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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, JVlH 21. 1C07. JOIIiJ HAWWIWG'S LID ; CERTAINLY FIT TIGHTLY First Actual Pry Sunday iiy Portland ; andMuItnomah County "Religiously Observed by Saloonmcn-Such ' at' Least Is Indicated by the Reports. Not even ray of hope glimmered through th. lid fitted by John Manning over Multnomah county and the cHy of Portland yesterday. Not even a tingle drop of comforting brew Irrigated th tongues of the thirsty.' Even the weary pilgrim who journeyed to Mllwaukle and Oregon City saw a water bucket banging on the town pump and the city hydrant and came back unsatisfied. Tbta district certainly was dry. " '3-x.J2maa.afjthe police department and the sherlfrs office dtifeiu(e"1hefjt that all of the ettv and county was law biding throughout the second Sunday of the dry spell. Down where Chlaf Orltsmacher holds forth there la a lone list of men who had accumulated too much -of a Sunday reserve fund, out they bad found It for the most part -m Saturday night In anticipation or wnai was before them on the Sabbath. Dur In the late hours of Saturday nlgnt and the early part of Sunday the offi cers were passing busy In gathering vp tne derelicts who naa Become wnn-ky-logged on their voyage homeward - These Men Snowed Tight. Patrolmen Hlrsch and Ben Peterson )id the most exciting experience of the 3ay at Fourteenth and Thurman streets when they attempted to arrest a man for threatening to kill. Arriving at the place they entered to find some 16 men engaged In emptying a five-gallon keg or beer. All were more or jess mioxi . cated and when the officers entered put tin a fia-ht- ( . The two policemen after a general tttle captured two of the men, Ous Class and H ' Holster. They 'were brought to the station and booKed on charges of drunk and disorderly. In addition to these- James Nelson waa ricked up at Eighth and Burnside, Jack PaUey at First and - Jefferaon. Tom ' Moran ' at Fourth and Flanders, Tom Rusa at Park and Washington, R Patt and Jack Adlund a Sixtn and Glisen. W. Hanafrank at Third and Al der, J. J. Splllman at Twenty-fourth and Thurman, Jamea O'Leary at Twenty-first ' and Washington, John Carlson and C M. Qrubbs at the union depot, Al Mott at Kat Third and Hot lidav, J. B. Gibbons at Second and Washington. Earl Ritchie and Elmer Good at Park and Washington. The last two were charged with being I I , I' i dnink and disorderly.' - In ; every, ease men arrested for drunkenness serried pocket flasks or quart bottles of whls- aev witn uieru. - . : , .('' The only raid of the day "was made bv Detective Patrick Maher and Consta ble Lou ' Wagner, who swooped down on a negro Joint at 262 Everett street and pulled a bunch of dark-colored crap players. These men were arraigned In police court this morning and their cases postponed until tomorrow, morn Jng. . f ' ' ' ' Sheriff Stevens mode a tour Of the county In sn automobile during tne ear our hues . FAILED TO REACH ,,-' f V . ' ,'- ' - ; xt ; '. t ill i 11, J? J'"' '' : ', J. . -t' ' i .'. .. 'i. ' ' . ', ' - I. For -This Reason Entertain - meiit Cominitteo Invites . All Hotel Patrons. . SECOND OOVE III The committee on entertainment of Admiral Swinburne and the officers of the flagship Charleston and destroyer Paul Jones, formally extends an Invita tion to all patrons of the Portland hotel to attend the reception, whether they have received invitations or not.. The reception will be held tomorrow night, put many or tne invtiauona wens umj. Tne members of the reception com mittee are H. C Bowers, chairman. W. D Wheelwright, Dr. K. A. J. Mackensle. General Charles JT., Beebe, 8. Q. Reed and S. Meara. -. . ...- . An invitation' has been Issued to the officers of the array, post at Vancouver, i:r. 7i th. mnrninr hut found that orrirers or ine array, posi at inrotr, frt.2 J, i- h.rn looknul Manager Bowers is mailing eiaooreie ?t,X!!n,m fiU hut found no law preparations for the affair. Following ihI?.u.Sut thm 01 r', , ,ouna no ihe reception in the hotel parlors, re- VMO-Sii. mnA Or.n Clt v followed f reshments will .be. served and the court .r V.. f pirtiinrt veVtardav and M"111 arrangea ror a promenaae.. urn l1", '" iLyA.T i Caorlos band will play In the court, . .n-i tS law to serve llauor on ! brilliantly 1 hted with aaTbeT. rVponed" went . I " , MORAL CKOSil Deputy Haney Causes Arrest of Jf en Supported by " , Fallen Woinen. The second run In the moral crusade Inaugurated, by the district attorney's office was fired last night when Pat rick Maher and Constable Wagner, act ing under the direction of Deputy Dis trict, Attorney Bert Ilaney, arrested Jean Dills and' fWirra- fiivan , Irn Frenchmen, and five French women and put them In 'the city Jail under heavy bonds. The two mn war rhurnil with living off , the, earnings of women of 111 reDUte. Snd were hTd f or annMtranoa under 12,500 bonds. The five women, Clondlne Krne, M. Chlvlfler, Kusle Lorey, Jeannie Le Blum and Delorea Fronds. were.,heldL Aargeav oi : Uvjng.ln.jdj8- DRUG is mis ( QUJIC Q I E Professor : Remington Says , Measure Affects All in tho XTnited States. - 1 Professor Joseph