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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1907)
ID V. THE. OREGON DAILY JQURNAt, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JUK" 21, 1007. ' San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market St.. bet. 3d & 4 th ADTTBTISIIfTHTS ' AW ' SUB- ' Oregonlens when In San Francisco run have their mail sent to car of Th Journal, office. " ., .j1' ARTHUR L, FISH, Representative- REAL 'ESTATE TRANSFERS. NEW TODAY. ,. . rt i k if ivpi WW 3f 10 400 S00 476 Hit Pritcs Will Advance July !5 Has Bull Run waiter. - Has electric lights and gas. ' Has excellent car service. Has beautiful view of river, harbor and mountains. , Has one of the few beauti ful bcnilevards..;o ' " Has central location on the peninsula, where all the big improvements are being made. - 'r- - ? . Has building restriction; (No shacks.) "i'-'i . These are not wildcat lots, they are within, walking dis tance to where thousands of men are now employed. , It is the best residence lo cation on the east side. -This is the cheapest prop erty offered on the Peninsula today considering location. i Buy now and make the ad vance. Take a look today. St. Johns car, get off at Greeley. Agent on the ground.' . TOPAZ .-LAND CO. 605 COMMERCIAL BLK. No Metropolitan Land company to H. H. Brown, lot 1, block Nut Grove ., ...,....... O. N. and Lola Ford to Win tar Kricknon, 110x93 feet beginning 471 reel south or a point In center df-ounty road, 767.25 ' feet weat or a atone at section corner of sections 7, 8, 17 and 18. township 1 south rang J '" east .......... i .. M. E. Breyman et al. to Theodore 'Anderson, lot 6, block 17, Sun. nyside addition .............. A. H. and Phoebe A. Breyman et aL to Theodore. Anderson, -. lot 6, block 17, Sunnyside addi tion ......................w.. Bans and Theresa Holmberg to : George Sharp, lot 6, block 7, " fXnH-don Morse, lot 18. block 8. Nash's First addition. ......... 1.800 Andrew B. Glbba to Hannah M. Helney, 45 acres, commencing , at southeast corner of west 4 of tinrrh.niit U of section SI. - township 1 south, range 8 east. '- 1.750 M. F. and Mary Corbet t to George Hlralfha Mil hi no If B. IJn- ' coin Park . 430 R. W. Schmeer to Albert Vahl. Intm iitH A hlrwk S- Oakhurst addition S0 The Hawthorne Estate to L R. Fairchlld. east ft of lots 1 and 9v& t tluarrhnrnn Park addition 1,450 The .Hawthorne Estate to I K. : r.)r..hiM went U of lots 1 And 1. block 32. Hawthorne Park.. 1,(50 Richard Healy to Maggie J. , Sulr.. In, 1A Wrw-V so. Alhlna ' Homestead ; ISO Louisa M. Oberender to J. W. nharanil.p Int. I MOCK . 'II. Donaa addition ............... 2.000 Rose City Cemetery association to Baran, Anna rorner, norm ft of lot 28. block 40, section D. said ceemtery. . . J. W. and Agnes E. Ogllbe to Brooklyn Hall improvement association, east ft of lots 1( and 17, block i . Tibbett's homntfiaJ ..... Katie C Chambers to R. and Rose, Carbln, lot 1, Diocn s. wooa- lawn ; NOTICES. SKA LED PROPOSALS WILL BE RK cetved by me at my office. No. T 1st t., Portland, Or., up to 13 o'clock noon of Wednesday. June 28. 1907, for the fol lowing 'personal property located Jt South Bond, Wash..' - ' One etock of genera! merchan. dlse. Inventoried, at., t...... 5,877.18 One atore building, on leased ground. Inventoried at...... 1,250.00 (Together with fixtures and . lights belonging to the bldg.) .? Two horses. - wagon and har-" siess. Inventoried at,........, 200.00 Three cash registers, Inven-' ' torlcd at , 1.4IG.4J One large safe,' Inventoried at. 175.00 One lot of miscellaneous store ; ' . fixtures ................... 1.148.00 HELP WAXTKD MALE. SOBER, ' RELIABLE MAN. HAVING references and some money to invest can secure splendid situation: profits unlimited. Call or address 128 4 Morrl son St., room t, WanteiW-uuniturb and" " (CArtl pt - salesman; good pay to the rixht m h n . Martin Furniture Co., 188-188 lit. Wantedbrick wheeLers;- por day.- McMahon Bros., 44 Division. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. wanted bookkeeping, txpe- writing, or copying , evenings. :. Ad dress E-401, Jonrnsl. EXPEKI- HELP ; WANTED FEMALE 1 . so 760 10 IrFl 'ABSTRACTS. TITLE INSUH- nci or mortgage loans, call on Pactno Title Trust Co.. .04-5-8-7 Falling bldg. GEf ' V6ur " Insurance and ab- stracts to real estate from the Title Guarantee A- Trust co jiw waaningion st., cor. td. - - '- Weddmr Cards. W. G. Smith tt Co.. Washington bldg.. corner 4th and Wash. ngton sts. ' . 'I'nnantK JL Crt flnrlslm. for flowers of all kinds. Clarke Bros.. and floral designs. 123 8th St. Florists Fine flowers 289 Morrison st sixes. Full dress suits for rent, all Unique Tailoring Co., 0 Stark st reap Must sell at Once, new room . house, nice - lawn; terms. Inquire of owner . . fXAM 6335. modem reasonable WEATHER REPORT . Reports are asraln mlasine this morn Ing from all stations east of the Rocky mountains, ine oarometer is relatively ' high over the north Paclfio states, and relatively low over California and ' Arl Bona, During the last 24 hours sfcowers have fallen in northern Nevada and at scattered places In eastern Oregon and 1 central Idahoi Jt was much warmer yesterday afternoon In , Oregon, Wash . Ington, Idaho and Utah, but this morn Ing the- tempera turea on the Pacific ' slope are generally slightly below nor mal. - t -., . . i. Indications are - for fair 'weather In - this district tonight and tomorrow. It will be warmer east of the Cascade ' mountains, and continue warm in west' cm Oregon and western Washington. ...,-...... . .i .... -Temp. s . i ' . -. Max,. Mln. Preclp. coise, jaa. ...... . , r 44 .0 Los Angeles, Cal.. 88 62 .0 Portland. Or. ... ... 