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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
THE, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 7, IZZ7; mi 1 1 ; ' 11 1 ii i i ,- . .. ' " rT4Rv. ' ' -e "v ... mm- hi rOilE BAD II10I0G; Tit chcr Groom Goes Into Air in the Fifth and Allows. Oakland Six Tallies.-, BAT AND FIELDING RECORDS The bat tins- records for Portland's Coast leaguers made In last week' a-ames are as rouows: , Player Moore, c.' TESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Oakland, It; Portland, 3. Los Angeles, 9 ; San Francisco, STANDING OF TliU CLUBS. Los Angeles , Oakland . .... hurt Francisco Portland - - Won... .....40 .....42 41 5 Lost. .P. C 31 36 36 48 603 .638 .633 ,357 Hart man, p. Calif f, p. . . ... Molt, lb Casey.. 2b. ...,,... Masscyv ir Donahue, o. and If.... Schlmpff. as Carson, lb. , , ... .... , Wilson. Cf. '. Seven of Portland's hall nlavers went the week without making; an error. The work of Cisev Is remarkable, as he Is n lnflelder and had 23 chances to make good on.. The record la as follows: imes. A H. ? Buns. lilts. Sac. B B. 5 1 16 3 7 3 1 6 IS 2 6 1 4 , 1 ' J. ' 1 X 0, 0 . I 6, ,. 0 ,2 '. v jO - 0 1 .1 .0 2 0 0 : , W" 8 . ? 4 V 1' - 2,. t . 17 . ,,2 4 2 6, r - 25 - i 8 1 V 4 ' , i J I 20 2 8 9 2 " 6 17 ' 2 2 2 0 6 1 3 ' 2 ,0 I 4 0 " 0 0 0 . B.Ti. 1 0 0 t 0 PrCt. .437 .333 .333 .833 . .833 ' .273 , .218 .160 .160 , .118 .106 .004 Player. P.O. Casey ........... 23 McCredle ........10 Bassey 6 Groom 1 1 Klnsella ... .. i . . .. 0 Calif f 2 Wilson. 2 Carson ", . . tf, . . , , .79 Donahue .....v.ll Moore ..... .12 Mott . .......13 Schlmpff 8 Hartman . . .. . . . .. 0- A. 42 , 2 0 It 9 0 .'2 ' ...2' 10 .14 16 J i K. 0 o- 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 5 1 P.C. iooo ! 1000 ' 1000 iooo iooo . iooo iooo ' ,088 .2 ' .908 . .871 .827 ,760 ... (Journal Special Berries.) Ban ,i Francisco, June 27. Bobby Oroom took an excursion across the eky In the fifth round yesterday and when he.' reached tha earth" aga In the' tell had run'g six J times for Oakland. After that the Ions;- boy was steady spa In. Portland added two runs to her score m the seventh but the home team's lead was too great. ........ , . ,A . I ' hk ti bv vii w . Aa - . iv a, .11. i itm u.iii. t hen Devereau. started with a hit and a steal and Randolph ' sent him the rest of the way around with a double rocker p. gain at . the fence behind Mc- Credle. (iroora made a wild pitch, walked Smith and Van Haltren, and let lieltmuller hit him hard. Two double Mean were pulled off, two men were rut out, then lvereaujc ended the run liv lining out another hit Catcher Moore hurt his hand during; practice and will be out of the game for .everat days, rne - official sou re PORTLAND. 1 V i Si S IS tm n a. I ab. R. il po. a. e. ueats I ttniTnmn. hv i )n v Kivft oil o I " I. h J .-Feet in Four Miles Xavy 1 Z 0 AYS 0 OF: EIGHT RACE P. f, 10 TRACK IEAC Winners of Events at Seattle 'Will at Least Not Be Sent; 1 ' to Jamestown; Paoney, If ?Iott. 3b Hey, 2b. . JlcCredle, rf. 'J onahue. c i 'arson, lb .8 ."-"hlmpff, ss, ........3 "Uilson, cf ....... 3 (?room, p. ...........3 Wallace .....1 4 ...4 ...4 ...4 4 1' 1 .Finishes Third. Totals t 24 17 ,2 Fmlth. If v. .... an Haltren, cf. JfeltmuJler, rf. HKau, ss. ... . :iihh, c. ...... Jiisbee, lb. .... Hairy, Zb ' J evereaux, 3b. Randolph, p.- . . 