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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY i EVENING, JUNE . 24, 1D07. III . ll fC VETERANS 1017 ' ' ' ' ' AT Biaclismitlic SYtiti clhers whoci xvcrl: requires rjreat physlcri strength czd en durance need tissue build G11EIS ill STEPHENS BASEBALL NINE. AVIIICn IUS WON SIXTEEN STKAIOIIT GAMES 1 Annual Encampment of the j ; Grand Army ofr the : ' Republic. . . T?ATHr A T rtUT' VTVrt TA r TO COiiiUTEliS ' i . . t ft - i Terrlne . JIust Have Been Thinking of His Ride , South With Visitors. , ln foods. 4 Among thesa there is none so good or to -. t. WW TAKE PLACE TONIGHT i s - . - sustint! 0 if Program of Uncommon . ExcjBfcrf"" LJsMCZirrjrad6 and Flag-Rais- lng Wednesday and an Excursion MTHEDIE IS CAUGIIT ddOdooa, Tharsday. : SPOmS :0F - TEE DAY" r . ; ' ' ' IIEUG 1 mm. mi Contest 'Goes to Tea Innings and ." Both Teams Find It Necessary to ; ; Change Pitchers -Klns?lla GeU a - Bad Start Wright Blowa Up. 4- . TtSTERDAT'S RESULTS. ' Oakland I, Portland 4. r San Francisco 4-1, Los Angeles 0-4. BTAJfMNO OF TUB CLUBS. Won. ' Lost Xxs Angeles ....... II a Francisco ...... 41 Oakland 40 Portland ........... 2 tl 84 II 41 P.P. .161 I ,647 .k!4 "Ball" Perrine wished hlmsslf a ?easant Journey' to California, to ha trava yesterday's Coast league Kama to Oakland. Doubtless ho plenty ot cigar and othar refreshments pivtha way. ' ';r -:,: " i a. Bull" worked hard for 1ft Innings to turn th trie. His umpiring' of yes terday was as bad aa anything; avor dona here by the despised Derrick, and Cor sailing Yaa Haltraa - oaf o - la tha tagtK toning ha deserves tha a eve root 'condemnation. Tha double play , from Oroofn to Caraon to Mott waa as nice aa anything you aver saw, but Perrine dids t , see It. He called Oakland's old warhorse safe. Van tallied a moment Jeter on a single by Kajan and tha gameended In. favor of tha viatiore, KeOxadle'e Beaa ' sVuwlagv V; ' -' -i'The1 Beavera ought to hara had tha game, anyhow. If waiter McCredle had not loot his head ta running bases ha .would hevs-had the thing woa in spite of Perrine.- With tha a core I to ft and 'Oakland a . pocket. Reading from left to right Nelson, shortstop and catcher; Stronach, left field and pitcher; Schmidt, la enjoying tbjr! Martian, first base; Toss, pitcher and .leftjleld; Christian, right field; Dawson, catcher and sec ond base. Lower row W. Nelson, second base and shortstop; Lorell, center field. .; f ,r ' JOE TYLER BACK IN SEATTLE READY FOR THE TENNIS SEASON '.?V.' (Special Ptopatea to The JoereaL) Seattle, - Juno 14. Joe Tyler, oho of tha boat tennis players Seattle over pro duced, and a man . that many good judges pick for the coming champion of tha Pacific coast, has arrived in Seattle after atx ' months spent in tha moun telna with a. surveying party. ' Joe la aa brown aa a. brrv and looks to be aa strong aa a bull mooae. He aoDarentlr safe In pitcher Wright made a balloon aaccn-lhaa been tramping around the hills all slon. After an out by Klnaella, Uaaaoy I winter, and as he was no weakllna when singiea. MOti reacnaa iirai on uri fumble and Caaey singled, scoring Baa- aey. Wright- walked Donahue, filling 1 thou tha baaes. Then alcCredle batted one I in over Bmltn s tieao, wnicn riearea no I more speed than aver tationa ahead o him ana put ma on perfect condition. ha went op there, be la in the fl neat poasiblo condition right - now, and though ha has not had a tennis racket UflW Will HBTW causa . of . his htrd. MoCredle beat tha ban " to third by aa Inch, Hogan dropped it and it rolled ' a half doaen feet into tha