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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1907)
THE " OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY - EVENING, JUNE - 24 1C07. Toivn Topics jj xMarquara Grand i. .....;;...... "Whan Johnny Comes Marching Home" Baker... ,.."Th Telephone Exchange" , Urand . ........... ........ .Vaudeville - Star., The Oake ............ a. wicKea woman . . . . . . . , ins vnaruy rxuree- .O. W. P. carllne. first and Alder Through the effort of A. I Craig of Omaha hundreds of eastern papers have printed arueles about the prises offered by the , Portland Commercial club for . th ,bet esapy on the resources of the : northwest A latur wwreciTitroiu Mr. Craig br the Commercial club today : Inclosing many of the clippings from , the newspapers. The big New York pa- pers ana many smaller ones Crimea ar tides about the 15,009 In prises that . bad been offered and also told Of the .conditions of the contest Federal " civil service , examinations will ' be held In Portland as follows: , Sawyer and carpenter, July 24. salary 719 a year; naturalisation ' Inspector, -July 17. salary f 1,000; assistant In dairy : bacteriology, July 10, salary f 1,600; .assistant chemist July 10, saiar 11,000; nautical expert July I, salar 11.000: assistant examiner in patent ol flee. July 10 and 11. salary 1,2 00. For complete Information concerning ex . " aminatlons applicants should apply to Z. A. Leigh, at the local postorflce. The Oregon State Academy of Sciences Will hold Us annual field meet at Eu- , gen tomorrow, , There will be an all' day program on thtf campus of the state university. ine acaaemy win aajourn at 4 o'clock in the afternoon to attend a raeentlon In honor or Fresiaent Y. u. Campbell. At I the faculty will enter tain the guests at dinner Arrange ' menta for an excursion from this city have been completed. - The United States civil service eom mission announces that on Jnly tl ai examination will be held la this city for the position of electrician-elevator conductor. From this examination cer tification will be made to fill a vacancy In this position In the United States courthouse and postoffoe building. Per aons desirlnir to compete shouli nn Z. . this city. Villie Vas ". Seven Saturday A' ' ND THAT DAT be started to save for the future. His mother bad been read . Ing our little TRUTHS ABOUT SAVING and . brought him " to our "bank and opened a saving account In his : name?' That boy Is learning the best les ; ' son of his life. , , We Pay fj ' inter. v And yon will be sur prised to know how i your dollars will ' grow - If you set them to ' work earning interest Savings Bank Sixth and Washington Streetn, ' . i Fortlaad, Oregon. W,H1 moobe. " jnresiaent , , B. IL'LYTLEV Vice-President ' W. COOPER MORRIS, .Cashler.s'.'.i.,!:;';-,-- HOLDS CROWD AT BAY WITH LOADED SHOTGUN Merchant Absorbs Too Much Evidence Against Saloons for Keeping Open Sunday, Strikes Wife, Is Arrest- ; ed, Breaks Jail, Defies Police Finally Captured: Start Saving Today desiring to compete should call UifOi poaioiiice aeparunenc, .Water through . hoae for . sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porchas or windows must be paid for In advance and used only between me nours ox and I a. m., and I and p. m. It must not he used for sprinkling streets. ., ' If used contrary to these rules, , or tvustnfully, it will be shut oft Don't strain your eyes. Wear our comfortable, scientWcally. adjusted eye glasses and save your eyesight, money and time. Ton will bo better pleased and it will cost you less than anywi else. George Rubensteln, expert optl. elan, HI Fourth street, between . T . hill and Taylor. - -. WhoU get the HOOT 'That's thetpies tlon with everybody who watohes the ada. Some one will set It and 160 people will receive prises worth work ing for. It au depends on wno mines of the best business phrase f dr a prom-1 Inent iporuaua nrm. jjsxaus eisewnero. Ttr. "3." ft Caiman president of Wll. lamette university, delivered the dedi catory sermon In the new Methodist I church at Boring yesterday. Other ministers assisted. The exercises con- : sumed the greater par of the day. White Flyer line of launches will make dally trips to the Oaks and re turn. Boats leave foot of Yamhill street dally at 1:10 p. m.: Sunday 10 : a. m. Tickets at dock office 10 oents. I: A1 ' i - '''A'.