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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL), PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 7, ICC7. nuvoininn noiAiirifv ROLLER SICAtjfJG SPQfn- Dr. John V. Shoemaker Ilolds Pastime Injurious to Chil- ' drcri. Who 'Have JVcak HeartsStreet Exhibitions! ; , 1 -' Injurious to Life and Limb. ; :' V everlasting sorrow to the hearts of the youngsters of, this city. Dr. John V, Shoemaker ha made a careful study of the effects of roller skating and de nounces it In no uncertain term Jn an editorial in the Medical Bulletin. . He aaya that too many children aren roller skates who have weak heart's and should not be allowed to take such vio lent exercise, and he emphasizes the Im portance ot everv child being examined by a physician before being allowed to, Indulge In euch strenuous sports as 5 roller skating and jumping rope. Especially does Dr. Khoemake: skating on the streets and pavement and Shoemaker ' tfoory denounces the practice as a menace to publio safety. He pronounces skatlnic in moderation a good, exercise which brings almost all the muscles in the body into play at the same time, but finds that too often the good effects are cancelled by the evil effects of ex vcess, and that always there is danger no life and limb in the case of the akkater and the pedestrian who passes. Portland Doctors Agree, rfr' Local Dhcislans ' in renerai take the same view of the matter. All lament the inclination to overdo th exercise, . though they rind little danger in col lisions such as exists in larger cities , where the erase la more pronounced. Dr. J. JR. Wethtrbee, who was, formr- ly head of the physical training de partment at the Unlversltv, of OrMon and has mada special observations of aimeucs, ear that skating under proper instruction is beneficial, but carried io excess, as in any line of athletics, la harmful. . . . - a 'Wherever endurance is the prime f ctnr in exercise," ho said, "there is imoiy o p an evil result, and I have f -seen many former athletes with a con dition of heart and lungs which I know . una Veen maucea oy excessive athletic work. I think Dr. Shoemaker la abso lutely correct in his statements. There Is much harm resulting from excessive -.. Mming, ana especially lor little girls. "The streets rs rough, and they get falls and Jars that result often in broken ribs and limbs, to say nothing of the danger of being .run. over by vehicles.. . 'Parents should be careful They do .'5 fhl,lfen an injustice in allowing i.iitih iv bui 100 mucn ana carelessly, "J" Particularly harmful to little girls, who are made nervous and excitable. Over-indulgence in this, as In eating, drlnkjngand exercising of any kind, s . "Skating has not been made a nui sance here," eald Dr. Harry Lane, the mayor, "'so that a limiting ordinance t on sidewalk and ' pavement skating would be-haraiy 'called for. 'I- have never heard any complaints and I have not seen-that it Is particularly harmful, though, of eoursef carried to excess it would, ta, harmful Just -.v as , anything else is. , '!' '3 j, vi .4.'. , i. 1,, -i. : ,f ? i,' F4. JTo Sfnisanoe Sere. ' :'. ',. , Dr. Mae'card well thinks that the fad : Is not nough-oc a nuisance, to bring it to the public attention here. -That is not' the most Important pim, h retMmtirUsiJbing about Dr. ' HolakWriimci-'-im warning to mothers not to allow their children, to skate in excess. Years ago jumping rope was tne lad as much as skating is now, and that was the only way children ma to worx ore tneir sur plus energy. ' They would Jump rope tin they were ready to drop witn en haustlon. and that, of course, led to in Jury. In the same way skating in ,ex cess will leave its effects. . . .; . - ! i "Boys are not injured much by' thl skating on the ' streets,' I think, - for there they do -not-skate. last. and -long without slopping, as in a rink. The sr. ttcle applies more to girls than to boys. for they have not so strong a musoul&r system. In moderation the exercise is doubtless' beneficial to both, and it i the mother's duty to see that it is done in moaerauon oniy. . ... Dr. Katherlne C. Manlon agrees with the. article implicitly, and says that he nas exactly expressed her sentiments. "Much of my work tns past two. win ters," she said, "has been due to skating in excess, juesiaes me constant aanger Of accidents, there la the danger,- lees guarded against, of becoming overheated and men caicning . coia, ana 1 nave known several ' people whose "'systems have been seriously wronged In that way.