P. Remington, dean of ;he Philadelphia, College of Phar macy," chairman of , the United States Pharmacopoeia, editor of the Unltel States; dispensary, and the most distin guished, writer on pharmaceutical ' sub jects In the country, la ,: In Portland, shaking hands with some of his former students, 'among "them ' members of claeses . which he Instructed 80 years ago . . ,. . Professor Remington . Is an enthus iast on the nure food and drue law passed by congress last year, which, he PATRIOTIC CONTEST - ' AT NEWBERG TONIGHT ',' (Rpcjlal Dl.patcb The Journal. I ' (Newberg, Or., June 24-Thls.evenln a patriotlo content will take place in connection with the O. A. R. encamp ment. In which three 'girls from the public schools will contest for a prise. The content is under the management of the department president of the W, R. C. of Oregon. The essays are orig inal and are entitled as follows: "Stay Put." Ruth Gilbert' "What Is Patrio tism?" Kate Bryan; "Why Be Patrtr Otlo?.' Ermi llauiwlr i : ! ' : ' , . '.Many veterans era hare already and caifips are going up in the prove.- The houses in-town are decorated. A prise wIlNbe -awarded for the best decorated business houses.' The convention prop er will begin tomorrow. ; , GRADUATION. WEEK :V IN ASTORIA SCHOOLS BADE . SpecIal Diapatrh to The Jnoreat.) ' Astoria. 'Dr.. June- la. Graduation week in Astoria's schools onened today with', appropriate .exercises at the dif ferent bulldinsa. ' The program extends over Tuesday and Wednesday. The events mark the close of, one of the E ID GIRLS' SCHOOL Bishop Scaddirig Will Place St. Helens Teachers in Charge. ..; paaaaga of the act In tha face of tre. mendous opposition from million-dollar wp-T.iions wnicn .were - growing rat tnrougn tne sale of fraudulent medi cines and nostrums, was tbe.culmtna- tne war which had been waged Vancouver Oalr Oasis. Vanpnuvaf waa tha onlv oaslsf the day. Carload aft4r carload of Portland men made tne trip across ins voirau wnere tnev ioaae? ud in moa laaiiiun. According to the story told by one man who spent the day In the .Washlngtoa iMtT there were four carloads of more or leaa Inebriated followers of Bacchus on the last trip home, some or tne pas-i nrn iwtina- an rar aavancea in m. stages of celebration that they had to be hoisted on board tne cars aner iro xorry trip acroaa the river. All during the day men sst about the curbs In Van couver too fsr gone to care. The great FIESTA PARADE is REPRODUCED The. rose fiesta In picture la admlr- ORCHARD ALONE IS GUILTY, SAYS DARROW Western Federation Defend ed From Attacks by " v Mine Owners. ORGANIZATION READY ) TO PERISH FIGHTING BaK1a avkAeaVM vlSfss JaTSasB TTsklaa'al "TrtllP meljoriir OI ,. in wmnunnp, uv-ww i . .. J M w- . . i i in .a bhI eaBSkvA I Ul -LUV 1 Ul IU. XI I. T t s baa. auej ajieaiiex,- Kle u Tnavliate w Itt lh aJd of W had film, made from the pa- able to navigate Wlinoui ine i aio f , I ? - tt n.mmmA .hrnurh tha atraata. tra saalstsnce when , tne time lor um i - ;r. r. -""-"2 . - . - . -i ma inDBi wdo isiiea . 10 m swa " Not even the club, furnish! .urcee Til? J!' J&J&JJI!1.1 a aUtuai .aakw1a al m ria n Hal sVSkpei I l !? SUIU fruv HUVIW V-MtMiw aeassa. X rUIII (.until catci - n Mva, iZJbJ?tLnnn1?:-rwueJt Th ilr i decorated carriage, and MSrnlC MrT mslns In office he will see" to It that delight to the eye and an event of 1m- he lid Is kept . nailed down nara anaiP"i"CT '!?'"" " ",T .. fm , ...i ,,, I IU) iqo, so gicaiuni opporiuiuir la ss who participated will Inter ested In knowing Just bow they an- peered. ' . '- ' - Manager Frits gave a ' private view lor the pictures to tne rose parade com mlttee. all of whom ex Dressed them selves a. delighted with, the' reproduction.-' v ' ' The film, of the rose show are .to be exhibited. In Seattle after they have been shown here.- one of the object, betas-, ss Mr. Frits savs. to show Se attle people that we have some, people nere. it - BASEBALL BETWEEN1 COPS AND ENGINEERS Wairir'iionMi -rra irerelivra ii nonds each. - , - in the police court this morning the men asked for a continuance until Wednesday, which waa arranted and the bonds continued in the same amount According to Denutv Hanev the atate I tlon Of ha. a strong case aarainet the two men ! by honest druggist, and othere reure and will be able to send both of them j eented by the United State, pharmaco to tne penitentiary, 'ine cnarge lougea I peia. . .-,. . . ; . arainat the men la a felon vender thai -The Strlnaent ; measures whioh It Oregon law, the penalty being from one (placed on all quack manufacturers, com to five years' Imprisonment. t ' I pelling the publication on . the label. in the case or toe women arestea, i or ingredients contained in their nos M. Chlvlller deeded not guilty and her I trums. was also In direct line with the trial was set for tomorrow mornlnnr. I fight against nublio decention bv these She and the other women were each held! fraudulent' concerns carried on by .two unaer ou ban as witnesses ror tne I or the leading periodicals in the coun- laiv in- (iiv .