-'m"'"' a i etswssaaMsaas 4 ; All patrons of 'The Nlekelodioa'- the movln oloture show. ISO Sixth, street will get a chance to -try a oup of the world-famous pure eereai eoixee caiiea 'Oolden Grain Oranules.". If they visit ."The Nlckelodion ' today. - ' Sunday school nlcnie of the Westmin ster Presbyterian church will be- held at Canemah park on Wednesday, the 2th. Special cars leave First and Alder streets at : a. m. . ' A ; 1 - Al - V " Hngh r k v. v v .V. i th. l . Yv rt about the I . k l V. 7 ' i Knn who I . I ' if n , i he was .! i was r""' W . ft , ' (Bpeelal Dispatch Is The Jowraal.) -. Vancouver, Wash June f4.-C raxed with drink absorbed in collecting evl- against saloonmen for remaining open Sunday. LrfeT5eiwaiS4swa merchant of Vancouver yestsrday after noon started a quarrel with his wife, was arrested, broke .Jail and for two hours held 'the-police and a crowd of several hundred at bay with a loaded shotgun before he was captured through the aid of a preaoher. T... . Seal aat In his home with, a loaded shotgun and vehemently shouted that he would kill any one that dared enter the gate. The police, fearing that he might carry his threat Into execution and not only kill one person but many, because of the large number of specta tors crowded Into the street refrained from entering. At last, through the ef forts of Rev. T. E. Elliott and others. Seal agreed to surrender, provided he was allowed ball and was not taken ta Jail. v v . .,; ,.... ,vi' ,aWoa. one or ran. ';f:i Early yesterday morn ln Seal, started out with the avowed Intention of col lecting sufficient evidence against the saloons of the city to file a case against them for keeping open on Sundays. It is said ht visited a number of saloons. In which he took one or more drinka. Shortly after noon he went to the home of J. X. Harris. Mrs. Seal, who re cently returned from a trip to Cali fornia, was in the Harris home. Seal. it is siiegea, sianea a quarrel with his wiie. ine police and placed Seat under arrest, - locking him In the women's cell in the city jail The prisoner suooeeded In freeing him self and, going to his home, prepared for the two hours" siege by providing himself with a- shotgun , loaded , with "mlra-ShOt" wntBuat T"raTO,.TOTj,jwi t The police were notified of Seal's ac tion and Chief Bateman went at once to the Seal homo, where he found Seal ready for him. An effort was made to get him to corns out, but this be flatly refused to do, ..Then an attempt was made to enter the yard but Seal drew up his gun, crying that he would shoot the flrSt man that tried to enter., - '.".Crowd Zs Threatened, In. the meantime several hundred peo ple had collected about the Seal fortress. Within 100 feet the Fourteenth infantry band was giving s public concert and the hundreds of people attending it soon became aware of what was aolna- on and ruahed to the scene. V The first man that ' succeeded In reaching Haul was the Rev. T. L. Elliott of the Methodlat Episcopal church. Sea! eaw Mr. Elliott In the crowd and mo tioned for him to enter. The two men talked tocether for several minutes but Seal refuted to allow entrance to any one elae. w When Mr. Elliott left the Douse tne Kev. j. E. Hnyder was allowed to enter, followed afterward br VL M ureen. as attorney for Heal. Finally, an agreement was reached that Sea was to give himself up but that ho was to do anowea nis freedom on ball. Seal later went down town and ha. came boiateroua stain. This time he was arrested and placed In the city Jail, where he snent the nlrht oaay ne win proDaojy oe iriea ror DELAY IS ' COSTLY ' If your teeth need treatment the longer you wait the larger It will make your bill. , ' ' : : ? ... HO fSlATES SI K I J 1 1 aw M 1 : U1 at once and let us ; examine your teeth.?; We- will give you the beat service in every branch of the dental profession, and by painless methods that will meet with ' your approval. When desired you can service. J ., . .7.,. -"-r-,--- Wl A. WISE, Dentist THIRD AND WASHINOTON STS, T. P. Wise, H. A. Stardevant and Or. , Barfman, Associates ., . ' noirs xaxs sots. : were at ones called I t00 ne win proDamy oe ir pc c"a 'assault and battery upon his wife. "ANGELS DID THEIR DOGGONEDEST BUT PETER ONLY HALF