graaa. Thon MeCredla was aelsed with the idea that he could run faater than tba ball could fly. Ha tried It and, of course, was eaught Had he hung with his bag be would have come la in a walk when Umn aant a liner over second. That would have ended the game in tha ninth, - with Portland -oa-the, Jong and of a 5, -is acoro. v. ? -. McCredie did another poOr ptee of base running in the second, when he ran home on a caught foul without ftret touching third baao. Perrlna saw tt, of eoursa. the ball waa aant to third and Me called out. ' . Xlaaella la Batted Treely. ' Klnaella twirled the first seven In nings for' Portland and waa hit freely. Ha got a bad start, soaking two Com muters. This, combined with a paased "ball by Moore and a paased grounder ttv rvtnafcue' eava tha visitors two bells. A brsca of hits in the fourth scored snother, Blgbea, and hlta by Haley and Wright and a wild throw by Schlmpff made the bell ring tha fourth time, for Haley.; This was In tba seventh Inning. y Klnaella was snperseoeo oy uroom. The Cheapest Form of ; Health Insurance A'.' " ' ''"t' "' "-"('JgeasaaaaaasBBi ,i ' x f, TT ' TTOU can buy Health iMuHnce ; now. ,K XT - Several food "Aoddent" s JLL Companies tell It. ' Silly dollars per year will bring you $25 per week,for every week you are sick,. But. your time alone may be worth , far more than thai. , ' - And $200 per wee might not pay for , your, suffering. , . , . . That's . why "Cascaref Insurance, : which prevents SlcXneas. Is worth ten ' times aa much money as other ''Health' tnsuranoa, . -"H. Yet . Cascaretw 'Insurance wlD cost , ' you loss than Ten Cents a week. .'- - pS-- , That ftves you a 4Veat''Pttckat' Box I Mo turry constantly. -:?n, :.;.v.. - -. a . , a. : ,; -.-v;v, ' On tablet taken whenever you suspect you need it wUHnsur; you against 90 per cent of all other Ills likely to atUck you.. Because 90 per cent ef these lUa begin tn the Bowels, or exist through poor - Nutrition. ' Cascarets doat purge, dont weaken. ' dont Irritate, nor upset your atomach. y' No, -they aot Bka Exercise on tha Boweb. Instead. , ' . They stimulate tha Bowel-Muscles to 'contract and propel the Food naturally 4 ;p ast tha littlo valves that mix Digestive -Juices with Food. ' ' ' The time to take a Cases ret ta the very , minute yon stispect you need one. : -When you have a touch of Heart-, There will not be much doinar In the way of tournamenta in Seattle this summer, because the tennis courts have been destroyed to make room for an apartment houae, but Joe expect a to take in an - tha tournamenta . In tha northwest and may go down to Cali fornia later in the sesson to try hla hand with the beat playera there. Private courts will likely be .fixed, up who twirled In good form, lut a fumble by Schlmpff put Van Haltren on first In- the tenth; he stole second, was called safe by Perrine at third and made the winning run on saaan'a slnaie. - Portland'a four runs wars all made In the sixth, when Wright went Into the alr.Hogan and Wright changed places. Wright starred In his new posi tion, ana jtogan aitowea no runs, ine score; , . - J OAKLANU . Smith. If 6 6 Oil 0 Van Haltren, cf...... 4 3 0 J 0 ft Heitmuller, rf S 1 ft J Oft Eagan. aa. ........... 4 0 111 0 Bliss, e. ............. E 0 J Tift Bigbae, lb..,......,,. 4 ,1.1 10 1 0 Haley, lb..,........ 4.11 1 1 Hogan, p. and lb. .... 