77 -68 n'V.t . Reno, Nev. ....... 84 . ' 40 .0 fan Diego, Cal.'.... 88," . .. 58 - .8 Pan Francisco. Cal. 82' 50 ,0 Spokane, Wash. ... , 70 ' ' 48 .' ?"". " .0 Xacoma, Wr8h.,... 78 64 . . ;.0 . " . ' THE RIVER. ' " ' - ' ' r The river will rise, slightly tomor row, Wednesday and Thursday, - and reach a stage of 17.2 feet Thursday. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Simon and Reglna Mitchell to .. - K. M. Hewett lots 10, 11. 12, 1 block 3: lots 84, 2. 88, 87, block 2. Trances addition to Al- bina.J..,...,.. , Louis M. and Abigail A. Ander son to Edward T. Peake, lot 10, Lamargent Heights ..... f : W. J. and Sadie John to W. E. v . Lewis, lots 1 and 2, block 6, Prunedale addition ........... Isabella J- Sell wood to William Pool, lot 18, blockt 86. Sellwood ' R. L. Stevens (sheriff) to J. R. K. Irvln, lots 24. 28 and 26, In : I, the townsite of Alblna; also be-1 ginning at intersection of Gold- ' - smith and Knight streets In Al '' bina John A. Bell (executor) to Paul Mlckelsen, lot 2, block 1, Ana bel,.. Walter Shelly to William T. SheU ley,' 120x40 rods, west Vi of the following: " Beginning 40 rods s west of northeast corner,, of north M of north U of south- . . west of section 88, township 1 north, range 4 east, , Leslie T. and Emma J. Peery et aL toKat Cunningham , lot 2, block 298, Couch's addition. . Real Estate Investment associa tion to Delia Taylor Swinney, ' east H of lots 6 and ,8. block : 11, Sellwood Julia A. and Bruce C Kennedy to Onieatta McK. Longworth, Iota 8 and 4. block 5, W D Pretty man's subdivision Elden A. Herman to J. Oono, lots 15 and 16, Taylor's subdivision of section 2. township 1 south, range 2 east..........,,,...,. G. E. Alfredson to William v and Anna B. Romacly, southeast 4 of lot 1, tract E. Overton Park. ' James D. and Xulua B. Ogden to Elizabeth C Martin, lot 16, lilock 46. Vernon... ...... Hthernift Savings Bank to Ernest Iledley.'lot 15, block 3, Brock ton addition .................. Jlcnry and Kate Brlce to Truman J. Glover, lot 15, block 7, Clov erdale extension ............. A. V'. Larson to Kate Bushonr. routh ii feet of lot 2, block 12. )olan's addition Tiile" Guarantee A Tmst-eom-i'nny to Belle Russell, .lot 8,: l i.'M-k 67, Sunnyslde Third Ad dition Ti'ie- Guarantee , A Trust' com I imy to Belle Ruasell. lot .9, Mwk 67, Sunnyslde Third addl- tnn . .. 6, 1 and Cella D. Chambers to T'. K. Yoamans (trustee), lots l J 13, Uock 6, Arleu Tark 800 1,250 10 Id 8SS 250 1,200 6,000 171 3,000 1.250 ' 160 2,100 fi 400 " t - K 10 860 ; 850 400 BIRTHS SHEARER June 18. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shearer, z ta. Morrison si., a Son. FIETGEN June 18, to' Mr. "and Mrs. Q. Fletsren. 487 Clay St.. a dsughter, HARTMAN June 21, to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hart an. iti litn iu, daughter. ... -1 . KUKEKTBUW June is, io mi. ana jure. Thomas , A. Robertson, u i ntra st- KELLY June 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Mat thew Kelly, 708 Kearney st. a son. JOHNSTON June 1. to Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert , Johnston, 259 , Monroe St., a daughter.. . ' HAYS June 16, to Mr. and Mrs. . Thomas Hays. ; Ostrander, . Wash., a CHRISTENSON June 10, to- Mr. V and Mrs. Louis Christenson, 617 Commer cial st., a. son. - ' ' ATHEY June 11. to Mr. and Mrs. Lyn - ton E. Athey. 245 6th st, a daughter. THOMP8ON June 17, to Mr. and Mra. Robert S.. Thompson, 44 J. 6th St. a daughter. - ' -, TfitMiJiA7Vm OX 76.1 6 ris-eBsn: Certified check for per cent of the amount offered must AO Company each bid. and the right is re served to reject any and all bids. ' ' Inventory may be seen on application ana property may be inspected at &outn Bend,. Wash.. ...-.. - Dated at Portland, Or., this 11th day ox iune, 1 R. L. SARIN. Na T 1st st NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET .... . . .-. ING.. . Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting or the stockholders wr the Mid way .oil company will be held, at th office of Ladd. A Tllton. Portland. Or. at 1 o clock -p. m. on Wednesday, Jul 1 n .AiiT . ' .1. .1 , t A. VI, ivr 141. IUI pjn. VI viwviiiik board of directors, and for the transac tion of such other business as may come Derore trie meeting. WILLIAM M. VlIIDDEN. Secretary. Wanted to know the wh er e. a bouts of Owen Wells, seen last the jatn: nso on Diue can. Diut overalls. light waist; baa blue eyes, light hair, riease notiry juvenile court SEALED BIDS WILL", BE RECEIVED at the office of the school clerk, city hall, up to 12 m. Saturday, June 29, 1907. for heating and ventlla tins - the following .school buildings, vis.: - The Chapman ' school building, ' 8unnyslde scnooi Dunning ana Montaviua school building. Plans of the bulldinrs and pecincatlons of reoulrements can be m k .Mhll.1. aAm 4J T7. . 4 st All proposals-must be accompanied by a certined check for 10 per cent of the amount of proposal. The - school board reserves the right to reject any - . . . . T . . na an Dins. 1 nog j. jones, arcnitect EDDY VILLE WOOL POOL WILL SELL" Or. on the 16th. Veat A Son, EddyvllU DEATHS JONES June 21, Harry O. Jones, aged 40 years, 400 Skldmore st; pulmonary tuberculosis. ' -I.- - DIXON June 20, Louis T. Dixon, aged 19 years, 2 months and 10 days, at et. r, irimmni yctius, i.iiiwu ikiuciii. KIRKPATRICK June 20. Walter Kirk natrick. - aaed 23 years . And 2 dava: 537 Montgomery -., at; chronica Bright- disease. -.- J-.