- The exercise is naturally harder on gins man on Doys, yet they take it in about the same measure. "Mothers should make it ' their - duty to see that tneir children take this ex ercise in moderation Just as they are Kuriaeu tu uw vvcjining eto temper ately. It is a good wholesome exercise when indulged in well, because it brines so many muscles into play, but- some people are not constructed to stand the violence 01 11 ana none is constructed to stand It beyond the bounds of tea- son." : .' Speaks. Wlta Authority. 't have never made any particular study of the effects of skating, said Dr. Esther FohL "and I do not Know Just, what muscles are brought' into play.-. But . Dr. Shoemaker . has studied this particularly and - speaks with authority. There would necessar lly be evil effects from excessive indul- rence, but the great evil seems to me o be. the liability t accidents. They are very common. ' 1 anew or a little snn ma otner aay who feu and sustained a comppund irac ture in her arm. SJie is cured now, both as to her arm and of skating. , It seems to me a fad for which there la little excuse. I suppose it would) be no Harm if taken sensibly, but lads are almost always overdone. I have not- found any trouble' from skating in the streets." T believe that children in tse streets are a rather, necessary nuisance and I simply go out or my way xor mem, ana neoDle who comDlaln are usually con sidered grouchy. "noma eniiaren grow up in me streets and I should think: from the amount of time they soend on rollers they might develop into skaters instead of walk er. Most 01 tne complaints x nave had have been from Injuries sustained through falls." . , Dill TO. RESIGN iiS CHIEF Colonel Thomas Wilhelm to Bo'Appointed as Ilead of . San Francisco Tolicc. r' RICH PROSPEC I BOAKD AT BARLOW . ELECTS TEACHERS is DISCOVERED " -. (Special 'Dispatch to The Joe real) f Barlow,' Or., June 27.f-Th , school board - baa .elected , Miss ; Florence Bu channan of Hood River as principal of the Barlow school, and Miss .Diana Kkxrn as nrlmarr teacher. The Norwegian school has commenced t (Special Dispatch to To Jesrsal) Ban Francisco, June J7.iTha resig nation' of Chief, .of. Police Dinan may be formaiiy Tttstcd aifcsOce. S the 1 board of police commissioners' this afternoon. If the members should find themselves in a' mood averse to such a drastlo step, one' of them -may be ap pointed to ankPlnan to file applica tion, for an et8ndd leave of absence. In any event H-hniltz' chief of polio la to go and Colonel Thomas Wilhelm of Governor Gillette's staff will be ap pointed acting head of the department. The . plan ta make a national guard officer Ui city's police chlftf is not a new one. It developed that this etep was practically decided , upon three weeks ago, and it was within two days of th tlm that fact became known to the police commission, that the resig nation of Commissioner Lehy was filod and accepted. This delayed the plan to oust the chief, . ; NEW ORLEANS PLANS TO HOLD EXPOSITION j ' " ; , ,-aasBSMSBSBSBBSsSjBaasaMt 'k ' (Joaraat Special Berrke.) New Orleans, June 17. At the invita tion of the New Orleans Progressiva union and the Merchants' association. "? rpreSentaHw03 " -arieaa , commercia tlon.ln this city to celebrate the comple tion of the l'anama canal. 'The promo ters of the movement are gratified at the Interest already displayed through out this section of the country. The plan is to hoJd the exposition In 1915 or 1916. on the shore of Lake Pont chartraliv immediately in-the rear of the city, ' New Orleans itself proposes to raise 15,000,000,, and the expectation is that this . sum will be augmented from .various sources to about 116,000,- 000. .. - v : Metsger fits yonr fcyes for II. 141 Washington street, corner . beventh. formerly at 111 Sixth street. ARREST II0ERETH FOR ASSAULTING DAUGHTER : , (Special Dlspateh to The JoarsaL) , Hlllsboro, Or., Juna IT. Detective An drew G. Vaughn of Portland, today ar rested ' Andrew Hoereth of Swedeville,' four miles west of Portland, on a war rant Issued out of the Justice court here charging Hoereth with aasault on his 12-year-old daughter Rone Hoereth. Officer Hawley of the Juvenile court of Portland - is direct In the 1 crosscut Ion and was here yesterday conferring with Deputy District AMorn'v W'1 r the warrant lssuel. 