Schelter, lot 44, Newhurst Park - . inici . . Fannie Harrison to Otorgiana lister Burnett crane, lot known aa H acre altuated 1,126 Frances avenue Henry W. and Hattle A. Fries to Hllma Salmonson. north H lot 8 in tract east Overton Park Rose City Cemetery association to John Kuedy, lot 16, block 42, in sertion D said cemetery Rose -City Cemetery association to KODert Huime, lot l, diock 42. section D said cemetery. ... 60 Harley J. Armstrong and Mary Armstrong to Alexander u. Long and Ada C Long, lots t and 4. block 41 Carter's addi tion, also a strip of ground 10 feet wide .Imedlstely adjoining aald lota on east 5,500 Moore Investment company to Elfa Ulman, lot 16. block 6 , Bel I wood 125 David 8avo and Jennie 8a vo to Carl Lalne. lot 10, block 2, Arleta Park No. 2 180 Axle Hanson to Marl Olsen, lot 12, block 22. Lincoln Park 1.650 Thomas and Beanie L. Van Auken to Amanda J. Van Auken, lota 16 and 16. block 17. Wood lawn. 650 Portland Trust company to Sec ond Churcn or Christ, Scientist, lots 2 and 4, block 169, Eaat Portland 10 Jackson Investment company to Olivia ft. welch, lota 61 and bi, block 2. Jackson place 1.025 Nettle L. Palmer to 8. A. Height. lot 6 and aouth V lot 6. block 12. Sellwood 250 H. B. and Aurora W. Bowman to John and Mary Ralthel, lota 9 and 10, block 14, Bolae'a addi tion 420 B. H. and Aurora W. Bowman to John C. Haatlngs and Emma Hastings, lots 1 and 2, block 18. Bolae'a addition 650 J. L. and Mary E. Pease to Harry J. Mlllett, (T acrea beginning in east line of aectlon 19, 1.308 feet aouth of atone at aectlon corner of aectlona 7, 8, 17 and 18. township 1 aouth, range 2 eaat 1,160 v. w. and jssteiia m. rairciougn to Samuel McCartney, all lot 21 in DeLaahmutt & Oakman'a Little Homes subdivision No. 1 800 J. Lincoln Goodwin to Peter Klee man. 40 acres commencing at point In west line of section 21, -township 1 north, range 8 east. 4 chains aouth of northwest corner 600 8. C. Beach to Mary B. McKay, lots 11 and 12, block 18, Arbor Lodge . ,. 650 Alvln W. and Edith F. Bagley to U. Gates and Xura Howes, south hi of lot 12 and all of lot 18, in block 11, Portsmouth Villa Annex No. 8 850 W. F. and Ella Lehman to John j B. Matthewa, lot 13, block 6, 1 Ina Park 10 J. H. and Coralle Boon to John B. Matthewa, lot 4, block 4. Ina Perk 10 Overlook Land company to B. J. Thoren, lot 4, block 18, overlook W. P. and Elsi B. Hlckam to Alice M. Murpny. lot , Diock 14. Weat Piedmont Carrie V. Potter to Rachel S. Harris, lots 6 and 6, block 17, M Patton'a addition to Alblna Nellie Oould tn F. J. Carlson, south H of lot 178 in section 100. Rivervlew cemeterv Sadie and Smith Sloan to L Carl, lot 14. block 10. Lincoln Park -J Annex i 1,400 ixuia ana Anna u. reterson to O. P. Nock, east 14 lot 11 In Tract "F." Overton Park 1.825 Title Guarantee & Trust com NOTICES. ' NOTICE OF THE SALE OF STATE Iands Notice is Hereby given that the State l,anl uoara will receive eeaiea bids until 2 o'clock P. M, on September 1. 1907, for the purchaa of the follow ing aescrioea inaemniiy ocnooi to-wit: Clatsop County: of HEH of Section Zi t . R, 6 W. SWU of SWtt of Section 1. NWH of NW, of NWJ4 of Section 12 T 4 N. R 7 W. Lot 12 of Section II, Lot 4 of Sec tion 21, Lota :. 2, 4. 7, 10. 11. H. ! 16 of flection 11, Lot 1 of Bectlon i. i,... t 7 tn i i ft of Bee- tlon 29. BEU of BBU of Soctlon 30 4 N. R. 8 W. Crook County: 8H of 8 H of Section 20 T 15 B. R. 18 E All of Section 28 T 19 8. H. 11 B. 8KH of NW14 of Section i " R. 10 E. Grant Count'. NEty of 8EU of Section 28 N3"1 of NEV4. N of 8E4. 8K of SEW of section 27 T 8 B. H. zo tv WU of BKM of Section 27 T 8 S. H 7 B! 8E14 of NE4 of Section 8. NWK Of of Section 27 T B 8. R. 24 K. 8W, of BBhi, 8K4 of 8WV4 of Bee- tlon 21, NE4 T NW-4. r , oi of Section 28 T 9 8. K. 27 E. 4 8WU of NE14 of Section IS T 11 s. n it v. NK4 of 8W4 of Section 8, Lot 4 of Bectlon 4. Ixt 1 of Section i T 14 8. R. 29 E. Jackson County: BEi of SK'i; of Section 26. NEH Of NWH, NH of XE14 of Section 24 T 17 8 R 1 E NEW of Section 2. NWW Of NW,, nr-'i or n v oi or.i, of 8WK, BK of SEW of Section 11 BIEETIXa NOTICES. OEOROH WASHINGTON CAMP. NO. 161 meet to night in W. 6. W. tempi. lltn at. ctwn washing ton and Alder. Visitors welcome. ' HARRY BAKER, C C, II. A FREDRICH. Clerk. