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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1907)
HIE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENlr, JUNE 7, . 1C07- TODAY'S MARKER'S With Creamery Men Faying as Much for Fat as They deceive for Butter, the War Continues to Go Merrily On. Til FOR 'CM Some Paying: -as, II iffh Price for Fat as They, Obtain '::: for Best Butter. . War raging among creamery lata. pruiM market Is booming. Horry market holds steady. l lrst grapes of season arrlv. ' Cochella cantaloupes to hawkers, , ' Eggs ere Juat holding theft own. . Poultry moves off better, , t , ; Shad .men deeldo to fight again. Many prices rule In hops. War Kafinf Among Creamery Another war la raging among ' the creamery butter and Ice cream manufac turers of thlif city. 80 many prlce, now ruling for butter fat that Im possible to get a line on them. In soma instances butter manufacturers are pay ing more for their creum than they are obtaining for the finished preduct. For ' Ice cream manufacture a htgh as 30c a pound I being paid, for strictly sweet .cream. For butter manufHciurs two creameries art offering as high as 25c a pound lor weir ouiw "" In many Instances sell their butter at 24 and 25c, delivered. Still other cream erlea are still using the old ratio for fat iun a oounu highest price obtained for beat butter. - k. inntr this warfare will con tinue the general trade la unable to pre. dirt. To make matters more compll cated the creamery mea must now put up a certain teat for their butter; the new pure food law specifying that but ter shall not contain more than IS per cent of moisture., In former time there hes heen butter manufactured on the - coast that contained double this amount of moiMure. Jrhla has been true more especially In f fine-when cream was high. Then the creamery men could pay 25c a pound for butter i&t ana sell their but ter at the same amount and still make a handsome profit. - Water is cheap, and this is where the profit came In. Creamery butter manufacturers are stain agitating the establishing Of a dairy exchange for this city, the same as in other markets of this city. In this way the nrice of butter could be placed : at a certain figure and butter fat would secure a uniform price. Several of the smaller creameries are holding out. Prune Market Is Booming. Bales of prunes of late has shown a hww increase for spot stock. Talk of contracting has been general In the val ley, and better prices are reported. . iu. P.. Gsse. a local seller, bas just placed about 3,000 pounds - .for Alaska ship ment. This is for spot stock. Mr. Gae says: "Demand for spot prunes la In creasing, but the wants of the trade are not so heavy as last season. At that time anything in the way of dried fruit found a sale at good prices, quality hardly cutting any consideration. We won't have any new prunes until No vember, and until rttat-time there Is likely to be a very heavy demand for Spot gOOdS."" ."'' V (; Berry Market Holds Steady. ' A steady tone is shown to the berry market . today. Raspberries are ranging hptwn tl.fiS and 11.75. with demand fully uiv to supplies. . Strawberries are rather slow in coming, and there is no trouble In "moving good fruit at the prices quoted. ; Loganberries, however, ' hna a decline lor the tast 24 hours. pales of good fruit being made down to 31, while fancy siock is Being neia today as high as The car of cochella cantaloupes which arrived yesterday were in poor snaps, and hawkers necured B large per cent of them. A car from Braeley Is due this afternoon. Telegraphic advices from the shipper say that the fruit is in fine shape the best ever sent out from the Imperial valley, uooa siock therefore scarce until new arrivals show u. -, .' , Pint Grapes Are la Market. Dryer, Bollam & Co. report In first arrivals or grapes ror ine season, ciocks were from Stockton. ; and were of, the seedless variety. Two crates. , Rtv-market Is lust holding its Own, Some weakness shown, and with arrivals or eastern siock some concession is tiwtprl in the nrice. . ' -- Chicken market holding better with former range of values continued. - Dressed veal continues in demand at printed prices, , but dresaech bogs art Many prices are reported In. the