4 01 S , J ft Wright, lb and p..... 4 ft 1 ft I ft on Minor avenue and Summit street, where tbe players of Seattle can get In shape for the northwest tournaments. Bam Russell and Joe Tyler will prob ably repreeent Seattle In the doubles again this year, for they have played together for years and are a bard team to beat.' i -.v. - It is possible that Joe will enter the Pacific coaat cbamplonahlp at San Ra fael. California, in September, and it he does he will make them all go some to beat him, for he ia getting better every year."- A welcome addition to the ranks of Seattle women tennla playera la Mrs. Breuer. formerly Miss Waller, who was champion of Chicago two years ago. She is already nractirina ana win -DroDaoiy take part In the Paclflo Northwest tour nament at Tacoma, the British Colum- Dia cnampionanipa at victoria ana the international tournament at Vancouver. Chicago la reeognlsed aa one of the lead ing tennis centers of the United States and in order to reach the top of the lad der in that city Mrs. Breuer must have ?layed a remarkably fine game. - On orm she should be a strong candidate for premier honora in thla section. Totals S t SO II 1 .............IT PORTLAND. - 1R. R. IT. Pfi. a. k. tiasiey, ii, . Mott. 3b., ...... ..-.. Casey, 2b Donahue cf. i . , . , . McCredle,"'-f..s Moore. . ............ I Caraon, lb i...... I Schlmpff, as......... Klnsella, p i uroom. p 1 1 1 ft ft 0 ft 0 Totala ..17 ft 30 14 3 . SCORE BT INNINGS. Oakland .v. . L I ft ft 1 ft ft 1 ft ft 1 ( ' Hlta ........ 1 I 0 1 O 1 1 I 1 S Portland -.....-ft ft ft ft ft 4 0 ft ft ft 4 Hlta ........ 0 1 ft I ft 4 I 1 I ft SUMMARY. -Struck out -By Wriaht 3: by. Kln- sella, 1; by Groom, 2; by Hogan, 1. Bases on balls Off 'Wrirht. i: off Groom. 1. Two-base hits Donahue and Wright. Three-base hit McCred'e. Double play Birbee to Blisa to Hogan. Sacrifice nits Ear an .- and ' Schlmpff. Stolen bases Van Haltren (SK Wright. 8chlmpft : Hit by pitched balls Van Haltren,' ' HeltmuUer. - Passed ball Moore. First baae on 'errors Oakland, 1; Portland, 1. Left on bases Oakland, I: Portland. ' ft. : Innlnss pitched Bv Wright, m-S: by Klnaella, T; by H.v gan. 41-3; by Groom, S. Base nits Off Wright ; off Klnsella, f ; off Hogan. t; off Groom, 1. Tlma of-game . VW.Ja.v V . ... t .... DALLES C0LUMBIAS DEFEAT DEV0E TEAM perfection., Schoenhoven of the Charles ton pulled the ball oft the fence, when it looked .good for a home run. The lineup of the two teams: -Q V. S., S. Charleston Poanow, right field; Bohler, third base; Lenhoff, short stop; ecnoennoven, 1 iert iieia; uoocie- nott. second bass; Dlehl. center field; WUlard. firat baae; Teager, catcher; 8heeta, pitcher. . Banker Hill Maroons Jasman. first base; McEwen, third base; Adams,' seo ond . base; McBrlde. catcher; Donner- berg. short etoD: Howard, center - field: uuncan, iert rieia; tjogirs. ngnt rieia. SCORE. BY INNINGS. Charleston ...,,.'ft 0 1 0 0 0 1ft 4 ft Hits .......... 0 0 0 1 1 1 I 1 410 Bunker Hill .... 0 1 3 0 I 0 ft ft E H1U .......... 0 0(11100 1 ft .- GXTS CLUB SCORES' JOURNAL STAFF is ciiMinoii Wins Final Newspaper Game by Defeating Telegram Editors 13 to 10. A good day's sport was enjoyed at the trans of the Multnomah Rod and Gun club 'yesterday. Abrahams, aa usual, quit the day with the highest percent- are. f ollowing are the scores and ban- dlcSDa in tha day's shoot: " tsnoi at. woks. r.u. Abrahams ......10ft Ellis 100 F. Shansle ......100 Jack Smith 100 Tower ,...100 Bateman . .......loo Culllaon ........100 Younf ....... ...100 McPheraon .....100 - R. SHangle ....100 Hudson ........ B0 Mrs. Young .....100 Sternberg ; ......100 Borders . ....... 100 Shelley... ...... ,100 Selert .......... IS Whltlnr ........ 75 oerser ........ .luu Peterson ........ Tft Ca H well ....... 