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 6.466 meets weanesaay evening, jtussy hMr. id and Morrison sta. Vi W A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO, 6.976. Monoaya. lltn ana juaransu. Vlsltora welcome. BUSINESS NOTICES 34 T 40 8. R. 1 B. a" m - T 88 8. R. 1 E All of Soctlo.i Klamath Countv NWU of SE4. SEU of NWU. Lot 3 of Section 6 T 38 8. R. 7H E. SWW of SEW of Section 26, SEW of SEW of Section 26. NH of NEW of Section 2 T 37 8, R. fc. W!4 of BK14 of Section 22. NEW of NWW of Section 28, NWW of Section 27. NEW of NEW of Section SO T 37 8. R. 10 E. ' NWW of NEW of Section 1. NW of NEW. of Section 12 T 88 8. R. 9 E. Nk W of NEW of Section 12. SEW of NEW of Section 27. 8W W of NWW. n W or sww. wu of be w or section 24 T 88 S. R. IS E. It 1 Of Section 18 T 88 S. R. 14 B. SEW of SEW of Section S6 T 89 8. R. 11 E. SEW of SEW Of Section 26 T 29 6. K. 11 E. Lot 1 of Sect on 2 T 40 8 R. 11 E. 8EU of SEU of Section I. NWU of new or Bectlon zt t v s. k. n u. LAtne Conntr: - BWU of NEW of Section 20. T 17 8. R. 9 W. Lincoln Countv: SEW of SWW Of Section 27 T 11 8. R. 10 W. Marlon Countv: EH of NWW. EW of SEW of Section 12, Ni,W of Section 32 T 8 8. R. 2 E. SW of Section 24 T 8 8. R. 3 E. Multnomah County: NEW of Section 21 T 1 N. R. 6 E. Sherman County: Lots 1. 2, 3, 4. NW of NE W of Sec tion 2 T 1 N. R. 16 E. KW Of SEW of Section 17 T 4 8. R. 16 E. SWW of SWW of Section 22 T 4 8. R. 18 E. Tillamook County: SWW of NEW. Lot 2, SWW of NWW. Lot 4 of Bectlon 3. SEW of NEW. Lot 1 of Section 4. SEW of NEW. Lot 1 of Section 6. EW of EH of Section 7. SWW of Section IS, NWW of NEW of Sec tion 17, NEW of Section 21. NWW of NWW. 8H of NWW of Section 22 T 2 N. R. 8 W. Lots S and 4 of Section S T 3 N. R. 8 W. Lota 3 and 4 of Section 19 T 4 8. R. 10 W. Union County: EH or BIS or Meonnn xi. sft or WING 8INO LONG KEE A CO.. Wholesale end Retail Dealers in GENERAL, CHINESE MERCHANDISE, Labor contracting a specialty. 80S 1st st, near Columbia Phone Main S8I, noma pnone a-3do. SEID BACK, Mgr. INVENTIONS BOUGHT Afb 66Llj. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Filed ner bldg. Main 3891. ' BICYCLE REPAIRING AND LOCK- amlthlng: work guaranteed. 307 Stark St. Hhaw e Wyatt. PAINTER. PAPERHANKR. WORKS reasonable by the day or contract. 728 Alblna ave. RE-SHINGLE, OR REPAIR YOUR roof while the sun Hhlnea. Brown A Hoffman, practical ahlnglers; flrat class rererences. Brown Tel. Main bi, ites. 221 10th st; Hoffman. Tel East 2502, R. 691 Alblna ave. L. HENRICHSEtf CO.. JEWeLEE! and opticians, 184 Washington st. SkELL? CO.. i4TH AND FLANDERS' flour, feed. hay. grain. Phonea A-1611 PaclAo 611. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 26: Grace C. Klady. 25 Andrew J. Mollne. The uanes. ur.. 21; Minnie D. Wunder. 21. Miller French. 46: Jennie Campbell. Pierre Loumena. 25: Marls Caailnelll, 20. Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith Co.. Washington bldg.. corner 4th and Waah Ington sts. Wedding cards the best. 100 for 35. Alvln 8. Hawk. 144 2d st. Tonseth A Co.. florists, for flowers of all kinds. 123 6th st Florists Fine flowers Clarke Bros. and floral design. 289 Morrison st Soctlon 22. SH and SW of NH of Sec- lion Z3. owvi oi oeciion i. e;. of NWW. NEW of SWW of Section 25. 600 600 60 pany to May Clayton, lots 5 and 6, block 11, Rossmere FOR ABSTRACTS 760 INSUR TTTr V anc or mortgage loans, call on Paclflo Title Trust Co.. 204-6-6-7 Failing bldg. Set your insurance and ab- stracta to real estate from the Title Guarantee it Truat Co., 240 Waahlngton at, cor. 2d. NOTICES. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States: For the district of Oregon; In the matter of Carrie Howe, bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 2d day of July. A. D. 1907, Carrie Howe, of Portland. Oregon, was duly adiudl- cated bankrupt; and that the first meet ing of ner creditors will be held at rooms 204-6. Fenton bldg.. Portland. Oregon, On th 28th day of July, 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m., at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their clalma, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt and transact such other busi ness aa may properly come oerore such meeting. imtea juiy it, i7. CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee in Bankruptcy. BANKRUPT NOTICE IN THE MAT- ters of J. L. Donners Furniture Co.. bankrupts. The undersigned will re ceive sealed bills for the sale of th real estate, and all machinery belonging to said estate, and now located upon the premises in Sellwood, subject to the prior Hen of The Oregon Trust and Sav- ngs bank, and the j. M. Arthur Co., and A. Martin, upon certain portions of said machinery, and one motor and fix tures, the property or the Portland Gen eral Electric Co. All of said propertv will be sold in one parcel. Bids will be received bv the understated at Th Oregon Trust and Savings baifc, on or before Friday. July is. 1907. at 10 a. m. Bids shall contain certified check for tea per cent of amount or bid and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory will be furnished upon application. w. u. ratmer, Trustee. 1 (Beai.i Portland. Oregon, July 11, 1 9 0 7 . NH of NH of Section 26, NH of KI I D.i.tlni 9T HU nt tiV.U nt - tlon 82, NH of 8 WW of Section 38 T & S R 35 E. SWW of Section 29. BH of NH and 8H of Section 80, SWW of SWW of Section 32 T 5 8. R. 36 E. WH of SEW. Lots S and 4 of Sec tion 1 T 6 8. R. 36 E. NW of Section 12 T 6 S. 3. 35H E. Wanna Countv: Lots 6 and 6. SWWof SEW of Sec tion 2 T 1 N. H. 19 U3. Wheeler County: NH of &EH of Section 22, NWW of NWW. NH of 8WV. NEW of SEW of Section 23. WH of NWW. NWW of SWW. NEW or nw or section 24 SEW of NEW of Section 28 T 6 8R. Lot 4 of Section 81 T 8 8. R. 22 E. Lot 1 of section 1 T 9 8. R. 22 3 N H of NWW of Section 8 T 9 S. R 28 E. EH of SWW of Section 32 T I 8. R 26 B SWW of NWW of Section 29 T 10 S, B. MR. Lots 2 and S. SEW of NWW, NEW of SWW of Section 4. NEW of NWW of Bectlon r io b. k. 26 m. NEW of NEW of Section 23 T 11 8 R 24 E. SWW oi SWW of Section 5, NWW of 1SW4 or Bection o i i i o. n. zo c. NWW of SWW of Section 4 T 12 S. R. 24 E. All bids - must be accompanied bv a regular application to purchase In ac cordance with the law for the sale of school lands and by cash or check for t least one-nfth or the Drlce offered No bid for less than 15.00 per acre will be conaiaerea. The right to reject any and all blda Is reserved. Applications ana bios should be ad dressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board. Salem, Oregon, and marked "Application and bid to purchaa in demnity school lands." Clerk State Land Board. Dated this 8th day of June. 1907. 0 Full dress suits for rent, all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark st BIRTHS HULIN July, 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Nel son C. Hulln. Thirty-fifth and Fre mont streets, a son. DEATHS. GENTRY July 16. Silas A. Gentry, aged 40 years 2 months and 23 days, Lebanon; chronlo Brlght'a disease. M'FADDEN July 13. Thomas McFad den. aged 24 years and 10 months, Church and Campbell streets, fracture oi cerviuui yrrieume. SAUTORO July 14. Mary 8autoro, aged 1 year 1 month and 16 days iioA Bncriaan street; rnniera in ran turn. BA8ICH July 15, Peter Baslch. aged CLOYE8 July 14, Earl Franklin Cloyes agen z years 11 montns ana zs aays 17 4 East Twenty -eighth street; mem Drnnous croup. LIND8TROM July 14, Nancy Walbor Lino utrom, aged 2 months and 1 das; broncho pneumonia. HELP WA3TEriMALE , WANTED SALESMEN; At ANT MAKE 1100 to 1160 par month om even mora; stock clean, growa on i reserve tlon, far from-old Orchards; cash., ad vaneed weeklri choioa of territory. Ad dress Washington Nuraory Co i Top penlsh. Washington. ' WE GET W6RK" F6R OUR MEMBERS special member, 13. Y. M. C A 4th ana xamniii sta -' ' Union Hotel y Free employment to all: boarder' ratea 21.60 tr week: room. S6o and ud." d eiai montniy rate given. , Anaeraon, proprietor, - ukti aNd Bits wAktKb to LBAhti plumbing. oiaaterlna. biocklavlnr. electrical trade; f res catalogue; posi tions secured.. Corn Trad Schools, New York and San Francisco. 1 Wanted - coiIch" and LoUnqe- maker. 55 Front, cor. Davia.y ONE MAjtBLE POLISHER AND ONE an around inaroi ana granit cutter wanted at once. Apply, to jr. xi. watts. Tn uanes, jt. . FlRSt-CLASti HAkNESS MAKKUA steady employment Th P. J. Cronln company. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS FOR ORE aon. Opportunities to advance. Ex amlnatlon August 6. Lot us qualify you. uooa salary to start. i.aii or writ x-a rifle State Schools, McKay bldg. WANTED A SECOND HAIWJ BAKER on bread. Inquire 6 second1 at YOU CAN LEA RN'TO OPERATE MO- tlon picture machlnea in short time; salary 3& weekly: lesson reasonaDi. Newman's, 148H tn st WANTED APPRENTICE BOYS. Portland Wire A iron Works, 2d and Everett sts. WANTED RELIABLE PARTY TS buy part Intereat In patent and take management of same. Address U-4U. Journal'. A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE SALE 8- man for retail store in this city. Ad- dress X-412. Journal. WE PAY SICK AND ACCIDENT benefits for 31 and 31.50 per month. Agents wanted. Pacific Aid Associa tion, 324 Lumber Exchange, Portland, Oregon. SEVERAL YOUNG MEN IMMEDIATE- ly to prepare ror L. 8. railway man lerka; salary to start about 30 per month: special examination Auguat 6. Weat Coast Schools, 316 Oregontan bldg.; open evenings. IIEXr ; WANTED FEMALE ... . ... WANTRTS TOITNO LADIES TO LEARN TELEPHONE OP , ERATINGj GOOD 8ALART, , SHORT HOURS. PAT WHILE l- LEARNING; 'LUNCHEON ; SERVED FREE OF CHARGE .AND LOUNGING AND REST ' 5P2Ma IN CONNECTION. AP ' kT.iHIE'r OPERATOR, TEV- EPHQNB BLDfT, WEST PARK AH ALDER STS. WANtEb-dtL 6 ! .EARN" W flEW mattres ticks, powr . machinea. 66 front, por. iavia. , TTeLp waKed-Ajni6n Uudrt os fa- hi t 0 ""7 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE. hold . t toed . of vry dcrlptlon bought. old and exchanged. Th 3. 188 1st Main 6874. Hom'A-2S2 WEWtLL BUY VOljR HOU8EHOLB goou ana guarsnteo oesi pricea can, phpn or write. . S. J. A L. Rubensteln. 175 Front t, oppoalt National bote Paclflo 1401. -i LADY WANTfil ' t6 ' BORROW -jiiOoT cun give good ecurlty. P-412, Journal. wXNTEDBECOND HAND NO.- . 3 Bull-Eye 3 WxSHf Um, cheap; condi tion Immaterial. Addres F-421, Jour nal - ' : W','1 a3encV. UiKk Wasblnrton st.. Mm. s....Vk stalra. .phono Main 269s. remu. haln nted ' .r-v . wa QiRLfl wAWED-bPERAT6k8 1'6 .work on shirts and overalls. Lessons giTn to inexperiencea. Apply at Stand ard factory No. a. Grand Av. and East Taylor t. i olftLs WANl'EIi-APpLT sf lUMkii iaciory o., urand at, and East l mjivr St. ALL, KINDS OF HELP WANTED At th A. B.'C. Employment agency. tty iwomron st. rnom Main lull. WANTED SHIRT FINISHERS AND folders, starch work Ironera. flannel lroners: nice new plant cool and aim mooa wages ana ateaay worx. cast Bias Laundry, East Aah and 6th. .Phon East 0S. M-1BX5. '. ' KDEPENDf NV LAliNDkt COMPANY wanta aood heln. WANTED EXPERIENCED LADY clothe lroners and mana-l help. Steady work and good waxes. Addiv City LaundrT. 4th- and Couch. ' WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE F1TZ Well shirts and Bos of All overalls at 75 1st st. MATURE WOMAN A8 ASSISTANT TO take management Sept. 1. Apply at once. Address 4.-413, journal. WANTED ONE NECKBAND IRONER and on collar girl. Laundry. Apply Pacific FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THE" COLUNGE--NICELT FURNISH ed rooma, hot watr In every room, free phone and bath, 12.50 to 15 per week; no children. 831 4th, cor. Clay. THE'RiCilEMkO. si, n. ifU sfc Elegantly furnlahed; -steam heat and baths, tftE ORANb, 45H M. Sb s'ThodMd for gentlemen, 81. gentlemen, per wees anq up. nvvfEL' r6VaL 10iW 4TH; Nici5 rooms 60 cents. II par night; $1 to It per week. - ' ' THE KLONDIKE NICELY " frlJn: nlshed room on ground floor. 60S Alder t. - . ' NICE. LARGE FR6Nt r66mB. WItif cleeerts. clean and neat; prloe 3 to $4 week) 50c to 81 a day. 88 H lt t- . ELEGANTLY, FURNISHED ROOMS and horn cooking. 216 13th. st Phono l.l- AA.A' ... THE YAMlfiLL, 881 TamhILL sf.T well furnlalMd rooms, large and light, slna-le or en suite: transients. 60s to 61! free bath. Phones, Paclflo 1 890 L Horn, n-iouo, ami fcLEGANTLY FURNISHED r66mS private hotis.-hnt and cold water1 each room, itetm hMt- ll hlnnka from Hotel Port la n,l flnntK Ma T.ff.r.nn mt between 6th and 6th. Phon Main 7... ONE BEAUTIFUL FURNIonED ROOM; running- water; suitable for on or two gentlemen; aeo on email room. o tn. ROOMS AND BOARD. ARTISTIC GIRLS FOR DRAWING, burning, painting, letterinr work. D. M. Averui co.. iui am at. n. INSPECTORS FOR U. 8. IMMIGRA- . I .Aw.,lnA aaIaaw 1 1 H A riA w n-An.n' join our class immediately; applications miiat be filed aulrk: Bee us today. West Coast Correspondence schools, 316 Ore- gonlan bldg.; open eveninga, . STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS cashiers, clerks. Registration bureau. SOS Allsky bldg SHINGLER AND PLASTERER WANT- ed. Phone Be 11 wood 441. PRES8ER ON PANTS; MUST BE good, steady. 