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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1907)
- THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAli.'- PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING; ' JULY '. 18. 1 1807. , , If .3'.. BANKS. 1 i UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OK PORTLAND. OREGON, s j i Northwest Corner Third an J Oak Htr'- . - ... Tnwert a General Banking Business. DRAFTS ISftlKD '.xZ!r!t ? All Cities of the United States and Europe Honjkong and Manila Collection . made on Favorable T.rmi ...... '5T"&2t;i G AIN8WORTH I Cashier R- CHMm Vice-President...... R. LEA BARNES I Assistant Uishler.... W. A. HOLT t Assistant Cmhlor . A, M. wnlOHT LADD A TILTON, BANKERS Portland. Oregon. , Established 185. W. Vf LADD. . C. H. LADD. J- W. LADD. Transect a General Banking Business? SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Savings books Issued on savings deposits. Interest paid on time depos'ts. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK Portland. Oregon. J. FRANK WATSON.. President I R. L DURHAM Vice-President JR. W. HOTT Caahler GEORGE W. HOYT. .Assistant Caahlar a C. CATCHING Second Aaalatant Cashier . Tranaacfi a General Banking Buslnesa Draft i and Letters of Cnjdlt Issued Available to All Parta of the World. Collections a Specialty. WmiBlVV filT riT.tvnnvii tfatnhtlaheil lid 4. Head Office. Ran Francisco. I Capital paid up. .... 14,000.000 ("surplus and undivided profits IIO.UJ.d7l O.ntrt! Ranklnr and Exchange Business Transacted. Interest on Time 'Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may ba opened of 110 and up ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. WM. R. MACREA Manager I J, T. BURTCHAELL Ass't Manager TODAY'S MARKETS A Local Commission Man Hearts That One Shippcrent' Fifty Cases of Eggs to the Portland; Market in One Day. TMTIEBSOII SAYS TJIR8T NATIONAL BANK Portland, Or. Oldeat National Bank on Pacific Coaat A CAPITAL! AJJ BUKfbUa, Il,BUV,UU.UO. UbrVBlXB, Jl,uvv,uuv.wv President I W. C. ALVORD Aaalatant Caahler A. L MILLS J. W. NEWKIRK.. .Caahler IS T. STEVENS. .Second Asst caahler TRUST COMPANIES. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON The Oldeat Truet Company In Oregon. RESOURCES OVER H.JOO.OOO. General Banking. Two per cent lntereat on check accounta (eren hundreds) on dally balances of 3500 or over. Letters of credit and exchange on all parts of the world counts. Time certificates. I to 4 per cent: nort-call peclal certificates. loo or tver. 2 to 4 per cent. Call for Book of ILLUSTRATIONS. Southeast Corner Third and Oak Sts. Phone Private Exchange 72. PEN J L COHEN President I H. L. PITTOCK Vice-President R LEE PAGET ' Secretary J. O. GOLTRA. . Assistant BecreUry SECTJRITT SAVINGS 4 TRUST CO. 16 Morrlaon Street. Portland. Oregon. Transacts a General Banking Buelne... SAVINGS DEPARTMENT in -eat allowed on Time and Savlnga Accounta. Acta as Trustee for Estates. Drafts and Letters of Credit Available on All Parte of the World n v iniMR President 1 U. A. liwib rirsi v ic.-ri.i.. X 7 MILLS... Second Vice-President R. C JUBITZ. Secretary GEO. E RUSSELL .Assistant Secretary TITLE GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY -140 Waahlngton tjet MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Estate at Loweet Rates. Title insured. Diirc rurnmnw. 3 THORBITRN ROSS President JNO. E. AITCHISON GEORGE H. HILL. . . .Vice-President T. T. BURKHART. . . . Secretary . .Treasurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS, ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. unntctnBi AatlrnaA and Public Service Corporation Bonds. 0"WNiN6-H6PKINS COMPANY EsUbllahed 1898 BROKERS. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold fof Cash and on Margin. Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Phone Main IT. -Orerbeck & Cooke Company I umhauf wvlhfngton. GRAIN PROVISIONS. COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS, ' Wll' DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESa OBBttnnowe MarkeU by Private Wire. Quick Service. ROOFING ' TTN ROOFING, OUTTERINOj pairing and get 'til Jefferson st. RE- and general Jobbing. J. Losll. raomo SrnUTUALISM. veaflings oaiiy. wm RE LI A - reaaer; SiBHATElCBPIBJTUAL (RKAUBK. (II Bumsioe """" -" i CAftMENCfrA SPIRITUAL CAR1J rimder? palmist and trance medium. N. d st MAbAM WALTMAN. CLAmvuiAWi. , Mimm and healer. 147 11th at Phone Paciflo mi. TRANSPORTATION. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS wiOTTTO A. K-T.jr.THJTR SIGNS. We have buUt up the largeat sign business In the cltyV Tit-ctaas work . and keeping our promises. Our prices irV right 1th and Everett sts. Phone .Exchange 15. : ""grONS " THAT ATTRACT"--P6itr-1 land Sign Co.. 27 Stark. Pacific 18l. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tjon. bank, bar and atore fixtures mads to order. The Lutke Manufac turing CO.. roruano, . B. H. BIRD8ALL. DESIGNER: AGT M. Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton bldg. SAFES PORTLAND SAFE CO., 80LE AGENTS f tor Herrlng-Hall-Marvln aafes and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'s bank safes; tt second-hand fireproof aafes and bank safes, very cheap. See them or write I vs. lr 7th st. , rPFFnTvfri MANGANESE SAFES Large lines -carried. Lock-outs opened. Teatftlrra IsallH. mniUl luuinuie. phone. J. E. Paviw. 6 8d. Alaska 1907 EXCURSIONS 5 TRJPS B. . Spokane, July 06 1 Aug. . B. S. Santa Boa. July 1. yon bovtb. S. S. lenator Jul, 17, Aug. t . B. AUIXA BOVTB. -kagwax. Bttka, fuaean and way ports. p. as. ..JTuly It, S3 July 90 .July 14, 88 miiir prices OPEN HIGHER California Fruit Canners Association Names Values for the Season. Today's market features: Fruit prlcen are opened. Hop trading reflects crop. Run of steelhead salmon good. Cheese market Is advanced. Butter tone Is very good. Grocers will not close for picnic. Eggs coming In bad order. Stlffer prices for meats. Loganberries In good shape. Raspberry season Is closing. K. S. Oo.'s Bumboidi. Oltr of Seattle Ctofrtage City, via, Sitka.. BAB raAJTOZSOO BOTTTB. Balling t a. m. Prom Seattle. President jalT so S. S. Umatilla .Sxdy a oaoa uly li, 88 City Cfflce, 84 Washlnrton st "iHBHaaai STREET PAVING WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. : Street raving, sldewalka and crosa- Ina-a. 114 Lumber uxenange. WtrAI bAPPTTP ABPHAt.T PAVING CO. "f Portlsnd. Office 665 Worcester blk. TYPEWRITERS I BLICKENS DERFER TYPEWRITER gton sts. fRAPHER. Ageney-r-Supplles; repa fcldg th and Washlngtc PUBLIC BTENOQRi TOWEL SUPPLY n -m a -i iwanrtM DAILY COMB. brush, soap. IV ;per month. Portland Laundry 4 Towel Supply Co.. th and 'Cxmoti ata rnone iv. , -r TRANSFER AND HATJLTNQ e a . PICK-jOFFICE r 1ST 8T, BE- UIIIU hibtb: ana uu , : '. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick wr bouse wfth separate iron rooms. Front ana ciijriu. " 1 A emM.rtiB Transfer co. Henrv Roe. W. A. CI eland. , F. P. Sheaacreen. - General transfer and storage; aafes, ita and furniture moved, packed and anippgq. v v V"AN HOR1 TRANSFER A STORAGE Co- Inc. Furniture and piano moving , a . apJ-ity ; atorage warehouse. 40-45 xJ au. comer ' , PENINSULAR gjCPREHS A .BAGGAGE Phone Main Transfer. J47 Alder st 1T1 oregon Transfer co.. i4 n. th. - vratn 41. Htirf hauling and storage. lNYEPEJbgNf BAtfiAGE A TftANS- fer CO. Btorage. at oturn. min tt. WHOLESALE JOBBERS m A. OtTNST A CO- DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. EVERDINO & FARRELL, PRODUCE and commission merchants, 140 Front at. Portland, Or. Fnone Main 17. ' TiVlE AoN FURNITURE MANUFAC- r taring Co. Manufacturers of furnl- - tnre for the trade. Portland. Or, . WAbHAMf i'Cd., WHOLESALE GRO cera, manufacturers and commission wiercha ta. 4th and Oak sts. VuRNltURE MANUFACTURING AND i" special orders, L.'Ruvensky's f urnl- , . tare factory., 807 Front st TjjrWri A LEWIS, COMMISSION AND , produce merchants. Front and Davis stts.. Portland. Or. ? Wholesale crockery aitd glassware. Prael. Hegele A Co., Port- ' land. Or. . HB 6REGOM CHEESE C6. (IKC) . Cheese, batter, eggs, etc, dairy prod ' nets bought or handled on commission. - - lt eth at-r8wetlaa4 bldg.), Portland, Or- EEWIS-SKNGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co., Barbera". Buppllea. Barbers' Fur ' wttnre.' Barbers' Chairs. Uth A Morrison. Jamestown Exposition LOW RATES AUQXTBT 8. , 10; SZPTB1CBEB 11, 13, 13. Chicago and return. 171. B0. St Louis and return, 147.60. St Paul, Minneapolis, Dnluth, Supe rior. Winnipeg and Port Arthur and re turn, 60. f 3-TQAIN5 DAILY 3 For tickets, sleeping car reservations and additional Information, call on or address H. DICKSON. C. P. A T. A. 193 TXXBD ST, POBT&ABD, OB. Telephones: Main 680. Home A-m. Ho! For Astoria OO OB FastSteamerTelegraph Dally (except Thursdays). Leaves Aldei street dock 7 a. m. PBOVB BtATsr B8B. Columbia River Ocenery USUIAIOB XJBB STBAKZB8. Dally strvlce betweea Portland d TDt ascepi BODaar. Maviag Forttaod at I a. arrlvhic aboat 8 p. m.. carry In 1 frelgbt and pa sogers. Splmidld ceconimodt ttODS for eatflta and II restock. Dock foot of Aider St.. Portland? . wwi - wsiiea. rooae msid 814. PorUsod, Save on Grain Rags. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Athena, July U. C. A. Barrett pres ident of the Inland Empire Grain Growers' association states that a great saving has been effected for the mem bere throughout , Umatilla and Morrow countlea. in a contract for the nut-chase of 387,300 grain sacks $3,873 were saved. Deing purchased at Vttc each. The sacks have been distributed anions: the growers in the different towna In Mor row ana Umatilla counties. TRANSPORTATION. . SOBT TACtriO WTMAMXMX9 oav ' ' CEO. W. ELDER Pali for r treks, Pan Frsndsoo and Loe galea dir:tvrjrThuradayat I p. m. i!ckt Ouice lit inira. near juaer. .h U. HI L JL XOUNO. Agent, ? Hay Crop Is Short. (Special Dispatch'' to The JonrnaL) HIHsboro, Or., July 16. The Jiay crop In this' county Is praotloally harvested and from reports from various portions of the county there was not more than half a crop. The late raina were too late to be of much benefit to hay, though the grain crops and hops were helped con siderable. Grain, however, Is very short nd the yield win be light Heavy Prone Prospects. (Special Dispatch to Ths JoarasL) Freewater, Or., July 16. The nrune crop in this vicinity promises to be heavy this year. Llba Rogers, manager of the Milton Fruit Growers union at the O. R. A N. depot, haa conoluded a contract with a commission house In Boise, Idaho, for 800 tons of prunes at 6!H cents a crate. Each crate contains four baskets and weighs about ,25 pounds. Upon deducting the cost of boxes, loading and racking, this price win net me growers izt a ion. , N Foreign Exchange Rate. 1 New York. July 16. Foreign exchange opened easy, rates off I to 10 points. Cables, 487.204I7;25, demand. 486.709 486.76; 60-day bills, . 488.60 488.7S; ifAiM aarka, 65 1-16; Belgium. I1H614; Bwltserland. Ill HO Ik.: Holland, 4040. v , rrnlt Prloes Are Opened. After all this worrying regarding the lateness of announcement of opening values on canned fruits, the California Fruit Canners' association today named Ita 1907 Initial values, one day ahead of the time prices were named a year aa-o. Then they were named July 17. Generally speaking, the opening values are materially higher than a year ago, the big corporation making quotatlona verv much like those named by the Central California Canners' association a week or ao ago. Today Jobbers named their nrlces to conform wttn tne newiy announced ones the California asso- istion. Material Advanoes Shown. Peaches and aDrlcots are the prlncl pal canned fruits purchased by the local trade from California. Jobbers' prices on peaches today for the new pack range from 82 to 18 a dosen, according to quality, aa against 81.65 and 82.60 1 year ago. joDDers quote apricots ur ha nw nark at 12.16 ana IB. 116 S against $1.75 and $2.40 a year ago. Th aharp advance In values is due more to the scarcity of labor and packing m.t.riala than anvthinc else. How ever in apricots the short crop and the barenesa of supplies for several weeks helped most to elevate quota tions. The strength and shortage in tht market can be safely Judged by the enormous prices packers and dryers are paying for the fruit. In California this season from $60 to $100 a ton was paid for the green fruit. Dried apricots are verv high, packers asking about 21c In the south, which would place the price here around 26c a pound. Irteal Packers Name Quotations. Local canneries have named their fruit quotations. Practically speaking, they are about the same as those named by the California Fruit Canners' ass.v ni.Mnn orront that the Jobbers here save the freight charged from the south, in moat Una of canned fruits the northwest Jobbing trade secures practi cally all Its supplies from local insti tution. This year the local packers are offering cherries, apples, blackber ries, raspberrlea, loganberries, straw berries, gooseberries pmms, pears and rhubarb. In a small way peaches like wise are offered. Kop Trading Beflects Crop. There has been a revival of the trad ing In hops locally during the past 24 hours. A few small lots have been purchased from dealers, especially Lochmund A Plncus. English buyers are coming out with predictions of heavy crops all over the United States this season, but are nevertheless more anxious buyers of the old crop than they have been. This seems to prove that they are talking to get growers to sell more rreeiy. Bs of SteeUiead Salmon Good. Reports froth the lower river that the run of steelhead salmon has been wonderfully Improved during t.'ie past few days. Supplies are likewise much greater In the local market. Chi nook salmon Is still very scarce; in