-j HIBBINS June 20, George Herbert t Hibblns, aged 43 years, 3 months and 4 days. Walla Walla; gunshot wound la intestines..' ': i , . . FORNER June 22, Joseph Fomer, aged-61 years, 9 months and 27 days, 826 E. 10th St., N.; malignant tumor of psncreas. - . - ; -: NITZSCHE June 21. Mrs. Fannie 0DeH - Nitssche. aged 87 years. 6 months and 1 day, 1444 E. Stark st; cerebral hero- orrhare. - . CYPHER --June 21. James B. Cypher. aged 28 years, 4 months and 11 days, 1047 Cleveland ave.; peritonitis. SEELEY June. 14,. at New York," Ta- mar ueeiey, agea z years, 11 montna and 2 aays. 136 iatn St.; enaocaroitis. LOST. AND FOUND FOUND -A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated ' and returned same day, 228 Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, H. Mets ger, proprietor. LOST. HALF MOON AND . STAR neck brooch set with 22 small Dearla Finder please return to Journal office. newaro. LOST SMALL BAY MARE. WITH 4 white feet: reward If returned to 170 UDerim et. Fortamoutn. Or, LOST SILVER LINK PURSE, WITH monogram M. H. on one side: con tents, small change and resrtstrv ' re ceipts bearing owner's name, inclosed In leather card cose; liberal reward. Phone Main 4171. LOST A GOLDEN PLAIN1 HANDLE umoreiia. with initials B. v. Return to 73 Front st.. and receive reward. A . BLACK POCKETB06k. CONTAIN Ing 8160 in cash and 8500 In checks was lost between Sellwood and Fremont on Missouri or Delay sts Saturday, June 22. The finder will please report 10 Bi9 Missouri ave. icaa. rveison. , ward, Lost" Irvington SUNDAY, AT racetrack.v boy' red coat: reward: phone Main 1942. ' C. C. Shay, 206 Ab- lngton bldg. . i . BROWN JERSEY COW; TOP LOST of horns out Return to 77 Morris st t. HELP WANTED MALE. UNDERTAKERS MAX M. SMITH. FLORIST. 160 6TH st. opposite. Meier D rank . Alain . P, FINLE Y A SONS. 20 AND MADF son sts. uince 01 county coroner. Phone Main 8. : B. HEMSTOCK. FUNERAL W. Umatilla. Phone rector. ': Eaat 12th and Sellwood 71. Lady assistant DUNNING. M'ENTEE. A GILbaUgW: undertakers and embalm e rs : modern In every detail.' Seventh and Pine. Main 430. Lady assistant. - rectors. emDaimers, ill Kusseil. ... East 1088. Lady assistant teDWARD HOLMAif. : tlfNDERtAmiR, " itv oq n. "" ' -... - - -- - ftRICSON UNDERTAKINO CO- AND embalming. 409 Alder, st Main 6133. Lady assistant CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, $10; rsmilv lots, size 10X16, for (loo and ur wards, according to slio: the only cemetery In Portland which perpetually maintains ana cares ior tots, f or run nformation. apply to W. K. Mackenzie. Worcester block, city. W. M. Ladd, president. , , ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES, Ji6; . ramiiy jots. zo io io. euperintena- ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont st and Cully road. . Phone Tabor 20G. For full information apply to Frank Schlegel. 602 Commercial blk. Phone Main 2823. MEETING '. NOTICES --.t ; M. W. A. OREGON GRAPE GAMP NO. 6.975. Monday. 1 7th and Marshall. Visitors welcome. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMp, 6.4 meets Wednesday - evening. Alisky bldg.,- 3d and Morrison sts. MT. HOOD CIRCLE. NO. 151. W. O. W, Rose whist. Tuesday 26th. 8 p. m. W. O. W. hall, E. 6th and Alder sts. All are invited.'. Admission 15c, Refreshments and dancing. -- ' WANTED BRIGHT YOUNO MAN TO learn real estate business; excep tional proposition at tne oresent tima APPiy oi & ewetiana Diag., oet z end 4. Wanted salesmen; many make ' 3100 to 3160 per months some even more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards; cash',' ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery , Co., , Top penlsh, Washington.' ' WE GET WORK FOR OUR MEMBERS; special members, 82. s Y. M. C A 4th and Yamhill et. ' "'-' MEN, AT ONCE, .FOR CLERKS OR .carriers Portland' post office; oppor tunity to advance. . We prepare you for examination. Call or write immediate ly. Pacific States Schools, McKay bldg., city. - - t i Union Hotel 81 N. SIXTH ST., PORTLAND, OR. Free employment to all; boarder' rates 11.50 per week; room,. 2 So and up; spe cial monthly rates given. Anderson, proprietor.. .---.v.-. . FIRST-CLASS HARNESS steady emDlovment Company. MAKERS: . Tb P. J. Cronin WILL LET CONTRACT TO SINK 60 foot shaft on copper ledge and give interest in mine for same. W. E. Jones, 291 Alder. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing. plastering, blocklaylng, electrical trades; - free catalogue; posi tions secured. . Coyne Trad Schools, New York and San Francisco. WE PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS' IN Oregon; divorce coses a specialty. In most cases clients need, not.aonear In court, xuoaerate zees. . Aaaress A-319 journal. Lady barber sriop. four chairs- WANTED -ating; GOOD SALARY, SHORT HOURS. PAY WHILE , LEARNING; LUNCHEON SERVED FREE OF CHARGE ; AND LOUNGING AND REST V ROOMS IN CONNECTION. AP- PLY CHIEF OPERATOR, TETy- ' EPHONE BLDG.. WEST PARK v , AND ALDER 8TB. WANTED POSITION BY enced family cook. Address Ptnrk st.. Chinese mlHion. WANTED PETEuBOW 247 n CANOE. dress jc-403. Journal. ' SITUATION WANTED AS ENGINEER, or fireman. Address 8-403 Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. 4 ROOMS, WITH WATER. 