TRIED' OTtellly of SeatUa. was at Oregos hotel last week and told man who went the Arlsona one better. '':, ,'' '... all have heard about the Art- shot six men to death before finally taken dead. X tnmh atnna erected over the dead bearing the done " hla ' dna-rntijulsat. ' ..t. cold do no mori' -well, the man . I am talking about WM noted for his drinking ahlllfw T faet so disgracefully Intoxicated did he get every day that a committee waited on him for the purpose, of making him sign the pledge. He was a good-hearted. well-meaning fellow , and everybody wanted to save him from a sad future. w "As I said, he lived In Arlsona. He braced up for a while and everybody thought he would be good for the rest of his life. A year went by and Pete ijong 0ever aranK a crop, Finally temp tation got the beter of him. He d)a appeared for a week. When found he was surreunded by 13 empty bottles and a half-filled whiakey bottle. Pete was buried with ceremony and the epitaph reads: - "'Angels did their doggondest: Pete oniy naix iriea.' " . - CASHIER MET "MAMIE TAYLOR", THEN HE BOUGHT THE CIGARS Tmawater baseball trophy, won by The Journal 'team in contest with teams of ; Oregonlan and Telegram. Steamer Jesse Harkins, for Camas, Leaves Wash! Washougal and way landings, dally ex- ingron street cept Sunday dock t p. m. ' Mwaat eraam buttermilk, cheese, but. ter, ham. eggs, coffee, etc. - Oregon Cheese Co SweUand buUdlng, III Fifth street - Kew plnnre. tOxSO Professor Rlngler, 18 ( East Mor- Learn to1 swim. . feat. rison. Special summer ticket, 1 1 ' " Why pay moret Metsger fits your eyes for II. 141 Wash. St, cor. 7th, ' formerly at in eixm street a daoshter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Damon E. Stimson at their home In this city Wednesday. June is. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety eoal oil ad fins gasoline. Phone East T. Woman's Exchange, 1SI Tenth street, lunch, iliac to i; Business mens lunch. ' Fishing pole or box of candv with each pair , of ohudren s shoes at Rosenthal Diamond W It's eoffee-ask for It at your srocers. , For los call Mala tit Co, 111 Stark. , Xos Delivery Oregonlan Confectionery, III Sixth. . D. Chambers, optician. 111 Seventh. Berger signs 184 Yamhill phone. v Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. i,- Beck Jeweler J 05 Alder.. Xlser. Scenlo photos. ? Imperial hotel. Rxcluslvs Scotch and English novel ties. Holbrook A Leveen. tailors, Couch building. ! nnjidlnff Permits. :., Fidelity Trust company four one and a half-story aweiungs, iweniy-eigiTn between Raleigh and Savier, S,000; U . Branson, one-story dwelling. Princeton near railroad cut (SO; C D. Livingstone, ne-story dwelling. East Thirtieth be tween tsurmon and Mildred. 50; United Railways uo., wrecg or two-story frame, nnhimbia, between Front 'and Water. 176! united Kauwsye .v;o wreen or I runt Da. tnar.atnrv frame . buildlne. twn Jeffenwmjtnj1CrtujmMaA $78. SI , I I I I EII TEafS a t a f sua. a I . ' - mmm m aw , & GOnPAfJV MAIN 16G ' inviTE Youn uiQuiniES Fon PnifJTIfJG rr.sTino cn stheets PERSONAL . Coldnel William Crooks, one of the best-known railway men in the north west. Is rapidly recovering frost his re cent serious illness and has : been re moved from ths Good Samaritan hos pital, to his apartments at the Imperial hotel. Colonel Crooks has been 111 fori sU weeks and for a time It was thought he would not recover. Two daughters residing In St Paul are In Portland la attendance, upon their father. N.; X Wilson, a , well-known local newspaper man, will leave tomorrow for Salt Lake City, where he will take the position of telegraph editor on the Inter Mountain Republican. Mr. Wilson has i many friends in Portland who wish him success in his new venture. For the past year he has been copy-reader on the Telegran and was elected librarian and a member of the board of managers of the recently formed Portland , Press CJUD. f ' . - - Judge M. C. George, who has been ill for some weeks. Is Improving. He is to sit up for ten minutes today and his complete recovery is now considered to do oniy a matter or. a few weens, v Closing: Out Shoe Stock. The "Korrect Shape Shoe Store, at is Morrison street. v being turned into a aDaclaltv anto atora hv m w Skinner, general agont for the Paclflo coast of the Burt A