32 OAKLAND. AB. R. k PO. A. E. 3 , 1 10 0 1 2 11 4 0 1 ......3 11 3 0 0 ......4i0 0 Oj 4,0 ......8 . 1 0 4 0 '0 3 1 0 14 1 0 2 1 1 3' 8 2 ...(..2 13 0 2 0 ......41100 0 Total .27 8 8 27 U Batted for Wilson In ninth. , SCORE BY INNINGS. Portland .1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 03 Hits ,.1 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 16 Oakland ........0 1 1 0 8 0 0 0 8 lilts 1 2 1 0 4 0 0 0 8 , SUMMARY. ' ' ! Two-base 1 hits Randolph, -' Bassey. Piicrlllce hits Van Haltren, Heltmuller, 1 Kvereaux. First bae on balls Of f troom, 6; off Randolph, 2. Strurk out By Groom, 6; by Randolph, 8. Double plays Donahue to Mott, . Blgbee to J Inky to lilgbee. Passed ball Dona- Jiu-i. wild pitches tiroom. Stolen liawew Casey, van Haltren, Heltmuller 2, Bliss, Blghee. Time of Kanie-t-1:68. Vmplre Derrick. . Eddie Quick Is Easy, ' (Journal Special Service.) - Los Anereles, June 27. The Los An freles sluggers touched up Eddie Quick lor i sare oina-ies yesterday, piling up a score or . Carlisle s neid worK and Hop" Hogan s batting; were the fea tures. Score: ' ' ' liOg Angeles ...0 2 2 4 00 1 0 14 0 bun FrHncisco. .0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02 6 4 Batteries Bergman and Hogan; Quick and Street. Umpire Perrlne. " . National Jague. At Chicago Chicago, 7? Bt. Ixuls, 6 (first game); Chicago, 4; St. Louis," 1 (second game)., i . At New York New York-Boston, rain. At Pittsburg Plttsburg-Clnclnnatl, rain. Percentages: Chicago, ' 7!)7; New York. 630: Philadelphia. 669; Pittsburg, f5; Cincinnati, 431; Boston, 429: Brook lyn, 339; St. Louis, 274. (Journal Special Serrlce.) ' Poughkeepsle, .N.. T., June 27. In the most excltlnr contest ever rowed over the Poughkeepsle course Cornell univer sity yesterday won . the Intercollegiate eight -oared race from Columbia, finish ing but five feet to the good, t The Naval academy was . third by three lengths. The time was 20:02 2-6. Pennsylvania finished, fourth, Wlscon sin fifth, and Georgetown sixth. The Syracuse shell was swamped and the oarsmen hade to take to the. water to prevent her from sinking. The race was a great battle between Cornell. Columbia and the navy eight. The navy Jed for the first three miles, with now Columbia second, now Cornell and now. Wisconsin. At three miles the first four i crews . were - very closely bunched, and t no time rrere Cornell and Columbia more than 26 feet a pert Columbia took - the lead In the last mile and held it until the last' 100 feet of the race, when by a tremendous spurt the Ithaoans shot the . nose of their shell In the lead and crossed the line by so narrow a margin: over Columbia that for several minutes 4he 20,000 spectators were in doubt as to which had captured the race. This is Cornell's eighth victory over the four-mile course. Secretary of the Navy Metcalf viewed the contest from the gunboat Yankton, while nearly 400 midshipmen, were pres ent to cheer their mates. "Syracuse captured the- 'varsity four oared two-mile race, and Wisconsin the freshman elght-oared race for the same distance. The order or the finish and the time of the two minor races were as follows: Four-oared race Syracuse, ' 10:37; corneu,' iu:u: Pennsylvania, io:tv; Co lumbia. 10:69 8-6. Freshman elght-oared Wisconsin 9:68: Syracuse, 10:03; Pennsylvania, 10:04! Columbia, . 