12, 840'. Front St.; 4-room flat, bath, 2H. 188 Market st. ROOMS AND HOARB. Corner lOth-and Morrison, 3 blocks west of Portland hotel First-class rooms and board: rates reasonable; "transient na tame ooara accommnnau. . i .i. ..1 y-- A SU.MMEU RESORTS WANT A COTTAGE AT SEASIDE? Wi'tle F. MoFarlnnd, SenHlde, Or., who win jooata you. state price limit, etc. . June 25. Puclflo 180. Fl". IwENT NEW COTTAGE (FUR- nlflie. ,, 4 bedrooms, at Gearhart park, by the month or season, . S. C. Beach, 92 1st st. Phone 444. FOR - KENT 6-ROOM FURNlSIIElS FOR RENT HOUJSIUCKJgi notine. at uearhnrt Park. . Inoulre.JI. L. Wills, PorUaJUUJ'-? CLEAN WA NTED. ANY0TVJS1J -rl. f urnfinielibou aekeepln g-room s, laun f EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIP- PERS HIOHE8T WAGES. GEORGE A. M'NEIL COMPANY. WHOLESALE . CONFECTIONERS, 110 N. FOURTH ST., NEAR GLISAN. iusLp Wanted union laundry company. ' WANTED REFINED,' CAPABLE WO- . rl ,V AM. .. man iui icaj'-iiBiui. puni,,uti v,,- portunitle for advancement Vlavi com pany, 10th and Morrison sts. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843ft Waahington st. comer Seventh, up stairs. Phono Main 2692. . Female help wanted. " ,;' s.- i sTr6n6" gIrls f6r candy, fac- tory. George A. McNeil company, wholesale confectioners, , 119 North Fourth, near Gllsan. ' " '" - " 6iRLs ' Wanted operators to work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to inexperienced. 'Apply at Stand ard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East Tavlor at.-. K - ' " : ' ' MXcHiNE 6PERATOR AND FINISH- er on pants. Charles Coopey .bon. room 8. 88 H Third st qirLs Wanted apply standard factorv No. 1. Grand av. and luut Taylor t.- - ' steady employment work ugnt gooa wages. Pacife Coast Biscuit company, 12th and Davis. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL . housework in . family or two; must know how to cook: good wagea ,,,, 204 North 24th st. girls t6 wonk W cracker fac- tory; short hours, best wages, work clean and light Paclfio Coast Biscuit Comnanv. 12th and Davis. ' Wfi PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS IN Oregon. Divorce coses a specialty. In most case clients need not appear In court Moderate-fees. Address N-siZ, Journal. - - WANTED STARCHWORK 1RONERS, flannel ironers ana general launary help. East Side Laundry Co- E. Ash snd 6th. Phone East 809. ' r I 3s,J ' -r'HiW" WT Jill l"W Z&S- soine "191 and ask for Mrs. Le- mater. " ' WANTED POSITION AS HOUSE - keeper or to do housework In a small family, by an experienced middle-aged woman. ; A .good home. Wages about 34 per week. Address G-390. Journal. WANTED POSITION . AS IIOUSE- kerper or to do housework In a small family by an experienced middle-aged woman. ' A good home. Wages about 84 per -week. Address O-390, Journal. dry and bath. Portland. 184 Sherman st. south. fOTWEEK UP--CtEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping-rooms, - parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard. 208 H Stan- BUSINEut CHANCES FOR BALE STOCK .OF MERCHAN dlse, in country town; will Involve about 33.000.' Adifress. P-811, Journal. FOR SALE NEW fiTOCK OF GRO- WAITED AGENTS. SOMETHING NEW IN HIGH-GRADE - perfumes; " price very low; supply limited. L M. Plummer, at drug store. ISO Bd st. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods? If so w need you: complete outpt rree; casn weekly. - write ior choice' of territory. Capitol City Nur sery company, Baiem. or. WANTED A HIGH-CLASS NURSERY salesman for Rogue River country; also Klamath Falls country: exclusive agency given; highest commission paid, ootflt furnished free; must start at once. Address with reference. Oregon Nursery company, Balem, Or. . EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES LADY CLERK FOR OUR Call today. Swetland, 278 Mor- tor. risen. WANTED OPERATORS ON PANTS. -Apply 207 Commonwealth Bldg. - Wanted first waitress and a, chambermaid at iloDari wurua, iin and Jefferson. ;'. - ALL KINDS OF HELP WANTED AT ma a. n. . n.mpioyni-111 BHcnujr, 126 H Morrison st- Phone Main 8022, WANTED STENOGRAPHER IN LAW office, 813 Fenton bldg., 84 6th st 26. GIRLS AND WOMEN WANTED Apply at once. : E. 8th and Bolmont Dreson Packing Co. WANTED ENERGETIC LADIES IN I . fortinnd ana state, ru Smith. 109 Sherlock bldg.- GERMAN-AMERICAN EMPLOYMENT Co. Railroads;, logging; farma; hotels: furnish with help of all kinds on short notice. Try us. Phone Main 6496. 233H Burnslde st. , - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE . - ' FOR MEN. ' v ' U-K. 2d st. Phone Main 1526.- P6RTLAND fcMpLOYMENTFFlCE. 205H Morrison t..,. Phone Paclfio 239 27 N. 2d St. i... .....Phone Paclfio 1200 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe- clalty. 20 N. 2d st. Phone Main 0296. We par sll telerraoh charres. ACME EMPLOYMENT CO. FARM and loggers' help specialty. 84 N. 30 st, or Main 6437. - ' . ' eerie and fixtures for less than In voice, -it will pay -vou to investigate. THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING Ington St. . . .. and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th for SALE AN UP-TO-DATE MEAT and Flanders sts. ' ' y- market and grocery store doing a ' HOTEL FA1RMOUNT. - business of $2,000 per month. - Positive Just think, only 60c a week up ro-r ly the best location on east side Will new, bright , rooms,-wortfr-68 -a week; sell at Involoe, which 1 about 32,250. Hotel Falrmount first opened since the a snap. MustVbe sold at once. Address fair: hmiaakcenln or alnrla rooms, fur nished or unfurnished; above price If taken before the 20th; gas, bath, phone. 26th and Upshur, Fair Grounds; beauti ful location. . .... FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP . ing-rooms, 210 per month. . Main 2375. 7B4 Water at. . ' - f!-Srt. Tniirnul' A5dOD GROCERY' ST6REi. VALlld about $1,000. for 1550. Nelson, 1 14th snd Irving sts. . PLACER GOLD "MINES A FEW O? 