Packard factory at Boston. , All that Is necessary to do this is to close out the stock of ladles' shoes. This is being done in a hurry by forced sals and when It la over tha stock of Burt ft Packard shoes will be greatly enlarged. The guaranteed line of patent leather shoes ror men. known as the "Burrojap, has been a mark of distinction for the Burt Packard fac tory and brought the Korrect Shape Shoe Store many a customer It would never have had without it. Burt & Packard have been well Known in this country aa manufacturers of men's shoes only -for 60 years, but only re cently have they seen fit to open an agency in Portland. Owing to the phe nomenal increase in sales, the manage ment of the Korrect Shape Shoe Store has decided to close out the . ladles' shoe stock and handle only men's shoes. ' Fiesta Bills ? Wanted. The Portland Rose Show and Fiesta I association desires to adjust all bills contracted ny. it. AH tnose naving claims against the association will lease present the same at headauartera or settlement, js. w. Howe, president. , Cashier West of the Portland hotel is an admirer of John Manning's moral brigade, and consequently doesn't know the difference between a. dry, martini and frozen absinthe. As-a result he has been placed in embarrassing posi tions that amused his fellow employes on several occasions.' ' - . ; ;- One day last week a waiter came la from the cafe With a check bearing the i.Rcitu, anm .in ricuBT. Mamie lavior.'- and several other articles of food and drink. The check was to be charred to PARROW CLAIMS (Continued from Page One.)" speech; It did not follow at all clearly ths case presented by. the prosecution; It did not outline at all definitely the theory and evidence ths case avould pre sent The very serious allegations of ths prosecution the allegations that af fected Haywood , most pregnantly he avoided or slurred over altogether. And all the time he mads the impression of a, man who had failed to gain the Intellectual sympathy of his Jury. ; Ths II Juryman trying ths case 'all are essentially and altogether western men. They are frontiersmen, hard-bitten in the life of the frontier, believing in the methods of the frontier, and be llevlng in the type of men It has pro And Dai-row is intellectually the duced. city. - His view of Industrial conditions is the view of a city man, believing in the alleviating Benefits or anarchy, watered down by gentle words and Dink lemonade altru isms. And in talking to his Jury the iiss was tne a guest of the'hotel. West' thought it was to be charged to Mamie Taylor, and hunted through his books and scoured na noiei trying to find Mamie Taylor. She COUld not ha found, and nthar am. plpyes finally offered to Introduce West to the hidden maiden, t . . West was willing, for he wanted thi cneca paia. A teiepnone message to the bar brought up a splendid specimen of iaw cuumig jasmie jayior. . wnen me coverage was placed before' West he eased wnat it was. When informed that It was the long-sought for Mamie Taylor he smiled and bought cigars for mo ouncn. naajjl isms. And in thing he seemed to miss was grave impression made upon the Jury, not by the allegations that Haywood had been concerned with the killing of men, but in the secret, unwarned methods of that killing.,. - rout v arrow aaisseo. "If a man comes to me." said one frontiersman to me yesterday who was friendly to Haywood in tne beginning of this case, "and tells me that he is going to shoot me On sight why, that's all right. The one of us that gets the 7l. ..... . T . - -) 1 U1UU ill si 7. i II o vw . . W V.W1. - T. I . he takes company to neit witn him. But hiding a bomb In ray gatepost, or drop- But ping arsenic into roy milk why, that's not -American."---.' :-.,.. i,.r ;-. . That last word seemed to Impress him greatly. "That's not American." he re peated. - And the point Clarence Darrow missed In talklns- to his Jury this morn ing was rust that. Tne crime charged i'. Merry Bwlesqiier. t Baker. l< ImS: The second ,: and - last - week of the Zlnn - company opened at ths ' Baker yesterday, ln the new and up-to-date which made a decided hit from the start The popular chorus of pretty and clever girls score repeatedly in lively alne-ln ana uancing numoers. jnatineo eaiur day. , Tacation Trip Throng Bast ' to Jamestown exnosltion. Boston. New Torkv Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing ton, jtuchmond, steamer rides on Atlan tic ocean, unesapeaxe bay, Potomao and James - rivers, on low fare ticketa to Norfolk over Pennsylvania Short Lines from cnicago: stopovers. ror particu lars address Kollock. 