10:05 2-6; Cornell, IV.VI f-B. (Special .Dtopatcli to Toe Journal. ' .: Seattle, June 27. There Is consider able doubt now as to whether the Pa cific Northwest Amateur association will ; send a . team of ' athletes to the Jamestown exposition. Before the big championship meet which was held here last Saturday It was announced that the winners would likely be sent to James town as a Pacific coast team. But Multnomah did not win that meet, much to the surprise of all, and Satur day night at a meeting of the directors of the association, the resolution which had been adopted to the effect that the games in Seattle "would be a tryout to elect the best men to go to Jamestown, was rescinded. As a substitute It was decided to pick a team of coast athletes, and Bert Kerrigan of - the Multnomah club, of Portland, was named chair man of a committee whose duty it will be to select the men and raise the money necessary to finance the team. . . Ken 2fot in Meet. - Multnomah did not : have Chsmnlnn Dan Kelly, the 100 and 220-yard sprin ter; uiir.ert, tne pole vauiter; Moores. JIUll .111(5 bU ; . . ' J' J -:J -i -'vf-- r ml h mm nMiFz uum iiuiii X- S&SZ ' - J I But Tables Arc Turned on ThemThey Are ChasM High Up a Tree. , The JacK tars off the cruiser Charles. ton had shore leave yesterday and took me opportunity to go bear, hunting, ney corraiea Harry Smith's . Teddy wears on the Vaughn street diamond and in the presence of an enthusiastic bunch of, fans gave an exhibition of a b'uuhib uear nunc univ in this i. stance the tables were turned and the juiijt . jbck iars snmnea up a tree and left the Teddy Bears in full nM....inn of the diamond. , ' , The CubS OUtDlaved their nnnnnonta "l "y iBe oi ine game and won cleanly. Newman, was put. on the mole v u Kaim mm uaiiiea ms macnine suns upon ine luckless Terii11a hut someone stole his ran flnHee nrf it Vas guesswork. Heavy swells knocked ine sajiors over several times Just when they hud their hands on the ball. Several new faces were noticeable In the Cub lineup, Chick Newell behind the Diiucmey at snort, Houston at third. ff.'f,h prrot.t in the center garden and little Street at second. Th ..iin,. iw game, out lacked team work. The Cubs rave l.ureh mnA im. port and rang eight bells to the sailors hub. j. no game in detail: i BRAINARD CUBS. . . , AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Tauscher, rfw. t 2 2 1 Z 1 Parrott, cf. 3 1 l i o 0 Kennedy, lb... 8 13 a J J Newell, o... .-. 2 0 1 3 2 0 Magness, If,.....,.., 4 0 1. 10 0 cireei, so....... 2 I 1 8-6 2 Houston, 3b. 4 1 1 4 z 1 Bhockley. ss 8 1 2 3 1 0 Lurch, p... 3 11 0 3 1 Kruger, p., 1 0 0 0 0 0 Tptals ... . i . '.ii i IS 27 17 " U. a S. CHARLESTON. . , AB. R. H. Pf) A. P r-asnow, rr..,.....i.. 3 0 1 0 0 0 nonier, cr. . . j . . , 1 Deahe, ss...,. .... 2 Lehnoff, ss. ,..,.,.. 3 Schoenhorn, If 2 Hoddenott, 2b. ...... .'4 Wanch. 3b..;, ,. 8 Willardt, lb.., 4 Yeager, c. ............ 3 0 0 0 : 0 1 0 tho hurdler and McKinney, the weight ( Newman, p........... 4 man, in the meet, and some of the dl- f rectors are now saying that the original Totals". ,.20 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 J 12 0 ''l 4 0 0 0 r I ... ::: - ' ! ; . r v x . v- A pufffron a favoring breeze and a puff from the fragrant tobacco of uuvuijriLuuii-ka- u and the yachtsman is happv. " ' ; . These perfect cigarettes afford the crown ing satisfaction of any event indoors or out The.' enjoyment of their clean, pure, carefully blended tobacco is aided to the full by their careful rolling, in thin ma paper crimped, not pasted and there's a mouth piece to cool the smoke. Imperiales are still . 