(bihbi' hi r.wv 111.11. i FJ ' ' . All those arrested, with the exception I "The e-reat mnA whlh this new law of M- Chlvlller. were unable-lo furnish has accomplished," said Professor Hem the necessary bell and were locked In I In g ton i this afternoon, "is shown more Jail.. ' v ' w ' ',. clearly' than In any other way by the irpuu n.ntr, who . cimrw vi un unprecedented antagonism or the quack cases, states that It Is not the desire of doctor, and manufacturer, themselves the district attorney , office to - wage to the measure. But Itha. Dossed and war upon the women, but it Is the in- become operative, and IT .tate. in the IvnilUU Clllior tU uui IUO sii-at wwil- I tinmn have TmmA imrtlamantaw 1st mraa sorting with them in the penitentiary , t0 .peaJtTto catch the operator who A l.fw .TnAn An. Af tne Htv . Thai & . ... . . . T w. w...w w- - i ines 10 aoage uie penalties or tne rood present case I. only the beginning. ,, - 1 anfl arum Uiw. which aa a naUonal measura armllaa only to lnteratata com, VA TT) AVrrTTam .PAD . - - ' 1 merca IWJ XXIAIUIIAOJU A JXv "In brief, the oners Hon of tha law " CnTT'TTTl?'P'W '',TA f'TWP tn,,: tA person now, whether lay. wu-w un' nnw gttm. 'TneorwTnairraauatidnt of". tnrhTgni man or physician, purchase, drug, from a .tore, and by reading the label, which the law aava must state the axart num. CJty Attomer Think. It Llabto to SXo'J wS?'" Reasonable City Regulation- Twelfth treet Question.' concerned, the former gave the latter money, a Masonic ciiartn, ana a waxen to keep safe. - Pettlbone purchased camp supplies for Orchard cheap. He with Neville then left for Cheyenne, There he met Davis and other Federa tion men In Moran s aaloon. He stayed there, eeveral days, but never asked . Members of the noBce force baseball Moran to go to Denver to get anoney for team believe they will win f rom the him as he told you. We have Moran city engineers' team tomorrow - after to prove this. - We heard nothing more noon. Great plans have been made for about Orchard for montha - . , 1 1 the., game to be played Between tne two . Vavav Blew TJn Bradley Konse. ; Hi c"f oepariroenis at in- vnn ; '.r . . grounos. uame wui ne caiiea k e;au, "The charge that the Federation killed I - , . Lvte Gregory is unfounded, we never! tu- iiin. rnr the oiira team fnl. . L. T - t A ., T . " . , , I iuu oiiyiiuutf HKninni urrgurjr. n. iivvvri lowa Pitchers Oraves r Jivans: rinkertong Hlred to Destroy Union persecuted ?ederatlonMmen. ' The only liwBmltinnteVohn . r.Mw-l P"on" wun a grievance again.! wreg- Wendorf; .econd base, John AHierson: .. Every Deed of Violence Charged I ory were coal mfners not affiliated with third base, Pat Maloney; shortstop, Against Miners Story of Orchard j "Orchard wrote Pettlbone several IS0Ji5r frft in ci Ight field, Keller; center field, neio, curcneii. - as Seen by Defense. house, at the time of the explosle-n. W. STEPFATHER ADMITS have it.nn.ltlA.. n .hn Miinl Mnf Ol W i aiJUA i Ue SLAYING LITTLE ONE blew tin . tha house, in Ran Francisco. By John Kevins. I This is another of his pipe dreams. noise Ida.. June I. Clarence Darrow J thrown In to .how he 1. the greatest j. ... .a . . -..vina- tha state- criminal or the ages, r The evidence tjMrnal goerta! 8errlcs. tfUVU UW UUi v mm .w aUABva TJealaw aAln Mast at HnAS I ' LT . - a s xnent for th. defens. la th. Haywood ;nrthaT by V ga. explosion tta 'house .teath.?' case today by declaring that Orchard front was blown out into the .treet j hbie remain, were foupd burled In undoubtedly killed former . Governor i " r. '"-"r ". ? ; a I the - back yard or tne ,mwii nome. - . . i ln mis connection can oe irua. w e wui Mrti, nnnfeaaed today that he ha( Steunenberg. but th. motive waa per- ,ow by experts that if 10 pounda of R'I -.fSS-?thl Tc&ldT neck. mY aonal revenge. He declared nls tesa-1 giant powder had. been ' exploded j It buri.D over her head and filled In ihe .a a . . amn ijej hana maia r i v e-asat r laa eriwtv t - . . m mony wa. utterly wortnieaa. ; I 1"Z . V "vi. 1 I.LY. I hole wnere tne oouy was iuuiiu. ' . . , ot.nn.n I .1171111111 VUI uui. ill Ilia K11U He said the real murderer of Steunen-J noth," Bradley himself. berg could not hide behind Haywood. j .ma He Xated Btennenberg. - "That he Is ru J ' h nf : "Not one otneer of the Federation ftteiinenherar la undoubtedly true. He I j ... , - .............. .- -- ,h.- hit 1 mia 1 wncuonmi, busbwito -nr buhiui muj ahouted. "but we will show what It was attaclt upon peabody. Bell, Ooddard, inai aciuaira ur.. - "- : 0ebbart or others and none wa. made. ,trfM r!hari E Wolverton 1. hear- yX.JVJalaZ.r&Z&rtAn- of these men are alive today. inJThV argument. In the libel .ult of il. JlrA chard aVter kiillna Bleu. Neither did one of t them ever; say a William Matting against the steam Haywood. Orchard, after KU liny Bieu- 1 . gan. Steunenberg nor In any I hZ.t oaemita In which Matting ti. hV aarrir ri men who had I way couneeian- attempt on ni. iira.lg.ks for $5,000 for injuries na alleges SiThrJ?X acrlcln men wno n,a Orchard left Denver-and cam. back to to hav. received while working on the r. . . . Li.. i waiince.. ror. ine nrsi lime since isss. 1 u..i aa a. , inna-anoreman. i Maiuni His excoriation 01 urcnara . was vtr 1 , - - Hnttn- fAnn.; r.Vl tut hi. .nut. waa crushed in partners, all wealthy,.,1 This caused him such a manner as to permanently dis to express hatred for Steunenberg, I able him and says tne accident was wnicn ne aid." . ' - due to tne . negligence 01 tne a owners. ' Darrow concluded at 1:29 o clock and I . " 1 1 ' r.? - -4 court adjourned until Tueeday morning. I . Tjoniaville Builders Strike. ASKS DAMAGES FOR CRUSHED ANKLE In. the evtreme. Vadaratlmi Hon In a Jail. Darrow bitterly resented- the impu nn tht Imm tha tncentlon of the Fed eration 1t wa. a pure conspiracy to kill and control politic.. . - " . .