fact, supplies are smaller than a week ago. There has been a reappearance ct Sound silver smelt In the market To day quoted at 7c a pound. This Is the first shipment for about two weeks. Dressed meat market is firmer, than ever, especially for fine stuff. As high as 8c a pound obtained for strictly fancy stuff. . Brief jrotea of the Trade. Butter market is very steady. Front street houses report supply and demand about equal. Weather too cold for watermelons and sales are not so heavy as a few days ago. Raspberry season Is closing and prices are expected to advance at once. Logans showing better quality. Cheese market generally advanced He a pound owing to the better demand from the north and the smaller sun plies held locally. Nothing being sold u ider 15c today. While it is expeciea tnai one or iwo SEATTLE TRADE IS GRILLED BY FARMERS 4 "perlal Dfipateh to The Journal. 4 Seattle. July 16. The farmers 4 of the White river valley, the- 4 rich agricultural district lying 4 4 between this city and Tacoma, have little use for the com ml s 4 slon merchants of Western ave- nue, Seattle's commission house district. At a meeting a few days 4 ago called at Kent to discuss 4 the attitude the people of" that 4 section would take toward the creation of the assessment dls- Hrlct that raises the money for the Lake Washington canal. EASTERN IWT OF POOR GRADE 4 Quality Not Good and Will Help Demand for the Fine Quality of Pacific States. opinions bitterly denouncing the' 4 commission merchants for their "robbery" of the producers were freely expressed. I"t Was even declared by one speaker that Seattle never did anything for the farmers, hut wss always anxious to make use of them. It was suggested that the farmers were under no obligations to sup port either the A. Y. P. exposi tion or the Lake Washington canal and that they might very properly fight both projects. Complaint has also been made by some of the poultry growers that the Western avenue mer chants were not giving them a square deal. 4 . Xaxvest in T allay. (Special I'Upatek to The Journal.) Junction City. Or.. July 16. Harvesting will be quite gen eral here this week. Fall grain Is in good shape and several fields are now ready for the binder. Haying is about com pleted and the yield has been good. HARVEST Oil III GILLIAM HI Cool and- .Ideal Ripening Weather Insures Big Yield and the Best Quality. CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. July 16. July 15. Loss. 1J06. July it Si H DOVs 1 "K Sept 91 91 St 1 77H Dec 96A tlSi 1 1S May 100!, A 101H Chicago wheat market opened with a sharp decline today, liquidation and the sharply lower Liverpool causing an Ini tial decline of Si to He here. Bears have a little further advantage and were persistent sellers during the day. The 14Hc; fancy hens. 14U16C- roosters, close was H to lttc lower than Monday, old, 10Hc lb; fryers. 1 6 I7c lb broilers' A "Pedal dispatch from Chicago states 16 17c lb; old ducks, 16c lb- snrln that the nr8t receipts of new wheat ducks. 15l6o lb; geese, old. 8OIO0 per tnere revtal ,ne faci t,ht the crop Is -i - - v - .v vr uiu , squaos. sz bv per doi; ulgeons, $1.26 per doa. liressed poultry, flVio per lb Thlgher UT"9a Bops, Wool and Kldea. ..2i erP prime to choice, shows-wohTiso-J.01.,,- 1.311.000 bushels; I h 1 ,T ,, "V lr nn ,n ,rii. Ilk. v.ra -na keys U014o lb for old; squabs 82 58 chlago cash house says that much of tjio wiicbi aiiiTiug ii aiivtty. iui., am Ijrhor I create a better demand from millers ana Mods. Wool mi m.. I foreigners for choice quality DiBusiicoi a rcpuu til Hra-iu viaiuiv f Rockies, Increased a" st s o tskM(i aiafl I a.waa.vvu uuji iuo , veja 11 am visa uovivejsxu 20011c I 1.J29.000 bushels; Europe and afloat de creased 3,200,000 bushels: total de creased 3,218,000 bushels. Corn Decreased 1,899,000 bushels. Oats Decreased 1,242,000 bushels. A Minneapolis dealer wires: "Just had talk with a cash grain man, who sent over 160 inquiries In North Da- kola last week asking about the crop outlook. He has received over 100 re plies and not one . of them was good. WOOL 1907 clip Vallar eastern Oregon. 16611a Munjiin rew 1 y u IIOJIUa SHEEPSKINS 8hMIa. IK a n each; short wool, 2540c; mUu.- wool 40 "6c each; long wool, 76c 0 31.00 each. ijHjuun-rnrai, per id, IH4c; No 2 and greaee. 2JHc. CH1TTIM BARK 60 per lb. rrolts and Yegetablea. POTATOES 31 nar aaclr Uitiunn JODtiina- N.a r.11. h k. fSHii rer "c,k; .New Walla the wheat waa being plowed up." Wali. . A"1'0. ?.Pr lb. Official Chicago oricea by Overbeck A FRESH FRufTSrr;-.. a . CK' P" bananas, 5c lb: lemona. 