10 for lO cente , 1 The wen of the West smoked lOO.OW.OOO Imperiales la 19C5 . Sold Everywhere , ' JOHN BOLLMAN COMPANY, S FrancUco ' '','" " Manufaeturer ; , ''""". J 9 I! !i t 1 4 24 20. SCORE BY INNINGS. resolution was set aside so that a com. mlttPA onillrl mmpt thaa men n mrt tn Jamstown, even if they did not compete I Bralnard Cubs... 1 0 2 0 3 1 0 1 8 In the big tryout:; ; I Hits 1 I I 0 3 2 1 2 IS Representatives of the Sookane eluh. I Charlestons ...... o 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 for Instance, do not feel like contrib-1 Hits 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 4 utlng money to give the Oregon men a I . SUMMARY. - ; S25f The?ihe"tJlam 2Vb! Struck out-By Lurch, I; by Newman mixuri mav .'mult in h vruiinnmch I ?: Bases pn balls Off Lurch. 6; off Oregon stars as a COOS COUNTY LEAGUE At Xarshfleld. . Marshfleld. 2; North Bend, 6. Batter les, Wright -and Cowan; Graham and jLyons. . At Coinille. . $ . Coqullle, 7; Bandon, 4. ! Standing of the clubs: " ' 'f Marshfleld, .668; North Bend, .666; Co- qui ue, .(, uanaon, .ooo. club sending the Multnomah team. Of course a team from the Paclfln coast to Jamestown would not be a rep resentative one If It did not include Dan .euy, who noids the world's record In the 100-yard dash, but if the original resolution was adhered to. Kellv could not no. for he did not take nart In the games la Seattle Saturday, , , Bxpects to zcest JCelly. It ' is practlcallv certain that Pur sons, the Los Ans-eles fiver will m tn Jamestown, and he fully expects to meet Kelly there. Cheek anri Olarnsr. or the Olympic club,, have class enough to entitle them, and thev comnllt with the conditions by winning in the Seattle meet, but the Multnomah, men will give only half-hearted support to a team that does not Include the stars of the University of Oregon, who run under the colors of the .Multnomah club, i Gilbert of Yale, who also competes for Multnomah In the pole vault snld last Saturday that in his opinion Par sons of California will beat Kelly Jf theyever meet. He grants that Kelly Is a much better runner now than he was two years ago, but still he think that Parsons has it on the Oreiron man and will prove It the first time they cubs Double - plays Tauscher to Kennedy, Houston to Kennedy, Sacrifice hits Parrott Newell, Street (2).- Stolen bales Taascner (Z), Kennedy, Magness, Street, Houston, Bhockley, Lurch. Hit by 'pitched ball Tauscher, Kennedy, Schoenhorn. passed ball Yeager. Wild pitch Lurch, Newman, i First base on errors Cuds. 3; Sailors. 4. Earned runs Cubs. 6; Sailors, 0. Left on bases Cubs, 6; Sailors, 7. Innings pitched Lurch, 8; Kruger. I.' Hits made Off Lurch, ; on Kruger. o; ofr Newman, 13. - Time of game Two hours. Um pire Kd KanKin, acorers Sullivan and FBAKES AND TRUNKS PLAY AT ST. JOHNS TRI-CITY LEAGUE STANDING. , Won. Lost P.C. Frakes . . . , ............. 8 Woodburn 9 St. Johns 8 Kelso 6 Brewers t Astoria 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 8 8 8" .kit .818 .727 .6J5 .272 .250 .200 .200 : - Western Golf Championship. ' (Journal Specif 1 ftervlre.) - .Chicago, III.. June 27. The annual open championship tournament - undT the ausolces of the Western rnl clation opened today on the links of the Hinsdale Golf. club. Jurtirl auspicious manner j lrt which the play began and the promptitude of the offi cials and players, this year's champion ship contest will go on record as one of the most perfectly arranged affairs of its kind in the hlstorv of the elation The play will continue three days and prises amountlnar to 12S0 win be awarded. The. competitions are at 73 holes, .medal play, as usual. , , , American League. , At Boston Boston, 8; New York; 2. At Detroit Cleveland.' 