'the most promising some already' paying producers; careful selection; high-grade and cream of northwest fields; some at half value; 24 years' mine management; inventor and vendor of placer machinery)., give you . the right tip; state amount to invest! W. N. Rublo, Welppe, Idaho, car American mine. v .. ... , and 20; will furnish for more: all on PLANING MILL MACHINERY, ALSO west side of river. Inquire 864 N. 36th, I large set blacksmith tool a Address M-R06M. FOR HOUSEKEEPING"; ga plate, steel range. Main 4629. 618 Caru there. GOOD FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. for 38 month; 3 for 112; slso t and7-room unfurnishea nouses. io Willamette height car to 26th. turn south half block. - THREE AND FOUR APARTMENTS, .steam heat and1 gas range; furnished or unfurnished. 448 Clay st. FURNISHED Large and . - housekeenlna Washington. NEWLY suite. 107 H Wagner Bros., Dallas. Or. FOR SALE OOOD .GROCERf AnB hardware business; stock and fixtures. tl.OOO or tl.100. Phone Tabor 219. WELL-DRILLING , OUTFIT,1 c6W5 ? Dlete: cheao for cash. -C W. Rtnh, 3d, ; near I ens, Orient, Or. ' ' " - , FOR SALE CIGAR 8TAN&. " 8T6ci4 and fixtures; owner gone In grocery business, want to sell cigar stand at 188 Grand av., near Morrison st Good. 372 MONTGOMERY ST., CORNER 4TH st, 2 pleasant front rooms, furnished for housekeeping; gas and bath. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM8 ocf t'"".' ehP , renfc Don't delay but with phone. 164 N. )R RENT FOUR 10th St.. NICELY TUr: . WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT HOUSES,: COT 1 tagea, flats, storea offices, rooming houses, eta Landlord will do well to call on ' - . PORTLAND TRUST ' COMPANY" . OF - .. .. OREGON. - '- Phone Ex. 72. a E. Cor. 3d and Oak. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE j-. MR. WANT MONEY. IF YOU WANT 100 men to sell your property to their friends, list It with me; new Plan, .m. D. Howse. 66 th st Msln 6188. I HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR GOOD "' Income property, farm' and lota What have -you. Cyril Harland, 343 H Wa shin gton st " - ' ; WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFFuCLOTH-Ing ond shoes: we also buy household furnishings; highest prle paid. Call at the "Fair DeaL" 62 N. 3d. Phone Pa cific 17Z3. DO NOT SELL YOUR , HOUSEHOLD good before seeing us; we pay Dest pr es. Austey Broa, 826 1st at Phone Pacific 1970. - WE HAUL DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tle free. Oregon Fertilizer worxs, or notiry Carney Veterinary, t 4th , and Gllsan sts. Main 1. nlahed housekeeping rooms for man and wife only. Inquire 267 Holaey at after Sunday. , ,. HOUSEKEEPING , ROOM. LARGE closet gas, both and phone. 115 12th, 1st door north 'Of Washington. - - FOR RENT ONE SUITE FOR HOUSE- look this up. Half interest in employmen'-JI " business for sal, cheap, 181H Mar shall st. . partner Wanted In . estAb- llshed real estate offloe; active man can make $150 per month showing property; 8250 required, money secured. Kom it, zovft aa si, Inoulr at CIGAR, FRUIT AND c6NvEctiOW: 834 8d st. . ; . ? ' ery stand; best paying business in th FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED HOUSE- "?t,.d",'r'b2; ?Stm- l4.A.,,ert 11 keeping-room! ground floo 148 Sell- w'nus of east side cars. Paclfio 1238. keeping In private family. wood st.: "L" car. UNFURNISHED ROOM FOR HOUSE- WILL5 SACRIFICE FINE GROCERY! and - hardware business:, matm . rnrn.ri keenlns. 661 Overton et. corner 17th. 81.25 PER WEEK; LARGE BLEEPING ? " "fif UA'a rooms; Phone, bath. 432 Stark st - leave the city before July 10. Address R- vi, journal. FOR RENT HOUSES " WE RENT AND SELL PIANO& tWER- J , ioeated and doing dea.h bu'iu . . on.. irau ior rai ciuig, II TOU FOR RENT AN 8-ROOM SUBURBAN want a bargain see thla J. W. Rather- . house; modern, ? large yard, flowers; ford.-517 Commercial blk. Main 6110. some small fruit; L block from carlln. FOR SALE AT ONCE, FIRST-CLAsJ Q-86. Journal. . groeery; one of the best location In MODERN HOME, - ; PORTLAND the city; other business interest reason Helshts. ' 9 . rooms, finely furnished: batns; unexcelled view; fin - grounds; for rent. 6 or 8 months from August or September. Owner 307 Macleay tldg. - 10-ROOM HOUSE ATKENILWORTH, on carline: " cement : walk. light. Phone Union 2768, lectrlo for selling. Address X-401, Journal. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS FURNii ture -of a T-room - house, cheap rent: ' t blocks from business center. Address B-401. Journal. .'. . "BIG- A BIO SNAP THREE-CORNERED lot An Mnnl . n mttA TIA.K mm -Ilk ROOMING HOUSE HEADQUARTERS 1 10.000 brick and the lumber of a two Strance can rent your room for you. I story frsme' building. 18x64 on around. . ...... . . . . - I .A M.t. A... . . . . uau m etn st. ' ' - i or -sou.. tii tin, tn st. STRtCTLt M6DERN." NEW.6 ROOMS; 8TOCK COMPANIES INCORPORaTKdI (1 Ci TT ) V VVVJUU- 689 E. Pine at CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD UJODH.HAV- age A penneu. 46-i 1st st rnon Paclfio 860. . FURNI i'URE AND CLOTHING WANT WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST general housework. - 9B Everett st GlRI5' WANTED TO WORK IN PA per-box factory; steady, ciean wora. C. Stettler. 10th and Gilsan sta WANTED DISHWASHER. APPLY Ebellng'a restaurant, 213 Fourth st. Wanted A girl to help WAtt xn uiaoatone. Alnsworth I ..: hlahest cash price paid. Fox Brower. 83 N. 3d st Phoni-Main 2111 WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE. on table: good wages. 174 12th st Wanted a first class cook for family- or - two; references re quired. Address V-400 Journal. A FIRST-tCLABS WAITRESS WANTED at Watson's restaurant. Imperial ho tel;-wages per ween. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; good wsges. small ramiiy. ze n. zza st POSITION OPEN FOR LADY PHYSI dsn .'with or without experience In practice; good chance for-advancement Aggress u-4m. journal. romot service.' ber wanted. 