207 Commonwealth Dldg. . . . j j . v anted hoy; uwo cmanuk tu learn buslneas - or trade. 65 Front, corner Davis. CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES. 310 family lota. 10x16, for 1100, and tinamrda. accordlnx to size: the onlv cemetery in fortiana wnicn perpetually maintains and carea for lota. For Information, apply to W. R. Mackenzie, Worcester block. W. M. Ladd. president, NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART- nershlp Notice 1 hereby given to all parties concerned that the partnership heretofore existing between H. E. Aus tin and Jacob Relsch, in the saloon busi ness at 186 3d st. Portland. Or., has been this day dissolved by mutual con sent, Mr. Austin retiring from the firm. The business will be conducted by Mr. Reisoh. AH outstanding accounts due the nrm are to be collected bv Mr. Reisch and all obligations now owing by tne nrm win oe paid by him at the oia fitanu. JACOB REISCH. H. E. AUSTIN. ROSE CiTY SINGLE GRAVES. 310 f.mllv lots. 326 to 376. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont at, and Cully road. Phone Tabor 20C. For full information apply to Frenk Rchlegel, 602 Commercial dik. rnon Main zxzj UNDERTAKERS MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST. 160 6TH t. oppoalt Meier oi Frank's. Main 7216. J. P. FINLEY A SONS. 3D AND MADI on sts. Oftlc of county coroner, Phone Msln . A B. HEM3TOCK, FUNERAL bl rector. East 13th and Umatilla. Phon Sellwood 71. Lady assistant EDWARD H6LMAN. UNDERTAKER, 220 3d st h'lINVING M'ENTEE & GILBAUGH. undertakers and embalmers: modern in every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 480. L.aqy assistant. rectors, embalmers, 27S Russell. East 1088. Lsdy assistant ERICSON UNDERTAKING CO.. AND embalming. . 409 Alder 6138. Lady assistant. st aln LOST AND FOUND FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front at Main 474 Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Mctx ger, proprietor. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED STEADY RELIABLE BOYS living with parents, between the agea of 17 and 20, to learn molders' trade. Must have first-class references. Ap- ly Willamette Iron and Steel Work "oundry. 23rd and York at. WE HAVE A GOOD SIDE LINE FOR traveling men. Call room 9. 167 H 1st st. BURHELMAN GOOD WORKMAN. steady employment. Moyer Clothing Co., WANTED OUTSIDE MAN FOR REAL estate and buslneas chance office. good pay, ref erenceay etc. Inquire 226 H Morrison st, room 2. MEN OF ABILITY TO SELL STOCK In first-class position. Big money to huetlers. 225 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED IBOE salesman. Baron's Shoe store, 230 Morrison st. WANTED BOOKKEEPER, WITH Ex perience; state salary expectea ana give rererences. union tsox & Lumotr Co., foot of Montgomery st. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN the drug business and attend aoda fountain. One living with parents pre ferred. Call at Irvlngton Pharmacy, corner 16th st and Broaqway. WANTED PLAIN AND FANCY Ironera. Apply Star Laundry, Union ave. ana w. Anxenv at WANTED WAITRESSES AT HO- bart-Curtla, 14th and Jeffrson Bt. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR GEN- eral housework. Apply 241 13th. Brr-j n ramu OOOD WAGES TO GIRLS OF 16: LIGHT work. Portland Cigar Box Mfg. Co., 43 H E. 3d St. WANTED SHIRT FINISHERS AND folders, starch work lroners, flannel lroners; nice new plant, cool and airy; good wagea and steady work. Eaat Side Laundry, East Ash and 6th. Phone East 809, B-1635. THE COLONIAL. Corner lOtb and Morrison. 8 block west of Portland hotel First-class room and board: rate reasonable; transient and table board accommodated. BOARD AND ROOM, FOR 3 GENTLE men. 187 12th. " F5R REfff NICELY FURNISHED rooma, with good board, at Th Hart man, 426 Alder at FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING MALE AND FEMALE HELP. PLASTERERS WANTED PHONE E. 4736, In evening. FIRST CLASS MILLWRIGHT AT once. Bridal Veil Lumbering Co., Bridal Veil, Or. WANTED 8 MILKERS AT ONCE. 345 per month, Including board and room. P. D. Smith, Bt. Helens road. CABINETMAKER AND BOY WANTED -105 N. 11th. HELP WANTED FEMALE CHOCOLATE DIPPER FOR WALLA Walla. Wash. Must be first-class, aiAuv anrk. 112 ner week. Call 6 to 8 p. m. room 313, Imperial hotel. Bring samples STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best firms; no charge. Underwood Type wrlter Co.. 68 6th t. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED, male or female. R. G. Drake. 206 H Washington at racinc livo. II 25 WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnao heat. yard. 203 W Stan ton at U car. THE MITCliETL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooma, reasonable. 7tU and Flanders sts. IT60 WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN furnished housekeeping-rooms, laun dry and bath. 164 Sherman at, aouth, Portland. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room for rent. Inquire at 80 E. 12th at., corner Stark. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED HOU8E- K keeping rooma; swell flat 490 Morri son, riat i, over th Hyiand. 1'hone Main 6866. SALESMAN WANTED, LADY gent. Room 9. 167 H 1st st. qR SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. JEFFERSONIAN, 614 JEFFERSON J and 8-room suites, completely fur- nlshed for housekeeping. Main 6431. FURNISHED HOUSE -KEEPIN J rooms. 668 Wllllama ave. WANTED GOOD CHAMBERMAID. Apply Barr hotel, 310 Qllsan st STENOGRAPHER AND BILL CLERK wanted, must have experience and reasonably accurate In figures; state ex perience, reference and salary expected. Address B-700, Journal, YOUNG LADY TO WORK IN PRINT- lnsr orrice. t;au oetween o ana n p. m. Commercial printing Stationery Co., printing department, 227 Stark at, room i. CAPABLE. ENERGETIC MAN WOULD like to associate himself with pros perous and responsible mercantile firm, city or country; capable of keeping book and taking charge of office; has business experience and waa superin tendent of schools for years; would be willing to Invest some money In the business If conditions warranted. H-413, Journal. Young man 24 years of age, live and energetic, with good educa tion and excellent hablta. and at present employed, wishes to make a connection with some reputable business firm; has had 6 years of first-class business ex perience, having solicited, collected, acted as office clerk and sold goods on the road; can furnish excellent refer ences. Address B41. Journal. GOOD FURNISHED ANT5 UNFUR nlshad housekeeping and sloeplng rooms, on west side of river; 2 for 38 month: 2 for 312; part of cottage, ground floor; yard: near fine shady grove. Apply 364 N. 26th. Willamett Height cars to 26th, turn aouth half a block. L A R i. B. NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooma; heat, light, phone, bath. 117 N, 18th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 443 6th st LOWEST RATES. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, phon included- 3 UNFURNISHED rooms. 485 E. Morrison. B1016, East 1016. 801 W Water st. housekeeping Phonea FOR RENT HOUSES T A PTITMniTD TTV AT T A C 01 XI' A VTO I .ituatlonT no dump'. Addres. Vobrt TOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 406 Nelson, box 165. Grants Pass. Or. I n..uiinmii. WTPTHfJSiENS?Di,J?i ! MARRIED COUPLE WOULD 'tAKI ! FOR REN T 6 -ROOM HOUSE. STRICfT a-eneral housework. No children. 260 Grand ave. north, cor. Multnomah. WANTED EXPERIENCED CHOCO- late dinners and bonbon dipper. Good wages and steady work. Apply 469 Washington at EXPERIENCED GLOVE, HOSIERY and umbrella salesladies, permanent positions, good salaries. Lennon's, 809 Morrison, Laboratory girl, call this imtrnlni. Nau's Pharmacy, Port land hotef 4th and Morrison sts. Wanted girl for general housework: good wagea. Apply at 42 Ella atreet between 20th and 2 1st. charge of rooming house; yeare of y modern. Address Q-413. experience and workers. journal GENTLEMAN WANTS work. 10 years' experience. 348 Burn Bid st. 849 Hoi la day ave. LARGE BASEMENT. FOR RENT suitable for atorage or housekeeping. CHAMBER I Apply 428 Burnslde. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR small family. 314. 