4; Detroit, 1. At St. Louis Chicago, 1; St. Louts, 0. At Philadelnhla PMladelnhln-Wa.h. ington, rain. Percentages: Chicago, (49; Cleveland, 627: Philadelphia, 686; Detroit; 658! New ?t? -niilL8 iPu1"' 431 WMhlnton, between St! Johns. Woodbu :V"'V,'ill . 1 ' ,- .'' i - - . i- - , sMMiaaMsaasBsm asamiiiM aen mir - Vt . . -t , The St. Johns team has been away from home for the past two weeks, and the' other teams of the Tri-Clty league have been . occupying their grounds and entertaining the-Peninsular 'fans. Next Bunaay ine francs ana xrunkmaKers will fight It out on. the St. Johns grounds.. The Trunkmakers-will have the strongest team that they have had in the rieui tnis season, ana Manager rarttow reels conrident that he will win The Frakes have a strong team In the field this' season; and have won a majority of their games, and from the tap or the gong are playing ball to win. They are playing the same, team - tl.ew started tne season witn, ana have only made one or two changes In their line up since the" started. The Frakes have been playing ball, so much down -at St. Johns that the fans there, look upon the team as the home team almost, and root font. - - , i The -teams in the. Tri-Clty league are all playing good ball, and are making a close run for first place. As the race now stanis,,it iooks as if it were to be them are constantly on duty In Central Park. Borne idea of the work this force nas on m nanas may oe realised from ine ract . that there are over 2.500 or rests annually for speeding in Man hattan and the Bronx. From October 1 to December 1 of. last vear. when the special automobile records were started, there, were (48 arrests. To assist the work a complete card Index has .been established, with a card for each! case. The officers in charge can tell Instantly whether an arrest is a first, second or third offense, and this has much 'bear' ing upon the severity of the puntaiv mem mecea out Dy tne court. ' - . RACE HORSE. GOES MAD : 4ND, BREAKS HIS NECK ' . (loarnil Special tWTlce.l ... New York, June 20. Paul Alter fell at the third Jump la yesterday's steeple chase and, going mad, dashed around tho track , four times. At the end 'of the fourth mile he tried to tutnn the fence and turned a complete somersault breaking his neck. Results: - i- ive and at hair rurlones. Futurity course Halkeet won, Hessian ' second. Nimbus third; time, 1:07 2-6. Steeplechase, short course Dick Shaw won, Garrett second, Sir Tristan ' third; time, 4 4-6.. ' ' Mile and a ouarter Philander won. Red Friar second, Bad News third; time. The Zenhvr stakes, five and a half fur longs Lady Winifred won. Live Wire second, woodland third; time, 1:07 1-6. The grass selling stakes, mile and SPORTING ITEOS Many Cluhs, Including: Port land's, to Be. Represented "in Cricket 'Tourney. . ...