1 0 0 F. E. Shangle ...loo . Stewart 25 Woods tO Brown ' 75 Harper ......... SO Klernan SO 4 94 85 SO 80 80 80 80 :- 7J 3 7T TS 7$ 74 18 51 : 70 51 71 T3 11 84 - 60 . 38 33 .94 .94 .85 ;.85 .80 .80 ".80 .80 .80 .78 .71 .77 .7S .76 .70 ,73 .70 .70 .70 .73 .73 .08 .68 .47 .64 Dts. yds. 14 14 14 14 14 14 30 10 14 14 14 44 14 bum, CS -belching, Acld-rislng-lri- throat, or a Comlng-on-Cold. v , , - Carry the "Vest Pocket' Box ready for business where It belongs. Just aft you would your Watch, Pocket-knife or j Lead-pencil. ;' tt costs only 10 cents. At any drug ljlst. ' ; Be sure you get the genuine., made en'y fey the Sterling Remedy Company, ' and never sold la bulk. , Every tablet ., . stamped "CCC" . i7tf (Special Dtspatcb to Tbe JooraaLl . The Dalles. Or., June 34The Dalles Columbfaa won by a score of 3 to 3 from the C C Cllne Pevoe team of Portland here yesterday. Taliaferro atruck out five men, Gardner six. - The Xallee team got eight hits, the Portland team threa. Gardner kept his., hlta well scattered, which accounts for the small score. Con row and Patterson played their first fame with The Dalles Columbia today, ttwae also Mclnemey'a first game of the season as catcher and be waa the star of tha day. Patterson fielded hla position very welt and waa Strong with, the stick. - . X,. - c McCov has resttmedaa eantatn nf th luolumsias and Charles taken his plan. Taliaferro haa Max Cohen will act as imanaarer. hereafter.-Stxihllng havin re signed. .All communications should be addressed to Mas Cohen a manager. Tbe next Columbia game wilt be played Sunday. June 30. with the Hood River team at The Dallea. - SAILOR BALL PLAYERS . BEAT BUXKER HILLS t J' ' The Charleston sailor ball playera made their debut before an audience of enthusiastic fans on the old Portland ! grounds Sunday. The game waa with the Bunker HOI Maroons and was hotly i contested from start to finish. The sailors won in a "Garrison finish bv 1 brilliant hitting and errors on the part I of the opposing team. . Lenhofrs thres-baaa-er for the sailors land Howard's two-base bit for the-Ma-i roons were the features of tha game, i The aaUors worked the squeeze play to C. Only cigars of gen uine value and fine quality can survive. competition year after . I year. New brands may be good, but you are sure of old brands. . . CHANCELLOR Ggar "Oldest and Lett in quality, deserves the distinction of the ,iTriajigle ,;AW' merit mark that proves modern manufactur ing methoda. Sold in good cigar stores everywhere 2-for-T 25&, 3-for-2Sc. and lOcl straight, NEWSPAPER LEAGUE AVERAGES. ' ; "-. " : .Won."1 liost. P. C. Journal ............4.1 .800 Telecram ....... ....I - '; 3 .400 Oregonian .......... 0 - 4 .000 The Journal team la the champion or the newspaper league, having- defeated the Telegram In the final game at the Coast league grounds yesterday morn ing in 7 Innings by the score of 13 to 1ft. Features were ao numerous la the game tihat no .spectator could see them alL They happened about three at a time all through the gsme.- - ,'- :.; Chief am on a- the exciting occurrences waa when Dave Hasen, the Telegram's rlaht fielder, took off bis shoes and stepped on a bee that waa Bucking the noney rrom a ciover oioasom. wooooy knows why Hasen . took of f his shoes, but the bee resented being trod upon, and , Hasen ' hopped nimbly about In his garden holding his injured foot In one hand, to the intense delight' of the grand stana, ' -. i Xeel Steals Xoaaa. Next of Interest 'waa Keel's steal home from third in the sixth lnnlna the inning In which the Journal chased in six runs after two men had been nut out. William Charles Stepp, the office boy, who played