24 Stark street. jroruano, ur. Original Styles. Exclusive Scotch and En all sh wonlana. Hoiorook jjeveen, uouch buuding, between Stark and Washington street a When in San Francisco Stsy St Hotel Hamlin, IIT Eddy. Fire-! proof; 100 rooms, 40 bains; rates 11.60 ana up. .n,aay-airet ears at ferry. agalnat them was "not American." And he was talking to essentially an Ameri can jury, nut ne taikea to nts jury ss though it was a . Jury of , Chicago packing nouse hands. -t . -' These Jurymen were men of. their hands sun-baked, - hard-gritted, deep bitten men. small farmers, ranch own ers mostly, who thought for themselves and believe above everything in the in dividual freedom of individual Ameri cans. And this -morning Clarence Dar row bellowed at them as though they parcel or emigrants, rresn and ed. from Ellis island. : And all tha time he abused and reviled Orchard. r cass uroaara a eper. "This monumental liar. hes' called him. - "this leper," this "shoe-string ar&mbler." He imnlicated - th mine- owners time and again in continued ef forts to wreck tne western f ederation; He alleged that the explosion In the Vindicator mine was a "pure accident." He spoke of Pettibons as "a ' light- hearted. . good-natured citisen - or Den ver: the mend or every aog ana cnua and cat in the place.'' - . - "A simple gentleman selling clothes wrinera.,r A haDDy-Hoolixan fellow." he called him, "who was always ready A VaIh anwhndv n t. WJ Iiv?tk' SHi W"uj 1lhAna TIa rrA at ft id - Pitkrl siiirr1lai4 the sawed-off shotguns for Moyer and Orchard when they were to Ouray to gether. He admitted that Orchard had sons to Ouray with Meyer aa a "guard. He got rather complexed. explaining how it was Orchard had gone with Now Is the time to nalnt vour house in town or at ths beach, aa we have work at both places and can give you first-class work without the sxpenss of sending men irom nere. P. A. DOANE "ralattna and SsooraUnr. ' . Pac- 2216. ,ivv?'- tit Tamhlll St Moyer. He was vague in his facts and nis dates and ms places, ana ne nao to turn often and consult Richardson who, after alL has outclassed Dejrrow alto gether. He talked like a man who had never gripped bis case; he failed alto- father to grip his Jury and he left the efensfe at 11 o'clock a little weaker than It wan at .1 , o'clock when he startad. , . .-: -. . : ; o snroEsrrs. vo a as. vo oooAiin. Our New Process of Re-Lnamcling Teeth Is ths greatest Invention in modern . dentistry and has been the most suc cessful of all methods to restore badly decayed teeth, which would otherwise be beyond hope to their original usefulness. TEETHrtlIr. Sztraotlng Posltlvsly Without Pain 'or Bad Sesnl 60. - To Introduce our method we will through the month of June do all kinds of dentistry at ons half our regular .price. We give a written guarantee for 10 years with all work. Open evenings. ' CEICAG0 PAINLESS DENTISTS ; SXJCTaX AV9 WASKOrCrTOX. Fred Butler Dr. Chapman's Grsat Soloist,' ; . Assutsd by : ". ,; WAxrzm Ksxa - XZSS XATatAUZW &AWXZB Olvee a Concert at The VhlteTempI Tomorrow aTlghS at f o'clock. Last Concert of ths Season. . ABIOSSZOsT AJtD XrSXBTXO nit so cavrs. Tickets on sals Woodard. Clarke tc Co.'s. Fourth snd Washington;' 8. W. Wlngats, 141 Morrison. , AJIXrSSMBsTTBV MARQUAM ORAIVD , . Phono Main ft. ? Tonight and All Week, Farewell, San Francisco Opera Co ' nraxv joaanrr comes wumoxsx ' . . K9SUD." J Prices t So, SOc, 76c Mat tie, 6O0. JUiy S, NAMU1S ONKILL, ' America's Greatest Tragedienne. BAKER THEATRE Fboaakfital. ' Qm. L- Bakrr. lla. Second and Laat Week of Zlnn s Musical Travesty Co. In the TxuBrxosra azcxAvaa ; With All the Great Beauty Chorus, splendid costumes and Enacts. Evening d rices 15c. 16c. J 5c, SOc. Matinees ISo, o. Matinee Saturday. Kext week twekens' oreai flay, r . "OLIVER TWIST." . THB STAR U 22T, Ths Great Heart Story of Modern Ufa, -TMM CHAXITT sTUXSZ Matinees Tuesdays. Thursdays. Satur-1 days and Sundays at J:o. Prices. 