hop market. Sales during the past 24 hours have been made as low as 3c, some up to 7c. Eastern markets are very mow and duu. -. .,, ' Today's prices: , Grata, Tlonx and Teed. ' GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, Jo, Urge lots;: small lots,, me. WHEAT Club. 84tf85ci red Russian, tZC, Diuesiem, bkh'oou: vauey,- atigisBC, OLD POTATOES ABE ; ! " 'tJld potatoes are,, finding a better sale than the new 5 ones on account of; ' their 'better quality. . It Is much easier to 4J ship old potatoes to the outside " than new ones, for they are , firmer. r The new onions are not . fully maturid and. will not keep . as well. There Is a scarcity of new stock, , too, and this helps the demand for the 10 crop. ' There has likewise been a late , advance In new , stock - in-' the . outh."--W. t Dryer of 'Dryer, BFTTFH 101 r. RULES SHEEP op 3 CEIIIS UP With Small Arrivals Market Chicago .Market Suddenly is Doing JJetter (Jattie uiws ActiveiSnread of and Pntlrle the m sum. A like sum was gained by Alaska petroleum over the price of yc?terdy. Morning ad vanced 4o, but m sale was ijinii o higher than yesterday s bid. Alanhut tan lost lo In the aske.l price. , In the Coeur d'Alene group' Happy Day advanced 4o,, while the rest were unchanged. Official quotations: i' "-' Bid. , Ask. ' ' i.; BANK BT0CK8. Rank of California..... 1320. 00 Rankers' Lumbermen's. 104.00v$U2.00 Merchants' National.... ; . ,. . "183.50 Oregon t. a ibu.uu Portland Trust Co - 125.00 United States National. 200.00 . LISTED SECURITIES. Bonds f . Am,' Biscuit Co. es. .... 98.75 100.00 City A Suburban 4s. , . ; 93.00 Home Telephone ts.... ', 80.00 O. R. A N. Ry. 4s. ...... 96.60 98.(0 O. W. P. & Ry. s 100.50 103.60 pae. Coast Biscuit 6s... 97.00 100.00 Portland Ry, 6s........ , 99.25 Holding Steadier. Portland Union Stockyards, Juna J7 irriciai receipts! f nog- Cattle, heen Today ,100 O 160 266 Week ago , 29 100 , 324 Year ago J47 , 606 i Previous year... ... 75- cauliflower, tl.25 Ol.tO dos: peas. 67c: I There wa no further, weakness horseradish, 8o lb; artichokes, 66 w 7 SO I snown in ino came ranrnei ioay, in Over Fiye Cents. MISCELLANEOUS BTOClta per dos; 'I-A Baifig WW" OtPvttac A representative . of a large Chicago grain house wires this morning from the middle west: "Hava been through Oklahoma and Kansatl do not believe be- : Hubbard squash. J per lb: I fact the market was quite steady with snrouts. ) Ter lb: asDaragus 76o best stuff. Receipts for the 84 hours .causa no damage by bugs Is ap per dos bunches; rhubarb. ItiSHo lb; I were 160 head against 100 head a week green -onions, 260 Per dos; Dell pep-iag", t ,n year ago ana im neaa pers, 86c per lb: head lettuce, l mis uais in Jva. f ) dos: cucumbers, hothouse, 66c I The trade generally la of the opinion 11.00 dos: outdoor. 81.00fl.60: radishes. I that the cattle market will be awe to ISA An hnni hoB! .irrnlont khn nar lh: I hold Its own because of the small sun green corn. 35&40c dos. I plies available in this territory around ."IV""' . . I number of, predictions, out thajt the ouk CTibe. ij.ii powoereG, i market hss not only touched the bottom 5.97 H: berry. 85.77 V4: dry granulated. I but that a. allrht reaction Inav bit ex- I5.77H; Star. I5.67H; eonf. A, I5.77V4; I nected as soon as the present run Is extra , 85.I7H: golden C, s.17Mi Uiover 'and the trade becomes) aettled parent right aow that It won't show up later, in ,7 the north western country. In certain fields wa watched. down here It took from 8 to JQ days for dam age to show up. 'This is Just the weather for them to in crease rapidly, too." - - '. 4 Associated Oil ...(.,,.. . 83.60 Home Telephone. .. pao. Tel. A Tel. pfd.,. do common 7.50 puget Sound Telephone. , MINING STOCKa Ijikevlew rr;-r.-nr-rvr. Manhattan C. P. ........ .19 Potlcle Mining 18H Washougal Extension... .26 . i ' UNLISTED STOCKS 1 Taaulna Bar Tel....... 8.B0 1 Alaska Petroleum...... .14H British Columbia Amalt . .02 V - Caseadia 2U Mammoth ............ Morning . , .OJH Standard Con. ......... ,08 Tacoma Steel ......... ,08 COEUR P'ALENE DISTRICT, - J4.00 41.60 95.00 16.00 40.00 .20 .26 10.00 JO .04 H .27 .10 .04 H . .09 .14 ELTjER. -LjOOUEY HIES IIIDSELF Prominent Young Besident of Brain Accidentally Blows Brains Out. offlr siid the burial took place this evening. '1 lie i;nfortuimto man was about 25 J of . His fHtnlly and young wilo, tho luuer whom he married only lnnt eprlnjt, are heartbroken over the terrible tragedy.; . tJ iin. s"'n v., ni ui over a yellow. 