1.'"" brought to this city !' t ( ' ralgnad. The girl is now lit t- of Officer Hawley. . . ; ' - - Granite School Direct, in, , (Speiai Dispatea ta Tts J on nut) Granite, Or, June J7. At the -v 1 school meeting held here Frank l'lu' and Vf. A. Bchluter were elis-tf 1 di rectors and 8. W. Outrldgs waa elertd clerk. The nuestlon of a sperM of three and a half mMa for tho r .i-a-ance of next year's school c.rri' 1. bodies throughout the lower Mississippi valley and the southwestern states met in conference here today to discuss the project of holding a bi-ooeanlo exposl- 3m . ( W. MM- Its Best Sccrias Soap IJzdt : K Scouring Soap (AtMetaf Polish A CIms Cleaner Southern Oregon 1 Mining: Peorr1ie 1.52? a?ef ; Hfnw TT . mostly religious and historical. jLiauix uuw V C1J1 Ui , writing and language. j , . yuart2 on: Surface. with BELTER RETURNS ON , ORE SHOW-BtG.VALUE rTt0Dary 1)1 .Iperty Has Not' Been Developed, ,' but Outlook Is That Clark Will Have Greatest, Producer In Gold i Hill District.. ,;r'yir:-, Don't let your child suffer" with that cough when you 'can cure it with Bal lard's Horehound Syrup, a sure cure for Coughs, Bronchitis, Influenza, Croup and seasea. : tsuy a do tie and try It. :- - -:-'r - ..'.;"'.. '--"i, , a. u. Laugner, Bynaiia, Miss., writes: "I have two children who had croup.' I tried many different remedies, but I must say your Horehound Syrup is the best Croup and Cough medicine I. ever used." Sold by all druggists. - It's kitchen. ne7. to Every Ttila la the store you ' tigroid here in jovi ; It's up-to-date. . It's j different from other oil stores. It rill give i y0tt best and' quickest results on baking-day ad other.days. The flame of the x ITieli Blue to? Oil Ccoli-Stovs is always under immediate, control, If you use a New Perfection your Idtchen will be cooler this summer than 'ever before.; Every stove r warranted. - Made in: three sizes. If not at vour dealer's.' write to our near- . ; est agency for descriptive circular Mde f bras thronghout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed; absolutely safe ; unexcelled la Ugbt-glTins power; an ornament to any room. ; Erery lamt warranted. If tot at yonr dealer5, wrlta to car nearest ajency. - STANOAim CTL COSPANT , (Bpeeial Diapateb to The Jeartal.) - t ' Gold Hill, pr.,; Juna 87.Ths richest body of ore uncovered on a southern , Oregon jmtn for several months Is tha,t now being worked on the Clark prop arty" or Applegate dlstrlat A train of freight wagons is on the road hauling . the rich rock from the property to the ' railroad, , vhenca itis ahlppd to the ' smelter . The mine ia tha Property of . j. uiarg, ana nas neen Jindcr develop ment for tha past three or four months. Though only shallowly developed, the i jcagu m wiao even on me suriacs. with ' a high : grade character of ore. - The average smeiter. returns on the ore shipped is 308 a ton) of this, about v-v 85 a ton is free. Several carloads of V,the ore are on the dump ready for shlp- raoiiu- .inn wjin, do nauiea out and shipped as fast as the teams can move mere is mucn mora to remove, and - the property, gives promise of develop ing into a bonanza, .Nevada mining inou iiiu nvo B&aniineq 11 prono'JIluo 11 equal 10 many or me iar more fa mous properties of Qoldfleld and ilan hat tan. :,";. .. A four-foot ledge of pure calcite has - been found on the meadows of the Gold I1U1 district. As the rock of the ledge 1 is ot the 4 best- grade . calcite, carrying t much lime, it wilt no doubt prove val- uaDie m tne manufacture of cement. ' The Gold Hill quarts mines are mora active mis summer than they have been .-tot several seasons. No less than eight properties are in operation, in tnis als trict. besides ; several 'that are under development, a lew of the latter, are ' shipping ore. CIIEHALIS HOPS FOR : SHIPMENT TO LONDON Jf (Speeiat' Dispatch .to Tne Journal.) '" Chehalis, Wash., June 27. J. E. lieon .rd, local agent for the well known Ta coma hop firm of Herman Klaber & Co., has secured from local growers for direct shipment to London the largest shipment of hops ever consigned from the Chehalis district. The lot includes between 700 and S00 bales and Includes Tne ikub cropa or jonn uarbe, w. - J. Waason, William Blake, Harrison Ful ler and C - W. Long. Klaber A Co. have recently opened a London office lit charge of W..F.' Freeman. who .for (our years waa a resident of Tacotna. ' tDONTEACTOR USE . PLAYS IN GOOD LUCK (Special XMspateh to The JonraaL) ' Spokane, Wash., June 27. The llo.OdO check forfeited by Contractor Use to th city for delay Jn'boKlnnlD(t work on a pewor win oei rerunaea.