64 4th st Lady bar- WANTED FIRST-CLASS BRICK SET ter; top -wages. Afldresa Portland urick ft Tiie Co., Linnton road. Wanted -1 energetic . men ' "1 Portland and state. L. Alnsworth pmun iv sneriocK oidg WIT.T. Tv-i mniMT nip HvrAT.f. 'MM. lng-roomkitchen. parlor and bedroom In -new hotel In exchange for board for two prrannii, inquire tut) 1st St. ONE MARBLE . POLISHER AND ONE an around marble and granite cutter wsntea at once. ? addit to h. watts. 1 o uaues, ur. WANTED. STE aDY, SOBER PLUMB er. Aooress i -392. journal. BUSINESS NOTICES HARMONY LODGE. ' NO. 1 2, A. F. ft A. M. Stated com munication this (Monday) evening at T:30 o'clock, i Work In the E. A. degree. Visitors are cordially invited. - w. M. ijkin, Secretary. BOUGHT Co.. "ktib SOLK 427 Fliedner NVENTIONS Covenant Contract bldg. ' Main 2891. '-.". .i skeLLy CO., i4Tri And fLa.VDers; flour, feed, hay, grain. Phones A-lttll, Pacific 611. L. C. HENRICHSEN CO., JEWfiLfeRs; and opticians, 284 Washington st NOTICES BIDS WILL IE RECEIVED BY THE county commissioners of Multnomah county, Oregon, up to 10 o'clock a. m.. juiy , JW7, wnen bids win be opened for the buildlno- or 10.160 feet of road In townships 1 north and 1 south, range 4 east-known the Littlenaae road. Plans and specifications may be aeen In the office of the county surveyor- Port land, Or. . . v . , 1 MAN TO WORK FOR. LARGE COR - poratlonr salary ruaranteed: must in vest 3100 cash as security; only hustlers wamea. zz, umoer Kxcnange. -. you CAN m!ake A FORTUNE! 'WITH little money with motion pictures: others do ' It so can you: information gratis. Newman's Motion Picture Co., 146'-6th st, ,.-' .. .iH.r ... WANTED SOLICITORS TO MAKE A ... thorough canvass cf thencltv for the imiT iiKii-viaiMi mm esuiia' invvsiniBni In Portland; nothing like it In the. mar ket; no competition; hustlers only.' Ap ply, to Mr. Murphy between and 10:30 o. m. - H. W; Lem eke Co.. 6th and Washing-jojTJL PEERLESS COMBINATION DEATH, sickness, accident, -quarantine, hos pital, medical, surgical and other, bene fits; ,- easy to . sell: ' big commissions: county managers wanted, Oregon, and Washington. Union Provident , League, Portland, Or. ;'-. .'- . . ,,. Wanted salesman with , some exDerience in lubricating oils, lst st nanoiing and Belling fioneer faint WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL. Jones- pook store, 291 Alder st. liELP WANTED Good furniture sales : man . for. retail house In city; give references and stat , salary ,; expected. F-400. Journal, ' ' - HELP WANTED GOOD BRIGHT BOY ' to work . In . retail furniture -, store, where he can learn the trade and work up;- give reference E-400, Journal. WANTED CHORUS GIRLS; GIRLS for chorus with youth, good;. looks and aures: experience not necessary: sing. Ing and dancing taught - Apply between and l. stage uaicer tneatre. WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK, good wages. .818 . Lovejoy. near 26th. rnone si. ... -" -., WANTED CAMP COOKS, FLUNKIES. waiters, waitresses, chambermaids. hotel cooks, , short-order - cooks, . dish washers, girls for general housework, at good wages. Portland Employment Co., zvoft Morrison sr., room e. Wanted girls to make .' fitz Well shirts and Boss of All overalls t 75 -1st St. "-,..--.v,-,:,..-;. i TWO SALESLADIES PERMANENT position to right parties, call on Mr. Sadler, 714 Chamber of Commerce, be- rore io a. m: or after 4:30 p. m. - - WANTED YOUNG LADY STENOGRA- .pher and bookkeeper. "Apply Portland Sash ft Door Co., 230 Front. STENOGRAPHER ; , FIRST - CLASS ; state experience, age, reierences. Ad dress, F-401.. Journal. Wanted middle aged , womai . for general housework and assist in care or oaoy.-; n:ast - ; - INDEPENDENT LAUNDRY. 188 OLI san st, wants experienced, marker and macnine gins. - ; - . --.'-. - - WANTED A COOK FOR A FAMILY: no washing, or Ironing; wages $35 per month. Apply, W, F. Burrell, office telephone Main 422;-residence telephone wast si.-" '. ..'"' ' '-;''-- '' -- WANTED EXPERIENCED SALES ' i. ladies for - waist, department- also Salesladies on cloaks and suits. - None but exDerienced need apply. Coll In the afternoon at Sllverflelds, 4th and Mor rison sts. - . -- - ." . WANTED BOOKKEEPER AND . STE nographer at the Pacific Tent 4 Awn ing Co., 27 N. let st. WAITRESSES WANTED AT NAEVE'S restaurant; wages. 310 per week. 128 6th St.- :;" .'-' - WANTED A WOMAN (USED TO children) to take cor of two boys; good home, good wages. 80th and Al berta StS. :-- :'. ' - . - ' MALE AND FEMALE HELP. STENOGRAPHERS. BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with pest firms;- no charge. ; . Underwood Type writer Co., 68 6th st.: "'.-.,:. ?-.?rv.-w ., WANTED WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS to work in fruit cannery. Apply' to Holmes Canning Co., East 8th and Di vision StS. ' : -" "".-.'.--: ''jtri- "' PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, . Main 665. ill ist st. IF YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE U8. 8econd . Hand Palace. Highest prlees paid for second-hand 'goods. - 267 Flan ders. Phone Mam 1518. HIGHGEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hand goods. Union Exchange, I6Z Front et. Paclfio 1431 Deformity appliances made to order.. K. E. Karlson & Co., 361 An- . . i -. r l n a ' K riT ii., jna in .nv, WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE- hoid . good a of every description oougnr, "a nd exenongea The 1 3. 