- ... , . MARATHON RUNNER TO GO EAST NEXT j YEAR Famous Long Distance Men to Visit Coast This Fall and Exhibit in Different Cities Baseball Hub to JIake Strong Trf to Win. . XtAtroK aoaxhti Bnt after all It's no laug-li-lBg matternot If the other fellow gets the prise foe writing a phrase yoa oouM nave beaten I y Bee page II. i OAUTOmslA BOTSZ.8,' , By A. P. Garvey , Vancouver B. a,' June 27. All" ar rangements for the International crickst Tine grass selling staxes, mile and a I 7 " tuf mo sixteenth on turf Grapple won. Acrobat week beginning August 18, were corn second, Jacquln third; time, 1:46 8-6, Dieted a meeting e Six and a half furlongs Clolsterese Kl ; :t7 " ."-.--. won. Wood Witch second. Sailor i Girl " " -..con Jones oi tnis city third; time, 1:10 4-5. has donated a cup, which will be held by the team winning the championship from year to year. . . '.Accentnnees 'from ' Piftlan.4 '. ,L TENNIS TOURNEY yyJlii. YESTERDAY'S MATCHES. ue two men who make baseball history irTthe American league.". The gentleman at hat is Day? Jones, the 1 r.ri-tittir.3 Detroit left fielder, and Klelnow, the noted catcher, ' is ; behind htm.-.. . J. -' ' rn and the Frakes.'': although ,. some of the texma behind may take a wtnnltrg wtreak and pass mope mat, are now at tne top. The Portland fans are' clamoring to I see ine woooDurns ana r rskes play, ss both teams are now tied for first HARVARD LOSES IIER . HEAVIEST OAJtSMAN , ' (Journal Special Service.) ' New London, Conn., June 27. The Harvard "varsity crew has lost Its heav lest oarsman in Gordon Glass, who was suddenly taken sick yesterday and sent to the hospital, it Is stated here to day that there will be no possibility of Gloss' rowing this afternoon. Lunt, a substitute,, will row at Nq. 4, and Cap tain Bacon will take Glass' place at No 6. - - - The drawings for the races were in favor of Yale, which - chose the west bank for the 'varsity eight, rowing down stream,.' and the same . bank -for the freshman eight, rowing up. The Yale contingent Is confident of victory. The lesser races were rowed yesterday. The , Harvard . freshman four won from i Yale In a mile race b three quarters of i tens in. iime, o:z. , Tne Harvard graduate eight won from Yale in a half- mud aaon oy. two, lengtns. Time, 2:30. BICYCLE SQUAD HOLDS CHAUFFEURS IN CHECK Were it not for the bicycle squad, the speed regulation in New York would be utterly - .disregarded by - the average chauffeur. As It Is the running fight between the motorists and .he i blue coats shows a big advantage to the credit of the man on the wheel. Owing to ' the uniform , distance between New York's cross-town streets it la very easy to estimate the speed that any ve hicle is making on the avenues, and a man who doea not willfully exceed the 10-mlles rate must not go faster than a block in 18 seconds. To look after this traffic Commissioner Bingham has 170 bicycle policemen. 101 of them hin Maslgaed to beats in Manhattan.- &u of 1 Six matches In the men's singles were played at the Irvlngton Tennis club yesterday. , Andrews (owe 18 4-6)," beat Cook (scratch).' by default; Nunn (scratch, beat Rohr (owe 15). 4-ft. 8-1. .Benham, (owe SO), beat Shiver, (owe 8-6). 6-1. 4-8. 6-2:' Scott frecelva 8-6), beat jMcMlllnn (scratch). (two-teams) have already been and it Is expected that Los Angelas' will also be represented. .. . t-. The reception and entertainment com- mitiee or the local clubs consists of I Messrs. W, G. Morrison, H. Lockwood. C Nelson. 