15.07: beet gran uU ted, IS 7H; again, barrels, 10c; half barrels, 26c; boxes,! !! Bullion ............ .w-oeH Copper King .,...,7.. .08 W Happy Day,.... .. .04 Snowshoe v.w .40 - Snowstorm .1.95 ' .09 , .06 . .45 : a.05 50a advance on sack basis. (Above prices are 80 days net cash quotations.) - HONEY 88.60 per crate.' ' COFFEE Package brands. 815.88 16.63. " . SALT Coarse Half pound, 100a. 311 per ton; 60s, 811.60; table, dairy, 60s. 815.60; 100s, $16.15; bales. $3.10; im ported Liverpool, 60s, 18.00; 100s, $17: 224s, $16.00; extra fine, bbla, 2s. im and 10s. $4.606.4u; Liverpool lump- rock, $20.60 per ton) 60-lb rock, 111.00; 100a, io.u, CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. June 17. f June 2. Gain. 1906. I .88 I January .88 I February.. .et i March I. june zt. june 2S. Ga July , .85 f .92U I .031 Sept . .99 . .952 .08 Dec 1.01 ,97 - .081 1167 Hogs Hold Steady, For hogs today's market waa rattier quiet. Receipts were 100 , head as July , .96 against a. nominal numwr m. ww and none either a year . ago or two Tun .ill. mivkm wwb .irunx iiraftri - ' . l v - i . . ... l -, . . t . , , i . . ' iuiia ..... in ms ea-i ing nis pwin tocai vmcag, June '27. The wheat market July ......1176 market Then again the weather- is acted craiy today in fact some of the August ..1166 Vi XtLTSLxu mnratfM iw5 Jmo"t out ' mM September 1189 will soon make it Impracticabla to ahlp when the closing gong sounded. The October , .1147 out to the, far ,weat. Beat stuff al market started weak on the dullness November! ... ! tLU i -Kkmm rk. i r ' - "i ","lhdef "f? nLlrerpool but .as December..ll4 w ivivu rir w urxnn ia nour in ins A quiet tone ruled today In the local I market spread its wings, and during A Ncir Tork ( Cotton Market, Open. High Low. ,1168 1168-4165 , June .27. 26. e 1178 lin 1176 1144 1166 1167 1172 1167 1138 1145 1167 1146 1167 1161 11SJ 1173 1169 1173 1170 1137 1149 1146 1161 lhAva tlsAai annlv 6a si a 1 at ax 1 a) I sheen market. Recelnta were 250 head I the session there was a nn nf .hnut I ' ; Fortlana J3JUUC Statement. than car lota Car lots at special prices against izt Head a -wee ago . ey c a nusnei. ihe close was 1 to 3 c I Clearings today ........ ..f 1,066,652.65 subject to fluctuations.) RICE Imperial Japan, N 1. 6c: No. 2, 6HfJ54c; New Orleans, ; head, 7c; AJax. 6c; Creole, e.- BEANS Small white. $1.80: large white. 88.26; pink, 83.26: bnvnu. 82.90; Limas, 6c; Mexican reds, '"e. ; NUT8 Peanuts. Jumbo. ' : per lb; Virginia, 7He per lb; rons; , I0e lb; Japanese, 6 96c; roasted. 77 per lb; walnuts. California, lbo per me nuts. 14I5A per lb; hickory n Oo Per lb: Braall nuts. 18e per lb: fll berts. 16c per lb; fancy pecans. 18920c $6,50. per id; aimonaa, m aii-o. . Xeats, rtsli and Prorlslons, FRESH MEATS Front street Hoca fancy. 6428Vic per lb: large. 67o per lb; veal, extra. (8o per lb: ordinary, JV48o per lb; poor, 6o per lb; mutton, fancy. 89q per lb. 1 HAMS. BACON. ETC. Portland pack (local) hams, 10 to 11 lbs, n per id; head a year ago and none this date in I advanced over yesterday. 1906. Best sheep are today a fraction! . Cash prices were dull but this M nnt higher. Valuea oq. wethers vary from I stop New Tork and Europe buyers from! Gain today , do year ago .a 789,098.05 (Special DJipatch to Th Journtl.) . Drain Or., June 27 A shocking trag edy occurred Tuesday afternoon in the Smith river country , about 80 miles northwest of Drain. Elmer Woolley and hla neighbor, William ' McQee, were camped In the forest about six miles from Gunter and engaged in opening a trau or road. About I p. m. Tues day, Woolley went, from their tent a few rods awav to secure some water fjrnra. a. hrook. taking his rifle with W In 'some 'uhacchuntabte lMMetC- the gun was discharged the ball crash ing through his head, causing. Instant death. -. ,..