- ' , -The Federation wa. born right in the cells below vou. continued Darrow. "It -was born whM Bd Boyce and other loaders were held there a. prisoners. Hawlev. now chief counsel for, the elate, was Jts first attorney. v 'T Is purpose was to organize men for the benefit of worklngmen, ielr widows ond orphans. The union has neen in- SECOND CHANCE FOR - CONFESSED MURDERER (Joaroal Bperlal Bervlee.) ruisvllle. Ky.. June U. Two thou sand workmen in the building trade I alliance struck today, following an order I to enforce a working card on all union.. ' NEVADA MINING STOCKS . June 21. Official (Special, blapa tea.' to Tha Jaeraal.) ' Helena, MontH June 14. The Supreme strumental in passing eight-hour laws j COurt-today rendered. decision revar.-1 p' rnrWnt Today on the San tnMontans. court In1" t H"t iilira i.wjiii. r I , ' ' -; .. t- 1m . - . ... .' J"TaH CISCO . XUXCIlBUKC. '.. ' T r 1 ' U 111 VIWI JUUBC" w iv twn. ujwm n.w , - - e . I , , laws from the standpoint of the man Sherman, a. young newspaper man who ; San v Franolsco, wi.k niir .hnv.i - - it tib hi had been convicted of murderlna . a I nrlcea: ' ' Interest In politics but "never entered I Jeweler named Studsinskl for the pur- . GOLDFIELDS DISTRICT, Into a criminal conspiracy." - ' 1 P"e of robbery, and wno was given a I :i gandstorm. 40c; Bed Top. ISA; Colum- wm .le nurhtbur. " ' illc- Ki.raS'L'?T' bla Mt., I7e: Jumbo, I3.60A; Jumbo '.Tt has been a firhtlnr organization I iaw.i.r- aa he waa from Its Inception and if it dies will I strong box' and then die fighting,", said Darrow. "We win gurgling not apologise lor any 01 b.cib. i: has had to fight the Mineowners' asso elation "from the' .tart,- and ha. done 1 wherever It ha. gone. The organlsa tlon ha. ' met 'Stubborn resistance - li some Instances. - The president , of the reversal, was that the lower court erred union waa rerusea xooa. at tne nenest in it. instruction, relative to me inauc or tne .mineowners. une or tne chief ling or a conression. ,. v means to destroy tne union ha. been 1 '' "They, have made detective. f offi- JURY'S, VERDICT cere i ine - unions.- .0 -inai wnen. a etrike occurred , they could -urge, vio lence ana incite, tne member, to law lessness.- Slander, abuse and vlllifl-1 ' j cation was also used. Every deed of I The Jury which heard the evidence ; (Special Slspeteh to The Jeareal.) Salem, Or June U. -A careful search I. staggering blow." of the archives at the county courthouse Mm. with b.tent medicines. "To the person who uses his Intelli gence there I. little chance now that he or ihe will be fooled if the label la read. In this w.y the great fraud which for year. ha. been conducted ao suc cessfully that It has built up gigantic moneyed corporation, baa bean delivered Professor Remington aava that every. , .... 0-...1 n im. I Where he has visited ha haa found that .an. reveai l" W""J1 public sentiment 1. eteadfaetly back of naa uj ji.utmno nau. w. , """u i me national law wnicn - prevent. - ae- street in Salem. . Tha matter was re- ception and later, probably at tha next ferred for an opinion some time ago to ""1. J Y?.ZZm ml wor "tnasant th. city-attorney on motion of on. of e.rtloVduiter7tiSn of mWtZ Sl tha oounctlmen and In his report and drug, and dishonest practices at present opinion presented to th. city council h. Jeopardising the public health. i . T . . A dinner will be given Professor Rem ays. 1 ; T - Inaton tonlarht at tha Portland hotel "Referring to your Inquiry as to the I by his friends and former students. - He rights of th. Southern Paclflu on I Is spending his vacation on the coaat Twelfth street in th. city of Salem. Or "'T! hW-t0.",A.,,n . arsvawaw a, a ; w wauiUQWU BtllU . VVaM f ornla. CHINESE MISSIONARY VISITINGflNCITY rin. wuicn ffl.lirr lull I rici i mi miv. hay. to say that I can find no record of any franchise having been granted for the uae of thl. street. Th. railway. aa I am Informed and believe, wa. con- Structed during the year 188 by tne iregon California Railway company, and this street , was, not at that time ,SLi.,2-' ti ir t r. f a i FletchS. Brockman, national .eore, agreement or franchise I think, the com- tary of tha. T. M. C; A. Of China and pany would ba liable for .uoh reasonable Cores, with headquarter, at Shanghai, "u.,a"e0,??.1;t"ir.r2 ?,1"Lr2.Vo; rried in Portland today accompanied council might see nt to adopt and would I 'u "iw cnnaren. he pennired to tmnrove the nart uaed 1 Mr. Brockman .ailed from Shanghai by the company for their right of way." J on th. steamship Minnesota Mav 10 and The question was brought up before I arrived at