34.50 at s TL.; nA.i. box; llmea, Mexican. 34.00 bar . . .pen. High. i00i. pln.eV,e"' --00 dos. gripe z fruit 33.25: cherries Aeiutr. ih- Sept ti 93V berries. $11.25 crate; peaches. 7Bcffl P.9C ?? 1.15; cantaloupes, fancy. 82.75i2 li May 101 Sk raspberries, $1.25; plums, $1.25 1.60; 101 CORN. 54 Low. as 100 Close. ..T 94 Hi A 100 74 A (SpecUl Dlspateh to The Josrait) WncV r.rtmV Or.. July 16. The cool west winds Of the past week. I followed hv a warm Sunday rain have fully In- sured the grain crop of Gilliam county and those knowing ones who always guess the crop a nine snort are jw willing to concede that thla portion .of tha Hnlnmhla basin will produce the bumper grain crop In the history of the .u ra ...I.. .A V. l.a 1 .Mn.n. UtlUUL, I1U uaiiig W kM . . lng" weather the past few days the farmers of the county are prepared to offer a most gratirying crop report. Th Journal corresDondent after careful search In the matter has se. cured Interviews with such prominent business men as J: L. Blalock, secretary of the Arlington Investment company; Wad A Wade of Olex, Judge Ed Dunne of Condon and Judge Mariner of -Bla lock, all shrewd and conservative oust nesa man and men who are In a posl tion to predict upon the subject being deeply interested in me ouicome 01 uie approaching harvest. The concensus of opinion seems to Indicate that the coun ty will produce more than an average gram crop, rne yieia win snow irom 20 to 40 bushels per acre or a general average of 30 bushels per acre, this In cludes wheat and barley only and means that Gilliam county will place on the market over 2.500,000 bushels, of grain this season, as the most correct acreage report shows that 88,600 acres were seeded to grain last spring ana fall the report Is generally accepted as correct ftlovlngrsoUlties Better. Facilities for moving the crop to market are Aa better shspe than ever before In the history or tne county. The O. R. Nand the Open River Trans portation company are botn preparea better than ever to move the large crop. Harvest bealns in earnest today and although. harvest help la not too plenti ful there are men enough at hand to do the work; in some rew instances farm hands have been shipped to this section with the understanding that they receive 83.60 Der .day and the men on arriving in the harvest fields de mand as high as $5 per day. The farm ers are willing to pay good help all that they can afford, but all decline to iay exorbitant wageg. There is room or a few good harvest hands, but the $6 Jobs are all taken up. NEVADA MINING STOCKS I0HIIS0H is m Declares Governor Is Proper Democratic Presidential Candidate. : $1.00 sack; carrots. 76c$1.00 per sacL, 1,2 Ei beets, $1.76 per sack; parsnlpsT$l0 May " hnnaaa will close, the produce and wholesale grocery trade says that 1 Vina tnn TT1 HHV orders from the outsld. to close In honor of the grocers' picnic tomorrow. Most of the firms will en representatives, however. Retail shop will be closed. Front street prices: Grain, Tlonr and Teed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 9c large lots; small lots, c. . - , . Kin.afam 87 0 88c: valley. 84 86c r-'n PNWhole. $28.00; cracked, $29.00 PBARLEY New Feed, $21.00 22.00 Der ton: roliea. izs.oww.v; prowina, $22.0023.00. RYE $1.55 per cwt OATS New Producers price No. white, $28.00 per ton; gray, $27.00. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patent $4.80; straights, $4.25; export $4.0 v.n.v l.3fla14.40: graham. Vs. $3.71 whole wheat $4.00; rye. 60s, $6.00; bales, $2 75 MII.UJTUFF8 Bran. 117.00 per ton Miiinv. t'JR AA ahorta nnunfrv. 120 rltv tlSOO: choo. $16.0021.60. HAY froaucers price liraoiny, wuiametts vaiiev. rancv. iit.gaon.uv ordinary, $12.00014.00; eastern Oregon, 119 00(20.00-. mixed. IlO.OOdf lO.oO: clover, $8 6099.00; grain. $8.0010.00; cheat $8.50;.uo. Batter, Eggs and Poultry, BUTTER FAT f. o. b. Portland Sweet cream. 26c: sour. 24c. Ti TTTTVP C1v rrpam.rv fTXLf IM. onds. 25Hc: outside fancy 26c; seconds. 22 He. store, uregon, isajmc. EGGS Extra fancy candled, 22 23c. CHEESE New Full cream, flats, 1515Hc per lb; Young Americas, 16 16Uc per lb. POULTKX Mixea cmcKena. ma? $1.26; cabbage. $2.25. tomatoes, rall- fornla, 90c$l; Oregon, $1.60; pr snlps, 90c$1.00; wax beans, 3c; green, 4c per lb.; cauliflower, $1,260 1.50 dozen; peas, 45c; horseradish, 8c lb; artichokes, 66 75c doi; rhubarb, 3c lb; green onions, 2Rc per dox; bell pep pers, 10 012 Sic per lb: head lettuce, ( ) doz; cucumbers, hothouse, 40 50c doi; outdoor, 76c 1.00 a box; rad ishes, 16c dos bunches; eggplsgit $& ?5 crate; green corn, 2680o doa Groceries, Bnta. Bto. SUGAR Cube. 1 ?U J6.07H: berry. $5.87 Si : dry. aranulated! I5.8TH: Star, $5.iH; conf. A, $6.87V4: extra b, $5.27 Si' golden C, $5.27; D yeuow, lo.u Si; beet granulated. $5.77; barrels. 