-,'. His companion,' ; MeGee started - at once to Gunter, six miles distant, for assistance, but In his wild excitement lost his way and when found next morning, he was almost a raving man iac A party went . out and brought In the body to his home at Woolley post- BUBGLAR ESCAITS WON STOLEN H0BSE Drain, Or,. June 27. Up tohe pres ent time nothing has been heard of the . thief who burglarised W. W. Kenes" store at this place Saturday night and stole about 375 worth of sonde mnstlv revolvers and knives. The same night' a horse and buggy belonging to Wil liam Wlsegaxver, four miles south of town, and a saddle belonging to the Palmer Lumber company, were stolen, no doubt by the same party. , - F. MISSLER (Bremen, Germany.) . ., 110-811 S18T T, OAX.TKSTOH, TXX. .(TJnlnoorporfted) " ' - Remittance of Coney to and from Europe - roxxzazr uoznrr zzdsAaB. Ticket Ofnoe for the Steamers from and to Etiropa. 14.26 to .84.60. Official livestock prices investing heavily In the new crop. vrup news irora uermany. ranee ....... ....$337,564.60 I m nil eAv. T i a . "T . Hon-TlMt tni Drorrm tit RA- " imosi as oaa as .tlrrn tmm ArmT II China 'fata ?,TW Irora OWtt Winter Wheat im. "-"7.r-', -- --- , ; , oaiances tooay ............. oo year ago ............... 131.410.47 108,378.67 nuts, i bulls, $2.00. Sheep Wethers, 4.2506.69r lambs, I EASTERN BIARKETS STROXO Sept Ueo Chicago. Omaha and Kaniat City j July Report Good Llrestock Tone. do Chicago, June St. Official receipts Je i,'iw,lL5?,tf Chicago I...... ...11,000 6.000 v 9.000 Sep lb; pcnlcs. 12c per lb; cottage roll, omJh J u o per id; regular short clears, un- l . .Id.vuv . ....17,000 4,500 2,500 July t 4.000 Deo 2,000 . f . . . ... n Ik. .-..i.. . - iw. i tinri in iironr wun t .muv ipi l ovnr. I -. . clear backs. Gnamoked. 12o: smoked, lie Receipts a year ago were 21.000. Mixed at " liis.' iiii per lb; Union butts, 10 to IS lbs un- nd butpJ""j,A80altJ f00? an1 35.76 W-.ku; light, 6.uyi.iw. July t,attie otrong. . . . i epi eneep Birong. . , ., i uct. smoked. 8o per lb: smoked. 9o per lb: I clear bellies, unsmoked, 11 He per lb; I CORN Whole,- $28.00; cracked, i9.00 i per ton. . ....... - , BARLEY New Feed, $21.00 22.00 per ton; rolled. 2J.uufz.ou; Ore wing. 622.00 41)23.00. RYI-$1.65 per cwt " OATS New Producers price No. White. $28.00 per ton; gray, $27.00. F1A)UK Eastern Oregon patents,; straigma.; export, a 34.00 vallev. 84.3$4.40: graham. Us. 83.76 whole wheat. $4.00; rye. 60s, .00; bales, 12.75. ' - - - - MILLSTTJFF6 Bran, I1T.00 per ton; middlings, $25.00; .shorts, country, $20; city, 319.00: chop, $14.0021.00. - HAY Producers' price Timothy, Willamette vauey, rancy. iio.uepi7.oo; ordinary, 312.UU tf'14.00; eastern Oregon, $19.00)20.00; mixed, '510.0910.60; clover, $8.609.00; grain. $8.0010.00; cueac. xs.De((i.uv. ' Bntter, Tggu and Poultry. BUTTER FAT t , o. b. Portland tsweet cream, zso; sour. 21 He. aui 1 Hiti (,uy creamery, zoo; seo- ends, zi c; outside rancy, z&c;- "sec onds. 21V4c: store, Oregon, 1819c ! EQUS Extra , fancy.- candied, ;- 23c 0 24c; uncandled, 2222c. r CHEESE New Full cream, flats, joe per id; xuung America. 1 to per ID. POULTRY Mixed chickens. 12c; fancy hens, 12 He lb; ' roosters, ' old. !0c lb; fryers. 148P16C lb; broilers, 14 ;'&15c; old ducks, 10c lb; spring oucks. luujioo io; geese, 01a, Bdyiuc-per lb; spring geese. lZftcpiSo per lb; tur- Keys, nwne 10 .ror 01a; squabs, 32.50 per doz; pigeons,' 31.J6 per dox. Pressed pouury, lwiKO per id mgner. ,: Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS lo6 crop -prima to choice. 1 S 1 7c, ineaium to prime, tif icj con tracts. 1907 crop. lOfrllc. WOOL 1907 clip Valley. " 29021c eastern uregon, isnrzic v MOHAIR New 1907 2929V4c SHEEPSKINS Shearing, - 16 20e ench; short wool, 26 40c; medium wool, buy ioc earn; long wool, idcdi.o each. , TALtXJW Prime, per lb, H4cj No. 2 and grease; 2fi8c; C1IITT1M BARK-r-6c per lb. , . rrnits and Tegetablea, 1 - . POTATOES $3.0003.25; sweets,' ( ) fr-r l: new ooiatoes, 3 He per lb..' ON 1 UN Jobbing price New Call frma red, $8.76 per . sack; , garlic, 8c 1 ' Jil'l' 1-ES $2 75f?8.' MUSH FJlUITS Oranges, i$34; 1 -uuiuaM. 5c lb; lemons, 54.60(4.26 per 1 x; : limes, . Mexican, $1.00 per 3ju: pint-apples, 36.00 per dos grape f :it. $3.i strawberries, Oregon, per crate;- cherries, 412He ?"T lb; gooseberries, 60 per lb; ap 1 (.ts, $i.ri '.a 1.40; ; loganberries, $19 1.25 per crate; peaches. $1.2501.60: f(!ilonrfs, S4.00; raspberries, $1.65 1 pin-,,... fl.401.60. i-:c:i. 1 AiU.KS Turnips," new, S0c9 : ( ' 6.,-t-carrots. 