third base for the Jour nal In the third Inning, sent Strangborg to the morrue by rakinar a case of the ball to Seed, who waa pitching. When Seed stepped over as if he were goln . (Soeclal Dienatcb to The JoortuU -; . Newberg, Or, June 34 The Veterans of the eivit war. with members of aux iliary organlsatlona, are assembling for the annual - state encampment, which will be formally ' opened here tonight with a reception to the officers of the patriotio bodies represented In the en campment. ; The attendance Is expected to be uncommonly large, as the weather Is such as to permit even the most fee ble of the aged veterans to be abroad. v Arrangements' for the reception and entertainment of the city's guests are complete. Delegates and visiting com rades are met at boat and train and es corted to Duncan'a opera houae, where the committee on eaterxainmeni naa ua headquarters. ;There they are givon cards directing them to places of en tertainment and messengers are sent with those who are strangers in me city. Free carriage of baggage is pro vided. Tents, fuel, light and city water are furnished free of charge.-. One of the most succeaeful .-encamp ments In the history or tne organisation In Oregon la indicated. 4 u ' .; The JPxofram, .. -Following Is the program In full: - v ICoa'dajr Brenlna.' Patriotic contest. In Carter's . opera house; reception to officers O. A. R. and W. R. C, Maaonlo hall. Tuesday, June as Bvealng Session. Chairman. Clevetand Eggera,; ' post commander Musim. quartet, leader, I. A. . Hanning; address of welcome, by Hon. Jesse Edwsrds, mayor of New berg: response, by department com mander, Hon. Hamer uuicime; jocm duet. Mesdamea W. Bores and L, E. Brown; response to welcome, by Mrs. Mary C. Hlldreth, president aUte do- artment w. k. u.i music, cuwu. vi iewberr Choral union, led by Mrs. O. K. Edwards; address, by former United 8ta tea Senator . F. W. Mulkey; 'an nouncemenU: chorus. 'Marching Through Georgia" ; ' ; 1 Wednesday, June aft Horning Session, Concert. by the Newberg band. at camp grounds, 9:80 a. m.; members ot nnmnmiint. vlaltinsT comrades, secret orders and cttlsens will form In proces- ll ': Ghirardelli's 'I'CocoaiM slon and march to Newberg high school. Mrs. Rosa flag w ill AXZXXCAX ! a&Ai co. Baaafactarer a v Itching. a to pitch the ball, Strandborg stepped off the base. William Charles taaaed him and Umpire Schlmpff waved him off to the bench. Seed pitched for the Journal durina the first inning in Steffs'a absence, and did not allow a hit Steffa waa late and went Into the box without warming up. Seed atarted the fireworks on the part of tbe Journal in the first half of the sixth. He swatted one of Gregory's shoots, and Withrow juggled it. . This filled the bases with, two men out ,when Humphreys came to the bat and knocked a hot one down Inside third When the Telearana waa finished throwing tha ball around Humphreys had landed at third, and all the others bad scorea. , Journal Ties Score, Then Keel and Watson came un and landed on the ball. Keel atole home, and when the Inning was dona atx runs had been scored. The - Journal made three more in their half of tha aeventh. tne Telegram waa shut out. and the came waa won . -(.. :.-" ,- Turner, seed, sierra. Keel ana Watson distinguished themselves by hitting tba pail every time tney went to oat. Turner scored four of the Journal's 13 tallies, and registered two 3 -base hit Wirts also connected with the baU for three-bagger. . Schimoff. tha Beaver ahortaton um ptred. His decisions were fair through out tne game. ,. ine line-up: Journal, v--. Telearram. Turner . . : . . . . . . . .e. . , .v. , . . . . Ringer Seed ........ Withrow Steffa .P.......... Gregory Humpnreya rsv Keel Strandborc arson ..........zo. ........ uyment Goldstein .......... rf.......... . Hasen Stepp ........ Sammons Wirts ...If Kelly ocore . oy ' innings; 5 -' -, ;. - r . Journal 3 ft 1 ' ft ft 1 . 1 13 Telegram .t.l 3 ft ft 0ft 0 lft 10 a. m.. where a beautiful V.A nrauntAA tn th BchOOl bV M. Schenk of W. R. c: aaoress ox ac ceptance, Clarence Edwaros. preaioent of tha board of direetora. The flag wiU be raiaed by five boys and five girls. Return to camp grounds, where exhibi tion bv the W. O. W, drill team of New berg will be given. The Newberg band ana specially tnown.. m,-,).. coma wilt give appropriatar-muaia, durr ins these exercises. . . v., Aiternoon uusinwss in. t. i ' Evening session T. Brouiiiene. cnair man. Concert, - by the Newberavband; other music for the occasion will be furnished bv the Veteran Male. Octet of Portland: campnra, , music oy ,ewnui Octet of Portland. ?. mi .').-: , Tharsday, Ton ST. a In the forenoon, by courtesy of Mayor Edwards, an excursion will "be run on the railroad switch to the plant of the Pacific Face Brick company and to the sawmill of the Spauldlng Logging com pany, two of Newberrs leading Tndue- Af ternoon Session to be held In Dun can'a opera house; Joint installation of orricers ox l. a. m. aa , zv. v, uj v Vltatlon). . -. : j- Eventng Chairman, Juage - a. wo- C. Hawley; of farewell. DOUBLE HEADER GOES . TO SAN FRANCISCO iJoeraat Special tWrrles.) . San Francisco. June 34. Tne" Seala captured both gamea yesterday, shut ting out the Angels In the afternoon. Scores: .. . x- " .. , ' v Morning game ' R.H.E. Los Anreles....0ftftftftSftf ft 4 ft 1 San Francisco . .3 ft ft 0 1 0 ft 1 5 10 1 Batteries Burns and Eagen; Willis and Williams. v Afternoon game . ... , . Los Angeles .... 0 0 ft ft ft ft 0 ft ft ft- i .1 San Frsnctaco .ft ft ft 1 0 ft 3 ft 4 ft ft Batteries Nasi and Eaaren: Jonaa and Street. . 'Umpire Derrick. Hood River Wins Again. " (Jesraal Special Berries.) " Hood River. June 34. Hood River's recently organized ball team made it four straight yesterday by defeating the Cascade,! Locks nine. I to 4. Hart and Slavin waft the battery for tbe home team and Schmidt and Roaera held down the points for the visitors. The game took place before a larga attend ance and waa well-played on both aides. " t American Lea gee. : '. -L Chicago Cleveland t. National League. - - Chicago 3. St. Louis 1. Cincinnati 3-3. Pittsburg 4-0, tnL Chorus. Newbera address. , Coneressmsn W. nnlr hv , auartet: words O bv department commander; - chorus. Newberg Choral union. ROADS OBJECT TO. C0M3IISSI0N RULES Washington Commission Wolves the TimJLtmlt on Filing and Win " Hear Them on Many Blatters. , Northwest League. Tacoma ft. Vancouver ft. ' Spokane 2. Aberdeen L. - (Special rispatch to Tba Joanwt) s.-.i .... Olympla, Wash, June 34. Objections to tha passenger rules and regulations recently promulgated by the railroad commission have been til ted vbjr the Great Northern, the O. R. 4k N. and the Northern Pacific and their allied lines. The time for filing objection had ex. nired on the part of all tha roads x- tern, but the, railroad -commission haa agreed to give the railroads a hearing on the new regulatlona and will make a final order following the hearing The objections made by the railroads , to the rules cover the redeeming of un osed tickets, which it Is alleged la cov ered by atate Uw; the pulling of con structive mileage between points where less than the regular rate ia charged; ., tha