10c; half barrels. J6c; boxes, 60c advance on sack basis. (Above prices are 30 days net cash quotations.) HONEY $$. per crate. COFFEE Pacaage brands, $16.88 16.63. SALT Coarse Half "pouna. 100s. 311 per ton; 50s. $11.50; table, dairy, 60, $15.50; 100s, $16.25; bales, $2.10: Im ported Liverpool, 60s, $18 00; 100s, $17 6$ 61 62 68B 61A 62fcB POULTRY SUPPLIES STILL VERY SHORT 4 "There remains a scarcity in 4 supplies of poultry and the trade 4 could use a great deal more 4 hens and springs. Shippers who . take . advantage of the scarcity 4 and ship their polutry in now 4 will realise handsome returns. 4t 'Fancy veal and hogs are In 4 need and the trade can use more 4 than Is being offered. iCEggs continue in a mixed ' condition and the presence of e eastern eggs is eausing an accu- : mulatlon Of Oregon eggs. With , no call from the north the con- dltions are precarious." Frank Tetnpleton of Templeton Bros. 24s. $16.00: extra fine, bbla' im hm a.nA lva. j4.ootD6.60; ijiverpool lumn rock, $20.50 per ton; 60-lb rock. $11.00; 100a; $10.50. (Above prices apply to sales of less than car lots. Car lots at special prices subject to fluctuations.) RICE Imperial Japan. No, 1. c: No. 2, 5514c: New Orleans, tiead. 7c; AJax, Be: Creole, 6$Jc. BEANS Small white, $8.80; large white. $3.25; pink, $3.26: bavou, $3.90; Limas. 6c; Mexican reda 4c NUTS Peanuts. Jumoo. c per lb; Virginia, i Sic per lb; roasted, 10c lb; Japanese, 55c; roasted. 797 per lb: walnuts. California. 16c ner pine nuts. 14 915c per lb; hickory nuts. iuc per 10; urazn nuts, JSC per lb: 111 berts, 16c per lb; fancy pecans, 1820o per id: aimonas. isfzic. Keats, rish and Provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy. 8c per lb: large, 7o per lb; veal, extra, 8(39c per lb; ordinary, 8c per lb; poor. 67c per lb; mutton, fancy, 89c per lb. HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) hams, 10 to 12 lbs, 16c per lb; 14 to 16 lbs. 16o per lb; 18 to 20 lbs, 15c; breakfast bacon, 1522o pet lb; picnics. 12c per lb; co tinge roll 11 c per lb; regular short clears, un smoked. 12c per lb: smoked. 12o oer lb clear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked, 18c per lb; Union butts, 10 to 13 lbs un- smoKed, sc per id: smoxed, 9c per lb clear bellies, unsmoked. 11 Uc per lb smoked, 13c per lb; shoulders, 12 c per 10; picxiea tongues, sue each. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10c. 13c per lb; 5s, 18c per lb; 60-lb tins, 12 o per lb; steam rendered, 10s, 11 o per lb; 5s, ll jic per id; compound, 10s, lOo ter id. FISH Rock cod. 7o per lb: flounders, 6c ber lb.: halibut. 7c per lb.: strloed bass, 12c pet' lb; catfish. 10c per lb.; mon, fresh Columbia Chinook. 11 Sic er id.: wteeineans, iuc per in: nerrlnas. 5c fier lb; soles, 6c per lb; shrimps, 10c per b; perch, 6c pier lb; black cod, 7c per lb; tomcod. 7c per lb; lobsters, 16e per lb; fresh mackerel, 8c per lb; crawfish. 20c Der dos: sturgeon, loo per lb: black bass. 20c per lb: sliver smelt 7o ner lb; snaa, 4c per 10; Diacx cod, 7c per lb. oysters snoaiwater nays per gai Ion, $2.50; per 100-lb sack, $4.50; Olym- pla, per gallon, IZ.Z6; per lib-ID sack. 15.5006.25; Eagle, canned. lOe can; $7.00 dos. CLAMS Hardshell, per box, $2.40; razor clams. $3.00 per box: lOo per doa. Paints, Coal Oil, Bto. ROPE Pure Manila, 15U,c; standard. 1344c; sisal, 11c. COAL Oil Pearl or Astral Cases, 19 Helper gal; water white, iron bbla, , , . irn 1 - wnefA an tn n.i va 1 KmiI. light, 170 deg., caaea, 21 o per gaL GASOLINE 86 deg., cases, 24 e per gal: iron bbls, 18c per gat u&ri'uiriHd oeg., cases, soc per gai: Iron bbls, 93c per gai. TURPENT1NB in cases. o per gal: wooden bbls, 98c per gal. white i.kau xon iota. 70 per lb: 600-lb lots. 8o per lb; less lots. 8Uo per lb. - W1KH DAius rreaeni oasis at .ie. Sept Dec May July Sept. Sept Oct . Sept Oot . Jan. OATS. 89 39 40 40 41 42 MESS PORK. 1627 1627 1427 1042 1647 LARD. 902 902 807 807 SHORT RIBS. ; 867 870 $66 862 862 860 807 807 807 89 41 1642 900 806 89 41 1627 1642 too 806A 865 860A 807N UNION PACIFIC LEADER Harrlman Issues Are Firm and Carry List Upward. Union Pacific was the leader today In the New York stock market, showing the greatest activity and largest advance for the day It closed 25 points above yes terday s price. Southern Paciflo was also a very strong feature. It held a net gain of 1 points at the end of the day. The entire market was firm and higher, although trading waa not on an extensive scale. The manipulation behind the prices today is Interesting in that it will not allow bullish sentiment to breed over one day at a time. London was dull and lower for Amer icans. Official New York prices by Overbeck, Starr A Cooke Co.: DESCRIPTION. United States Government Bonds. New York, July 16. Government bonds: uate. Bid. Twos, registered..'