100 and 10c Every evening at 1:15. Prices, lov, zoo ana loo. Phone for Reserved Seats, Main I40S. LYRIOTttEATRE Phono Main 4615. This week the Allen Stock Company, presenting tne xnree-Act urama, "A WICKBI) WOaUI." Matinees Tuesday, Thursday. Satur-1 day and Sunday. Price 10c, JOo. Every I evening at :i. rnce luc, joe, ana loal Reserved seats by pnone, Mam 8. Office open from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. The Grand V$SB3. A Few of the Headllners; Bo hart migora, Adele Palmer. Cooks ft wunion, asr. ana ssrs. arwieava, And Many Others. Kext Week DO LAN & LENHARR. the Greatest Kketcn Team on tne -American Stags. No Liquor Mi Concerts today, 2:00 1:15, T:45 and :40 0 clock by scxtLzosm anraAmzAar sTOSSABS. Scenes Of Unexampled En thuslaam GreetedTheir Performance Last Night a The Great Monarcha of Presents for Davenports S High Wire, the Toung PAT Onea TUJBSDAT. II AlwajraBoy ; &ff!f&n Cnllnrs wT r.fl.V SS PaUSArunik. I f . "thsv aaapr naana aa iwun It I If Hae"LINOCOR" eyelet battoaholea. J l I Saor to battua. - . sto u hold. I I AXXOV SOCZBTT TXVmSBAT 1 ' Festival of Sontf. f J jrmanxB cottst vat c I Everyl f Help rSXDAT. ! body Who Wants ths Less Fortunate Should Help the Fresh Air Fund. Ths . Oaks Leads. Five Sunday School Picnics Have Engaged the Lawn ' Tablea This Week. UW1L IL cm Uakes the skin llks you want its Does it in a noment. Hag an s SUagnotta Hahru A liquid preparation for Face, wsck, Arms. ana nanas. t . It is neither sticky nor greasy It's harmless, clean ' ; and refreshing. . Cannot be deteoted. 4 , Two colors Pink and White Use it norniitg, noon and night , : ninier, spring, summer, ran. ; SAMPLE FREE. Lvos MM. Co., 44 sVPiftk i 84 Brooklyi JtT, ; If , Electric Fans FOR SUMMER; COMFORT , - No matter how hot it may be, cooling breezes are at your command by the twist of a switch. In the home in the office, or ixi the store, the , ELECTRIC FAN is ever a boon, a comfort, a lux ury at a trifling cost In tip-to-date stores,, during warm weather, a number of fans are kept going day and night, mak ing the establishment so equipped more comfortable for : and attractive to patrons. The cost of this service is so small that there is really1 no excuse for ; its omission. , A 16-inch ELECTRIC FAN can be operated at a cost not to exceed one cent an hour and a 12 Inch FAN can be run for even less. . 1 " The new model ELECTRIC FAN is specially adapted to use in private residences and offices. It ' may be carried to any room and attached to any convenient lamp socket. , , . Fans on sale at the company's Supply Depart ment, 147-149 Seventh street IMMEDIATE DELIVERY made of all Fans ordered NOW. -f Call Telephone Main :V ' t" -6688 for Information ' 4 '. ' - Portland Railway, Light & Power Company riXST AND ALDER STREETS 1 y Diamonds JK wvwvvvvv On Credit 1 Compare a diamond bought from us with one. r bought elsewhere. Price for price, see how. much more value we give you for your money. How Can You Do It Is a question often asked of us and easily ex plained. We buy our diamonds from people who need the money. We have a broker in New York always on the lookout for "snaps," and when we buy from importers we buy for v cash, not on 8-12 months' credit, therefore buy , f cheaper than others do. i Our Guarantee Your money back if you find any article dif- rr ferent than represented. Your money back ; less 10 per cent 'the cash purchasing price on any diamond bought from us. mm Marx 6 Bloch I . Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon ' " i 74MrdSt.,NearOak Kusenlsr . tnsufflelsnciss. which srs uauallr lgnorsd toy most optometrists, srs t specially u4 earsfully consldsrsd by ns. . A J K?; i i3Jy ) It 'K Our system of optieaj. muscular treat ment lnsuraa your psrf sot comfort. It doas not follow, ascssssrtly, . that you will bars to wear tlsssas.. It will rsquirs but very fsw minutes of your time to call sAd taik ths matter over with us. r.Iunsell Optica! Co. la r ,! . ItvnsU,'&cfrst!, ' oUff r " V-x. rorUan. c- . -n. It mm TEETH Sul'3 ' Corns at ones sad savs fro sxams- v Uon. - WB rXTHACT TEETH TT.TT'L r" m VER yilXiNOS, I Bo UP; C r -INQS, 7So UP: SET OK Tt 1 I SPLENDID 6ST. M ; CM.I M.ea to ,k9; waaa tiWw... t. , i ta 15.00. : All wort gnarantl for ten y Lady sttendant '' fr; Work done bP'H.'t...-: K t. fparlsliai at Ir il ta a j perlenca. M r