Seattle June. 7, In which city tne city council on a petition rrom tne ne nas spent me principal pari or . tne residents along the street who wish to time since hi. arrival in thl. country, Improve it permanently, and atnee the and attending th. Oearheart conference limits of the street are not nronerlv on Sunday. He renort. an exceotlonallv defined a motion waa made to employ pleasant ocean trip, free from the usual a competent surveyor to ascertain tn. aiscomron. moment to a sea voyage, boundariea , . . , ' i ; J After a short stay In Portland, Mr. Brocaman win go to New Tor city, but nTTT?"CAT rrn T3T?TI?tTTT" nope, to return to China by the end or VUiXill XV AVlvXiA f IU ' - the year. A reception will be given thl. - ' I aa.KHHa. a. ? . A I If. W. '. T , ,' JLLtAXjlU VLiUjJlxxrjO by William Ladd. school clasa will take place at the As ions tneatre wednesdsy evening. The baccalaureate sermon waa de!lv red by Rev. John Warren- at f Grace episcopal, cnurcn. last evening. The Junior reception' will be held at IiMn'a kail tKIa & n I n a. Tha Mln,l. . n ' . urn . ii V . W 1 1 1 e ' . l.v v.un.i.s "reception and banquet of the alumni win ne neid Saturday evening at Odd veiiowa- nan, ror wnicn elaborate prep- ranons are oeing maae. i - t , . PORTLAND ANNEX ; LANDLADY ARRESTED Cornelia Bmmerlckj landlady at tha Portland hotel annex, wa. arrested thl. rorenoon Dy fletectlresTrorn central ata tlon, on a charge of larceny of two .Ilk skirt.. The arrest was - made - upon complaint of A. U Morris, a traveling man, .who haa' been stopping at the an nex.- He had the skirts "on dlsnlay in the sample room, together with other good, when the former d leap pea red. . The theft w reported to police headquar ters . yeaieruay ana, ioaay tn. .Kirt. were found In the poeeession of Mrs. Emmexlck., She was taken to the po nce aiaiion ana reieasea unon ua aa. yuan iuiiu cam Dill, M0RELAND IS CLERK OF SUPREME COURT (Special Dispatch to Tbe JnereaL) Moreland of Portland. annoinied clerk of the supreme court to succeed J. J. murphy, whoa, death occurred last week, took the oath of offloe Saturday night and named aa hi. deputy tha pres ent incumbent, ' Arthur Benson. The clerkship carries 4, salary of $3,000 a year... ... . - . -.. ? . T .. aAA.AaB m . . a . naUve of Hi came to Or r'l1J UntJon& ov.r gon ln 1861. He baa been councilman I .f work, but should alia for one and city attorney ln Por-and and a tKt;!.?.7- 1 . " county Judg. la Multnomah. He . had V i'S!?' ?ihZ!tT,n'?J0lioar retired from jraetlc and of late had L"T b,"ebU jn ween th facalty been Interested ln mining and the real nd alumni on one aide and th. senior. estate business. . . - - J ?n J?. olne.r ,at 1 oclock. and th. annual '?-- ( 1. VttH i I .. c?00 of tonight BRIGHT PROSPECTS tftfi "'P- pSSH Xr't& ralnln, day. (Special Dlapatch to The Joaronl.) -'Cove, Or., June It. Tha Episcopal Churqh school will be reopened at thl. place In a .hort time., - A number, of year, ago H. French left in his will a farm to the late Bishop Morrl. for tha purpose of supporting a church school for girl.. Vp to thl. time, for v.rtou. reasons, it ha. not been found possible ""Hi BTit-n a acnoot permanently. Bishop Scaddlng Is very desirous of carrying put the terms of the will ex actly .and to thi. end ha. made ar rangements this summer to start the school once more. u. b, - r,T-r.--r" r.v m teacners rrom St. Helen's hall in Portland, Mis. Edna Jaques. who took her degree of M. AT at Harvard university, and Mis. Mar garet Nash, a graduate of 1.04 - of 1 Smith college, with the degree of B. A. Other efficient teacher, will al.o b. had. They expect to come to Cove1 at one. to begin to make arrangements for opening the school. The regular Inter mediate and academlo courses will be offered. -.j-v . .1 -y: Thl. waa on. of the leading school, in " eastern Oregon some veara am mnA t,e old buildings .till stand in Ascension ' grove, one of the Ideal .pot. in Ore' .n.-r; - t - -'-"-'..'-- r ' " FAITH AND SINGLE ' ' : AIM; FOR SUCCESS !, , ' ' ; - y - ' ' (Ipeeial Dtapatfk to - Tbe Joaraal,)' ' University of Oregon. Eugene. Juna f. -The baccalaureate services of tho aenlor class wars held yeeterday morn Ing m Vlllard hall before an audience of ' between 1,600 and 1.R00 oeonla . Tha ' sermon was by Dr. Mao H. Wallace of Detroit Mlchlaan. Tha !. ohleflv a festival of music. Aa orchee tr.a of to pieces accompanied a chorus pf 40 voice The talent ln the orchei. tra I. gathered from the beat of En. . Sena, Salem, Portland and Cottaga rova.' Mra. A. B. Kerry, of. Seattfe. ' Mia. Eva Stlnson of Eugene, and Pro fessor Olen were tha anlnlata - DMt. sor Glen has charge of u the rausle and acts as director of hoth rhnnn orchestra, while the musician, sr. prob- Sa IV Kat tkaaeaa .Lai . F r '.J"". . w"" aver gatnerea together in thl. city. ,, . The .tare of tha. hall w.a K....,ie..n - decorated with lemon flowers and green ' . v .ua uii.Tvraiiy colors. Dr. Wallace snoka nn "iraitt. k. tu. gP'Ht" He urged th. graduate, to get hold -i of some truth and with faitk 1. work for It The youth of today ahould , I BURNIDE BRIDGE UP BEFORE THE" BOARD (Jnornal Special Service.) Harue. June 2 