628 6th st. BOOKKEEPER WITH REFERENCES. must be competent to take run cnarge of office. State Market, 221 1st st WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR COM- merclal telegrapn posiuons;more cans than we have graduates; good wages when competent. Oregon College. 608 Commonwealth bldg. ELDERLY WOMAN FOR LIGHT housework and care for two small children for few weeks. Address, A. Field, uresnam, tjre., . s, a i WANTED FIRST - CLASS COOKT small ramlly; care ror oining-room nd kitchen; wages $35. Phone Main 2699. 634 Clifton St. GOOD, INTELLIGENT cook. Apply vo Muunoman si. Wanted finishers 6n pants; ex erlence not necessary. Apply at 66 N. 6th st. WANTED STENOGRAPHER TO DO copying evenings, otaie term. Au reus 1-421. Journal. ACTIVE, WELL EDUCATED MAN PART OF COTTAGE, LARGE FUR wun eniTiieni Dueiness experience desires position. K-422, Journal. TEMPERATE YOUNG MAN Wtfll references wishes position a watch man or other work in city. R-421, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN BRIGHT, aei hotel EXPERIENCED tlon as Journal. desires position as housekeeper, in A-4ZU, RELIABLE WOMAN, ABLE TO FILL responsible position, want a situa tion. 674 Hood. WANTED AGENTS rushed room. separate entrance: near shady grove; west side river. Ap ply 364 N. 26th.; Willamette Height cars to 26th, turn south half block MODERN, 6-EOOM. WILLIAMS AVE.!V 7-room, Sellwood. Phon owner. Sell- wood 424. WE RENT AND SELL PIANOS. 8I1ER- '' man. Clay aV Co. m FOR RENT COTTAGES CORNER 17tll and Gllsan and 661 Gllsan, between ' 16th and 17th sts Max Smith, the 8a- voy restaurant. 149 7th. Home A-4241. VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNlTURfl and planoa moved, stored or shlppau. Phone Main 1618. FOR RENT REAUTIFUL' HOUSE 9-room home. nar Hawthorn and xooda? If no wad you; complei; 4th t.: also new 7-room hous at Fir- Tflt free; cash weekly Writ, for : f(rom., . Jk,i5Si T olee of terrltorv. Caoltal City Knr. I atone Realty Co. 212 Allsky bldg. FOR RENT SIX-ROOM HOUSE AGENTS WANTED CAN TOU SELL 1 ou choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company, Salem, or. Experienced presser on la- dies garments. irain uyv worns, 226 2d st. WANTED LADY TEACHERS. APPL.I from 6 to :au o- ni.. at i-py mi at. STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS. cashiers, clerks. Registration bureau, 808 Allsky bldg. ; WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, smau ia-mny; wages S30. Phone 1309. Call morninga. . n a-- - n T O. B.7woolridg, loU 18 and 19. ' 1000 Ttwmmit T.. B. and . Alma XX Holme to ia.ii. u Uuaaa) tnt . 4, hlnrk - I I A51' ' .AWWA, -T A-A la s-,-enli Place .............. 150 Chnrle and Margaret Cooper to Alice M. I nompson, 101 e. K m-vor Gates addition- 500 J. K. McCoy to Sarah, J. Smitb, . )..t 16, block 12, Evelyn ... i (..111 William C. Van Glahn to It O., i v end Snrsh K. Dlvle, f 0. -1. ;: ' - . block S, Pellwood ... i X."0! ,JT.. J. and ?rl Metsler to J. H. w . 43. lrftnioa I'hjH ........... ISO NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET ING. Notice la hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Mid way OILcomnanv will be held at the orrice or i.ann & Tiiton, Portland. Or., at 3 o ciocK p. m. on weanesaay, July 17. 1907, for the purpose of electing a board of directors, and for the transac tion of such other business aa may com before the meeting. WILLIAM M. WHIDDEN, Secretary. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET Ing The annual meeting of the stock holder of the coeur d'Alene Develop ment company, for the election of a board of directors lor th ensuing year, and for th transaction of such other business aa may regularly come before tnem, win ne neid at tn orrice or tne company, rooms fioi to 604 Chamber of. Commerce building, Portland, Oregon, on August i, 1907, at 19 o'clock a. m. . ....... - GEORGE F. HOLM AN, J Secretary Coeur d'Aleno Development Portland, Ortfon, July It l9f. Mrs. T. Joknston, of 575 Irving Cor. 18tk St. Says : "Please discontinue my ad under Houses for Rent. I rented the house within a half hour after The Journal was delivered, and this morning I have been beseiged by callers. Because of these excellent results I will hereafter do more classified advertising-in The Journal." This advertisement cost Mrs. Johnston 15c. Did you ever stop to think how little it costs to obtain so much? The same expense will sell a house or lot or turn a business chance your way to make much money. . y ' . Figure the. rate X cent a; word for one insertion additional insertions less. SOMETHING NEW IN HIGH-GRADE perfumes: price very low; supply limited. R. M. Plummer, at drug store, 260 3d t. WANTED A HIGH-CLASS NURSERY salesman for Rogue River country; also Klamath Falls country; exclusive agency given; highest commission paid, outfit furnished free; must start at once. Address with references, uregon Nursery company, Salem, Or. 291 17th st N. 810 per month. 