- it was round that there was a defect In the sewer t-roject end tlmt it would not drain all Vie-territory throuplr which it pi orHnr, lirwvcr, to protect the-city t 1 the Kiili-Piy bank tuM vnv, the , Every package of GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is VERY HEAVY Ask your grocer ' to prove to you that you get full weight GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is the grain coffee. ;Do not say that GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES tastes like other cereal coffees, because it does taste like 45-cent coffee, if made right 'and not too strong. ' (Remember, please, that water is encap in wrcgon.; , , - 1 :. , . ' a IT TAKES ONLY FIVE MINUTES TO BOIL THIS PURE, RICH, NUTRITIOUS, SYSTEM-BUILDING AMERICAN COFFEE. Golden Grain Granules1 Can Be Had in All Up-lo-Dale Grocery Stores in the United States and Canada, and Also in the Following Cities: IN WOODBURN, OR. " (Railroad Center.) . J, A. Austin. '. : - ' Beebe & Whitman. -, Haskell &Colvin. " ' s t t - 1 i , IN STAYTON, OR. (Woolen Mill, Flour Mill,' t.-' ; - Sawmill.) ' " Fred Rock Mercantile Co. , Jngraham Bros, & Co. C. & J. Gehlen. ' , 'W; A. Wright. : ' " ' Kcrber '& Klecker. ! ' ' . G. D. Trotter.. ' . . IN MOUNT ANGEL, OR. (A Beautiful City.) ' . . . Ebner Bros. . , -' J. AV. Ebner. , ' IN LEBANON, OR. ($15,000 Payroll Per Month, Factory Center, Paper MUV Etc.) ? .. Millsap & Son. 'G. T. Cotton. . . ; . Bach' & Buhl. . , t , George L. Allen. ' IN CORVALLIS, OR. ' (Has ' the Agricultural " Col v ' lege of Our State.) ; .. . . E..B. Horning. Victor P. Moses. J , A. Hodes. 1 - R. L. Taylor. ' Thatcher & Johnson, - ; IN SILVERTON, OR (Hops and Lumber Center.)' George Cusiter. " ' . Julius Aim' r Thompson & Dullunu B. R.' Bentsonr ( . . IN ALBANY, OR. ' (Railroad and ' Distributing i Center.) . yr' Owen Beam Co -' W.'A. Eastburn. '.' S. E. Young & Son. . ,CE Fox.. . WI. Christy.- - ' - Ellis. & Son; . . ; Any out-of-town grocer desiring a full-sized package can" get one free of charge by writing name and address on letter-head and mailing the same to Golden Grain Granules Sales Head-' quarters,; 12 Front street, Portland, Oregon ; I Allen (5 Leivis, Ixf; filason.: iElirinsn?& ,;imlBL-. Co. cn3 Wcrliia '." : ; - ' , ' - " " ' . ; - ml n o rn ri - An. Opportunity Conies, to the Public ; to Become Stockholders in a i ' iTKe opportunity .Is now before you, knocking for a'dmlssion. ; . The wide awake will hear it rapping at the door and will unlock the purse and will invest -while there is yet time, the money which . now earns but 4 to 7 per cent.' Here is an opportunity to obtain ( - stock in a mine fully developed and now on a dividend basis. Your , stock carries 10 per cent' preference over and above the owners' , , stock. As stock Is now selling at 50c per share .that means 20, per , cent. We are in the MINING BUSINESS, NOT A STOCK JOB BING SCHEME, ' A visit to our magnificent mines will satisfy, , you that we can do what we say. We live in PORTLAND. We want PORTLAND people to be our patrons, so the money will stay in PORTLAND. Most good things needing more funds are ' taken off to the east and placed.there and the dividends are paid '.to the'eastern stockholders. -' .' . We Are for ' Portland and Oregon We Want Our Dividends to Stay Here We Gome to You First . ' f How will you 'decide ? . DON'T BE HASTY. WE INVITE . you to go to the mine, look over the property. If you can't go yourself, you and your friends club together, SEND DOWN A MAN WHOM YOU CAN TRUST, and wait his report. DO IT NOW. Call at our office, get one of our prospectuses. "See our dispaly in Staple's jewelry store window, corner of First and - Morrison. ' ..'.' But above all, INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY, and then ( buy some stock. We will accept subscriptions on installments, ' and upon all stock paid for in full we pay-DIVIDENDS in GOLD, Burnt River Mirinig PHONLS Main 6490 A2429 . . .... i ' ' - . V t .,,.''-.'. , ... ..... , I- , v.. ... . . . , ;,;'1 Dredging Go.; v ,:':rv::'ir-.V.-!Ui:'c,.Y'i- . ! " :-' - ry ' 304-310-312 iDelium Bldg. 1 ' ' Of the V"t:-"f' .." J .4 . t .. - ... ... ' ERVICE:0;-r.;-&i"N; i t m i, , , , Opeps" Satiuirday , The, fin passenger steamer T. J. POTTER will leave Ash street dock at 10:30 a. m. of th n date and regularly thereafter -throughout the season according: to published schedules, fcr ' Illwacp and All Beach Pointc Round Trip Ticket $4,00 ; r - Saturday t Monday Tickets C2.C " THAT TRIP EAST Next Sale Dates July 3, 4anr! r Portland toiChlcago and Return 571.50 Tickets Gccd for Ninety I CorrespondlDjIy Reduced Rates to1JTf a nr prninp 1 ' :," Other Eastern dUej'and ; to. the ; ej A iVlQJiU Wi I Get .'full pailaw 'at "the ':City;.Ticket : c f." : e cf V- Ore-cn rHrc-J C. W. STINGER, City Ticket Agent, TI ' ' V; ton Ct , V; C i- I to (iin ritv treasury n,1 the i oia tm oru.ii..-,ce tc .