1. Queen Wllhelmlna. arriving privately today, drove to the royal Dalaoa through the nail of knights. During her two days' stay she receive. tne neace aeiegatea in tne royai vina. The executive hoani nf th. t ,in .The -third committee met today be-1 dlacuaa the Olieatlnfft - tt MniMn. the hind- closed doora . United States dele- Bumalde bridge at it. meeting thle aft gates attended. , . President Tornielll ernoon. It is hardly probable that a BnoKe. Doini.iiiK uui me iiruuionia w -we i recomtnenoation win mail. j tha solved, . chiefly those relating to the council at this time, however, since the yniir iroun oi uwiis.iouu, umiciiy ana, couniy are engaged in a die converting of merchant shlpsjnto war- pute a.?towho ehould bear the burden man niada, savenl bla Mt., I7c; Jumbo. tSOA; Jumbo C-eHtaA'ki! Ext, I1MV4J Vernal, 18o; Pennsylvania, bending over hi. jjoldneidi M. Co.. lie; Kendall, 28o; rrnw "Wa will mii. Kv ih. nA-ri-. P"m, op uihB, fv, ta 2L! mW?&Z&riur coVum-bit , ...... .Vw-a. ww 1 b imi , Hinarnia.. . gfr nr ivm. " at ur? : i;on 1 ESFZS: V. lL JS! gueror. loo: Bik. Rock J4c:' txme Bur, I M-tdJ v2L.tfr Thr..'ACthi S : Wonder, 2c! Potlaeh. 60c; Oro, I I society or vendetta, ihe ground for the I v i.n v.V t. h9j.i ct k Mayne, ,7c: Atlanta 48o; Great Bend, 65c; Simerone. 10c; Empire, 8c; Red Top ;:r.n.-w " -v.J T th. t.lV ..i.h last week In the suit of Rea Brothers crtmlnately, een the tampering with , . . , machinery where fatal accidents had against 8. B. Barker in the United occurred, when the evidence really States circuit court returned a verdict snowed tnai ine-cause was cneap and in ravor or oerendant and waa dls- lmproper machinery." .' J ; . . i charged from' further duty la thla term .Resuming after a recess Darrow, ex- of court Rea Brothera brought - ault rlaincd at length the time when the to .recover 13.000 on an aileaed breacn Federation stores were looted - and the j of contract in delivering a lot of sheep Ci&W, CIS) f 1VIVIIV. ffi.ivi vi.uii Aa Con.. Jlci O. Daisy, $1.60; iguna, 11; Commonwealth, 60c; Comb. Fraot, IS; Or. Bend ExU , 12c; t Or, Bend Anx., "V A XrATa H A TT.r17T 1-cA; Millstorm, 40e; B. B. Bonanza, J? AYUllO JlAllliJjJLj6c; Kewanos, 60c; Esmeralda. 12o; Port land, ic; uracaer jacx. Jtrancis Mohawk, 90c;, Red HillT 88c: Mohawk .XI lvc; IvOU union, bcj , iner, inoi shiDS and the treatment of a belligerent ship ln tho harbor, of neutrala, .the lay ing of mines at sea, the bombardment of naruors and tna aoontion , or . ine km Cross in aea war. , . REBELLIOUS TROOPS C SEVERELY PUNISHED froainal ' Bperlal gerrlce.) Pari a June 24. Members of the re bellious Seventh regiment, ; which muti nied -Friday as tne result or the wine grower, revolt were taken prisoner. today to i.yons. wnere tney were se verely punished. Fresh regiments ' ar rived at , Besler. today - and reinforce ment, were sent to other town, where demonstration, were mad. this morning. ' . ".' 1 " k fc.fii:, Rer. Linden's First , Sermon. : - (Special Dlipateb to Tba Joeraal.) ' ' Oregon City, June J4. -Rev. Linden first addressed hi. congregation in this city yesterday morning at the Baptist church and those who attended praise his delivery and pulpit manner. He ar. rived Saturday from Chicago: where he has been pastor of one of the largest churches of that city. He spoke again last evening. . f- i'y.'-y,- purposes for which they were organised. 1 to. Barker. jie tnen nenounced tne arrest or Mnyerl and declared the - military defied the j LIBERALS BEGIN WAR , civic autnonties and . Kept him fori months a prisoner .without reason. Tnioa Ken Were roroed rrom Mines. " "Following the deportation of all the men," continued Darow, "and when the ininers were ooing tne nest tney .could ON HOUSE OF LORDS (Jonrnal 8iec1al flenrlea.l Ixindon, June 24.--Premler Banner- to proviso sustenance-for the women mttn today offered in the house of com imd children, the Citizens' -Alliance ar-1 nions the government's resolution re iPKted the relief committee and left un-1 striding the house of lords' power to .roieerea rnemoers or - miners' families I nuijuy me nouse 01 commons worx, oy t'.estitute. ' Orchard came to Denver I tn veto the lords' possess. The debate ana toid .nis irouoies. lie eald he had I w. iasv inree oaye, citflnxeo nis name - Decause ne was t okiisted. iveariy everybody had to I a m. ria.. . ... this because at tha activity of th. "fi. neowners r. i 1 m 1 m i,ui ine men. manager ana asked to locate him if noaalhla. Kin.. .r.ers, ana declined to permit them to hahn'. wife autes that he applied for " " MiTOii.iii won at ine urooKiyn aewer construction l e . Work union men. .. I work, on June It nd haa not Keen ...n t efi t a. m 1.-n a. J T.a til... I . . ' - - - ae ea VI vuai riLiiWCIfi HlVtVinCwV in ine Portland mintv TTnrv n m.m it.a. men. tn rniiitrr ca m down f mm hi hnm MA.iA.b.:. w . . - - 1 - -- iivmiv ani tno tvi i. er nfaVTts ucon O rand ma. .11c: 8. Pick Ext..,6cA: Col. Mt. Ext,' IcA; kOoldf. "Cona, $6.6J)iJ Dlam'f. Triangie..cs r. COMSTOCK. Ophlr, $1.'76;' Mexican. 40c: Gould A vurry, I'c; won. Virginia, sue; eavage, 67c; Hale eV Norcross, 60c; Yellow Jack, et,. 