75c(u$1.00 per sack; ! , $175 per sak: parsnips, $1.00(jjj J 1.:-; -iil-i'M(e. 32.50: . tomatoes, Cali-i Jl t -i. a 1 Em; Oregron, 32 50r3.00; smoked, '13 He per lb; shoulders, 12c per 10; picxieo tongues, sue eacn. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf. 10o. 18o per lb; 6s, iSHc per lb; 60-lb tins. l!Ho per lb; steam rendered, 10s. lle per lb; 6s, UliQ per lb; compound, 10s, 10c per lb. " . ' TTT ft tt.Tl tA 9a n 1h. fltimA. 60 per lb; halibut, 6Hc per lb; striped MONEY AND STOCKS July Kept ABE BOTH HIGHER SSL" ke company WHEAT. Open. High. Low, 96 100 f V 103 ' CORN. 61 62 OATS. 42 48 87 88 86 89 MESS PORK. 1687 1801 .......1635 1640 1617 1681 LARD.' ...i... 882 1 . 887 - 880 887 ....... 902 907, 900 S07 902 . 91Q . 80 . 810 BHORT RIB8. - 855 . 862 - 855 868 880 885 i 877 885 ....... oia s i , 872 . 877 FIBST TBAIN OVEB NEW BAILWAY LINE 97 101 62 as Close. I Regular Serrice Is Commenced by the Pacific A Eastern " .Road. 63H 84 A 48 A J7 - sa T.lmmnnl Unli, U..I... S f4.rcllumb.VflchhlnkPeiric pV; CU IX,aD" HaK Vn 27-Offlclal price.:' lb: blueback, 10c per lb; Steel heads,- 10c per . lb; . herrings, 6c- per lb; soles, to per lb; shrimps, ilOo' per lb; perch. 6c per lb: black cod,1 7c per lb; torn cod, 7o per lb; lobsters, 16c per lb: fresh mackerel. 8o per lb: crawfish. 20o per dox; sturgeon, 10c per lb; black Cent Sharp Advance In New ' , York Values. . WIIEAT, Open. Close. Inn. T I juiy., ,os na eslld 6slld -H4 .7s 2d 7s 2d CORN. (Spedal ' Clips tck to The Jonraal.) Medford. Or Juna 17. The first reg ular, train on the Paclflo A, Eastern Crater : Lake Una left Medford at t o'clock thla morning. At Eagle Point the present terminus of the road, the arrival of the train wag greeted with the greatest enthusiasm. The Eagle Point band and a delegation of citizens attended by ladles received the officials of the road. A splendid banquet was served and the ladles decked the engine in garianas or nowera. jtteguiar ser vice was commenced today. MEYEB nOFER TO BE TOWED INTO HARBOB (Special Dispatch to Tb' Joarail.) ' Astoria, - Or. June 27. Tha steam i! T3v Eaummcnt is Comnlato 1 1 i i . r.', lllw IKilililll. V4' . AILMENTS . Much of the delicate equipment of my ol flce and hospital is specially constructed to meet tho requirements of my distinctive methods of treatment, -which Involves the scientific application of every curable influ ence known to e helpful ia treating the class of dlseaaea I cure.- ' " Z hava stopped at no expense' that could add to the efficiency of my work or the com fort of my patients. There is no other equal- ' ly equipped Institution tor the treatment of men's ailments In the Paclflo Northwest. - 14 , . DIL TAYLC2 j j Tht Uzllzj Specialist Mvraoliv $1 0 In Any Uncomplicated Case . . l . I SeDt.. .4a 104i A . 4s 10KA. Am tnttA bass, 20c per lb: Columbia river smelt, a m rinanM. T th h5n Hm - -: - ". " n te lh; .had. in tr lh- rna ahn k I J1 among financiers that when call , . . weatner JUpena Frnlt.' Rn nr lh Fhftd la ner lb roa ahnd Knl.l,"K iu"g tuiaiiciers mat wnen can nSrTh- shad l roe lBoneJ lb' Uc cod ,0"n" advanoed stock prices receded. ?vte ner lb ' ' Th, na bn disproved time and time . OTSTERS Bhoal water bay. oer ral ion, 32.bu; per iuv-io sacx, )4.ou: uiym again, but today there was another demonstration in New York, for while (SpeHtl Difpsteh to The 'loaraal. Hood, River, June , 27. Hot weather d d schooner Merer Hoff er which struck the bar . at Shoalwater bay ' and un shipped its rudder, sustaining other damages, win be towed to Aberdeen by the tug Wallula tomorrow for repairs men joaa lumoer zor aan Tancisco. m 12 50 tier 100-lb sack. 14 0 oivm. I uc""""'l"""'n " '"w jur tur whiih i -- " IS) t& ttlS MWo 2t nt 6 per cent for two. days Is hastening the end of pi a Eagle. - canned, 10c 60106.25; 00 do. fT.MH ITurddTielt. nw I hnv rasor clams. 82.00 per box: 10c per do.l? P1At' ..all. am ah n . An 1. k.1.iama .I..M.I., ' T. V. I w-. . i . ' ... can;! . y dlv utu u.ii'ij. jlu-i mo xxiwu, mver iirawmrry mq cnerry $240; X.?n, .ii . t?