81nnott ft Hlrtnott, 685 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT. 326 NEATLY FURNI8H- ed o-room cottage, ror z or i moninsj nice lawn and garden. Call 365 Sacra-xi mento st. FURNISHED HOUSES. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR-, MEN. 26 N. 2d at. Phone Main 1526. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 205H Morrison at.... Phone Pacific 239 N. 2 27 2d st. Phone Pacific 1300 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 N. 2d st. Phone Main 6291 We pay all telegraph charges. "WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT- tagea, flats, stores, orricea, rooming- houses, etc. Landlord will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phhne Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE, atrlctly modern, close to 8-mlnute car service. 7 rooms, fine residence district, ylano. $38. Fhone East 4006. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. Apply 187 E 37th. or phone East 1164. NICE 4-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. bath and gas; rent 320; furniture for sale, 3120; cTote in. 345 Clay t WELL-FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE? strictly modern, walking distance. 411 2d at., near Harrison., Phone Pacific 169, WANTED REAL ESTATE MR. WANT MONEY. IF TOU WANT 100 men to sell your property to their mends., list it wits me; new pian. . m. D. Howse. 66 6th st Main 6188. WANTED 2,000 TO 8,000 ACRES OF out-over land, must be on river and have several hundred acre, that can be put in cultivation; let me hear from you at once and give all particulars as to location ana price, ueo. w; rurnor, 303H Washington t, , Portland, or. WANTKD MISCELLANEOUS win ttATTT. DIC AD HORSES AND CAT tl free. Oregon Fertiliser Work, or notify Carney' Veterinary. 4th and Oilwttn sts. Main 1966. . CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SAV ag ft PennelL, 846-847 1st st Phon Paclflo 360. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. Main 6656. til 1st st. IF YOU WANT - TO SELL. SEE US Second Hand Palace. Highest price Said for secona-nana gooa. zti t ian ers. Phone Mam 8618. HIGHGEST . PRICES PAID' FOR ALL union klnita nt aeeond-hr.nd roods. Rxrhnnre. 162 Front St. Paclflo 1481 DEFORMITY APPLIANCES MADE TO order. .K. E, Karison ft Co, 861 An ken? t,Main 6250. . - ' f - FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOlt offices. Front And Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 422. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT. Madison bldg., 3d and Madlaon st. NEW- STORE FOR RENT ON WASH ington at, J, Wolfe. 665 Washington. STORES FOR RENT, SUITABLE FOlt any business. 1078 Corbett FOR RENT MISCELLANEOl HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH modern ynvenlences. Phone Main 1869. SUMMER RESORTS WANT A COTTAGE AT SEASIDE? Write F. McFarland, Seaside; Or , who will, locate you. Stat price limit, etc. LQCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE, OR . DR. P. L. Austin, proprietor, assisted by L. ' A.Carlyle; rates from 312.60 per week up; rates and reservations may be made now with Dr. Austin, dentist. Raleigh bldg. BEACH PRflPKKTV. The finest beach nrnnertv ever offered. Joining Breaker hotel property, to b nowTv a Manhattan Beach.'' 250- acre tract, a portion with building re strictions; other unreatrietedi eaoy terma. A. C. CHURCHILL ft CO., 110 Second at.. Citv. FOR RENT A COTTAGE AT 6 side, for on mjbnth. Phon East 176fl, BUSINESS CHANCES IJTALOON FOR - SALE CHEAP IF business, to attend .to. Inquire at Star prewery ornce. 6ROCERY , AnB.m ONFECtt6NEk 1 store Including fixture and" stock; will ' sell at .Invoice; . cheap- rant, 880 Mllwauki at, SeUwood. ,.V ; 1 M s;imtyy:yvy-y