76c; Belcher, 24c; Sierra Nov., 61c; Exchequer, 16c; Union, 24c. ' TONOPAHS. '.v v Mint Con.. 2.6: Ton." Ext.. $1.80Ai McNamars, 20c; Midway, 12c; Ton. Bol mont, 63.12V.; Non. No. Star. 26c; Ohio Ton., 2c; West End Cons., 60c; Rescue, lee; Ton. canr., ec; uoiden Anchor, 20c; Jim Butler, 95c; Ton. .Cash Boy, 6c; Ton. Home, 60; Bost Ton... 11c; Monarch Pitts. Ex.. 12c. Mont,' Mid. . Ext., 4c i Oolden Crown. 60. , V MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons..' 80cA: Manh. M. Co,, 60; G. Wedge, 6c; Seyler Hump. Dexter, 18c: I Joe. 2c; Crescent, 6cA; Combi nation, 2c; Granny, 16c; Mustang, 22c; Little Grey. 12c; Cowboy, 2cA; Orlg. Manh., 10c; Broncho, 6c; Plnenut. 7c; BuHalo, lc; 8. Dog. 16c; Y. Horse. 4o; Indian Camp. 6c. .- . VARIOUS DISTRICTS.;. ' ' Falrv. Silver King, lOcA; Fatrv! Eagle, 6eA; Neveda Hills. $6; No. Star Won der. 4c: Eagle'. Nest 20c: Ruhr Won. der, lte: Alice of Wonder, 4c; Pittsburg J Silver Peak, IX.40. - . Oswego 'Defeats Canty. (Special Dlupatcs te Tbe Joernat.) v"' I Oregon City, June 24. The baseball game between the Canby and Oswego teams piayea si mi tatter place yester day afternoon resulted ln a victory for Oswego by the score of 10 to S. The game wa. hotly contested, but a couple 01 error, ai a critical iime aeciaed It. Enjoyable Picnic. . (Special Dlapatch to Tbe JaOTaal.) . Oregon City, June 24. One of the most enjoyable picnic, of the bps son waa neid at Willamette yesterday after noon with a large crowd in attendance. The German picnics are noted for their sociability ana tne one or yesterday wa. no exception. , of expense in case tho repair, are made. The - cltr own. the structure and the county is supposed to keep It ln repairs uui me couniy autnormee contend that reaecaing tne oriage 1. beyond the mean ing ox tha word ,rrepalr.,,r , , . . , Town Enriched by Earthquake. From the, Philadelphia Bulletin. "With all the barm that earthquakes do said a rug dealer, ; "It Is pleasant to hear of sn entire town that an earth quake ha. enriched. 'The town I meant. Ousoun-Ada. on th. Caspian sea. the terminus of the trans-Caspian and Samarkand railway. Ousoun-Ada in the past had a miserable port, but a few year, ago an earthquake visited her and on It. departure .he found herself the richer by a harobr deep enough to float the largest ships. Since that 1 ortunat. .visit Ousoun Ada'. population and wealth bars tre bled. . v : IS BOUND OVER ON ; CHARGE OF FORGERY V O. R. Wiley, arrested yesterday after noon at Hood River by Detective Tiche nor, was bound over to the grand Jury this morning in the - municipal court unaer s.vuw oonos on a cnarge or forg ery. .It la alleged by Albert Dlas that Wiley passed a check from the Seattle Bank Trust comoany for S26 on him April 6. which was forged by Wiley. He waa formerly -an employ, of the rjg-j-B9 company, uias is a saloon keeper on North Sixth street and .ays that Wlley . naa casaed several : had cnecit. in tn. -city. , . -. , . KEEGAN BETTER OFF . e BEHIND THE BARS Alexander ' Keeaan. a ehlnHtfa-ee: llvl Ing at 160 Fifteenth street North, when called to look after hi. son James at th. police ststlon yesterday where, he we. under- arrest on a charre of drnn. kenness and disorderly conduct told the police to hold his son until he sobered UD. - ' . . - The elder . Keegan said that James was a noisy youth 'When undee the In.. fluence and was not a fit adjunct to ine nome. - james sobered up and was eiEueu mis morning. - OF SUMMER SCHOOL .J"T!?ymnViBf. n . I preaidenf. . reception . at . president'. AMa. rH.nat. a. n.a ia.ii . I nouee. I D. m.: oratorical M.t.,t University of Oregon. Eugene. June hiip Bekmn PUUr4. 24. -Tha regl.traUon for tha Uniyereityl annual coral summer school opened, today. Th. da. "1 """ viuara nan, :so a, sa., work , will heaHn n..t Tl.,i,.il. .1... i address before the claaa hv Hon Tnhn the commencement exercise, mora than 1 5 Gearln, ex-United ; 8tatea senator mi ' rna w ima. ae.a isak a ai.. v visa riuu. unirarniv -n mnas . a a I 'w woauw v .IIO TVU1UI UHj BP. I W w . . V Si I Tha outlook I. for tha moat successful If,,"""' wi;rw. "orr? naiuivp. .1 rsesslon that Oregon .has ever held dur-1 lumn Armory, p. nu . jtt ill . in, Tear. . : i " . . . . Most Of the Student, are taachara who I CI k TT.tTT k V TfD 6 TTVrt ' , , dealr. to take advanced work"T nth.n ? l Al t XLC-AX11I tf - , , r inose wno aesirf to make np back rvguwr wors or gain extra credit a The entrsnee requirements are not high, fori any one that can show himself capable v uw in. wur may enier. - TESTING BLACK SAND ; 0R ITS - IRON ORE SUITS OVER BALLOTS v . (Special Dtopetcb to Tbe Jonrnal.) Salem, Or., June 24. Judge William Galloway of the circuit court of Marion county thl. afternoon Is hearing suit, relative' to measures to be plaoed on th. ballot at tha June election for ref erence. , Th. Mm) nn. ' . .L. . (Special Donates re Tks leareal.) I 4...ctTn. Z..ii J n-ir"o.?r " ""T.i": Aberdeen. Wish.. Juna 2 4ii:,hl... rw"'i"'"T " " mZ!ri PoinV ,s nr ..a.t.h!.v!'fn.aJflc.t,. .for t t,OI lack" warning clause. The offl- purpose of making tool steel from th. clai pass bill waa Uken up at the same A n?nLP:UL JnJon',ot th tlm In the Plilntlff