--V,:l crops, and for the first time in a week FBANCIS MUBPHY IS -AT POINT OF-DEATH The entire list closed from I carioaa snipmeni m aaaiuon to ex- . . n , . , I nmaa orn.r. was man n.ra I u . . i.i.i Paints, coal OH, Sto. I rrrX v,i, ..1... -"a At present cherries are going to Butte I Los Angeles, ROPE Pure Manila.. 16 c; standard, beck. Starr A Cooke Co.: &l b".n1n. ood Pbr nk'nR 13ic: sisal, lie. - COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, IAU. maw Dal whit. V. 1 14c ner gal: wooden. 17c Der a-al: head.i DH.8CKIP110N. light, 170 ueg., cases. 21 o per gal. UASOLIM-8 deg., cases. 24W0 ner gal; iron bbls, 18c per gaL Am. Cop. Co, BENZINE 63 dea . cases. lEa nr ralrl Am Car A V ft. irva uiiib. mo por aaj. I Am.. fJOl. vni, c TfTD UI7VTTWP.. t ft,. . . I . T . A w&b. tur All W.nca, vvy jyCT gaij I AUi. MJWV., C, .. wooaen dois, oc per gai. An. Bugar, c... WHITE LEAD Ton lota. TVn twirl Am. flmult ... . . . lb: BOO-lb lots, 8o per lb; less lots, lcAm. Smelt, p.... per , , . .. ' i Anaconaa on. wa . wiKia XSA1L.S t'resent basis at 83.15. 1 Am. Wolen. ...-. Am, woolen, o... JUUIKU HIOCKH I C "i, , i uva. Aar. Can. Pac, c. Tr. Bid Prices Current on Han Franclacn I Cen. Leath., c. - I" ' w i o - TIT awiia oc vr. t .f v Exchange. Cart haIbaa Y..H n. ..... ...I C . -iiviw yuire .1. umciai OlUlf" o. n &. W, C. nrices: 1- - .. , ... ' :' . t I ' IT Am I . A V.. A M W . . . Sandstorm 40c. Ren Ton ika r. rf j.','h lumbia Mt. 47c,. Jumbo $3.26,A; Jumbo Ju & R. Q. e Ext 11.85, .Vernal : 16c. Pennsylvania I Er,e'-C ' ' : 8CA. Goldfleld M. Co. 11.25, Kendall 8c. t. Tm " Booth 89c, Blue Bull ; 27c. Adams 10c. Man. f Ry. . . . Silver Pick 56c, May Queen 15c, Nev. 5. C. Ry. ...... Rn Ia U t . - Ti..-. ... A. C. . . v -t . v u, omo xjuii ioc, I Distillers Dixie 6cA, O. Columbia 33c. Hlbernla Great Nohth'n Bo, St.. Ives 99e, Conqueror 10c. BIk. Ml?four fac'flc-, im: ic, Done eiar ic, O. Wonder 2c, I i; Tr Potlatch 60cA, Oro 20c. Kendall Ext ltT$ " 2c. fianHut V.xt A Vfan r a.i .. IN. Y O. Be W. .. 47c, Great Bend 82c. filmernne 'lOc, Em- 5; A " ' plre 8c, Red Top Ext. 23c. Florence C"rtnAm,; 64.16, uiam'f. B. B. Con. 24c. G. Dais I r' "Hi11 31.60. Laguna 31. Commonwealth 60cA, Comb. fact 33.25, Gr. , Bend Kjct. 13c E61?""?1' c Co Gr Bend Anx. 13cA, Mlllstorm 40ca! ' ? fl& C' a B. R Bonanza 5c, Kewanos 72c. Earner A ' " Rep. I. & S., c... Rock Island, c. ... 8. L. & S. t 2-p. St. LT& S. ft., c. Ho. Pac.. : com.. . do pfd. -. .... So. Ry., com. f. lit ll 181H 117H 107 56)& 95 170 10 128 146U 83 81 24V4 1681 23 140 114 138 20 33U 66 129 76 61 112 st 74 68 127 24 120 85" 103 i Q for lO-pound1 boxes. The prices of ber- i ries is atfii novering around the 33 mark, with indications that it will not be less tms season. (Journal Spedal Berries. I Los Angeles, June 27. Francis Mur- r. The doctors admitted hat there is no hope. It 78 115 is 28 27 .1136 : 85 42 81 68 128 120 107 67 95 66 "1 11 129 147 84 81 25 168 26 23 141 31 68 121 107 68 182 20 34 66 131 76 51 114 74 68 129 iii iu. a b.. com. 87 87 87 Bti. com,fc. 4i4 . .. . . do Dfd. .....".I 98r 99 Wab. c .,.! 18l 13 West.- T.T.- Tel.. . . 7 79 Wise. Cen- c. .1..... ..... Vlr. Chem. ....-.) 26 26 alda 12c, Portland 19c. Cracker lnlt 15c. Red Hill 44c. Mnhawlr V.t 11- Lou IMHon 8c. Y. Tiger 17cA, Grandma lie, S. Pick Ext. 6c, Y. Rose 6cA. Col. Mt. Ext.. 6c. Ooldf. Pons t RK nic-n-e Triangle 22c . BI7LT, FT? nfi fiTRTPTPT .. . m..,. DV. X . T . . Original 8c Bullf M n. iKn ' utah I Tenn. C. A I.. Bullf. 4c, Nat Bank 19c, L. Harris 2c, Tex. A Pae. v. Amethyst !3c, Gold Bar 62c Stelnway T & W"c 8c, Ienver Buf. Anx. lOcA. Bonnie Clare Un,on Pac,, c. . oic.jyiayri.uons a hp. Mnnfv ihin Vrr i . uu, ijiu. 8c, G. ficentre 12c. Montv. Mt ; 1Ar. n I IT. S. Ru Daisy lc, Homestake Cons.; 95cAi Yan kee Girl 8cA, Nugget '6c, Tramp Cons. 67C. Victor 10CA. North Rfnr Un n,,n- set 4c. . x TONOPAH DISTRICT. ' Ton. Nev. 814.874 A Mont. Ton it 9R Ton. Ext. 61.70, MacNamara 29c. mi(i- wav 81.17. -ToOi Belmont. IX 40 rem No.- Star 25c. Ohio Ton. 8c. West End Cons. 85c,. Rescue 18c, Ton. A Calif. 6c. Golden Anchor 20c. Jim Rntlpr n Ton. Cash Boy 6c Ton. Home 6o, Bosr. Ton. lie .Monarch Pitts. Ex. So, Mont, Mid. Ext. 4c, Golden Crown 9c , MANHATTAN DI8TRICT. ' . Manh. " Cona. 60c A : Manh. M.. Co. S-.' G. Wedge 6c- Seyler Hump. 8c, Dexter 12c. Ti. Jo Sc. , Crescnt Hii trwiki.,. tlon 3c. Granny 16c. Mustantr 21c. T.itti. I Fours, reg., new.... 1925 Grey 15c, Cowboy ,2c, Orig. Manh. u-, I -do coupon ,i . .1925 Broncho 6c. Pineout 7c. Buffalo Kn R I Fours, reg., od. . . . .1907 Dog 16c, Y, Horse 4e, Indian Camp, 5c. do cSMn-''iiXl . ' .7 i do coupon ........ Falrv. Silver Kinr I Or A. Fair v. T!nr1 To Pmnmt- nw 65o, Nevada Hills 35.25. No. Star Wonl District of Columbia. .4 .. a. V.l.,. V.., .A. . r . I . . . I u, mikibb iBfc (WA, JCVUfiy " w Oil-I 104 21' 114 .19 801 27 65 64 169 22 10 1Z8 145 33 31 24 167 z 28 1U "551 42 81 PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Meiry-Go-Ronnder Skips. 'Special Dlnpateh te The JeoraaL) - Newberg. Or.. June 27. The tick seUer for Arnold's merry-go-round, which was nere 10 caxe aavaniage or the en campment business, absconded with 880 68 I Mlnino' Hhunx In Rtn TVomanf mnA P the company's money. Constable 123 " . , . . TZ. 7 . " woods Is on his track. The name of the 74 68 126 120 ..... its 103 21 78 113 1 28 27 138tl36 98 18 79 2'" 119 107 6f 25 26 96 65 171 zz 10 128 140 34 31 26 167 29 23 138 114 130 20 33 66 180 Tit 17 61 113 86 74 68 128 25 120 90 34 104 21 84 20 79 114 19 140 30 27 137 83 87 134 98 18 79 16 25 Show Gains. fugitive is unknown. Associated OH advanced 80c todav on I - . ' ' the local market, but no sales were lxaas aampia Bai jwusiia Tnderwear, made. . Home-Telebhone shares were! -m ,, aPrioe. offered 60c lower, but bonds were un- Sale of Fergoson-McKInney samples. cnangea. - I an one piece of a kind, half uric to- luaiiuntia-ii vauwaa ir sAuvmiwu 71 C, uivmuw ait 5,113 Ulla9n il;16. . Total sales for day. 477,800) shares. All money closed, 607 per cent, , is i,','v!'t.'."-.s i- .-"i 11 ,( 1 ivi1:-i...f'':''Vii--ivj United States Government Bonds. New York, June .27. Government Donas: - -, : -v.. ' ' ' - Date. Bid. Asked. Twos, registered ...1905. 104 lo t do coupon . . ....1905 105 106 Threes, registered ,.1918 102 ,108 ' do ocouwon .......1918 102 103 U. Tnreea, email Donas.ivia 102 102 101 128 1ZD , 100 109 104 104 114 129 129 101 101 101 105 der 18c, Alice of Wonder OcA, Pittsburg duvpi" Jt'veuk i.iv, 1 September Wheat Option. June 27. ?JunB2fk Uverpool Cotton Market,, ! B?,??lB-"r.V:":i:: 11 Llvemool. June 27. Cotton- futures I Minneanoils 102 SHUT) iH-e4l; string beans, Uc; closed 1 point up to 2 points down Liverpool ....f. To 2d 7s2d Very Low Rates JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION .Points East :',.; Are you going east? Do not forjret ,v 'j our 1 excellent service. and Ihat you ' can make the renowned Yellowstone ," 1 ' Park trip when using our Jine - at t very little additional cost. , ' 1 . , EVERY LUXURY OF TRAVEL- mi VIA NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY ; For' rates and information call on or address -, , . t . A. D. CharIton, A: G. P. A . Portland, Oregon. '- 'I . Ticket Office Third and Morrison Sts. II il !! II II I! ii it ii ii ii i it ii ! If if if it tl ii ll It w H n n M !! ii a ii if ii it You Can Pay When Cured m :1 : rnn.i.i.f in ..I iMm frsa at office or bv maiL If tou are af flicted consult me. You can place implicit confidence in what I tell you. .ni it i mt,r,nt vnur nu vou can rest assured that a complete and per manent euro will follow my treatment If Specific Blood Poison " I cure this leprous disease com pletely. The system is thoroughly cleansed and every poisonous lain removed. The last symptom van - ishes to appear no more, and all is accomplished Dy me use oi narra-leas,-blood-cleansing remedies. Contracted Disorders ' I bave reduced the time required for c firing contracted disorders bout one half. Thia is an import ant achievement. It replaces dan ger with safety. It forestalls chronic complications. It removes the infection and Inflammation be- 'fore that vital center. the prostate gland, can - become involved. To ' manv men it means the difference between perfect health and a life time of misery and functional weakness. My method Is mine alone. My treatment is original; in some features it resembles the ordlnsry. In its chief essentials it ts different. In results it is en tirely different It is safe, prompt and thorough. , Uy success la Permanently dur ing . Tbat ' Ooadltlon ' Commonly Xnowa as "Weakness" Pally Dem onstrates tbe Absolut Oorrectaess of Ky Xetaod