232 1st. Main 6874. Home A-2227 WANTED TEAMS FROM 1,200 pounos up; iuu per montn and an found. Call at once on A. B. Rlctor. old Jerome Hmlth barn, East 6th st. Van couver. Wash. -''-; -..- WANTED A POWERFUL GASOLINE launch for "towing; must - have, at least 20 horsepower; , give else, of boat and sise ana mage or engine. A. v. Walker.- P. O. box 282. Besttie, wash. WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call, nV... .-.-.1. d T JL T T-..l 75 Front st. opposite National hotel. Paclfio 1401. ' V- .'...-..' WANT .TO BUY Side Laundry Phone East 809.' A HORSE. EAST Co., E. th and Ash, Home B1535. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT OSBORN HOTEL, GRAND AVE. AND E. Ash; furnished rooms,- single and en suite. : j. ivortnrup, proprietor. THE HEILER.. 280 H GRAND AVE. . FurniBhed nouseKeepmg rooms: suites: modem, fireproof - brick: gas ran-os. electric and gas lights: bath and tele phone; rates reasonable. - - - THE COLONIAL, COR. 10TH AND Morrison, 2 blocks west of Portland hotel First-class -rooms and board: rates . reasonable; ' transient and table board accommodated. THE RICHELIEU, 83 N. 6tli Sf . ieaantiy rurnisned: steam neat and baths. , . - ';. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED COR- ner suite; will rent reasonable to gen tlemen;, bath,, hot water, ' both phones. 494 Morrison, st; fiat lit can .after p.m. ' '-' '-;..-v- a- .'-- -- : : THE GRAND. 45H N. '3D ST. ROOMS " for gentlemen, 31.25 per week and up. muTEL ROYAL- l08V4 '4TH; NICE rooms, 60 cents, yi per night: a to is per week. - ..-,..;;'.. ROOMS. FURNISHED lights and -batn phone . A-2785. i FURNISHED ROOM, ELECTRIC , 736 Raleigh. Home NEW MODERN flat; walking distance.- 96 North 13th, THE COLLINGE NICELY , FUR- nlshed rooms, ' hot water In every room, free phone and 'hath. 32.50 to 85 per week; no children, 821 4th, cor. Clay. something nice; 280. Phone Sellwood 69. 1 . -' FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 406 Broadway. 1 inquire 1 233 Washington. One s-room House. 472' belmokt, near 9th. Phone East 1270. 1 - t t-ROOM COTTAGE. 667'-B. -26TH . St., Woodstock car. Inquire In store. TWO NEW 7-ROOM HOUSES: ELEO -. trio light '488-495 Vancouver avo., Alblna. ' If you have stocks or bonds foe let me try to sell them for you. Georgs M. Kellogg, broker. (40 EUlcott quare, Buffalo. . -, FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS lUP-T?-date confectionery; well worth In vestigating; . good reason. Box 220 Bllverton. Or.- - 26-ROOM HOUSE. PAtlNG 2so PEH" ' month nice home-like place. 31,700. 1 ' V HATFIELD A 8MITH.",' i-sst 'tn st. , FOR RENT 6-ROOM MODERN FURNITURE,. 10-ROOM HOUSE. ilOi house; 29 E. 32d St.; rent' 111. Phone I incomf. very eentrsL 1450. East 1836, - "--v "'-- T--:. HATFIELD 4 SMITH,' ' ' k.nnM Wmgfay. iirnihr. V.irWT.V " ' 165 4th Bf ' papered. Key 830 Caruthers. ' Mala LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH C 8. 4529. ' FOR RENT NEATLY ' FURtsHfiD cottsge; fre bath, gas and piano, 263 Page St., near car line. FINE 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, NO. 690 20. Burnslde. J. L. WelU Co- 806 Chamber-of Commerce buldg. ' 1 6 AND 7-ROOM HOUSES, lie IrnnM, JL Cr H.ln.l h.t.l,..., hotels, rooming houses and- furnished houses bought,, sold and exchanged, la all parts of the United States. -,' C. 8. ARNOLD CO..- ", . , . - Original Hotel . Brokers, . --Removed to 851 H Morrison St..':i Phone Maf.. 7311. A CHANCE FOR SOME YOUNG MAtf not acquainted with city to get into a business clearing 326 a week; 2280 for GOOD and 220; will furnish for more; also furnished housekeeping rooms; 11 week, nk MunM -11 ' ,. .1.1. .Iv... fn- t."'iiri?' -.mi, i. ".'.' I interest. Aooress -oo, journal. -?aUr'o' V. lZrA9 WgEa.4. . TERESTED- FOR RENT-66bM HOUSE NEWLY ad! iiincu. ycij u)mi. xx Danuuu. i oress w. ,, jsarreii. 723 .Chamber of Commerce. ' . oT5T Phone Eaat 523. HOUSE FOR RENT-- BEAUTIFUL GROCER 9-room r- home, near Hawthorne and 84th st: also new 7 -room house at Fir land. 1 block from O. W. P. track. Key stone Realty Co. 212 Alisky bldg. . FURNISHED HOUSES MODERN HOME. PORTL A ND , abundant fruits and flowers; unexcelled view; fine grounds; for ' rent, -8 or 10 months f.-om August or September. Owner, 307 Macleay bldg. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE, FUR- EkTAbUSTiKn"? doing good business' chean rent: Ice cream. parlor in connections also lease. Appiy owner. - rt-tgo, journal. I CAN PLACE YOU IN BUSINESS FOR $3,000. where you can make 31. 00 ner month. , See Dement & King. 242 Madl- son st.' -:L. - v ... . .. will give aWay One Lot out oi every block in this beautiful addition free to anyone that will build on It; others can be sold on terms. See De ment ft King. 242 Madison st. THE FENDER PROBLEM I PERMa nished: large ground space: also lot I f "f""? ?ved, and very naturally it's, - of fruit. 401 Marguerite ave. i I "ie-net : no more broken bones, no uiviv oiii-jiwiiiK to-ifliiiiev, proieciion s absolute and Infallible prone body will iiop car witnin o reet wttnout shuttlna off. power or -applying brakes; capital wanted to construct ''finished" models. and introduce In all Important cities; a few. more; shares for sale. Address M. Ia Keisur. Portland, Or. - . t ;v PB SALE REAL ESTATE ' S,600 - FOR A NEW MODERN 6 -room house lot 1 01(10. two ar l-ROOM house FOR rent, FURNI-1 unes ; smau payment down; balance 326 FOR REST FLATS . $10 3-ROOM , FURNISHED FLAT; olose in, west Side. 684 7th. East 1657. 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT FOR RENT. Inaulre 749' Mlsslssinol ave: -reason able rent"' -"; ' - 7 '--'- " HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE I . .FOR SALE. ; ;..; T ? ture-for-sale.. 81 7th st, corner Oak. FURNITURE OF TWO ROOMS TO BE - sold this, week by piece or lot, cneap. 