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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1907)
1 . ... r - , , .,, ,w t ,t , , ,;v,,, , ' .;" ';. -v;7r f;-' ' . 'U !! ' N iffy ' ' , yg ; ' '' jy ' , One Tnonunf ,' about i ymtt- wtt M sutiroef ry-Hoiig aarentur. Nokomii founa a ttrange anunai a footprint in tne .tana ' : netr tht SniokHoie, where the fUh were being cured. .The tracks were somewhat like Little Bear's, except that the iaWinlrks were longer and sharper. - She knew atonce that they were made by Owene-fwah-uhgay, The Wolverene, the biggtrneanest and ugliest of all the Marten People,' So destractive la Wolverene that the Paleface hunter call him "Carcajou, tlie Oeoi Glutton." . Because he la tuch s) thle and la disliked by all the wild creatures, Big Bear had forbidden him to come into thejafraft Ground on pain of.deah. But when the snej) of smoked fish-was waited across the Stream he yielded to the temptation tofoGftw up the scent and, crossing overhe came tnea'ting along the shore, hoping to get a chance to steal some of the fish. But yfcomis was ready for him! She told Big Bear and the children that they must make a camp on the shore in order to watch the Smoke-Houae. So the packed up everything needful, closed the Wigwam, and "all hands" helped carry (he stuff to the river bank. They cut poles for the frame of a litA tie Wigwam, covering it with a large piece of aaidoth. This waa to be a aleeping tent for Nokomis and the children ; the others were to suy outside, doee to the Smoke-Lcgi to give ttM a Nokomis soon bad a v fire started under the threeOcgged'cpokiag frame and put oaths big iron pot to boIL While thfl and Big Bear busied themselves about the Smoke-Lodge Growling Bird and YeUow Hair started oS to fetch s pail of fresh water, tut Aundak god little Bear planted them selves beside the fire 'to watch tho pot boil," as they said I , i ' yjf V Im l V ZWAZZZSZ jarda: & JA( lAA'(x W-v ' Jr? x'X'Hf (- l"" ? BBBJBJBPBBBS1 The warmth of the hrt and the bubbling song of the pot soon lulled Little Bear into a doze (Next to eating, and playing some mis chief, the Little Cub liked to take "eat naps.") All the while Wolverene, the Greedy Glutton,' was hiding in the bushes. - As soon- as he saw there was no one left to guard things but the bear cub arid the crow, he crawled rat ad crept softly toward them. HelidnVpay ' - much attention to Little Bear, but fixed his fierce eyes upon Aundak, intending to pounce on him and gobble him up in a jlffyl But the wary old crow was too sharp to be caught napping. " He noticed a "musky" smell in the air ((which is a peculiarity of the Marten and Wea '" iel People) arid looked around Justin time to see Wolverene crouched for a spring! He cawed loudly: ' THlEV FS 1 BOBBERS 1 1 "WAKE UP; LITTLE BEARnr and dodped behind the fire. - li ' -' -- m The Gluttoa was so angry because he failed to catch Aundak that he fairly hissed with rage! Little Bear woke up with a start, the hair on his shoulders bristling with fear. Zn front of him crouched shaggy-haired beast about the jise of a bulldog, with a email head, gleaming teeth, fierce eyes, and a white band of fur across his head. Although not so heavy as Little Bear he was longer in the body; his feet were fiat and bear-like and armed with long. Sharp claws; his curved tail vaa thick and bushy. But Little Bear put on a bold front and CTowledr .uffl Wuffi Go W.ugly beast -or me rive you CUFFT' Suddenly, the fiefce.Woleretie,Biuu1wgljorrlbJy, leaped n ' im,bitius ear; ailiean scratching and bir must fight -to his Hie and struck out 3 .v - ' WE'LL have: eoLEt(YOLVEP: :3Z 22 . , WE'LL HHVC, . . ViAM - - fiercely. - Lucinlfjielanded a cuff on the Glutton's rose, end rrrsooH ea. cAHTWfBE l YOUPHeT LITTUS BEAK HqPQRAVt! iJTTLC QPA " , Into the fire Wolverene tumbled, head over heelslj He yelled atid screeched as the hot coals burned hia bide, and, in struggling to : ; escape, he knocked out one of the legs of the cooking frame. .. Down came the porof bpiling water, spilling all over hint an scalding him, . , -c adfu!'y !. MYl Whet a row there was THEN! VVou couldn't see an) thing but. furry baH whirling in a cloud of steam and cinders I soon as Clutton could scramble out be bounded away, howling frightfully and'leavirjg,a' trail of smoke Behind,,'; Growling Bird arjd low Hair were just tbenieturning with the pail of water when Wolverene came rushing toward thenrwith open l jaws! yeDoieHajr ; V 5 I; . "htenefl SunOS! OUT Ol per w "mm vnuwunj nuu mi jhjf huijt utiwivwin wvwuu nuu awaj auu iwmi turn us . -rt nmrmi InmttaA: hemkldv threw out the water ana-r . f ' i " ' ": I 1 ' .?fyr-y;r: :.r, ' i 17? ' '"K V f . Holding the pail in front, he clapped Jt.over Wolverene's bead as the brute sprang at him! Greedy Glutton thought he was caught..' hi trap at last, and, as most wild things do when trapped, he made for deep water. He plunged, into the stream, end almost broke hia neck trying to get his head out of the pail , When, at last, he freed himself he crawled rat ami limped off to his den, vowing vengeance on Growling Bird and, especially, on Little Bear for knocking him into the fire; But n? one should feel sorry for Wolverene; because he has ' always been an "outcast" among rhen and beasts. 1 But Little Bear was quite conceited oyer his success. (See the grand air he wears as 4 ' HAEDT1ME of . be children prajse his courage!) But thTh, we can't blame him for' bragging a Cttle, for a change. He has had auch a r ; it JatelyMuun't he? t Later, ymi's 1 ( 5 vi !