of Treatment. Surgery Is not only harsh, paln-i ful end dangerous, but is entirely unnecessary ir. the treatment - of stricture. I employ a painless method by which the obstructing . tissue-is dissolved and all the membranea of the organa Involved thoroughly cleansed, and restored to a healthy state. - Varicocele " The perfection of my method of curing varicocele is no less than a marveloua achievement, and af fords a striking example of - the wonderful possibilities Of mild and gentle forms of treatment Equally forcible, it - demonstrates the folly, of resorting to surgery in the treatment of this disease. I cure varicocele in on week, without cutting or pain, and sel dom is It necessary to dotain the patient a single day from his busi ness. A cure is a certainty In each, instance, normal circulation ia re- , stored, and the natural processes or wasie ana repair are again ea- WUliailCU llll u.,,uuv " ' "J v. , . system. Why suffer varicocele and !j endanger your health- and manly -!! power? I offer you a radical cure, H and my treatment is independent of the harsh, painful and danger- 11 .... .n...Ma . V. n .h.n.l.rl. Ih. methods usually employed. i! ii M jj k no JtUaVJ. f H CJLy KKJl wo, j HM XOXKLSOZr aTST, CQMMEM mXOOXJf, IVITUI9, OKSOV. Ij MEN : fin fSTf TREATED AND CURED Ecs! Service. Lowest Charges, Cores Gssrssieed ' vThe sre sfflieted with NBRVOU8 DEBILITT, er Fllln' eommonlr - called "LOSX MANHOOD," Eili.u.tlnf Drains. fimpW iflri Bask. Inflammstlnn of tbe Bladder and Kldaejrs, Highly Colored CrliT Impotencr, Denpondencr. Falling Memory, Lous of Ambition, Mental Worr renaita of exceat and overwork; i'llea. Fiitiila and Hydrocele or nthii wenkneaa, wblcb, abaolutely unfit tbem for Study, Bualneas, Pleaaara or ' Marriage. A -. . .;. . ' - ... ,. Ho eora, no pay. B!6od Poiaon, ' contracted or hereditary ; gkls Di. . euu, Rh.amati.m, goroa, Bwelllnra, DUoharva. - OoaorrhMa, Oleot. BUio. nro. Enlarged Proatats and Uydrooala. Hosaat Dealings, -Snccra fill aoJ . Conaclentlous Serric. Reasonable Cbargta, . , , : CaH er wriUSS. T. 3. PIZECX. Ill Tint t, lortlaaa, Or. " j we Cure Men SEE US FIRST AND YOU WILL NOT HAVE SO MANY MEDICAL' ' , . " : FEES TO PAY. . . , . .'We are curing 'mow men than any two spe- cialista m rortland. Uur small tee, enables tis to cure for less money than many self- OUJl PEG styled specialist ask for their serivces. Our auvicc iu juu win oc wuiiii iuutit in juur case if you need the services of a skilled, reliable specialist. .. , No Pay Unless Cured $10 IN MOST CASES If you have a disease or weakness peculiar to men your condi- tion calls promptly for the best treatment the medical profession affords. We have long studied and thoroughly mastered infirm ities of this character. Our business and professional methods are clean. While we are naturally ambitious to cure as many men as :: possible, yet we want to do so on a fair and square basis, with -mutual confidence between physician and patient. Our object is not so much to do. the work that other doctors can do, but rather y to do that which they cannot do. What we solicit in particular is obstinate cases; cases which have been made worse by all kinds of , inferior treatment. The knowledge, skill and experience of years - .are at your service. . ' By tbe latest and best methods we cure to remain cured, VARI. COSE OR KNOTTED VEINS. BLOOD POISON. NERVO- VITAL DEBILITY, BLADDER and KIDNEY Troubles, and all "associate diseases and weaknesses with their reflex complications. We make no misleading statements, deceptive or unbusinesslike propositions to the afflicted, neither do we promise to cure them in a few days, nor offer cheap, worthless treatment in order to secure their patronage. Honest doctors of recognized ability do not resort to such methods. , . CONSULTATION FREE AND INVITED Our reputation and work are not a mushroom growth. We have been curing men for, 27 years. 1 Write, if you cannot call All correspondence strictly confidential and all replies sent in plain envelope. ; Enclose 2-cent stamp insure reply.- ...'.-...-:. , ,.,, ,..... OFFICE HOURS 9 a. m. to S p. m.; evenings, 7 fo 8:30; Sun days, 9 a. m. to 12 noon. ' , 1 . ST. LOUIS t:Saf 3 DISPEHSAOY CORSE KCCOVS AHT TAHEXU STXrETS.FOKTI.AKD, OSB