'A. Jukes. W. U. rim. II and Mr. Carr HUton. ' It Is the object of . the cricketers to make , "tournament weea- tne most successful and enjoy aoie cricxet ween ever held tn western -0. S-l: Relllnarer tfowe 40) Kenf Clrav ropalvs 15). 7-6. 6-3: Winch (receive 15). beat Canada, and nothing will be left undon W. Benham, scratch) ,6 -2, 4-8, 6-4. by the committee to make the visit of in tne laaiesv singles Miss Ftirdlng, I vuiu ciuos as pleasant as possible. HOTEL JEITERSON TURK AND GOUGH STREETS SAN FRANCISCO PCOIAL SUMMER RATES New hotel, faces Jefferson Square. Two blocks from van Ness Ave., the d resent snoo ping district. Car lines transferring all ever city, pass door. Every modern convenient. 850 rooms single or en suite.- 150 private hatha. American and European plana, Price moder ate.' Omnibus meets all trains. - , STEWART - BARKER CO, The Hotel Stewart Onena September 1st ' (owe 16 2-6), beat Miss Goss, (receive 15 8-6). 1-8, 8-8, ' 8-4. - In the mixed doubles Miss Fording ' and Rosenfeld beat Mr. and Mrs. Scott, 11-9, 6-8,- In the ladles' doubles, Mrs. Cook and Miss Leadbetter (owe 15), beat Mrs, Nor thrup and Mrs. McLachlan, (owe S-S). . . RIVER OUTINGS Tot Hot Honrs of lways flpol Days roar Comfort. The river breezes are always ana on a comrortabie boat you Can watcn tne scenery and forget your trou bles. Boat ' leaves dally 7:30, 11:80 a. m., 3:30 p, m. Returning leaves Oregon City 9:3Q a. m..l ;0t 6:30 p. m. Round trip 45 cents: Oregon City Transfer Co., foot. Main- street. Pacific phone Main 40. Home phone A223L .- 1 NORTHWEST LEAGUE ;;...a t Aberdeen Tacoma Seattle Spokane lutte,,,..,.. Vancouver .Tt..' Butte, ! 8; Aberdeen, 1, Spokane, 3; Seatle,. 1. Won. ...37 ,..33 ..28 8 Lost, .16 25 26 , . 28.. ' '26 . 46 , P; c. . .698 .569 ..637 ' .619 ,.609 .619 . Lesser Races Postponed. , (Journal Rpeclal Serrlce.) ;' New London. Conn.. June 27, Rmnii water forced ; a nostnonemenr nt t, 'varaltv four and Preahmfln lrht t... Harvard races, scheduled for this morn ing, until after the big 'varsity eight rac at 1:80 this afternoon. ..s Half 3rTiee for Sample i Knslln TJnder- i ' . wear, , All Ferguson-McKlnney's drummers' samples on sale at Golden Eagle tomor row at half regular price. - Cubs Defeat Jackles. The ' Bralnard Cubs defeated v. Charleston sailors at the leape grounds difficulties have b?en overcome and the i ne local aggregation or bail tossers should V It is not at all unlikely that William Chandler, winner of the Seattle Mara- tnon and long-distance champion of xsnusn uojumoia, . will go east next year to meet an or tne cracks In that part of the country. Chandler Is run ning in. fine form and those who saw mm in action at tne Neatt e men r.r... diet a great future for the British Co- juraoia man. e a . Thofnas Longboat, the great Jndlan runner; i Alfred Shrubbi t World's cham pion at an distances from 1 to 12 miles, and William Sherrlng, winner of the Marathon- at the Olymplo games ' at Athens last year, will come to the Pa cific coast and give exhibitions in the different coast cities. They will first penorra at victoria, and will later ap. pear on the track In Vancouver In con nectlon with' the annual field meet - of tne Vancouver Athletic club, which will be held about the middle of September, '"i'W , e ,w It Is some years, since the member of the i Vancouver Rowing club .. have gone into training with the same snirlt as tney nave tnis season, ana it nugurs well for the club's chances at Seattle on July, 8 and 4. TJe club aspires this