was AttSr! sand will ba .ent to 8aa Francisco to new John F. Xiogan of Portland. Tha mViSh..e4.rm!:nt,.0,l.!5 JJf0" f or the - defendant were At moting these experiment., and If they torney-General Crawford and Jurfe-a nTOrn "fhi "S ""TV P"t wifi iLonei Webster. CwVue f WnMalkey ba. brtllt for th. manufacture of steel, represented sheriff Steven, and Mr. PAIR OF TRUSTIES ', ESCAPE FROM PEN - - (Special Dlapatch te The Jenraal.) Salem. Or.. June 24. Two of th. inn. I vlct trusties working at the brickyard mnr me prison escapea last evening and Superintendent C. W. James has offered a-reward of 960 for the return Logan, respectively. The writ of mandamus to eomnel the secretary of state to place the.jinl verslty of Oregon appropriation measuV on the ballot at the next election will be arguedater In th. afternoon. SPOKANE PREPARES V FOR THE B. Y. P, U. (gMclal Dlaoateh to The ' Jmtra.1 ' ' Spokane, Wash. June 24. Great prep- of Gust. Anderson, who Is serving three year, from Clataop county, and Hugo and - buggy. ; ' ' . . ', . j 1 ' . me oeiegaie. IO lM , Baptist TT , , , ' l " - w w uiu. VUIITIUIHD, .WIUVQ 1X8111 II POP w , V I Seven thousand banners have' hn SxM? , VX ? tK 1 maA4 .nd .r, to h7 .old ci - . llTTTT.TTVl. TT?aTriT'XTriTJ 1 the city to decorate with while the eon. uuxuAJXXWX AOXAXaalVlventiori is In-session. . Nearly all tha'- Xouls Montgomery took'' out a. hniM. I b.iV ".L"Fr.'n interior, r tna-., nermlt.fhl.- 'm -.'"71 mad. to have'. . - . . - i .ii. anow - winonwi .tn nir th. ..m. a v. ...... j ir. .. l -iiiuu". hidii mtrmZ h.tweln p..tva.i i.Sny.eln or in west The banner, cost 10 cents IMldVm hh.nd, f0m t?r- va taken loS Work on the Armory is being rushed Tf"""'! Poseible speed and It is thought t will be nearly enough complete-to be tic rev:nuttey will. ACT AS "MODERATOR ""sh'X" ;Sim:rtiiW-j.-' .''iM.J ""iS- ' " f'y-tM:'. mZi'o t"in:mVtpt,.t COMES TO LIFE IN association, which meets In the Calvary , Baptist church. East Eighth and Grant v! - TTME TO STOP 1 streets, oeginning , tomorrow and con tinuing Wednesday and Thursday. :- , TIME TO STOP BURIAL URY SECURED IN ; M Redding. Cal.. June 24. Mamie Curt. BROKEN MAIN FLOODS , TERMINAL YARDS Trank. Coma Ba. TT. ,. Make them. Peerless Trunk Co- man ufacturer traveler.' needa 211 td at One of the large fira main a at the corner of Thirteenth and Pettlgrove street, ln the railroad terminal yards curst this - morning and a large area was flooded before the- flow could be coecxea. m na damage was reDaired In UNCLE SAM RAISES . PRICE OF ENVELOPES ;-.'..;-V.;',aaaaaaeaBli saawaSaB '. ' .JA ,';, .i1,:"' Postmaster John W. Mintd haa ceived notice from the postofflce de partment that an advance of 4 cents a thonaand will ba made on a.ll atamn..i envelopes and i. newspaper wrappers . ; Mutiny on Wreck of Ohio. y (Jnoraal Special ffcrrlce.) . - ' Nome, June 24. The crew of the steamship Ohio, -which is on the beach, mutinied yesterday. The revenue cut ter Thetl. answered the signal, of the officer., and placed fly. mutineer, under arre.U . .-. . . .TTIT? VArn TT AT T. fi I OV r. r.a. nr. believed .to be dead, came i':'XAt.xi Xi x x ' xxXXJX4 "noruy Dexore the coroner and tL rtranna Or . inr.a'14 Th. c.a.i foe tv,- ".'i "! "' " sen th. .tate.-agalnit-Nit Hall." charged fun.raf Just before Yh.coronef ar! with the murder of a man named En-1 rived the airl onened h.. ... . land at-the Indiana mine, wa. called I to talk. She ha. completely rwowed: In the circuit court this morning. The ' , , recoyereq complete jury,wa. ..cured late thl. aft- rmvf. rp-nr rVVX n h -lr-rifi L. ernoon. .when the state'a case was for-1 X VU lill-Llri. GAMKS mallv onened by tha dlatrlt ittnr... .. . uniJU , W00DBURN DEFEATS PLAYED. SUNDAY '-:r 'v : -i1 . ':,.-..' !.,v.'. ' Ola.. " ' ' KELSO IN FAST GAME m . , the first garni from the Brewer? hv 2 Woodburn. ' Or., i June 24. tn 'rha score of 'ft. to r?l !?wi?.b? fastest and most sensational game ever the Trunkmakera In th. afceond i m2 seen in this place the Woodburn team bv a score of 1 to n - on? ; defeated the Kelso team yesterday by I The first game Wa. a slugging match 1 1 1 T.' nonor. were (pretty well di vlded. but numerous .rrn-. K tp.. ". Commencement , Opens ; at Eugene, BrI"Mlgp sve the game to th. Frakee. Llpman-Wolfeg Win Again. ' 24. Th. commencement program- wai L'"1'11 erclt baseball team ' from lat,, opened here yesterday with the bacca- Davis employes was taken Into cIU,. laureate sermon by Dr. Mac H. Wallace yesterday morning by the fast rineT,. of Detroit Michigan. The features of Wolfe team by a acor. of 7 to 8 Tha today's . program la th. baseball game Lipman-WClfe team took tha li. u . between the faculty and alumni on one the third Innln. k.M iip. 'Tr...'n side and the senior, on the ether, and first half of the ninth, when Lai,, the annual recital of, the school of Davis tied the score byattlna inw music . - runa When the Linm.wVL. " . . to bat. in thelrf half they proved equal reninsnla Juniors Win. ' J0!!0!.." n, batted In th" winning ,'The Peninsula Juniors beat th. Alblnaj terie. Munroe and Angell; Mckennn Victor, yeaterday. to 0. - " - -'Hall and Barrett- - - - V CJxennJ,V