.. .1906 105 do COUDOn 1906 106 Threes registered... .1918 102 do Coupon ..1918 108 Threes, small bonds. ... . .... Fours, reg., nw....ii izs do eotiDon. ....... .1Z lit Fours, Philippines.-.., ... 109 Twos. Panama, new.. . . . 104 District of Columbia. 114 Asked, 108 103 101 129 Amal C. Co Am. Car & F.. c . do preferred. . . Am. Loco., c . . . . Am. Sugar, c . . Am. Smelt., c. . . do preferred.. Ana., Min. Co. . Am. Woolen, c. Atchison, c Baltl. & Ohio, c Brook. R. T Canadian P. com Central L.. c. . . . Chi. Gt. W.. c. Chi. M. A St P. . Chi. & Nor., o. .. Cresapeake& O.. Colo. F. A I., o. . Colo. South., c. D. A R. G., c Erie, c Illinois Cen Louisville A N Mex. Cen. Ry M.. K. & T., c. . . Distillers Gt. Northern. . . . Ore. Lands Mo. Pacific . . . National Lead . N. Y. Central.. N. Y.. Ont. & W Nor. & W., com. No. American . No. Pacific, com. fac. m. w. b. uo. Penn. Railway .. P. O.. L. A C. Co, P. Steel Car, c. . Reading, com.... ao za pra Rep. I. & S., o. . . do preferred . . Rock Island, c. . do preferred . . sti & H. F., Zd p HI. ti. & b. w., o So. Pacific com do preferred . So. Railway, com Texas A Pacific T.. St. L. A W.i c union Pacific, o. do preferred . . U. S. 8. Co., ooni do preferred . . Wabash, com . . . . Wis. Cen., com., Virginia Chem...i 90 44 122 119 62 113 140 29 122 79 112 20 l? 140 25 26 32 25 78 25 88 43 90 97 "U 98 67W 68 175 63 118 183 29 m 102 103 102 28 84 21 47 87 17 88 100 14 62 112 1J0 ZS 122 79 11$ 20 30 27 140 86 100 18 25 Total sales for day, 507,000 shares. Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today Clearings year ago : Gain today i . , Balances today Balances year ago .$1,300,220.81 . 967,034.44 $248,186.37 16,812.05 163,840.33 Liverpool Cotton Market. (Journal Special Ben lea. ) Liverpoor, July II. Cotton futures closed steady. 4 to 6 points higher. New York-London Silver. New York. July It. Bar ailver I7c London $14. : Bid Prices Current Today on the San Francisco Exchange. San Francisco, July II. Official bid prices: GOLD FIELD DISTRICT. Sandstorm 4 Sc. Red Top $4.60, Mo hawk $16.00, Columbia Mt 61c, Jumbo $4.00. Jumbo Ext. $1.90, Vernal 16c Pennsylvania lc, Goldfleld M. Co. $1.76, Kendall 31c Booth 62c. Blue Bull 32c. Adams 14c Silver Pick 65c. May Queen 20c. Nev. Boy 9c B. B. Ext 8c, Blue Bell 19c. Dixie 6o. G. Columbia 40c Hl hernia 6c St Ives $1.00. Conqueror 18c Blk Rock 4c Lone Star 21c O. Wonder 2c, Oro 22c, Kendall Ext. 2c Sandst Ext 4c, Mayne 6c. Atlanta 64c Great Bend 74c. Empire 10c, Red Top Ext 24c. Florence 3 5.62 H. Dlara'f. B. B. Con. 27c. G.j Daisy $2.60, Lagtina $1.60, Commonwealth 29c, Comb. Fract $$ 00. Or. Bend Ext. 15c, Gr. Bend Anx. He B. B. Bonanza 7c. Kewanos 745c, Es meralda 10c. Portland 21c Cracker Jack 20c, Francis Mohawk $1.25, Red Hill 63c, Mohawk Ext. 8c. Lou Dillon 8c. Y. Tiger 20c. Grandma 18c. 8. Pick Ext. 8c, Y. Rose 9cA, Col. Mt Ext 6cA, Goldf. Cons. $8.8. Diam'f. Triangle 21c. COMSTOCK. Onhtr $1.95. Mexican ESc Gould A Curry 14c, Con. Virginia 67e. Savage 6Sc, Hale & worcross tnc, xeuow Jacket 92c. Belcher 28c, Confidence 65c Sierra Nev. 87c, Exchequer 38c Union 29c BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 6e. Bullf. M. C 14c. Mont Bullf. 4c. Nat Bank 22c L. Harris 2c Amethyst 29c, Gold Bar 77c, Stelnway 6c. Denver Bur. Anx 8c. Bonnie Clare 58c, Mayfl. Cons. 89c. Monty. Ohio Ext 8c. U. ucepter 9C, Monty Mt 14C u. Daisy 10c. Homes take Cons. 92c, Yan kee Girl 6c, Nugget 6c. Tramp Cons. 62c Victor 9c North Star 5c TONOPAHS. Ton. Nev. S13.26A. Mrtt. Ton. $3.17. Ton. Ext. $1.70, MacNamara 27c Mid way $1.16. Tom Belmont $3.60, Ton. No. Star 24c Ohio Ton. 3e, West End Cons. 60c. Rescue 13c, Ton. A Calif. 9cA. Golden Anchor 19c. Jim Butler $1.05, Ton. Cash Boy 6c. Ton. Home Be, Bost. Tpn. IOcA, Monarch Pitts Ex. lOeA, Mont. Mid. Ext. 4c, Golden Crown 8c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. 