jow win ctri; vvuuv uji : inv pro gram, singles, doubles and fours, and the chances for- doing so are particu larly good., Tne local , ciuos nave e.'i tered the followlnsr crews Senior Sawens, stroke; Moore, No, 3; Laintr. No. 2: Pattlson. bow. - Junior, A Sweeny, stroke, -'Godfrey,' Ner. 8; McGeachen. No. 2; Fraser, bow. ?5 ... Junior, B Simpson, stroke;. Stacey, no. a; woaington, no. t; rower, now, Senior singles N.' C. Sawers. " Junior slneies Laina. Junior doubles King, stroke; Morgan, DOW, " , - Senior doubles Moore, stroke; Pattl son, bow. - , . Now that ' the Northwestern 1 league baseball season will be cut in two, the second season opening on July 15,. the Vancouver team is expected to do some thing. The management of the homo club has been up against a rather hard fight since the season opened, but all SAX rSAKCISCO'S LEASING) COMJffERClAI. HOTEL, COHXAIKIHO 200 BOOKS. The St. James 2TDZV01T ST. AND YAH KES3 AYZ, ' ' , SAS rBAVCISCO. ' JfATIOH AL HOTEL CO., Pros. i . Wat. IV bergi.' Mgr. . '.',; Is situated In the heart of the bastneia list tr let. Modern and handsomely furnlnlied. Prl tate bath, talepbones la rtwry roon. Sample rooms for tnvellne men. Rate from II. SO to 84.00. Europeao plan. Acceaalhl to all depots.. Sitnatrd In tba heart of the shopping and .bout nest district. CIom to the tbeatrvs. - TSB BEATTIP JTXW Hoter'KeyHoHtelflfl" 22nd' Street and Broadway OAKLAND Sunny rooms, private baths, " long-distance telCDhones. comnressed air clean : ! ing. large lobby, cafe a la carte with, cuisine and servic unsurpassed. For . rates, etc.,-address, N. S. MULLAN, Manager. - Formerly Assistant - Man Acer Patnca ' Hotel, Ban- Francisco. v - Xe HOTEL, AUDUBON bam r&Airoisco xvaoFEAS PiAir oirtr. . . RlDale roonii or an suit. Elsvator. itfUis -. bra, electric lights and all modern convent - encei. , Strictly flritura. Convenient to tliop- .). center. On direct line from ferry aud ". .or. i inn itnrniena oppoi. Kates fl op. . vi .turn sr., oenr vns m arena, J K ' C. B. O ANTES. Mcr. HOTEL HOLLAND Mason, yesterday, by a. score of 8 to i sailors will go against the Multnomah club team on the. Multnomah diamond Saturday. Ellis THEBB ARS PBW people who. know how to take care of themselves the maiorltv do not , ti.. liver is a most important organ in the body. Herblne will keen it In V.' C Slmpklns. Alba. Texas, writ... I have used Herblne for Chills nt F ver end find It the best imedlclne I ever used. I would not be without it It 1s as gocd for children as It is for rrown-up people, and I recommend it It Is fine for La Grippe, i gold by ail dfujjslats, , , figure well up in tbe race from now on. ' Baseball is rapidly gaming In favor tn Vancouver, .but notwithstanding the popularity of the game here,, the man agement of the club realizes what it i means to have a strong team in the I field. Although Vancouver has been In the cellar from the start, the directors ! Of the club have been dolnir well- from i a financial standpoint. But they could do better with a winning team. They nave secured :nn -mrothera or l;olum us, Ohio, to. take over the management! of the team.- Strothers arrived this! week with several first-class box ar tists. Mclntyre will continue as can- tain of the team. The boys are playing I Street, Bet. Powell and Can Xranclseo. NOW OPEN Strictly rirst-Class, Absolutely Tire. prooi. Koomi so with Bath. . ' . 7. 0'DOirirEX.Zi, Mgr. ', I