152 Russell, upstairs. ' '-:-.-' , WILL CONSIDER ANY REASONABLE i offer for 7 rooms,- well furnished: fine locality, close in; reasonaDie rent ' In quire 367 6th St.. :" - FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES per month; see this If you are looking for a bargain; Turner... 08 U : Waahln-. ton st. . . - . $800 CASH BUYS A HOUfelS AND f lots, it taken before Tuesday night. ; Miller, 80th and Wygant sts. A LIMITED NUMER OF GOOD LdtS ,ln a -well-built up locality for. 3100; 6-cent fare. Hagemann A , Blanchard. 91- 6th st . - . . , $00 10-ROOM HOUSE. CLEAN? light, good location, housekeeping, and VCtn RENT ALL OR ' PART OB" around floor space Bank of British Co-1 single: owner other business: mimf 'ti lumoia Diag., f rom , ana Anneny sta Apply R. T. Cox, Main 422. NICE. OFFICE SUITE FOR j RENT. Madison bldg., 8d and Madison sts. Call 864 Savier st today. 84400 SOUTH , PORTLAND. CORNER in lots 226 to 560. 208 4th st Main 8990 NEW AFTER JULY I, 1907, WHOLE . OR niirt nr hnfinin- nortnweat cnrn.r EasUPlne and Union avenue. Leas if I and shades; full cement basement fuc 7-ROOM- HOUSE. INCLtrrrtKri carpets,' Inlaid ' linoleum, curtains FURNISHED ROOMS HOTEL OX ford. 6th and - Oak- swell - furnished front suites ' $7. per week. Also bath suites. . NICE FRONT ROOM SUITABLE FOR - l or s gents. ree phone and - Datn. s west fUTK THE CHETOPA NEW, MODERN apartments. now " open, corner 18th and Flanders sts. - Clarence J. Wheeler, gent with Tull ft Glbbs. desired. Inquire of Brown, 125 Ablng. ton bldg. '"--. ..."r-'..;'.--.-.'--.." "-v. ',..-,-. FOR RENT FINE STORE, - 80x50, 1 ' suitable for . market; restaurant, dry- goods; shelving In; splendid location; rent very reasonapie, -b a. et st. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOt i. tinoA . f 1 1 IritAhAn anil Ks W !-... ful yard and garden. Inquire 719 Han cock st. or phone East 4070.' -2-ROOM HOUSE, $1,200; FIBER PLaS ; ter, lot 60x100; , the house Is nw; Center addition. J. J. Oeder, corner uranq ave. ana e. Anaeny. OWNER WANTS TO SELL BLOCK ' 200x200,' good 7-room house; give me an oirer.- iuui Maryland ave.- Si BARN TO RENT, 637 JEFFERSON ST.; - room ror zo norses. rnone Mam T168. LARGE NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT I WANTED FOUR MEN WILLING TO work evenings from 8 to 10 o'clock; wages $5 per week,, with a prospect of earning more: only reeDonslbla m en of good physical condition need apply and only those willing to carry a news paper route. , X-600, Journal. . . $8.60 PER MONTH SAVED FOR A few years will pay an annual Income of $600 to $1,000. Investigate this fruit land Investment now. -W-401, - Journal. WANTED AMBITIOUS PEOPLE TO call at 132 6th st. and Investigate the opportunities open to them by a course of study with the International Corre spondence Schools of Scranton; no exps rfment; indorsed by thousands. : ; v - AGENTS. SALESMEN AND OUCIT ors, if there Is any article you wish to handle but don't know where to get it come or writ. Solicitors ft Sales men's Headquarters, 66 6th St . Main 8188.' - " '"" ' ' ' : HELP WANTED male or female.. Washington st Paclfio 1270, AND SUPPLIED, R. G. Drake, 206 Mi . room: cent 1: 312 ner month. 8d'at. Fhone Main 1567. 341 272 MONTGOMERY ST:, COR. 4TH, 3 - pleasant front. . rooms furnished for housekeeping; gas, bath. 1 : FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN FLAT. - 248 ,6th st Telephone A8360, Or Commonwealth Trust Cot ' - . PLEASANT ; ROOM FOR ONE OR two In private family. 254 12th st, near Main. .... LARGE WELL FURNISHED FRONT - room, -c,!ose in, west side. Tel. f Main 4069. ".- - " ''"V;;' " r ' v UNFURNISHED ROOMS..,. HALL AND BALLROOM". NEW WITH modern conveniences, r-none Main 1869. BEAUTIFUL NEW MODERN 6-ROOM iwuav, tun iwv, ,. to. J IllUllllliy uajr- ments, Owner, phone East 675. 1 $1,800 NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE EAST 8th str, lot 60x100, concrete basement $300 cash,, remainder. $16 per . month. Regifiter ft Co.. 107H 8d' ) - v. Save 'Your Rent $1,250 81x100. B-room cottars near Hawthorne ave, $300 cas-h and $76 every three months. . : . $ 9 608 0x100, -room cottage, bunga- HAIRDRES8ING ROOM. - WITH HOT and cold water and compress air. 207 Sd at. v .- , SUM3IER - RESORTS BEACH PROPERTY. 1 : " The finest beach property ever . offered, joining Breakers hotel property,; to be known as ''Manhattan Beach"; -256-acre tract, a portion .with building .restric tions; other unrestricted: easy terma . A. C. -CHURCHILL ft CO.. 110 Second St., City. LOCKSLEY HALL SEASIDE. OR.. DR. P. L. Austin, proprietor, assisted by L. A.Carlyle; rates from $12.60 per week up; rates and reservations may he made now with Dr. Austin, dentist. Raleigh bldg. SEASIDE. OR.. COTTAGE, OWNERS, FOR RENT. TWO UNFURNISHED ' 'list your property or rent .front rooms 173ft N. 21st st, corner I with Frank McFar land. " Pacific" 1860. Johnson. . Large number of tenants waiting. , . 4 v; -.5 '..' - , ' .-;" ,-' '-'. ,. '.. " - iV'-.'t ? --''."..-"'; ?','-..' '' V: -. - ' -''"'. '-.''. ' '.' '' ' .-.- V. .- low-type, one block from Mt Scott car ' line-.' $300 cash and $16 pej month. ; Call ond see-the.-photos. " .j 'J. .j 803 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ' fv $2.000 1H ACRES" ON , VANCI)UVe5 , ave.. All clear and fenced; half cash. s Register ft Co.,-107 '3d. . $1,300-6 ACRES NEAR CAR LTneT only 7 miles from center, of city; - acres clear, small house, good barn and'"' will give easy , terms.. Register & Co 107 3d..