redemption of unused portions i of mileage books; the requirement that passenger stations shall be kept open t. Qf.o train.: tha bulletining of tralna at etatlona other than telegraph mtm1inrm' tha Torm OI Cr uininiuuvu book prescribed by the commission. TUESDAY'S PR0G1LOI AT CAMP MEETING (Special Dlspateti to The Joora.Lt ' Salem. Or, June 34. Following - la Tuesday's program for the camp meet ing at the tabernacle at Turner, eight mSea south of Salemr Morning f iiioie- innu, "v" ti. .nit Power of the Church in Country. Town snd City." Davia Errett ot 8alem; 1030. general discussion; 11:00. The Problem of . Church Ex tension," George W, Muckley of Kansas T.nHm a j L. Chaomaa of Seattle, Washington; 3:30, business session. Evening i:aw. ienic ox raise, led by JU A. Barry. Monmouthj 00. TTha Gospel of the Helping Hand." Jamea H. Mohorter or nu J-ouis, sais- sourt; :80, nnitmsnea nwnn . Stettlexs Defeat MonUrfllaa. With a patched-op team the Stettlera White Sox defeated the viuaa Hunnay by a ecore of kl to IS. Probst, the Vla wonder, waa batted out ef the box. The Sam waa marked by many errors, and ta aldea hit fiercely, the White Sox having the better or It in tne miung line. Bird.' the Villas crack catcher, sprained bia ankle and bad to retire. The lineup: S tattlers Isakson. catcher: MerUe. pitcher; Crowley, flrat base; Grim, second base; McDonald, shortstop; Wilder, third base: Don a van, left field. La Beau, center field; Blake. rlVillas-urd and 3 Ross. " catchers; Probst and Wttxel, pitchers; McKinlev, first base; Sloan. second base; Hoff man, shortstop; Wttsel snd Probst, third base; Wiebush. left field; Frlmwald, center field; Anspach, right field. Bo Yon i ICnow, . We have some of the smallest and some of the largest Savings Accounts arid that we strive to treat all with . that- uniform cour tesy that is their due? Do hot hesitate bc- i. v i',' , ... , .1. ... ... ' .................. -cause you think your .deposit is too small, but start an account at once, add to it as you can, and get 4 per cent interest on it while you sleep. .1 , ' , ',., - ...... ." t- : i. v. ('..;. v - : . ,,: , " .' -! - w. a ' ; y. - . -. c i-'; .:'., . . ' . ' tt, .4 , - .i " - . - Ah i." " MERCHANTS SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY " ; ! 247 WASHINGTON STRLET " CAPITAL FULLY PAID.; . . ; . .$150,000 : J. Frank Watson.... ........... Y President R. L. Durham. ....Vice-President W. H. Fear . .Secretary S. C. Catching. .'...Assistant Secretary O. W. T. Muellhaupt Cashier. BANK AND OFFICE RAILING VISE AND IS0.Y FENQXS Barbed Wire. Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc PORTLAND WIRE. AND IRON WORKS- Phone Main.2000. SECOND AND EVERETT STS. J1-1!,; BA CO FREE TEA SBICES BAKING R0VDER ' .extrcts: 3UST"RIGHT C Mfi h'ttji ! CLOSSETiQSVERS " "P0RTLAN DOREliij Mexican.. Mustang Liniment eeeseylekrytothe very oore ef tha ... dlseaae ana) atop the meet aaeaaet, . axsraolatlng palna almost Instantly. Mexican Mustang Liniment Cares every aliment ef Kan pi; Coaat t' at a good, honet L!. mentean sure. t",' -.. i a r v ', mis QUALITY is 1 the new ynj of saying perfect paints, enamels, stains, - -!' ' varnisnes per feet -when you buy, and perfect in ttse and It does : aot matter what you want to paint. vou caa always Jet the right notarial under the nam "Acks c-'Atnr let as send yon s eof r ef 4.. .... KML. '!- SelecMoa ssrl CMt or!n t tad Ftnlihn." Preeea reqn. II your nearest dealer cannot tnpriy yoa with the ae. kau.ity kind, we wiU. r-'-r r I r " " ' l. J t. .. . . i .4 mm L A 1 1 vcar . a- i 1.1.1.. m-. Inn." .mhmof r 'if