48c. Manh. M. Co. 6c. G. Wedge 6c, Sevier. Hump 6o, Dexter 12c L. Joe 2c, Crescent 6cA, Combination 2c, Granny 19c, Mustang 22J, Little Grev 20cA. Cowboy 6cA. Orlg. Manh. 10c, Broncho 7c. Jump. Jack 8c, Pine nut 6c. Buffalo Jc, S. Dog 18o, Y. Horse 4c, Indian Camp 6c VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Fairy Silver King IOcA, Nevada Hills $6.60, No. Star Wonder 4o. Eagle's Nest 19c, Ruby Wonder 20c. Alice of Wonder 6cA, Pittsburg Silver Peak $1.80. A STEADY TONE IN LIVESTOCK LINES (Wsthinftoa Boreas, of The Journal.) Waahlngton, July ll.i Charles A. Ed wards, secretary of the Demooratlo na tional congressional committee, returned today from ' Louisville, Kentuoky, and made the following authoritative an. nouncemeots: "Henry Watterson finally aaya, for publication, that the man with tha moustache north of Mason and D!nn-a line who aa Democratic presidential candidate oould be elected over any other man la John A. Johnson, governor of Minnesota. - Watterson said today that Bryan absolutely commands the situation, and may have the nomina tion If he wanta It He will be named unless he saya he don't want It, and any man he names can ba nominated. If he says Johnson, the latter will easily be elected. Johnson twice wore a moustache but has shaved It off, hence the confusion heretofore In gueeslng The statement created a as and politicials are discussing erly. If tlon (ED F GRAN ANOTHER WEEK Schmitz' Motion to Set Aside Indictment for Bribe Taking Denied. S tJosraal Special Berries.) San Francisco, July II. Ruef wag arraigned this morning on an lndlot ment charging him with offering a bribe In the Parkdale railway fran chise and was granted a week's oon tlnuanoe. At the end of the week he will make a motion to set aside the Indictment Mayor Schmlts appeared In court to hear the decision on hia motion to set aside the indictment charging him with the acceptance of a bribe in the gas deal. The motion waa denied and the defense submitted a demurrer, whlob. will be argued tomorrow. COUNT TOLSTOI IN EXCELLENT HEALTH Bt Petersburg. July 11. The renort that Count Tolstoi is dead or ill la un true. He la In excellent health- New Tork Cotton Market. jVn. . Feb. . March April May . July . Aug. . Sept Oct . Nov. . Dec . Ones. High. Low. , 1186 1197 1184 1188 1 1 AA 1207 1191 1199 .... .... 1203 il09 li6? 1208 1187 1170 1180 1167 1146 1160 1188 1145 1146 1186 1170 1176 1171 July 16 16 1180 1161 lioi 11611 114$ 1141 Uti ii?i iiii iiti 1111 1171 1198 .i208 1170 1146 1146 1171 Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, July 16. Official prtoesn WHEAT. Open. Close. July... 7s ld SeDt..7s I d Deo. ...7s 4d Sept..4slld 7s ia 7s 3d 7s 6d CORN. 4s 11 d 7fniBdiiB U 6d Ud 4slld d S0Z0D0NT CLEANSES AND BEAUTIFIES TEETH F. MlSSLER (Bremen, Germany.) aio-au aiax t, OAXYXsTOzr, totc BANK (ITnlnoorpo rated) Remittance of Money to and from Europe OBEZaW KOVBT EXCXAVGB. Moket Office for the Steamers froxa to Sorope. an f Receipts Are Small and Trade Takes Care of All Arrivals at the Price. Portland Union Stockyards, July 16. Official receipts: Hogs. Cattle. Sheen. Today 160 600 Week ago 846 145 Year ago 47 180 696 Prev. year 87 28 679 A steady tone in all lines is all that can be said of the local livestock situa tion at the moment There were no arrivals of hogs during the day. A vear aaro todav: Hon and sheen firm: cattle dull and weaker. Official livestock prlcea: .....111 V, vgr,,, V.VV. stockers and feeders, $.006.26; China fat $6.26 6.60. uaitie tsesi eastern uregon steers, 4.00; best cows and heifers, $3.25; bulls. 2.00. Sheen Wethers. $4.2604.50: lambs. $5.00. . ' ) EASTERN HOGS STRONG obsat onmxa malm ov tx( TO Grocers' Picnic TO BB KSZ.S AS Packers Fall to Break Values Sheep - . . ... Aye Good. Chicago, July llN-OTflclal receipts: Hon. Cattle, fthaan Chicago 17,000 4,000 12,000 Kansas City 16.000 11,000 5.000 Omaha 10,000 1,600 3,000 Hogs are strong; isri over, s.ioo. Re ceipts a year ago were Mixed, 86.6606.07; heavy. $ 5 JO 6.90; rough, $6.S05.60: light, $i.8O0I.Io. Cattle teaay. i Sheep Btrong. 1 September Wheat Today. . rhlnaa-o. UK HUMe: St T.onla MlnneaDOlls. S7c: New York. BSo: Dtiluth. o; Liverpool, 7s ld. f , BONNLVILLL July 17th The tickets can be secured from the Grocers' secretary, C. B. Merrick, third floor, Allsky building, corner Third and Morrison streets. Get your tickets in time. Don't delay. 4,000 Grocers AKD OTSB) 200,000 People In the Northwest can tell you all aboat Golden Grain Granules The pure, rich, nutritious cereal health; coffee. It la 100 Per CentPuX. Granules and if you are not perfectly satisfied with It after you have used half of the package, send me you name and address and the name of your grocer and' I shall refund you your money. Do not make It too strong; use plenty of water. Our cereal' coffee is) pure and" stronger. ;-.f n , JOHN BLAATJW, 1$ Front St, Portland. Oft mm ? - . . . . ,